Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 May 1913, p. 3

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ES, Yéar ~ U and longet-. ts evef burnet eand ask for- IELL calytanned iIl Bave you-- youn glove Send for aur -The Pinto'&- - TIG CO.' 9 MilSeiea- L. <pti ln ~an. a n in, 'Berlin pttil in -Ihat- tte abdominnl -b lontgen the >prqsenco le sct-t ef't-be -forcèps, which- bhind a ,t pne - tions, carnied eu 'and t-bn.., ro, lî DAYS. ulouop Lit 1AZO ans' caof htcii- atratiing Piteuin pbgod nitanu-- aiaing iLfClilt!y.. )ng hoemu IaRt fqr "1'Had IË6 cejuiçi ca-r- ~i;:¶i<e hava-2 itde tvo trip& çu 4zçý no:i*Açe-uwevver- u.ve;-Deen uqol i 'hli and the resuits ofjhsehaec - -d4~nejuch teD disprove the - gener-A acc1ýýepted theô,ry. tha.t China je ,oveY-populated.- For instance , Sir AI4;xancltr- Ucieé. Whî1e--acti'ég as _uobpicrcia1 attache, oth^-t.Britiah1 1.~towrote in'his report -on the" regà ,trade -el China in 1905: ~'aving. visitéd 15 et 4h.18,,pro- a a Chiar >r avelast lthQ -(dree. achurian -provines, a _ad een ho* san-tuly ma.ny et thm iare POpulaed, 1 1 doubt.verY niuch 4ether the whole ef China, Man-t eiiuriu, -and the, new d non con- tain a population at il' ppeah ing the usually'àwoepted40,000,- -Miures Exaggerated.- Mr. Rookhail,9who ýtravelled very èXteisively ini in,'estimated that Ohina ,proper had net a lakrger pop- ulation tyiin 200 000«0. A Chines. nï«EWaaporý --ureterring te te tron-ý $aer- troubles-et. -preseént existing, 4tated that "The root et ail, those "troubles is that we have don. noth-c êig te. popùlate t.he vaut territorica - long our tlxrderi.* A -tair' land,0 st-un-deen-ded and unp_-platet - je sure toattlrat the. attention oet Allusenuu s mace in tue article tot ill.digest~eeaeswhich have're- <ntyIeel 'put torward with a view - ç- ~ncouregrngcolonizatios li these < frotier teeons of !t -%Iouh-e - 14tary necesity for se coinig bas Won torce4 upon public attention,t and it bas; been pr-aposed that dis- banded, soldiers sbeuid ho settled i there, toe that thbèy night serve tue âou'blé.!euerpoe t f developing the - andý and checking any aggression thuat-xuigbtb. tbreahoned. - > Coloàlzàtton Difficuit, But as tii- rich havre not ehown - $a-ny iùcination to leave their oom- ~-krtaWehoules te so'ourn in this reuao*t> làuà,nd das tb. poor bave net tWéý mean. tÃ" enabie thes te < -leavè thèýir homeè and develop this l,- and, ah wduld seem as-if China bcd - -'voy ltt~->use for 'thesà- outlyitig1 teritoies- t t,, present fiime, at les for thuuPurpse. Unleas good -indiueWnets ar-e offered to romain in, this romoôtçland. auy. plan -et attempting t-ca celinaze thes-ê terri- tories vith diUauded saidiers las ot -4bu ely to meet-with uooes.Aan rate tiie reccptipn- which tbiîs pro- ma ' 1.p an asmet; withi idicateé that tii. pressure'é ~c.uition. le no± selure inunasmany felke are Idas$ia4tgFaetorles. " .- Fti ng --factorie*- have beco.ne - ---An important part of the. develop- y- ~-ment. et the terest resources et In- dia. In certain -parts et that couni try thç tercets-are only acqessibie jdiroagb the water courses, and the grýeat oxpense of *erecting iand - pants for the utilze.ion cf thbe luniber resources makýe& sucb a course imp~racticable. *Tbea*etoýre, sqNmills and other - manutacharing establishments are built ou\floetiu-g piattorm, and novdup ,tbe- n-- eteia they are needed- Alter -the lumnber 6a prepared iu a saw- mIl it ecau be packed in à. wey tbat- - - ý ie-s transportatýen mach ,'more -eo9lIitan any sytena Cf log- -gîing. 'Plants for'the preparation of- eta.44ing extracts,-have aise be-ca eatabliihed in this manner. The pl4Ïntaare hut on -flatboatei, 200 eot long Wy 27 foot wide, capable et <,ç>rying ça lead et 470 tons. that pute a guet in i.s nothing Vo boast *boupl- - airTE, smcd DE5T ROmi bj Voudont evcrl have lL Card, Storp Sooklet, end t Dpslsgevn tai ercolons. lAkamexi Co., LImaitud, -orbiddn lueronea.acuant,&nciiesn tcos lhe*ana e= to go ilsa mv »ji.. - wredluo rtnlmhpan riutehpI u eviü li nfie * le, ge.1wi'wi b-al ~aie4 udd nt la lve. fiGabriel alils every;t clilllsed-. ap*abce f« 'tbé !prem-; bealde'me uowas I1. rite.- and ah. agrees err,%fon'-ôatorder.. e iDs-f bl *ith me tliI, -dentasa, thé_ ubjet-ta t.heto wr* garrisp.iquareri-d, "4 . t yh ourgeives, th&. whole tory of ourit"iÃœual" gruin Woitd at auy 'lti. bU down 'aý b affctin hcf-toc perdbuasiea natur 0 n fpýy,*toaWtrm low L beniorota iuhd'uo l he tate- dÏJ.-h ame cfCOMoinmco enise,,iwh m ent u ml e.- il lt ý e murthat. withl n eW coxléoIvable 4xgelS on d Phrpateaivu& ýýt few weakso!of ur lIrot meeting, Mer n;,i.emlu iiibrbokwithth 1 " . .1 net -b. able te break. 'i!Q. I}aiff ure'cf liat. Jt là trüc ihat I lave' sllnded in ibis brie! way te- lbé Dr. E:terling. cfet tranraer.ba. been o«For douÏble thé whieh apranif np betweeu -th. te'064,11mOnce or. Iwice, but--h.ý,ws twfamllee, because I bave ne wls)i mereipJor-Dom.mmci-imdmp . I tbat this narrative ehould degenerate lu-cne r yi hol.dngr o 11an tIug approaehing .te romance or te ;be lo e inorlathat .4irecl tiat 1 aohuld loe.th., thread cf tbe "Then 1Ineauguparé yen." mii 1. laugh- f acte which I have et mymelf ta cirouilie. ing, '%bat Ihere--.18-no danger; at ail. 1.ht Thon asre connected wth Gearai Heath- muet h. some, -trange iienonom iaor bai- > cratone and only -indlreOtly with =y own luolùtuee. NfO ctbe.bypo-tbemhs w»!cvr permoucl i ltory. It la, .noueh if 1 gay lb.- facto.».,-- that atter our engagement tie visitate ..Wondm ahraiooal Braubsome'becaine morefrequent, and ceunI 10r the fact' cf mjy lrother'e bair ihat our friende werc able cometîmen te boelug turnied gray and Ïmy inohhei west- apend c whole day- wlth us when busl. lng cawey te a mer. ahadow?" - neoe licd called the generai ta- Wlgtowu. "Un!Ùdcubtedly." I answere. ' -Thé le-g, orseohmgnt coonned -hlm te hie coatinuod w<or yc b enoerai' et room.. -As te our- good. f ether, -be nas. icamneas and iirtability would ,producee ever ready to, greet ne wlth many amal thon 4ffeoto on cenaltive natures." -Jeata appmilzlate 4oe the Occsion; for Z'. icn," saiti ehe, shakiug ber -beati we had ne secrets frýom hi=, aud he ai. msay "I have beeW--expoedt i et ready *,iooked upen. Ds ain au hlm chil. leemnemsanad irritabiity, but they bave dren. on ad ne- snob dffot uponme. The> ,e. There wercý-timemWouOnaccount of ence between'us Ilem lu thelact Ibat they nome pecullarly dark or-relèesa fît cf tbe knew tlisi awtul- secret- and we do net."d genéra'#. It -waa impossible for weks on "Xy dear- girl,"- .aýd 1, "the daye Cf t endi for eîther Gabrel or Mordsunt te f amlly apparitlona and -that blid0f hing:I gel awar from the groundo.* The eld man are gene.-.fobody la haunteti now7-a'da il wou]d aven stand ou guard aitthle -av- o we' eau put, that suippoiion ont oif euue- gale, or Pace up and down the the Question. Havlng doue so what'vs. driýve,. a. thongh he ounoetdthat &V- mains? There lesabsôintelyne . otherý tempto ba.d beau made toe pentrate hie »lheory, wbh conldeoves h. mu-f gested., mecision. PCasiug cf au oeeint I bave Beleve me, 1 h. whole. iyslery lethatf seen bis dark. grim figure> dilling about lhe beat cf lutta. h«aeebeau. as ucb lu the hada'w of lie trocs, or caugbt a for your poor father'a braîn.",à glîmpse cf hie harti augniar face -pering Wiat ebeh wouid havee answered I cea- ont aI me fro bbhti l te bara. Mp hoari- not tell, foraI liaI moment mis gave a- wonid often acddeii fo7r hlmaI s1-not4leid tart cm if-o me aonuid* hd fallesuponu hlm iincotb nervous, ,mevemente, bis fur- ber car. Ausah. looketi round&appreben-. tie giancea 'asdtitllhing featurce..Who. alvelp I sud4enip mev ber features b.- would have belleved hlýiistuaalling, corne rigiti an-d ber- epes- flxed andti ateti,' evering oretture bcdl <noe, been a danb.Ploln i iecinorep ae lng ofIoor. vie had- fonghl Ibe'baIllées offeIt a sutidenthbrili ef fear .paem h ,~h his country and bcd won *the pal= cf me am I1 percelveti a humas face. eurvey-- bravery among lie bS& of!-bra.ve men lnnm. froua vmbçobnd ou. of the lreee-- arousd hlm? . --! e" every foatuai -cf wýbieh wae diatorl.ý Is~p flte old soldier's vlgilanee -ed b-t. me aigst-brl-ud vo manared th bolti eommunlëàtion vth anger. Flnding uIemml.!! cierved be slefl- a aur fricu .- Immediatelp behindt h Hall Ipet out -and advanccd toard us, viola tiere vas  sot - vire tbe fenolng bud I mev tba.t it vas nons otier Iban thb" heçu se caroeecly"erected thal Ivo of th. general himseelf. Hlm h.crti was ail relie couhti h. x-moved vithout dlmcnllpt, a-briatle wlth fnry, andi hie deep-.tet ye, Iecvlng a broati gap. vhlch gave ns lhe glowed froa -unter Ibeir bcavlly velueti apporluulty for many a, stolen interview, 1dm viti a Momt sînîster andi demeulcal thongh thep vere necesoariiy ehort, for brlgbtsens. the general's -movementa vere erratio, andi no pcrt cf -the.'grouis wam meure frem him viitetlona. OHAPTER VI. -KoHw vividlp oeeof the. burrleti meet- "-fo pour room, girl 1" h. rid n lunge rlces before me!f It stands, ont clear, 1~l peaceful andi distinct amîil ithe i1. mms- us an rsh oie., etboieppigv eIy' eenr terlena Incidents whiih ver. demîlued eti thsudbon ng ne.oîc le.tar hone Hswated unatil Gebriel, vîith lbcd up te tie terrible cetatrephe wlilch a lasi frighteucti glance.et me. bcd pusacti has cami a mmadeover our llive.1cau hhrongh ticé, gep. - and thon ha turned ' remeurber liaI am I -v!rlked thru h e, pnme vîîb an expression se auurIr-1 flelda tbc grama wva. dam.p -vithh lie ain eupon t1Éope akapaeo to cf bbe- moruiuig, and thc air Was heavp u iiIdept bc aeo -o wiLl ithe emeli o! lie'frem-lurni dearlh.and llghtaned my gr*gp upon my euh Gabr$el vas walliug for -me .uxider ÃŽ 1. M 40 "b pttrt vl i havto~a re.culmde 110 ap.ant ,W bandi np ta hie lhroat,ýas bhough hig fnry stooti haud-iu.hand lcking down. et thàe-Tu av odt long rve.po-f umorlâat, ani.aI lthe broca lu re hoklng hlm. Pubv aeit bine channci wbleb eneifoled.t,- witb Its tuMtis fpes.mp,,pr tvaeyl -as,ou., crigeoffoam. *Par evap in -the. norti- bhéizUott ibifee iicili emê veutthlie ans glnted upon,,hhg ei of. Mounai Threton. Prom- viie ero vo ~od iysha e a er-spu1ehi vo could âgeae i.mkce cf lb. steamers mp Ilflo'félv-Ton vili nover h. netrer as thep ploedetiaioag - le bnsp walcr- Ho u7l-l aeqttckpadotcf hlm wuy vbich eds e tS-elfast-. -laàl net magnlfleul?' Gabriel crieti ab,b à * qat f -oot -aonp4met--brug la dumsping ber banda round my arm. "Ah: . - tad asht- ot-o'at ILh John, vhs' are we net froc te ail avp a pliitobycu. l'lbave ne vaga. ,over thon vwavea logether, andi leeve al l ds -. ,Iknbow *to treat geulppy dur troubles. behinti un on th. shore?" 0"t no So't, whether- Ibeir faces-are -bi*ék "And wviet are th. lroublcm hilci pou a ..i -id 1 11 es.-n n-- - b would lbave behind rou, doar eue?" I omint h sad . q met n berna I aoketi. "May I uct kaew tho=, anti beornhavegdoer -_tIdt-nt uvjo yen te heur them?" » i xrirîaiét "I have ne secret. from Yenu,.Jobn," iZ1'il. Alto*- -me,- ta cbsvel- bovever.i tiaî-pon ,are tll -caverlng scme i ou sic epaveseti. "Our oblef trouble. le, a itl n iI pu audlàla ather you may -gnns. our poor father'. strange P tmulons, Il -lasmor indp s-le -liaI oChevior. Io il net a mcd thlug for cIl tr- ur o off.-if- ou -dànýo't. Inru li1 cf ne thel a masn. vho has ppl&etisucb a mi it --= IcghOffl- . u oplti uself- dîstîngulaeetpartinlutié- wvend shonîtiddées esrk o ve h witw sknlk front oeeobscure corner -oft hé se t tiepuoe i rs i conntryp labaother. and slloulti defent m'Wlst bk." e or,-he?"h imlmcf vfti locha andi barrion s cmhbougi - WbA ýtabrongla y e boe, uthongb ho vers a emmen liief flylug £rom Jus-' io lu aencre o ativipnlg tîce? Thsis a strouble, John, iel tageteepn a<l mb p 1oao.U"a' lo-u oncf. pour power te aiieviate." oamiug te -toSp ýasdtv~rpP Haâve- s'cnon "But vhy -4o«cu ho de Gcbri bsnes-of pOUr -Wn le loch- aller, eh? asketi. - Anti my daugiter? boy marne yen te "I cannctr tell,". ah. anvereti franklp. k*oW ÎàYti1g.o e?- niwatbv "I kuow enlp liaI ho Imaginesnome toati- havyîgt quoeeu fle "Y' anger te ho, bauglng over bie s. m hance at - brcugbt pou anti lai tbis danger vas lacurreti- bp bore.- biu dudringhils slip tuluina. :Wiat Ils do1bid,«'twsntcae nature-MXnap h.1Ihave -ne- more ides thau - .mIdIhl8p11 a icac pou. bave." vhlch hrougbî me bero. I have bcd - ev- "-Thon peur brother ha.," I nemarketi. oral cpporînnlia c f seeiug pour , daugh- ,q cia sure from lie vap iu - vhlcla bho ter anti of apprlcIating ber menp neble -hequaitit.We are engaget la h.marrîSti spohe te me about il -eue day thal b. ai tles. ad1cm pwt k#wswlat4tIo ad ha h lok'-O exp--. rosa intention of seing ber." Il ni' real." annsmp - of blazinoe1lnto a fInascmI bat **Y lie- kuovsand no don M nie pclthle ru ga ave a len iel lie."shoenveeti *bnthe'bYs a.Of a.tonisimeut, andthotin leneio-s wavi kepl il secret froti me. M - oragaînst tho railînga, laughlng smathste fetier le venp, exciteti at prent. ~'imeî algil ho e lu an agesy cf appre-hmslf Sien, but It l iii sean . e 6th cf EiîS eresaefn !\lpu Sor, anti cter Ihet b. vIl! h. ai vitii vermi," ha remarhed aI lait.,-'When peace" do ou hnv vousedt tebriug lber n et te Indue tbey "11edv Yu n h -hal?" I aiheti in u e tO t f noteJunglesdbe sur prise. gin îuifflug ci vial thep imagireti te *-Bp exponleuco." ai mie gravclp. ."On. te vornis there. But tlie worm itietue -freas- IbIs part cf IbO country', antCi h iof nms to_4 a steliti, bouesi fllev, viao 91' abé4 -- ' - 2c.a bof at yôtir druggit'. dv IhesAli, gracefnl figuare b-: y 8mv sAvamL nauC «DOtIcL00 aIde. "Thisislane atanoophere for VoiX teOCA4nLIT. --live lu.- Why yJs':neIi rsef16 yon freminfb a9' ,wot pouujl-w T'j ,,-- )r myir ,où-t--C il obiec- rel Gbre drît1. belai meti1 rau don't d lIatly. hMeé,an- to B-t w.!!- et la-u ronly. oie te-y the day t -rccho "wit iau anmy hnara, < "Ho tlif lever pou- po- obmessage, sncb as 'Cape -Up., cx' eruitmpl- 'CIioopbert'r 'ýBut:T" Mmugit I« ba& pe~>t4li.,sat.ur. of4w ae le weslh se pieend?"' -.Nn NIYVOICE CIJY1IURE.i ~~~~w ie S~qie r~I' Ntution Thae developmen . et sînglng ce- ïeriw týo meot tl*ý. Euwropean --de, naid hie resulted -In tue eeablieh- n'eut et ,achoole -$or yng- -birds v iere t-he teeahered, singera receive 6w .arly course in voie culture. Tii. -attirali musical apýtitude -cf e.aarics, says. t-ho Scientifloý Ameni- Il varies -as- mach ais t-bat of bu- .~ papls. - - Boeebirde neyer ie$rn more t-han à fewv "tes. - IWem musièdli trt-iiig of cean&ry- - le is-cenducýted by means of e blrd-vwhistle Or -&aflageolet. A tort--ý ýnigit -ather t-h. young bird bas- l1eaa-ned te feed itseif, 1h is put into a cage hy itzell, vwhére it-eaon ho- gins te waenue if il is, c maie. The cage is thon covered wili -white rnislin, and ils occupaant -le ted ýon colza seed- and hread - soaked. in 'water. --During lie firat veci et- isolation, t-ho bird le s ot alleived- te hear lb.he ng et any et-ber bird, and, during -the. -second week a few notes of mtedium pilch are pieyed- et-eh -morniîg betore the cage. After thie, an enpenieued cauiary-breed- or t-dvises t-bat t-be cage -be covered, with very tbick green -or red serge. The bird la thus kept inu darkuess unti1 ithbas learned a t e-w short musical phrases. At Andreasherg, and t-ho neigb- boring villages of -lie Hertz Mous- tains- -in Gerrnany, wbere lie boit singing cananies are t-rained, en- collent resuits are -obtained by keeping cevorai yeang hirds te- get-ber, anud taking cane that t-boy do, igothéar t-he cbattering et gcld- finciies, linnets, or other interior sengeters., Aller a few montlix, the yoang ct-utries t-bat bave. shown t- higbest musical. talent are putvith a very fine-singing cenary, and -con- fided - to, bis tuitien for tw-e years. Sometimes t-bey take.the pupil frOM lhe teacher ia the final cahum-, and alter tenl menthe' reet and the nexh soason's molt, send -hum back for afew wek ol - refresh bis musical memory. Very good singera ýare- edacaled in Ibis way. Can,àry-bii'ds bave very sensitive tireott, and must ho carefully pro- tected f£rom drafts; evon- a sligbt hearseneess nay -resait in perman- ont boss etvole. lnspectol'5 of State Table. Befere thbe -big aemi-offfcial d<in- sers wbicb the, King giv-es at- Back- luisnPalace tii.-table in- tho Ste-tediungùeroominle alwaye ini spectéd hy ii. Paît-o. «UPhohslter. ors,"Y' vhoe e <uty iti leteocethat t-he peiat 7piece et farultur-l i te .beaIr ils 1barden. The enonrus veigbtofethe Royal plate riendors; t-bis preili i&ary- neeeffar,,'. -Lt .aid t-have b een inat-tutec> ,Çter. suprtable bcd collape t- 111ut' mivn y George IUI. -- - Groùoh, JL'angoing te gel mannied." IGrouch-"!Giad,-te -hein it I Yôt -won! f -b. se tr±ibiy- anlons t-O gel p- i ý "ow 1>-$. -anoven, vhich-ehu been-'leated'- but Cream - ofi Tomete e-Soup--Fo r castemato, two teblospoons but- teaspoon popper, te 1W-,--ropa ,-jonwen- fui. wmidpecream.- -Cook-'toma- tou 'wit ti. ai; epper -'and,-on-T ion. Strinan tb~ken with,',Ieoù- 'and fat nined toÉ2ehl er., Serve 'witb- pi teaepoen- et wbipped - reunon top.- Ahi ite eem-il ïwhén _vbipped, give. eue piut. -- Cooked- St-lad Dressng.-Two_ tablespoons fleur, two hablespoons suger, two yolks ot, egg,,6e-fourth tup o eîtotr, . t'wo tables pýoans -,ot vinegar, one-tourth -teose-hait ýtea- spoon musherd, -hbree-tourtbs-,tee- spoonoet- sait hwo tablespoons, -cf olive oul.%. This dressing taxayý- ho made for about 12 centis a& pund. - Tt may be thinned -witb eream, miik- or àt pahen' egg - -Wbites. -1Lftput inte c, sterilized glass jar ctxd se"e it. -wiil ,-kçep -fer - weeks,, 50 thetwb- 'yoike -ýare, at hand i,ýt may b. ýmÀde; If ieggs- are expensi e one yolk may- be- used and -thre. -tabieqpacns -et- flôar.;- -ýThîimakes -a.rich, -creamy time piastetaewh-olie 'cil., , Methodi.ot, Cookýing"--In .ýàaJr isg amali -quantities ef,t'Ibise'wb4 lhe time et cooking le ver,y-eho#i. a11, f et. cua 1-m' put te- gethoer.-aid cooked,-over -loW11m1r This quantity makes about-ose'-hAli cap -et dressing. - -- -Recelpes for Sweets. Creazu Peppermlits--Ma.ko a stjff paste -et aI po- of sugar 'wil I u tablespoona et watet,-put, over the. fire, a-nd -lot-vo ilt-boretint-il lt-fust - net-oies î4ie boiiing point. Tek.àk it off tho momçnt it bheglus te libble, st-fr ant-il Il' cools partlally, aù kew drops of essence of peppermint --enoug4,te cuit. he taste-and drop lie candyý froan a teaspoon on» waned papes', abloving, cneugh tei eacb. portion tb make e round't-be size etf epenny. ,,Oreand ]prac- lice wii ho reqaired te gel the ekill, te mako the candies etfulfni sizo. Sel lhem -in--a moderateiyt warm place nIl fi nm. Chocolate Wafers.-Melt -thbet tiaai a -dinctd u inte preceding1 rocipe. Heat lu anether vessel, set in boiling wator four tablespoens cf grated ebocolato; adcl Ibisho theie engar vies lhe stage la reaniied ho1 t-t-k. il froan lie firo, and drop lb. waters os the papen, as in the case .of t-ho peppermints.t Householti Notes. The best time t begin the eping boasecleanlng is atfer the fannace. fines are eut. A-ppiea and pears siiould alweys be wiped with a aiea-n cIt and thon rinsed unden the.-hetp before asing for. desso»l -- To keop -lie ligil et cil . lampa ca-r, the -bannera shoaId ho boiied every .-mont-h in water witbi a lump et soda lu-il. SAiways cover nevly baked bread- vith a dlean oloth-pref-çrably-. &n old table clth-te keep il free f om germe and 'du"et. -- The, vile- etofan egg, vbipped' stiff w-it-b a ripe banna, niake7s deiitécuï- creezuý te he loaten on e simple gelet-in pudding. - Appies ct-nho teved witb e' lit- ticef bitéver cànneèi fruit- suclias hiackberriek, and t-b e rsaitrvil! b.- a pleI ulchaenge.- - Sasi cartalus et Svise anasîlu ieînmed by band are leasa likoly it-1 pucket vihen ,-wsd-tbt-u in ru ap onu l.i macbaiùei - - All tho strip-s»,'of ftl lefIt ra6m a, steak sbould ho 'lotI-lu a dish.-aànd'd îried dit, 1n t-ho - <ven. They yl maki -erÃŽcejentiaàt for truI -- 1I-I'aYs --t-be' hclsekeepen --ho ge th6. boit;lbedhpringg, and- imattresses iW-the-4àakâeefti-if--thaie-bas t Large-piiht«Ins utablee cIohare, l~s' coneivai -ha- nees, ' ior lhe- élpe reêàon-- -t-bat he' -long t-aode break ooner t-ban tht- eheirk lu pesIn sikor satin1, do net theI ~ L~-sein<le-, dry Mufr- -Ilr. -overthie oa m- and pres- vith à warm-îrou.------ 'A-,e - rdb o7t mashed poe,- toes III be I!lSd into acupful et goIexd aZup vnhI tb.addition-ofmik a bit et-butter-abn mivp ý;sai, çprnvn io aw-ena.i frWmflaýping) vhen the window;is .lowered, ýpIaoe an- extra aç-,o catches for- thé shade about, a Ioat lo.wer than, the regular p1acei,-. ,Try wiping a greasy frying pan wýith a .piece- of newspaper héef<ýre;. waihing ýit..-Mucli of the grease -will w ipe -off -and can be burned,' thereby savîng Èoap ,a nd labor. Wheiïshaïp, knives are, kept wit~h other articles in k itchen. drawer eaclhbladeshould b. protected vnth. a sheath, 'which' may b. easiiy made from heavy wrapping paper. Sandwiches 'prepgred in advince Pf serving, tiin ecan- b kept se. freshý asF when macle 4y wrapping them in a naphin- wrung* out of hot water, then placi*ng them in à cool place. Durinig the canning season many women stand for-heurs stirring the fruit to prevent it froxrg burning. Lt the pr;eserving kettle is piaced in a pan ofi boiline water it can' cook 6il day witliout burning. A convenience in.the kitchen is a set - cf kitchen kuives,§ including four ,knives,, on. for onions, one for parsaley, one --for lemons and the fourth for vegetabies. On the han- dle if each knife les distinctly jet- tered thbe article for which the knif e is ta be usa6d.1 If you wish boileci potatoes ta look pretty, peel large potatoes'and cut balls eouto'e them with the help cf a potato scoop. Cook in boiling salted water fer ton minutes, draiiý and pour over* them à littie melted butter, then rol1 in minced parsley 'and sprike ith sait and pepper. IUOW Oê1)TO DMATH. D llE.be' e Sals Ileat Eating "The. calculation'«le made iaI et- 'the prefeut time 25,000,000 otftthe wonld'a population a.re deslined te die et cancer," i-s Dr. Robert BelIi's âumming - uüp et an article on "Tii. Therapeuhic»a ef Cancer," in t-he British Medical Times., Ho bas ne speciflec hire te offer, thougb h. be- Hieves t-bat flesh-e.ting i5 lie chieÈ cause eftht-e t-rouble. Preventi;n lW botter't-ban,.cure, so e beaoiree.âa caanpigs etf preventive work, but lun thbe case of-tbe,25,000,000 oet vhem b.o speaka itis tee lt-te for imer'e prevention'. Tiiey bave the. diseaszeî se be aske fer et-ber meas-ares.- The use ef the knife ho cousiderà te have f ailed, t-beagh ho stili he- Hieves lier. are casesB- wbhere opera- tion is noce-ssary. Ho quoten Sir Benjamin Brodie, Professer MeFar- lane, Professer Wa.i-h, Dr. Wleedon- Coolie, Professer Syzue and Sir James Faget as support-ing his he- liet that- eperation id seldean necea- sary. A dlean lover hevel, in hie estimation,'-i. lie oeedesinable tbing, sud ndl bis attempte get lis and thus t-o cure oves- lete.cases ot cancer h. helieveslu thbe us. cf atonyl. He concludes bis paiper hy- GayiIlg ; .-"Thon. les no doubt, I t-hink, t-bat et all the remeddei lathbave been- empleyediy- t-he bypodermie me- t-bcd, atenyl is ta ho preterred ho- fore any other, and I have bcd am- pie -experience o et i.meut e t heux,- for, -I bave net- hesitat-ed te gîve a. ,fair and hon~est- triai te au-y agent wblcbhahie en akid te have-prove» usetul in et-ber bauds.,Among these -I, m"y mont-ion Dr., Schmidt!'s anti- mer.esteun capraEe and caprion, -whleh are botb ceiloide et - copper and vene iargely enteiled by eer- tain Fnerrch surgeons; aise seleniel, 'wbich le a colloid of.-aeieniam,. every one. et which have pnoved absolute-' 1-y aselese lu my ,-bandes MrEeedil agents inu cancer, and I have em- ployed thom lu al tormsetf tbe dWa esse. - -ýr« ..Fea an extensive expenieno. 'I baveë heenfol-Eed te lhe conclusion' -t-bat lie <only saccesaful -metho- f tretiUg cancer consista lu. a re- tformed diet, unremittiug a'Itentieon, te t-be sanitary condition, <if the colon tad t-ho -trict observ adce et] hygienie iaw, together witb the varý îeus local- mea&ures bave énamer- ated." Perof. -eenrîng- encra-t, - PPY, clinics with the ne#--; royIaletO u nd.r proper guerantes B esr- Some Mediaeval Kitcheeis.. -There - ea mediaeval- kit-chou- atP Westmineter- Abbey, although littie' remains-by whicb te identity it aeal4e trom tue . rabbi. fieoi'ing, the. but- tory hatch and an. adjoixinguéecllar.- Ham1phon Court. '-PalaSso.hWS its,_ great lcilcbeu, with výaultéd- r&ît- a.nd sets et entiers -on- its- waih&.J Englishmen et other, daya ifully re-: --ognize the adventage 'of a, large- kitchen. There ia-extant an order,I dated April 19, 12 06, wherein Rugh de Nevll la commanddto have te Kiug's kitchen ah Cilrendou roofed& with shingles and te cuse t-vo noV kitchens t6o ho erected, oeeat Marlborough and tue -other et:-Lud-; gerehail, in 'wbicb j"to drese" then rôýyai diaxiers. -- ,King George Dsie Fi ts.- Tii. Ring-bas an intenàà dialike toC tryln -on -ciethes a.nd nareiy or. ne- ver leesse. Enact zafedels et Hi -Majesty'o figure are kept eit Buck-- ingham, Palace lucharge oethle chiot- valet, -and -on t-boa. tue Kîng's- elotles are fated. - - SPrelgit p aid l Inca-b ,ou 10 bumieola or Ioe Baes fre.Write for catalogue.I CEC 01 H & SONSToronto.1 PRESto BOYS bas binet ateel bel. Io,ýndnt-fine box, fit'- ted vIth-li tema vimleTeéafets' valve and,-isingbe vleh Sint bmr. Pol- icti inas fitingi. A),-eal cOpc-foot bhigIt. 'B -Satd us pour narno cuti atires and v viu-,Oue pou 30-ets cf - &enlc, Fiera! Greetilug and tibea- pestcards t ell at i6_;penis a nest (sIx beautilul oaa-tiilan eaci mset). Wlaon " ud sentiuslite! monep, and vo viii $enti son lie engins. I mli' Changes propeli. Write te-ay. Ad- H0>MER-WÀARREN 00. ~ ~P~I4~Toronto m e illim 1 Million

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