Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 May 1913, p. 4

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R. Cle nSd v.J X & oraFWd Secretary. oTr'Tempesaue.*-iuMra APRI4 R 2PQRtT 0F DUFFEIN Na n orner et meilW. Sr. IV.-D. Magner, A. .Goldriiig, W. Wiiq, F. Plersen,., Sloann, W.1 qraz4t, fA.,q klLeed, P. Stoné, J,, Gatts. Jr. IV.-. Ilawley, T. Sâuthwell.%' Sm. II.-B. Goldrîng, H ý. Pimîar, F. Stirtevaul, W. Smith, A. Soilth- Jr. 1 ~.-B.,-Magner, R-. Goldring, ÈE. Will Is%'M. - Allaway, 4. McLeod, M. Got s, J. Grant. Sr. Il '.-R. Reyniolds, A. Lowe. Jr. IL-Là Allawa-y, R. -Blow,-J Grant, .H. IIawley, A. Stone, -J. Southwcll. Clasa 1.-J. Blow, F. Burdgë, M Allaway, E. flumdge, A. Staênir K. Soutlîwell, t. Cox. ý -ýiý Primer (part B.)--T. McCaurt, G._ Goldring, A. Grant, A. Wills, R. ý_Stirtevnt, J. Southwell, W. Cex, T. Pf-en (part A.)-H." Moore,'N Goldring; V. Sloane, -J. Lowe, C. Rleynolds. W. A. HENDERSON, - - - Tendher. MT. ZION. Repart oi S. S. Nao. 13, Pickeringj -,ion Apnil. Narneg are in entier et- menit and, attendapieC. - Class IV-*Many Jones, Olive-,Joues *Edward Jones, -Stamiiey 'W1alker, .*Grant Jones, *John Long. Class IlI.-Ernest Joues, -Frank Carson,Allan Jonies. Sr, II-Eileen Walker, Jr. l-*Lomnc-Jes AIma Joncs, 'Joseph Long. Class .-,e-wis Joues. Primer (a)-*Ralph Jones,' Thos. Long. -- Primer (b)-*Gladys Jns Muriel Speaps, *Percy Joncs. *Present every day. Lyla M. T. Osborne, - Teachpr. $tâte of -ha City of Toledo, a, =uea ounty. J Fraik J. Cheiney mkcs aLS that he ia senior Eartuer of the f.-m or F. J. Cheuey & Co. dotug Bualan the Cty 0f T6ledo, Couuty andd a.e atoresasd, snd thîat d fi m wiipsy the suin ai ONE HUNm)RiD DOLLA&RS for eaenhana ever c.aseo0 Citarrh that cannai be cured by the use êf Hall'a Ct.rrh Cure. - FR-ANK 1. CHENEY.1i, Sworu tobetore me and aubucrlbed ininy pres- ence, ibis 6 day of Decembet, A. D. t886. (Sel)A. W. GLuA1SON NOrART PdLIc.j Ht'i'&Catarrh Cureltetaken tuterualty,anidactai directly on the blood and mucaus aurfaces o!fIthe ayktem. Scnd for tratimnouash rer F.J. CH1NECY a CO., Teledo, o. Sold b,. ll dzuggiet%, 75t. Taite haàls PîFmuiy Pilla for constipation DàISTRICT DOINGS. Orillia's -population is 7,652, and the -- gross assessment $4, 140,480. This cludes real pnoperty, business, assess- -ments and Income. Orilliu merchants will observe Vic- toria Day on May 24th. The Finance- Commite of the new Hospital at Cobourg, wUl endeavor te talse $1500 by a vigoraus campaigmi in order to dlean the building o!ý debt. It la reperted that tIhe steel plant at Cobiourg will- change hantis, andi lu is t e b.aoqmired by a group of lu- fluential financiers. Cobeurg Board e! Trade is startiiig out on a campaiga te Iioost the town. V-_ fMn. San. Clnkewho *ha ben a s i May Roti and i (la luCanada (Pub- laketià by W. J. Taylor, Limited, WooiiokOnt.,) ls eut wtl a ,anied liai' et contents. Ameng -the articles notedi- are - A Blaze on n Portage, 1which will stnike a respon- eive ëhord la many hearts , Alter tue G1-au:t KMaScalonge et Anchen Bay, an entertaining -tale of the - St. Cli-r Fiai. ; A Cauoe Trip te tle Great Opeongo Lake *Dstrict, a weîî Illus- i rated .stony of a somewblat amren- uouu t4rp . la Algoflpqin Park; A Southsrn, B. 'C. Geai Huni, an ac- couht o1 a sueces4Sul trip iat6- the Camleades -Fog- Breedlng la Prince Ëd- Ward Iuland; Article IV pf Sm-ail -Many unp. -piecesar h MOYAL IAIONSPOWUE8 Go., WtmWoàMc -- BIR-THS. I D -InWhitÉy, 'Ou Momday, Àpril >28th,t-o M. andi Mr$.- Wler ýRod, STEPRENSON-ýA-Vý7G GtrrardSt-; E' - it-Fdayï, ýMay _9tb, 191, te Mr .and Mns.. Jos,. p.; stephenson, a' soui. - D llEATHS. LOTT-I- iWhityon. Suùday, ,May, 11,A913, Wlliam Laàtt, -beloved hua- baud e! Elizabeth Lott, lxi bis 78th, year*.- WILSO-At- Brookln, on ýMonday,, lubs .76th - year. Bearers and 110w ta Take them ' The year. Wh1itby ladjesa had- the honor of.ASN-tPr WibOf US I?iary o! a C4nob Trip, in1854, (cul- taklnS Uie bane-hn-wththm. a.y, May 13, 19U~, John Watson, cilusic), etc, etc.The lYearly. report showed -a aliglit. ad'2»as decrease lI menb*rship ewing-to.sick Be & Charmint Woa.a* ness .and deatiL Finanèes are, in n'Uch W IB O NHP ~ 0 j oos-were rendered by Mre. tldùig,,, REVISION 93 Yeu~evr sw au~Ji ~ Whitbyi Mrs. Tink, Greenwood, -lrs. The Court of- Revisienfor,-the Mu- whodid't a'le eauifu har. heArcher and Mj:t.- McCaw, port Perry. nicipality of the Township of Whitby charms et a beautifu woan i e Mrs. Geo. Jackson, Port Perry,. was wll l hold -its first sitting8 for 1913 lier.hair. Many womea do not non- re-elected -District Organizer. on Monday, June ýQnd, 1913, at fine liz th atracion thy zss e- Miss Steele, of China, gave an lu- e'clock in the farenoon, in the Coun- caue he d nt îv popf ttn-teresting talk 6n sohool lite lu. China. cil Chamber, l3rooklin, te hear and tion~ t.tehar The eveniné session was conductedl determlne ail appeals ' against the as-, The wee o the "4Ã""arrfme by Rev. Mr. Banforth. A -paper on sessment Roil for 7 said Municipality, 1rTheir beauofthet b0P3eae el Christian Stewardship was rjêad by of which- due notice has been given. facialtere are supt e ul to og oSMrs. Johnsten. An address -by iss D. 1OLLIDAY, other wemen, but because they know Ctee n h ititOgnzrs- <lerk, Whitby Townsh'ip. how te keep young by supplying vîg- report. Splendid mnusic was Iurnished Brooklin, May 14, 1913. -48 or,. lustre, and strength te their h air.by. the choir, and the l5th aninial con- _______________ *~~~~~~~ Upt ewyasag ÂII N xtioni closed with grateful hearts Sage, ceuld hary b.o talned a Cafor theencouragement tliey. lad re-- Sag cul hrdy e otane i ýa-ceived, andI with renewed zeal te car-ý' NOTICE. nada. But .new this, delighttul hair'r ont-sgetwrkfrteetn restorer eau be hladIn every-towÃœ., A.si yon orthseat orki fior heete H. AllUn sells it lu Whtby fer 50c. sa tteLr' i~lm a bottie, and'guarautees it te grow beautl1ul, luxuriant hair *-te stop lu A- FINE NEW STABLE. I Notice ef Transfer, et Shop, License, ing haîr, eradicate dandruli. ~rJ aohuela *l nTw of Whitby Liquor License his lot li rear of bis 'residence- a Act. A correspondent draws attentionto; large, modern trame stable, Set On a- the broken glass that is te be seen cernent foundatian, with -cient Notice is hereby given tha-t applica- on the streets in many, if net all,' floor. The building is 22 x 40 feet, ?, tien lias been 'made by H.C. Hatch, parts o! the town. The practice of atonies. Tbere are three large stails 'o! the Town of Whtby, to transfer throwing bottles and at-ber glass ob-1 for; herses, and a large diving shed, bis shop licènse ta M. Finnigan, of jects about seems to-be a grewing on the ground. fton.- The UpStairs willi the Towii of Oshawa, 'and. that the onie rn Orillia. It is a particularly lie a lait for' !eed. In each stall is a1 said application wmll be considered at viclous habit that, should be suppress-, nietal feed box for grain. Hay will'a, meeting of %thie License Board Itsr ed, for it is a danger te herses, hu- lie eaten item -the fto0r, the uiatiiral- -the District. lot South "Onitario, li the- man beings anti automobiles, -the tires' Position fer a -horse te, feed frein. In Town Hall, -i the Town a1i Whtby, ef which sufer éonsiderablo when a addition t0 the stable, a shedtoI e ld on'Thursday, May 29, at 10 o'cleck. ýagged piece of a bçttle is run over,* three wagons is being built. Mr. W-.l ate ocend wl gvr This. dangerous debris la notlced mucli Butin has-the contnact for the carPefl-1 themselves accordingly. now that summer is approachîng and ter work. The roof of the buildi*is 1 By order, the sidewalks and i'ea.dways are clear of corua rana1-tâýrn- .WXS R. LUKE, of the winter's enctw.-Packet. &~s across thp rat ters, thus dispen, Lioense Inspector. The Herald notes that, s Weepingsigwh etn. lias been the wave ot Local Option, the onily "wet"' places ln East Sim- A SNAP. cee now are Penet-anguishene and e i ra c Waubjaushemýe. The Packet.. m*ves -te Ten dollars worth ot summer f T m e a e Fieki arnend and change the names toilene- woo,!fr af he moeY Dayr- hula Packet. ed away inimediately. *Those*Who. Rey on te greathome remedy which bas proved ats-power to remee aely and. speefily tIe miner ailes-maisiig fromn defective or irreguLat acton of the organs of dgestion, find -themse1ves 'paedhours of sfdn and abe te ward. off the a:ttaks of serlous scnss DBEECH1AM'S. FILLS neyer disappoint those who take theni They help é1~ dgsin, stimulate the liver, clevr*the kidneyf adrel da i te bowels. By purifing theé lo' te nces cheerfuinesa and cret. 'confidence. As actions dep1 d on health and strength, those who know Bewlcham'i Enjoy Life Whitby District W. M. S. -i e FROSTS. it nt laiewi whetdier tihe sharp The annual convention whItby Dis- troats et a Couple o! niglits during tniet Wemens M.i6ssonary Society the week bas demie any senieus dam- %vas held inl the metiiodist dlurcI, aW ot the inuit blossonis, but _it la Port Penny, Tuesday, May 13, 1918.' hoped that- fl ay harm wu8 dons1t1 Mrs. Qeo. Jackson, District Organ- -19 sll5ht. izr, pres&ded. _______ The devotional exeroises Were con- 01tnVcoi a uIgtS ducteti by Mesdames Woodgef and OhfrVori aOung1Se Marvin. An address et weîcome 'was Stephenson (opposite Standard- Bank, given by Mrs. Jeffreys,. Port Penny Wity)fo tickets. Good goiag May Mrs . Whitfield, of Whitby, .replie» Iraia 23, and 24.Go iiTed 7 few well choem words o! thanka, snd at single tare, te ail points ini Cana- expesed thébope that the cmigda.Alse tuist tickets, via ali yearmigh seebeter wrk aomp roues t c es ort points. Aise se Ilshed ion our Lord andi Master. Stephensoni for ocean S. S. tickets toe ID response to rolll eau good re_ or frein- aIl Europeau peints. on parts were breugit lI tram ail the wiry, round trip or prepaïd. Chotoe:- Auilirles. A Pleaslng feature of ail S.S. lies,, bomeseekersl excursion- thetafernff wa a aner repretickets te thé Great West, vid anl by Mrs. Jackson, te be gim tn-th routes. Try andi se. Stephenon be- Auxilliary wha had the largest tu- fae travelling. $Se his other adyt. crease lu meoeiWsblp during the pas u t ipaper. -- - DO IT NOW. Mi., PRUIINT. lf. D.MATYHEW, v=oa-REsIsiom. ýA. lOGERT, Gomeni Mansgen M, - lsIe* Ind UN 000. Tal ut7O0O Ua Lslg Your Mon-éy iyou, or bfdiag It at honme. Fire or robbery v1gsoef lfsl nafewmomenta. If de-posited IB&àk, M rsk lIs avodedi ANCI4:A.. A. ATKI NS ON, Manager. * -. " ..t H. BACdit You may have been intendmigte - send tînt order te the pninten f04 'letten heads, note hleads, bill head,- envelopes,' ýonrsanie other- netit printed matter. Let this le a ne-- minder, and an invitation ta send the, order. -Do it miOw. The Gazette, andi Chrofficle, office can give you prompt service naow or at any 'tue. unu.lo County, May lSth, 1918 Speolal services in many cherches. Every phase -e! ýthe temperance tjUes- tien discussed. In Whltby the -Methodiat and Bap- tist churcheS will lbe supplied by ne- presenta-tives frein the Alliance. Ia the evening &t 8.15 a, mass -meet- ing will lie beld ln the town hall, when addressés will b. -deivered by Rev. Thos. Cowan, Toronto, and Rev. Wm. Kettlewell, Assistant Se>- retary of the AIiýance, Toronto. On Momday afternoon a Temperance Convention wlll -be-held i the TewnL Hall, Whîtby, twheu *subjeets ef vItal interest te temperance workers viîl1, lie discussed.1 *A mas@ meeting will be-held in the. evefflag at, 8. 15. iddrex.ses wil be d. livered by 11ev. Mçsrs. B.H. Spence, and W.S. MacTavlèh-7 Tonto. 'Young ladies ironi the College ývlll contni- buté musical and Iltêr*'y selections.' TE Gazette& Chronicle to Jan'y, .1914 for 50e ONS SEITA VAN w~ -SUA. - 4.mitber carlco.4 a! chaice' Delaware ""'Ws q potato'es witÉiu-a.lew days.--Faniners, p1hamiImm,,bo caÏ get lsupply of seed ti-.car -foi "t r lo'w pric. W.B. Pringle.-- Jir h ~ CRTEA-BUN5 BItEAD ANICAKE. MAKE&S FREE SPECIAIJ RIC CORN - OATS-- FEEID WHEATý Feed Whelesale ini Ton.loti. Cooin.g E ver.y DayI OALWELL'8-MOUSSE8 EAI J. L. SPINK LIMITE Pickeening, Out. Disney Bros-. Undortdaloan d Embalmers. Wbitby, Phone 99. - Raglan, W,. R..Brent, agent. Oshawa, Phones 47 andi 215.- Calis. by day or ilght proniptly attended te. Charges moderate. AM13ULANCE lm CONNECTiON eeWE GRIND LENSES on aur premisea, that mneans wbein yeu consult us about your eyes; we a fit you with exactly the lenses yen shoulti havec. DSFK&CTIN O PTICIÂN. da1 F, E. LUKE9 BD Tonge St. 'TORONTO Yes, wc are puttiag cnipples of ever class eut of business.- HO! -18- IT BRINQ DOIS ? By wearnmg eur Orthopedic Boots, snd you hear no kick. nom1 OUI CUSTOIERS We receive lettersaud cards sflni. las te the follewiug: Pear 5fr,- Your .work 18 giviu.g perfect satisfaction. Naine on request Re He UION -Whltbys 0O* vRepais Shop- Brock St. South En W. ýEVANS Pump anufacturer stop ma i omet us. wdasSteft WHITBY- 5.. d.oos Wus* dWhby fl-nom& w. m» pespvzud to mutw ood or bac psup cm onsel ties, mIe"- attmd b .1&Ulin"of ru' Agemi feiS. ubil o *lad 141, a ta re11ab1e enegicmx for the sale o our preduets,7 w1eiive ail thc advamit ages that a roliable, -will advee~iséd- estabrishcd fin can, oflerJ if yeuwi'shï te eo en u, WRITE NOW, befose It tte tefr- further Information. undes cultivatioii aud onie of thé i osi' co mple-te-'Nunsery plants in Canada. ,-Establlshed 35 yeas., Free cataloguec ôÈ-stock on application. -- PELUAMNURSERY-CO. Toronto Ontauio à-b.s WHI-TaB . ONT to RunsFaster; WÉars- L vner and Climbs Hils Better than any o0ther M toçcycle made. Get interested h is best of sumnmer sports, and- buy an "INDAN" Write for catalogue. ý, Il M IPP & C.-34Sadina Ave.,Toot 'l1 b J. FINN, Whitby Agent.- ,Your Boy is Entitle-d, tgoa Free Cneaiu a Wby worry- about the future of ydur sons ?, The. Gver ment at Ottawa-is giving away this year 15,000 O free -hom steads-imi Western Canada. The'bulk -of these are local, along the Oa.nndian Nanthen Railway, the limé recognized tb. West ns the - rn-' ted PIONEER' FARMER'S RIL WAY@. This titie was carneti becauÏse the Canadian Nonthera., Railway never - lacked courage te builti its steel into new districts, placing the -,rails and ail that it stands for within easy neaclè pf the pioncer. Frommiow on te the * end of Octoben Homeseekers'. Excursion tickets te Western Canada.are on sale every Tuesday., These tickets aregot ta retummi witlin twe mentis froni date of issue, except tickets solcL-fsem May to July, inclusive, may be extendeti fer t.vd menths on payment eof' five dollars for each menth or part thereof te agent at destination.' Stop- aven will be permit4tet at amiy Canadian Nenthemi station- west* o! Port Arthur. For thé accommodation ef passengers a tourist car for Winnp.g via Chicago anti Duluth, wilI leave Toronto Union Station'at il p.m. on the follewing dates: -june 3rd, JUIy lSt, July 2eth, AUgust- 26t1i, Sep-' tember 23Xd sudOctober 2mst Write -for ail particulars.-4 Some Canadiaýn No rthern Publications. SA Creator o! Business "ý-A story Qf the Canadian- Northeemu RaiwaLy. "Peaée River, Alberta, anti How te Reaci It.1'4 "Key te Prospenity "-A story of tic Wheatfields et Western Canada.- "35,000 Free Homesteads.~'- Amy agent of tic compauy will glaffiX give, yen suny or all oU-tusè above.publîcation's, or write General Passenger Department at ý68 Kin g. Street East, Toronto, Ontauio, -or 226 St. James St., Montreal, Quebe. '-CANADIAN NORTHERN RAIL WÂY.' I.. 'us vavu. 70«at.. a ".--ue,. o atoi " .-'m "LIfmtq vthe tLatchl" 4 greet your tled qor buseas au.dtçwe "w hem be - Iyt eleplon. -Ion may mv. pouslbly aln Md *M irsme tri> « y"u may smethé labor ýÀ"< elpenseof -travellng. Ymu îay aV'oldunee watts, delays id. possble àiapoumnint. Yn May sgave pracicallgail-,Of the Vàluble!*urne t miglat have been wasted but for Itelepjhom Whenàçver.,you want to -mach aÉyoue, yhee 5117 t4mé, wLhîDotuse thequcetad om - ieo clroute? - 1- I The reportael the tliat embodies 'infoni thec caýrul atten.tion total>,numibeno!ofielf tihe police court- du 438,an inerea$dee nuinhe]: for 1911. It is truc that- tue exteideti its arec& creased -its populatid -crease in crime is he 'in population. Then for- the offence o!f 13,665,* besides 1,991 enderly comiduct h ever, make up the -,to1 ej, yrich strong drink] Then. is a classe!of -veny frequently- the gence ini liquor , antdi Iargely iii 'the"crime. -thern may ,b. mentie ýJ ng-assaults, bnea9 law, cruelty toant -gainst deoency, - kep table resortsneglect 4_ 416 114e..-Tiser. e -for:s0 tbe!t sud vagrae Qmfenee gnow largel p)erate habits. I-t la luidy one bal! et the uess ,landeahing- witbi 1i tTg the. past year'ý thlAe liquen traffiç, a ~Cause lor -EU "But tAlat lair maj lecalties adead. let sud tbpough 'prou eiifecemient by the. - gvenimet, owev tisetramping unden latios, and _We .be ýSonaIe preseatàtlon -- - nenous consideiaic legîslites at thie -p -thseHoua. 'of' Ms wzl .grauteti. AW. have reaseoù broôgres matie lu courageti -Our.,temà lu gooi hbeart. 'W. under 'the blessing a S viery is net'far The repent _rcod thse Mînister of an entier threwing premises te officers -pîton, segrdl-and - - Tiequestion of tion, *as referreti- -~ ~- - tise'attention of- the -was reporteti that -'b. 'taken at a con! * ---'mnext September lu' - sentatives a! théT witii a 'view tQ app :miuion Parliament. -~ ~ ~{ -Automobile for - .- i~-r-- Somi's garage. Phox The Girt J i~b. a gaod Ësp ï< man to 1)eab w-thing -except -Bas A beautiful fi] A4useful caser SA haxidsiome _b A set of peari' S spreads. - set 0of-peari -4knives: SA siIverbandl< A pr. creain an 1 eutifullyû 4àe- 1w Plate r SSterlingrsilver-, ' Dei b y. - Sterling silverj - and china %'la v Depos art ware, 'W w..OU SOR Juarýst Lift The Latch- 2 lepho. TeBell Telephon-e Cô i rk~~y of Canda §i vr fluTn ----------- §bd 000 8 1- jp 1 'I'n'd.tan c cle ".Mot Or . 1

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