Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 May 1913, p. 7

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3botUs msa is ýfro*,eth sMol wue ntreiL. itreal. itreal. itreal. itreal. itreai. îtreal, itreal. troal. rri tise. Yaiur.vede- anS 5 lepe 11) lersa e vol- r w. ~iLesonvoueAi boe sev-erY Ptr. t eot e ing te- en o f 1~a5 2M,tise <voîttlir 'oera. tise werk;, vile lise tTi >CCUPv-,itfolf upe ts TH1 "If - idb <rbeen for inn, sir. ead your brsvoe tllows,' lie W~4 ainliaeoSs at me, -1'we uiiould b. 4en fathorn deep lir t.h$s -tie. As to the Iefd'ae a Iee-hy-ehsi tub and wl iard oietc thie 4Iiüm, l!ç1 1re l ;lyto break Our - he'arte,-4ver lier my, "tbat~ ~ Cr ih 'uï r s.70ftirë pas. oçen gaein. h ave Saritueàn ,upon tii. baoh -lu] aue tiiey bould lie WasIsidup, bûtz'fa Z te- 14 leopeles. ,Ilse- tiensgo, dé,wn- wiien the -reel Split,.-and - no=&àe-- could bave lIvect for as moment e-mos#g <bat terrible 'anrge." (To be oýntinue&) AM w<v. aaked esoli cotb fei uerrte=- eAB lier Ïuw,--t7he wee-tler beateaý Î- $ ceIbOuiliSe urter tisu -peril * -a oat. -1' X- Pit6;but tise more - vo tiouçhit 1 Z-4Mt for -Donm. <Smo 'Lu our smnlai ek- 'theimorsebexselesdid e-ny-solution »ftlO flttifng4 -omux isteuing te tise *b$g, nVain weeernhièd Our e«péri- . P l58hin ud Ibwc gtts hs n suer .evervy wor-d e f t e tgre-vel sa belbles ea - 0fAlleu fsomustblive"ofeuan; a- Uey P*tereaaégainot the window. -Ne- i Ofgbt be mu». ,FÜin vasplsylng Ite toerdireetiy or tudlrety> u,. ar od i.- * -compaos. viich On thé" uWeo, t &s at e-yvt ranged' frons tiseé te diapason -eftishe -, e.s 6»sýxeul1atlOn,- owere f ten<ô ry tsudorlng surrete tise'aim ehieisof à4n rive thse me-tUrrfreni Our tisonghto tise soaàttered -sIsngle1 and tise keen »i- ocolis Ogurîves vU,, .reflictîes ijo f"frfglitened See- lirdg. Oncefor au wtl eremiove&,%e-d w.-abouldS le lea ut t vinS 'and raii came lilueter. btm fuerck uiriendeo . lîps.Thse rugof. rngv t A t reat« sieet lntervssstgde-s. bovever, ' subwoiS O tabl eSff, wiqle apped, dowu upon ise hao.be dreary ion euen. AnSd ale eu, ef 4cui ete Close lt ý_v0u1d. ua Ait noirt on.tor, e ue e-ain, la tise fie. fet tiseMrt. My nster 6*9 MOst e-expected incident, wvu icb<. anS my fatiser .be-S retired- t <hir rOoms, -Onr -indet rom aur own 'troubleu buit .ýnY ,tisougisu ere tee active for tO>*eux semethlug fresh is v sleep 80,I continueS te ait aud emoke by Sto OOonpy <hemeIves. thése soldsring gre. -Wbat vas going on 41(7APfTUU 0ebnithnis f tise etorin. and bow dIS it affect %ise 014 men vise waudèred about î'~~euu li-S'broexea- aimpiclously vith- e lu' tiseuiglt? DIS ise- veloeme thesé'dréad nhm oin en sih-réý e otug ashe ntuu -ndea cloudles eg ky. -There forces 'of nature go betig or tiese eme or-, aîxd a few-ltt,whlte wreathu of-ve-por thougisus p lu vas enly four days nDOW eV4te4 bore anS -tiser. 1k, tise -oattered tfroustise date vicis I be-S been assureS 01 nqs om@insgig;ntlo bird; 'buit 55 aï* ire'mark, à crie-te Auln ie.fortunes, durren. u ischis vnSîa',tbre we-5 -Would.ihe regard <is suddeu teupestsas comp-sltery a*e-y a âdtiseair b l ie- lu en. vy oônair vn ts - sA.a~eand stagnant. Tis eanablaseS us ysterjous faire wviicis reatenec imn? 4.Wnwivitis a degre. gr béat Irhich vas O-rer ae-SI<hesethinuusud many more 1 orsI c lete -lu -<tie essos, --ad penS&ee anI se-bthé <Ii lowing ern-lerm, - 'isimmerlng hb asél-vupon' the upland until t<b e 1.- treduâiUy Ont, e-d tise n"Oro end eoeeled thse Lthu m~S u-ch aiu eArwrndm <attwa osi ýtie other aide etthse Cisanue5l. - ne te itir. -,m ta i a iý1f rs mil enSfeUla e-"&lonisehavy. ViMe-y have slept a couple- of. honre visen ~ lndvrd, e-nd a ii aawOke by soinsoe;tugÎlng fuirtoue. pIin-aasuunyvith *e- dnfl,mouotou-1Y et my7sisoulder. Sitting up inulied. -Oe*-'boomiag ispon the sok-irtisore. Tà II se-v ly-thse dini ligiitiset =y tesr ýIÜ*qe-pO"rtene e-Il *eined cals--Mdads tanfding be-if cieli y ny ledside, -Petefui, but -teo tise. viseare accuseeed i tietAtvslsagasnhdcsIfato të -reqd netnre's -vwariiiagggs Uster. -vas amy ulitslsîrt.- Sawk mçnaen-luair ead ky and ne-. a "1Get up, Jacks, get up 1',beovas cry4M.g e'-,£-5lte'-and I vaiseS-out u lniehe-af er- erni*ediy. *"Tier'. e- greair ahi» aéhiersla' - s~oe, u.m egsloviy ,e-ion4 g tise se-.tishe-yar sud lie poor fok yul a e-le ge'o b thereate-ndy epit is-ioots J dmevned. Couse-dewn, my boy,msud -et 4muumto lisZre 58a *ebiigcpe eeus see. wiat wvs carido." The geed olS aide tie me-guSaceât Be- etluce, anSdo en a-seemod toýe lieare-nybei. ,iimeit thé otler tise mùore-olisUe il et K irk. I ith isecîteient and Aipatience.- - u44-i4èa011,, tise~uhoresOet Whilch - <thé I srang frinmybaS, anS' vas buddiing B1eaakeelee »operty is ituated. 1< vas on e- few elotisg. visa e- ulS- boeMing tOô onitry <ogo- fer; mo wvoenu sted menuS mae -imelS beard -bOre* Use boyS- - U*..i'ves uppn oe o f the se-udy iuiockm, ing oethtie vinS ead thse <bnder et tise O*erfrevn vils faded grass-tufts, visich breaers 1 uded - àeQý,ie cee-st lin.,- ead iicis "Tiser. t luegainl",crieS -my teen ~wm natugre s dykes e-gineS lite 'ma- '- l Ï siruiXaii. o reeetrures I bhaclmuet cf 15.>Oce-i. --Dur ýrosewaë Jississon ead tise fleisrusea arebw. Put soon ntrruptod by tise scruDchisg et your 0155ki cee-t on sud lthe Glengnrry h<avy boots upou tise siingle; asdJe-mie. lie-t Couse, corne, every second mey =Oca1 son, tihe ciS me-b-'-r's-man visous 1a huaea-lite i"' We isurrie& clown te bave e-ree-Sy 5e- occasion- te mention, getiser esede our we-y te tise beach,, ite-de hAe appeareo, viiitiste fiet <ir- aooosnpaxàied iy a dosen or se of lteelu. ete-r net upon liAs back viici hoeS e- bitate f. .Branksmns. fôr airin» oalcing. Re ce-me overdne Tise gale Se-S lucrensed re-ier t<be -aS upon seeing u, e-uSse-id!n bis rougis, era ted, anS tbe vinS msoreamed ail round kindly way. tiset lie boped vo vonid net us -vith, an inferal clamer. goe great vas 1&ke lt. amies if 5bcmoir us up ae- S fsis t sfor.e-t at se-d teput cDr' abonîders ulirimpa for- our ,tee- et Brankiouse.- "I ageindt fl, sud bore -Our ve-y tbrongb t, ae niais agood, ce-tchi jifore ae torrn, visile - tie, me-d nS -d gravel <igled un byretarke, j1 agaînat onr ftese. Tiser. vas Just -iigit *1ýYou <hinis tier. As ng te lie a sterus, eipough te me-be ont thse scadding cloude tbois 1'i - ieS. - ead tisevisite glea ofethtie bree-kers, but- '-oby ven e- marine centS see list,"' heyoud be-t eil wveas lute. derisneup. he anawvereS-, stSoklng a gre-t vedge et W. steod -nuSe deep inu tise silugle e-u& lobcc. Ato bhisebeoi. "Tise mos o-rer seaveed, miaeding our oyes vitis cur bands sre#r <loomber are inutvisite vi' guilesuand-n -peenliug eut Ato tise Auky- oe urtr -iittrleveke. Wbat 'y. tik tisey corne It séemed te neée-s I listened tiset I ou S esifôforvozeeS te oescape isavlug e-liseanisum"nvoie. enS lu neutree-ty e-ad lise feetiersblovu -out o' tisem P 1IinsSterror. but amiS tise vilS Inrusil ef ne-- Wàdr-d- 1 liA isen I v1 as vi' Chaieeture it vaso , dîfflt te distingpli] oe -apier-- off *re>stadt. U w eiluis hiev menuS trom aenoLiser. ,Suddeniy, Sowever. -üpuneanthse gnuo-Wtihe forte, for lalihgimee lnteua àte qurentneeaï7-ýpOpeler."tempesir. e-nS noir-instant <iss beach e-nd é 'aëyc ee jnwnàwek-utisese se e-nSdvIde tossine be-y vers linliassI- pirts?"' 1 - AoeS. y ilumiubtedis y tie -vilS gle-reet a -'-"-Iird Io"' 7e, air,,, ItVe-a To ae-uo i stailglit.- 4âr-wrecks cWyta tiset vry be-y de n Siss 1 on ber tee-M mS i t u tise s <v to 0, le-P laise \ Irt-ats fu centre Of tise tanniSle Hansoel reeof, iuried dt'sd y0 0' <hae-rer t6 mach an angl, e-t I ceuid be e-l le Djiiu ar. If <hat sheet e vater anS tise ple-king ot ber dok. 1 recoguired <imeBe-y c' IMes round tise corner coula ber etonce se ing thse se-me tisreeesmsu. <515 <Sir ailstaie-tisey, 'dhave e- gey lot aS be-ris wiich 1 be-S observeS ntiseh 1à) oe-k- et. Misen tise Jedgnsént Day' Ce-unel lu tise- mornlngr, anS tise Union Mmues- round' s- tave-,Wter' viiilibe uit Jackisiscis vas ne-leS upsfde Soya te ,gl ýtu ip'.eumbleto'-folkatlietwvil tise JaggeS stunsp etber misean pro- :a ufnup trae <ths lottom."' de-meS hern etlouiaiity. Every épar e-nS "> -1 <ut <bat -tiser. vAlSIlie ne vrecks robee-nd vrý,tbIng piece et corde-ge siseved *ebile," r re e seAS Est-hereraout- -up be-rd andS aeruder tiselilvid light4 17. - -- icis sputtered -aud flilkered trous tise -ih. cM mans sbeek bis, grizled bond- anS b1gist portJn ofethUe forecastie. Beyoud' s--a.ýdItroufulust-th e h,- hoi onDotm e lieoomed es51» ut oethtie greatde-ris. 'ILwen,'e h"i,"n e ossce-me tise long roi-Alin .. Ue-ouiac o.bs aliAng, asiipi xG Ad tne joko wvramnover eudiug. neyer tling, vils e- -Etcitngst,'vitrent<e rom ln tise petulanu tuft etftee-m berse-nStiser. upon Chane-neS. lsere'u lis-t- berisout Ibeir crese. Each e-mît reacised tise broad tbett- 4e-amweT. lber me-Isten weuld bl iacrcle ef unueturail lght*appýeared te ge--t glaS eneagh te fl inS Bls' -6se-telu <t.étiser trengtis enS volume e-nS te iurry on tSydo4ý." -more timpettiouslyuni itS vu ae-roar and ~.U8i..seess 4lq-bie ýabseIntely - moties-.e- jarring creahis lîDsreng upon t.-vic. heas, " Ireme-ried, ioisinge-t tise-vesseS tiri. ClAngAngt tisehéveatier sbx'ends vs IR 4ues«con vises. bahies ulIe-Sgleans- could-itlnctiy nmeston or a Sosen tnîgisu- lo aI te-000 loge e 10 lvy vith thé e eeeseen, wvisean tiselgist ravenled olbr-oisbr et tise griant pulse beneatis len. our presence turneS <iAn visite faces tO- ap»e'e->,--Juionï voe -mo rewong, e-uS verS se-and ve-ved Ibeir isend'* implor: <bore vilili e ne sterm atter e-l." ngiy. Tise poor vretcbem be-S evidently 11jTe- !d_,siobuckleSdohAiset Iit-keis tresis liee rous our prononce, , ave-y vh i s hru bis» net., vile Wy isadeltiser besu vumbed aae-or mSe-dm. -It th ie hot e-nS stagnant air.'I wIveit Tise mior vise elnng téte elgging su», 1 mny fairier!s, studi tee. if lise eld ver. net..boweven, lie only untornuatns gentleman be-S eny instructions ae-s ,te se ard. ,0n tise- bo-iig poplera snteod. ieSliceie sigosefere atirs@.men wlho A, pem,èd le b. ebous cf e lishe ý.y ý«>e-r me-negernzt t. f,tis pro- eavecsswo fpoe.orusst1 li upOpis sA. rail--<bey meoemed te lie e versug utegetier f$ùü 4-d eeted e-b île- sqe ai 1h -e neuy aSuaor6re*a i)kgh 'rut~sJJè-~>sIh vsome rbêeped with thsey W-re ls onacieua cf l le d 46My-peril bioiu " - j prstiset, notising et-bis visîcis urrounded ,tises. As tise algue-I._ ALCOHOL BAD AS FIRST Al»w Pepular Bellet-ExpIoded as Regards -Liquer. The pepg1ar tiieory t-bat an e-be- bolie - everage. is eune o! t-he bleit Arat. aida te thé iujuned vas explbd- -d by' Dr. Hevward Aeý Lotbrep. vile 3ehel-igàt-tê.,-Iar &r'l-,,.U a -"APOPular .bel*lis. -thbat, after iccideista, er4un e-ny cases « emer-.. gencçy, aspne kiad heart, cor4ea inte the' -"dnev àhometang te drink -eleeldnluk " se-id -tise doctor. rfAIOIýrýis hbe-ig used but_îm parattvey, 11W!. iu medicine nov. Ils leesmore harm inte aes- t-han' rodThe only .remon t-bat - w. al cat-egory, le-t-iat soie of us poisegs more, reisiitance., againat t-be at-tack of ilîneas t-han,,ot-hers." Anothe, - tèment t-be cater. n -d àr t-bat tlie mt on a nail. or, aïy. elt-ber . -'met-alis la er!eeV1y lanls. t,'sg zheg4erms,,,thatgat-, er on,.sncb articles thtCausei loed -pois ing.- ead In- I (b NEWS Myf MAffL ABOUT JOI U ULL AND ]ILS, !EOPLL> OccDTCjW-. e" n. Thse-Lanld %ii ReIgns'-Snprem..- InAhe Com rclai World, ,Londosi, ii. Baiad, ýha. vieohed tip t8 ivich z> Aureotaxi- cabaCa.. pofitblyh~.plaoed Su' the streets. - 8r li~ini.Lipton. -jesaid te have« over ioi.d"k in iei office this mietto -by,4im&çel!, "Turer. 's: no- -fun likeý It la .stated trt-e-riSrJh french wi ll- receive t-ie.-*eud-una- Lord Wolsley. Motor omabufe,,,in whicii a, gas- p*rovide -the »otive p<or,_. are prçvrng-suce"sful in -L&ndon and Liverpool. Mr. M *eXn-na ata.tedo the, 9th mast. that in 1912 tiiere- were- 3,315, ceai mines in the Unîted XKingdom. In 2e164 of tii... pit peau.. were employed.., - The 'British Emnpire'produScs of -wheat, 788,70d0001,usii.ls ;-of wine., 6,500,000 gailonis; of te-a, 455,600,000 pOeunds, and, o-f cetten, 1,279,616,00W pounds. Tii. Lancet -"ttes tuhat t-he habit neailW sfli -psa-of '1hý ièevi1i»ed *noI ý ned ùt.Uie The 'paat-winiter -bas been thre worot- on roicord for les îof -life 'in -o!f HulI, no. f ewe6r than. 80 liv. haev- fing bjeen lcati-prieçipally off Icelaad. A.,dlspeisary.in tii. East End of Londoqn, eh-hih«bSn,.ereçted as a nuemorialte Xlng Edward -VII.,i ,wael 0pe dio< 7,tii. s, th latby Printes. Louis. (Duehees, o9 Ar--; 'Tlieweigiit o! >peraceral bng«gageý é.l1owed-f ree,.6f dag nEngliah r4wya o bah ~ y firet- for achordiai > thr-clampas- ,senger 100 poundis. > ý.-Mrs. Henaley HÊensois wile oftire. Deà.no'f 'Durhamn, ée,ýes the. view .that, -except frosu-the point of 'vzew -of charity, bazaars arle use- lIesa.and people wiio. purzh.aBt t-hen -wastè their mour4y. It iseffl'oially annouïnced t-bat t-he $ceçtt> fund amiounUte t£55,760 1($278,800). A -defnitê announce- rent of'the, Goverument's proposai regarding t-he administration -of the. fund ia expected- sbortiy. The deatth has o.curred at Boa- tonc t, ttii, .g, e!78, of Mr. AlertHareld Caawoed,, a rneanber of,-the- Alpine Club, -who, -n 1876 Mzua aa, asmcth ae Matterhoru -without t-hea'ad of guides. H. wai aooompaied -on thbe climnb by two otiiers. Sir Wm. Lever bas pu-rcbased the Hinderten eatate, -Cheshire, w.hich omprlseS &bout 150 acres. The, es- tate je on tie bordera o! tihe Storr- ton es-te,, netar Birkênhead, which Sir Wlliam bought f rom, the execu- t,r e! thle late Sir T. Brocklebank for £,125,000. Veusels t-bte number cf 563, ag- gregating 2,063,694 toua gros, -staitesLloyd's, Registerocf -Shipping, were -under contr uetion ini the s1hipyards of t-he United Kingdom at tl-o close of ,tie quarter, epded the. 31ýMa.rci. Tii... figures do> not iawlu4e warshups. To .lk -e ncreaeed dcAnmnaudfod ev- Teoo bad,, but-some -people -simply - aân't- 'éxphange their, dgllars for enoe. i Deauo ise - mot egeatiy (à~ pugl MergLptg)m .-m - son- wth - pepftr -and sait and -addi 'a, teucli,- cf- red pepper.. Bake or s.tearu. It is deliciouo. -~ - Nut Loat.-Onè and one-haîf pups fIôUÉ, one-bai-f -cup-. brown -sugàî-; fhree,- ups, -floue, -t-res- teaspoonas -bakizsgpowder, one-hiràMteaspoon -"da, thiree-quarters teaspoon sait,' one-haif 1'aup iiopped- wainut mneats. B3ake,,,k medium. -oven tiiree-qIuar-, ters cf, an beur-.adJtaanefe mrxung eue-hlnd.her e4 fore -' -)oc#, Majon#iseaIad Dreslg -mTwo teaspoons'- -Sait- nhaf tabiespobnirr uïat,-'tiiçee -table speôus sugar, two teampoons, flour; four,,egg yolka or-two- wiiole èggs, five tab 'lespeous, butter,, tbreer*quar- Vers eup.-t-bln eream,, one-querte cup vinegar, Mlx.dry, ingredieuts tiioroughly,, addegg faýl, -beaten. Heat cream .n te and add te egg mixture- slowly. Ooe.k over hqt wat-er (double bolier prefer red) un-I t-il t-hick, stîrring.couStantly. Add vinegarslowly. St-rairrand 1eVcooL j!srker ,Mous. RIl.- onld eu piut- o! sweet miliiiand ,water t-o- getiier,: '-add,. qu4rV î«cup o! butVer and lard mixed. scalded milk. Wben cool, enougli add one yeaa't, cakeI disaote l oe quarter cup o! . *ter, -two--. tablrspoon . -stlgar, bieten - white-0of011. egg, - -lu enougir- to- urla. so!ti apenge.. Let rise, t-heu- mu-rubarýd -ioa!as fer b re;Î., Wben ligbt -put on kneada- -ng - bôard,' roll, eut t-o ,about eue- iafnhthlck, cut--wit-h biscuit c4t- et butter,- !ôd o..ver iialfiAnd.pae in pn;k~-gtsr Ltrs o Dumplng-.--wo eggir wéllUeat- en, -add- ens-bal! -piut- o! srsluk,ýne t-ablésPbeu!ùi -meétite.butter,, t-wo bisciuita --sud,,somîet-imes sequr»- more.t-bau t"o cpfuls'o!f lour. iQo net xail heiý,,but .pat t-hem do*n and ett-mt-hesame, ase-mail! baking. po-wder,-biscuits. -,Steam tweuty t- thirt-y minutes, havMng-. the. water boiling bard. Thesear -deliclous served witii stewed ciî, en aud plentygravy. Snow Pudding.-White part-Ou.-, piut of water, eue-bal! cup o! sugar,_ Vhree tabiespoons of cornstarcb, aj pincl o! *sait, one-he-If teaspeon o! vanilla. St-jr corustarcii aud sugari eut la a lit-Vie côld wat-ea't-heu add1 t-be rest o! t-be water. Cook. Wiien1 doue add t-be weil beaten wit-es o! tbree eggs antd'Put inte. molds t-o cool. Y-ellow part--Coütk together eue piut-ce, miik, eue-hli!cupe! f sugar, and tiie yolks ef t-bree eggs.4 Beat tegetiier unt-il 1V bele. Whent doue, remove from the st-ove-'aud add a fe'w dre.pa e! vanilla. Wben 1 wanted pour t-us custard over t-be1 wite part. This will serve aix per-1 sens. - 1 CheeseclothIn l. the Rit-bean. Smail cbeesecloth baga are Ire- quauVly t-be means of saving mucb t-lue tin t-be. kitciien and muey be kept-,oa baud 'in different.uizes, for different uses. Me-de ive or six,-incbes square, ,with stout Papes -run lu the t-eps, t-hey are usef-ul for holding toma.- tees when tiiay-are plunged for a moment lute beiiugwaten th, loosen t-h. skin. Scalded ingersand t-ý naesbruised from contact vit- fOrk or spoon. vile t-iey are in t-bé- water aret-husa voided. jn, a aieller- size cheesecoti baga pau b.' used t-o cever-t-be heada o! epizýrga iiulhe tliey -are ceoking.ý Proteeted in phisway thb. heids ate net easiiy crushed or broken.- Lange cbeeecot- baga ce-n ha kept on baud* for jelly niakiug in t-be aummer. Jellyl-aga can b. used mor.e t-han once if t-hey are boled lun, water k vwhicb soda or boraxz 1i dded until t-bey are cie-au.Tiy ,çan be. bleached âlmost whte a-gain if-teyë' beiled ith, Fàgbing 8oda but if theyare dlean the- color .o tbe jely wbicb. t-bey stngâ ed *11 iu ire wlsé Ileus"i -their -ru.rinesa Ëpp egtbles ca# eb.put-,iu ldo et-hev-gtabie aen be Iljtéd fsm it and' Ciopped t- serve lun'tise »tock, a st~je oup.. W-thèy are epqbed ë,se. witl t-be sioup meat an~,bzis iey - 0ar, 0eer n, -s ,,Ipokcd' b6 plêè9e0 n e-il-e ~nogt-be b9nes - t-at it le.pnpo»-ý sîble6, te ge tîthem -puçt lu pren- blo ,Alape, 1 Vs~ys~iaWagiqac en b.hleéd with Ler~yebay d t-er kichien- oîpndoth'iier eat sud ,eg70table Wlde meut-b.d baga vithln tapea, which eau b. edabout the- nuter, .4e bis aueepans; ae -uset-fukv- ù ilig .cust-ar4., îtrained mle -hi seeh -i îg at. rae rus Une, - £ÇOxQUESRIN G -Tm E SCO)URQtES. )ay-fJWrI&r.hiiw .s r ces~ diflaWth i eetea. dsa Eta vêjren conrquere, -F a 4e-obs umrzsti Éoloin ~~svngWei >bed o thei ~vr: -- 8mallpý>x wie undermln«l a lIittié lit-al se wthtivirus andprovou, sm'alpox. -Atiat 'timp one o every; fcurt-én persoi l t-he. -,wOrld died of,-thediseaae. 1 e xiste' to-ayonlY îi Gl"Ve. egions werc cernpulmoryvciaio autbel ye enforced.- Typhus or,- ot-dfèver" u-sed te be one of the. world'a terrible -epidemica-anwd everlagecyi Europe tremrbkd ai -te nt-ionof th- name. _To-day t-he.uame .lias almoist dlappeared. - Ap.nddti, wiehhas exlsted under- various naines as. kog astii. appendix lrtseslf, 4s ino louger te 1>6- leared. -, WiilI,, 11ke. a aharpghoeter, i-t ýooca.onally pieka ,.off. a vimlu, its onslAUghts are -reachllycheoked. Tuhs le a 'triumph cf tii,- surgical- -erope inade possible- by two. sint- fie- achievements.: lu1846, in t-he Massaehusetts Genera, Hosital, the firet operaition under et-ler waz pert6rmed- by scepical -su.rgeens- and 'tii. succesaaIlou-tee-me made paînles~urgery a fâct. Then, b.- t-ween 1867 sud 1879-, Sir Josepih Lister m thle.tiprô>blInof aacep- tiSai surg-ery,* whichr bas 'Made 1V possible- for aimoub an~y part o! t-he .1eýdy t-o be op6eted upen a!ely. ,Lockjaw was subdued onl the day 'wibïen,- a japauese investigarter nane Xtaecc> évoved, -6,s n'ti- -HydreoýÈbia lias aiso e Jeerob- bcd a!-lt-s terrors by thé-Pasteur Institute and lt-s branches through- out tihe world.- - Diýpltheria has' ravaged the. eart-h since t-be day-o! thbe Babyionian Tralmud and longer. But -a patient mpue niund Klebs and 'anotiier unamed Loelffir' fmlally identified the baiàlussud a, t-bird luves «gaor. (Be-hring) prod-uced the, fizmt anti- texn lu1895. Up te tbat-tirnet-le death rate was froin t-brty te fifty per cent. To-day diphtberia la te b. feared ouly ïlu.plaeswhiere the seruùm -le nojquicklýy, a-valabie. Yellow fJfer le a concluet of t-be inedfical departmen-t oft-be Ui4ed'- States army. It bas -a frigiitful rle- cord, witii a- mortali-ty reacing eight-y-flve per ýcent. Cerebro-spinal miningitia hâ beeu cenquered, by Dr. Si-mon Fie - uer, cf t-he Rockefeller I-ustitute for' Medical Reffearch. Guinea pige and mourkeys were first inoculated witb the, dlaea.se anud.t-heu cured witi t-be serum. t-bat a beenb.. work- cd out. Wben appiied te 14uman patients it -had t-h.smre happy e!- f ect, except lu a 1-ew ca-ses wiiere iV ceuld flot h adiministered eariy. Paseiug toe - enemies t-hat are besieged but whieh bave noV sur- reud.red, we cerne te t-he mnost hopeful era t-bat t-be worid bas yet knowu« LONDON TO.BE WELL LIGHffTED World's Metrepolis WiII Sav-e . jýý Per Cent on tise Bill.- rLondon, Eugland,,laseon te rankT e-s eue o! 'théi best- llgb.ted cities iu t-be world. . Au EngIiâb excbange says: Some atres will be ligbted- byý gas sud others. by ,.eleetaiclty. The elecVnic 1iîghtâ'which' bave been ina u se durin tii. expérimental -candie-pawer, - ile 'la', Cannon -- streett-be. blgir-preisure gas iam-ps - have each 2,000 caudie power. Wheu t-be wiieeiee- lacom- -plate and. the lampa -ou t-be'sida-,. -vaika bave given way t-o ceatrally- hung lampa, t-be inhabit-auts o!, Lon- don may ooagratuulate ,tlîemselvtsM. oh the. fact ii'at Vlairs la ouae- o!'the besjs.ighted.cit-les ilu the world-ieand t-be -ceet- will rapreseut a saving cf uearly 30 per cent-. on ,t-be Jlightinug." bill. îs jiýoibl,,he_,ýî o! "fthe old legende of the eouroe& 9f theý r Nil.Thesé volicaïnces nrie. witht =-aruing .-bruptnesa- te a.-hgtj neigiOring olntw n.;. hyi tewer abOvethe luda.Th-ey.werei le-gmed, for mîIçes around 'as "the Place where. ther.e- la ,",,the{ mnuataane tha.t belçhed .,Jorth;. On, legPnd, declares, that Gçongo,;j & denion, 'who .inhabits the range"~ eut off 'the, .ead of his .wife, 'rê-pre- - sïnted by .the.mountain:Niinai G.'n--' go ("thle wife of Gongo") and;Thre;wý it inte LàÀkê Kivu. Tus igit e ýount for the, truncated- appea-reine. fthe mouýntain, a&nd poesibly for, 4h. durious disturbances. in th. làike. Theý region irî covered almostî éntirely by'a gheet.of lava,, stretch-j in*h like &,se.. as far s i. mo tains.cof Rukiga. This Javà . hon ycibbed with holes and cçar- One- of these caves wais found te. be a bu ying place. eAnother fOrým-' ed a water reservoir, to whioh- cat tie. wae brougiit f rom masny miJea -distant in times -of drought. - Ma.ny, were used -as placeà .6 hiding ad refuge- or during raids.- Th.ne, marked çharaetèrisbof tthe na- v'fes, rnainly B&tsui, ,is &a-'Pro-i 'nouii.ed aànd .disagreeable emieil. mf i. often im.poeible te ala-ktheni tôt corne near., The. mel cernes'f rou ai peculiar, and 4disgueting. cvrcton. .with'whidh tiiey -anoint their bodies,~ and whose, least unplea.sant ingré- dient w. beiieved to e b.rancid but-I ter. Non, of tiiebeautiful, Jakes con-1 tain any fish. But &a; sail Ja.keý ealled Bueuenda, near Ilount Mik-i- endo, ias G full of , fish that thé wa-i te.r seemed a.live with itiiem. Kivuj la the, most beautiful- lake in -Africa. A curlous ptienoînena coeurs occra- sionally 'on La&ke Kivu. When) Lthere is*rxo wind the eurface of the lake -wiil become viOlenïfy Âgitaed,! >and the water i.i foulid-, aftee anch agitation, te, be fullI et sediment. Tus distunbamneo muet b. caused, jYresuniably, b 'y o e ubmarine volcanie inovemenit. î Drunkennes. 15 v ery uneomnon' amoýngat theý Baitetïi. The- nativea brew ,an'intoxicating .drink,, frIom Mraterna fîour ait t~h& gaibherin.g in o!teharveat and .wild acnsOf- debauchery prevail- Lub-re is thie, commron worship-of Buga-nza, and ii the bellin a spi-, rit living inu mre aelected objeet' suei 'as a tree, or àtone,' or v ery, -conmonly i-n a python. In the7]a'- ter case the snake is entieed witii mi-Ik and food te romain near 'thel vilages, aind the girls are orderedi -to-attend te ite wants. What smre folksa i'eed'is a fool- prool pay envelope th-at can't be opened until they get-home. Lait year 8K2,800 births and 456- 982 deatha were-registeréd in Ena- land and 'Wales; but, *altiiough the. nakural increase cf:ýopulation 'Was th~ refore -415,818. tiie birth rate was the lowest ever yet reorded. ifyou use Thse Guaranteed "O8NU. - x-S send prove tt for y 5Snd for Frie Color Cerd. 5toryD, i., 5lylVngr.,ultt of Dyeing ove, Jbeohnson-Picb2,rdso«Co.. Lhs P. Tise -C ontefs ot Crewe, -- -Whoiente"tired t-be King- and' Queen. -on t-le occsion of - their -visit- te Grewe -Rail'way -WOrk.. -i She vas Lady Margaret Pnimnose,,dauglit-erý, of- Lord.-Poebery.- A HNT ABOUT SUGAIt. Sheuld Be Used By Al lun NeeS o!1 on~e of 't-be-greateet, -authoritieë ou. dis-t, ~ i »-voe - I-l caroei-y qef- ciently kwcivuth"baugar is a very valdeible food .were mu<yh rnurular exercise 15 -taken -andi-mucb bodill la-bor performed.' Eepecially in adults niho are beeemiug exbauated wit-h labor sugar may be t-aked' largely, vit-h thbe effeet o! rapidly- affordln-g a f reeh supply of power."- By far t-b, bet- ga. lu t-he worl- 1e gralxesugar. T4*at la thbe kind wbicth nourishes and su-at-ine't-hé body; la>eaeiy digest-ad, and la every way buneficlal. This invalu- able substance i. found un t-be cur- rant. Inu act, ceur-ran4a are nearly e-il grajpe-suga-r, leaid that le wbhy t-bey are se -good f-or t-bu healtii nho" ei. lead- an open-air lhf. ehould make a point- of eating pieu- ty o! cunnants.- Wiiether na-w or cec>ked le immateqial, but-, as Sir dieat-ed, eugar le a provider o!. Pow- er, and iiould beused by al la a-eéd '-of nourishurnt; OCinmen- sens, dictates thse usee o! th-be hst1 snd meut palatabie forms.e! sugar,1 w"ich unndo>uhtediy the curranir.1 The Christ-ms pudding, mince ie Boc-le cake sud many et-ber deli- ca-es ove, their perfect- flavor -1 t-h. prefence o! currants. 1 tider ihar- bisi., e- and tReal i one t1 . biave :is Set, lorred ssukee. MseOrn j,- ~1>

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