Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Apr 1913, p. 2

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-* ache, if doU se vnoir uùpAthe blood, t:«pý,l e pUrposa olf D:Wlim'Pink ~il;~ that is* why they are ,the, best -spring, medicine. If y*oü feel i néed cf a t#iic iat.Ibis eeiaèo n giïe Dr.'iI. uis',Pink Pille a .fair -trial 'n ouwil rejoice in newheath, nêi* dtrenghnd new 'enery o t let tii.try *gwea t"er eju'mmeiÃŽ *nd yC xd a g tourself Up n»oyv-with'QIline Ask for DYr. Williams, PiDPU - fo)r Eal6 People'a»d d.n6< be per- your dealer- doea.n6t keep these Pille they will b. sent 4. mi, " Pose paid,ý, atbo cents a box«or six boxes -for 092«60 by ýwriting The i.Dr-W- liame' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. - drs ic '--bi 41e 4th7e ut- téer negIèct ôfthei.#ck xdrud e4' Turk *W p~r demôraItzatiom' set- gag. Prof. Yerth, Kii@ an ac- count ', f hie experience' irn nval warfare. Us iai&-thàt-in-thene ca4- e. thé" wou ndm we r emorE ae serious ihan, inrmilitary-Zighting on ac'count 0fthe sizê aznd terrimo explosive power ofth' -large tbells. ONI TUE DOOMED SHIF. FRIENDS HELP. Brave DPeed of- a Mau Who Gave Pa!arInIe. -I.Lite fogr a led "Atter drinking coffee.for break, A aaiing v«wWle!- A»tall&for sât I alwaye 101t languid. and dull A alaing andeone1of thAstaê aorhaving no, ambition ho gel 1 ni3 .Enlan, ad n. ! IiePas~eI xorning dutieu. Then in aboutar was a gentle man who, had 9on6 oul heur or 50 a weak, nervous deranigt te Austriia for-iei health, but tw ment of! thc -heart, and stomsn country, bar! not suited hlmn, -sÏ0.4 -would come ovet'me with suh erc was 'now returning. The, IUhD. wol feqenl hve1'I i ade mo r e 1han h a-i -lie r homnew «- Own.Y Voyage when e. wa.e caugtit n a Tea ie judtas harniful, because il storni. lt l"stw -ight aiter luéhst, containe caffeine, the sîmie druf until in the eènd sewn.e without found inicoffee.- niItsli rrudr1W t 1 "Ath cher tîmei I had 1 eevere etorm w-as 6101 raging the. OnIlY 4WO headachee; etoniach i nally becaJi boné wre oweédbutthY were,*affected and digestion so impaired not biali enougli for the paseengers -that I had sericue chriQnie dyspep. on lý(mrd. Wbule -tbie was. being sia and. constipation'. 'A lady, foe d~nelb,~a.Ia.i orere tha losmny yearé State Presiclent of ii eicuIr!lb drawn to settie wieh of _w. 0. T. U., tlir me se h ar been - hem ahoild go in the boat&. lThe -reatly benefiter! by quihîing coffee lait lad been dra.wn, and the -for- ànd-ueing Posturn; eh. une trou- -tunaité cnesrafiger!theinseives e In bled for yenrs with nethma. 81< lin. aid it was no cross to quit coffee 1Tii. man mentionér! wae one of when she !ound ene couir! b2ave se the fortunateones, and as hie wait- deliciouo an artiçle - as Poitum. ed! rntil lhe -men bef<re hlm Wad "Anotber lady, who had beecs -Jeaper! hie eyes sudden]y fell upon a troubler! with chroDnic dyepepsia !',c face, -clos, té, hi-m. Heý'remembered! yenrs, lo'und immedinte relief on it. 'and iils ehory -hshed upon him.- ceneing coffee and' uelng Postuni. He~ ha1 Vn<ked -wth that youn9 man Still another friend bold me-tiat -a:-fw,-dayâ - ago, and bnci learned i »uni wag _a Godseir!, -ber heartý traIt thmee ye&rs-ago, with but ernali trouble having been reliever! after ehaînSofN-life. ha4.jeft_ehiyjd leavini off coffee and !taking on -wie al c i-'Ëstum. - dren, and né*, in,. full bealth, was "'So many euci cases came te xny c%în hie wayl~ome. But hie etood notice liat I concluder! coffee wae lxohe doth!le cause of my troublç and I quit T.-gentJleman un an insta?àt andtook- up- Postuin. 1 am more mezer! the mari anr! forced him overtia pleaser! to ay -that niy daja the gunhwafe and! etepper! mto his o! trouble have dienppeare<I. I am pluce. In a few minutes-ail wn.e weil and happy?"' over. The shîp had, gone dowm, Look ina pkge for the famous litle "aring with il many brave-men, book, "The -Road ho Weliville."x but-ion braver or grander than heo. 5 u bvelto m n wbui gave hie lhf.for hie friend. St¶81;ne, true@ ime ul f anlt ar HCURES I,-q Long-range weather forecasting, Persistent Beggar-' And, both me se long discrediter! by scientifie parente died a 'nd left me an or- mnen. appears to b. gaiiiing respec- p han.x" Pedestrian--"'Poor fe]low I tability, litti-. by little, with the What are -you going to do wiîh it 7" progrm eci moteorology, eays the VA 1Scientific Anierlean. Tue lazt an- mnuai report ocfthie Duteh i aIn - NS dian rneteoiological service men- VA IC SEVENStâoné the it at.forecaste:of the AQ1Wtics. o he easteiiy oéna-e IU JL K [ now iesueda Batavia each April. Offici ai motifcon forecaas have Bro e Ito ore Ithedand Bured ben rgularly mae!.in Britishi -- 'BrOO ItO Sre-Itced ad, urnd ia for nxany years. I-n the United! So Badly Could Scarcely 1Steep. Stiatus Weather Bureau, Sunday 1 é an 1nlaýd.Ctiieua Sapforecasts for a week in advance Rand inflam Eted CUtura S-a_ ha,,ebe ean estabiisheci institu- q-0$w9dv. Tootb.na,. h forecaist-sdeal witfi Only the MY tMlSwu Odî0e..Toe ons ne MY ...broader featuree of the. weatier ee-- - o W5J o' à" over wide 4areas. tbu noumues AItý $Ãœog=bd.oý Icowlainot W« forbt week& 1 I iled, eeveral clu thus>mtirdido's m todo 15 sn=,Uoo W"u u O Mmodte ùue uir C Olameut. I batmhedîsitirte Cos oc pan bj t9 e Cuilour Oi Ment oua sd î àe- - e eï"e ei ê~se> Ma~ MsOrgr. Fb4 2, ion. ~4TRHUMON BB 'HEAD Ady ma eittiars eeka 014 enh Ir~~el~liOn 1110, betsudmilforoiresa It(e1ifWaltI. in rush. whlch crn JIm& own erau.1 oei ,-4eri~bla u umb ias*-e b6tlaer.d laIa- qute a lot, e.hbe woul4 nos oiee, I us4 te washtixiIssth andraBapar 4a a ;utthe OutCre mOlaîmen hW hud and jsudf<, t~s4 pê çlsr. Icts pak toc J&al ~h~g%~aj~Olutmnees sud -Ciue Oddbydtv1 Landdue erywhere. si aofien sufleut. -libeau M*bmý-PPott eàDr PotM i OL.,.u,,r->51n LINIMENT t-be B L'î J.u mearc lu upé. My ge i>oot badiy Jammeai iaely.I bathedi 15 eil vIiaMINARDS LIAilM£,NT and tIt Yonle ver- usaI duy. ' T. (3. )joli LLEN. :Baby'o QwR Tablets are . eboit & ipiné other caýp gi"e lier, lit-ý tje one,., Tjey,-aç as a gentlé llxa- tiye, eweeten the stomach, break up, o'Ida and mae ýtee ing easy. Con- cernnS them lire. Alpiions Lan- dry, 'Upper Cara pet, N B, ays:' "Bab'. wn Tlet wer etgreat bené bnxfi ây 111.. b oy ,and Il'would àdvie, il moiiér with eickly ciii- dreiÃŽ10 give them atil"Tii. ro ne in "!r, llaaraxnMediçiqe ~- Co, BrekirlleOnt.. y VALUE 0OF SELF..CONFIDENCE. ýX-Q N ueh Chance- for the -Mai - Whose Corage Fn.. ie luhoudandè cf meni go down, ater S e v e r ni c o n s e u tv e r v r e , b - it eaus. tiey los hearl. Tii.7 decide gsth latiuck or tle 'Io agaÃŽnatit hem. aur! lIat il m no uet<> try furthixe. re l'oniillnobicethathe mani m'io le does notloe lis courage; or Iade- >d 'terminatioiwien li- 1cm.. hie prie p perhy geta cix ils fbet again- infinite- r 137 quieker t)an the m wlo loues e inatl ftttherer Lenet mauch s hnefor-,tlie-ian wlioee, courage e aieWben liéloeshie grp, a j- rule, h. b... -hieclimbing qQ-litig, Le anti sIýmply- drifjts. A demi fiel will * fioatMwl thle, stream, but 1< hats 19 voe lively -one, te swla ea elrong eurrent. If. we couir ,'a- rlyse tbe cause cf a&M tie failure. in 'b. tewonld we shoulr! finr! loet lasso! a coonfid-ence har! more h,6 do with thes, failures thau thl bofo!pro- -PerW ~Outaide o! character litî*hf,' theie1tn lesà6 great-as liat o! r eli?coafi<Ience; for, wien tbis je 1gone,' Uxere ie notiing - te hnild u-pon. Il- isknpoeoible f«'r a mnir hoeaerSt wirou-t a backbone, egpecially wlen lie bas much weight -bocarry- Notii ca-n Ieep a mýAw when h. lias gril a.nd d'elermniltiOn. It- sas iniposkblé ho iniprison energies-as il would beý tO bottîl, up steesi. Sel1f-confide-nce maires nien gode, wbose wille muet be co-yer!, RMe to-I ne the name o! the. con- i cern. I think hei. uii wae done WiainYour E tg Nemi Gare in-Ac-te Quky. T- 15aor Rt., xW.r.esa tsee ansd Uranuimîed Eyelilum.ne trnte171o32 lu ach Package..Murtnel U eo 1forN oi do dic ted t W th e p u b- Mutins mye Lweiu¶nAaioepgoi11=,, Murin.e Yo R*M.dC.., Ch1iojco -Gertie-" I wish you to know liat I dont stand ou trifles." Helen <glanciri2 at ion feet)-' 'No, dean; I ee you don't." PILE CURSO 8HN 8 TO 14 DAVS. Tourý d r tt iii refund ioney if PAzo OITmFqi T tail. te cure auy aeu.- !tcb: iug. Blindi, Bleeding or. Pretrudiug Pileq lu 6 te* 14 day. 10e. "Do you favon vtites for wo- men?" 'II do," replier! the Lon- don policeman. "Il wouid be a great confit to me toeese a crowd o! - uffragttes voting instead o'f making unkincirenianke antd throw- ing dynamie." - h. Caugirt IL. Saral, hie'ne-w mair!, was nuer ho ihy w-ayes. One day- Boon after hor arrivai 1er'mstresnohiced'a - - ail -hanging !rom thIe gai. bnackst in the hall. 'Suepeoting the ounî- -try *ir, eh.escidBar n d uraked "'Well, you sée., ma'am," replier! Serah',1"lie master isir! he ýgag -wamleaking, -Do I put, up thie pàü] to %gaeq$49d6 ', fno uiuis. Fil*p ~ ?h4. Reoen ÃŽOicutiort.usir 'tIhe pbom0r havé. reslted liI -cocertéd ýmovement for heu repeal ýýon Ute Ameing"t*-hiçt end -wa. hbeld hlIe traditionaj om !reàâigiou frek> n Englaud,-whichwaa-tàîe rnellnd roxuinçn ulaite h ssxd _2emandiixxg theiir a.bOliti-nA, recuinurged iheir e.x6 rpel aae. tin - taI the y w er o e ro cione" n ýnum&la.n d an lin- fringement 'of thiégréa4',pninciple of civil and reulious libent. - Oopela.nd Bowie, t< elrh sipolr,-enauù icr redc ei 'ondeucý ut<ý the= exislof ati- unjuist diOCriminat0in-in: hem en- forcem2ent. HýaaidtÏh ':W àfebo of in.Oo~4~c~Iege,'adiatingih p h e in é l i irn d n ! f i le b 3 guage, tIkere we lifflechance -of ýhiebng Prôàéecut'ed aâd imprioffil .d, but if a womningrn a aheh streat corne,; or in a public 'pauk" gave expremfé o It he um d~ incérucléorlokilieh'la'nguago ho ea -hied before â court and, frequeIItjll' aenteneed to a considerable torn-oo! imprBad-, Your Bad Tastc ln.-1 'i- Cat - bestrey Thlm Peluneus Dieme Selone Vomir Hisith le enleusy - taaJured. Penhapu iou haven't thonglit et callini bhose suplessant .yrnptonii liat affecteil Your no 'se aud Ibroat by any panticular nanie-but i15. Catarh mîtthsmore. When lime attack la severe, your eyes ane watery sud leok weak. Tour breah Io oifenaire, due to, inflammation lu the nose aud tardat At! let wscieeach a'. dlecovered a rnos remedy. a new scieutiflo niarvel vimicir mcto ke ne other Oktarrm remedy on earth. Catarh-osone' epemates ou s new pieu; it las a direct remody, ces lustantly tc fire source cf the trouble. lIs rich, tra. rant essences. sud healinu balsmne ara àreatbed lu- vapor ferm throagm a ipeclal ahaler sud ive 'lisant relief. Catarrhoaone - d0ein't @top at thre relief age-It goeq further-keepe on ibinu 1111 Lcure le effected. Bad cames are cured, tsY'ou eau judu oetra- hfiloqwlng let- -r ;-".Every merbnu;fer airtOmonuira lest vntel,- I awoke wltb à - ba.d'. teste, sud stful bi-osth amnd atuffed up feeling lu my icotnils," wmites Rob E: tuad, 'of Re- fIsa. "It ea slOmply -In *aWfni casêet0 Ironie Cstanmh., asulef Oto came - froni 'larnrkozoue. I used 5mai inhaler iwenty noes s dar aai- took 15te .bed wlth me t ihi. I amrn unai sd bythei.use cf atarmrooneuestey vell. Nov I amn free roux irritable- lbrôaî trouble.'cou a. Nio médiclue on, earth la 11,0 o&lau-rte lda, ireadaibe, or catarlm." - - nre every fora etf Catai-rh or timmoat mnjile n am airhosôae'.1 ' :Qt lh. large 0c Bi- lests two- Menthe sud la guqm- teed. mnedium ilete SOc .s*mple mise-goe.; s toreýreeverm snd > cis1te. or Thie tarrhoizouo Go., Bufalo. .Y.sa fiýiton, Can.Ada. .Cblthugix"amittle ho C116with pMei of-fbeanyovaxe xtb.d and, usxcbtod m eà la theý lZatr i -a-horny_ ýrpwth, justl 1k. ti bi et a wi c lia 4Lt Ca f r cel oul tnc anl al Nil IN rleqi cure -It To-Day, Rub on :"Nervillnc!" 4Lpni tinh tron bides..çFor a r --- - Woulgi zeben -a oroýttenor -wmty-llve. ae ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 3 "0n ;pru cligBc, cpsndot.î . f~r cltY with igondbuildinre. The 'Stop Y or--Buofcrfgi XKep -rUD ON AY KNI TE G C . On. - - - -n You WcII. Ca 84s'm Fped; lu orp nt 1»Il;temeay *aek Sàgorers,' Reid'- EeIoq.--- - - am1 a-nJufft 90 -délgbed Wi t hé, '.oom.. __ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ M LE I PW TE D.- fotNeM line be»ughs 'm e4 îbaiâ . 1:- eto-,M LO M N? S VE IT -tandate. te. 4sý_. gt. Laru barber -1ai.; aliàyr viutda'», c 8akaton. ,jp«atm1-bare ure emPIowrnent for-barber.. Our lm- ub an . ~ea t o o n . Por a i s Z b a et i i . p r a c t i c e c f 0 1 0 ( 1 - m e t h o d o , oc o n s t a n t P r a c t i c e a n d i been ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ra tc 01jc 0aa u bn ra gn g e. lh u htatooing Instrueto )Ùaly oufor position lu - mg »at the base o! 1ie -pie. Whoa n- îl e exp rS jp h r -t nse b v n esàly forbidden in the S ri - sh rt ue 8u ' or ctalogue. Voler t e a e - O n t _ I ae u aà y - w bO e 'W Y u r e s - f o r . in L e v i t i c u s i t i t t r ; o l g . 2 2 1 - Q c n .. o r n o a e . I a p a e a s e i I i Stan de ù c i a i "' Y e £ h a l n o t m a k e a n y u t t i n g - i n S T A M PÏ S A D O N S am or eega'develo-àed i l t r ougb my your f egh for 'h e ,dea r, ' norn -Print A D m uscular ys temni." W houe n l nn 1reW ue a n y m a rk s - up o iq y u - th e fa Sh i <o t fe Ot Pô r lu Sta m pe . I a al g o d a r a f r i n d p o k e t e, m e o or a î i n g t e r e n t o y r e i n . C t e ai r k u f lta o e and 1bo sh a W. ý Nerve liThof co le te'àkin withreligiou's anS.w t,,h I-ogt 0.bol. T al- ig A orin on o aoo Abm u.shaii. o iar I.elver. a en . t di si Ubje tg see i e o b . stadily grow - - 1 n n v ---o- - P eo918 f wb'at' a really rg d m dicine la rti t,hhe le o ten enle r! up on o 1 )IM PLES. E O OR S - O - E T a u do. bt tier. will bc no ocptic altfer a oo yn , htexte, and copies c P .- aces.remaved sure, eminent d ctor'a, they~~~~~~~~~ of n e-iln.Iue15freey rmedv flot'àadvertiaed before; sëimple. ef.- thytivot qrvln.ý1tll t o vey amous religxous' piclures on thfetv.Lrespi8.0.. Obou tiiug 5w. - lTV Se, fer lem a n sd -bodies o! religio s Pentusia es, 1 as 22 ArlingL etnAv .w st (,u t.Mo tr ul Neualga ud lioefofwnoulr pinwelI s 'Original sYmbôieul.design. _&X za ~ M R8 U P3 T. 15i -, tue ~ e I,-u tral. o.-40 ' c saud satena curé'S *Itb. u b e - e r 7 n l ~ . 4 i e s r l c r aeuo t v a n b v u i é u n e a t me e t W r i t e - le L ~ a u , s o - g a S ugar 10 D YIISI W oun ds oid anA usqi o è5msûaiinqtbiùg «ebuld Ti aetfr» c r e ¶ ?~t D eis -*ôe N ~ r l 1 e h i 1 s i u d b e t-d e ~ sn g Q A IL É mON ~ , I i Z r A U D , i*U D . *i vOytru i- m - m i e t c u o u g alu gt fo r w u n d ,% / aS b e e n in v e n te < I b y d erm S t - " . i dr ' n e t o . G rîv ,- s i s e w . - a e ot . t u e u - l i t a . - D . C h v i f P a i , - w o u e s a o r e d - , w t l i - t h . n e w G, e r m a u n ed m li ~ t er re a ~ è ta ~ ~ "~ -~ - s h e ile so l u ti on o ! - k u c o e . . T h e " I n ô l," p riai 8 1.50. An o tb er n o e m S i "à 'lz for 'D abetéà.Mllituar --and -. ure Ilia fCur. -MF at~ ai - e or ke pei a d d ug l~ s, r he p o)u tic e !teep e r! , i t e e mm e li qu ir!. fociwfa or direct. T e B an o, Manesf .- ~caarh-c~.Co. nfaoN. .:xi.e.A.Ifhiai ben ound liaI Iis w. onjaV o Cnaa Lmu. ri *oironcého wlth&aRonm nnose - and lfglfuing heels. 'Wý:h&vufssued a bumnorcus de-scriPtive circular of Uài.remarklýlc broxico ~t lu. trationa- of bis aitics. Sént free, on -application to any'reder ofhbsa.. Thufs tbe -mosi .famou i egul&r ever ~intFd in the - Eng irir language. Mrthalf &baif nillion coples ave *alre.ady been dLstrtuted Io liveraus FIL' efe npainful ivound,&a-the reparablon -of tie tissues le rapid. 2! Dr.1CAëh§on.i ba foliowcdoonthr lebtt an, h luià o n d e vne' erbtepospw u inmi0 to o.Kai5Létu. cr* ri-xfttèn o e a erusga illr x htwte.-P a inodAction~ In !hre r fa~ cliren xr- f ycl u lisuMaoAtheTutn,4o xQueheaintharet- mu e sb er luuhMorepach. Biiofdae.v:,hkbcuré d nr ty clrd o, i.âI;te fo U In --Wa eiht, - .Do ~ Oor1 wnte fr2E J Bai&ldID - isineRcosobndrfrd, Iil' -spor ic a qe&" luita l hi nd owe np. TANKS teigtand forèngth fo tregine, t - - i2ieaItil ftqhlieiLweU i'OTTO etheot oaing ipsa srplauciMrttero! anorOr. e iion's ii HIGEL"tfatt&B ecbrworin texpte taorÊ.earrntl. -NPino Ato hr d. fs-near lae init instnce le -a Hra e or ats rte Pr.! ! ulek CureTRO i mere l o A oloren! boy, inai 1<1of or AitdlluFike ofhat aeea, 011 Fngles ud R luld hpotsiealo pa suo mitalo hhi. 0.AliDodue. rv lomaus. bad.forbeU heigbh aur! sî- ngdliîton a montes ta-d-the dis. bark itiitr stargets, un.tai -fofoo POLSON "e tt a TORONTO-sm hands an eys ar bragilnato 'er -sa prlo at animroglime touthe conkria7ktr lu vImhieet fe eof elted .felg oes- wles g is .ANDldes men ôfc -alt;iei a thregujarutib-hat adtrae iels"se aSIh da le instin esor a atie eaiveo is ý n -noise Ihat e-in tntv n the foed., The doctons tbld nie niliver and comsCIeit"in boy, watever hie race or colonr. kdneym ers both'ateut, but tie-,meýdi. Su eotto. Y oung , lusti e ah" ot, evera l fee cin s ther us-e m e er s too mye n. e and s oo m ùd" ,,m lo n g .a n un ! l-l, o ! s aýp ~ e p la e r! - le redu ed m - o tre uorth o th at 1I-ha -ai t e I S l g O t i f a tl~~~~~.~ ~ n o .fwmnts bno tmu.-At the.mu guestion eofa ahoe.a troubL-- t~iey ae "bashl" on-aîog or friend who 1ad-eën eflorýblood sud ""*4clo, ha d u bta nc è,' 4h . h eated , gas in £t ous*-]ilu. The diff rence 1 fi nit utteed ai y u ai s. o the pithyc rm-. c t'wha pIC- -sas, ,limai wblle they cleaneed tibeýe. si a h o - i k e r e p o r t , - - - - e t e à - o f f e l i n g w e a k e r 1 . 11l - b o t t e r - o w l D y " f > - lt i due- t - ho cntdefok bô ter:taklng lhern. Indeed their activity e w ned - A u sralie- hot'a - vory ,l ng wa ino ild 15 as easy tb f rges I. ad F. L 501EDIT & CO.. ietrual-,i - ug, 'b aa~t at-tièy'laét i~ é ! lakeu lhem at ali , ihey'f.eemneai teo - wl e u u P6era tim nig r o t h e Brenýid U . r i n a vof y n ie f S h e- ".W h ie i do y ou th i nk 7le lie -camealon. Toi arém'ad- à duappear, but 1-ý,beusu tW crave food: sud best ltime for ber te b. engager! 1, -hie f-nit ,o! oni6 ftii. - gourds 1111 aî -ieeteai It reesoý»1,ly el. Thon 1 be- 1Me-"I ehouir! say juet- befo'rëe e le &bout the aie f, a aî 1 orané .e a n o "Put on Wejguas- untiL.. vitin Ilre I The. epi ndil Lfa, amo th i -ad leiie'rmotbu I was brolt teàt s .a condition eof (--------- ,pee cfwoed -fasened;i Ici Vie-to>p -$iÃ"d'bealth. I urge, -Dr. Ha'mulloun ' l:e wiV~'un. To-spn im hp iefor au wviseare lu pSr healtia." OLy OuiVSOOQIiE players rev lve th e pind-le between "' 1;60-k efor m diin theaay Thi . siAat ur V E .,OM Q W.I snd refuie à ubstitute for Dr. Hamul- Lot r h,mgnature et Ea. W",ràpOaoU ,t h . p a l a n s o ! th i n h aud e . , Se eo x o n '%. P JIfl f - >a d ra k a d u tCr u res aéD ý è. o l u. D y ~ a . r s bîneka are e,,o jmpert that h to1p iol-à bY aU rusitiis. sud iSorekeepers. D . -50 - geheIe'bÏforýfeb eyesci f sic pber box erOv for $1.00. 8ent po.mt. Some wonien are easnlÏ pleaser- ti ln g anti exultarit pla er. -pad by T ihe Catarosone Co. » ffB o - N. Y., sd inureton. Canada. # judging by -te husba d e tey ele t. a> n, ic esaye eý_,sogocd " 00~ -Ul ,nxeQ e no-im ui1 *pVV* ,uù, aru'n , th A -on g fol never believea whafi Oratr-ýNo-,-,then,- is -ther - aUyàaý-1 ~ ug ru~d~ an od o fi Ils.hlm, sewhat'as 'b.ebodyv li tic audièee vwho wlol1d 1- ' - - - - use e-aybedy, eluhen giving o r k-tikaquson Voice,-yle-,,ier - - - - inadvicl - -how con i eband oing44~ F«O-IceG BARBARIANS AT PLAY. lwk -Bo' Ys -of AiMralla Are- Mach - - ý lm Like -Oa "-Be muni 1M5musi MUIl- MUSIC-,II1- On te MAtiuipi. We'veHaloveët me Thatid( llof Mippàne, Whén tbe-Mldhco ý.!iteî N~onl Si im-Os e. - Strenous Tank. Weman-"I gave yen 10 cents la#t ieek-aur! you loQk as dismepulabjeý as ve."Beggar-"'WelI, lady,ý 11'é deuced, hmmdbneak in mb lii eorat sel witb 10 cents."- Onfe oàlier.' "What is lie malter;wlth My u- baud, docton 2" <'Well, le bo perfeclly frank witb, you, -Madani, iL Booms to bb.a c~raccase 01*1e J.. :el iïermýtd to as, ~apand _boilm ÈýyflIp and then ,~at Scli a finie 8, critpnes lIn te>obuay,'makini 4 ing -for wiorn3s; ycung maples-i glOW that consi note of color ii andthe squir: frm lofty lr yet begun'a l To go jnto tht when-th~e-sa.p thé Pails and.tM ]mat under tl prgaching sun a itï anybo * The-f rozen -sa - eîstency of chex cannot be, 1i any way s"vm boy w 4failed gallon of gicgh round of sàsp-g te be a==ma-vel -Peo-ple wh6 xi the market, lua like the dalryni ere.d inpails «M that no- leaves thern. The.bo.;l d6nýe in houées -result is 7thaf readv lor sale and Clean that 'ber the 'bro)vn - -If ny __eff or vopsugar. could doubtles in- ma-ny parte, Sa pxty5that an 'become immen aloug" in a. 4&1 - - -ELECTRIC "Prodn'ees Art! -,Will eleetric t- utu re 7,Ameà tia't il ca.u a< food toa.< lished- Ibis, ru no less -kutie me-uts at lisý deaiux FUi-er, For a long -- do away wit.i iailments --of t! - , have been ùn condenser!-for ed wil.hleGs fi -- The iii'ibCipip as a ood val the lieat ener tha lia-muci lc-i into the bodIy. Ris met-h'o my, and lie rent te il stear! of.,heai- * b- cousûmer hem, - afidt-bu overwerk of - -amucisI-esa genrao4ndi pas$ througi or three amx -hag-e-of il0ON value wichm one.-person. -Hé appier! - w -w was In - The- patientea toc nîuch axai able l ork and eoMd, ai - feet without foot l(finchei - pouuds. Afi 'ments he bec pounds, wa.s without mule' -ufaet, rega Lvigor. - - - .Won'l -Mrs. -Fitzzi --My dear, -"--. -ushanr! forý - er'daugi. tell YOU. emp -' comesAte buy - _J#11i select thi et lier !ideaV *tb»e-one sWae I - s - - 1 1 iU di 0 e railwav-

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