Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 May 1913, p. 1

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EFAREWELLi, K.C. ovunty. Crown Attornýy and ýCounty solicitor' iwing Court Uiousê, Whitby. .DaqaUr. SliIdtor. N.ta".,Public. Etc. Oficeý PBtck St., Opp. Standard Ba. M.honey toLan- &AMES ITEDOiE. Baradhterm, Etc. Moncy to Loan on est ërms. Onfce Iimediaely south Royal1 Hotel, Wkftby, Ont; Banister, Etc.>,,Money to Loan. Issuer OoL-Maiage Licenses. Office-Smith's l3Jok-Whftbyi Ont. SABAxe ,Dathét, OMMi, Duâadas Bizut, lduioNo. d, thi , TomaS, Byron, tl., Whtbjr. Phos. No. 12L ý~jAS@ ONERJP qeot b I..Fairbanks. For berme 1a data s apply 10 .MU or 0G. Robb# Whit- AND VALUATUR. Aillndo.f salei proimPtlya#nd .Io. ,)Lnwqen«n-caa b.-Mde for. Salmuai 1ha Gazet efie. Tism reaooixable.. Dai and Indepen4o t phon.. WtITBY#-ONT. OONTft.OTORS JH0WEL ,JAMES$ Ca Wenter,. Bulder and. Contractor. Plans drawn and estimates . furnishied. Repairs'y Alitrations and, Jobbing. ÀAent for Brantford goolIng Box 467- WHITOY Phone 149 H]RU-riaeLàe Licenes. Conerdrugstorel hty Suminer Schouls, For courses in aIl Business sub- sots leading to positions as Book. èecpers -or Stenograpiers, and for 4 Çrvil Service andI Commercial 4pecialists' examinatiens wilI be 4 conductcd in Shaw's Schools, To- 4 eouie, (The Central BuWiness Col- lege with four city Branci Schools) 4 fryfiJulY 3rd to Aagust iti ltis4 i t . t m ay entei any tt n or gn 4 o~re.No vaceations. Write ,Wl .h swPr.dént, for sL&toguýe,- 59i IMONJMENTS iii DWpsInsd latil kpt i Stock :t Wù Par YOM tieaul bet wok di -napet fer 'youru.If. - Ioai h bise W hpagente, we do tbçmploy liem, oonsequently »we oe a do aiiow tic-aget'. eouuxAslon, Tél ce nt., whiih yeo n ili eor VOby puràbasing fro un.. A ai solcited. 0"Oficeand Wonks 4o>0d" 8t1aidard Ran, Wuhy, ont.i -04 !e fer- Vs ifi WIro For Ton wirng, power wiring, ati supplies, .aise rid transformers. Want us calI us at our IpLu lauPon o u1,td Feed Wholesale inTon-Lots.- ChiWintRve'y Day 1 CALWELL'8 MOLASSES #'EU" Pickeaihg, Ont. - nis ney. ,Bros. Undmdotupand EmbaIter Witby, Phone99e-.> Raglan, W. H. Brent4 agent. - Oshawa, Phones 41- and $5 Cadisý by day or, nià t pronîptly attended td.- 'Chaigesmoderate;- VýiTgDIRADAY tàgtie Paie lor Round Trip Between ail stations in Canada' east of Port Arthuri.also to D)etroit andI Port Huron, Midi., ButTalo,.: Niagara Falls, Black Rock and Suspion rige N. Y. Good QGolng May a Zàand 24' -Retura lîmit,,May. -z7tb, 1913 -HONESEEKER' -EXCURSION$ Via Chicqgo .and.St. *Paul or ýSarnia. Through Pullian Sleepersto Winnipeg on above dater, leaving Toronto 11.oo p.m. No0 chainge of cars. Return li m.'i it two months.- Ask Grand -Trunk Agents for lfui! particulars, berth reservations, etc., and especially Town Agent Idr Expresis.ticket. and .Telegraph Office), opposite Standaro Bank.. Whitby, dut. Telephone, 36 WE GRIND LENSES on our premises, that means when you pnsult us about Wyour eyes, we ean fit you with exactly the iensci o aol have. F. E. LUKEO RBEFRÂCTC OPTICIÂN. 169 Yongêe St. TORONTO G0IN« GUT 0F Yes, we are putting cripples of every class out of business. HO! IS IT BEIKG DONS? By wearing ourMOrthopedic Boots, and you hear no kick. FR01 OUR CUSTOIRES We receive letters and cards simi- lar to tie following: Dear Sýr,2. Your worlc is giving- perfect satisfaction. Name on request. Re H. QUINTON -Whitby's'Only Repair Shop Brock st. South w!e Rlve- 1899 gEqpigue'ot, to reliable energetic m'en for the sale à, OUr products,- We give ail tic adva' ages that4 reliabke, well advertisd establisiedf firm can off er.. If yoù wish to represent us WRITE -NOW, before ih is toolate for further in'formationý MVER 600 ACRES uncler cultivation and one -of the Most complete -Nursery - plants In i Canada. Established 35 Years. Free cataogue of stock on application. PELHAM NUIRSERynÏ Tororàto repair a iC onnr a Wéd t e r Robt. Barnes ............... . m06 Sou . th Ontaro , beldi Wllt.by. Be& redùction i - txeand a ô or W.J.H.-Richrdson, i,74f()- presctatives -wcre present IToIUWhit frà whlch uer resiiience s itua 'J.Mcytyrle- -..- _2à7 bY -and Oshawa the, 11 ý,vllage-ýof ~~~The~td eceayo4eB do(ju R. -- w. ,l, .1 j25 Port- Pery,-andth te -Township <of t 1oûn 7 wrote, ntyngteCouncüOCl<> Se..rVlt . ......... 825 Wlxtby, East Whitby and! Pickering. the ga-o et 0f f cor mner, Mes The-Se<reay rdae -üra!t '.gree- -Reors were rcceived from eacb' sr§. Bos le~n ohla et, Prepared wiiscf*d ti uiipality ersxiý,al lnc Haoh nmero rteayes c hairmae,,for stgiiatura by,. he care breathed a spirit Of Otns n~n F0 Wlb sgeda eiton -takers of the schools. There, lias b'e- , ourageM e ut. tint ciel e dou4e to reme6:ly the a good deai-ô! ifficiitty nlu *A rivin-- f Un4er tie'afbject of!- "Our N-t dn rU' cniinof corne sd alk settiezent as -to the supply c! lSteii" .Rev. - John- Ford orîeted .Up als repetin le îck-o!u~t a abroomaï,.etc., :used 4 ie the nn fwhatprôved b0be n interestin is lie acooU 'buidngs, and 'thepops csio, a 4 everaý- poçssible àtcps,, M r. WloWsr eside c T éd e agrcemcnt 'wlIl doý,away w#- gnywere, suggestd one ot',wllici rPcmved, comnctos were 'referrcd » t tUther agUmmtï,-.by, -rovling,1ttic.té,encouragement of- thc focu)wn d~mnulctlas were refered to-410ir tc artlrs tu - ' miisu- olthi~ prc~er cremittes. PlY113 artcleslu iueiion 'Tit ts Counity organizatto n Tc ayor *was instructeci to -i~e ~ Pru onmvdi-thgt>t ui rsîgcourepstai Town o W ieetn tlc a -warrant to iold <au -eleétion. -to- ilnations rend 13e acc-ptpd. -Mr. Hatci bP 0aols.tceIO ies and th vcacea- ntiche o -Bord cotided th mîet ~lîb ~ ~ to encouruge tie Town -of Port Pcrry caused 1w tie res%natiou o! Mesura. rietI. MU.McClellan 4 bsent, but. ring on; alocal optincmag -MoClilan and. Hatch. - ýe r. îthc obler *th s tlemeU à,aeý.erl at." arid anI icarso wreciee ~.~retired from the Board n ~V ei .Spue ertr o Couneil, ,andI tic vacacesmte Two me.mbers were Jdded'd ot c- io AlS1 ,To0 tgave afine tirrealguaàtioÏ *wll be filetIa i ho-Propenty -oonùinette.Meus-.j dresonL Enforceet eçnn nexi metn !le Cucl erguon an4il Hes, mmi t*wô mr'~ pitb oint mebiéde it TieBaycf uite onfrece if emei&~riI a 4~a- ~ 3e ursedfor teefrcement M elat cuinte t<> 1enC6 of s n~ j!ti aw. Tc'lirst .step was for st, curchý,,,1sý _ýî be hm le temperance -men, -to -cee liat -lite WÉitby from -Juste itixbtO tà, ant .îd 'L SI igtsort, of!_men ,\vcre appointed -by- 113 ?etoists of tic town m:iade a EPOR 0F'thle, "Party- ooucfex>,-, tmDattendlite- phctlo- fr tc ue c ti- Caxil Fllwixg is tlicponjý mtI t "t& uÏixating conventions, wo would Çihambçr in whiici to-Serven i ur- Board *(- £4uat1im- J- Dipetor * s&tlxlt tW inlpdcnddt a 44g liaI perloe. 'ierqesb was. WJs u BuntI itt(b> th&one pledge&. 10 support the teruper- granled. Wiftby cixol It ee.à - -ance cause.. Tc eleetiozfto! iixmbers The Ccenmittee on Streets Passed rolnOtMay- 14y- 1. j the 'Municipal Council, .1lIte ap- the- following accouns: To tic Chairman suid mjembeo 'ftïepon'tment o! a special officer foelook John MacCart.......... ..$270 oar ! Eual t ! le T9WBnafter -thc enforeement. o! -thc law, Bobt. Ploakett ........... 22.00 of-Wiltby, ont. - f w.re ohr-metixods o! securing effi- Sam Pkaey ............ ...7.U 8 Genteman,-1 Slave th. honor te "et- law Wnorcenxent. Jaxi. Isaacs ...... ....... .4.00- submit- bic" foîbowimg report 'on -ao- *,->V. Dr. W.S. McTavisii, Fieà'd Sec- Jos. Heard &-Sons .........-41.40 commodalions tu your public scio0ls. iretary; ePoke-on "What a Local Coin- Water andI ligit, town hall-..-5.02 i. lu-tic -Dundas atreet sebool- jmittce siould altempt."1 _lis - re- Watcr sud light,- stXelas... .133.3- Boom - Capacity. Enrolmeat marks empiaslzed ahit elaborated slig- W..J. HalletI, relief ......_.1.00 3fiss,ÈPariinson- 40 58 gestions madIe by 1fr. Spence. -An or- Chas. Tol, relief ........i00 Misa Anderson 40 37 ganuzation should be kept.alive- in Mayor Wlllis, intimated that a pro- Miss Burns .40 35 - every mnunicipality le aid i aw cuforce- posai was on foot te organize a horse' Mr. ElvitIge - 2 2 et show, for Whitby similar t10 tifat now 2. Dufferin street scicol. - Reterence was madtIe ienallyl holtI annually in Cobourg and Galt. Miss Woodhouse 34 ý3 for lceeping for ýalc or selling witiout 'Many cibizens wcrc intersted, -andl Mr. Henderson 38 25 a icence, whici is $100 for tic fat had asked iim bo cali a public ir.et- 3. ýAt the Higi Sciool building you cilence, $500 for the second oltece, ing for Wcdnesday nigit 10 discusa: have tic follewiig exrolment. andI four monitis in jail for the, biird tic question:- Tie members of!*lie Miss Pirie - 47 tiffence. -The- penalty f>r taking - i Council were-qtxfte entiusia-stic about M~iss Fraser - 33 1 4o off tic premises o! a licensed b'o- ,tic. proposition, and fMl tinht such a 4. Tic rooni occupied hy hMr. El- l tel, is from $20 to $40 for tic llrst show woldbe of great benefit bticth vidge%, clas is te aniali for a proper.-offence ; $40 to $60 for thc second; ta"n. classu rooni. Besides, you have Bq jail for tic Ihird. The law liaI hio- Mr. Hallett -at this point started pupils for Wiich livrç is no accommo- tels cannotllen lubotles or bullr te lie discussioni on the sidewatii and dation. . !e removed from lie prem1ses is a i àtreets improvementquestion. Het-ald 5. Let, me refer to the defects 0o! ncw amendment to lie act, as is ulso nothing could 13e donc o! any couse- t4c Henry sîreel building:tic extenion of -tbe heurs of closure qpenoe until money was available. (a) There is only one slairway,and frorn 6 le 8 a.m. Boli Mr. Colwill -and Mr. _,irnes tint 15 ciieloseil in a wooden struct- Thé "'Pcrfeetiug o! tie County Or- spoke ln ternis of praise of Ilie Ici- ure. ganization was- dealt wili by Mr. vice reudered by Mr. Halîcîl ou tic '(b) The lîghting is insufficient. In Spence, and several 61 bis sugestions Streets Commttee. They said lhe some rooms tie pupils face .he win- will doubtlesa 13e carried out liy thc condition e! Wbtby stréels wa s- plen- did comparedbtoich condition in West -Wiitby, Scarboro and! otici- places on tic Kingston Rroad. Mr. HalletI was a most efficient publie Tic maltter blew over for a few minutes whIle Mr. Tics. 'Harris adI- ckessed thc Council as b -tie condi- tion o! tic ditel nbtichenorti 'and west cfis faim. Il -*as -not deep enough, andtheti water backed up on- 10 his land. Tic Strests Cnn-nittec Tic final date for lie ret.urn of tic tax coflcctorls'stel wns fixed aI J une :i9ti. Mayer Wills remàaiked,. in reference tb. tic recent test of tic fic protec- tion, liaI lic tlougît -the report of thc Inspecter of!thec-Fire -(JutIer- wrlters' Association slxould 13e, f ol- 1oecc up by a demand for a better iu-- surance, rate. for 4Vi4ty;'.- Mr. Haîletarose as lic C oulicil wns about to adjouru bt say tiît lie wouid like te know whabtich Finance Commitlce wag golng te -do abk>ut-the cale of debenlures for to-wn impirove- meut. Mi. Aunes said- liat tieccer-, milice was walting until thé, finaucial situation waà a ittiele ,tigr, wiici, lýy appenrances,-«wouîd, be soqjn.ý Mr. Halct rcplicd lith.Éewould net'stauve ihehrses becauge inhay as dlear. Because.tic moneý' n Wkefwae pol -very f avorable - wais no TesSOný i*hy t:bo,twfl cieuld- not ccli - doieP- turcs, nnd etge -bi qct, prce poss1bre under tic cicumstances. If- moieY, .ennuot 1e olitaizietIa t 5 -per cent., get il aI 6 or 17jper cenit, butget -lt. Mr. Aunes. asSied If Mr. Holett 'would adylse borrowin,--nî3neyr.-at' 7 -per cent. ýNo - ffrçctbrcly 1Îas -Riven tlows, (c) Tic preseut systeni of stoves dees not heat thc reôms-evcnly. (d) Tiere la no system -of ventila- tion. 6. Froni lie statement you will sec tha1 a- ew sciool of at- least lire. rooms ia required aI once. As the school population- is l-keiy le iu-' crease il would b. well bo previde at Icust four rooms. 7. Tic requiremeuls in a ucw build- ing are-: 1- (a) Separale entrances sud stair--. crecutive. Tic foUeowing officeri were elected Presitent-Mlr. S. Stocks, Colum<ixs Vire-Pres.-Mr. W. -A. Hlolliday, Wiitby.W -Rec.-Treas.-M'r. Elmer Llck, Osh-ý nwa. Meiers eo execuive-Dr. -Farewel East Wiitby; E. Tiik, Wiitby Tp. S. L. Trees, Wiltby Town ;T.H Eversen,_ - Oshawa ; Rcv' J.Fod ýPort Perry, and Mr. Cronk, Pioker-- EVENING MEETING. ws(b) A sullable basemeul I-whichi'Inu-lie mugic halIl at 8 p.nl. anotef~ the -closcta coulil 1e placed. -publie meeting was ÈèeM, wieu Revs. (c) Teachers' private room.- Soc nIMTva eiee li (d) epartei ap ooms proerlring atIdresses, Èhowing tic prokgfes (ète) Sea ciap ooaprpelyantI -encouragement wiici iay -atI- icaed ud exiilaed. - iended& tic wo1lc of thé Doinion. AI- (c) Light admitted ut tie Pupils'la .Tcnubro e -aud dry, le!ft. Tic aieaof -lie wliidows tob'aTe mnumabersta ofutasnce10 eue-cuti- or more -o! lic floor space mnwa lte nirosc 10 (f) Adequate heabing and ventila ~lîo~a yadn .to.Year. Wct. Dry. tien. 1900 25 (g) À cullable systcm -o! closcîs, î55208 - 282- As lic present accommodations d,19,Iô net meet thec requirements o! th 190,8 492>- 3127 regulatieus ImaI lt ihOld MY or-l 1909 -475 - 33 dcr for tic pnyment o!_ tie grauts. 119110- 40 -4 I have notifled bic Honorable ý-tic192 6 Minister of Education te tit effeot,11 35 463- - our ýbbcd!-ent servant, -11 3 0 R. -I.WALS MauY andI strOug reasons were iv cen by'D~-MTra why local option- POLICE COURT, Anumber -d! LEolacks sued cou- Iractor Stewart of!'tiche Rfor a lg easl acl i o lice .court tasI Friday èveuing.-Tm chcoks ;k-dewag.-agreeents wera. produced, and -,'tic -Po6ackÉ er shown - tohave- absolutVely o-goé at a certain wag,.and",tuer c mp ôoywi ci refused' te Inerease-,l. Tice- casé Misses Dyns and 1Loucks, - o!he 0. 'L.eachf gave an îniterestlng récla- lion. -- - Miss Dynes' selecllon ý.wa -"Tic -mou. Mss ynes Interpreted thc Habitant dialeot and nmarner vcry -suemsfixly, anxd thie reading gr-eatly pled-ared âlie audfeuqe.- b md~sd ~ W KL~IN5 TBY C. A.. M.C1<, anAN ,POTAOBS Another car load of éhoice Nlàw Brunswick DeIawarePotatoes -AT- STILI LOWER PRIýC'ES, Farmers -can get.a mst-desir- able change of seed at low price. WB. PJGE&003 WHITBY ADNTARIe Our prices this ycar are as follows : %ai'ant Sugar Mangel, Y(elow Leviathon Perfection Red" Giant Yeliow Intermediate j umbo. Sugar Beet- Leviathon ' Ilb. pkge., 3c 38c. bulk, 535c.- ib.pkge.. 338c. WHITBY, ONY . Phones: Bel], No. 47;- Independent, No. 47 Martin-Seno-ur 100 - p. cent Pur an e.Martin-?Senour. r-oo per cent pure paint is coniposed- only 'Of Lead, Zinc,- Linseed 011 and'Turpentine Dryer,ý "Which are the.,best kcno"wn inô-gre'dients-'for- paint-' Coes400 ta -450-Feet- Pet GàJôlflp~ .75, .55 .55 - 1.40 1.50 Whitby' - trougb publie Lui far dv. eur -.2-57 p.fl 6.îg.i 19.30Pe41 a -Tor- 7-58 a.nî 1,15 9.01ý pro-, i& S i.ý- ~i. 3DnoJI, i. 8, lue,. r, Du. onuU Apr,. rê, 4. 1914. Kay ID.,, ir, 7, "d'o '18, Rd, rd8, - p.-, rdou; h'~. r, ~g, j. 11, LL, lame. k

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