Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 May 1913, p. 5

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2: stères.- 1lots Or Henry Street. Several farine for sale luwhittby ad Pickering Tovishipu. Éarme afd '~1tNKE.cOes, ~ielas wit ,tooekWlhu1ms iàtke-p1ea urç, luannouncm Ithé' eop1e oL Whitby ýand i4â surir dig, countrytat J have' engage -a,* known Ey~ SpeCil îist-of1 Toronto, W. E. Montgomey t9, be at. my "store. on'the two days mentioue<4, abovQrthe6 p-urpose of giving ounselaud 1advice to0 4il those requiringglasses t relive or cure eye edache,= and'for the correction: of :imperfect siglit. ~aensshu- bring their echildren to this Specialist audhve teirsiglit correcte& AleYe. sigt sufferers who wish- the best of service should take ,jdvautage of thisppruiy Appinments. ar-NwBeiiig Made. J eiv e e r - AIRD opticianl jocainamppgij Cuite a ireavy frosi feUl on Suuday a.- ilgir,- but viretirer it vould dàmb.ge 41q fruit crop or not le net kuowu. e00oarly vogètabies Ma place% vere' & Utomoliue for hue at 'Luire $=augarage. Pnoe1I. TWf Young People of thre Baptilu Xchewaoyed a__ eceal eveelng on . onay. 1 1', < vry 'literestiug prograin vos given. -'aid Impromptq charades played. MRefinent t ogiithe- plirorfing tüýaô. in..- DoR'1 MI"e uér tire."orange Tree" aitlts bazaar on friduy, May Mir. Russl'Itéh, sou cl Mr.Fied e!at4 ibois tovu, made a splendid ï,reor i he- " nnual Flel4d, Day or %St.An4rew's 'Coli eToronto, Iset Besides 'wduutirhe ail-round idli1uipihIjp, lie î broe tire brpad jump -record.' Ruasell la a spiesidid- atiiete, and will no douht, imaire a itill boiter 'sirovng lu eomhn tmac!k Prlday and Saturday, May SOir.1 iud-81.1 Ilaiperi optician'. day ai We eau give you usgood value la, ,,Idaefor your doait r as yoen o '~jiToronto or elsevirere. Geo M anf. d Mmi. Jobn Baird Lallaw areoe.rtÉbi0fg at The Grange for thre > emb@ ts tthe,Coufemeunce ,and Mx«. boute a5 spd iotessuonSatur-_ _-d&Y a1eimnocel1. 1ne 7tir ais érw- ing rooni meeting under tire auspics -fthre Eqtial Franctiseî League. -on Mr* ~f6r mci naid wIozn. Dr. Peed'u Cusiion Solesi. City prie, sex dollars'; our price, ve dolUais. TW-r " ch 5e,- M.W. col- Don4iaIl te umotire speclal fesilirs show sbt the Royal Tiîreeovery an& dB sdSitury. Adm1«nlSbO Oie-Minute Wssher and, maire 4he -work easy. We vwould ho plea8ed tq a end -orne on' approvalE Geo. X SR.W. and Mme. Allen leave thre lattO* t f tMis veek on a. trip'tO - nglaitd, During Mr.AlW's âsenoe, Rev. Dr. Boyle vill bavo eirhavg"- f tire vorir, and vti r s. Boyle "Whll cpytie reetory. Weý have -tire larget suad mcci up- 'to-date stock lu Whltby. Pr.ices tire !oweet. Large cash discount given off for cash ai M.W. Coulina' Siroc Store. Mr. Albgrt Stuurges, o! Toronto, hueý -purchased *tire Old Oak H-oiel ai Hamm's Corur',, aid la iearing it doie. 'Mr. Sturgees inieuds building a house ou tItis lot. For higIt grade bicycles witir Duni- lop tires go te'Goo. M. Ries.' Our pricen are tire lovrest. Application iras beein iad o te L towu Couneil ýby Mr. Hood, a barrWs ter, of West Toronto, and a member CÉ tire. eil-irnowi Whtby !amily of tirai naine, for fil!ty-herse power of eiectricity for use in a brickyurd. The site o e! i ndustry vil beon the east aide of Lynde'e creek, ait thé torth-vest -corner of tire towu, aid wbore the indusiry vas formerly car- rled 'ou moat suceessfuliy for a m- bier o!' yers. hvl4boI ienoti aide of tire nev C.P.R., virmea avItoir yl ho put-lu. Ibo Ladies' Aid of St. Audtew's diorcir vilholM tieir amnuai-bazsai la tire,-musilo hllou tire mftemm and evoung o! Frîday, iiay 80. use- fui Mid tauey -articloe'home-made eooklng, candy, -be creaiýý ndid orangle "0e comprise the voýious attrao- tions. Higir iea vtlllho 50f ve4 -frOHi 9.80 to elgiri o'eklcir. 25c. We have 123 pairs menis, vonien's, boys' anid girls' boots aid hces, wortb Si te $3.00, te ire solitounire bargalu tables for 85e. virile they last aMW.Colline' great bar-gain store. 1rldy and Sâtumdsy, May 30 and 3.-BASSETT'S. Ho for a- tourisi outing, anyvirere- laid, lakes or océani S.S. points.'- Choiceso!filOe&.UtashpLlues,: jraiivayu or'boat lueos.,:Try tp ydt oi mc Stephrenson, (opposite Stand- ard Baik) 'Wirtby,,for 1tailtickretsand iiiformnatflou. -Aso buy a-l- youm local ticket- Torumto, Rivefdale, etc.,11 fmom Stephrensonat gour lelsure.,. We bhave aUhtie -new styles lu ucreen doors and wlÏdo*, iciées e iose from. ai lovest cshprIcea. Geo. ]W- CARD 0F THÂANKS. Mrs.' D. J. O'Donnell aid famUly wisi to tiranir iliir _many frieuds for th. inmdues aid sympatiry shovi, durlng, tiroir recent bereaveot. --Filda aid - Saturday,' 31P, le expert optlclau's. .ay ai Bas- TýHE T13ÉBRXÀCLE. ginday, Juiel. Mornflhg service, il ocok ibo -Ï"Kueviug GOÇd- Te-id~ Wituess o! tire Spirit.," -» Eveulng service, 7 OIclo&ir--:subie -"'Tire elen arc efti."- Speclal munie by tirech1Z - S. S. aud adeUl classes aiý S-P.q Corne oui> and - arrauge !or Conter euce. REWARD. - $25 reward ha oNew ~for informa fThre amual- chicir service o!f'the- atteilaoon last l in aus oucr Tbi i membets ôe thtie '. &b-ssmb ai her ooisonBro*'l abeet, ri marched to -tire chuter, the -buid Yffltaxe -tois uti Aïpaclty t acCOnunodate -tire large number viro *Idwrd to-be preseut. Tirs sý ermon wus delivered by Mr. Glover, ofWy- eliRe Coilege, who gav;e a splendi discourse. Excellent musia iv sup pid y a large choir, and Mr. A.A. Atkumo sangsa beautiful solo. Thie eiurc'irParade, vas one of thre most SuCcessiul ihat -lias ever -beeliheMld i Whitby. I- THE C. P. R. STRIKE. Tire calling oui 'of a sqpad of! con- stables to thre C.P.R. camp at Dixie last wecir was merely for the purpose of peveting any trouble, atherthan coPing wltir any disturmbance tirai md jaIready ariseu. Tire iron vorirers had gone out on ýstrike, and ihougi tireir places bad beeu takeu by otirer mnu, tbey still remained lu- the victuity o! the camp. On tues acoount It vas feamed tirai an attempt migiri be )made to -des troy thre -mchinery, aid constables weme asked for,- to guard thre heurs tiraitthe mon vere off womr. Four.consialyles are employed xrightly te vgtci tire machine used ln tire plaihg et ýtire girderzs on tire bridge._ No interfereuce has been ai- -v 3 Pa'orulty of te «le ceuvfcflsuf re VICTORIA, DAY. -ue ou~ winy otrefildngrl f iTire 24tir van celebmated very qit ouÇ" Y Glundos.ue edsnot ino 7~ Whltby. .Beyoud i*p. May Day Grozis. Hevs ro.,exereises aitirhe Coîlege there Ras nothung te markthre cldervance o! tire day exccpt tire closing o! tire ALL SAINTS' CHURCH-. places of business. A nuumber of tire Nexi Sunday the.services yl ibel towUspeople Yîsited in other toi' ns taken for t4 ir Orsimi» by Reiv Dm. or Tor onto, and the usual quota o>f Boyle. ProL 0f Cirureir History lu visîtors speni tire day lh iowiIn htie Trinity Uuiversil, Toronto. Tir e £eli a beautiful -display -0of ie. reefor iras been-mast fortunate lu se- worirs could be seen lu varlous parts eumlng thre services 0f.Dr. Boyle dur- of tire tovi, and tireCollege coutrlb- lng iris absente. Dr. Boyle vMi ive u4ed its share -'uintir. merrymiaklng. lin thee reciory, viere re viii ie lIrte- a!teryioe -à basebaU teui-flo ready te asiaer aiy parohla mlîs. lioys vent to Picirering,vhere a gue. .4,.... vs played wilt tizetem o! tirai vilage. Vlctory percbed on tire ban. BROKE HIS ANKLE. noms 0f tire vlaltors, mid the Whiiby Ou Tueaday evening of tis veek, teain came home- witir a 943 Win ~Mr. JOs. Hourd miet vitir a very credited t emi.- Painful aecident ai tire Junctlon staý- fAon.Ho had Jusi loaded thre- mai] on te tire 7.46 train geing vwest, and vwas rotumning along tire- plaiforin wheelhng tire trucir. -,Tire boards *ero vemy vet !rom thereain viricir vs falling, sud Mm. Heard suddenly slip- Ped. Msta iold'on tire truck -vas broken and iLtoîel, ouon0f the eg striiing hlm'ou thre le! t ankle. Med- leal asIstânce wascallod, ani tva 10und thai the aimle vas broiren. -Mr.. Hourd wili be *unable te; attend' te bis duties for a coup-le etrmntis. PUBLIC MEETING. The final meeting for tire orgazi- ization of a. Home Shoew Association wiil ho heléin: he rConseil bhamber' on Frlday eveuing of ibis veeir y 30, ut 8 o'cloci. Evoryone t» te la urged te, attend. Not ouly cisons - -ef tire towu, but residenis cf tire sur- rouudlng -country, vuzo are villing te leud& a baud lu ipualing this projeet, are Auvlted. ' Thls lu a most import- ait meeting. Don' fail te ire pre- sent. BAPTIST- CHURCH-. Sunday, Jun. 1. -Special services tirroughout tire 'a;y. -Seial &uiday Schopl service iu thse sciro#looni ai 10 a.m. Mr, W. C. Senior, of -Toronto,- will addres ti scirolars. .Speclal cirurcir service atIil ocelocir. Mr., Senior, Secretary-,o! tire Canar- dian Council Layman's Misshonary Movemùeut, ,v iii give au- address on the vomr o! théemovemeut. Tire-la- dies quartette. vii1sing Evenlug service--Rev.-Dr. Norton, There vl be spocialmusic. byIe choir. to Doî'tlahlto heur -liz en, i,1!pou-1 SALE REGISTER. Saturù*y, June 7.-Apctlon sale Of household furniture and' 'efects 0f Mr.' F.' J. Zatuslcy, at bis' residence ou Dundas stmet, Whitby. -Salé- t 1.90 p.m, sharp. Terms, ecaiIà. Wm. Maw, asuptiotiser. Glests -d lionor. l'a a few daysOur Grand Old Town *iI1 be honoed by thre Bayol1 Quinte Contoronce; also the County Coniil will be with us and our uulcorne -and go strangers .Many a home wiII hoe bubbl- ing ovor witb buer.care.for th@o... strangers within our gates. Then You'l need all the âssistane- the miost exacting assistance- that -your grocer caa give you-. Preparing.- We arc preparing to giveý every attention to imlnediate wants. Phone us. Senid your order in, in any way. Ail iniour power will be done to meet ybur special requiroments. Put us to the Test. Wu, JOUKR Phono go, - WIITBY 3>7 w3>uw~a. -RoI.idty i'iton MissEditr Eils-of Tora M Diss ay Joues,. of Torci ,wifth -er s'ister. lu ýMorrisburl --Dr.' and )Mm . Adai- werej Miss- Xarjory 'Màcklem w amd Mr S.-R. N. Basset. Mrs. Yates, 0of, Torouto,I sIster, Mrs. Hilop. Mr.. ahd Mms. Fred Lawrei daughrter, vitir relatives in1 Mr. Walker, of Toronto, l aad Mme. Chas. Bateman. Mr. Harold Stephensoà, c ton, with hie sister, Mme. A, Miss Broady, of!-Toronto,, home of Mr. and Mis. T.G. Mr, and Mrs., Geo. Coi Toronto, with tbe former's here. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith iee viii be WIIITBY.-- FO LE .faeliiO ai- -- rne sud M s-ceJiMeous Broo ULn.,,Dta ed Obsiei,-Go frinWht. dvru. reaslou for ce lllng. Apply _to N - A good; emart wvoman vwànted for LAUNDRESS WANTED. s. houîemai' l ir oso A good*sniït voa wanted for - Refuge. Apply te the, matron.-tf. lud orrattre Bouse o! Rluge. ounto, vitir FORSALE ORTO' RENT. Apply totireMatro.-tf. ]Rp ~ lpTowùshlp, -34 -acres of lot ,AUTOMOBILES. ~ucerno - , Iuniate-possessio .Caliaid nee tire wFod'aeu veek- Tire Toro(torGeieral Trusts Corpor pgrage.- We recelveda oerload luti tiOp, Bay, Street, Toronto-. jeek, and only onecaif.Dmu, rgi <oru. FAMTRETtstration given utaîyVUre te lizose acre onlot28,Conesson nterested. W. J. Luire &Son. wiLir Mr. W4hIty :TownkiriP; od sIar~v O AE vatered vith* creek through far Ai uprlght bofler an- idne- 1 wihbrPossessioli n non !dll. C. W-SmI rrsp ver ery cireap-.Apy Box 596; hlb.-f Major Harper Son, WMftby. A towu. Welth 'Mr., LBandel. at the Deverel. macir 0f motiier à, Toron- REAL ESTATE. in yn haie a farci or othar property for sale ino er the towns of Whltby or Oshawa, yo ma.y lud it to, b. greatly to your adraitage teia It wltl> me. Mederate commision charged, on. compiation of sale. I *11 bainu Whitby several daya eaeh week sitar thea iret of April. it me. Addrema, 0. W. STRVENBON, oFisher St., Toronto MARRIAGES. GALT-FALLON - In. Oshawa, on2 Wa, .MAav (.w 4>aiO1Q .la +1. ý :.-4 -r May 29ï# 'Éo . - n. daMay 24-ý«, i93 thi aý e 4-6!hyyear.. - DOVELL-Ou iot 59 con. 8, Town- aMip et!lcb4n, o Mu4y M 28,~ ~ ~~Is Ch-0oe~,l i 3rd yeor CHANINQ.R Wi$b-y, -on Tiurf day, àMay 2,RyCurVRs, hteloved- son 0f Mr. and Mrs.AII. Chanring, aged "eveSdays. and iys liéely quStis hicn. ut omm mur w«& .A'blond a uWtwàmrar bard-ar' Tuy E à You've observed-that ini front of the finest homes Ford cars are- numerous. We are selling an, eve7e iiùcrsingly gr eater part of our gigantic- output to exper-lenc- ed automobile owners who have * ~ tlue e&'l *Our factories bavE Produced more than a quart- er of a million Model T'a., Pricea:: innabout, $675; Tonring Car, $750; Town Car, $iooo-f.,.hb. - Walkerville with ail equipmnt. For particu- lama ge l "Ford Timea"-ý-an interesting automo- bile magazine. It'a free-fmom Walkmville factomy. Ford Motor Company o! Caânada, Limited. W. J. LUXE à soN, Whthg Agents. Il j Don.tWi- I The timei hort to buy plants for bedding. Ail kindis foliage and gernus I kmatooe- Oabbage for the Garden. Celery 'Toroato Lava Grasi See& 30c- per lb. Ts Pineapples Ti sthe trne ta buy those flic e large ones for preseîving. $î.5o ta $ 1.7o doz. Buy them now. Jno. E. WATI3RHOUSE WH ITBY -Phone il Livey,- arta-go aid-Teang 1- have receritly added te miy wel-lý eqgipped livery stable.a bcavy toam and dray for al kinds of cartage aid tearning womk, and will be pleased to mecciv. orders, which irwli have prompt and caroful attention. - THONE 65. DUNOAS ST. WEST, - WHITBY M. -PromptDel-ive -.ýJackson-'sBarg11n Sor AFER MONDAVI MAY, 2Oth, store will beopen' only from 4 P.mt. tilt îo o'cock p.m.. Mr. Jackton'will personaUy conduct a the- next fewý weeks, durin'g these ho effort is, being- made téô clear mit the Six E .eyhing viii be offèred,-at'prices 1 Our lease expires shortiy and ail oui I. Ssacrificed to winÎdup thïe business. No reasona-ble offer - dre dé ~ut or e. -q R.. .BASSET ~ed su. rure Dry Ci --Get Your -Sumlmer fiat- -While there is a- Good Selection -of Choice Styles r-t -TUE Miss ES powEËLI.., Brock!etreet -ait- M« L

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