Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 May 1913, p. 5

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That ai aje cati Mie wilI be <'li for ha*-r'1, -out of -repai Vît- when r, the best ' v~e ou S& lass 'Il. WEBUV 'yTOld Guld and Silver and'- pay the highest_ market , pîioe for it, oôr we tani make li over .for youinto a new article which wild please you. a Iwill- not cost you a cent to find out' ~hat we 3 ar do tÃ"0ôr you m'1thi -SASSETT8 SPECTACLEW ARM ,' W. C. T. L.. A DRUNKARD'S HOME. PlIowK, 30 I.> Be!tast, Maine,. Marcis 21.- Thrie cag'ge iaeeeiouy uyi 11111e boys, the. eidest tWeIV6 Yeats, AE L M TIG tal1d tlfe police to-day thet tbey bat! BSBLLMEIG witnemud tisé. murder of their mobisor Alvisa are Iterut@d lu tbe gond! byi1se father at tise home last nigist. gaine e! basoball are rensiest0dt! t at- y'etise sons of- Emery Daulait itend,a meting hlalte Council Cbami- au. àmpayoe.a acoal visai!, wvis ubro uest!ay nerf miiubi. "Tise ýbody ol the vIte, visho4-- bs bec eleu 4death, vas 1ount! BOY WANTED. la s.bedr*4n.Smarît boyto telouve uriutiig. APPIY in & b.gre . 41 yEer u o-at Ga7ette-Cbronicle office. raboratot! b Whie brothere la ilu mul- . -4-- NET) stance-asUtallowu TN IP LAE î"Papa<-sud Mamans ere uisoppiSng On Monday 'the 'sateî lower or yetérdsai rnaaU. Tbey camne boune stand put vas emintied t w ater ta âbbut uUppert4Aes. Ps lisda sbattle oft ailow ofthtie cleanIng out o! tise ac- liquari ,Tiseý quarreied. about tie -c-umiaticsu et mud o! thbc psnbfe'w Masiey: agin. TfmQ Ps took up ,a ears. 14 tolcabout twentv-tour uockihl<&Mclair struck mia aCreesS3 Ouat 'r mn eut tise vator. Tweive the lege irllbIt1. isen ho pouded ber Incises et mut! vas tount! luntie bot- ovér thse ba-t! vitia 1pece O o! vo t!.ta ,but no deat! bede.'as bat! been W. vere- scaied. redlcted bv certain peinons. "iTisOJL ma lsy aïti1i. Ps dranis a lit11. bottie o! poie"n. Il mades hlm ONTARIO_- COUNTY OLD' GIRLS alcis sud isa sald '1ý Ibis «oount M !MEET. me maT jump, overboocd.' He veut Out Tise annual meetific oatie Ontario 'a! tise boue andut-! thdk p 1 County Oit! Girls' Association vas be wa n 11e river' bridge e,,wiu W beinlutise CouncliCisasber on Wed- couid'l eeehlm any'ý more." nesday of- iset week, isen tise toi- nie police think Dontortis drevIiet! îowing afficers wvoie eectéW in lbilmeel!, and are àuearchlngforarlm.y Présidents-Mrs. ..13B. Powell, Cuný*dlanu )ress Depà%4ti; - Mrs. H. W. Anues. President- Mie - ' TDr. Adams: V1ceS.PTP5 -Mi,. flen iM. FrNov ;Perfection ail slaves go ~to G x,.M.aRes. A gOot! gadon wbcelbatrov for $8_ '~at Geoa-M. .RIes. De Be sre ta attend Ail Saints bazasi ilubise. CaunciliCisamber ou Tuesday, -~May 811. - -A progressive oucisie party viii be iseidby tise Whltby Gun Club là tisoîr e"roans on Friday nigist o! 1111 evei. -Automobile for hure at Son's garage.-Phono 10. Luise& The contracetai t oi the nov public Rice- 2nd Vice-Pres-MIsu EnIllv Macdoneii ; Treag., Mis. Fred listeS Aset. Tieas-Miss Bella Anderôn: Secretaiy.- Miss Maut! -Aunes ; AusI. secretary-Mrs. Jue,. E. Watersauee. TnE TABERrNACLE. Sunday, May Oh1.* Quaîterly service viii ho held ln tise Tabernacle ,Sunday.Mîornlng- Tise Lav Foaset sud Feiiovshlp meeting viii begin at 10.15 o'clack, snd tise regniar soi-vice at il o'clock. At tihe close otftise-regular-sermice tise boiy %acrament of tise Lord'.- Supper viii ho administeret!, aI visicis- ail main- hors shoisî t!atend. At 3 p.m. tise Tudependeut Order of Oddteliotvs vIii attend divine service at bise Tabernacle. Evening -service at 7 o'ciock. SulS- Jet-" 1As -Il veto sud bas Itlsl,"or "Tise Mystical Locuts." Goot! musie by tise choir â4 al tisîce services. libiary egan voik on the rounda-- -sien on Mauday. BAY 0F QUINTE CONFERZE .C - ~Whtby le l e ho bnor ie t bts -Tie -annuai bazsai ef Ail Salt." meeting la June o! tise Bay 'O! Q-Ilnte chutch is vii hoheM lun111e Council Couference. Tise meetings yl It Chamber on Tueuday, May GIs, bodinlutise Methadisl Tabernacle. 1 # 1 Tise congregalion lu rnalo an appoal Weis' ave ail tise nev- stjies ln uieea ta people a! ail t!ecmoinshitono - 1< dooro and. windov secmens leoos00e- open tbi ol<mes la the enlurbai- tram at loveut cash prices. Gea. M. ment oL delegates. As Ibis viii 1k. Rio.. l y ho from 200 t6 250 per@os u il t - tendance, tise baspibalty.of lise towi %u d Mue '-E eeat Devereil asoV- will bi--taet!. isersboou1diiowov& edt! a letinov homo on Byron - St. b usau«ls -gomerous peoplel S lion. t l là zy-yeýLse ece Wiitby iras thi lOnored4and fa dout tiere' aroçota !p~clizes' hv iiiwani. ta attend. mny 'of ýtbu m ietlagR. 'SLEREGISTEe. Fday; May- 2nd, 1913- Auction, sale ot llouWehod turniture, tise prop- eî t o! N. H.T. 'Langford, lot. 2. con. 8, Whtby -Sale at 1.80) *o'Ccok Terme 0ci1shWm ,,Maw: auctioneer. Mondayý,i* May 5tis, 1918.-- Ana- tlôa sale o!houselsold turaiture, tbe property ot Mr. John '4ndrews,-'t'o be soIt! at Mr. Tisas. McCanu'e- carpen- ter ahp, corner Brock ami 'Dunlap ets., Whitby. Sale at 1 o'cio*,k Wm. Maw, auctioneer. Lame back is usually -caused, by reraticm of the muscles oi the back, for whIsch youwll fiËnt nothlng btter than Chamberins Liniment. For sale- by il dflers.-47. iiow is tise time tao get rid ot your riseuxnatism. YSoucen do It by apply- ing Ohamberiain's Liniment an& mas- sagint ail' parts freely at eacb -appli- cation. For sale bv &IlIt!eaiers.-47. .Personal Mention. Mrs. Mackey, ofT loronzto, bas been visiting:trleuds lu -town. Mrs..J. R. Downey bas returned troin a ieugthy visit wit!s relatives la the States. _Mr. Reet!, o! Ne*tonvIlie, !ormeriy'] ot tise Stanidard Bank bere, spenti Suuday ln town wils frlent!s. Mrs. Luçton bas ïreturnedt! taber -home tor tise spmmer. atter ependw*u' tise 'wuter very pleaeantly' viths be$ nePhew, Alian A. Cameron, lunFe,ù-ý elon Falls. And! altisouhis aie speaku higily a! tiese cenerv of tisat plece, Iu pleauet. toet bock la thse o fîlende lu Whlthy. sla >u able io -be arouud again at* hbo1 r,-ery uerious tIusse. Lte- Iatbi.- son èpees e . a tb~store misat- JuBt ai '.oul! ur e* ~Itôof lia*Ï siiovrs, and bebo @!«Il thé pres sM' rl8bt. OnU sud 40 ts over. G mM<e. - flb't forget4'AIî1 Sauts' baztftr 4t le boldit! he muidcbail on Tuesday, atteIiIOoISahi! ovtilg, May etu. Sup- Per seived trafim 5-80 to 8 p.m. for 25e;ý sme'of'taucy Sud u*ful articles. bomemaàde table, candy, -finis poËl, pgrm Adm'llnu tree TIM TO rAINT. We bave tliesot, paint and! vaièhsi osà tise market by setual test,.sat! oui Prkms are righst. GIvea a oeil.. Ne- troubIÃŽ tO show Icoadu. 0eo. M. Rice BO7WIANTED. Saisît boy to lbain printlrug. Apply «.i 'Gazette-Cisronicle office. NEW CARS. Mr. W. M. Pringie la sportlng a new FPord auto. L. 'W. Dudley le gettlng qiite an expert with bisPîd E.-W. Evanse bas hie car uow ln ebape for the pip business.- Mr. Gea. itice lmaspicbaaed fron Wm. Newport tise double bouse <rame) on Byron streét, corner of- Mlm. Mr. Chsas. TTodge bas reinoved! ram Gilbert etreet t0oneaise tie Newport bouses. coin o! Elui aud Byronuts. ?4r" Aler. Whltuiaw aud !amrliy are talng posseson e!tbe cottage va- catet! b! Mr. Tladie. \THE NEW CARETAKER. Mr. Johnu Art! las bemu appoluted carétaker of tise Pet Office, In place of MWr. Alex. WhUleaw, reignet!. Tihe CRAWFORT-At bis latere dnce, lot 120, con. 1, - West.WbOr$ e n Tburst!ay, April 241h, 1918Ç Mat,- thev Craw!orth, aget! 88 yeixre and 20 t!ays. MARSRT-Gu April 28, 1913, at tise Western Hosplitai. Miss e Jnie Mares; late ef Whlthy, Ont. Service on Monday at 7.30 p.m. at tise residence o! ber sister-In ,-law, Mis 1D. MareS. 233 Mutual Street. Inter- ment ln THamilton, Ont., on Tuesday morning. EASTLEY-In Oshawa, on Thursdayi Anrîl 24, DIS8, Charle Eàstey, of Witby, aged 68 vears.1 A GO OD WORD FOR CHIARLME CALDIER. fasm 28 i r<Ij.d IiI* wfth tes' trie avail top Inves wltis Timi Torc gro gi ng 1-ofl n saa - nlanu!acturti pats--seven. -Ml-, h., -Park*ay HIoe'hte le is e- fly in tise tItv. limite. -Seven s minis- walk t rom lb. Postoffice- Elec- ilbt, severe, gas, . ater, are al Uablie. .Car linosbelnz oxl,éuded )rpéuty,.. - TiTis eone o!i' -thse ieqt Mts aeluà Canada7l to-day. Auply iretereuces. Laursiîl Reaity, tedl.' 82' .Adelafde Strept.--East, N;otice le berehy given tishan uap- plication ,willi homade an 'befl! ot thse CaÃŽnpbelltoît!, Lake. Ontario sat! Western 'Railway Comnpauv sud thse Canadtan Paclfc Ry. Company to' bise Board ot'1 Raiiway CommIsseloners for Canada, upon the expiration otfeue ruontis toiethtie date of- the fIret In- sertlin o!tbiis notice or sa, soon tisere- after us tiseapplication cann 'h eard; for a recammeudaflof ta tise Gover- îior lu Cauncli for tse, sanction o! a Lease, 't!atedIs'e I1Ottday'_oo! April, 1913, tram Use former Company ta tise-latter, comimayt, overtng thse ine ot railwsv aO.ffi)e qpn This nûOti eiu girsu iSnt.tn tise PTwaRy # ofe-of, -t mw Dýw t IMon treal, tiis 2n dY EW.BEA'"Y, pe< ror tha lau in1 kmn wol sp< an( (Port Perry Observer.) Altisou-gisCisarles Calder baz ac-I templiseet more for the RIt!ing o! Souths Ontario, vhichh e has vitS se mucis abilty and! gond tact repre- sented toi many yeare, more- toi Ils materlal benefit and aggrand-zemeist tissu aIl the ex.-M.P.'esud M. P. P.1% combIuedt! ta ever representet! thle censtlluency. and! posily more than alilcambinet! than wili ever vo- present it for tbe next hundret! years wil ever accomplisis or eipet te ae- compl sis No aller tisaisCisarli Cal- der couit! have exertedth ie requîelte Influence ta induce tise Ontario Gev- erument te locale tise site luIbtis County toi -tise establisismeutntoftise Aeylum toir111e Insane In oui goond oIt! County tovu Whistby, sud lie vas tegult!lng star' thronglfout- tbe visole negotiatione. Pcv. bail any côncep- tien ofthtie Iminenlty-et tise under- taking aud thsefabulous sim lb ili require te. complets even thie bnlldfwg sioe-ne lese tissu féûr milnn dol- lare viii ho expende!- ou tiseir erea- tien, -aud that lu naddition te-tise uecessaiy onllay requiret! toi lant!, transport tacilities, ct-c., wyul donht-. lens incease thse expendibure liy an- ather million at lbastl, un tiat - fhua-1 claliy as.,veli se beueflcisally lu mauy otiser respects Ibis counly lias reep- Mt bv tisat gentlemnaupi saiaetty and! Infloence îsetùpenipue iseritage, and bis -uaumo iii go <devis -te future gsi- erations Isoneret!b ail ýviiose gent! epin1ofl 1e. net any cousequfence. Mr. ffw L aundry. Ne wish t-3 acquaint the )ple of Wh&;itby and sur- unding cou-otry with the fact Lt we have opened u.p a indry on 13rock St., Whitby, Hewis Bras.' old stand. We are prepared ta do ail ids of Iaundry work. Ladies' )rk and' famnily orders given Ali wrk neat and (Jean, id prompt service given. Parce'-s called for and de- r(redi. GEO. S. YONG CHARMIE WÂR Propriei or. 19w, isn't that jusi like a boy would say whenthings are comning bis way at a gatne of ball? ;-o we feel as the game cornes P'ur way. BROOMS - Without doub-ijou'Il be sur- prised and pleaset! when you sece them. We bought them close, intending to s Il/close- just a tiny iprofit for Z4 Now, one push farther, whie they' I1ast 'out they go at 20 and,250 SOAP You'11 need this too, in your house cleàning. The geM d l Comifort kind. Listent1 6 for 25c MR. FARMER- Take note. We want your eggs. Wili pay spot cash for anys;quantity,. 18*c doz. Wm.M eekor GROCER -WHITJBY -Bp...... DeN-J'MISS TRIS Chance -Of eting your Spj .ilig or su .mnmetr at ftoin urocw ~u THIE MISSES Pl meet roome, bot 1air fnne oebi ar lot, witb fmut. . ? r&li buse, stable sudsiacs lad' -tie ossn lb oeqste acre lotter 8 acres land. 4 lots on Victoria anid Byron .8t.. Several tarins for sale. Trhome waatiuz to buv or gmli tovnis or tfarin property aiPly -.4<0 - 'F'RNIK E. JONES. Whitbv, ont. o ae. 100 aces o! beut liy land! lu lova- slip or'Pickering, about !twe miles ' Wmeut -Ofe!vlle,. ROM brick bouse, baukr bain vith -stne stables mesudot- lbullâlues: volfeneet! &M dualmet!. This- fr fa In utise very bout of con-j 75 sepsofrolaladn th townebp at Plckerlag, elifuatet! on thse- Base Lino. -about half way ho- bwoe Wbitbv and! Pickering; bus roat Il.store! trame bouse, banis bein vitis tnie stables -and ont'- Two TaMe 'boumesongiDundas St., élone te lavu-station: -Aacre of <rouit. ,god orelard sut! vater Rond. Voe rlitber particulars sivppiy la W. 'R. WpxtIsbe, 'bnx 421. 'Wbtby. or 252 Sisefl>ouruiestreet, Toronto. Miscellaneous Adverts. Tiotei laundry donc daily. Windsor Hotei. Apply 1 flOUSE- TO RENT. ou west 1'aide- Centre Street, Wblt- bw. Appiy to Tisas. Nugeut. FOR' SALE. Tliorougisbred Wyandotte eggs. $1 per setting. F. L. Sexumitis. WhlthY'. AUTOMI3OILES. Calilaund sec the new Farde at oui garage. We recelvet! a caîboat! la9t veek, and only one car lett. Demosi-' stration given at any ilme ta tisose interestet!. W. J. Luise& Son. COTTAGE TO RENT. on Contre strcet, very convenieut to sciseols and! churches. Town vater. Apply at Gazette office. FOR SALE. Ai uprigist bolier snd englue, 10 boreepover. Very ciseai,. A-pply 40 Major Rarper & Son, Witby. WANTED AT ONCE. Tinemitse, machiniste, fittere, elea- triciaus, matai men, aud testers. ilc- Laugsilu Mater Car Company, LIt!., Osias, Ont. BOARDERS WANTED. Cointartable boeuse, couvenient ta éistrCli, echoel, station, etc., Apply rat this office or P-0. box 126. FOR SALE. Choice building lot near -Juncblon station. Apply te Dr. Joisn Waigh, Wistby.-44. FOR SALE. Tiseisouse ant! propeity o! tise Iste D. Ormien. Apply ta Mies E. Or- miston, Witby.. HOUSE FOIR SALE. On Brooks atreet, trame bouse. seven iroons. o oniot! stne oundalIen ' tâ< water, eue-oquarter kmrelât wllis ail iindsofo amdli fruit. Applv to i. Tises. Camrai.elliser at 19m. Çhas. Wllkluseu!. Caiborue -St.. 'or P-0. box 408. Wibhv. SEED BARLEY. H1ave s large quautlty of O. A. C. No. 21, pionotince!- by Prof. 7Zav- ils, liseat!of!tle-Expeilmental De- Partinent, Onlario e cuitural Col- lage, taho tise mailproductive eut! bout barley fou tise 9nt 'auia tarmer ta giev., Tise eet! bas been testet!, andt 98 per cent. germkuslst. Fire ivm naxlaua vee!m-rgrowm n Mea01o! le cîcanst faims lu Onlalo.- Pries 7e. Per busisol aI bise barn. Aise a fevw 'busoise!tlMolisy seed t $t 1.75 Per bushel,..eut cover meet! at 8pet bus- bel. JOHN J. LYNTIE. - FOR SALE.- By prfvaIs sale ai blireeldence, Centre St., Wlitby,-'im. Cslverbey viii dispose o! - bis stock ar ssddlery sisap equipmiit, shap -iolimall' e tud. baliser.ÀA larg asortmMM :of saddlery hardware, currycombe, boa numeroul ta etin 'Also -mirerai m'ets c o -iserh*nus sua arions-,parti *ue. - TIs l Ve, v-wUb. uoi4 at eum 9 pneus tsaI vii put eoye ont. -11, - WLCALVERIiBY. VoirERS' LIST, 11. t Mitlpilty oft--Town 'af Witby, ' Oounty of -Ontario, e No ice ereby given tisat 1-have trausanglted-or lelilvered to the poi- sons méntion'ed In. Sections 8Suad 9 of' he Ont arlo -lTobers j Liàt-Act, tise-> Copies ÃŽ4uired'-by sait sections taise no a trumssmftte or deliveret of tiue liât made pursuant to zald 'Act, et aul persans a ppearlng' by tise lust e- viset A9ssseme»t Rolli o! sait! IMunt clpality tobe- entttied t40 vote lu Use' sait! *mnicplity-at eleclilons for members o!ftise Légslative Asseuàb- bly, sud 'at Municipal Elec tions, and that thse sald Mest was firs't postd - at my offce at Whibby, on tise 114h day of April, 1913,. Electors are calleil 'upon toï exam- aminàe thse sald lst,> and!, if .any omis- sious or auy otiser errors are f ound i.' - s 'Peu, Early Jane - Peu,,eau. Bmaýties J. m1. DOWNEY a'-GO& Sssding.TmN We have ail kinds of seeds for the garden, by bulk and in packages at 2 for bc, 5c and -ioc -each:, al .new. No old stock. Also Carter's Tested English Seeds. Toronto Lawn Grass Seed. 30e pkg.' Dutch Set nions, Seed Petatoes, - New Maple Syruip, Large lPineapples - 13e quart. 20 -to-40C peck. - 40c quart. - 20e êache 0o. E. WATERHOUSIE 'WVNITRV -phone. l Onuiit i)elivbry. CHEAPER F000- S-TUFFS POTATOES Choice -Eastern Delawares ýJ finest-quality, for cookiî and planting, 90 cents- per bag. - SIJAR Pedpath's X Granulated, 20 Ibs. fou'$1009. Sti ictly New Laid, 180 per doz. FLOIJR Choice, pure Manitoba Flour, $2.p65 Per -bago N.B. PRINGLE& 00, WHITBY eNTARIV -I - - - - - - -we endeaýor not 10 be, and that we can M -t r- i 4' 1' w, & sucéeed' can be demonstrated by an inspection of stock of AU Althe newest, thin g44 in Papers,'Pensii1d Boo0ks and Magazi>ne's, Rubbers and everyt] --else that goes'40 make the most -complete si -of stationery in town. - W.J. l. Rkhaicrdson, giLadingBook8eIIer and Stat ioneOr BROÇK ST. -WI DEATHS,. anagàe - -, nain. 1 for- mis. Pl S .9.30 P.m 'oronâto. a Toi- .t1. QiM- .m- -Bananas. Leituce 0 aiIyo u.O ,Apr.- 14 42. r.12.. le, b-ý. 1 1 lýý i-,

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