Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Jun 1913, p. 2

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t.hreugu Whlcj vu ýoriamu --gainet f ro thVe' food fe&Ch.sep*l diffeient'parts o! -Vie bodly. 'M'tha blo'>d A isimpure Vthe" iourisb.lnit tint. reaches nerves, »Oue aud mua- cle ,is taitte with poison aud di- thre Yntidium i- by W-i-citue.body Righi- off disease. If the bloed la -thin aud weteryhs power, O! re-, -îistance te diseage je weakenéd.- -'Dr. Willi-ams' Piink Pille for Paie --Peuiple build up tÙe blood. TieY resirut tisease, Tey. itreugtheu. the -nerve&, increase Vie appétite --- andi cure 'every di'sese caueed by tiin and impure hlood, andi that enibraces suci disénses as anaemia, indigestion, neural-gia, nere cx- ' itition, rieuna'tism, and many othier s.- flseîy claini ma.dT for1tiis ncineis amply proved by Vihe vebcèn cureti. Here is oeeinu stance.'- Mr. -Jas. Sau'ger, Peter- bor', Ont., eays q "I began te ha tr-nvbl-c1;d with 'dizzy apelis. Tiiese - wr -espcialy otceable lu the - uortîing on ris_,ind twerç acom- - - - panieti by-a feeling as if my body - md taken -on t-wo or tire limes its -' 'u*eiglut 'duiriiîg the nigit, Wheu I went out of d<tura everytinig would - -suddenly seinû togat topey-turvy for a. few moments, aund I would. &p-parently s"e speoks flo&ting in front o! me~aid for a wiile I co-ulti iardly cdrag mysaît alcsng. This feeling at first-euly lasted for a fe-w minutes, butas-ima went on lie 'du ratinonfetatle spelle eeemed te ineîcca.. Whilst-durýng theday 1 w "(Uld ha suddenly attlnoketiwiti -duz?.in e.-s compelliýinue Ito holti ou te srjithing until . h feeling. /passeti. I had in tia meantime - 'be en taking variois blood Veules;- asI as convinceti my condition was due -to ny, blood- being eut ef -- orde r'.Nono ef thesie, iowaver, --seeémed-tio ehava any permanent aeffect. For a- littie' wiile I wouldi bp fairl well, 'but as aoon as I'quit -~using týheni Vie altacks uzed Vo couic kack witi reuewed viger. Oui ----day I came acresdu advertisemont ei Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pille sud de- cidedt te-try theru. I sern noticed a more decideti iproavemeut than -I Wtt feit belore. The dizzy epeih - ere -becoming Ja1sa trequent aud --less violent-, and by tie iine I had t a-ken six boxes i vas vell again. Frrim -formeÏr exparience I had some fear tiat the trouble nigrht ne- ' UrD.' but now, four - mentie aiter - disco»tinuing the use -o! the pillb;, I avb ha-d. no-,returu efthVe trouble. ufctIneyer teit better'titan I do ýnoüw. and, I thinIknotiing can -equal. theo -l'is as a' bîceti mcdi- The Pille aresolti by all medicine deniers or eau be hd by mail at - -50 Cir-Le a box or six boxes for r $2.50 f rom The Dr. Williameà) Mcdi- cine C. revio nt. .Poisted Paragraphm. Porlitics is a, goot. gaine, but-a migitv poor business. Man a auciýes9f ul mnumaliq i uciar like a bilg vWiri4. Itýs better te telivar Vie 'gooda, Vian to be ca!ug4t vitil Viem on A tnuinken man viii telIl 'yen averythiing ha knove-bpt what's And somen. î alk t Venseives becaus6 lmiey like an appreêiative audiecec. In accort with the etrrnal fitus et things, -a man vho st-le a watci wolnt*urp in juil. The vontd admires any mnan vie attends te hi& owu business-ne in at-ter hov humble it may b.. Worn'en vie sie-ri most of tiair pletionneyet iuk cf helti- I p-letiong evrte impr<vether ceu- fashie.net me-thod ofutaeu-ing it erer-a w4,shttib. A SAFE MEICINE FOR.THE BABY B1aby'-s Owu Tahîcta are a sale zued-i,5inr for lit-le one". In fact - - tiay 'are guaranteot hby a goveru- ment analyst te h. abseAtely trac- frein ' pi -rtes cor any outhte dx-ugaso8 hmfuil to tic liu-es of itle eues. Tie Tablets neyer te iarm-awav'sq gooti anti zay ha giveuito tha 'nav-1 beorrifbalhe cor gnoving ciild wvithl aqual mrfety. Thay neyver fail _-bu cire . constipation, indigestion, col ie, break utp colts antite-vers and inako leethi'g easy. The Tablets are, - old ry medicine deniers or by mail at, 25 cents a box f rom 'Tic Dr. Wiilia' Meticine'Co., Brock- ville, Ont.ý PeeîiI'eaven py any attention te 'a cenflIr. - - - in*ÏG'a Liniment cures Carcet in Coma& - teaN ore. HTe-J haXinyssavet up tari -tho-li uand dollars. _Wi]1 youi be nîy vite? - --Slî-Oh. -Mn. zones, tii î tue sudltt-eli Saye ü4uP anetiar tenthou- -Try Marins -Eve Rimedv isa an -1e mpty titie 7" Ipt de tît s your nawnng me thé he-ad provisons and 'necemitties have beeu pla.oed- for th~e ueeo o!.hip-ý wreckeà cre'wg' The, moet ejienaive àupplio o! tiis sort.ar.e th~oeat ex- istingonu ome 01 the lou.l y i&lomda iu the.South IS~u ~a.-6t of the liner tràk t autslia- ii thie Cape lie Croze and -Ker~guelen Islands. In Vho jubilee year oj Queen .Vi'e- toris a French.,warahîp placed i-n a hut o oeeoet'the Orozetâ a Kod atock ci food aind necesstiés in- Ciud-irig two apears.sud: t" hatCh- et$. 'It -is highly probable, eBya Pearso' Weekly, - that the huhir ýif noV a- f thtrs tre r tl thie, for the warsuip . iii quetin" -found the provisions,,left.by a iý tiash warship eight yearg before ab- solurtueiy intact. Guide IBooks Supplied. The handbooka f urnishe'd to aIL British shiptuaàtere indiéate exazt-- ly the viiereabouts of Vies. oached-, ,etores. A seal'hutnter, who sought. Vo find the depo't on Kerguelen Is- land, wýte:""It. wa. e eaay au if we iad a eignpo.t." The Kerguelen depet -vas -fitted out by the French'ship Eure which in 1893 Left "2,250 po>unda o! ,pre- served bee inboxes of 9 peunde; 1,125 pou-nde of biscuits, 20 evan- rkin shirtW; 20 pairs of 'wolien d-ra-were, 20 woolleu blankets aud packets o! matches." Further- More, great trouble was taken te pretectthVe etores frein the. vea- tirer. -. The. b..! boxes were eoatedvith t.nr, ae were thie iron hooped bar- rets, oemtaining -the biscuits .sud clo>theýs, and the matches wëre in_ boxes paiuted over wklh r'ed eati. Fourteeu yeare aftrward -Capt. du Baty, who apent Many- montii. seahng ou the- îslaud, ,xami-ned the. de-pot. Ev-un though th& gooda hmd been buried benea4h a. cairu of atones the caohs hec! rotted awasy and the olothig f el to pieces whieu opened ou-t.. .The biscuits had been. turued to sour pudp -and long greoe addof. M018e were groingD on tie bsrrels. Tiie tinned bée! vas perfectly good and wae agreeble bttheaste. Re t aîled to find thé. matches, but leftt seule of hie owu, tegetier witi needies sud twmoe. Cabbage &ad Celery. On Amsterdam Island, furtiier norVi, thie Board oi Trade's iand- book notifieé the fs.ct that the Frenchi supplies are in a caveru where alao 'have been le!ft a cook- ing poti, cotes aud dry wood. On tia iel&nd lthe strainded Crixaoe will fiud, toc, a.bundance of wild. cab-bage and celery growimg, aud lobsters aud finh are -plentiflu.. Ou tiie ooast of Tasmania; there are soule very lonely districts. At lkecky Point ahipwreeked mn&rîrners& mnay find relief -tores, and in erder toaisd tien t teregain éivilization tracica iav&"-bei5umacda for their be-nefit, vith li "ron index fiuiers everY quarteor mile8 pointiug in Vhe direction of the. relief station. " Andi on a river where fortIingig neces- sary a raft ha* been left in readi- Tlepkoe.CoDmmunication. Similar provisiïon existe on some of -he outl-ying Wsanda ef New Zea- land, andthVie.'are visitcd by a -GeOverumet ste-a.ner ouee or twice a year iu case casta-ways are neeti- iug rescue. lIff Vancuvez- nieller shedsa are eree-teti-on soine ]orel-Y matter with t-li baby. She askêd Johnny wiat t-be trouble was. Rie saiti proudlt-: "A dirty flv bit hum on. t.he îead, andi I kille;l it -witi my shovel." ilinard's LInimegt- Co., Limiter!. Geît.-I have user!your iard'a Lini- ment te mY tanlY sud siso Ln xlY statue, for years anti conider it thra bs mati- cins Wbtaiuabwe. AIrP ID ROCHAY, Proprialcir Roxten Point Rotel anti Livery "ItV ai emimply. a question ei ver-, aeity -ba«tsvmn-us,'>said the olde4 1 îulranitax 4%- "Horaid I was a lBar, su I'aid'hq wssoalne." "Humpit" -DejDined 'the. _village ,po0è4mater.- "That's Vs ia inlee nd and-'brougli ht. in -bsck to heati. Aunong' the ýuany l r.Etigar Jowen, 'un - stimable -lady,,-et thi place. nv tu'- Pille, very bneical"Mre. -Coweu states.' "If auything Ie sy'ill ielp> any sufeerI sutglàd -te atit rn 'etimon .ial -tewhat huesà2lready- béeensait." Tic kidneYs ,,strain'altha e'us niaterial eut, el<bleet!. ,If--tieyý are eut of order -Lii, refuse remains in tie blco' anti becoma-8 poison.- That's wiy sount! kidneèys. men pure bl<ooti andi good! healti. Dodd's. Kit!ney Pille make sounti kcidusys. ~ 'ES]KIMO'S BIUýINS IN STOMACII s as !reqéda but-the troublew Iveoau lta -Urne,- Ias alwa>Ys theséàme, utll u1 Ctcuasoap aD44Oint- maent. 1 began t a apply tue Cuticura Oint- raent on lie,aise oit-,ater aci Cutijra" So0az. - IInmedltëly Ibia a~eIa they ýWerO > urIng 'ber., agd aà" 'havlng' ÙM&e4 cake of Cuticura Soap> sud'a- bot'.a OuticuraOlntmonlt-'sher W"I .WmpIéeay curd. She haa4utas ýfe a skl*,aaie4fie. "'My husbandsao uff itl itcurs Oit.- ment for, cracks lu bie banda. -After tit1rSa applictio t te uticraolntnîha'. 'Waà cPOmpe Ycued (Slgn Y)rsAin-EnI orer, Jeu. 16, 1912. Cuticuraop hd.Outlc aOintment are eald by drugglsts and deaiers evenywbere. For a Ilberal free sampla cf eauh, wfth 82-p. book, send post card te Potter Drus & Chant, Carp., Dept. 831). Boston, 1U. s. A. E'CIIO LYS LOIJlER TItAN iSOUND gay Doge Cas be Satielled, -Sut Expeu-irnents Werë. Made From a People Can Always Eat. . Balloir, Accrting ta IKuit!Rasmussen, the explorer anti authority on polar landis,, tha Eskimo doas noV Vhiik as otier races do. Ho doe -net ceunt lie heurs, tinys -or yçars anti keepa -ne record on tinte. Al - hie- thonglils are ceutreti on, yiinlg anti bayendt!hVeneat i o! ufficient foot! and! elotiing for himaeif,-eud family, he has ne care. .Mr. Ra.smuscn relates a- number cf, interesting toouvrsntions which ha ha. hati with varions Eskimos,' ail et wici go-iioward poiutixrg eut couclusively their indiffèrence anti iuability foruny thougiul refec- tien. "Once," ho in quoted lu an ex- change- as saying, "I asketi au Es- kimo *io seemedt ta haplungat! in reflection, "Wiat are you thinkiug a-bout I"1 "RHa laugieti at my question anti sait!; "Oh, iV le only yen white mien vie go in for hiukdniug. p. here'we thhnkruly o! our flesh »ta sud wiather va havaeënou'hiif the long, dark Winter. If we have meat enough why sheulti be tirink 1" Eating seems Vo ha lIre ail .irpor- tant thiug bayendt!hVitaïk cf pro- viduug it. Once wian Mn. Ras- mussen excuset himoecl, after psy- ing a visit, witi lia pies Vint he isti already-et-aten enougi, ha vas laugied at andtheti answer he ne- ceivet! wns: 1 "Doge eau b. stuffed t! l they ara satiafietid d eaenonemore; but people-people can nlways eut." MENORY IMPROYED. Sm..e Leaving Off Tea sud Coffee. M-any pensons sufer trom poor memory wio neyer suspect-"esand coffea have auything Vo -do vitit it. The dru-caffaue - in teit andi coffee, sets injnniousaly on Vie uer-vean sd heant, enusing imper- tact circulation, tee muci bicot! iu Vie braîn at oee lme, Vdo lutIle in another part. This etten causes n dulinees which mukes a gooti mcm- ony uearly impossible.* "I Aminenanly 70 yeare oit! anti dit 'rot knov tint- coffec vas Vie causa of- Vhe steGmaci aud heurt troubla I sutteret! freinfor- mauy yeans, until about tour yeans ugo," -writes a WesteTn voman. i"A kin4 neigJithor inducet me Vo quit"cofeé aud îry Postum.' I mad been suffenung saverely anti vas -gr atiy ret.uceti in flesh. Atter us- ing . oçîtum n lit-tic wiile I fouud mys eit improving. My ieart beats became ragular anti new I seltom éver' notice - sny synuptema e-tmyý oit stemaei trouble at al. MY uer-vas are ateady anti my memory dded!ei5 be-lier -tian ile I vas usiug cOff e-a. "I£91 ike tic tasti et Posturi fully as- wecl'as ooffce." Naine given"by Canadian Poatuin Ce., Windsor, Ont. Write fer book- let, "Trire PRond Vo Wallvilfe."' Postuîù comez in tv- orarn. Rezular (muet be boilet). Instant Postum docant require boiliMghuit is prapaned iutan-tiy by sîirring a level teaspon!l t~ an oFrdinary cup of hot vater,. wici makes it nig-ht for mostI persons. A big- éup requires -more anti sorne people vie like strong things put in a heapung SP4.)ontuîi'nxd îe- per it viii a large sirpply et creain. Experimeént until ye nkov ie ameutnt tint pieuses yoiîr palate -sud have, il ser-vedti ttway lu thre future.' "Threas a Ren.son,,r for Postum-. To moat pens ons it weuit aem impossible for an -echo Vo b. louder tihan' lie souridthtit prc-duccd tie ache, but unter certain rather pe- culiar conditions.tVus àle nlly tr.' When a 'revolvet-is fired fromi a balloon Vierepent le sharp, but 'rot r louti, explains a writer lu Har- pc's Weekly, as iV voulti ba if the gun ware fired on' the- suarace cf lte carti. If tie bailoon is up sometiing like 2,000 feet on higiter tiare will -ha sfa-v seconds' silence altar Vie revolver siet. sud Vian a roun or deep rumbla viii isa up fron thle earth. If an explosive isla o'vred frgm- Vie basket ef the a ,loou until iÀ is dischargeti - iti an electrie spank 1rom'a battery iu tie hauts o! Quner 'of tic acronauts, then,. vwill coma Voa tic ears oetVics aibove a report ike -a revolver siot andt ten a fev seconds et silence, follovati by a caiof0£te.luettudree .Thera iino iolit background about or ab:Vetheticbailoonlets Vo -produce a rebountio et Vatamos- pienic soundivwave andtihti air le more dense - - belovw. Tfus, viten te sound-vsvee penetrate Vie dan- ser lover stràta cf air andti ten tia sold eaar theia che producet seams ote eaenofuet icoccupants efthVe balloon' far hIbuter Vian tic original sounti. Unanintous, "I have taken a job," saidt the plain young vemn, "as a echool- teacier." At titis han chunt cnied: t'What! Te-aci echool I Why, I't ratier marny an soft, fat-, baîtheat!- et vitover viti oight chilclren tien te-ch- scioci J" The plan young veman sigiet, "Aih!" sic sai, "se veultiI'" 50,000 MEN WANTED Betona naît month thi. number -ans vanter! toestop nd rihave l'air cornu remoyer! vitb Puiau's Cern Extracton- lt-m palulaesa-sata--au-rs.usa oxly "Pnb- uux'," ii'u thebe ies!. Mi. ai ail dealers. IV is easy ta preaci vintue, but far more tifficuit Vo teaehi IV'by practîce andi example. blinards Liniment Cure& Caids. Et& The'- Sensation. Miss Gibson vas very rici anti Mr. Ranna vas vary poor. Sic liket hlm, but Vth-vas aIl, aud ha vas *ell avare eofthle tact. Oue evening ha grev someviat týender ant! at Isat' i. sait: "Yen ara very nici, are't 'yeu,, Helen1 ' '-'YeB, Tom," repliedt Vi girl trank- ly;"I am'vorti about tvo miïlilôn dollars." "WiIl you- marry me, Helen V" "Oh, ne, Tom, I couîan't." "I kuav yeu -wultn'I." "4Tien vhy titi >"ou ask mcV' "Oh, I mat vantet o sea iow a mnn fada vicu nha leses Ive millions." Goût management contributes more té. Our' eemfort Vian great Minards Liniment Cures Distensper. IVas, Broad Enoîrgi. "Wiy hait your vife decidedteV give up tic Buropean tri-p aie vas contemplatiug " "She' liappenet te hear riome- body sny tint Ira-val broatienet f>nse." iti-V.e and pioturfle ueOOokng apt: par tUs bas attra&ot-dàtté»tion.- netiér'o 'r iwood, lut -peat.- ino theful haever baen burelz th iii. The Crnisi farmer dàeelar int tol#eh kn~k'iî ie' iit usnoV been ý e -n eeyr Years. - -- When 'the faÎ.rnmcrs family, have any COO'kngt tlah. br a' firat rukeà efatantiau rs pate 15pl-aoed 'ver tiem. Tic tougie thin put in) to inwl acei upo Vhs .irou plat e,thlithn beiug ceveret over wiËih ig iron, Pot. Thaeviiole l evne wl embers ant inlu ighty minutes' tinte, it is sait!, the b&readlàperiect-flyl bake!. -l-Y Weary Tircdness -Cliangcd to Vrigor - aurai raayeu-uu: Fpeeling Was Qulckiy Remedied ang Heaith Restored. Stery of a Merohant Who Aimost Lest, Hit ausiness and -Hi$ Heaflh Thraugh Nis(cting ,E arly -sympto mes01.Diseas.. O'My lita for rears hans been of sedentary' character," write. T.- B. Titobfild, head of U. vail knguç' ri n luBùckingýhàm. Nina heurs evèry day I uspent ioffie .work andti tek exaroise only on Biandày. I diluregardeti the syxuptonts of ill-health, which werealal toc apparent ta =y tam- 1ly I row thin, then pale, and betore long 1 vas Jaundlced--eyes md ekin were yellov. my strength and nerve- were low- ered, andi 1 was quite unfttteti for busi- nets. In the morning a lightness in the heati, particularly when 1 bent over, made me very worried about my health. Moeâ of the laxative medicinei I tounti veak- eng, aud knowlng that t had te be at buIes very' day 1 neslect.d inyseif rallier' than risk turther' weakneas. 0f course 1 grewv1 verse. but by a happy chane 1 Ibegan, te useDr. Ham1lten's Pis. 1 was torcily struok hy the tact that they neither canhed griplng uer nausea. andi Il seemed Incredible that pilla could ton., cleanse and regulate thé. ors- tein vlthaut causing any nnpleasant! latter effects. Dr. Hamilton's Pillgaeated with me juft as gentie as nature-they gave nev lita te my liver. strengtheneti my stomaoh. and won me bsck -to perfect gocti lealth. 'My akin lu clear. dizzinea ha. disappearer!, and my appetite. trength. spirite are perfect." Refusa anything offered yen inatear! of Dr. Hamilton'e Pillai, whieh are sure to cure.. Sold lun2Mc. boxes, flve for $1.09,. at ail druggists aud stor.ektsepers, or' post- xtald f rom the Catarrhoacne Co., Buffalo, N.Y.. and Kingston. Canada Chines. Detor's Ideais. Tii. Chinese' doctor posesses- many ideas peculiarly hie own. There is much unyatery andi impres- siveness in hie manne-r of treat- ment. According ta Mengollan medicine the. Chinaman believes tint the human hearL je more likely te becont-iu *flamedst -noon during tihe aurnuer season than- at any other timé. Likewise they rejard the humian ear as suggestinig the condition of the kidney' ;wiiile the mouth and lips indicate thie condi- -tiou ef the apIeeýn 'andi the stc>xnaéh. Dr. Mors.e's- are made according te a formula in use nearly à century a goain h Iudians andlernedfwom the uby tempte.bave been uade, .by physi- cdans and chetxitit t as been feund impossible ta imprové the formu aio; the pilla. Dr. Morse'. Indian-Ilcot Pillea regheusebold.remdy îth-b eut te*rdfrCntptiaaa ait K;iny'alrd Iieritr&ôibl k'Tli Cleaimnse the 8'yst.rn if. W. DAWSON, lnhty- Ceiboee4sýte BIn, F larT, 'STOCK, GRAT' AN» DIRT11 Far-in luail etions. u-t Ontanie,. soins uaps. FACrORY SITES, -WITH Ojt WItILOUT F takge a Torouito, Býrampten aud he ew n d itieg. BeIDE4fflAL PRORiBTXZE5 -I14 H. W. DAWSON, C Mie-St, Toanu 1 <LAMBTONÇOUÜN TY, loifý am . fr a irùae bowèe. good dntbu1ildlugm Smj18esta Avistn-emr - .we, viie.change O1r city',, wnër vil Tage prry or maûâller tarin. >'Fb .We- andi get any thickness deslired. 'This cream-regiilating- screw is plaeed on-thè top dise fer yeur ceuvenience-, go tliat.youi do netneit ao t habowl apartte reacliti..« This point may* flot* seem very lmportaùi te ycu., -We: meèntion it merely as'an 'exampleo!. how carefully and'ýý thoroughly the, Standard Ioe built dovu to-e a mallieet 'dtiU. "A boôklet, explatlning the eènt1reý construction of,- the' Standard cdm sparatero n- ltg why It bas earned -thé naine oe,"The World's--Greatest ea.tr- wfll be malati fre e aseeon as we get ycur name and addressa Drp s a post card to-dy. rTho e à-fo ahnryC. hît Moad Office and Works RENFREW, CÇANADA BRNHE:8S8XrN.B.;1 %SAKTOON 8l.,5S; .CAtLRY, &LTA.j ý Ag.noIes av erhae Mu Canacta. WWLL START- YOUR EGNI,1N Slt'years Of effort have produced- a Primer- that will start yoUr Car or Motor, Boat- Eginle at once, without trouble or confusion. The "DIS1CO> is simple -ef operation and- easy to instal. Use tire $7 coupon. Eniclose 17 sud tire 'Disco" là, on-lira way te you. -, 1" - r There are no parts to oùt and. ta e reof. It cannot, geltOutt-of ordr or ,wear ot. THE '<DISCO"I pute a. charge ci faa int;o eaeh ylinder. Thiw gais -when ignited ý1e& prfe x osich l'n eauh cylindie. r.Tîn cir ;*eIvè ndé revoru tionaçf he tni. "uIb hç . utoed to-îtrt' ayegn under normial ocltnâfih. It ie -guarantecifor 6eb~y ag&inst defect lu '--m'ýat4rlal sud w anhp. Put a "I~O PRIX R on your Engîue -and Endt St arting Tr,-oubles ýRUs SPEWAL PR i9 iltn WE ,-TO - r WIE3T T I~O TEST iuTORONT Ltjo 7fr n IlS Gl_ ESIOCI NOT IIRP1>ý. plaýs truaqnt fron_ a h n 006 â '16plgs- ut1 visiting. teacher, vomtPliiiié",-t 'Des 's H Peuss, ut e-Gene- %the parýents,, te gravelýr- tld aity obceiièit. l',h siùiall dspt if it is his royi t h c h i i' - i t h e i d ~ f p l e a s u r e lf o r n ' e s c o ll ï ' home nd j allweci a <. Ilte situation becom 1l4io.T ha- pleasea. He is- eGver Ponl. resitra a teooy - IIar sa &W-riter iài te WVide..-worid r'rîýoeérï, r,, 6ý na ,thent las law ,andi hcv hav klîios te s 'i for so'n' H-illi ai - palure vwe toOS the senagers for 'Glasgow. R, 1' em c ti.yoxingen, -vt lim th-&tî ILhave, cou elâu%~tirter-ai]] î,peawed'te ve entm I neyer - usnes., but IsIrÉould i _4 tWene Parxee Mercirtuts ~rbad virose mtadtie bahe ,,-p. - ould .neyer, see vhy _jBhould fear train, -ant.ibtè ia .f ürh6d have hati more -8 e.~ .~y-'fear tireur "I eJaculatet1nl tbey* hati saure prapost :1-at theY vere dungeron, ah ba~sve, no 4 dubt if -you vers to Imb the kitchait yenu Oici-&Dut are ail agrleti that oar paste -thre causa 01 tire -virole dilsase AIR -À- tbe-caîytain va». speuking t dcer opeued-'ud -tire' ma-te o!il t' bll. reti.bèarder! sailer. step bar! ebtaluerf a complet. rit-out klud-hearte ilisirerman. andi - coxufortable ýersey andi vell g -uboots a very favorable spacimen - W'mlier!mariner. Wiîii a 1ev gve.tefui -aekriowledginent cf-e -"tality ha drev ,a; chair up te th -varjued bis-great browu - han the -blaza. 'What d'ye think nov, Capt eve.h -aska-d presenîlyà'glauc bis uPenior offcica. "Didn't 1I virlî woulcI ha the unîhot o' R nigeers on hoard the 'Belindai' Tirs captairi leaned- hack lu. Anti laugirer- heartily. "DidtI i lie- crier!, -appealing tec us. -Di hmight, have been no laugl j br*-tor us." tire otirer rematiret ] ' y. "I have lest a good laea kit 'aý iet MY litse ie tiraebarguin." "Do I undergiaur! you -to gay, "t ;you attrbue jour misf5 - jectire.- "Wiry -ill-fatîed, sir?*,. "Becausa $hey are meut - 'drovuar!." I unewered. Ha suiffer! irireduiously and w ar-ming-lui* hande. "tIen o' ara neyer drownied," ire suid. Paue4ý. "Tieir father. tire de7 s.tter tirem. Did yetl ever se tir - - -lg on tire pooD anti rolling cigý li£ta me .vian- the- mizzen wa -~ysdtira quarter bouteste 'w ene)ugh for me. I'm 'met gt r-on landâmen flot -being ah i>in, but the captuin irere, v sailhng sinca ha vwas tirs' ieig) bin acie, ngin te krow by tis a- cat aud a priet are tire vo yen cau carry. If ac Cirnistian bad, I guese an idolatrone pagà vVti eswrre.1Istand iry-t Iiiu.and lhea d-d te ili' MY- -fathSr andi '1 uId net lia lng aIt he nough. exiiors erey dcx vay et nnoclaimiig iriso Tira-mate, luowverr was evideuti' t ly eannest, and proceeded tc casa, marking off tire differer ,, Upon tirs rougi râre"ingers of -It vas -ut'Kurracirea. direetiys coure that I .vnnaIye," ire > preachfully, te tire capjtai.-T tiree Buddhiet Lascars lri MY v vhat tiithey do viren thein ch Abosiri Why. tirey down on t- ache anti rubied tireir noses on -tirai'. vit tbey did!.- They ba',doua jasmir or eùunadmi R'Yai Narr-. Tirey knio*.vhi thesPuliggie sdo- anà 11 ameller! the moment 1 saw tire i0r-jt 1 asketi theur atterv.ard lu your captain, vhy they hati done ih, anavereti' Ibat tire passeugersu -men. Y heard 'arn yenreelt.'» Wilteres no buri nlutir ist'Lsd Captumn Meatiowi. -I . ~dont,,,nov ,that,", the-m dorbbfuily. -' The' hoîjeet Christ oneebaeïs- iteareat Got. but - nug9ger lla-4U mr-. 'opinion. the- n ea ià t Iha I deilk T a e sait C ailk-Motos.oy thei g--during the' vôyage, reéading b vas -vrit-on veod. _=madr!o*-fi -*-sltturg np rigir l tirogir tbe; jabbï-r togather ou tire- quart -- Wba:t d1d-liry vant te- have ai - lievessai e-rery d a - "They-didu't," ehid tire captaij "Iidee t tiey dit, -aud if 1 dur! yen 1sooner- it. vas becaàsý -ycn- - w - saready a.laujgi-ài vxhatI s tirera They hirai nstrueudts e' fL 4-every day ai noorin re o-à latitude anti -lorigjude, unr!in tire vessai's position on a cha -it pinueti ou their cabin, ta:ble-.I sI ati il-nd! E- did tie steward £f .. We~ll dont ses virýt yen pre j~ tirat," tire- captuin reiniai-lied. -20t j - confess it is a six-ange tliing.*' j -111îteil you anetrer-Er-ange %~' - suir!tire mate, iipr-euivelY* . ? - knowv the nume_ titis bay ti w] t-are-cai awayP?" *1 "Ihave ieax-nsd freinour hinti bere tirai va are apon tire W-tgco 1 - - coasa." -tie capta un ntswere dl, **but net heurdthtie naine of tire 1uyý" Thee mate leunet foriwurdvi*thir j,-face. 1It is the-Bay loi £irkMaid - ides o' tie m atte , t hé ngh i a l - - Bndhist priests couldi tati te doI i' bsy ot' irkmiideu l -ta' past - -~ My fath er aled its y bro s 1 Jc-eté. the oubi hilch his lospitali 2' bado hlim frein putttng ie we -timul. -entiemeu,'ho ireunr, "that -bol' oretY in near! et rest af z"perlons sdventiires. _M you Wiii m e a h l U s t i y o u t e y7 o u r ýr o zilcoucter! wtra ltb ci .e*hicua --:meuy te Ibe iidsbent spai-e N &Bd, then rearuung te mie lutire gettier - te tire beach and leain autlgfresb 'had ccurret. The ârsb tpale ligir t Of avu appearing, lu the ést viran va vs g th eod lielete's -the-stpre.Te gae b iv THE PERFECT SHO~ FOR SUMM SPORI i-, K DEOIE L %Olo I W %or ý,rvi6.,b 1 1

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