Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Apr 1913, p. 6

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[Acense Inspecter. Disney & i n c Oak.1 I pratrji ~ j waahstaod, 1iCha 2 Ir1,csi o6U; 'i tainé, xaahstamicoôWe,-* 2 mats, amail t4bl1ê ftàa, 2 diairs, &i xhIet-1 pièces. à mats for wuitnI formats, 8 plcturés, ibuPi,-1 carpet, Ipi aecurtijalu, 3 *~ tron bcd, mrai,siui Owu. 21-dcairs, 1i ressr, 1 ak stand, - t welrack, S-dreserôorînî_K mis,5dresser mats, 1 carpet, a floor mats, 1 pair' lace dliriuts. ]KITCHEN-î Inoleum,, lolijge, 1 * steve, Ha~ppy Thouglit, witb tank, 1. BfIei box stove ', cloclc, amall ta),Ie -Coal scuttie,.1i*rocker, 4 chairs,' 8 Pletures, i tablei j otUbealier, waê beu*c1 0i1et6 tve sudoven, imïrbt1e top -stand, bread 'eroek aud tin,. 4 pictures, pair 'chenille'-purtaIns,- mit- ror, boler, tUn hatIitub-,.step',ladder, -Ceai slfter, 8& a=e,5w n m horse; slckle, slice shears, S3 'tubso wash boards, wrlnger,> clothei basket, tlwrgranlttware, ýtee -creama freezer, fiat Irons, odd dlçhesýp 2m nerons--otlier articles.: -of j-Incb boRe, 2 bushel baske., lMd. der, hme, rakes, shovels, new wbeel". barrow, show halterr , Od4UI whebrrow,- wh!p, i steel cîowbar Saeat: two -o'elock. Termes, cs Èm.l Maw, autIetoneer.J SUD ENDETTOW.MWT SLaîýly on Wednesday rmorulag; "D)utèh" Mawat, at onei4me a bar- tender at the Royal iHoteulel n dcly at ,.Ms boarding 1'ouse, 1Jreek- etreet. Mrs. Wilson, wlth wh't. he boarded,sasys _lie had lbeen -îout.j ai! upon getting. up feu do"u a fçw minute's dealho- iad been ha:teniing îILT. five %w-ks a-rO.Ile tuTu! is friends li towflon 1'û11. he was feeling. unweU -tlst M-a Mear-in a Toronto roi- tSaturdaý', and soon altet iii1, and ntd f rA,4uent- lay or two. Uc I ,oktA'aý nax4, at ail evcuits. miidecided that an fnquest was taken !or buria! to hy thse father of deceased, s- a young mian o? i" lcb- lys eial om the ailentscansed dered stomael,, torpid egullar bowels is given' r,. safely, and affsur-, the tried and irellable lU^%J P O.wmI . Maï;g * ~ ~ I M M . S U I SL b o um u UT . o o , $1 CivesYouA BankB lUi de Du M UOI vlum you have àa' la Sa oaouu Wtttink. Yo0 wHtBry BRANCH:- A. A. ATKINSON,. I~Z SHAWA " A. H. BLAOK, To M nitbaSaskatchev mai etun e*3 tub "Mcf Uomq Ukoes'ga~n~ Toronto 10.2 B4~~eptuJDber an4 October, Bnci AWIP pac6duulag Nayo, Jne, jul Tfr. i»h TamIma OTto <oWiuuîpu fi - ER, BLeW9 We carry only the L. Women'is, Girls', Boys, weaf, in the llnest Jeath Colt, Tan, Valour and -finest of Vici Kid. Algent, -atest Styles in, Men's% and LittleTbs Foot- iers, GUnI Pate 'nt-J MletajCe i-t -Watr-ProofE -Men's, Boys' and Youths' B tt grains, Kps and EIk Leathers) sp.ciaftY. A çalJ soicited. JOHN P for If ý e we shoulk iuouusdy, May Grand 'Trunk ,pres an sur NEW DISTRICT. REPRESE NT.-< .,Mr. R. I. Tlpper, B.S.A., basttc ceatly beený appoi 'nted district repre- sentative'forit-e 1be ll rancis of the Ontàrioli parime#t ci Agrieultur at Whltby, dutiles conimeuolngAR< I'Mr. Tipper--bas bad valuabexper- lence wlt th -lLsxbtaoi branoir'Pl he Depsrtmeut of Agrlcnltorem *i PetrGea,. sud la prepared te continu thie good, work carilW.e m1mï L ýfl j >- Japail We.have a fuli str Suits, the ready to-! We have aboiuti 50b o, saniples of Tweeds and Worsteds. The, Mc.& R. and Hobberin goods. Suits-- Yfltrodüeti6ia r Destim The -itrod western knoi work a coxnpl cal and. sur Flowerv Xiix tligs hatis gone, is whaj sire" -orîprick - - moe of-treat uticking. -J.. gokdibito the the siifferer a~ Out,' as ose their cakes w àee ifthey a*rE I Reliable aul ,cases in wbic hàrs bro ughUi the Patient w -Cured, and de hethnbe 3.5 -declared th trors 1are able the heart -and with thieir nee' j. dath, anIIthaI j Cause any cop 3 x 3 3ý x4: e.va] f neèw. Spring -' Three Yds Wide made-to-measure, we guarantee ta fit pesnlu Ontatlo County wbo li In- in >tedadrieutre igsay of.is branches, Is -desired., - lnqulrles v!roelve p romptI atention, nM& - suggestinswill lu much APpeecad. When I lu Mtby eaU at the offic-asd get acquainted. You - vi belu el- eomc. -. 100REWARD,10 The "fi-,* of this paver -wl ,b. pie&ued te -)< lea ru ' liaithe1Fe lin t lest aÃ"nedreaded diseuse thit 'clnrben hPlen mlle to- cure ln- aui i jdare*. adtliitisa(kturrh. HaliI'aCatarnb Cure la the oulv positive cure no- kitown to the mu-dirai frateruitv Cataria bu-lut a àconuthu- -- losidlàerni.requlres a couttttlousai treat. _______ - -me t ll'u Ouarrb Cure lu taken luterually. ltitrdt-ei upon the blond aud iijucouu mir- foiceof the « votpim theru-by t'est*o$yng the fouýpnduilon of thedlueae. anid egintihe patient Cst"rerne' hvhyhuilinu- tp (tu- cnxititùtinn sud ,ulwl,wnA nrnture ilu duini- it.q work. The pro- Pnrietnr" have miteli fa ltfl It ,curative pow'.rit hnt Cher ifer nfl u ndted nle,5far eny I oe tfl<tfais to cure. Send for liai of test. -Adiresg: P. yCfTlrtfv & cmV.. Toleduo.. ffld t 011 ni rtglts. -5t * Take Hail'@, uily Pilisfor cnoatiîuon THRINKING IT OVER. Every Une in a' newbpaper co&ts somnething- Il it sle fr an îndividid- unU it .should liepaid for. il -thé inerchant were asked ta cantribute bis wares- to one abundantly abile ta pay for thean, he Wauld refuse. Tlhe proprIetor -of a newspaper must psy fofi the f ree advertising if the bene- ficiary dace not, and it la one ofthtie * -bardesi things te be 1earnuef by many that a newspaper bas space in îts columaÏs ta rent. To give away for anythiug less than living rateb wouldi bio certaiuxly ag fatal as for a Iandý lord ta furnisis bouse free of rent. PUTS RUAIR b)N YOUR HEAD AND KEEPS IT THERE. Wbat's Uic use of being bald ? Wliat sense le stisere, lu dellbrately alawing .YOur bair to tm - gray ? Do brou vanta o okold before your trne ? ? Give up thie tisougisi aid age viii ,corne only ioa bson. Look afier Your bair. PARISIAN- SaewÃŽIF kilitbe dandruif gcrm, sud lu th ely'preparation, se far as vo knw t lu tsguaranteed to f e rpy t,n PARISIÂN Sage viiill k ycmt look7on. 'wh. oiYlô - o -Â.H -AlIn.u4 et rge bPulet-ay, It ouly-.coets 5« net cure d«adidruif, utop fallngfaro your 4.0r! luxuriant,- brltigisi subeauý- pastani4i grtlng 4halr. drus. - Uxbrldge Iins.Ju t prise!eP illeu-ol6ire resigned b mis tnûlson': air neoosary to appoint a uew. Tne position bas been offorefi ofr Whk o snlo , s ~Ied I - gel St. Sut, WityOnt. LOCAL REPIESENTAT1VE t WANTEl. To ande lots in Prkway-H1eights su d v st ; - ell nd, -- . O nt4 4 q Us t e >fastest gr wng t vw& C n da 26 manufacturng pants-seéeurai- road. Parkway, HiegitB e tse ol Ibi h-c ass res de nlaa1, - sù1'd v s i within the city limits.i Sevëli-rinl.- tes wak rm the post-office. Ele- jtric llght, severs, gag, Water, armail avallable.. Car lins beig exeded ta property. This is oeue-of Uic best investments -in Canada-la-day. Apply witis refrences. Laughlin Reily, LAxited, 32 Adelaide Street. East, Toronto. NA-RýRW TIRES MUT GO. A MIL introduced' In the Ontario Legislaturo proposes that narrow Igred vebieles shah n et ho sý,M -in' this province - aftcr two y ears trai now, and tat nne sial be allowed after five yers-f rom thet.preset 'Ure. iun-atler wrs, ownrs -;& narrow tired vehicles are giveis fvc Years grace to lct iheir equipment wear out. ,If a persan' ýs beund to ave a new narrowý-tiredf"vehc1e, he can get ittor two yersyet, but wiIl. -bve to gi ve It np aIt, thet mré byý thislt of Jnnuary, 1918. Saturday, May 3rd.-Aneton sa*le O f c h a tte l, p o cr y .b lo n g in g t i s lae Dr. W.O. Eatwoood. Sio at 1.0 'o'clock. Wrn. Maw. auctiancer. WARREN....Ât Port Wh1tbý, on April 2Otls, 19û, IRcv. Edward Wsrren, ln -hie 8 Oth ~ y a . We wish to acquaint the peoPle oýf Whiby a'nd ,sur- iroutýdingcountry withtde'fact - t4~t we- have openled- t-' a- laun dry>on -Brcèk St' 1ity inAewis Bios.' old stand.., We ar e prepared to dJo ail. kinds o lan r i. Ladi;es work and orers'givtei special -4ttention.-t Ail wbôrk neat -and deani. arcels. 'cd.- for Don't lau to seeu tc 4 Days'le, Notice Notice of transir f A!Lceus e Notice la iheeby gpven tisaT applica- tsohu Çea m eby R.M. McCheyne eft be Windsor Hotel 4n.tthe Town of Whuiby, to trauýsfer bis tavera license ta Willam W. 'Euïmrqon sud T. P.- otg aitise City af< Êamiiton, and that -tic said apel4Mion will bo con- *dcred at a mevekg of!-the IaSnse Board for tise District of Sout~h on- tarro, in Uic Town Hall in thc town o! Whithby. on Fnidsy, April 25. at 10 o:eîoclc. AUl parties eoncerned will gvers themselves acordingly. By order, LEDWIS P. LUXE, -25e to SScfflq.yd. One Yaid Wide One and à Hall Yards Wide Two Yards Wide ,Creamn, Paris & Tuiscan :26th, to 3Oth.» -ide ef Wmnd- STUDABMLE Thta s a cnt of eur Sui Cair with a-Maoter 43f mih - boi a 40 Or 45 hOrse power, -withw Ligbî, Electric -Starter, Siik Speedomneter, extra Rim-and. While aur '2ý5 b. ,-v the greateit vglue. On tise standard flot dawa-to ýa pi ÉGà 35efj, Turing Car. Juft tbink, a sois -stroke, what mOst- manufacturers cal! sois. wieei- basé; Shi Paseogr, plectric lep. jif7y- -Çuutàinsi _Topi Wihdshield, er,- $îoÇo.oo bas- demouystateditself ta b. OMltLibd-oI]et tuseli.ymreautîem inýdependeuit sund Rll Phase. Ix, - de-as tise D -The Chiâese Tnany Lýdea4 peci There Ïs mcich mis srx-eness iïi-his'mir t' the Chinanien bel. mian heart is-more infhumed at nùoon-d reascn thau at any %vise they-regard-t siuggests ng the coie Deys. while the-m, dicate the conditi< anci thiestcma.eh.- "DtetrrJohn? evuhed a wonderf, i iIOsis chat depehdS -- tics vçf pulIse. but ei these there are 21 mtrmr - vtrietue t tdeath. One, fun(: why. lho, Clinamnaî- t"ry ign -mint .1n' mnan 'anatumy ixi s neillier teo disseet mnscies -and interr hu 1main-bid-. 'Thé, luctance t-o invst-i. Liv yits n -the The -Chinese- rev, sl&h an extent that cra Chinaýman.oce for:hreeas Iime- th bocly is t beÉ laed ii a j and its èont-ents -ai foi. aW!futuire time. One wav-to ae when v uu s ee a i n Exten~'Sin ee JNTHE RiESIDENCE, if the main tes tphase la downitalrsau ExtensIon Tele. phomVno psalrs wi add gruatly te' Use- usefulnies. aud -covenience of tise.service, - Upetaira or-deownatsla a tellephone wiii b. -oe.et baud and the uecessity of star.ý ,,Climbln edhnnâted. - IucemIn9 aud eutgelug nIght-usm. sageî are fteu emoaèency or blgbiy laper. -tantam. AnEXxtéiea Telepoeuptj - -l r near th Ireul.pnê apartmeut viiM -a,. uird protection.. e A.addional ape., TELEVPHONE la triUua-m The Bell Tèl TiOFFICE, an Extension Te1epone On* your d"ell iisave you vauch Urne Su 'd -anneyauoe. -It je moe nconeiet t.- b. coustantly eical o eave yow , d-st asaer a telphon. oil tS tie. Phexie far-remused tramtheiworïfrl band. Wlith ans Extensioe, Te1.phone on Four dekt.i.lîne calli eRsb.ut-ùd -.A large -amo and iAuperstitio Chinese remed: - of value, but in emiployed -with< to their-actu al - but the-rxts t. prized- and thaf - Most effir-acions - pen tW gruw Mit * - otSs xc>as ib rÉ tihe human forie, - --dpgs is s upp4e, *- sumptîves, and - -tras-eller often ceases stili-f-or sa bel-eveà uý be a' Sthe-'peoIs ha-Ve 'à -, iaet. -tha,.n The- Mongolia, feeling one -puls perrhaps both tog, decîde that-a lit, per is -the ýprüpý j Celes-tial of h ale. the pj-oses, by the av I- that the 'diseased Eome <jîher foitM -Chinese dru-g st -posess-s alms -the Sun as a preJý * Oletentfmes thé - is said to- need'a t4ger; treatment common place whe -- sician prescribés r: 1- I i J 54 v. 't t- r -Br11 ft- - -t AmidUlIF=Q Disney SUPERSTIT TOIR] Itis ni ro 1 ý ý ým 1

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