Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Apr 1913, p. 7

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to e 1idsre ~ela e aly \exPIînek. Given a sm&aU re&erve cL-atrength, what la needod abovo ail tii»s a- wre't, Vhe coempiete e OffIce ,w-ürkiE le ppleieed wjith a tri ýhOphy a1reselreeS tii. 4hangý' OfeI oupation doea nOtg9ive i -rst, _b .4doo uces..the-41- -tion.'the - -xie wll ferve â iabeneiilSubititut.i if the tim eau bc feund -for it, -rush- ing work *to double the demiiid on Onie,'s erengtè by i s t inreal.ity another kindof work le poor pôllcy. iI wiH ledt& men's runn», tiiemý- selvz don wh~rnth~ Imainethat -ý thy re bukngtmaieUp Iig ail casSohGwer, fresh air le 9-6<Wd mediolue, whfle. for a ffltorer. n<tJing i.e quà.l Vo OôUUd eleep- pro- - * iel nd~ued. TJejOerves aInthe. -- *ulOgie it b... relved f rom tii. pe>ets, and it je certain that t I lnet1 to bé ehtaiùed1 by beeozniug toc4 tlre thougi exrciê, pysioal or mnental. A .di&epgsVLh ifron London indicales liaittiie centeriary e£thVe tep-bat ;,-wll -eobarvedwiti- niu o len-ý mity tis e yr l in t" SAtre of. fashiocn. Theigh hait w-aa lzvented abo>ut haita einy .d 11- 'but it Wasn't- native'inlu Loe, aind it made its w&7 ratiier aiowly for obviens resens. -Tii.outatândlag re&gon.-wu, he, bag-wig, -whicb ierv'ed E excellently a k6base for Vie cecked hat cf roman-ce but oql -which a siflk bat would have feund a decidediy precaius eting place. Hc'wever Sceminnià asd etif Vthe -; l - t ile may look to us to-day, we ou~n 4wtVo forget that iV came lu MOcr"y'¶'ii d-c an sd reMaIns Ite pmcper'emblem~, fer the iigii hat la th'i, a dscendant cf the round --bat that d*mnated the French rev- o-lutien. Merieover, the. - iigh liat xnarkcd Vie final etep in --mou'e Oachieîemeu.t of tmue meoderniiy, fer witb t 'i~e assumed Vie tubular formu from top Vo tos, a ferm ho seeme - - destined Vo. keep fer cenbumie to couic.- RORSES EXTRACT CUBE ROOT. Obtaja Corret Answuers- Whea Trainçe , je Absent. AdiscusSIOn Of s peculiamly inter- -.estiug eh& " r tcpk place ai a e- -- -cent meeting cf theFrench Pisileso- phical Socity This Society ha. greatly iueted itscl! lu the "eduicatd ho secs zcf Elberfeld." - The aulni-a r ý the property cf Mi -Krall, sud he hýs ught tiien-read-' i-ng,_ writiug sud arithmetiau, orý - daims 'te have donc go. The herses ca]n extrs&Viite squ&reý' -' aIud -Cube -I-04coI ta c iuiMbe;-& p-ý ~. <orr~gLIS Q~ aIonoty nr1iel by éii-e.n"rable, quaduupede and iuvl .1 M. Caparde, -the dis- tinguie»he-d prof'ýs o f psyoogy at thé..Uuiv-erslVY cf CGeneva,, tO ad- drossei.hem on the subWet. M. 'laard-. said that sdnc, ho ira-cl sen the berzes two Ihailn sa- vpvuts -had cbtained a correct au- swer 'from- - tiiem at a Vlan..wiien -' their'treiner wais absent. No hypo- - iiesis, h4 went ou, ca-n ;estefactor- - - iJy explain- tbe extraordiuary fa-et of wbiLcb luo lid been s witness. -Even ifViere were-a trick, it lu- - -- -vcledgreat intelligence ou the paert tiiheorffes., O.ther Contribu. - Verre Voth% diseu.Àsbn suggceted the îqeibiity cf Vehri en - taiud Vo.aMt lu accordauce wlth algue nmade by tueir tr-ainem. M. Dar-lu, on~ce-Guri f public- Iqz&tmuceoz, marvelded tint e i, ainialo couldlaul e woekà ibat which jM Vales chiklmen mot'ithtbêo i !len Uwes espeel-aJ ly aetiiibe4,at tir. power- et re- ~ur t4cl ý ti. amalas ese. w" ermptàaily decided Iliat madey ut I iesvrieare - tiê, wetieçtuerefit4kery or ropikaiiyipcsIpB romu ieo 'lu ~ij for R. cga ~Ir. tin tiat lis ohllee.gu- eor genera- ýýo have clung tO, -Rm' acted upon. Tihe Doluuip AoutDrafte. lu VI be pait oupiec e.s ed- -!&r ci deluions, probably, ïst M the. chie£ cauôe -c01cuie is a draught. - It ise cmitbed - hat oee0e. .the grttatpreventive4 ofdies le goe veotilia , and ye t Ji.ugi the véry idea of ventilation aumàea adraugh t ii. 4mught ita&îf la Bnp-, P6"t -buyfillliugthé ee'me- te"y. I ai-Vo. oi isubjeet lu Vi-. Nerw e Sun, Dr.' William Bra4y expres 'emVthe opinion.Via-b no one i-n tii werld ever cauglitaoold througb ake.tng2Ina dra'fght <ofl freali coàd air, and that nobody. lu amy. cirouin tancpe ou-Id- catch amy- tugworae ta a wry neok- Virough a drau-git, unies. Vhe drauglit h&ppneýdto bear in LV. train some, epecitorm For a -oU I.ecauoed'by a Bj5fe'c es certalnly aslapneu-monia, dti and.ooldeare - uauily cëaueed by the1 sau gennu, nam* V -th, pneumo-1 The -Areir ferm lu semé îîeapeetS as It la wiVb tié tubercle bacilhu. Thé geem e ofVu-' bervulosis awe,>rObably Vo b. fiud' with -6ve-ybody wbo h -n spent -W&i lite Outdoers. V>le caly wlie* Vie gariearal -healthl h»s been in- pa.lred tiiaVtbey aire permited Vo ,gain beadway and reuit luSions di Tse e- pnouuuoooccus la net se~~~~i *lesrad adieis, lindecd, forVnat, f '33 smore «virulent thon- the tubemle bacillue and makes ehrter- work wlthii li vis- tims.- Nevertielees, DS. Netter fe-und pueumeoci -lu 20 per<cent. cf al -Vie moutuhs lie expeiied. ou- 1er sVted Viiattiey aire normal ini- habita.nts of-.*Il nicuthe, but Dr. Brady thinks Vie use of the word .niormal" bore -bas led tVo miaunder- etaauding, ulese *e aire te assume thalth Vi moutin wlth bad teetb and unbealtby tensils ar-e normal. Fer it is l in eoeun-heaithy uneutha thait the pneumoccci are ai-meet certan to be found. - IV is people witii these encuths wbo are eoutinually "catceh- ing cood." Sometimes they are -mereiy eold carriers, wiie de net sufer theenselves, but who give colds and diseasseste -other people, just as "Wyphoid Maey" dîstibuted Vyphoid wherever ehe went, Vbough eh-e geemed te be in excellent Disinfeet «tire andkerehlefs. Tii. New York aut-b4rity sys tiat the germ le dist.rib-utcd litVwo .ways. Tii. camme>nest is by means cf pub- lic expectoration,. The siio-'ond la by means cf pocket ind-k«rcbl.fo. OWhoever *links et ýdlelnféetiug a tiie wickerbd4eýeV le ôska, an4- lMO.St har-raisig epides etfsdôc- to' practice Smcw eut; et tiiê rai-, would -iudcbtdlysav a- -liot#f f-orý biis,--atr~niÏe mareytubrc- - loýss,"but bills f-r U rg>itet mént.of -àe niddle c"r, anud fer iep- peudiclsis. The d..adly pneumococ- Cu&, in tact, uis reprcsented as tie arcu fieàud et the germ fa-mily, for net euly may iV cause auy cf the diceazce mentlonued, but meningitis, -brain abseesses, pleurisy, tousili-tis, quiasy, acut.. inflammation of hc-art coverings or hea-rt valves, snd gen-' cral 'inflwnmation cf Vthe joints, whi-ch i.- aima-Ot indist-i-nguishable f rom rheuma-ti-c fever. What a Chili Means. UOné -evenng»atter a e of 0ducli ,ghoiting, -c.nly, three'cfthéê paet, a 'eaed at camp.- "Whore ia .'thÏ nui« 71" aekem John, -"thl6 lztVo arrive. iH. p robably wa.itung fo»r th: evenl-ng flikhlit. Ir..pied, ("and wl boe n -u y ionlighit." -boy did -net ole. Atnlne'olocl I lighted-.&.ia-ntern and -»et out t j11or h1m-My Snpaiiionseac tekôizgit ndjoined.me. .W res.hedthe border cf tiie mare! and ftred a gun several. times héiire waa no reqpouse. Wî ciica tii. aih;oulder of a hili th&t' ioomeé dliii through the. mcenlight forj iaudmàrk, and: ýplish.d lut. Viii ýàwanp. Every few yax.we*caile( Vo -our 10eV compabn o o Voegei ýotuhr. iffhe :-miarsh la three miles acriose and lw&ê had: gone.,nearlý haif th( distance wb.en Jo6hn -ealledont, " have at-ruck a pýond--sevem'l "o -acres., and -shall-have te, swing Vc thei. rigiit te geV round it. " .-. W., heard hlm- tiir siingthrougi thýik raktulea lýhi- always-, bordeî -these. -"pet-holee," and tien;-we hoard, h.fm cry: "B..he is, ý.fellowal - du Thboy was lyilug-on a b.d ci tu, -wth tii, iow-erha o f -b il bo u-nk là the. cold oze. Tii -nigt- -aitr had ciled- him'until>hW vasî unâbie tVo M]_evor- 44w, 1. Ri wàc caaovermd w t uudhie mappeared. IVwas ne -eaaymatter to geb hum -f ree.. W.. pulled armf uls oif tules, and made a platform on whicii to stand. REisý feet were se entanaled in -the snaky iily-roots thst iVtecok several minutes cf bard werk to extricate thcm. Then we ciragged husnfdto eomparatiely Scid -reunol. He' tried te stand, but sank-bacek witii a qiean. Aryo-urtl I asked. "No, but 1 cannet stand" W. couki not carry 1dm ever the quaking moraffs2 and if lie styed on tie m&rsh eil nigbt h. wculd eureiy succu-mb. se we teck oit hie wet ga.rments, laid hlm on a -bcd of tul-es, and chiiaed his body until the ',irculaticon was sem-ewbat reetored. flhen each gave &oýnýtng f r-cen is elothing te keep 1dmn warm. Af Ver au heour ho wiis able te move, and vo began cur difficuit hocmwaSd ourney. "H1ow did le happen 1" 1 asked, viien w. had him eafely lu camp and wrappedi in -warm beddng. "'About three o'cock," b.e aid. -I weuuded a duck, and it fell sce- Iistance away. In my eagerneee- te get iV, I xieglected te watch- fer riuskrat welie. Auddenly I gtepped unto--,ne, feu bheadleng, and tbrust iny, gun eut cf Sight ie titheoze. Ae firat I w.,as amused ; thien I- found ehat I could net mev-e. Every tie. 1tried te lift my foot I eank deeper Fn the. mud. At length I threw my ge11 down, -graaped 'the tules, aud tried to pull my elfoeut, but the. eules -wculd net -iold. - -z " lI cea.lled, but ycu did net hearý tbý. I- waan'Vt much frig-htened un-, btfzzighit ,éàme;for I Vhçit- some- if you would cpne paston iyeurwayý LQw-ag -n on9caù~, - ws:frigh- Leed. _ I pulled alt0tulbeS 1- o,ud. cmeve ry ooljd, ud I7'weudre Ef the mar-sh weuld f reeze bard- ucugih fer me 'tô pull mysei'f eut )efore I beosane unconecicus. It xas a long time before yen came. New pneuinooocu:s is net caused Ws~ eWd by s coid; it cause a ceid. IV in Jauuary brides a;re îlikcly Vo be- net bnougbt about by a drauglit. A Came.- widews - eanlly. .,.-,-Febzuamry draugit le hikbly to be raifier ho.-- brides. wiIl never have1 very 1ha;ppy:ý tile Vo lit, Nçr àis V c-emroted by -niarrjliiveê - March -brides -wiI'il means of a ebuil- Tii.&cUl net-loue s pmrobâbly make -Vi&r -hoaurd about a é1Mhi fre as fallaoous aApril -b 04e iIhv ives < VIrose cucernisrg drauglite. Cu< chsnge-ïaind experilie Cln.yu iy eit là a draugit, eud proseutly a&id à on.. aÎ 'cl4*I] have a chil, Tii. evidence tiat the , i a-ysVag6' ui$d chili was produced by the. draugbt wll ,fI>udIle- a long ê,ihy &-n. ie euppoGe4 t», bç eo-uvluivo, As 0, 3uly pid« hueo blibr..qW ômem.- mat-fer cf- fa'ct aà<siilI $-4 nets, siEn Oentes. AuguE* brides .4" lîzqklIn cf sometiug that 14 "iOut fVo lIi- Andln« a sifmrid >f ne. peu, It lea àsysu'ptoan c1 .om-ething hbauds. 0epte«bee r in"geamoo4ji puy ire V-ie -lio4 ia~1.1 ti-s 4Z4t t, re#o futuries a futie 4 ii' face ci thie body sud lise rusiI -t~o hrel.Nveue rd.'1 thei latef.1el ôeui 4o-eemns 69e8}iappy? and tios. e, te<i l~1a ia- lasbee s P, Tr Ut the rhiyme, marry 1inDos>1eie tirt een -m ic uu±s4 !aciV l a -sie. "wil ftnd thab"Ijù boiyteaiperatnse-wiU b. faound Vob 10ri ti -oyeasY ~eioi rWB oneS of'-Fàotý ber à Wejfo8r,' s éic r4 ±kbco6kk«ep- ~ brsa~Ytb hulede ~f the -lrs ;e who e~ hi raida a, d*y. .wkO-do *t evei1zs tins. "ay, o r, bin .!ct-ery,, But car- f uli tudy is ýbegiqnnting tJhow that ethe Principal fa.uit. le not due -Vo' ýtii.- hard4n«e of. -PavemIents,- te in J -ShaPed shoes -or fia.ulty, positioni of, [a ia foo0t lu inwaikig, .btratier tfiàât oit is due Vo "e" tin 'nti.boues thèeesives.1 -Ae -tii.-body- growe 'eiderIVb- coieheavier,- giving.th. arcliho rtie, fo geVraea'fe~ t<>aupport, and thus placing ýib u- b.- &ble to -mppo&t,' tua etrain the jbon,e01fthe the-o Vifoot. net cziey eed to becme héévier, but a4s-t k4~tofethsr'rOMolowey-. i iol.aoite- tlwi uge AU iS-4 lecfiieri4a o-thie >etéîý r Lime Material. Tii. bOne matérlal cf thbe body i.s large1.Y lime, thougli ether minerai sa.lts are nese.ary. , -iV olo therefore, that if thi, boues of the ar-ch cf the foot are to be buit up, there muet be consumed in 'the food a lrge amGuizt of lime and minerai sait.s. But, instead cf this, ciir modem food le iargely denuded cf theae mineral Ecalts; bread le made f rom bran-les, fleur, oereals are prepared in euch à- way that much -of théir nutritive value le lest. Tiie cildren cfitez are- fed eondeneed miik, Which contaius les, of the bone-forming properties. The vege- tables eit-en in t he large ciies are usually raised on alluvial soul whioh is largely - exhausted cf- minerai saIt. and instead of bexng eaten- 1 raw they are cooked-generaliy- overc.cked-iji wat.er which takes Up what litie minerai matter theyq may contain. Bice IVater Nutritious. When the, native Indian troops on a bard campaigu said 'they couldt narch better on the water in wbieh the rie. had been boiled than the ' English scidiers oouid on the ric E itecilt.hey pointed te tuhe impor- t tarit trutii of the. value-ocf the. min-0 erais in "the water as wellk as te ether nutritive qualit e.P Un-de-r the"e conditions it is easýyT toe ee t-bat those who are on their i feet a great deal and desire to -es- cape fiat foot s-hould b. careful of t-hree thinge-eaiting slowly, tiiat the digestion may 4iave a cia'nc'e te B ab.eorb the minerais ini the food ol eatexz; drinking a. glass cf lime wa- b t-eu 3>nce or twice a week; and wear- cj ingntrng4led shoes f rom ats that its the arch of 'tiiefoot. P1UCE AIVISIT BERILIN. A - flail luis Freneh. s à *w, 4hotI ery kgo<4, 1fa-hst P, . n Irno afa ýhdilf Iga 1A b -lit Verse, 10. Beer-sheba--The uame -ieans liteially 1"well cf the oath."- IV. was hée. Vhst Abraham halien i- tered luto -covenant with Abimelecih, king, et - Gerar -((en. 21.-,.31>. "Wherèore1le callgd . that - place Bé'er-sheiba.-;ý' becàause Vieetiey sÉware-boti- f themË." Adifferônt deri vaticu,, howeveiS le suggested inu Gen 26. M, -'<W-C have founrd- wçAter. And he called it. Shibali: therefere, the riamý -oLthe clty le- Býeer-siiebaunto this day." "il. One, f Vie'stoues cf thi.-place -Inu h viid libity et Beitin, the site cf aucient, Bethel, tie grouud le covered by large Biiecte cf :bar. atone, twithhliee sd- ther-e s rock lu upriglit pýsiVion, wile a littie Vo Viie soufliest s liii rimes te Its top in Verrte.es cf- aVoue. 12. Be 1d;ý a iadder-The physi- cal, festures-,cf the- place, eepeciaily the- Verraces cf,-stone referred Voiu the prýeceding noe, -eeemed lunVthe dreazu Vo ceustîtute a hunge - stàîr- case or, iaddem set up -oneu Vie art,- ~aiùdthe top-cf it reached te heaven. 13. -Above 1Vt-Or, beside -hlm,s Vie marginai, reading cf the Rue- vsiied ýVersion indicïies. ý14.'As. Vi. dust cf the. eartii - Coinp are, Vhs similar promioïogiu which th, <cuntiesa sataeof heaven (Coen. 11&6-; 22i 17;.26. 4).,sud Vhe -sarid (<ien..12..17;3.1)sev figures todeseribe the great- niele. ber of descendants wiio are- proiii lard. Thou shalt spread abroad-Hoeb.- To the. weet, sud te Vie est, sud Vo, the nerVi, and te Vhe south-In the dayve c1 ite gÉreateet pros3pemiey the United kiugdom' actually dici extend as far iu every direction s tiiese words cf propliecy could pes- sibly b. inter-preted Vo indiçuate.- là. Briug the.' again into t"i land-The word "again" ln old Engliei l constautiy uaed wlieme we should say "back." 10. I knew it not-Apparently Jacob had been accustomed Vo tiiink ýof Jeiievaii'e presence as associated eespecislly with -certain sacrcd places at wbich hie forefathers had dwelt and woréiipped. He seems to be gurprised to find Jehovahes pres- ence iu this - strange sud ioneiy pliace. 17. Drcadfui-Literslly, "te be feared. " the bouse cf God-The place of Jebovahes own abode, snd couse- quenily tue gaie cf heaven. 18. For a piiiar-Literslly, "a standing -stone," that ie, a scred monolith such as in eariy Old Tes- tament Vimes eenstituted tiie dis- binguishing mark of a sscred place, often standing beside an sitar. In1 Exod. 23. 24, and in 2 Kings 10. 26, the "pillars-'of the Cansanites are ordered te ho desiroyed, aud in Deut. 16. 22 it us forbidden te ereet piiiars by the. sitar cf JEliovai.- -Poured oil upon the top cf it-- Thereby consecrating it sud settiîgJ t spart sacredly as markiug n place t of worehip. 't 19. Beuii-el-Meaniug, iiteraliy, 'the bouse cf Gý,d." The modern 1 Beitin ie & emali village witi- ruine 1 of esrly Christian sud crusaders: buil.dings, -about Vwelve miles =ct of -Jcruealçm sud slittie est, cf tVe inain highway leading Irom Jerusa- sE lm -nofthward Vo -Shecheen. t The. city ws Luz at Vhefirst- Appgsrently -the eacred - place «'Bethel" wag outside the. ancieut ity; but laVer the -fae of- Vie sactuary -led 'Vo the .city >being :uowu by the same naine. 'Finaily 1 Bethel completeiy supersecied Luz. - -~.Vewed s vow-As, wss com- moi] ~? Awf,* Strala. -~ "RememIIAP. ~I4I~IYI ~, ~..ak. k-1 has bouh u, b-iîngVbý kldler- -gauten-tiiýt le, i e-Chrjein, tii. gddlke iea- ouce -thge educe-. -i~,~of the .worüld. - Education' ,àlabrad an oto toi oughttÏo be play. . Tiiere sh6ul ne -uhthlga ldwcrkin~ the - a*rd, we uuderetaud'the moem ëeusýe ,of that ±1erm. MI Labor Should Be play, an al piy, ie eppeelte eue siiould be aer Now, urkle k i. indergten SYS- tme,-the fundamental ides lie tii, Christian, id"s expreesdluti verze voeremIng ;Peter and John., The-y w8re -rejoieing -that thy were coýunted wOrt;hY tVo Suffer for hie namoe iesake. 'Even.suffering was a jeoy. t~.e and toil were pleaure and play. Wheu tii. kindergarten systam j wa.s ad4pted iV was adopted-wiithi the ide-s tliat we ought to make thus1 *orld happier îsud thàt eopiéenr- gagung in, tcil ougit te do it ilu ai dlfferent spirit. Con ffequèu-tiy dhlld- 1 hccd is taken threugh. a oeriei cf PlJays ail the way- upward, into gmes4ter and -greater wisdpm,suit w e 1rk le nadéeport.an t That le thie new educatien. It' FR01ME [fI RENIStiE NEWS -BY MAIL 'O Ilappeaings ila the. Esmemld1 T>Intereet tô Irish. Nearly fifteen huqdred empleyee cf 1Tiflle and - Hendemeon'-s coidar faetory lu Derry aW ou strike. Anu u.--U-ally rare species cf whale, measurding over 20 feet, went acIoe. at Tr-aleng, near ilescar- bery. Mur. -John Glynu, Camlow, fias cap- Vured a wite crow witii reddish tipe. te the winge a.nd bla.ck bill and IRE. laie o! Job-n Carberry, a. rcad laborer, wss accidentally siet sand ki.led by Bernard Woods, a young Keady mer-chant. The deaili teck place recent-ly, af- ter a si-art ilînes, cf John Reilly, Red-l-og, Belturbet, at the age cf 101 year-s. -1 Carlow Urban Coun-cil applied fom a les-of $50,000 for the pur- pose cf building houses under Vthe Working Classes Act. While fishing in the Blackwater at Dervor, nearKe-s Mr. P. Fer- relly, 'as local a.ngler, caurglt a treutwîicb weighcd 18 1-b. IV is an.nounc-ed lu Belfaet t-bat 1.4e srs. H a-riand , sud W olf h ,ve Lakeu feuri-een additional acres for bhe extension cf their englue works. William Hlarris, Aughailea, harî been rcturned fur t-mia-i at Mena- :an, charged with having fired at andweunded twe men. 0f th9ý tw-enty cd million -cres which oin-priee Irei&nd n-early oue- ýeveutb are -barren, beiug moun- ;aI, turf, beg or maeh. - Miss JaneO'1)wyeýr cf'-Arrna&g-i woas, * at Miil1-tewn, Malv~y PeVty' Sessions', reîmandMd cn bail- for fir- flgtworevlve s'tuïa t hem cister. An èlderly ~r-r-nmdAdi Fandl-ey, f rom the Knox, drcpped lecd in Lisnask-ea Fair,' hl s rsting hi.s son t-o mcii cerne attie. -1 Th.e -K;ila-vl- residence aud pro- îerty cf Majorl Sàuinde-re bas been soe -f1 te Mr.' Rosa Drurmbane 3in for t-he. sumýýf £1,300 sud fees. An old min raun-,di Felï- Camp- eh, of King's Street, Newmy, a-ged- ;0 years, died in t.he -Dinu*i--an - ciQueen Street, Newry, vhie -pmsying.- Galway Uba oÇuueil bhas i-Warded te Richardl Wa-leh. a lecal *;ntractor, - thbe contrae-t fe~r 't-le oetjn c 7atas wUnu -o $o 27,780. trei the meVjugcf Kellu rural dis,- net cumul1t ,w&s 4gàin decid'ed lotto put the' notiiotiou cfLuife-1 410UsaDi-a Act int' frck l ti- £yeungbodyUlier I Ue4 iOI ell wvo had< receutlye etýiauuàý from n India, liasbeent OUnd ftoaing in Vie maia" Pvo6cme-sj- ~w,..Ybhertv.-a n QelBeven-ie els? -Re liha4 worke4 ers.nd umonthii- for -the purpoe cf stlig- th-t- (YOWDÉ. Of iwII&t eai ist- W- - hhiî If.lt wereVoirlgllu-i abulity -A mimd. or high 'pàoipin l the political vorld we nuii htw- u inaù beings think iî.wýthl ià laobut -ho getsoiily the àpp]auao. cof the pe-ople who eee him. ,ntýr'tie.- stadium. Yet Vhat ir, iuliÈéeon-', i4aaetmhln n-sa e . - workedhae o t -Vian ýy i lie ha.- ever undertaken, and ý - sacrifices foriV sncb a lie lias never - maàde iu the daily wailke et Jlîie-al fer' the, littie -crown M"d the' little appil;use; yet hha. à enuoyed alVthe -New, if tiei vemy thought oould be - taken, as tiie appetie Peut tried to incgkat., t- lnteý 'the daily -living of Christian expeiience, -ail our duty- m-ade' but a de-1gltful race 11k. hie who iseeetikugïtowin- te goal, a raceè -wheiteiu we ýèconelder -every sac- rifice a jcy -and îhe-ru1nnug the su-.- premegt of deÈliÙ, then w. -iiould have théie l1eal jIl M= Christ, iad -ln view çý-he éâlie m-to put ii.char-- acter Iniomi.t>.Rse-l . Couweil. farier f K'uekf&ven, was found The oiVb fVi:Riehmond Blake, iîuu.-, M.O., t. rffgu ou tii g riund that hli- 1d got, mamried witlhoaut fti.per-misslIon cf th board.- A seneaiicuwas caused- iu the vicinitY ci Enfi..ld by Viie diggi-ulg 01 thre g-raves ou'-the faim at Dem- fii-tih, - mece-tly, purchas-ed by James Bu-rke, Jehnewto-wn Bridge. CO sierbie:dam-agel- was done by a fire which broke eut on the premisee cf Mr-. FerTgusen, Liguas- - kea, sud Vhe adjeinig heuse- -cf Mie G-raha;,wae> alixydamnagedç. -Baliyauibuu Housp, .flahly- vaugiaui; the rs-dence cf Michael Daveren, rate col-lecto6rw-as a'ttack- cd. by an armed party'sud several ehois were fired. The insuates es- - capcd iujzury. - IV is tat-ed t-hat Mr. Bruce Iopmay cf thec'Wiit& Star Li-ne Wiio was eue aI the pascengers on Vie'Titan-î ic, bac given an order for the erc- tien cf a shooting lodge ait Costeilo, Connemara. WiUiam Duggan cf Cahirda-y Macrcom., Cou-nty Coi-k, is sup- poised te lic 120 years old. He; me- members events. rt-at ccurred.-li 1799. He waiks V&-masà on Siundffl - ILEATHERL BE1ING INVENTED. German Subutitute Te Fungus Groutbi on Gelatine. One cf the. lateat German Patents- pirotecis *uuethcd cf preparlug a - subs-tan-ce> wlich iV le- asserte d eau be us.d as a substitut. for klatiier. - This ",ail leather" 1substance -t* prep-ared-fremà -epeciaI mildew or .fungÏus growu cm gelatine_ cra simi- funigi c- e' b- gmew-n by' planting their- spores en Vbe -gelatine surface sund 'tien keeplng -ti.. surface .wé6t. Some of -Vthe. griwths- ai-ecolerlesSe,-. cii-crs- have ed rowu-, gray or- eýven'luih tnts,-ad ail the, ligh Ver hec been thin, vcry eeft anû rather weak. e- Thie-inventors'are, bowever, uew-- working te geV 'a streuger material by tbe addition efwhite of egg or,- glue, by-qneaus cf whieb iV jiiopcd Vbat several. thinlayers et the neur produet may -b., taùined tegether and tbat Viere will b. ne limittVo the thicknes-cf tic ne-w nsteriaL - iuud New 511 Worm. A or h.beenfeéund-in East A!rcae -wiçhprouc.in -the wild, ltu se Ml-ik,: 1

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