Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 May 1913, p. 4

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Id ho -hO e on 'Mr.K poeuessu Go 10 A. O. Élèti'for garden , lt. lMotiu IIased- fMm uho r.- eceds of ail kis.. Ail seede gurui- cintýit pWbSSO ddoyqmxr. agy<>ra11ý-th Mf. Wn'. 1Prous lu Iavlig bis lOUl, SPo 0a UBti -le ueg m %rpsirod nd ali» bad a l a eW- 1poor ppetimt Àaa.ue slgii f- ,cg" on Wdedy arddg Stion a frwa"do e c Ti DoPw Drop Inn Club arc e ameran' Soiab su !e a danceSla th: aolelaton -1oisd mpve!' .lLc day evaiig. ie utcmiT -d av etýiftdbyýa- Mr. Fred MoBie ic lstcoplt cuany av-ben1 ll id el- dtiebiding ota Ste large ben nghi *Tesealo. .Sold i 01 bousê wblch viii enalIe hlm to tske ers.-47. better caneo.hfe o! blO 'of thor- IM~D ughýbred heu. Mfr. jas.Scot, of lontreat, li.. Hou"eetn anifgsd ieodinÉ are the pra* CScotti of Battle Crecko, order, of the day. -GAmjRDEN SBBDS - -verv thing to plant -the Ga- den. - EVeryý Package guaranteed iresh th.year., LAW>N GRASS RÂPE ýMANGOLD SE-ED'. We htave a few Ibs.'of the Gitant White Mangold Seed left. Order r 'ow amd save disappoiritmerlt. Ail the leading varieties of CORN The best on the. market, 0-A. .Elli*ott ~Toi~Jn -- - Onta- Bell and Independent Phones -HAVE YOU PURCHASED VOUR Lro P. M or »emocrat FOR THIS SEASON? - -I aye a lUl ine.of the MoLaugblin Buggies on hand. If - we cannut suit you bore we wiil drive you to the factory sud yen have your eboico of auything made ïu this lin. ut very reasonalile pricns. --I eau upply you in Brockville Carrnages at the lnwest , -priées tailable for good gbod;. It will psy you to give me sa .l Do, not forget out prices pf Wire .F'encing-8 bar, .2 7c; 9 ber, 2c Our Pouitry Fences *are a wonder.- THE'BROOKLIN, HARDWARE STORE _URIA.14JONE3S I A s ýS HBURN -STORE, READY MIXED PAINT Try Brandram-Henderson Ready K Paint for floots, and House Paints outside and -interior work. PEJRNIT(JRE VARNISHI Make your furniture look like new, our' varnish, ç;lDed Chinglac. R mixed peaiint for wagon and implement - -'- -- HUSIE GLEANING, Eve-rything nééded for house cleai ne* and- up-,to-date, at prices that it to your avantage 10 buyat~ r~u-'gg~ GENES ~ MERCI W.. 'ixed îfor with eady use. ning4 ;' wi4 t the IÀ4 I b' E P AI ue. -x4 L IC% .a E 47 - .- Coren J_ 1 Zkay ýs the irn-beforelyon Paint or le1 8; Contraci o~~'.ning i -4 J. CINTYIW, and colorings. [Cid. nse, Floor, Bug. lence. You get 'right. Qualitiy- erles. booklet foyol - - WHtftOT PICKERING. Miss Lidgett bas- been spendlng the. pasi two weeks iu Pickering wth ber aunt.- Mucb improved in beailih, she bas returned to ber borne in Balsam. Miss S. Lldgett and Miss S. Leag spent Sunday in Toronto- witb friends Miss Smilth, wbo bas been spending the part year in Balsam, bas gone to Whltby tolve. Miss Annle Lidgett is spend1ng -a few days wltb frlends <n Balsarn. There nover was a trne wben'people appreclated- the rosi monits of Cham- borlaln's Cough .Roinedy more Ilian now. This le' shown by the increase JIn sales and voluntarv testimonial8 trom pensons who have been cured by it. If you0 your childieui are troubled wlth a cougli or cold.giveit- a trial aud become SCqlaltedl with Itc good qualitlos. For sale by al deslèrs.-47~ -WM. ROGERiý KILLED. William Rogers, son o!flit. Prank Rogers, o! WhItby, vwas kullod by .a fai! lu Tavistock last week The daily Beaoan lis reporte lie clrcumust5lioe -"FaIlling a distance o! some eevesty foot vile paining a smôkeslack of lhe Zimmerman factoty, Tavislock, on Tuesday.-aftenoon,. William Rog- ers, o! London, sustalned Injuries ofl duci senlous- nature liaI b. d-hed l-- thé GoDeraI Hospital, Stra-Iford, st an early houn Wednesday morulng' vithout havlug negained coneclous- nees. Ro vas working !noma scs!- fold, vicihahé egulated by a rope. Itle 1supposeiil ho heaccidenîly lot go o! lb. nope, -Ilius eolowfg tbe scaffold to descend. -Il tad ouly gone a short distance,5 heeven, vien It came lu contact iitis me o! tic guy wrnes -cf lie chimney, vilci 'ýovr- tunnel lhe apparalus snd-tisrev de- ceesed ont. Helit S ishbead onithe lin roof»mre. mventy feç ellow., When picbed up lie Ias lu Ja unucon-e scions cndition sud wàs bledlfng .pno*msly !nom a naslyscalp vund. Medicalvaid vwas iastily summoued, sud& atler a brie! examlatioapreper- latlns- verema&c b remove lit m 10 Stralfôrd Hospîtai. Hée -ýwas- brouetl tô, Un 1 elty- ou 8.20 train, but expirai hÇ1ou avling regslned -oonmeou- .esS.ý Deoeased lad ouly boon luTati- grtq>k a1wa.a udlesuilvÏd by gréaI' deal -ofil- is not only. mislead- ing, bhut distorled unlil il is difficuit if not impossible, te pick the tacts from the fiction. After readiug 'Jam's" marmalade mutterlugs 'iu "The Globe" iu thie moruiug, one turne te the -party speech lu- "Thie Mail aud Empire." Sornewberé be- tween tie two, helped out by " The World," welghlug oue with -the 0111cr, dlscouuting, double discouuiing, mli- ttpIy-lng sud then diding by threc, one ho able in tbe course af bal! a daY- te cbain a faint Idea, a Climmer, a hînt o! wbat bas bee takivtg- place. This- may b. good business from a party staudpoint. Hovever, 1 have doublsevn uo! Ibis, for the average man bas not lost-ail sense of propor-, tion. lle--ual oso Sasilvfooled as v bleieeea, ou'll and foot com- fort ins thtPanama- The Panamna modol Just'about meets the Ideas of a gol many men au to what aeshotehould b.. The. bigh, rocundod toëcecotalnly fdons moan comfort te as etperla- uiv. dgroe sud thii. "rocker" or --sprlng sole moakas foï éeasy waik-. 0ug and also'preveuts thc leather over the Ires from wrinkling deeply and causlng blistors Tii. Panama has a bandsomoly modelai broad tee and a blgh arcli aud ii.l. Panan= Bsu n ac'W rf and Tman uei alflc JPIEL, IIITBY, PHONE 5 Thr iib .nô UvlcS beie 1 otiÉ e epid suie cbnld,-.wbe rçe- n- Sumday next t. Stbehig quarterly .»r-L>l01 vc atovu. Suuday Schooci et -2 - o'cloçk. -ARRIVED flq WH-ITBY, lire. A. Edwards bas returaod'bomne: aller sendlng. i couple, of eeks -af ber'borne, liMalveru. Ur. Wlbur,*Dlngmau bas Vleen. ou thse slck listï- but lie -bas reroveieui: suffléleully 10 o sme. bis dutios ut à&., Moody.,'.Atkinson and Mr. R. Hall have ronfèd 1fr Bradley farni lor Rilé summer. To Mr. aid lire. WilXam Halla daughter. - lire. R. Wilson paid a flying. vliti -oToronto lasi weck. gir. and biru. W. MoGregor snd. Mn. Wmn. Oke, spent Tuesday evening --ai IMn. R.G- Okers, tbe occasion belug ln, honor o!flir. J.' Oke's blrthday.. They enjoyod a very plcasant oven- Mrn. Pantin Bradley vflsled la IbIs community recen±ly. The Epworth Loague lntond holding a "Sack Social" on Tuesday evidng, May 8, iu aid of Missions. A good The Sageine girl le 10 bo scen iu J. p rogram aud refreshmenls vill' 1> E. Willls' druqg storc qnuilon every provided. Corne aud enjoy a treat. oto 1gii aî trethtl Mise Morris sud Master London are genuiue and sold under a positive vlultlng ai Mr. T.E. PMlp. guarante t stop falling hair, enad- lir. Cook- sud gang of wÎorkmen are, Icule dandruif and to grow the Most agali ln our midel eorp etin g ,ghëkf lesse, Coarse, dry bair n luthick -îoft- contrant. Tiiey aunecamphng OR the'snd luxuriant. Sageine lu a deau, Pellati îanrn. wieuflttflc hairtotoujcomposed or Min lnGeo Lclis-en -tise skuit. mort mode=u hair _producig âW Mr lin Eward Brown heu .1rocVened 'beautlfying agen-ts ; it i. free fror4 îrornbis rmenttluess.. rw-greasy substanoê4ý, Ile-mnt a qye,an The reguler election of* offleers for'l daintily-penfunred. Sageine laIb - ile Suuday Sohool took plnce , îast favorite of partîcular people, snd l ltOnday night. The arne staff were sold lu Withy only aI J.E. Willls' ebected wlthh the exception o! one dntlg store. Sageine is only- 50c-, 50' Class. MISS May Diagman was ebect-_ sS te 1>nlng It witit reach o! all.-45' .d as leachon for liat one, and Misse~- Vera Brown assistant. NEWSPAPERS SHOLTLD GIVE the great good liai Is belng doue by (Toronto Saturday Night.) » Chamberlain's Tablete. Darius Dow- Tt le lime tiraIsmre man or groub - by, o! Newberg Junction, N B., of men lu tis counry undertook the wrltes, '.'My vife bas been uslng publication of more uewspapers tirt Chàniberlaiu5s Ta-blets, anul.flude can'tell the. trutb regarding politirgl themn very effectuai and doing ber lots events. -To the-reader wbo le not o- Of, Cood." If -Yeu bave anv trouble sessed with theb party sprit, Iatifi-'f wlth your stomach or bowels, -gve îiiat bas been comtng out of Ottlwa them a trial. For sale fby ail deaers[recently under the guise o! news, is HOMESEEKER9? EXCURSI ONS MANiTOB,gALBKRTA Emch Tueuda7u»miloctowba Oi. ncive Wlnnlpeg sud Rre .-a885.00 Ed[montonsud Retures- 480 OthS Pinite » oewt" Returnlt two moutte. HOME1£SUZIMES'TRAINlm -eeofoto p2kesci tTndyMre nut reached eariy morning. embl eaou to Titrob%" raesTote Wtnnlp: udWeoi P=rlclaz hm Camnadimu ?d& sO5 ou To -Our FrFends and -Neighbors' YVou know a. You know w.would not-lihat wocould net afford to-go backon our word. Nor caosyou alord teiguorý tiamncyback-lfunot.stlsd o&fron-this splendid laxative.. W. honestly believe we have the. beet bowel remedy ever made - th1e mont pleaaut,.to-take, mosl per- uiauneutly beneficial laxative for relief fnom th1e misnsd dangersaian !rcm colipalon. We would't say tbis if we didn't- I"eve ilt tob. true. We wouldu'l ràk uk r reputation by u- iking suoh etatemeuta did we ual fié sure you- would Sund hem truc. Our faithisl bufll bath on tb. lmowledgc of wbat Rexall-Orderlies are made of andl on obeervation o! 'very mauy severe scamlunwbich tbeyý have proven theïr eierit 'Eythem at Our RIsk Ifthtey do ual abundanlypre th*ir mctl withbycu ai;a-if you eac nol entirel stisfied with them - - we Wiireuyour Monéër - nnd ire WI do ý-&t iou your more say-so. Wo dau't ask. you ta nisk a penny, Iun't Qiat fait? Just'bel the* bowels fail lu properly - dolug their work-just let thefr. action b. delsycil and incompile- aud the entire syrstem -and every cthie organ sufer,. Wastes that -ATONleaac- béar in mind Ibat PR Y.ts Yen ubuy liea tOrdorlies onlY ýAi Yon eanMnuy RaimU Orderlm m siç Imcm Whltby A.H. ebould have been dispelcd romain ta poison the. system. Headaches, billousnese, nervous. nessud oth6r tarmneutingsd so* oua nis are cmm t he bowela tai t tact daily as nature iuteuded. Ail Ibis msay b. avoidod, if you vil accept Our advace. teste let lii. audy. They aec ooothing sund eau in action. Tboy doý nqt su nping, inausea, purg- igor excesie ooseneas. Thoy -g tdto toue and stzengthen inteetinal nerves sudmuscles. They promplly relieve constipation, sud hep to pet. manently overcome; il RaimU Ordeffies proniote botter aanesd'betUweg bvallh. lu mil o!- tbstistbey arc aly superior *to-:old4àbibd. hrhsalts and ohher purgaives - which aie net only *unplesanît-takebut which. ususly -beave:-thë-bowels lu worsc condition - thap Oo e ifMticulsnly reoom- muRxèlOrderieafor dildrcu, aged and eldhtete pelions'. RermilOrderlies corne lu vest. 25o;es.0- ablets.lOM. o mo sold by en dMr, OntarIcr Te MANITOBA. S ASKATCHÇlEWAN eacli TIJESDAYuntil"Oet. 28th inclusive Wstm'ipeg and fetn's $MAI*8. Edmonton and. Rtumo. . 43.00 Propprtionate bo-r ra to other pointa. Rebnrn Iiffit two monthi' -Settlers' Excursions TéoISERTAA 180SASKATCNEWAM Every TUESDAY until April 29th inclus- ive, front stations in Ontario$ Port Hope, 'Peterboro and West, at very Iow rates. Tarough coaches and Pll man. Touriat Sleeping-cars are operated to Winnipeg without change, leaving Toronto lilp. m. via Chicago and St. P&ukon above dates. - The- Grand Trnnk Paifio Rail way. in the shortest and quiokeot ro'nte- between W.innipeg Sbikatoan-Edmonton. Beth ileservations' and particulars from CGrand Trunk agents- E. -STEPHENSON Towù Agenit tor Exipress, Ticket anc, Tek-graph 0".~e opposite -Staiuearo BaiWbitby., ui. TbPPhoue36 -IRY SOACE ÂTýOUR-EXPENSE. Mono! back for auy.eais of Rheumiatismn, Neuralgia or -Headache that S5olace Falls to Remove Seine&. R.tedy le a recent medical discov ery of tbree German Scientiste that dissolves Uric Acid Crystals and purifies the bloofi. It iseasy to take', and wi not affect the weakest stomach. It in guaranteed under the Pure Food 'and Druga Law to b. absolutee f ree from opiates or- barmful drugs o f anydesc pion. Bolâeais a pare specific in every way, and bas been proved béyon'1 qestion to be the snrost and qulcest remedy for ric Âcld Troubles known to me 1a science, no matter how long standing. lit reachos and removes the root of th,~ trouble (Uric Acld) and purifiel the blood. The SoiAV S.. of Battle Czeek, are the sole U. S. agent and have thonsantis of voluntary testimonial letters which have beon received from grateful people iso lace bas restored to healtb. Testimonial letters, literature and Pre. Box sent upon request. R. Le, Mlorris. Premident of the Firat National Bank o! Chico, Texas, wrote the Sulace Company aS1 foliows:- 'I want yon to send a box of -olace tomy fath- er ln. Idempbis, Ten,.for wl.icb I enclose 81. l'bis reoiedy bas been used by some friends o! mine -blère and I miust- say its action was wonderfl. . -<Signed) B. L. Morris."> Pot up in 25c, 50c and $100 boxes." 1 Iras engbty fine to b. Walt And you 0an gnon b. so by teking SOLA ifH. bTo Special Treatment Schemes or Fees.. Just Salace alone dons the work. Write today for the free box, etc. 1 2 - - I Hleard's BusLino- C1£ .rige &and"TeaÉig. Ir.WiliamNewort weha', bout kavorcd with-ia Ver) large patronapo -ï dwe fée! we-areý giývr the pubmie tomd srvi. AUl ordirs for. -tcaxning, t fnture MOVln, Certage Of freiglt, vN= fcw pIeaam» par;tie., -etc., vili receive oui V827 boit iattn r.xt-cleualivery in connecticm 'Phono No.1) 9 10k1 IHEARD ~4R Oribog to the Higis Standard main. talned lu this collega, the demandfo thegrauates la £ar In axcesa of the unply.Thi leunqusil nbly -à« of Canada eSeBaztla =onî serdalScito. Its record shows IL. Toronto, Ont, admits studenta- at amy time, prepares them, properly for choie positions and assins worthy atudonte to- secure empîcmet.cotiegeopen 511 tbe"ear.W tnow for Kandsome Cor. Ygemd W .Btqt Alexander Sta. J.-meipa, I WHITBY JUNCT1ON. .;oing West -.... Go5'lmg. ast.. :.5*v a.sa * . . ..îm.i. ..d,.57 PAU Sndy taebae <T rosieo 4.25 ami. anti 7. .rn or' onto-trainesthsp atI Whtbly -Juneion et 8.15 and 9.55 a.m.,-andti-9.3 -m UP-¶IUWN. STAàT-ION~ - ------ Going North... 03oa.ns. IGoingSouth...7-58 Ra. .1p. j n1 V.xpM ... 6.ea p.ni ..tO5P.f t Loaves Wlitby f or." shawa ai -le a.m. and 4 p.M . ou.: olden, prO-, pîeor. SOLCE EMEY C..Batie ruk V -j.L«t. fowra jrahter. 1 j'- WH1TBY MARKETS Aleike clover, per buu..$1LOO tb 82-00 Wheel, fanl - ..0.90 b 0.95 Wbeat, whlto ............Ogo 9.85 Wbeat, goose ..... ......851o 0*.9<> Whei, spzlng ............ 0.8010o 0.85 Beti.... ......1.6 te 1.03 PeOU........ ...... 0.851. 0.50 Buek~Isal. ... ....V ..0«501 .E Oato~............ is 6.88 ois FLOUE AND FEED. Cbopped feed, Mcv. . . mbté1.80s corameaL... ...... ..... . .5 Branperton.... .... .0té.9mi* Short. -perto .. ... .. 00 to 28.00 MEAT. POVLT RY AND PROD JOB. Bdcc, per owt. .......« Cattie, live welght...5. 5m010.501 Lamb@,ecdi... .. ... .. .. 6.00 to &00 Hogs, dresed .........12.00 10 12.50 ýT.gop select.. 0 .......... 8.851.8.3 Chiekens, per lb ........ ... 0.16 61 Duc*m, peri lb ............0.15 to0.18 Gosse, dresmel, pur lb.... 0.161100.18 Turkeyýs, dessed, pérlb 0.6000 Bute;, per lb.... .... ..".28 10 0.80 Ne', Per doz., nov laid- 0.2210o0.25, Lard,* per lb .... 0.1810ô0.90 P otato.., Metbag . 10019 Aepple, pet bamrel...... U 1. 8.00 qnum, ietbagg.........1.0010 1.25 Hamy, per ton ........... 14.001.o 15.00 RIDES. Pmo vaw abe.........0.11 0.19t Mides,per t ...... .....8.001. 9.00 2 emkn........ ...11.1à, ?ailsv. ted.. peu lb 4 .04 mtille, oT SiIout -I Clork, Wfhl-Ja.3,7. , Match 4, J4p -ýil 3iy, JuM , Jul 3,Sep. 3 Oc. 2Nov. ,Dc Clork-Jaam. 1,Pb ,Mr ,A 4- à 5,-înu 1, * Y4; gou;&'4. Oct 3,Nov 8,Dcc. 5 J6. ,194 2. 'BfOUGXA . lnsGus woo4, Clok- Jeiz 15, Mar. 6,.487- di July t, Sept. à. Nér. _Ilijea.*,-p -1914. 8. TOUT PMlY -. W. Erhu Port Pcr, Clrk- Jeu.n»7,Mat. 7, lay t7, July 8, sept. 4. -NOV. 1il Dec. 17, 1914. 4. UflRIGE..E. J. lacis, Dxboldg Clrk-Jas. 10, Y"ro 14, May 18, July là, saet. 9, Nov. 91"ýjeu.- le. 5.CAiNMRMN- Thon.. m, eor. Ceunln$onCie* -Jeu. 9. mat. 1, May 14. July 16, Sept. le, Nov. 20. Jeu. 15. 1914.- '.BEAVSW1e)N -je. .Gdo, Bealirton. Clrk-Jeus. &8 rat. 12, 4"ay1, JUly 17, Sep t. il, Xôv. 1e. Jeu. 14.,"1914.- 7. u PTEROVE -Delel conM4 Âihcrley, Cloek- -Jeaý . 7, Mar. 11, Miay 1. Ju le.18Bqep. l1i -N"v. 18, - By.&dor, J. E. FAEUWUL, Clark cf the Fuse. Dated ai htt o.0b'99 -tOTîOAL UNDERTAKERS Bell Chrgea-M xt NYT Nil Thati cari be puî in a- jewelry sto-rej We will be pie; cal1 for that ciç)ck- out of repair -and- it when -put -in -Our facilities for. Out -first-ciass WC the best pOssibiéý give you satisfacti >:OId GoId. a w pay the-i 'W puce for -it, ^w make it ove Sa new artuc v - V please yqu. w- W- It will nc w w w cent to find w-can do'o W une. IBASE i W. SSPECTA and Sili ighest t, or i 'rfor-y :le whi lo -costl OUt wl' yowt r )ET 'ACLEWI A DRUNKARD'S pelfast, Maine, Marct itIle- boys, tbe eldest flid 11hepolice to-day t wit-nessed the murder o! by-Éhe father. ut-lie hom. They a\re lhe sous o! Er£ -suý empIt5yee .at a -coul w xissing he o f thl hail beei aieu to deatJ iu a bedrooýmf. The stre., tbld hi- EmE roborated b%ý- hi-s brother stanqce as ffO5 "Papa-and Ma.rnmia-WE yesterdai aftternou. The2 ebout suýppert.Lnc Pa ha liquor.*TbeY, qyarreled- money agSJll- T nuPa - rociflig chaàir --anid.- streck the legs witIh it. Tten he over the bead ith .a _Pi We were sci-agLd- "iTheu î.J aY e 1111 l-ittie'bottit',l of sn slclk and he said :"f lh - me l'Il, jump overboerVd. of.~ thelioliseand we a lie *as on t1he 4er bit couldn't sec hîm auv mc Ther police thiùk Dan!- blmýel, and are searchi icanadiaU PresDespatCd ILocal HaDD F or N v P rfecti o'n b o.. . Rce. A good gardefl>-*hW a t Geo. M. Rice's.- Be sure to attend- Ai in lic Council Cbtmbî SMay 6th. _ Progressive eucire; beld by lie Witby G Sroron ouFrlday nige -Àutomobile for ii4 's S'mgarage. Pione 'Tic conîraclon for1 library 'began wdrk -ston otlionday.- -The anuual bazaan1 chunci viii be beld -Ciamber on Tneeday, ~.We have al l he.ýneu doors and wWuow 'c frorn at lowest ,ash, R.- ndMi.s.- ed tô tiaitMW honm ibis week TORONTO - - - - - - - - - - - v 1 r là 1 . ý 1 . ý - ý - ýpM"" vqrffl r9rv--- AL,& ýw W'W 1 = 0 * L Il Ob STAGESýi' l , - Ïl

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