Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 May 1913, p. 1

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I4~JLAAL~ 4UNS. - - CAKE MAKnRB PRIE ÀL PRICE ON~ OATS FEED WHEAT 1Wliolesale lu Ton L ots. NUL le- A& at C ii9b9 . Z Raglan, W. k. Bren4 agent. Callu byday or niglit prpniptly JWE 6isEMO on Our premises, that means Wh 1 .you consult -us about es, we dan fit yu with eJ - iehses you should -~E.LU~E t6 oi~St..', tOrRONTO BUSIN E S$ -Yeso weaeputtîn'g cripples af ry, ver a-but cf business.l1 By and We I 1r, DMe seti 1O 1IS1 IT BEING DONê? wearing aur Ortbopedic B ,ots, iulr-ear noekick.- FR01 -OUR OUSTOIERSI ereceive letters and cards si, ai- tg- the fcllewing: _ .ar Sr,- Your work is giving perfect lufacti on. Name ou requeut. Re H.',,QUIN rom W.%hitbyisO Only Repair Shop - Brocjc St. South W., EVANS I>Ï MIanulacturer ,o%*O'd iesldeaece, Dusudas Street 'i.WlilTBY brai dom ua uni f hby Hum». rqenpqm&d te bi iIa oro hpazAe»ô.itnl sot notic, aie ýl>àti.d io allkin& of r- f*or teOnanlaWiad hIÎB, -lo "éDu .i4m &Md the qumares IRS -a ~ - JNO E. FAREWÈLL, K. C. Barrister, ýCounty Craw n Attorney and ~Office south wi»g Court. Hous e, Whitby. Barrister. Selicitor-. Notarit Public. Etc.- Office, Breck St., Opp, Standard Bank. -Money ta Lean. 4AME9 RÇJTLEDGE-, Baprist', Etc. Moncy-to Loah na éasy terins.- Office imnediatçlyusouth Royal Il tel, Whitby, Ont. ~YOUJNG -SMITH, L.L.B. 'BairigteY-1Etc-i'Money to Loan. Issuer of Mîrriage Licenses. Office"- niithis Block-Whitby, Ont. DENTA&L W. ÂUflS, 1o."Dm ffoj una 8ie ý .eiieNo. 4,-th.eTrrae Byron S.p, Wwhty. Phono No. 128. aor te -Lé Éairbanke. For terme »ad ilata. apply to e sU'or G. Bobb, WhIi- WR. HMAW- LICENSED AUCTIONFffR ANDVALUATOR. Ail kinds of maies promptly attended i.. Arrangemnts ca ii -B"adfor maies at the Gasette olofce. Tercreaàoýnblf Bell and Indepenidessi pnonans WIIITBYt-ONT. CONTPRACTORS - J. HOWELL JAMES Carpenter, -Builder and Contracter. Plans drawnf and estimates furnished. Repairs, Aiterations and Jebbing. Agent for, Brantiord RoOrlng BOX1467 .WIlITt$Y PboneI49, -Marriage Liêenses. A. H. &XLIlI [imiter of Marriage Li enses Corner drugstore. Whitsby go Witneuues requird Sommer Schools, Fer courses in ail Business -sub- jects leading te positions as Bock- keepers or Stenographers, and for Civil Service and -Commercial Speciallsts' examinatiens wMl be conducted in Shaw's Scheels, Te. ronto, (The Cent-rai Buslnesq Col- lege with four city Branch Scheols) !ram July 3rd ta August i 6tlb this Students may enter any time for gen. brc.1 courses. ,'Ne vacations. Write W. IL. ihaw. Preg4ent, for catalogue. 891 Yonge Street.Toronto. of ail Desl6ns and Matorlail kpt inStc Il ffl pay Y« ou «cli ai oui v.ke mnd inapea for yoummIf. - Don't b. iuled by agents, we do nai employ them, consequently we so and do allow thea agnt'm cammluslon, 10 per cent., which y-au will eert.alnly @ave by-~ purehasipg from «u. A Cali Sollcited. IftIt 9 [8918DGo Officeand Wrko pOmflit. Standard Bank, Whtby, onti. p.Ut. -I lie evdiilflg I - tem a -Pant -mortem, -and -reprted later lita frding ta the jury. TPhe f allowint -withesues were ar "-.fi, Perrin,'. Mig. Pèrrin, Bain-Por- rln, Mrs. Nfié 14iluo%, Tues. S tev- ension, Wm.«,Spence aud« Jas. Had Prom thé' stidencut apPeared liaIt from - TerQato. 1oee Uphtrati statlbn la ,Heard's. bus, -ettlugiout at Ilie Quee's Hoie1,e-A-bout l p.. lie luCompany wtth John-Watsocta ai Tes." Stevon, ontered the' Royal Ho6tel. mowat àa-sied il lie -couli get a room, andl was dlrected te No. e. Ho bail nothing ,te drink there. Steven- son remalntahîe- reamtIli rMd-ý night , when he "ent, away.' Mowat.-remaîned, abouit the liotel -81l SuUday, but, comPlalung etfeeéingý uai, lie dfd tnot - cat- auiytiitg.] -Durtng Saturday aitght ho Lad bee ,qeuite unw*el, VOmittng a gaod deai, Sunday eveanfg Ati about et 0 '- elock hlo f t the liotel, ai d ddual return.ý Mis. Wilson, waltress at the Roy- ai,. -Whliives across the street, said that Mewat came te lier bouse -. and remalned*'t1.11!10gp.m -When ieaing, she thoughf lie was, returning te the Royýal On Mcndaf aflternoon Mowat a- gain caileil on Mrs. Wilson, remalulng1 for s'oea ime. Wherc hlire wt from tiere,, and wbere ho was «Il1 Wednesday mo&- ii aI 5.30, wbelc~r. WlsonSM" lie returned to hler lieuse, the jury could not id oui. MoWat seomed'to have coinpletely vaifsheil from moi- tai ken. At lte bour uamed, lie came te Mrs. W11lios- er, DdShi elt hm In.- Ho cempiainel. ef being Ill. FHe asked if he -could lie down, and whule ging tewards..tlie lied' fell. Mirs. WIl- sonran across'te shtret tQ the Roy- ai fer heip. Mr. Spence, ea bearder, re- spondel. FRe fôunil Mowýt <ylne, and -e hurrled awey te cal a, dectoiy. Dr. Procter came. Beoere he arriveil an lte icene 'MoNvàt wasdegd. ls ceat i ad vest weré hànong oeç.rà chair, an -lbs coilar- and *tife bail been remeved, aise lits beots and Undertaker' Letchër iestified that when ho *as. preparling Mlowat for bu-tral lie feund the soles of hIs feet covered wlUhInlese dry mud, as If lie .-bad been walktng au damei earth ln his haie feet. No expianaticm oft tiis clould lie given b! nuyone. Dr. Precter's autopsy discloseilte facet ilat' Mowat was ln a bail pbv- slcal conditi ou. There was. a big greenlali dot in -tlie heairt, the lunLrs were cougesteil. -te. ilver was , twloe fis normal size, the. blond verseIs of the brain were conwosted. lte stom- acix was much distended.i Tihe condition of the affooted ergan.s colild have been caused bv alcohnlic polsenlng, excessive cigarette smok- inc, or piomaine poisonuinc. Ti was sliewu by thç evideuce titat deceaseil bai been, a heavv c itrrette smoker, aise that ble bail late).,been driukdng, liaving had a liSnor hottle witl hlm wheu ai Mr-. Wlson's The thiquiry was resumed on Tues. d'a-v evenlng. Thxe mort Important wftness was the dead! man's- mether- frem Port Porry. Mrs. Mowat bad gene -te Torento Rince lier sou's deaili. and had 1ound Out that wheii-lie left Toronto --on Saturday. Arril 19. lie told the Man- ager oft te'Russeli Heouse that ho waus Rgolng home to e its meilier. Ro lu raid to bave wern ai the urne a dia-, moud pin, te wgl!t of bis mother, I r .H. Nicolson,, underloker, ta-ao-re, Ilat -whea lie wenl ta renie,. the 'body il wau lylng on tlie-bl t Té Lpa IIDUCAION 80 CIDES4.. DE-1 Unes patroDm-ge àhe publie coolte our tion, tS thé- outcète eof tirirr_àbltty aud ,nianagmeul llicy have- maie Iheir tarms a -source of .-attraction a nudadl- Fils i4ews oupohitlalquestions were thoeeof!à -brbaitFmùidei!- Ceuser-, vative, and bts ldndîv. feelng twand ail wen fr -hIm -groato'tre sp ect- aud- osteemi,. --- Xucli Syinpathby lu toit'fer bià_ de- Vo0taI sîSstor, Migs CrawfotîtWh' 0 has- been lits - constant cempanlen ihrougliut Iffe, and l'ase for.,-hls auly' brelLer, to- weho wan ral i tacbed. Fe aIse lesiess te ineuru bis Ion ihroo ether sisteri, -Mis. Johicn Smltb, Miýs. W. H. Theruilyke. ail Mis. IR. Fi.Aluin. ofthîe vieinity. DEATII 0F' wM. MO>RCOMBE,. i -le, itlideep regret fthat we -re- Port te very suddea- deatitetof e of -oui- mest bhihly rseti residauhu, W3r. Wm. Moreombe, w Ic eoük place ýou Tuesday afiorneon Iast At 16o agecfft years- andjihc mentis. Wlr. Moîcnn>be bad been ail, Iug ail itintor w li stomacli lroiibhIo. but avrarently. was -recovenug fro- this ami! reoentiy bail- blicorilu -e eya. -'On -Mendav lie ias at te bjac-litli sli w1th a herse. Fie rode the animai te ibe stable.- afier w hlle fôund great dfficut, lu rpaching bis lieuse. MedIcal aid was Immedtately summourd, but ho was beyeud humnan aid. Rfie d about '27 -bourg after- thre attacir. the causa bourg periteultîs. FIlS funeral took iniacoonu-Tliurudav afiernoon t E Bis- kine. Cemetery. F ils unexunectri eal came as a great. shocir te the com- munt,. 55 hé wwqts aruanwliewas, verv higlilv esheenrei. T-Te ias an ox- oellenil neiler, -and - was always rfm'dv ta rive a lieluen baud te tirsae tra neoi. -Rince comine tf Ls-viln ten roald". ho lias Proved -hlmseif te be. a uîîiMIC-$irlted -cittren, nrnrneting.î thoraf thiugzs t4mning eth te- advapce- ment e! -the villaLyp.. ne WAS a. Mem- ber et thée Méthodiute àtî.b. ase o --r .0 .ad hplnre<l n MAe Ma- souic fraternt,. hv whon- hfIq finersi- wasq caudUciai!. RT-Te ll rv4ved liv is widnw and! titesens. P..T. andLeli wirn have thP-qvmnDa-hv e!fal lunthpir srddn eeaamniprkrigNews Deceased ions a son of Mi. Wm. Mere-ombe, eftibis te-sm. T>F'ATT0F' LESTER HUBB1ELL. The dealli of ?Wr. Lester Hulibejl. l'aie of Myrtie, ont., IF: a"uoun6ed bv a United StatueParer. a eliPping of whiChb ias hemn sent te ibis Parer. Nqeltiter lte date unr -vliarp (o! Dtbilca- tien le given.- *Mr. l?îîl*iell Lad mach- oit almosite bis 82nd vear. n-e haît retirei from tile active duf4es of bis faim ai Mvrtle - about ion vears aze, and -Ilved Iu auet lutielieme ereot- Pd! for himneif on thp faim. Iu Mav, 11409, lis rarner lu lite clpd. leavinir hlm aTone. Rince iliat -tlme lihe bar resided witli reletîve.I in tlie Uni Tn a future isque we .qhalli uv ta fIud reom for tli",c*rr.lu which bes been sent us.- CHARLES EASTLEY GONE. Anotbor -eld citizen cf Wbttby pass-, ai away on . Tliursday et last - week, wlren Chas. Eestley d in luthre Osh- awa Hospital'. For rame menthe Mr. Eastley bai! been Ili. Rince the demtb ef lits wifo a couple et ,years mgo he seomata bave gene "ilawn hLiii" rap- idiy. He sold bis little praporiy -on Breck sshoot Whltby, and lied - about exbmusted ail bis moans whea -èàiled awaY. The FUnoral was held on Fr-- Movelby Jhn Frguis- éconded by Oea owls, lta-hfe.ProPerty Committse Lave'lte Henry Street Soheo, building* ra-hlngled adme pismie . ath te brick work.. Tire above moition wént tirough at ucalion -held oin Moaday nilit. oui et. tic thlrteen numbéis of the Bad ine were P c "»-Mua lieuEsCollns ,Joues, - " ringo c Tii. vote.o h motion was-yeas, Fer~uso, liews, Oh ios Jdes. ifr-iad Wlnhyre did îual vote. -The motion -cçausea - beatei!d -d' prolonge l. diacrqulicI. - l-Pr ' tic s-mo lion l a contmenditati e par iD hobuftding weunàld e lie maey, -*eîlmi n- the eveut of a sale1 tuereef, - eveà If net ieaufid fer1 scool purpoes. ý he matien - tas eppeÇed Véeeoul ly by Messrs. Ras a amiMcClelan. 1h 'was decii!ed teerive Mr., .Il-Bnder-i sou, et.DueminlSl. -&t4. an assil-ý mt. Miss Woodbouse wti g-e dowu te Dufferma shooet, and i Mss Lizutei Putie wtlI take Ilie place ot Miss Wnadlouùse ai tire FilaitSébeol. 1 Mr. J. H. Nicliolsen presenici!- bis1 rosloeaatan as a member of thre Boardil wblch. atter ccnefderatian, was ac-1 ceptai. W. . Watson Chairged with Bigàmy.- POLITICAL STRIFE IN OSHAWA BELIEVED TO BE AT T7HE BOTTOM OP IT. Oshawa, April 27.-Mr. -W.J. Wat-. son, Police Magistrate bore, aud late- ly editor of the Vindicator, was ledged lun-the local jail to-niglit by Chie! Coustable Hinil, whe beid a warrant cbargiug Wat.son with big- amy. Civil preceot)iugs were aise belng launched through Mr. D. A. J. Swnnson, wvho is actlng as privete prosecutcr, and hlis laid tbe crnml cliarge under section 307 o! thecocde. Ne application for lia-il wlll be entend until accused ir mnagned ou Mouday et il a-m. before Magistrale Crys- dale. Mr. Watson la te lie represeut. ed by Mr. W.E.N. Sinclair, M.P.P. It is beieved that thre prasecutlon wili rock te prove tiret Mi. Watson was marr'led iu 1878 et Lakefield, Ont., ta lte woman wiro retunned bore iast niglil andI-nstituted the procoediugs through Mr. Swanson. In- 1904, Il la elieged, they were sopar- aloi!, tbe womau recelvittg $12 a week. Whlle lu Caliloria with -ler thie.cilldren, It le raid, sire receivai! e bItteir-utiug ltai ne more money weuMld c sont. Then ut le eîieged, Mn.- Watsen weut te Sioux Fails, S. D., establshlng a resideuce feirame time, and! toun securot a divorce on te ground ef deserllort.- Returing ta Torouto, ho iemained as editer of a weekiy paper, mnd acliieved rame dis- tluictlon as au amateur pliotographor, From Tenante Le went to Oshawa, buylng eut tire Vindîcaier. Tire soc- andi marriage took place in Michiga, ta Mary, E. Fmîiey, who lu living bere witL Mr. Watson. Tl le cliargeil tiat Mr. Watson loft Canada wltl tire lu- leatiou of gettiug a divorce tram -ies final wito, cettrarv ta tire provisions et the crimînal code. On MonileyMeni-g Mr. Watsôu -B Ladis, Ci/drn Cli tire wenld ovir love recreatien. Nowadays e bicycle spin lu abeut tire proper caper. A4 Good Wheel t properiybandled is tbe source cf -lots. of enjeyment. The bicycles we seIl are al geed. There isn't a 11lias been " amont them. Again, there. isu't a chance of accident with our wheels. They're substantial,- easy ruuning and ~cheap. Buy one. Be','bappy Sand sale. Prives Fri DUNDAS ST. MANG J3 -Î Y SEI3D Our prices thir year are as feleows:. "ilant Sugar Mangel, YelJow Leviathon Perfection Red" Guant Yeliow Intermediat, Jwnbo Sugar Beet Leviathpn" 1 lb. pkge., 3 8c. It& 38c. de 38c. te bulk, 35c. i lb-. -pkge.. 38c. WNITBYONiT.- Phones; Bel], No. 47; Jndèleenden't..No., 47- TI-MET P. -cent r F u -P pre Paint Mar-tin-Senour s&e-etpure paint iscomosed- onlY f Lead, Zinc, ýLinsed 011 and' Turpeëniine D5ryer, wvhich are th best known itigredients for paint.- Cors400 - ) eet Per Gallon -OATs- uy. )m. ELECTION 0F OFFICERS 0F -EP-WORH-E E At taé annul meeling ! -ôLe,1 Ep- worlb-1Leaguaetof-the Methodist Tab- ernacle- au. Tua'e!"y.-ovetng, April 29i1thire foUiowîng afies era ît- ed -loi fiéeFsuing -yeam: Hon.Pxes-Rer~ KE. Sauritr. lut V.io-Pra~- lH. Thomnpact. 2nid Vice-Pes.-M.-Iezsmit&i ill Yce-Prii.-W. G. Augus.ins. 'rc~r-Mc -L.» Palgati. -Co.4e~--lssG. Jehuston. ~reaurm-içgaE. Are. Ptaslst-Msa v. Luke. Asst. PWl1t-n . Gt AUuguus. W'v:H-,ITBY BRA-N- C.- I.A. #ea ,mager,. slsmaIe uvil, woon, (.A ciEnMn n lai -9-30 p.m ri Tan- ~1.1 u.rn 1.05 p-tu apro* ,om $2500 to "$60-00. a WRITBYI ONT, I Apr. '. 4, gay AS,, d, Wire for V ami le 1111ll ire For loi- Heuse wiriug, power wiring, a xtures anti supplies, aise m mors and transformera. S If yon vaut us cali us ataur Sexpese.' Iu lo stalatIon C.0 LUd -24 8mSe- , obiwa i %*dA~ P-4 rlwIvi

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