Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Apr 1913, p. 6

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glana. imsinaéble -ai advë&: ï.o 'Iieme a re,î g. tleonnt. p- donai n-veê buuinese with,» he; ý a wd Éfr411 t burat- of aij Ctý.They u d r ItDm&y be imagîned ts i lese b stands me and I underistanda Ltjiom. eien ere ,j4allowed 'tê ýas What hall Zfil, 'itW uý for?1_ say* îýýPmW* ~ w h the gen rai, ta4ing aý blank check nEryýi nhe 9-$»but (XL out o',1uh ay1Jafng it OI?9,13 1sipit 44ent~ -the Vfab e. 'Two hunidred,' say lôjýmbr .Hl a4.the. re na4 ~ - * ~My WJIcI Lad led thein to come-a mocn yo fo tt., I n.t -was that< wEIàh Jaad lieady occu -7bi "1y ,aye, but it's wel1 to ha' de-i'ed , Mx.MNlthfto a bit >-mayiri' RHefil.d-it- up , anareytit h a g nerl,usi threwit over -to me aa.ilit bis ïfam ly eT neldsud aiIlaflict boen ani -i-ld.ýpotag& 4t.xUp; That's ed, wit4 nâresi ' or,, as 'an a ltérna- the wà.y business-sàoù.ld b. donstv tlson' 'that -h.ehad com- -î twe n honest - men-thouàgh -it- mitted i some leinouà off ènse and a would a' do if one - 'as inclined t. wae ppdeavorn tô ecp 1.Ã"l talceIr n advantage., -Wil1 --. not séqjuences i lus sd'eeds. These. corne1' , Mr. West, end> havea taste were Uoh ~T& .sùutionu- o' my whislcey 1" - dr thèî Cirduns ânées,;-buYet~ "Nthank you," said I II"I-have..t mnapar4t ommend .1bet [s in -es to do." asa- true explanati5n of -the jlacti. tb Il 11,well, business is the chief aIt; is, true th' e ,,aHeather- «ý thig. a' elnt~ rn n u tone'sà behaviron t1ii. ocasion CI morn g, too. For my .own part u ls nedwwssucli as to,; expep; a drop, before breakfastta sgget oiEi suspicion of1 mental g gi-vé e e--an appeïite, and inaybe dsae but no man could havei a gi es, or even two, àfterwards to bee&O-inÃ"ré reasonable' m'or- moqre prom te digestion, -1 neyer1 touch courteous than ho bed alfterwi spiit ef~e non.it ay ,ethat ahown himsell7ta be..- Then,. again,J I'm O'vr particular, but it'sas wel hie wife suid',chilIr uted-tlie sameý ta be on tue safe aide. What dy secluded h lfé thst ,h. 'did' himmelf; thinir o' the general,, Mr. West 'sthti.raoneudotbon "Why I bayelhardl1 ad an_ 02Ïp. ui r tý hîs'QWfl helth. "As ta pôrt nstyfoljudi,' .see.tpossliý;biliVy f isb1eing1. a fug- b<rMceiltapedbi foehadtive from justice, that" theory was with his9forefinger. 'Tbst's what 1 even -more untenable. Wigtown.-, tbn '1 hm,"she ,j e shiré was sbleak and -lonely, 'but i't dential, 1whisper. "He's -gone, sir, wa not sucb aù nobscure- corner. 6 mm.i estimation. No6w what would the world tbàt a well-known soldier youonsderta . ~~<~ <'~d-could hope ta conceal- himseof ness,1 Mr . West?,,thee nor, would a n wofae .Vhy,- offeri-ng a blank check to publicity s et - every cne's tongue aWi w oseaet" adL wagging as the -general had clone. "Ai, you're aye at your jokes. On the wbole, I wasinclined ta 4e-l' But'., otween oersels now-, if a, man hievertbat -th.ue 'Is.sltiowo! the ske ye how many miles. it was epigm~a Iay.nbso* luin t tise seaport, and whether shipethre lve'of q.ie, sud thit thèy-bid corne there froiii heEast, and wbe- taken - shelter - litre -witb an'alsest ther]there -*ere tramps, en the morbid craving for solitude andï,-re- r0ad ad btbrit was againat POO tW vry soon bad an instance the loase for bim ta build a high of tho. great lengtbs ta which.. ths ,wall round tihe, grounds, whatý ould desire for isolation wouldý' carry y. n'k. f it, -eh?"le thein "I slýha.uld certa inly thnhim um ' MY~ father lied corne clown oe enýtr c, ad .rorning withi the weight of a great "fevery man. had bis due, hie deterniination upon his brow.. "Y'ou .Ouil1 nd hîmsel' an house with s muast put "on, youir pick frook to- hg Ilround the grounds, and dav- Esthér," said lie; "snd »U týhat without costing-bim s farth- John,- you .-must. make' -yourself ing," Wad the agent.,- - smart, for I bave determined that ors then ?" I asked. the three of us shall driveron yin the Wigtown County this«afteinoon and psy our-r6spects Luna ie Asylun," eried the littie to Mrs. Heatherstone sud the gen- man,' with a bubble ofilatighter,'in eral."s the idmt of which I radeclionmy "A visit ta Cloomber 1" cried Es- wsy, eai'ing him stili cbuckling ouer ther, clapping beir-hands. bis-o0 n facetiousnese. "I "i bore," saidmy father, with * -Thei arrivai cf thernew fanxily- at'-dignity. "enot ,only s'e éthe isird's -Cloufniber' Hall hec! no« perceptible agent, bit also as his kinsman. In' effect in relieving the monatony of that capacity 1 amn convinced-that our secluded district, for instead o! he -would wieb nié ta call upon these- -entering into such simple pleasures îgewoomers sud offer theni any pc- as the country had ta offer, or in- iteness which is in our power. At teresting themselves, as -w. lad present they muet feel lonely and --hoped, in aur atternpts ta improve f riendless. What says the great *the lqt of aour poor crofters and Firdousi? 'The choiceet ornaments, fisher4folk, they seemed ta shun ail ta a man's bouse are .-his Iriend." obser4ation, and hardly ever ta y ister ana I knew by experi, ventur'e beyand thé ,avenue gates.. ence that when the oid manis began W. soan found, tao,- that the fac- ta justify his resoluýtiQn by quota- tor's w2rds as ta the incl4dsing of tions f ran the-Ë.lersian poets there the @rounds were founded upon was no chance of -shaking it.' Sure fact, for gangs of warkmen were enaugh that afternoon saw the pisse- kept hard ut work frani early in toQn at the di.or, with my' faher the ilorning until late at night in percbed upon tbe seat, with bis sec- erect ng at high waoden fence round: ondi-best coat an and s pair of new the whale estate. Wlien this was driving-giaves. ftnist ed and topped with spikes " (Jump in, my dears," he cried, cracking lis whip briskly, "we shall show the general tbat hâ bas no cause. ta be asbamed of bis neigh- id o %s wo neibars." - id%ok1 ho need eome-thinr g Ala- rd las osbfr iflot ffetie ~bou B~ W~ and Lwam about to get ot tandl Mos efeýtveWitout"ydLçcornfort. open it, when our attention was ar- lricne-reaaed doses flot flecged.-.a. t your*duggls.. uO ested.by a- very, large .wooden pis-. NatýW WIrnol ww ce. of a w. card, which was attached to one oA Cani.L~Id. the trees in such a manner'that no -m1649 one could possibiy'pase without se- ing it. On the white surface ci this lad LOOK for tl&e Trade-Mark. j> - ~Parerrn GlovS are famed for f ur tyeFît and Finish. "J -Goo Mt amt.' OTota&napud -mi&, aithr e. trde'arkoi hgnain. cana, N'that elIL ointing up' ut thée placard, "isas jyez you,_smVy-annpyeàiee,,it -bas gsvean ' mbrtiier .sâd.myself'fair " WIhy, -Miss, Heatlïkrstone .11said [, pttiitheMatter off- with, a lauigi. '< i.- à î reeeaUt md a' ifa is hoees t6 wrn 'Off risitore figopm bis premises thçre i ê na eaoi why -ýh. siouid net. 1 hé br-oke. - ont, -w-ith a.zý pçtulant- stamp cf lier 'fÃ"ot. "To think that-* y'oursiste.r, teo, sisauld havîe sulal ân unprovoked iýsiult off eréd t. ber!1 I arn ready th, sink Wlth sharne at tIse veiiy, tbcught.", ç ' " "'Pray do,:, t-Vgiï*'-'-y.ourself "ôe rnoment's unéa ses- uponthe êub- jeot,"_ssid I, eannestly, for I ws grievedoat ber'evýident distýrefs. -'II arn sure that your- fatber basSorne, ,reason unknewn ta us -for taking this step.>'- - '"God knowe he bas 1", :sbhe an- swerec, 'rith. -ineffable sadnéesin ber voiet"'and-yet I tisinis it-would be more maaiy -ta fade .&.a danger than -ta fly 1f rom it. Howeven, ho ýknows begt9.*n7d it isa impossible 'for us ta juclge. Butwbo ix this1"' she. excliLred, anxiously peering up the clark avenue. - "IOh, it is niy bro- tiser, Mordaunt. -.- Mordaunt," aIe said,.-aa tue young stan approachecl .us, 'II have -been apohogizing _te Ur. West for wbat Isappenod yesesday in your namÏe as.,wel11 as'iny ewn." III arn very*glad ta. have the.op- portiinity cf doing - laila Persan,"Yi said ho ourteoualy- Iayws I .oauld see yeur sister suid your faW tiser-as weii as yoursieif, to-t-ellihbrn how -sorry I arn. I tbink you bad botter run'-up ta tIse bouse, littie one, for it's getting near'tiffn',ilme. Ne--don't you go, Mr. West., 1 want to bave a word with you.," (Te be continued.) HOW ELEPRANTS SLEVEP. Ia -One Sens. Are iIghtcst - of gleepers- 1Seldom'Lie -Dawn.' Wbet.ber elephants; ever lie cown ie a queston .wfich nature students are lu doubi about. On. autbority, Gardon Curnming, madle known the > f act that &t aise time he tisougisi he liad-found evidence ln marks-on the- ground and tuat thse bulle o! 'ise herd did streteis tuesselves out at full iengtis- for- s few hours' rest at about rnidnigist, but, Es&ys Harper's Weekly, he contended -isut tise young and tise caws aiways remain- cd ou their feet. Another autbority, - Selous, bas expressed doubt w-iether even tise od bulle île clown. He telle of o-ne iserd tha.t4a knowu to have.kept moviug and feeding turougisout tise twenty-four hours. "Exicept when rollng ln mucl-and -water," bhsys, lit ise- ikely that an Afnican .-ee pisant neyer. lies clown durng zhie wbolé l.. Hewever this .v . , the.Most- competecnt 'authsoritie4ee serin ta agree that tisis animal sleeps les ad more lighitly than any otisen. J. L. Kipling, tise f athe-r o! tue wni- ter, bas - efimaied ise peri~lo! slumber taken standing up te aver- ageabout'four isour iin tise twenty- four, sud hie -estinate haa been em- phoyed by tise @on is an asnusiisg passage- Jon o-ne o-f lie. tonies, "Moti Gij,'" wherein tise sleep cf tise elephant le repreeentad s eoaa- sistlng ef an isou's fidgetisg on one side -and a similan Peied on -tise otier, fallowed throughout -thse rest o-t- tise nigist "by longy, ho-w, rurn- bling esoiiequles,"- 9u~'. *41 - SA1l tui 'A l A 1% clu ie.ubjecte&t rler',the Be: btni thic'kèse> iog1aesand rme - hard lii. glçbuleswis éseupJ tIem.rix.-The' air l sst-f fromïts soure eof-ý *supp1y 'and - miti- ers. It WiIl rieedily -b.- ee-nnthet a deal a. rou ressure Cip pingý tbe -b:air or wem.rhg: it very shoèrt. eaye4 tise, iair rit î t isemrcy h~ atmo ri côcnditions, foi, heat sud dut. Thé sebiuns,.like 11ll ily sub- stnes, tends -taoagulais té'when- tue temperature i-' lôw,- -nd whilé tilongisai*ro! wornen affords'-a Protection ti&t i5 ample ag »Àns t-is candit'îïn, tIse short bain of men positivèhy inites'destruction of tise bal-r noots î -* ieat diet ineresees the"pr<>poz- ton of.-aeids in tue, bhood asud con-, .s«quently a-S o reaseu ie ed in- thse waste,«ïwôwll Ot by*tisebo4l fin -the-l-fo o-* porapiràitioù. ,This_, -aI"-pripiration is paric'ulsrly- hanmfuttc-;tIse hair aseit- tnito undulyt,*e'dlow o!ýtisesebum;eand as the hai'rcuannot 'abeorb this un- usuai amount o!f fuid plaeed a t as -command tise«fluid tisicisen aroufnd' tihe roa>te cf the bhaïn and clogîý thens up.- As ïDbese person - penspire more freelyAthan thin, individuals, tue- explanation ig, at hand fortIse bald- nes wich, inv&nra6ly addi ta tue misery o! -the fat-mans,.-, If men wouid substitut.lilght felt- bats for derbys in winter sund'wean, soft strsw-- instead of-,tise bard se ýoard straw.hats witb whicb tisey 'ado-rn -tisemgélv"es t aù ur -bld- 1 neas wourd soon b. on tise wsne am&O n gthemq. - isA. - 5 - _'_ '-- ' ' --, *V, , , - - ' u J a w j m l 1u l Lemeni .Rie e 0u-1To loe-add' thesugar, butter >-and cupful of, rice -boiled;eoft- in Mater, starclh. etge~gosand, mdc! o-it pint -of cold miikï a piece aiiawed -a' littlé- -cf ;the .éor -o butter thse size .-:f -an 899>thé and-inilk inilxture - o 00, yol.keý of 1fôur -ekgs, and th4e -grated w th i To -4ti risc et n., ensn. -Mix, an bak iling-mixture and bail-lal' cne-halLhour. --Beat thse whit s 0f MinuteS; Mowtacool. Ný four'-eggs', end atiri one -Pffn "ef the cakes w*ith s sharp kaif e. sügar sandte3110 !one lenion.--,with tis et ce- [ttiepuddixçr,1e to lýe àa nby - prans, who like sweëts, ýas much is oRoawvs as bhai!. e, up.ftni oýt2augar ctib. al' ist Huele dec Atrtise: puddi[ng- is bakèd *The, ironing -o! woolien&e. sud-' cooled ,a -'ittlé, -pour -tb.is C'ver Jike presin.g. and slsouid it, and brownh it in. the oven. Serve w.itb aà-wr ion -whenf ooid. - - - ment ià almostdry. - at n Paneakes.--Put two eu>.-D" n tuub-ono rn f st 'e a boýil woollens. T e twsti fuiscf r-oièd cats'inta three cupfuls pouc--srn Ocf boiiing Waerý,cover sud letetancirbigpodcs srn for- fiftéeen minutes0 '. - dd a'ait-kte n i. irs spocebful o!l sait,f a tab1espoontul cf When beatingtue whiteî sup ;ad n n,'-o~ witb- a rotsry egg beater,t beuaratn egg., Mix abioe,ter, a41 ing thi.boter at an angle immediaeiy- fry ii.bat~i y tseof straight' up a'nd d&wn in t' spoonful m-butter. -Should the pan;- This cook piherhe cakes -net bgld togetbér whei f ry-qukr To reioVe rnik or cre2 ing, add s- tablespoonfisi' o!f our ta woolen goocle, pour cold - the -batteri Serve, as, hot as f»'s- the spots" until the, wat sible,ý with powdý.red sugar, or with througb. Then rul0witb- -s compote o! 'fruit. Sugared siiced that bas neO int. 1- oranges may wèll b. served With the Wben srranging pillows i pancakes. - neiyvlid. 'lace the first piltn Stuffed - Ham.-,-Select' nwyw u wihtise-person and4l, cured- ham,- if* possible. Boil it eue acrosi the upper hall-o slowiy -until it àa so -tboroughly piiiow.- cooked-that*tise bon. ab. re- Cakýes, shouid not bé. pla meved. It miay be taken out or net, ,od lae-r t a pn as you*,plets.. -For thetstuffing' , ol m eéas1ih - take eue plat o! tasted .bregd ôr mi.then evr crackers,. twb tabiespoosifuis et Ver nute~erqi celery-seed, -one-half teaponful of aven, sa tisat* thu& set night biaçk pbppýer, on -a'tblespoon- and tse. insideis baked by fui of claves, oe e tablespeeonful . 0th usdl bon. muitard, the. ýeiks of three -egg,-IMae pneck tiieeaies-oappdffle -sd-t lt-and _spanÜýy*if. &atabiespc tie. vrigr mix, ahi thorqughiy.ý wàter, witb thse chili off , iî Mais. ,lncisýoni, ta tisezboeaÀle-ver thse cake mixture. directiy,- tue bain..,jÃŽÃŽd -presse tisestuffing -inta 'ting- inthie .eggs.> iýhe inàcisions, forcing .,it thrôugh, the o-prevent -staJe pipes fi -ba pat c th ba; ~hensPrading when put- away, rubi the remainder over,-the top- of the on them *itl~ i ': l! T bam, sud glazé wit he - wlites of ieipsi p-erude thse .eggs. - -Bàke slowly for -&bout an iu ry piace. hour. If aiai eod ud1v ed -a tiellendsandtie ybb -Foie Te&asnd Lunebeon. Cuekoo s Fateful Bird. -Dé Ww Drope-7Mix two cups -o! Tbecucoohielon ben onsd-poÉadred- engàn, ône-isalf cup cf1 Te se tise b lon brd o! amenbutter;,oecup cf iniilk, the-whites1 Sras ter aofin tise o en.ofour eggs, a tubleepoonful of ex- S«ne yar ag, n te no>rth oftractcf, iemon,-two teaspoonfuls-o! England, boys on'hearingtue firet bakiug powder, snd'flour euougb ta cuckoo, wcuhd take eut o! their make s sot batter. Bake in»patty pockets tise roney they contsined, tins aud caver witls a simple icing ýnd spit on it f-ar luck. Tise habit -whsen ol! was not elega-nt, but Sir Henry El- Bea od C.. abkngdytk lis r»fers ta the. practice.in tise BraCke-mO bkigdyte nonher eantn i patsciar- "~ ram your -dough wben- rea-dy for ns vuîgrîy corci aunteû su unîuckybaking two cupe of dougis, add two ornen if ycu have ne nioney sn your cupa. o! sugar,alesp o!butter,- pociset when you hear tise cuckoq tir. iegs, te-talepodofur-o for tise firet time in a seaffli . -'aseet creui, n-sî on fc -rants, 'dredged, and eue and one- * bah! teaspoonfuls cf extnact cf clu- nainon or a tablespoonlul (or mare if yau ike it) af powdered cinna- mon. Put ista buttered pans and alhow te ris. for twenty inutes. Buakç. ne-nalf heur. - bs.--Tke ene-Isaif pound o! sugar, s quarter-pound -o! butter and f-aur eggs beaten ight. Stir the. Sugar and -butktq ôa slight creani, and -tise eggs,, lernôn, an va- niia flavbring sud- ufcetfu ~ "--'5 seak tisemixtur e tic-nougli to rail out. Mix wel .tagetIser, and H, il ut in powdered suga: in a siseet >.,aquarter inchin lu- thiekuese. Cut inta, rings and bake in s quick oven .~on butteredA'ins. àftie's Tea Cakes.-Put upon tise pie -board apound of sifted fleur - and muke s hale la the centre la ewich 'place ose-bal! pound o! -but- ter, six ounces e! pawdered.,sugar SUFFWIENT UJNTO TRE DAY. A~lcn-<'You advertised. for Housiïeife-"l've luit egged éno-yau might euta-nÃŽor4-r W-" - SI A GOO SuperlinosOiin Sirnphy beceuseetii h onty h W -bavlng so many fool pinlaon Il It nover ràjain$'appifi.5. but vo waut iit tepçur. "Do yeu k~liev tâa».l-- arb Il I LWW & -11 iLŽ.~V ,e com p alr bGo a ra simd Soy oometI. md da. tue kaces- of- littie boys' suits, tise nubber is easihy wheu tise suite aire washecf bloomers can 'then b. lu, _bé doue' -' -- Tli-ae outeid«efreèzee -flrs * -4iÉo tdëss- it,'f1rees 'the b caig. -aby air - isu a.- fuitlier in.: Bu .k& yis no mens -1cf -escape îceggsfrodV ty4tsb try lIsad- ~nob oi;adSa se instead -Sûme les-has -a,ninterior buec polIU4iPtted- w~ii di4eIýae )rk- muùcis-h p.ei not - nly neariy o-;s'nd luon anfrmby -heavy pnesurê.-exertý wstr on nsiea sp~of !t terx' uas block witli tise air . uhi - a cotii clear. 1Througii-,the Oftbe leS itself -the.air ior an t way -under oltinii- ,W lên,ïth- and le being only__seani- se-ecod pth,, fLjow as dgriher ed-l at:tsérate'.sf -a-few feet.- -usdow Th is fact o! ths rapid densei sand- 0ft-8 sl- beng taken:- of by Ma.nufacturers, am qucspoer - people wh4)' are- t through ~ e.Tise blocks- af te - i et. consumeons are dsually, 1jlean, gIvIug iOff ÃŽnuCcol « very 1iht solving -siow"I, but the-e )oufuh o!sohd un sasl ,pioe-a s - L u nto'that meits-qu'ickiy. It il mifter put--break liÏta ernail l peff, %dthlat le a«Igs sweet cil ý lin rap - - are pîse- eèr, round - t -- i'bloomer - '- y emoved Y -- - 1, ond ôte1 flto. vroeteoo fuoi, whlcb sometimes rises'in damp wea- tiser un spite e! tise beet 'o! car.,, scatter a few drops o! ail o! laven-,l der- on tise shelves esnd the oder wl disappeur.- Is winter, wheir- fresis roasting chicisens are nat obtainable, buy a chicken for stewing, steani it is'a cohandèër - for three houri, or, until tender; tben,'put it is tise aven and reset it. Wisen it is done, it wili b._ brown and tender. Before baking patateoes, jot tisen stand lu bat water fon fifteen min- utes. Tbey wil require anly. liai! tise time for buking, are niore m&uhly and palatable, and if tiseyare baked is a gas oven tise 4.aviug f14 gag le ÙED KND BLU'E qOLDHXES.* 9trange NMeroralsfor Da SriIOx , th Ast s resuit .o! tise Bulgarian- Turco war Serviaitawns ar e.n datted with -stiati8e weoden- monu- èM mentesr~e-t ii ainsfi rien iseres. -Trougisout Servia sud tse a-ýi kan kiugçdorns tisecusatarn-hasii ong- prevaihed arnong tIse pesntry o!f thus isonoring their -relatives elain - Sis w-ar. Tisemonumenit, >usually curved eut o! aasingle'ishocis o! woad, represenistn bas-relie!'tise soldier wisose deats it -commeBmrnor ates. -Tbey are usualiy put up near tise soidier'es home or near tise-.sp where b.e fell, if tisat spot happe Ë.- ta h. in bis native country- As tue Servian herees are falliug la tise eneiny'e terîtore., tie mo-n ,u- menti are, neveseanily raised lu their homes, andà very few farme are ta be found ta-day un wblch e e u e çf_ these crudecur-vings ls nette bq, They ago wsuq;ly paint.djnvivid tfs w cde fiure 15 an su rcnpt glving-tise soldier Ws naine, and-, soietimes a !ew detais-* o! the ms-i nèr'in -wbicisho met bie death. - -Thée people, whoý ump -out o! the' frying pan inthe fire U ii%- ebusi"ý nsi L tise frying pan- lu- tIse fi'st place. ---- ens, -A bite-of tiseand a tante long, duflathe ý àpOUte lu by takIngja Na-Dru-Cc- ai tùereacis reaI-aid40ut 6 are thq6-eSt = oniese rwmncit», athoet iubl handie nt aideuawoll a 161 th9 qnly an. 'whor. tihe Ask y= d..,tn .'Champioýn" Washer. AS Gover- ato carry mente ar eonaL es aection *andvi y paye 1l nient. 1lhêe e ner 1Iis app~ El MIL~ Canada, É The Pr< - -Year are *Kingetoi wili get 2 * ubstenta é light and1 ýHarir by the -arr Nèe .B.J efflan fr<iaz Mi~Eme~ ail oilThq The eufra 1' I

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