Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 May 1913, p. 8

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The i Pri ce -The fau Price $16,00 eW Dotroit,,No. 137, for Oul, Perfection 011l s oves 4 Berner Stovo, $14î00 ~~ ::X 50i~ Ovens- 'These Ovens are so ventilated that-an even dry lieat le maintained and- the. iapor le car food la thus bakod, not steamed. oo 2,a ut, $2.7159, et'a n 2.50. No 1,$2,25, whn tke $2100 An -New Process Oit Stoves Anornapient for'your kitchen. Finisbed in duil satin Japau and ricli lustre. Simplicity la the crowiug- fenture of this stave. - 3 Burners, $,11.50- 2,Bt-ners, $.50. Put your lawn and Gardon intrîm, Brckttille,-,Lawn Mowers, $3.50 and upwartds. Common wealth'Mowets,'$5.50 to.$6.50 Wo carry a complete line of Hoes, Rakes, Shovels, -Floral -Sets, spadès, roiWels, etc7., at close prices. Jlamnmocks-ftom, $1.25 iup to-$4 00. Refrigerators. $8000, $10.001,$12.00. poultry Netting,.5c yde and ,upwards. Scteen Vire 'Cioth, JOc,-yd. .d pwrdsý Païint;IJp or Summer! Thore is no greater dçtective in this- worid than the Sun. Don't give tht -sun a chance fa shaniç you. Call in and let uýs show you a few new ones in -the fpainting lhue. J hkjtyîe - Hardware next thýb Post'Office Phones: Independent, No. 64_; Bell, No. 6o. MAXW4&LLs MDEI 1 -e$1 .23 tModel Foo4- -These C4coppers cut theë food into cean-eut, -unifonîn pieces,. without masbing,'_uesiflgtear- ing or gnindin g, and with -great repiditY."- -Eacb machine bas five' Cutting ýKuives, chap- png thxe food. huto fine. or. course . particles as- desirep. Get one to-day. L MïWÉt No.X 15 Se Washing Machines and Wringers Our Washing 'Machines are so constructed that a child may easiiy operate theni. -Prices from $6.00 up We carry a complete line ocf Wringers at mcd- erate prices. See us before buying.- ,EX HIBITION O SWIMMING. AN APPEAL IM'OM CHINA. 1 Quito a large attendauce of pupils, At-SL. Andrews churchl ast Sundayt eachers and frleaf1e, witnessed th morning Rev. Dr. -Abraham remd a firet exhibition bi swimmlng and 1fe- circular letter repolved tram Rev. R. .aving givon by th pupils of thel On- P. McKay, Foreigu Mission Secretary, toLadie' 0o116ge, WhlWy,; the making an appeal for prayer for, nýiew.pool hat has been opened bhis China. The. Government of Chat yr. -- country ha& askcd the Christian Mises Mary Beaton, the well-known church ot -dina to observe Sunday, teacher et swimmlng, had charge of April 27, as a' day of prayer for vair- the clasé and organized the entertaai- jous specified purposes -and abjets in -Ment. The follawing were thie wia- China. The Foreign Mission Board Pers of the. variaus niovety races: -of the Presbyterian church, passed on 'The long plunge (golng the fartbest the request to ahi the churches In Ca- distance in the water froni the, sigle nada, phunge froni the divlng "doard)-5C, In speaking en tfie subject, 'Dr. A-b- Miss Dingle r, 2nd, Miss Gardner, . rahani sai1d that thus request ,aarlîçd Swimming twice acrose the pool- an important -epoch ln -the hstor eot blindfaded-lst, Miss Katherine Kil- China. Since the worhd begab n.cver bora; 2ndj, Misses Chisbolm and had a simihar reqýuest 'been muade by1 Brown. - a heathen nation ta Cthe Christian Swi'aming the length -O! the Pool , church. It was only "1yesterday"1 adding up a certain number o!f igures that Chna's doors werê open tn the end returnig- lut, Miss Gardiner ; Gospel. To-day th-le appeal for pray. Snd, Miss Dingle. - er lu made; To-morrow -no man Novice swlmming open, wlthout knowu what It will brin-g forth. competitton ta Chose who had learu- Dr. Abraham made,- an earnegt ap- -ed ta ewim since Jan'uary 15. (The peal for the prayerg of the cougrega- test was ta dive Iu and swlm Cthie ion for this great nation, and lie length of the pool)-Misses Messei', hintsef edn rayer on behlaitf ot he Wispu, Brown, Putuam, Wakefield, objects named In th. appeal. Oberbotzer.- Afterwards b. preached an eloquent ýTbe cork hunt-Ist, Miss Gardiner;*, sermon on the. subject of peayer. 2nd,_ Miss Dîngle. The -chariot race. This was coin- peted forinprs One s'wmmer liittc tate of fl. ic.tv of Toledo. pull ber =SoBouleutoatIng cempanl- Wrank J CemtÎ mmkes eattb tht lie lit mntor ion. one length o! the pool _by a rib-- pa,'ner cf t'li l-m of Tt. j. <'henev & Co. doiux b 'le, th e Civ of *Tnled-. . ountv oind itate ho* tbrough h moutb, whiist ber afnre.ll. ndi thet 0.nid ils m will pv the tim cf companlon had te do the sainie.for roNo 9 1tarNRh thet e innthe ered b e use : ber on the-.returu- tnip-lut, Misses Ral's 0C't'rr Cure. P R A wi ., FIF V. Dingle and Gardiner. en"e'7hîa &h dey of Decembet. A.ii iM The, midnight race whlch cansisted Sei>ý A. W GLFAlSýN. lunsilmming twlce h lengtb e! the' 1:18l', Ctsrri, Cure î token înternuî'v. and arts pool beaning a l-lghted candie lu thqB directlv nZthplcod and rnuccus surfaces of ible hqnud--làt, Miss Hodge, 2nd, Miss - PJ. OSIINEY & Co., Toledo s soidiy mli drugolgta. yê, ~arduor. - -Taire iTaiju Famly Pilla for ccnsttpation A very -iuterestlug exhibition was 'giron by the clas Iuhow tCe rescue &'peron la the wabr who was flot WHO CAN TELL. stugig ow ta hold and rescue A few days ago, Mr. Jackson, just --a porion wbo wau truggl-lng violent- south of the town, caught on hie ly, )how -te assiet a tlred uwimmer, farse a strange bird, the species of and bow té, resuscitate a person a:- whicli se far lie bas been unable Ca parantIy drowned. maire out. It staudo about fourtee-n- Mima Boaton hersel! gave a very luches hîgli, li of a.-gray sn4 browa- mreditableexhibItion -o! the dffrent Itsh colon, wlngs smial, apparently. kindu of, stroires and.styles o!fsWm- flot of use lu -filylng, web feet, snd Ming smre--o! wbch wu *9 vm lias a beak about. four lecbes long, ;Q,'ol 1>80k" and* forward sommer- whicb lu quite sharp pointed, and gaults, WaMulg on the water, pep4u- wiCb whlch it defendu ltself. XC eau lm .revolving, sinkung ship, etc- i e but veny ittle headway on. h Glbe land, topples fonward, but le perteet- #T. -W. 0. MAi SiW. I vS7iiSu5D a aviigsAccount lau vinpgSeountin Th&Dominioii dosesotsli awy 1k.. money Iln w, itls.arninItîroot ltIi. #me. ýli st home la Ch. water. Oaü any' ci! aur- readers -tell us the naine o! this bird.?-'Uxbrldge T"mes. PUTSI UAIR ON YOUR HEAD AND KEEPS IT THERE. What's th use o! belng bald? What sense lu Cliere la dellrately allowing your hair le turn gray ? Do s-au want ta look oid before yqur - Clete'? ? Give up the tbougt; -4e6ok atter yeur ha-m. PARISIAN Sage wilh kili tb. daudruif germe, and lu the only preparatien, s0 fanr-'as we kuow, that lu guaranteed Ca do so. Mai or. woman, no matter how aid you are, PARISIAN Sage will malce yeu look young. Why net ho to A.H. Alln aid get a large bottle to-day, It oanly caste 50 cents, and your money back If It does net cure dandruif, stop fallng bair or itchung o! Ch. scalp. It wlill make yeur hair luxuriant, brlght and beau- tifui, aid It le th. mort refreshiug, pleasant and invigoratiig hair dress- lng made. OSHAWA. the operatton xicely,, aid la doing as well as can b. expected. Mrs. C. M. Mundy was necenthy op.- lerated on for appendicitis le tlie Osh-' awa Haspital. '. Wark on the. Oshawa.Armory was begun- reccntly. The Mounce biacir- sinithi sbop an Chie si-te has been sold ta 'McDaweIl and Marris, and will b. miovcd off in a !.w days. The haund- ry also wihh be Cern down with-in a short ime aid thie site clared. Mr. W. J. Trick bas the contract aid Che building is Ca be 183 feet long-by 90 feet wide, and istoC bc constructed of ahh Oshawa matenial. Judging f rom th. plans, it wihh be quit. an impos- ing structure when compheted, aid shouid greatly -imprave h. appean- Public School Inspecter Walks, . rh Ls amle ofrA who lu hem Iuspecting h Oshawa The first dose gives speedy r, schaolu Chie woek, ilaua interview - nese, constipation, lack of a] w'ith Che Refermer, rtated hat h. did net thlnk It weuld be advîsable to and lasting improvement fol] Ispend anether dollar on Centre St. vanite and reliable haone rem J uchoal, but later quaiified Ch. state- and stronger, and more chee ment by uaying It weuhd not h. wise for h Seheal Board,- o go to auyk 1 more expease repalrng the building than wae absoiut.ly necessany for Che r ic k present. Pinut, h. proxlmty a! Ch. Dfrsetomawiaeverybox ioint thevmi t< Scoeol ta Cthe Pedhar factory wau - a- Pzr=o y i h aje«Ca a d gMhtetChe site. 'rie umoke tram Ch. ad n factory ioter!erned wlth Ch. yen- __------_________ itation o! Ch. building. Asîde train hat the 'ventilation of!-the buildinz was not god. He th0ýFht the building would do for 'h. present, -~ iutit he Cown - wau tln a postion te bei-Id a - cheol futher south. If th. west wlug was Chnn down, the enet - section ,mleht b> bettpr ventlated, -and answer tb. purpese for some ttai Ce cm- .consldered Che tory that 1-C wau litrely ta collapse-au# ime, was ovendnavu. XC was safé enougli as fan as hat was.-concerued. But It wau not well located lu -vfrw UD AIERM o! h !actory belug sa close ta it, 5' - ' Wý-Jj ,9 and eventuahly IL weuld bave Ca . This hÏ-a cut of aur Studebalic remnOved tran thene. It wçould not qWCar witb a,,Mdtor 43.j1nch bore-bY 5 adrIsable fe bul'ld a ueW uchool on a 40o or 45 ,hasoo rwha 6 Chat site, If the !actory neminetiLghtEioctrk ,Starter, -Silk 1 Moh.a Chbene-,The Inupector ubowed san mcii- _Specdometer, outra ki i.and-Tmp i*c k ' S te e-resnb* ihWhueoiur 25 b.,,p, five passe ~nathen.Ca be reseoVable tieICatàditi Seh'oolBoard, 'but gave Ch. îmteu. gotit àeo tetn.i -Ion- tat Ià, would not bel1one ,befane sana dtcowin-te aprice., Drap, ICentre St,- gêhoal wauld _b. e,»placdA o pet I «' -a new btl$dlug sladou eoaa oien om lt I'et. fonCIer soui. and,-Hart i irs. (Dr.) Ford wae uttdo ws ance o!f the street cerner whicl itIt l ta occupy. Miss Hearderson, Supt. a! Ch. Child- rea' s -Shelter, lias re6igued and lbaves .far the Northwest as soon as a sulc- cesser eu be !ound %a Cake lier pla;ce. Mr. Wm. Northcott, whb haif been- a iesident ofo! sbawa-on-Che-lake for aver forty y.ars, passed away very suddeiily on Monday,« Apnil 14, ln bis 77th year. M AKRIED.- COAKWELL-McBETH- ArCt-Rose- Cowî. Sask., on April 7th, by PteV. Mr. Spencehey, John Harrison Coak- wel-l, Ca Miss Maggfie- McBeth, bath of Alford, Sask. 'il j- I Spriag We' carry, only the Latest WVojen's, Girls', Boys' and W~ear, in the finest Je4thers,1 Colt.. Tan.. VaJour and Gun Jý Footwe&r - Style's in MeNtë Little Tots'Foi Patent Kid, Pal M4etal: Càlf -aise- n ot Js p ins of Vici Kid.-f Water Pr oof .B oS. Men's, Boys' and Youths' Boots in hea4r oied- grains, Kips and EJk Leathets.- Sthýool 'Bootsa specÏalty. A cal solicited. J-- ¶- JOHN '4' PEEL Brock St.. Souili, WbittW..of. -i;~ ?1~ Z, - I CAR.- Car.. Ji it manufa Passeaj îTop - ionitrate( 0 are bul aore about The Housewife nd- the TI The. rain& wiil corne and the winds wi -but you haven't "got Co go ouùt." -'i Tekephone will reach'baker, butcher, w atmeont store in .town., It willalilow a; - - v isi ývith7relatives or 'friends in Ust thnk, aà ;- subrba 'he.peasure f a alay welli comëple. i satisfaction and accompi actuors(19.1 mans f ti. tlepone a r.ady a ger, Eloctrié ni.'ies of the . Bell System mnake ne Widizild ousal-i& dcunrtowit an I tsef e Urt p'to Mt then.- by,9 ont. ror -ai- Haie you st telephone hn your 'The Bell Telep] -i When.Run Down in physical condition it is usually'because thie action of the organe of digestion has become irregular or defective.' Then there is need for a saie and speedymedicine ta relieve the ills which oecasionally depress even the brightest and stronge'st. The one remedyyou may take and feel safe with is BEECHAM'S -PILLS' Pm- 1 -.ï." 1.1-.8 ...lu *ha WJaiySSWSSU S relief in sick-headache, biliaus- ,petite, heartburn, dyspepsia, Iows the timely use of this f a- iedy. You will became heaithier erful if you let Beechaxn's Pilla ,o humuS sud are "ear aiyvatubst o . S . @ een.ancasbir. BuiSfrid. - iU. S. Amedo lea eb=-,a 25 cna i i t v 151. ---------- 1 uuolàu%"

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