Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Apr 1913, p. 10

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col credit -f thé province, th D tci prpvided being . imila? *jr b 9 which the municipaitiet-und rtàke' the lobai d. dstribution ,-of wr meeting the cost hy issuing . ebon turoes. 'Phe 't' bt-Ofe-way éf the Hyro:Elèct o tr5anisuimo '- t'Qm yll, ôf course, b. usedl-cf-d vantage, sncf this *11, beron tu 'the xnunici.palitios -by tiî.e mi,-" "In mocving th' frat r.wig !te ~biHn. ÇIfr., Beck referred i> thé faotthettheQCye=enen _and Clommison ha-d been wazted.upon au.i'urgbd ta adapt a' plan ëf on- couteaging 'th 'e constructio>n of elec- trie ralways aiong the riglit '-way ofteconmission ýused' for the transmission o1 p'Ower. "Railwigy construction and aper- -ation," ýho ;eaid, "lias not been fflsidered a .Mo ey-m king po position. _Consequently we feel' that the mattor ehould receive care- fui onsideration and thç 'feilest inestigetion lefore' such -an nter- prise is gone into." Ho adde that the construction of rural 'linee that had been coiisidéIrrec imp asible rnight be posible undor tke-4c ondi- tio0ne made by tho new, 1çkiltion. The- bill provdes;rt, h h Hydro-Electrié Power Comrni sion, whenever requirod by the Lie ten- an t- Gove riioàr-in-Council no ti do, ohKj!t d« 9 ul a M rCogh ole ab -m<W=; u 4b' ON'TIE MEN.- Sho-And 110w je' your bachelor Ifriendl Hoý-When-.I saw ]iirn Iast he was mhendiiig very islvwly. -Ohe-7Indeed 1 I didn't know be'd Ui--Ho hasn't been. He wae darning his socks. Origgs-I wo'nder if holer is liv- ipp, wiÏhin hie incarne ? Briggp - Within it?1 Why, hes living gqo far beyond it that they niay be sagl ta be reàjly, living -apart. Eveirybody- FromKid TGrandad post Toasties% Thin, ý crisp bits- of white Indman.Corn,' cooked ô perfection and toasted tola, delicate brown without tLýe ,'Ma of -hamanhand.ý yetÉget hemi in tIbe-- OeWLkY to Eat for, b fast and lunch, iùtb thck cream or rie.' Èȶitl 4c5s ihta p uuwu ito .wie corpoeation Biter de- CuI 'üti the.ý charges1 for rentai of loght;-f-way, poxwer, -eta.' The entirié ,undertaking, wilf be m~uncijWaly qwned,, and, the -rair- icewillflot.,be,'Iieîble fvr'a dollar of expenditure. Ta' meet the' 'cout, of the' rai1ways- 'the municipalte sai have .power ta- issue forty- yea.rý debentures, but-these de.ben- turcs wil pot be protoete4by provincial. guafantees. ~The Act requires, the Council'of' every muinicipal.ityentering into a' oontract with.ithe commissio.nto an. nýuahly raise andf pay over ta the commission aucli -sumo as may - be required byiît in. the> oontruction, eqfuipment,- mainteonance andapera-, tion oi the. railway, includipg-the Costs &Zj thé upl o lectrical powýer to the eX-ýt-tfixed in" -tbe agreement, and provides that de- bentures may be issued, payable ini flot more than forty yeari( for that purpose. The Act makes it unneeessary ta secure the assent of the electors ta any by-law ta raise sucli manies. TRUCE WILI4ýîOT BE BROKEN. Genernlly Predicte'd That Balkan AWar Ilu Over. Adespateh frain Londlon Baye: Detaiec despatches from varlous parts ehow thai &-truoe of ton days- between the Turks and Bulgarians was agfeed on výerbally on April- 14. The truce was-on t4~ initiative or the Bulgari>ns, and it is gener'ally. predieted that it wilL-not be broken. j ZAM'-BUi< FOR THE CIIILDEEN. Mis. J. Quiding, o! Ninette, Man., sys. "My littie boy vas su!- fening 'very badiy fi-aa foi-m o! ekin disease over-his ey's. 1 applied Zam-Buk ta the affected part, andI in a very short tino the soi-es vere healed." Ms.F.' Minera, o! 311 Suffolk St., Guelphi t, says: "My littie daughter Lorinda (6), contracted a skin disease. This firet broke eut r ike tiny water blistere,';afterwards taking the foi-m o! 'dry scabs. These vould disappear for a short timo, and then reappearvorse than ovor. We tried Zam-Buk, andf persever- ance with its use,- resulted in' s cure.-Y, AIl druggists and stores soul Zam-Buk at 50c. box or post7'1iee from Zam-Buk-Ce., Toronto, upon receipt o! price. J FaIli f British Crown. An historie accident ta royal geme occufi-ed t-he firet tirne Queen Vic-. toria oponed Parliament in State at the beginning of ber -reign. The office -of carring the crowa before the girl Queen was èntrusted to the ethen Duke o! Argyll, who atumble an entering the gildod chamber, and the symbol of sovereignty, fel to the floor with euch violence that some of the gems were dislodged. Tbe Duke af Wellington, with mili- tary promlptitude, plaeed a guard around the spot, a somewhat un- complimentary action cansidering the time and- place. ed Chie! Inspectar cfToronto .Pub- "Fr-cm Montrii "teVanoouver in, 17 hours isi 6t.4*ÃŽecti.ve',,o! the Waterloo 00unty cou2 il v ýpend .830,0MI on 'mchng 'model roada this asn Y Prairie frs iet>eprted fio Baakatèheýa.n, severâl fa rea-hiv ing been'býrned out. A-x inclair, prýobably the ýol-- est resident of Middlesex 'oou nty ',d ed in Londoni on ThUurscay', aged *-is tisidys Merçdiithof,'Brint-I ford tvas awarded i,,5 damnage. 'against ti. ehefo-f pole a.d t othor' -cffierà ant Dr. Ashtkîn .for f alïe arreate, mpr and eu as-: sauit. 'at H.Bciulder,' an Engliýshmaàn, 'dr « pèd doad at r.L D. Smith's îaetar, Winona, -on' hour ,after starting on hie firit job iii Caxiaaa.- HiE "wi5ow and family aré, in Eng-, 'Nova' Sectis's eStimate how. Revenue,1200, and eýcpendi- ture, $1,890,788, inclu4ingÀr$342,oOo for education; interost,_ 8424,744;' publie charitios, 8242,000; roade,- $230,000: .Waterloo County Concil kfii buy a motor car for F. 0. Hart, Dittrict1 Agriculturai In8peo of 0a4t, t'O enable bim to travlte county giv- ing farmers instruc 'tions kn praying andI proper. drainage. The militia departinent and -the national bureau of breeding are co- oergeree noth ! eiiner moergereby otb fedmiinear Hat and 'in British Columbia, viii be utilized for t.he breéding o! bo rees. Chie! Engineer Bowd-en, o! the Department of Railways andI Ca- nais, and Engineer WelIer, who is iii charge of the new Welland -Ca- nal construction, have returnedi f rom an educational trip to the Pa- nama Canal, Zoné. Great Britain. Holyrood Castie, the famous Roy- al castle in Edinburgh, bas been closed because of damage clone by"- suffragettes. West-end business bouses in Lau- den have entered action for £2,000 sustained by window-smaahing suf-- fiagettes, .Geo. Lansbury, former Socialist M.P., whoa atvised suffragettes to i destroy property, bas been called to court under the sts.tutc provid- ing for preventive justice. United States. Jersey City. las voted for goveru- meut by commi»sion. SBuffalo may establish a hespital for treatment of drunkarde. It is reported that Dr. F. F. Friedmaùn has soldI hie secret for- mula for *1,500,000. A mothers' pension bill providing for monthly payrnents ta indigent mders by th1e counties o! Peau-' syivauia las passed the legisiature. THE SQUARE DEAL PAYS. And square with the enemy every man gets -when hoe sparates himeel!f from hie corpsa by Putnam'a Corn 'Extractor. For fifty yeara "Putnam'e" bas, cured- everj iman it trcated-uee "Putname'" ouly-ite painlIe-e and sure, Mec. at ail deaiers. APPEALS T-O;CIIRISTIANS Chinese Republican Oovernment Formally Asks Day of Prayer fcr Nation A dcspatch frein Pekin Eaye: A4p tional Masembly, for the nov cGoy- appeal1 maden by the Chinu-e Gov-- t--nient, for the President o! the erusuent toalal the (ihristian Republie who i s yot ta ho eleétcd, chu rches iu China ta set aside Apnil for tâei c*ngtitution o! the 'Republle 27 as a day for prayer that China 'fertIche ognition of tho epu]w may ho gu ided toa aie-soluatiii'y"-thopoweko; - for thé aftnno o! the criti'caI prebleins 1i'eeetting. o!-peaôe and l-fr theéection o!f lier, la regarded lo-e as stilkiug stri-e n-gsd 'vutuons moen ta odmýo evidenceofo the extraordiuary The ýrepresentatives o!. thepovn changes vhItalhave taken PlaceéiW ci4a athorTities' àre, inýËtritéd ' -ta tIc nation since the r-evolution. - attend the-rervipes.» 'A iiil se>';- ýbie appe-al. vas diàtributed, broad- ývicé has' beon -held Liread>'- in ?ékiin ca-et -by-teIegr&.ph tn Thiirïday, ta t theI equest o!-th-ec «veI'nMent, alhogovêeii<rs anà Iigî officiait The s.ppeàl bs ie exraordiiaàry withinu Who"e juriiction Christa-I àis~tefato:t --lxs<, ètr~ ci&mm~nties a e .f aund. It -whÈre it i3- pointéd etthlat-thia ila' 'waîs-a,lsu '80nt te"the leaders of the, the-ûit-timai h-hý ~ .A<a ýýWhU.- ho-hahiatt--yst bçs ear4sd ai On. odf the meet veëalt6in nthe coutà 1y W1è- MnÃ"ehIV thaf]'$swe quired s resury û ! i jwo, da tbata xbro hie ven ère; h ebeeénattonded vith i-e markahle asucos. ,'Tusiâ âia' "tIIZIh 'ld-IoàSUr 'A»Preomted - c anadianmi who, regard'hio, present venture in thi casSfiè building Une s a:,pecèota' erretl As an examnple aIaeSeeso, 1t,.may- bt noted" that-'ln 'purch elhg- t.heite et lii residenoe - ho subde -a' réssible coup oehat au nmsneyears.- algo,- wben laI& even' ais cltoete c it>'au ' thëe ilé i vs'éignet 81t,00 mfch a! f0ot, bul lun bloc# >'the. acre. Sir, Itour>' purch»a ed SIlo entire block f rom Spadina AÀveni vweut2.ta ýBathust street tkuc-f rani thefacE 0tei 5h ilnorth te. St. Clair, Aveniue, rr. tainu>' What -1maunt. 5t tor 'treo ity 'lqldti-sTtoi ~ie-o-ha~e4n'but subhdiv.Iiiithe '- est .iàîrsellî.in 1undex reutrièteona' as'- a -hgh 'closeréuidentils district. '15 -la -etated. -1hV -h!' jas aeilete acquire the--land' at whatfigured oéut at abouft tbiaÇlatgea~Sat',what he soplOl.çto4 -hlm about $46 s -foot>-$ront. age; l t-iI iligiubligirthan that. aome CI penbapuas ligir ýtd -$10 à tact.. but nx î ne;tavce,. at' lBt 'Heur>' was - w . nitto lèt 1eomebodly ' sis tbas tîi-,-êWjÙ- leud1transaction Inetto hlm enaugh *uay lb.entir ent085of hm =alin. dflItlo nftthe"lonlyrel esaedealba iF . Heur>'-han. partci pated lu in ' t 1 et fie years. At th. t a4Aèabsorption b>' .the M~ok~pie~Pt.r4sLà, 8W.Henry -1bld a' oontrll 1 btexest lu-th. çtoaM eti the. ýToerqa¶o c01laLight Co Ho 'had al"," s 'belm vI-c-yoPtim>*l- about - '5h hi COM»Iu-a nd roooswfôo "f 14A eor -~npttq br'hicli thée 06,-~y ea tolan o rn to:1 reet-"ia d ,a' o.mloýlallle4-lsrseeal4 8 Henry 'Peil a- Seauzed .5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~qQ ca1Uius Qd.H a n f hq originl -9 èa ci thé ,tlàecllc evol- oprsat on, y, i* waff exceedingl>' mon *dons proMbtlu thlo'venturo vas tuodl- fled b>' the 'dbm teton 'of the> Oùtarlo Govrynient viiiUntsHydro-Ebectrle ht t. frequent>' atatcd that Sur 'Hon>'s Jlack of tact had much te do with- the. an- taganieps whlch developed belveon Sir James Whitney and the Eleotriec cqplt'l- iota. Another flnanclal transaction sehich, Il- lustFateSir Heur>'. Sactics ln sald te have occurred in couneon 'sti the-stock of a saliion-packlng ludujeîr> in Biish Columbhia, kuovn.on '4h. stock exciionge es B. C. Packere. At a -perlod af duil limes. short>'. after ls a rganlsatlen. the stock of thla compan>' fe11Iou ovil -days- Si>- Heur>' dld -'nos knbw Sinythlug abouti loupacklng himieilf, - bAt -h. exgaged -tvao exzportea a aprie oai*85.00 ta 1i itieh CôluÈbla- and no buta' the pomsi- -hilities af tbe industry. The>' roported that lie Comupany' vas aIl righl. ir- Heénry i-mmediete1y began huiyiug the stock. vhich v4s selliug -around $30 or $40 Ia ubare, andi before anyouie reaizead sehat 'had happened ho had a coutrolfiug Inter. cal lu the compan>'. The ile a ai' hI experts proved vell fauuded. .and the atock leu i0v vorth soi-oraltues vhat Sir Honi-y patl for ItL In tis ws an.au ather mint ai mjoney for tihe venturesomo Si- -Heur>'leaon tho bôards, af a score or more leadiug financilcampanles. and ha. more or lous substantial Interests in then ahl. Hi. hobby le hortilurse. H-l green- bouses are thec equal af an>' tcý-'h found lu Canada. Toronto% Feodbill.' -Saie person vith a taste for figures has been warklng out hase much food Taranto consumes lu a yoar. Ho ha. ainiveil aI the result liaS uo les. than 450.000.000 pounds af foodi-atuff a are requlrod aunu- ail>' le keep the. voîf f roui the door lu Toronto. In tbf, itle -'figurod thaC no lens tban 14,Z57,811 deSen af cgga, are lnciuded. Wh i te i*re imay locà large, whIn 15 lI dlvldod upamong; thesappraximatl>' 1half million olizo'nî. if domse net look out ai the vay. It pravideafo about 900 tounda per person pr ye , hici le it li'rate fab aout oui> 2 1-9' 16unds a -day. whîcli de, not, seem exorhftui. It ta figured that thé value ai a yeai-u cupol>' aofofod. for Taranteoinno les. than On the 1Ioled Water 'Waggon." 'Tai-auto bas meit been- living another weck an the 'htlled water waggan.- sud. as i l-tusneont, aIl to no avail. Tva eairs ago. sehefithé intake pipe hi-oh.. t Jarge quantit>' ai eaud vas drasen into the tunnel anSe- the bay. The prserce of .511e sundvas demonstrated by the >ocasiousl sedimnset'suthe vater sud b>' a eerianéu amodun, ai damage bing caused t, machiner>', hI vas suspected.aec.that it contained llnpurîties. Final>' the WtewI-vk Departmnut dèclded 'that the unnel wýuld bave ta be .clea cd. sud ta tis end abus', off theo sup,ly cosniliff -brougi ýS sud aked' thé rit nousta gVel aloug on tise -amoanï ai water'that, could bo Pumped thronyh wo aid pipes lylng en'l)le bottoin af tht sewaego-pollutelIa>, and whlch ha!. been- lu dîmuefor a 'real an>'y ars. Onie af tIent le the -to "New -South WIe A despateh from',Levis, Queà., Baye: -A.. 1gas, bfloy -placed'ta Qi*rk- the wrock near bhèr. of the ýTraveÉse pier in, 1011, vaa carried away b4 Jce, -and lias- ben,pickêd up iii NewÉ 'South_-Waiea, a distpc iee f: oo miles. Appa.renly it travelied' south until picked fp by the' equatoriàl curnsandI wa4 borpýe te thB southernmnost'end of-the conitinent, thience, around Cape Horn te the finding point. STABBED SEVEN TIMES. -Desperate Duel for Poosession o! a Reg of WhiÈkeý. A despateli' f rom, Fort William 'says: Gustav Swawerie and gteve Gorpy, tva Finlanders, foueht a desperate duel over possession of a- keg of whiskey at Tolulu'-on 'Wed-_ nesday at noon. from which botb emerged coveïèd with wounds. -BSwawt7rie's condition is critiçal, As 1e va' stabbed no less thaïi seven timies about- the heatI, face andI shoulders. Goely vas also stabbed in hl a.adozen places$, but-none of his wounde is considered seriaus'. ÂLEGRE'S REVOLVER.' The Would-be Assassin o! Ring A despntch fi-rn Madrid sys: Alegre, t*e Anarchisi itho attempt. ed te Asiassinate tbe -Ring, viii ho tnied hy an ordinary tribunal in- stead o! by a militai-y cour-t-mar-. tiai. k -bas been found that lhe re- volveri used by Alegre belonge te a police agent., Ho has'- been detain- ed by the 'authoritiea andtilyl be interr-ogated in regard teo the in- uner in whicb 5the voald-be assassin -came ta possess it. FIRST OFFICIAL VISIT. Foreign Secretary IVili Go to Be>- lia Wlth Ring sud Qucen. A deepatali froin London says: The DailyExpreus eys -Sir-Edward Grey, the Foreign Secrets-ry, viii accompanyKing George andI Queen Mas-y vlen --tuey go ta, Bei-lin ta, attend the wedding a! thé Princes Victoria Louise andI Prince Ei-net of Cumberland on May 24. If tlis staternent is accurate it will givo an obvicus political importance ta' the visit. -It viii ho Sur EtIvard Grey's7 îrst officiai foreign visit. Pres. of Board cf fliealth.-, "What shah I 'est ?>. is the daily inquiry the ýphysicien- is met with. I do not lesitate ta eay that in my judgnient a large percentage o! dis- cease is causod by poorlisolocted antI improperly propared foodI. My personal experience witl the fui '- ly-eoaked foodI, known as Grape- Nuts, enables me ta .speak freely -o! its' mnts. "From averwo¶&, I suffered eev-- orsi 'years vwith malnutrition, pal- pitation o! the heart, sud hasea o sloep. Last tiummer I vas led ta experimnt personally with tbe.:new 'foodI, which I useçi in conjun'tia vWith good iicI cow's milk.> 'lu - a short tinie a!ter I commen&d iLs use, the ditÊagreeable eymÉpton-adis- appeared,. my heart's .action 'be-1 cam1e steady sud normai," tIc fu:ic- tions o!, the-stama.-h wer'properly carrierd' ont suad I agaïa aelpt.as soandly and as wol1 as iu my youtl. «II look, upon Grape-Nuts as a -perfect footI, and no one can gain- fsdy ,but -that it hbas a nfôst premin- ent.place in -a- nationial, .scieutifie eysteçt e!of eeding. A-ny ,,one- vho uises tIi.- fotI wili sean' be con- yWenco f,; the 'soundness a! the principle upon 'whieh it - is Manu- 'façtüred-ýand, mey thereby know the 1-faêtS bo tei racwoth." Nauie g4ven 'by -Clana-dian PoistuniCm !Windsor, Ont.- "Thoe's a reason," sud it je ex-_ plained: in the littie bookle, "The îedr read tho aboioettIer? A rfo oni aspurs >rotù,. nd. r"t lm. hy p .'A 7X.Profit hari Fn a eIEtbihed We consider these bonds an .990od investmîent from the ýof reliability - 'and gOod- int Copy MalI.d orn Relqý9 I Ind u tr'. erest yield,. ierpoa -i ( CONFIDERATION LIFEBLDG., - -TORQN TO*I ONT& fi~a elds o! the. -'t~rt'ëf eabled% aco wok as almojit thn de equipinen Significanpt word ~ded 'veigli of rE throw on the ieadj Mpdien ta their ~tlie knowledge we -pàÉils oa-aroti e -e rethose-iho arteexploration, 1 large loss of hife, j ht-men of ~ tempta'ta a-ddtoi heglobe on 'wl thoro lias never be -wilîng ta birave Per4l ta extend iWben suclien the hçroý?sof acienc -- utpoil - le aders, <peditian as that w ta have perished i cthEr verdict Must bieâery beîomes fi 1iormg prec.autii, riskhxg life,. it inwi YTJ reletby 5h. Thufty Honswlfe who wante tbiags "ut t 11e Botter." n P> - &a t4y. lpya;. Adïié;rtised in. yNwppr~ Tbat ailT.,,wiU e-delgbtdl Py IfSalaied-We-5 t h* Bisk. AddresuP.Oý Box j20 ote a.TbOe xiea ult. I*. od*-~ Free ofail Chairgý -T'his guai-autced gaIS-plate- clack sph given froecf aial charges tc%,auy êiro' lady wq l el l 40,set. a&-S èez .l,-Ploral, Greetiug sund ather petoards 'at 10_cents a Eet (six heautiful carda ea'iob do st).- This cdock sa splendid. tlmekceper, sud te an aruament te any' -paria-or - bed- rocus. It stands ý9 luches -bigi." - -Send ue your nume sud addregs.ahbà'we wiii senS you $hê,cards tao e. .-,-wbeli solS tend us lhe moue>', and we- vwUeu,èn yo en l ock,' ail- charges'- preIýaid. Address. - DEPT. OROTO. PRES Of FARM pRoo WcIS REPORTS PROM THE LEADIIlO TRAI' 1 CENTRES 0F AMIERICA. Pria.. of CatIe, Crain, Choose and Othe? Produce aI Home and Abroad. Oreadulfis Taranto, April Z2,-1loui'-Cntario Saours, 90 per-cent, patente. $390 to $3.95, Mont-, rosi as- Tas-culafreights. Maitehas- Firel patent,, lu jute bats, -$5.30.; second paf-ents, Iu jute baga, $4Jea; sts-oug bah- eru«, la Jute baga, 84.50.' Manitoba Wiieat-No. 1 Nortieru. 98c, aun Snrack, Bs>' ports; No. 2 at 951-4c; No. 3 at 921-2c' Bs>' porte. Ontaio Wieat-h4a. 2 whiîte aud i-et sebeat. 94 ta 96e, auteide. suddullrouf\ad 75 te 88e. Osîs-On taia ote, 33 te' 34ci, oulside, sud 'aS 37e, on track, Toi-cula. Western Canada oats. 42e for-No. 2. sud 40e for' kqo. 3. Bay' ports; No. 3 -(3. W.. 36 to 161-2e, at cpeniug af navigation.- Pea.'-90lc ta $1. outaide. Bale>-Forty-oight-lhY bsn.>' oi gOod- qualit>'. 51 te 53c, outside. Sc&i. 0 ,toi Coi-n-Na. .3 American corn, 62 ta 62 1-2. ail-rail, ainS aI 58c, at Bs>' ports,. ou aponing ai navigation..- Rye-Prices are nominai. Buèkwheat-No. 2 aI* 52 te 5SU, auteldé. lrau-Manitoha bs-an. 819, la hage. Tb- routa freigît. Shorts,,*21. Taranto. Butter- Dai>' printe, cboie, 26 ta 28e; do.. tube. 2 ta 26c: infes-los-, 21 le22c; creamer>', 32 te -33e foir rollo, sad 30o füoiiôslide. Eggs-Case lots. 20e hors, sud at 16 to 17e oaulode. Cheere-i4 1-2e ferr ige, and 14 34e ion Bleau s-H and-p ieked. 82.10 ta 82.20 lier bushel. primes, 82. lu a tohbing va>'. Houney-Extracted, lu tins; 12 1-2o te 15e pc>- lb. for No. 1, whlesal ; combe, 82.60 ta 83 per Sezen for No. 1 sud 82.40 ai- No. 2. Pouitnr- Chiekene. 18 te 20e per lb.; iowi, 14 to 1ie; Iurkeys. 20 ta lie. Live poult->. about 2eý lover thaîs the alovs. 1 Patatoee---GoS Ontario etock, 60e. per- bag, on Snack, sud Dflaîstarse at 70a par bag. on truck. Bacon-Long eea, 15 ta 16 1-2cpper lb.. lu' cas. lots.'. Park--Shobrt aeut, 825 ta $27; do., zues, 821.50 ta 1 22. llarma-Xediutn te liglit, 18 1.2 .1 id 34e; lseavy,. 16 1-2 to lie; relis, 16o; breakfast bacon, 191-2 ta 20e; haï-ks 22 1-Ue. Lard-Tierces, 14 1-4c; tubs, 14 1-2é,; pals, 14 4-4c. *aled O!ay aud Strase. BaleS Ray-No. 1 at *12 ta $12.50, ou -Snack. Toronto; No. 2.,$10.50te 811, MIxed ýIIaY is quated aS $9.50 ta $10. 1.:1 t aiedStSraw-Ga6od et-av atSÃ"9. ta $9, on traek. Toi-auto.' Msschante are qaatiug th fermera.' per. biundredweight.as foliows :- Red corer.: No, '1, $E6 te $26M5; do., No. . $23 'Aloilts,' lec.. il$M8to $31; do., No. 2t $24.50 ' $26.90t Timnthy,-N,.1,. 5O to 88;-fJo., No. '2, $6 'ta- 8.ê-MàiNo. -1. $1950 t,' *26.0 Mon-tx-oa,i. April -22.- OoLtil-Canaiala Wetern, No. .2, 435;ý do., Ne. 3. 40 1-2e; ex-. Ira No. .1 feed, 4L1-2a. - Barley-Manitoba feed, 51tota52e: maltlng, '70 lb 78e. ýHSBüc- 'vhcat-N-o. 2, 5U ta 58e. plaur-Manitàbe Spriug wseat 'palenta. iBrut., *1 40;- s8., seconda, *4.90; stivoingbakors',-.J4'70; Win- tsi- patexffte cice, *&.25; -etiaiglitreUàMa 1$4.85 ta 14.90; do.. lu baga," *120 tSa82. RalleS Osta-ýBai-rels, $4.20; bag of M Ibo8., $1,97 1-2. Miliieeê-B.raxs, 8M0; jusera. -M mdlinig6, $25; .Mouutlie" f- $36' *35-)awl -No. S B. ar -lobu, per ton,- $19 2J0 e Ohe""P-luest- vcsterns, l.' de.. east- orne, 12-M4- 123.4C. BuStei,-CholcSt eOreames-'.32-ta 3e; econd, 30 ta 3Ic. Egfe -F-eu, 21ta 22e. Pctatoee-Per bag. -can. iche, 591 te. 65e.-- - Wonnlpog -CraSe. Winuipei, A priil 22.--Cash-Wlieat-No. 1 Norîheru. 8934.4e; Na. 2 Noi-tberu, -87c; No. 3 Nairîbei-u, 841-4c; No.),81c; No.16, 761+21 ; Ne, 6. '711-2c. feed, 41e». No. -i-rejeel'ed .eed,8c'; No. 2 <W, 82é; No. 3-do., 78 14ci- No. 4 do.,-, 7412e slô. 6.,o . 1.2e - No.6ý-j do., 651-2u; feed, tougrh, 60--2; No. i i-»ed'-.. vwinter, 93e; 'No. 1- do., 891-4e; No. 3 doé 81-2%; Ne. 4 do.., --4.OtoN.27ýe. tW., 341464; Ne. 3 O. W.. _321-4e; extra Na. 1iseSd. 33 1.4è; No. 1 fied32 Ze No. 2 food 30 I-4c4> Bai-lsy-LýNc:3,-4k; N.4-4e: ,i-e._ -tectec, 43c; -fond, 4ke. >Vax-N,1o. 1I N.-W.C., 1.12 141 :>Nô. 2 C.W,i* 1 3 , 3 <W.* - Unite Stmates Markéot&,- Minneapois, April Z2-Wbeat-May, 86 1-8c;, Jul>',- 88;- Sopteusher, . 8 34e.- Ciasiug cash, No.' 1 lhard. 8856-Se; No. 1- .Naitheru. ý865-t88taBs -8e; Na. 2 Norîheru, 84 3-8 to) 86 1-8e. No. 3 yeiiav coris.,,53 1-2c. No. 3 vhite oas, 311-2 ta 32c. %T& .2age, 56 ta 58ë. fsua, *16 te $17. Ilboi,'la woS,,f.o.b., Minneapolis, i-et patente. 84.- 30 ta 8465; escond patente, 84.15 te 84.50; final .-deani, 83.10 ta 83.*40; seooud'ciears. *2$z60 ta *2.80. Dulutl. Avili 22.-Wbet-Nc. i bard, 877-8e;No. 1 Nortiserui. 867-Se;, o2Nr thern. 83 7-8 ta 84 7-.e;pa>'.-873-8e bid; - Jul>', 891-4e;, Septoniber,891-2e ld; Na. I- - Nortlern ta arriv,,867-8e.- Linacod, 81.-- 28 3-4, to $1.28 7,8«,- ta arrive, 81.28U3-8osi,- 28 7-8; May, , $1.28-7-8; - l> *131 1-4 - h14 September, $1.32 3-4 bIci; Oclober. 1321 - -eked. Ment resiApril Il.-Prime biieves, 7" nur 7 1.4;-,nlsüdluni.'61-4 ta63-4;-.comni 4 tao S..Milch cases, -*35 ta*70 acii; cal- 2 1-2 te 6; sheep, 5,Sa 5 1.2; ýleubs, 7 to"1Y sprnug Iambe,, *5ta*6each; bosog, abo t. Taronto, April L- tt-Vac expdrt,- $ 6.50 te $6.75; cioco buteher,. 86.40 t 4. .60. goo niedium, *6.00 te *6.50;.one~;- 85 te 12;cae,8.5 a*. $ b 6e U-> th $5.75; cannens.. 82 t eSùt~ utes-s, 83M2 ta $3.75. CaIves-Ood'-cal, .85, ta 87; dhouce, 58.50--,so $9; -onmn, 8 3 - ta 83.25. Stockes-s sud Feeders--Blae.a700 tc- 1,0»0 poude,84.0 t *.5, ,os-is, 83 10 ta *35;'eta choies hoa.v>'feoere,' 900 pounds. 85.85 ta *6. 4ikoie-uand-Sprîig- ere--~fron $W0ta $7. 8beop au4 Lamb9-- Liubt eos, $6 te $125;'lea#y. 8*6lb *6: limîs.,'1M.25 t» *10;-, -bui..i -* l4.5-t ., Lard No4~hei prize of *50,000 taý xnakin-g a tran-A aevénty-two conèc awakenedthe' among airfen ève -m9st vitb&at exçce a g e -w ith th e a , that-tho 'offer las oaan. Aviatars a conserv4tive by' iehih gives the g tleir? skepticisma "There je na- tiiis sammer -ona, t 19'5it -would be plan e as nov conl impossible,"_ says' agr ees. - Tom 5op% olraucb. afliglit no ~" dierous," thbugli yUe'ïtwl be au Most o! the exi inadequacyof'h ffichine, vhich ha speed- with an oye) ity. - With favorix calm se& a hyd r liad the'lùck'to éz in mid-sea when i1 s ary ta repienish th -rol- nugît cancefý -- flight, but 'sucli asi -Etile botter -than 0 wotild demoustrate machiie that. is ta- -~'must ho equipped -w englues; it muet la b'- r carying power [ must r ho-able ta - -j.~ -pilots with-,ase..S the minimum cari -two, tons, *'hile c bleasi eight. Altoj sooms rathor fara' TO GET GREAT 1 Lay Trial Tidal Pis, Howse millions of ,hcrffl to vste vbicli the '.ù"ùs if on ly som k ,~ruéia th.p w The idea' ~dnt aud there. aroi- 4i ?before long: Or1 briousht ut by En~ o ~ ut tye large bahiz ~ idlbains ai-e usei à - ak w! i *u'uomev-ha-t ti tm asbeen fe.o -a~ nd for - pnning as ti- he 5,000-horsepoweý -' s now cdesigniug.- '~la'a.iready donebv - in the sea connect sti-antI isiaiid. Tie ý2,500 antI 1,000 ae-i ÃŽh- te beî ght ofthe theým is foui -or 'fiv -vihl a great volain passiblje t4 run a 6 -pawer turbine- ten as ta have 5,.000-ho~ is only atrapIn - tueceed a mucli grF bywusing , rger mrater nuînber, oe a1 unliated amnlf Wca -ae in life it's voinan- *Orthi aýthe troubl ARCHIVES 0F V.1 - NIN-d %ff

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