Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Apr 1913, p. 8

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afd- a inte May opest-a of Sn'ari, Wnappy Stylin'NewS ring Shoes for Men$ Wonen and Childrcn. LvHEN you, secthem,-yow are -sure to vant a pair. When you VV cvar one pair, you arc sure to vaut another.' You'1l flad them rec aevery, detail. The greatuit valuesfor the. money that you' ItEN'SBOOTS $I TO $450 PAIR WOMEN8 BOOMTS, 1,210T8.50 -PAIR We kaov O IE'8 BOTS 250 TO 108& PAIR WCkofthat vo aie nov ihowing the simartest styles ever àaboya ýher, aad-vovant .yo U to sec these. We show every style that 1., righ, l evey latherthat is -good, ai everypyice that u pratical. 25; Coit Soll o ahOI 1RiBAY AND SATIJRDAY THISý WEEiK ButRedathOranulatod Suger, 5-Ibo. for nie - lest Iui. Ourrants, 8 Ibo, fer là5 LuFeluaty Prunes, 8 Ib& bjor-ne âÎrÎ Oat,' r 10 Ibs. for 26 Epum saits, regular S Ibo. 25, qpoI&I 10 Ibm. for 2m. Suiphur.10 lIb. r2b 0.li liait I.antorn lobes-4.fr r Uly taking adqntago of the s ils wo wu1gIvtoars OomfortSap for2ho FLOOR COVERINGS- We have the largest and best assortmeat we ever had fi; stock.. Canadian Oilcloth, best quaIity, 3oc square yard. -Canadian Linoleums, best qualitY, 45- and Soc yard. - ** UnionCarpet, beautiful patteras, - ;-to'5c yard' . - Wool Carpets, beautiful pattçxns, S~c per yard. A. CELL1OTT, BROQKLIN ON A Rl HIRNIT-URE CLEAC Owingto the loss of our Furniture Ware- rootns by fire, we must clear our entire stock of Furnitqre at greatly reduced prices.- Everything must be sold regardless of cost. .Sale:t0 comm- c On TuedayAp1 -4 lit the old Brooklin -Factory, just north o ' or old standý, -where we have secured ac- commodati'nfor the sale. Tordieff 'Br'os Furngture D.eaers &'Undertakers. Brooklln Jndertaking Dej5artment wilI rèceiive our usual prompt and careful attention. IThe- apn'aaimeeting of he -congr;e- rut Of-&- théi sOtÏichut.idaehldm IA meeting'--o>f-thoseinterested, l0-twof a sùcoessful-aIlawr fotal_-_shldi-teI-oà hÜ n7, je'IDLaugul CrnageCo.- has Tuesday- eelng heew~an ;a 1donled81000 1tu ew KIng St. tendance if about4birty-aw? , .nd'Mtodê hr. niuch - enthisam - hWi.W * M. n-M.Thos. C. LA»gmeId Clark occupied tAie chýair, 1ndW. G- elebrated their -:olden'.weddlng oR Spersce acted as secretary. The -Club April,1. "vas, reoÉgsnized wlith he , ollowog M"3.. -eiklep.cf Toropto, bas ben offiers: Preàldent, ner. ».DE. Jobni- choojto -ucceed bbc lAbo -Ao. H. etg!n;e Vice, PrSajdet,- Gordon Law; Peiai, et - GMnrîMngro h Seo.-Treas, WM'O. Sponce.- Pedlar People. -Mr. Ge&kie le a- son- Fred aid. Mrs. Cols and famly,- in-law of --ic late Mr. Podlrnr, swM ,of Cherrywood, moved ité our vl- liaS bienmanager of!-the , -Toronto lage- on' Monday, and are--nov ocu-U- lraah et bbc bubiness for some pylng thé- dwelliag- torinerly occupted ~, byýA. G. Green. s0M 11.mnlM oysvr oolvng -bbc ishing touches 0of'the C9 eeusi' ough, remcdy, and -. paintr and -decorator. Th ios i bo for,, eMun ot.wtfilhdh a baie ~ ~ ~ ýh _ lé lspa ubcvery big>-asvo as -ever,II write. Mrs. H. esot ternis -of the- work which bas 511ks, 29 DoWliIg St., Sydney, Au.- bée donc, ai *d giveOtýedit té con- traila. This remedy la for laie by tractor, J .H. James, o! Wlilt.y, wiio alclcr.4. * hau benengaged on the work f(or the pÏst- yoar. The building ià up-todtle fA eVery respect, and coatains ail PORT PERRY. modem convenlences. Hoet ad cold Mr. James Waddell. a pioncer, of *ater le forced.'- te aIl parts oi Lb. Brook 'to6wuhip, dled on- Suaday, house, the. power used beilig a go- March 28, -at bbe age cf 94 years. lino- cagine. Thé wood-work Ilu bbc INe* reacked Port Penny lait week main part of the house laail juanter Io! the deatha lu MAe eity of Mdmon- cui oàk aid ordinany oak Je used' up. ton -of Mr. Isaac J, Wheeler,fomr et*lre. Ontbeunoutlisidc of thely of Poit Pkni - hosethon. le a beautiful -conserva- . A big dealonstraiibnla té b Med tory, aid thc garage is. aituated lu lu Port Perry co#' Jxe ,when sports lb.t baseMept. When the. grouaodshav, 61 'rarioifs sorts-,*wl .be held. j bec arîanged, tbis resident4al prop-I Mr. E. LI. Willazmsn, cf Sonyn, la c.ty viii prove -k Most attractive one. imovlig bt0wi -Pickering News. Rhee . m aai-. Mjuscalan uhcue lmff Mexis tula o -muscula r heumatisin thero ta Anot notlced a -duU .pain w thie muscles Wlh graduaUlaIcreases. Tus pain ofto 'lamift. i on oe muscle .té an- Other, aid Uic workin of-theao mus- cle' mkes Uicpain vmryserfe. M.ihsuldan rh8umablsm W a blood dis- manad -sbould not b. ueglecbed. A Sproper lreatmenl abould beglu wit - t~-lrst ympbomn. -Blieumla re. commended by 1the. loremoa.t poouile overywbere,- bocause it drives ail urio acld polaoas from the. biood, and en- tiches lb so thatIbbc systonM bocome hcaltby. aid froc fîom the tortures of rheumattsm. - Gel a boible o1 lUieu- me to-day and rldd yourself of rhcu- mallsm. Sgold -la Whitby, only at J. E. Wili' dtug -storc..-4S. fMeàsîca 'are stili very popul-ar -lua ibhis vlcfinty. Mr. and lMns Loaghurs-t, of Cl unabus, spent Sunday -at Mr. Er. Bromell'a. Mr. Pringle la orectingt a new fence la front o!' bis radnce, wMhh dds mucli té Its appearance. At ime of! writing, Master Oliver Grabham .!as-in a very, critilcal condi- lion,_ suffering froni a sevene attack of Picumonia.. Mn. Henry ýLagfOrd bas soldbUs reladence b 1fr. -Henry wlsou,'*cf Redan. Mn. Wilson Wlil tae lm- mèilate Possession. You wlilIoPk a -gced wbile befpe Y"u And a btter medialne for coughs sud coNM an saChambrlains cobeli itemedy.. Il not ouâly glves relWief-t CUre. TtylLtw eyouhve a où.fr or cold, Aid'you. areocertain. té bo Pleased wlbh -tb. pýrompt cure 'wWe ilt.; affecté,o . or sale by ail -doaiora KINSALE. *Kinsale branch of South Oatalr Women'n Iflsb il ii eet- at - tbe, day ftèuocn~ pril '94 at hil. pau two o0'clock. we>blopel gn- oral raliy* for -buéuinm sed « a goolj 4 rga .1Ail fbe èlcjre i s* . -T;, . !tichardson, Prealdent ;Mis- R. R. M or rbeumatism you viii 6u noU. Intg botter than Chamberlan'.Ut lix.Try lb and oeebylckyI gives relief. For sale by aftdair ýWheat, -0bw;.-. .... . -,,Qto #o», 0o10M Choppelfued, cmi.,.... 0,o1k CorimiiL .... ........0b3 'raMM pwtm o.... >.....1.10 b 29.00 àmAT. POULTRZY Ai» pRO»JOIE. l, Per ovk. .. ..Io0.Mto 11.0 Catti, liv welgt. &00 to 65 Hoga, ressel......-.12.00. 0 12.5 Clihap.. l....0.164to--W1i DuiPet lb .......-..... te100.8 Ogu, uem, pvr lb.... 0.101. 0.18 Turkeys, dressed, #erlb. 0.18100.90 Butter, per, ib. .4...o*.... .28- te 0.80- Pggsper dos., nov laid 0.2210 0.25 Lard, per lb..........0.18 b 0o .0 Potatoo, per bsg .1.0101.ie ,Apples, pet barre... . .... . 1.5010 8.00 Ornions, per bag,......... .00 to 1.25 H&79 Per ton .-.. ..14.00 10 15.00 CalSskis, r l.... ... ... 0.12bOt lsmb s maea..... .i.9-01.1.LU ...... ....... oo178te m.(i ".o;**s ... -1.1 .... .....1s 18.10 Tall@v. rs.. me l.... S0 è10.08 ASH13UR~N'STORE Y8U RTEk? We have it in the ,followini'g: Red Re se, pkts. 40e or 30e, blaeék, green or mlxed. Saladap kts. 30c, black, green or mlxed. Laverstone, bulk black 30c, woirth 40c. earavan, bulk -green 3Oc, worth 40c, and best of al Very best eoffee at 40C lb. if ydôu would prefer coffee for breakfast, * 4 4 .4 4 aI-Everything else in groceriesf fresh and up-to-date, aprices- that will make it- to your advantage fo buy at.the Ashburn Store.- ILMe EL I$ HER'liCHIANT ASHBURNO - E DNTS Sprig is here atnd-eo wilib.-the bs.Içîný% ypi y.ouwith the. ~i me by phono oranyý infor- -'; mation lu thie 100% maDïà4byuoing up-to-date methoda in £frit, gmoWing. - AYLMER.SPRAYPUMP6, 1 $CUGOG. I TElz -Death lias vlslted thie lndian Re- I ser-Ve »and claime&il pomzily the talestl Iia.otthe Bald: JaiËes J.ihouit, a s very bimugcuar ai-d healtby W E -'4 CF , ----- - --a-sr~q . - [ id . o.Sreduns HOf~ISEEKËe9S <EXCU RSION Tro MANITBSSACWN eacb TtJESDAYuatil Oct. 28th inclusive WHlIpug smd- lotus Eds.onteo sud lotus. Proportionate loy rates to other Seties'Excùrsfons To AIRMTÀA ND 8SKASTCHfEWil Every TUE SDAY until April 29t1i inclus- ive, from stations in Ontario; Port Hope, Peterboro and Wetat ver y low rates. Tbrough coaches and Pullman Tourit leeping crsare operated toWinnipeg vtutchange, leaving Toronto Il 1p.i. via Chicago and St. Paul on above dates. The Grnd Trunk Pacifie Railway in the shortesLsnd, quickest route between Winnipeg Saskatoon- Edmonton. Berth Resiervationa and particulars froin (&rand Trnnk- agents* Town Aget rExrsTiékWtaad Tèlegraph Office; ppste Stan.aro Bénk, Whitbvw Ont- Tel-Phone 36 TRY SOLACE AT-OUR EXpENSE Money backforanycau of -Rbeumatlsin, Neuralgi19a or Uleado.che that Solace *11e 43M bilasce'R.redy tu a recen& medfical dlscov ery of three German Scientios t tt dissolves Urie Acld Crystal. and purifies tbe blood. Uilseasy to tvXOÈejand *lfl not affect the weakest utomach. >~ le>wiaranteed nnder the Pure Food and se Làw b je absoffitely free, froni opates or he~ful drna ofae ydescription. - .. silos, le a pure specifie ln overy waYaind bas l~e rve bieron*L neation tbib.the onrest and quid: esirenedyrforlinl., Acid T'roubles knownit 'éds ici cece Mornattepti ~long sta*,ilix. 1ht 'S. hes and remiores the root of th. trouble <Uric Acd)ad.purifi&ehibod. l'b IeS a..of Battie Créek, are the sole U. e. agents and bave thousantis of volllntary teétimontallettèe whichb ave been meelved fron, grateful peopie ba ha, entored tu. heaitb. Teabimonltail etters, literature and Fra& nez sOnt upon re(ùeet. a,. Lee Morrf. President of the Pirat National: Bank of -Chico,. Texa,wrote the Suluce Company asflos ~' atyut-end a box of Izolace 10 niy fath- crin Me lTen , for wblcb I1 enclose si. eht y bas en uuedbysome frienda of mine here and Imut say it. action wa wonderful. Put up lu 25c, Soc and fi100 boxes. lt's lDlhty Ils, te b. WallS sud yen eau seau b. se by talklug SOLZIoeB. No Speclal Treatmnent ficherirs or Fees. jrnit Bolace alone doca the' work.* Write today-for bbc os e ic -LACE. REOY 0. atI ru ieh. Spessrs tu Cody Bros. PR %OT9OAL UNDERTAKERS Chremoderat;. Bell Phone nS aoxu e ee.e oses set r Il Cles and.g Maf -07-s Iù order to dispose of our stock ot Gloves and SMitts,' vo hav*e decided to offer thei at ireatly f rcduccd PrlCeSvbhile they flast. -Nov 1-8 thé time to order your spriug foogt-wiear. Orthopedie Appliances,. Cripples and Deformned Work'a speclsty. f ý t .. u -.*ée II- Whitby'sOi-ly Repgir Sbep Btock St. South NoCcal :o equal-thesei Sctmntoii fWrranges,-hies and fumlle acesï. Tibeýbest-clean, bright and dry. Cane frfi places and grates. Yougbiogheny for &te am. Non!Uy better.» - -George, Creek~ for-all kinds of .aii. ing vork. Fresh rarneà. W. lead iO'qualityý and quaatlity. Bell Tel. 9. -Hoe Tel. 14 FLOUR:- TREABUN CRA-BUNS BRAD AMI) CASE MAKERS FRICS -EED:. - SPECIAL PRICE. CORN- OATS FEED.WHiEAT-, Feed Wbolesale ia Torr Lots.> TCopjing Ev*i>#yDay 1- SfeaaJ: - CALVELLISMOLUES VEAI-' Pzciria ont.- Dis-ney Bo ~ îbPhone 99. ganW H. B re 1t, a.gent. Cails by- day or nlgbt prompr1dy attended-to.r.- ,Chargesmodemat.-. lMuLAOENCONNETiO He'ard's u Ln 1fr.m win-N.wport, v_.;w«hsv buM f avered il -vr'lgeatog Mud ve -foi vu ar»giving -thep good ovime ,À Ail ordurs for teaming, waju inmovingcataeOf freightý,. van fi, fPleasr p"rtie, etc,. yl t.eceive ouI ivery bout atteati9a. Ffrst-class in aconsotici, I 'Phoneo@. au - Owlauglto the 511gb Stçalsrd min. - Italged intMA colle, tlie deniand fori th raduatea la far In exceas o'f the- Canuas Bat Cm.rc e hel. lb. recordshows t.tC p I j- I I I attended ~ -- assor ronto wr F. E.LuxI - CMai ln ordr s stock loi -Mitts, vo * to offer ti reducedPl * last - Nov is th Orthopj Cripplsa Satisfactic Brock- Slep -sud lidoldeu att»e0a Aguiffor the.Ou . l M a n t c r e m I -I Nl10HO0L8o"" p l UDei, ~2 4/) AMe'UIVÇ:-Q-C W» -4 A~ MYRTLE. 1 1 ý-1 - - -- - -,& - - - - - - - - - -- & -*ýý 7'w ýw ýww -W ýw ýw -W'W - ýw ýw ýw--j clearifig salë

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