Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 May 1913, p. 6

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ôtèiJgin.ig Lont ln Anutquty-Refr t 'la tk ~own WàIO iivp:Ited- or 'ored, sugar..'Sugar hae, i1V ci history, tut noV in. &Il oountries. ed" their palate*s wkh ïonie- sorti of B ug ar "lCr 1nllbrï than . 3,6w, years; &Md it. was known iin'-Jitlia eailier *tRannu uope, i m sa-de from e 3,uic31 ee.d. r, cané.- ar-e with-, beur' Inter- util date out et touen opeReoS by ted o MosV people-are awa-re o! the pewer of egg sheils Vo lesist exter- na-i pressure ou tisee-nds, bùt- net - nany wouli1 cr-eçit- t-he reults -of tepti recenty macle. Eigýis or-dinar-y hes-gswere subniitted Vo pres- sureiapplied exterftalby a-Il ove>' Vie sur-fàaceo! *tue ahel,, sud te break-' ing.premsurWeviried.betweean40 lbs. sud 7.lb.per-quarè inucht. The_ averoge thiekuese lo! the shela 'w",s -18-1000 ini. -- The,aamsina4n of ýGorge jI.,,Xiug iof ;the ~e1ns rle h .Crc*Ëu Prince isuddenly tô ý the Gr.ek,--hùene, and- the - newi% of thel traedy wa'stl1unknown by many when-, Prince .-Nicholas4,,third.-son. of the detid sovere!gn% officially announoecl-t4e f act ofhisla&thers endý to-theauthoritiçs ad nâziiry i, s~aSalonika, and.administered' thé cath cf feeltyto ,the- new ruler, King. , Constentineý. M-aet wasbor atAthns A~gus2,Ï868.- MiS récent> militarly suecesses,. partculrlythe tekisgof -Venina,. have done niuch to strengthen bothi- the . Greek thro'ne and hie Qown hold upon the -people yhose, he.ad ieý new is,. In October, iff9, he married Sophie, Princess -of Prussia,-who is a sister :-of the Germian Emperor, .and -was bicra t 1Potsdam in 1870. They -have five -children-thre fsons and .two da4g4ters. -CEtiTREasO. r, RficA., Pr5es of Cattis, Craini CheS. nd' tl Psoduce-at Heiw n. i.,Abread.- Toroto, -A~I29,---Onta-rio tour8, -WIth O ret.patents, 3.90 te- *3.95. mont- salon Tronto tfit-b. Matitobaà-PrS aàteuts, insejute ha-ae' *$5430; seond pat- .tts. lu, Jute -haa-e.4.-801,strota bakers', in Jute hagm.*4 60. Ka-niVoba Whoat'-N*. 1 Nbrterni Mi ceo nra-eh,1 Ba>' ports; No. 2 a-t 961-4c; No. 3 at 1)31-20. Bay ports. OntaiiôWhsat-Nô. 2 whute- ant- net oIeS.,,96 te tic. outsîde. a-nd spr-outed, 75 to MO. Osts-Ont-arlo.iats. 33 to 'Mc# outa-idop ep a-t ;7c,.on tmack. 'lor-orte. Western .,na-'0- o.42o for 'No. 2» and 40o for No!. 3. Na- pca't. Nd. 3 CQ'-W i TtO 37 1-Sd Lt opetina- of navigation. - peas-50 tg 41 outats. Bsr-iey-Forty.slcht-lh. barle>' o!fa-cd- aalit>' 61 te 63e. outeite. F>eet. 40 Io 50o.' Bukwheat-No. e5-at-St 3.oti Bras-tanitoa-,bhran.-.*$M iluba-a-s.-To- r-ente frela-it. Shorts, $21, Toronto. Country rordue. - Butter-Da-ie pr-lus, clicice, 26 Vo sic; cd., tubs, -26 ta 26e; infenlor. 21 to 22c; creemer>, 32- to 33o for -rele. a-ad 30o fer- moluds.. Ega--Case lots -elat.a- Me ber-s.ana-te 16 te 170 outsldq *dheese-14 1-50 fan,.lanae.' a-dt 143-4o fér twlns. Bens-Handtpicked. $4tAo te250 per busiiel; primne. $2 -%o 2.16, lina- jobbina- Honiey-Flxtnsted, lu tins, 12 3-4 te 13o per, lb; for No. 1, -wholesa-le; oombs, *$150 Seo 83 pe>' dozen for No. i and 85-40 for Poultr->-Cblckena. 18 te 20e per lb.,fowl. 15 tô 16e. Sur-beys, 2D ta Sic. Livo poul. t>'>' &bout 50 lower Shah lie a-bove. Potatoes-Goad Ontario stock, 60o per hai, on' brac-ch.aind Deawar.s a-t 70ecpper bag, -on Snack. '-J"" W~ 5"~ " "' - led 'over him-crut-hiuîg bis kJ-- the Great ile said *io liave. crried l igùre onülebc6-ka of te 0CLP. gar Vo Greece in te yea.r,325 B., R -show - tat ,oO fresh- eggs asSrWalhter Releigh, somne twe w P» thbusaid, yeers laVer carried Vtoba wro uipe-nt oose JA* f rom- 'èo f r'mVirjiuia te Eng1and. ueeo1i ed t.Paw drig, sil a rarilty in Greece.%hofi4t"udîeanFr r go*ge physicien Gelen usoc iria i>kremedy m ite lebulig for certain nmaladies. - - norhem -bêe7ý gÙtte4 -by,, rié -Experiment hais d mntated and tre. autos- dentr-,"d.in the titt uga-y ha-arema-rkahls sustain- oonflagration. Moos J--wRegina, a-nd tre, ing -power when eaten byr those- un- trunk rie yw' l-cmieV e derg-oing greet fatigue,- The. raien- yet. f om binekathowse. tinof the firet prooeiss-l'or refini-iig Rer ta Lpo.nte-ctlof sugar is a~scribed t« te Arabe, I sud eta-neproxmet ost o pua ed setiaf rom tit;in fhean nother man-,Ihadisappeare'd- ixxtrced the sprot'fes îintoSicily.froin Calgary, in te person of iTerue the g o ue' wa.a fi racHenry Helmuth, who vanished'frein Th~e reiniEnglofadabout' 1659. ac-the Alberta Motel end hes net since ti"inEnlad boti 69. been heard of. - The firet {Grand Trunk Pacifie it train f rom Winnipeg- Vo Prince Ru- IXTIERESTING $TORY 0F CAN<A- pert, will leave -the former city on - I4 OMPNY'SDEVIp SeptseSr 1iti 1914, seys te gen-- i - OFENT ' ornal nager ftÏe roiA. The usa-h -For robbing iGeorge 01ae.ini a TheRuullMotor Car C-empany Roy Casey and-i Roert Johnson bas ha-d long erperience in te seli- were -seutencedi Vo two -yeers each 90 iug and manufacture of cars. in thes Prince Ibert ýpenitentia-ry. r, 'Strting as agents. for lother- makes Two thousandor more reVil mer- < of cars, titis compeny proceeded Vo chants will b. in Reina- next - Juild up a Plant in Canad&, mau-u: nonth, when e big convention is Ibo tr fqetusring cane ain titis country- b. held, attended by delegetes f rom -Some of the parts were purchased ail over _Saskatchewa-n. abroad; es-.' esrgned lanfd- Master Bellingha-m, 17 yeers -of un-uatred aV oe aiut age, set fire Vo, his'-own home et o! home manufaturing steadily in- Brandon, mad' ha-s been ta-heu - cresed. u11 ie aoto f charge of by the police, so VIat he à -tho Kuigt-to>' gnae anfunther. may lie ,exainned -as Vo his sanity. stiulu Vo Vte usies encl he The 0. P. R. western carshops etq oompany'ý fonnd ÃŽt neoesm&ry Vo pro" Ã"gen ,are no'w .in fuil swing. The vide in a strong nienner for future - arm-k ,devek>uk*utàof Vhs- iudustry. De-.company 2,000 Dge5utsE velopments jeninind w.'. te fun- Vfed ,00wokn un e hour', eacit meal Vo cent undei' 25 cdents.r ther ÃŽd4 o f'th. uidiuug iles-ve William G. S. eoléy, !ormerly a- lu oppositionVo ithe p~t valve o nn Jlarai eivdV V. r , he dopin0 -n hv CMmte suicide -1y drown-d steerîng,.and centre geer -and con- ighmsel! in the ýW Rier, dur-c îuol; t-s adoption cf electric l'ght- . ~ ~ ii-andi selfetarting. xng e fit of bempary !derengo- - a 191&crso nier ment. ranin 91a-op o igier A movemott ha-s been -set on foot: wu eI~-to- orkte evbopa, arin Moose Jea* to combine interests thet would'be worthy cf. "'Russell"wtbRgn nd the thiree trunk- r ep .utation. -Iu September of that riîaswRte rspetae te as year they were, ready for e prelimi- rlach.wa-n rercttenhaviato - -,n4ry report, sud ta-king advantageacee of- he unusual opportunity, engi -___________ neering c_Moperation and advice, e e onference cf fingineens paased upon WOIIEN FOR FREINCH ARMY.t the preliminary plans. - These were the nworked eut in further detail. Wer -Heo Proposes' That They ~Il Jauuary, 1912, titis canference Volunteer as -Noncombatints. met a- econd time, thers being pro- Mdm ai i-lfy uhr ment représenta-tives cf three cf Vhes aae'h iolfy uhr foreicat- maufaturig fimns explorer, chevalier cf ite legioanof Vit -Uite Stts end Vwo in ouc>', and possesser cf the unique the liied Sate aýdtwoengi- privilège, acoorded by Vte Fr-encb neers f rom' Europe, frein -factoriea governmetc ering mae appar- ope.rating -uýer the Knight license. el,1hisesonceived the ides, cf fonm- After the . -designs had passed tii ' - btain fw nt adi alage, experimentaî ers -were the attio of rwomeaizngthedi ,eita-id submit±ed o eatigFrencht army. - tests, upen the benchin the factory T'. women are noV Vo fighVt, se and uplon the recad-. Followiug this, Madame Dieulafoy's acheme offoirs a E-ma-h number cf demonetratixsg neoopsnling Vo the hum6rist. On te ca-r-s were put hough, Vo discover cuntrary, it in regardec a-s emineut- &ny fürýher points et-difflculty. îy prectical. It in. based on her own Then came the carefui prepara-pecuiosraonfrMdm tien cf exact Voola for manufacture, Dièulafoy fought in * Vhe Fraulc- se that eacb piece would lie a-n ex-Prsinwdigse na-u- a-ct duplicate of a similr* r-peeluisnm bwbr, béusein&u- «any otite>'ca-r. Theise proviié6îs, koswhbsei alnsaien *euoe after the other, have been car- knows wbashe is ta-iking ab oui - ried through. To-day the Rua ell tBriscorps o osensth-t ve. Cýomjiéuy je delivering cars design-te op f oe hudb cd under te most acivantageous fre owck e h cmisr e onditions of engineerinig and man-deprtnth cohigea'- ufâcure- wth vie tothere-ment annd other non-combtant sec-2 ufe-ctured wreheasvngwthe mhe re- - - --quisemente - netonly cf 1913 but Ves elasu I.ie e m 19a4, fs thia ployed by these services sud eend- 3914 as lcr i hs easaing thsm Vo swell te number cf inodl thre whl ls nemi-fighters. -- e on whie wil e noem i'"tlet change for ttv seasonsa at 1 e are ma-ny -womeu, vçidowey - etc., points out MmIre. Dieulafoy, ma-ny Young snd old maide whol eut y» aillug,, rom *3 6ùte *3.60.' Tii. be*t <ihef 85 s m 0laca e-bcle et- *5.00- te $7.00'a-nd cozman-dowu tdý 83.»1. Lia-ht ewes, *#6.00 te -87.25; beavy ewèes *6;M0 -te *86.00; Sprtainalmbs.$7.00 ta- $88.0- a-ut iambe,-from *5-fO -to *9375,for. the, bâtte>' zr-ades. OÙ lie Ho Ma7let-. $9.1Ã" féd -te Nd ateret. - $91S f.o.b. a-ut $9.- 80-te 98 eahd of as TWO FINGERS BLOWN, OFF. T orpedo llxploded a- Ris Rnna Via.s attered. A despatoit fr-cm Guelpit says: A amal boy na-ne-d,, Benniett picketi up a r-ailpoed tIjQ,- ja-l o muidwasexaming--t iaihet another Y.6un iad - caxawe a-long -#lthi-,a atone- ansd struck t'ha orpedo ivitiht- ~The torpedo expitideà, and.,young"Ben- nett'a baudva-s no slutered, - i h. wifl oae two fluges. A hale was- - nerVblowa.. trougit bis-, wrist.- A $6e py E STATÉE. Hon.-John Hageqt Villa Hlm Pro- per-ty to lUàg ieter-. A despa-tob fîtuz Perth, Ont., s In:luthe. La-rk County Sur- r-egate Court prob aŽehe ju-at been greuteci cf the la-st w'ill a-nd testa- ment of Vhs la-te lion. John G. Ha-g- ga-rt, Privy Councl;.>, who died at Ottawa- on Ma-rcb lâi\ The -will is dateid September 4, 1894. The es- tate is swomu a-V $65,4766. The. sole beneficia-ry la Mr. Isa-bella. Maxwell Millar, cf Peýé'th, sister cof deceaed. bfns. Millar ha-s aise been ma-de sols -executrix cf te es- ate. BAD OTTAWA BOY. Confesses to Setttn'g Fire to Build- ing, Ca-uslng Hevy Less.. A despatci fr-cm - Otta-wa ea-ys: Edwar-d Nichol, an Ottawa boy, a-r-- reateci et noon.on Thur-sday-by De- tective O'Meao f the. local police depant-ment. plsaded guilty Vo bey- ing st fine on Vise uigbt cf Apnil 2 Vo Vhe building on Queen Street occupied by thé-.Canadien Feether- & Mattress Company, -Limited, wben several valua-ble h1emcare bur-ued Vo deeth a-nd consider-eble loas te building a-nd contents was occasioteci. BURINS' NARROW ESCAPE. 1 Blght Honorable Gentleman Might Rave Been Killed. A despateit fr-cm Mancheater, 9 Eniglaud, sa-ys: An immense Win-1 dow of te Fr-es Trade Hall ber-e was blown eut during Wednesdey igît by a boxnb uviicis expleded' be- nes-ti the pla-tfor-n. The police en- -etainths heory that Vhs - bomb was istendeci Vo provide a- milita-ut1 Suffragette selûVe for John Burnus, Presidqut cf Vhs Boa-rd of Trade, who spoke lunVise Fr-ee Trede Hall on Wednesday night. TURKEY WANTàS XIONEY. Itetends Vo Ask for a Little Loan of A despaVcb fr-em London aya: Af er Vhs d elimitation cf te fron- tier-s a-nid tise epportionîsut o!fb.>' debta, Turkey wibl ask for- aboa-n o! $150o,oo0,oo0. The GeveruTa-ent .1e coisidering te proposai o!ftres new. meno]poliee., lu eil, pape>'a-ndl matches, wMh it ha-s asked Vire powers Vo enthonize, -PUULIC I34R#VEIENTS. Calga-ry. Ratities By4flaws fore ag -Xdespatch, from' Calga-ry sa-ys. Rate pa yersratfei-bl'w o Weduesda-y pr-eviding funda for vanicus publie. improvements, as follows: Rehabilitation o! we*ter To offset this.. boweyer. otet<meri are not altogetht 'déligbted t ti.. prospect côf the electric- busines of 1thqcltY p&ýZIi aaitc b a mouôpoly,7, aen î1If;, t> inppl~.10 thieloity I tslfýi owilet4t> bêtween thé, Hydro .aid. tii.To-onte -Elo t~'c iabt C.firom thé . ôuw*.*rànd- pOisbmï,beene enisreirj Ioor, far '1 aw eut -hi&e tu int*çau. q enc-r - Whetber thoe. tendouie s-- oud continue under a municipal m9'o-oy would maiure to be deontra ted. Cer _ tainly Iemnooyugi-0be -aile to, reduée'oSte by the pryotçn, !of dupli- cation-,.ry 'Upto 'data the question. o tgrba scarcelY been discusot. Tho priceû >vhicI bsre been meutioned are puroiy tentaýivýe- a-nd will doubtlesa b.e.sWetotln coniderationit f negotiatdone proeed. T ma-y hosait that if-.-tii. city pays $160 a eaefor ,the miotek.o! the Torontq Ra lwy Gopay wckh as .recentlly been 'selIr ingat atles.s 10aaeWr. on the ý i-- i<etr lit. will, n< -b. ge-ttiugj iany barçein, Particularly if ait, that price 15 doe. not secure tlie entîroe siets M1f the Company. - Tosentes --Trabie Treubies. Howeyer, the -trefflo situation baf, yea-r by ye..r, become.-more iintoleraàble. Great 110- subrhare--being gfuzis- ont. on anl sa lio!tiie cil y *caused, by tha -rapi u. - orëuesso o! opiuiatien asinountina- b ý'z.0U0 or 545,000 aoulsa fir;Tbeq-osurubstbe, Toronto Rallwa-y CO. refuses te serve with Cars. Àppare t'y, tbey- figure that the peo pie bave te tee the -cars s.nyway. and. that eeon If, they b ave to ..walk- hit a mile or 'a Mile te roach thein. the rail- way wll-cet Its frare any ay. ,a-ut i me as well aet thd fae.-for a short run-as a long one.. As- a resait. the City' ha. -bqsu ,obliÏed 'td huili short «Pur lites in vani. eus outîyina sections .for local trýaMe. These stub itzes cannot immediatel>' b. made-ý profttable. but the. worsi feattre about them a-11, that persots, who.use bhem. have to pa>' two tares te a-et te the" cell- tre of the City. The Street Railway (Co. Is. alo cieçptifcally a-ndystenieticalUr eta-rving 15. service ou exibtinii Unes. It uses no ouecars than' lt-eoau poeàîbly- a-et along wltb.. Witb.the resit that thore ,as overcro*dixx at Almoât a-ny bouùr cf tse t a-y, a-ut every day -, .tbs.. weeklc,-ln-, clstina- Bundays. 0f course- the RkJlway Ce.- is.,entitled7i ta un its serice as eco- ' nfonically as il eau for the purpeeo! makiua-as mucb mone as It eau wjile iti- franchise lants .That, fraînchise Wll expire iu ela-lt veare, ela-bI years- wbich. tii. Mayor describes as years o!- pergus.. t1ve- tniser7, »whlch he wants 'to -avdid. Miyor Rlo,1len w&e_,thconi«1nat«,,cf tbel schièé* eof 'tubes."This was votetdan, some tbree years ago, but >thè 'ratqepayens, thouabt the time waz -net yÈet ripe for such s-n ambitious enterprise. Even yet the Clicago traMoý. es-pera whe were r-e- cently,î ngaged te ma-ke a report ou the tra-nep9ýtatOD sytom, deçlere tbat. un- dergroii!ld nailways are uuuecexoa-ry I only tr esurface stem catît homate These. facto explain Mayor Hocken'. i-lu epirati4a te buy out the Rail*a>' Com. pan>'. "The Toieura-mleOpposition. The most violent -opponent of the pxo- posa-i te seoure even perissoive legila-- tion e0 that negotations ma-y be,cariet ou ha. developet linthe, Telegrarn news- paper. The announcement cof the sebeme not onl>' took lia -Telegrra-n'. brea-th a-way, but It lhas been gaspina- ever- si=c,.-The. ostensible nea-non for the Telegram'svio- lent opposition le. thet the sciieme does noS contempla-te playing fair with the. Ilydro Electrie. but Mayor Hocken aid the others wbo are tryinq th get, some- wbere oua-bt te b. the. last te displa>' sny euznity tewaedt biat sciieme. The. Toisa-ram, for- ma-ny yearý,s. a l - thbe reputation o! nunuina- thing a-t the. City Hall, and no donbb bas a wide influence with the electors. As an illustration af île, manner of. warfare, Itettacke bbe echemnes as a plot to enrich th. Grey Nuns of Montreale,>who are supposed te hald some sta-res of Toronto Railwa-y. Or. a-gain, 15 showR William Maçkeuzie bold- lua- tii.gaa-gpd and, bound Adamn.-Bock a-aaineS a circula-r sa-w In what it celle "The Great Seemxii Scene." The Hydre "Mutlny." Dividina- interest with Sie Ma-yorts hig- selLeme'of municipal ownorahip has been the mutin>' iu Te local omtes ef lie Hydre Electrie Coiu)»IUaion. The actila- Otuenai Mataaen , Mn. Swea-uy *with' ton of- hua tepentment beats. attresset Council in e nemer-hebile leter,eskita- that the heat e! the Commission, Mn. P. W. nls, eheuit o .re-a-ppointatd. Tiie r-sulS o! tuis communication *es tliat Mn. Swea-ny wa-s immetiateèl> tiachana-e. The ten tepantmeul boadm tien WrOSe afiother lbiter. declanina- that ther 1*41 acfot on tieir own volition attndàos b- ca-use ef a-ny intlmltat4iton Mr. Sweaty's part. The nesuit wa-s tls*t Sie>'a-lue were tisehara-et. Afterwants. bowever. a num- ber of them apoiegiset a-su were re.em- ployet. 'U basn noS beeu ma-de verr- pla-in ou the -s3urfa-e. what lhe tx'bubie bas bee all about. .Mn. Ellis la-,a roiespedcitiz-en of udouibted abîlIt>'. sud Ne worst thet la sait a-bout hlm ina>ho ~ .ir inclued, te be fuse>' ant exactina-, Thus ey bavP ma-e to b uio,forbable for the. employes of th 4ietpartmeé ia-t certin' limes, but lihe conseos of opinion ls tiat Mn. Ellia hua givon tus cii>' a-ooq servie. On th. other haut, those whq, bave ha-t business, relations. with. Mr. Eliea-py speak very hua-h>' of hlm a-ut r-saar-t him -a a very capable man. Tlfey wete- surpriset wbeu Si.>' iea;4 tha. tbeCommpilon, bat twio monîhea a-o delitedtot appoint Mn. Swany. who -la- aanAmer-luan, te Sthe pon. matentGeneýraelMa-nagerbip, but lIa-t ap- r>ointmi a-p eta-ineen fnom Enalandt ta es lie place. Nbtlen-in Sue Case non 'In the eoiAtrqversy aven -the pureh'iseofaIthe. fellway a-ut electrie Ua-hit corpon tions, hue - the- tisceioo aku n'iil~1 ,par-tisa-t for-:m. The ninth unnivaruan>'ofiToz<intes a-r-oatfire, ha sp"sae ati.alli -.a- are ne1t al clea-ret up yet. The viethe a-d 'Union -station tela>'are respobeble. !lborento'Ilvea lu hobe liat hefere nan>'r mors yea-re have passet thée.entenpnl5el will ta-k. form. Wth 5thenew Union- Sta-, blet andthlie w Custema flouse att par. hape a. uirw *3.000.00 hotel. tie Fiont 4etreet nuits wiI le entîrel>' obliteraffl. 1L.-HE1SRouiges-Again. ýAfter ma-ny Yea-re o!attemptet resiga-- tiaus i'tseeme -Wa-t chier itapeetan -.01 Schgole à. Japie L. Hughes.,isa-at la-at tb retire fnom municipal oryjea He la ot* o! Torentoe'stas pjturesque fia-urn au hi- teiartune frein the 6011001 sYaternwW leave aaap. i- së'uceesson, MnR 'É Cowley, isl very;littie - known bere. Sieugi ho e aia- a wl&exexientasIn sten-è ticinal - maSters - tirenbout lie Province , Mr. Hugbies a hr- b. lahe1beat -man 1lu the country ' or - the ;Peition. Ire kuiowa, 1,eea-ûe he -intinet hlm birneelt, a-ht what 3!'. l-as aays in -Toronto, geenximy. 251,000 -t 5.90 Co mpaeny -Lïmstéd --(irît môonIgeOM>13S. 26;M0 Gor-don, Ironsi q-<&Yeýres Compeuy,. Limi- - - - e4 Whoesel Paekes, ancherW and ~ -Wnipeg (FirLVr Mozrtgage -v.'.........-....... 2 0 0 . . K . A s h'w ») . . . . . . . . ..y L u - 6 AU WWMMOOPA ACCIDENT IN1 COPPER MINE. I Cage #eQ, anad Five Mea Were Iiled. a-d Niue Iujurced. A.despatcit f rom BisVVe-,Monta-na, maya: Five minera were killeci a-nd ,line, injure-4. -nua- acident a-V tthe çld.sIaft cf te Leonard Mine 'of Vite na-coda. p Cepr.,Company on Wedrsday. William, Peter-s lest CoutroGl of Vhe" ho4sînS, engins -as lhe wes loweriù'g-two cages .of met inte Vtemine. Bot.bca-gea droppeci, onefaeiug-200-feet, a-sd Vte other 800, .The- engins went Vo .. pieces, wrecking i .egi pbuse -and threv.4ng pieces oe! mon endi steel- bundrecis of feet., Serious.,Aeoldeént'on.ths INew % ,00 A despatch from.: Ha-mburg, Ger- -ma-ny, says: IV- is -r-eparted that there wa-s e; serieusex-plosion, ilu the 1oýler-rocrn cf i tne-w fifty-Vhoiu- sa-ni-Von aVea-pxýr, Imperato r of the. H aM burg. - Arnerican. Stiça-meip C%mpuy on her voyage frein this plaSce Vo çuxh ý aven. Eight firemen a-r- sa _ to e hasbeen severely scaldeci. Three cf thesiié- t -lafear- ei,- er-e'-fatally injured. Thée dam- 'hete Vtheship je atated Vo b. -9 gtt No dietails are a-va-lIa-he. SWEDKS'AT BAY. KillIed a Boteetive, and Wounded a- Constiable. -A'dsspLéi .f rom. EdnoqtonAl- berta, Beys: _A imuras>' Tcurred. on Wednesday afteruoon a-t Gra-ssy La-ko, about fifteen miles north of- Tofield. Detective Baiiey'-o! the local force of Vhs Royal Northwest Meunted Police is ded as ea resuit, a-nd Consta-bls Whitley, aIse of, Ed- Menton, las Bevei-ely injureci, whiie, twe .Swedes na-med Fenberg, beld possession of e shack filled witb fireerma, which le surreunded by police. HUNGER STRII<E BILL. Vies Passed hy. a- 3tjority of!2941I Vo 66. A deapatch. f rom London -says-ý -The Hunger Strike" Bill, design- ec by te Gover-nmentVodo a-way uviitth fer-cible- feeding .op- Suffra- gettes serving týr-ma iW prison',-' a-nid which bas beenca-lIed- tha -"et and. mouses"- bibi by tise militaxt SuOr-get9, passed its Viiir-d r-Ad,- ing, iu Vhe, House. of G6f-ommpnÇI- 0on Weduesday evet;ng by a- Vote cf. 294 tce6. DICKENS' CRARACTER DEAD. «Little Dor-it"" Parimed Away in, Uer Onîe Hundredth Vear. - A despateit rmiLondon sayvs: htrs. Ma-ny' AttCooper of SoUti- gate, Vhs origi>nal'o! Char-les Dicit-, eus' "Little Porrit," died on 'Wed- nesday in her oes undr-edth yea>'.' Site a-nid Dickens were boy a-nd gir- i togotiter when thsy lived on Vthe sa-me atreet in Sunîmerstewt.- TUE ROYAI, MlNT I Tke Amaint t Ciae undOut - Totala -l$7 44 4-6 Sice- tue dena-dian- b'rnch eofte Roy&Y Mineei opeued in 1908 it las aseu.e4oein6ge Vo te value f-$, :784,A70. O! Vhg $1 8ffq0730 ws gold; $5,710,94-4 ail-er- u $2 801.-ronz .Mr VWite a44ed that of te ýtotal sinunt of, ceinqage 171Ï.4fl3 ensiatpd ofaf lvr ni IBE NEW IN AkrP9A1 MUÙT-BuFLL. Canada, the Empire auni La Gelleral lBefors Cana da. voi Steain freigit trueks aire- for-bic!- den 'Qn the utreets cf M0 treel A deficit e! $2,300'hs uenud - ln te Vax departînent of1;Cehra-ne.' Alexande-r'Sangater, awlL-- kwnGoDvernient contract6, -cf, St. Cathe'rmes, died ait.> e&year's Great Britein. - Liver-pool, Eng., is building new dock, 1,020 feet long. Mr. Redmond Bar-ny item rçigned tise office e! Lord' Cha-neellor for Ireleuci, - owiug Vo ill h.latit, and Mr., Ignatius O'Brie.n, Aitorney, General, lias been offered the,,posi- tien. - - United Sta-tes. Newport, -R.I., carpe.uv.ra receive $4.40 a- day.- Secramento las -slhool fe.r esching ife-svig - Bo>sten'S 1913 ct oqrnei s Tbcne are 722,335 casrieax Vhs U-nited States-. -- Thirty-:flve ar-e knowniVo hava- los- theiýr lives in te Peni>wyivaie in disaa.ter. - - - -- - Lockpcirt,- N.-Y. n-igidly enfore- ing sunday coiglw.The 3M4y-_ e>' Ï& a former cljrgmer , - Philadelptie hmW-discoveréd a-f.- ., ma-le Fa-gin whoto daches yçung girlsr the. artof -sht l4ti ng; J. K. Stuber -ý-cf Reading, FPa-., - las retir-eda-fte. 46>yeaýrsa-s àbag.-- gage mse,- f3w1 hçehh-Q dled ove>'r,00,0 icsof,-bag- - gage withèitîIo 100, -- AusVria la detwrminedc te orc-e Moutenegn. teeva.cua-tetetoi -e rct-i. - ýTistéeniw Itmlien dreadnou-ght - t)uilio ivés l7unched u hr4Y. in th- resenhe oci,-th. King -am~ Que-~a, wit hrist ned V te vessel. A-' r eturu juestîis8iecibythe Min-- ietry of Commerce--in Bre eStatVes thet during Vthe last fitty-two- years $48Ã"0~ôootio hs en-lest i n gambliug by Italia-us. - - - Uraguay' aiuýpcrte- rom '.the- United CStates ýýfer tÉb.'fiýilU - menthe cf -1912 rea--cbed.the oèw- - sain- cf $6,776.00Ã". whileVte Previ eus year tbey r-eshed -but 8$5, 95w'- 313, alisea- record7 year-. IN PkRINCE EDWARI) ISILAIND. Xlutouîuobiles Vil Be, Alltowed Tbaree Dayisa e seit. A-'déspà téeh ftrùn Ch;î'rottetown sys - Tbe Proyincia Iýe'gislature ti! Prince EwachIlad nThirs-,ý day par~da i oel- uo~ biles,. V enter te piývovce trýee- da-ys a week- Tise mea-auùre wil uow be 6ubniitted Vo Vité people in the- form cf reeedm - A LU CRYIIUTCH fER.- o21 f bronze, eoie ufnm oldî l&lnMsVo_ Msn a- ls Iý-1r te e token. I -Fortue o! $4pOýO - 44-ilA despetcit-f rem, Kingston say s TheGraspug laudIrti iJantes Roblis, 1%. Kiu'gtou, but-cher "Dos-he own mucç i uoperty 'iflot, *Vhs 1peut tlr tve years, li- III ehoubl- gay lie doeýs. - hv îV reýeivedýa,1ëter fr6einArmagh, Il,&- cont itxn ~~O Vodo il-Vit r.I1ad, Velling hlm - that ise.is hiiV dpoor-atiug 1bis Venants bave aske t eetat-e o! bis deoèaed 11w lue-<kIEO$,40,0,!). express pu. --arrival of f td f w a r . -w destroyers et -land would ~- tunnel i4oul< T.h e enten tain and Fr for the pre man can 'o!Vte next, «oalitions î :bably'refuse a-go France wîll oppose as their' fath ison it ki hopýes ini tr vividly the h sage.. But - -tunnel woid _4janger the the benchieg embankment 1mg quarteri nughtly. Tht ing Places Tliey do so London -nee ýdo«rs. Titrougli t * 'the varjou1s -~iyhave'b -oall nee ment for _r powliceman by office. id,, telepho ýeVery shelt -brought- ifi of these -P -~-In the. is not. nié in. He is- Rie-,ia aizo morning. merl inû ticto is iwhd i abdou h1 who is jis saved restored to 'ver.> Âlways Ré In a-goldt Emperor'is le- fouud ethics:? forwlati bais; lie sa 5it cornes; ,.things; ie- of happinei nes; allwa ~Dr.-'.OSL ,I$sh langui çrn negro 's ont da- anegrese -exoaminiun --tènt of t h -1I abyan eb "Wasi obiject?" "'Toil'b C"Was Then, h À"nogress V c(To telI Ct sampj ynonùynf Provisions. Bacon-Long dean, 15-1-4 se- 151-2o psr lb., in case lots. Par--Short eut, $26 te $27; te, tss, *21.50 - to,$22. Hama-Metlum ta lispht, 1$ 1-2 ta 19ê, boa-y' 16 1-2 to 17c - relis. 16. breakfast bacon. 191-2 te 20e; hacha, - 23 le 24c. Lar--Tierces, 14 1-4c; tubs. 14 i-Se; pa-lîs. 143-40. *iied- NXa ntr trai. Balsd Hui-~Ne. 1 at *12 te $12.50, om. Snack, Ternat; No. Z. $10.50 tô 8h. Mixed t ha-y la quotet at *9.60 te $10. pRalet ttr-e-w---*5.5ê e * 9, on Snack, To- rente. Montréal Mar-kets.,- ,Metreal. Avril 29.-Cor-n. Amer-at No. 2yellow, '65 12 te 661-2c. Oata, Caàna-dia-n Western, No. 2 43e; Canadien -Western, No. 3, 401-2c; extra No. 1 feet, 411-50, Bar-- le>'. Man. feét, 61 te 62é, maltina-, 70 te 74c. Buekheat No. 2. 66 te 68c. Fleur, Ma-n. Spr-int--wLîéat îiattefits, finsts. *5.40; do,- seconda, $4.50-; te., strona- ba-her-', 44. 70; Wlnber. palenta, boice. *5.25; straight reliera. 4.85 te *4.90; sSnaaght reliera. ha-a, $2WS te $2.36. Rolled oata...brrls $4.35; ha-as. 90 Ibo., $2.05. Bran. *19 te *20. Shor-ts, $21 te *$= M4tlinu-,024 te 825.Mouili *28 Ote $34. Ha>', No. 2, per t 1i cr lots $13 te *$13.50. (Jbeêse. fiuset weterns, 12142 te12e; fineat eemtsrus, 12 Se 12 1-40. Buttr, choiestor-sa-mer-y, - 2t t 3Me; seconds. 28 te 281-2e. Siaga. 1mai. ,21 te Me0. POtatoeu, per- ha-, ca-r lots, 50- tao 66c. WinnIpeg ýWheat. Matreal, 'Apnil 29.-Cash-Wheat, No. 1 Northern., 92 14c., No. 2 Nortierna. Ë934e No. 3 NtorbeÈ, 07c; No-. 4. 83 3-4ce; No. 5, 786; No. 6, lin; feet, 63e-; No. 1 reJectetý seds.-87 1-Se ;' No. 2 do., &4I1-2pi; No. 3 lio.. 81 1-2e; No. i toua-h. 8M; XN. 2 ta., 85c; No. 4. 77 1-2c: No. 6. 67c; fsed; toua-h. 57c, Noe. 1 net Wiuter-. 94 34c; No. Znet ^Win- tsn, 92c; No. 3 ret. Winoier, 89 1-4; No. 4- ret Wlnten. 86e. Otti, No. 2 <C. W., 35c; No. 3 C. W. 331.4c; extra- No. 1 feet, 3414c; No. 1 fest. 33 1-4e, No. 2- Iet, 31c.. Ber-loy. No. 3. 49 3-4e; No. 4, 49à; rejectet. 45c; feLd.- 44a. Flax-No. 1 N. W. C.,- $1.16 3-4; No,. 2 C. W., $L14 1-4; No. 3 C. W., $1.06. finited Statels MarkSets. Minuea-iolis. Apnil 29.-Wbeat--My ,1 88 7-8e. J uly, 911.4 to 91 3-8c;e; Sptomben, 913-4- to 91 7-k. Ca-h-o. 1 bard. 91 7-Se; Ntà. 1- Noirthex'n, 9854 te 513-Se;- No. 2 Nor-lern, 883-Q1to 89 3-8-. Corn-No. -3 >'el- low, 551 ta 56c. Oits-No. 3 white. 32 te 391-2e; Xye-Nloý. 21 56 tei 58c. Fleur ùn- chana-et. Bran, $16 te, $17.-- - '. Duluth, Apnil 29.-WbeÊt-No0. -i . ha-r-t. 912-4 teà 92'34c; No. 1- Nor-tuheru- 90-3-4 ta 91 1-ée; Nei. S Ncrthern 88 ta 89 1-4c; No. 1 N'a tierntolearrive, 911.4e; 'Ma-y,.901.4e eshet; Jul', * §6&5~; Spéie-91-4e bitL. Lins6et, *1.32 1A Se *1.321-2; Mae--1.32 1-4 bit; July, 81L343-4 bit; September-, *136 1-2 bit; Octeben. *1.35 3-4 ,a-aet. LIVu StOok ;Markets. Montreai, April 29-Prime heeves, 63.4 Vo 7 14;. la-r-ae fat cows. 6 te 6 1-2; medium, 5 te,6 1-Z; cOMomet3 3.4 te 43.4j cowjî, *65 te $75 eacb, ethens, $35 te $60-oaci; ça-ires, 21-2 te 6i-2; isheeP. . 5te 6 1-2;. apning a- no $ to $.6.50 ça eig~bas 10 3-4 ',il,, lTcrdnto, Apnî £.-8hc c utchen ceet- 51., $6,40 te $6.75; mtetlhims.,from 15.76 ;te, $6,25, andi cemmot -butchar cattie fr-oui $400 te * 5.00 r -wt. hoice buteber cows, $6,25 t ,at &mrhsoulr-iok *3.60;, butehler buls frcm' *3.50- orpon i ro#ber- stock -p't~~71tébs ,ý - W'. 1

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