Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Mar 1913, p. 8

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Strèet eas tt Lasi n mvC R'lf Stma U alien tô"Dr. Tolesmo is -tie test ot WJnter- VOV'Weil l- i teinjuriés - ere. attieud dto, Th&d repaira will lienecesuaraisom i5accident ocçurrèd at a 104 iim 1 ehust -the weatluer wili permit. as88thse sprn'-g wonv ii abouûti te - b --A large,- neniber ô£. thibr nela ilves, -gin,. and riends gathered at Ute hoie -01 Mr-.RotisenY, Seneral issanager of T4eodore and -Mrs. Ana on Friday -tseý Toronto Eastern^ ficcmpaldby evening lut and spent aà verY P'uai- Mtn . F. oward Amies, o! Whltiby, ant "ne- in a social way. were min town on Tuesday.ýWe ae in- Rev G.. Johsto, .A. -o Hn- oned tatti route chosen W that, ning a Mils, las _accepted a can norti o! tise- village, - crosslng- the race S -t. Audrew's, Pickenimâ1 andi St.-soutisof te hiue Occupiesi by Mr. IH. SJohn s, iiroughati. IRis JuùduciiOUtb J. Marquis. Thée contraci - for the -take place en Friday, April 4tJs. road- between Pickering andi West 11h11' ýTie incoming -seàson promises to e i as, been leti, Tise roud will coniseoi a bùsy -o'x Ia tise building,,-lie.In ansd with tisQcS ro noie, anidhi. la the around tihe'village. Several, hous.itento è,aei:noeain. arc likely to beeèrected, and -we Iear fore tihe uofhav e n pnain . renions ci constructÀon of a coveresi After suffening.,for sixteen years skain nik.- -- from fervous -,diseoaeî, Edward,-;is- John and Mrs. White, furmerly Of: ge1t died-on. Friday-,)March 14, at-tise Blrougham, spent Monda7 wifih' Geo. h7eo! hsalsatuer, Sarah- Lisigeifi, in M. and Mrs. Palmer. Mr. and Mas. 1111 65tis- Year. - Ris fumeai took place whie wll icave about Apnil lai fortI'on MÜnday -ho Salem cemetiery, Tise Calgarywhere. they have interesas ý ' Ys 'deeansei wa anative <>tEnginnd, real estate. -« but' canme ho Canada 94ti hha parents Ou Monday a! ternoon as D.. Munro' wien liewas tisrÇe Years o! age. Tley 'W-as assliing J. F. Stepisenson', ho I sefihlesiai Kinsale, and witis'tise ex- l-dçent tha wi l vey ay h f onsoe ided hti Whfibyear Itwhi, Mh. Li- sùoet h at wit a very paoffl ac..j c1ein o! sixbye'onrs hhW. i n- tfilme. OwIng to tise rotsghneaa '01;tise goit .ias iled inl Picker-lng Townsip ruads, tike aIe o! tise wagoù broce, - ever altuce. His wile, dieti about-Sven The Brooklin Hardware Store Al visitors to the Fair on- Wednesdai to corne in and inspect our stock. We niay have something you want at less rnoney than yod can buy it at any other place. If you do flot want anything it will ,~pease you to sec our very Iatest things in washing mahines, coal-aéo stoves, buggies, wire fencing, fairmn implernents, etc..Iarn offering as special bargains'the following goods:, i New EmprYess Steel Range, reseroir, high doset and thermometer'complete, regular price $5o.oo, special for Wednesday only, $39.5o. i Second, ra nd'Favorite Parlor Cook with oven. Good as new. Ruegular pri 1sL 'ght$Spriisg Wagon, -h $85.0o, special price i Shelvinfg Wagon Box, price $1 7.00. Extension Ladders, 2oc p z Singer Sewing Machine, Farm Wire Gates, aIll enj 'Wheel Barrows, regular $ We -will takce your special -prices. -Farmers, g et youn spacles, stoivels, etc.-, etc - Lriah I fROOKLI N, Pho ne Independent il CLEARA 1 Owîng to the loss of rooms by fire, we n stoçk. of Furniture prîces. Everything- musi of cost. Sale to Col -Tuesdaj In the old Brooklin 1 ,Our old stand, where Commodation for the5 Tordii FurittreDe,çglers & Undq -Our iJn'dertakinj Depar usual prompt andc -tise vissitatm6ofotaà ws a daafia4rdly as ior uevne an iahhng erptrrpwr onnvug 1 OChidrea aàre ,'uck -more likely, 10 coitrci is~ cntgiua diseaseswlmel tiey hbave- poids. -Whoôpiuagcougis, diphtiena, -scarlet lfever aid econsum..- tion are .dismei. thi'are' o!ton 'Cou- tractesi wien -tise chui l as a euH. Tia la ,why -ail medicai auihodfiles: sny beware 1o! colda. Fgr -tise -quick cure o! colis you '*11-I findi. notisg better - tisai Chaniberliun'- Cougli Remedy. i eanalwuiys _b. dcpended upon,and la pleasant and -sale tix tae. For sale iiy ail dealera..-41. Tise net KINSALE. days at, 1jeierboru.- Victor lHaniocu, Toronto, Bapent Easter ati . TJIos. livluardxuea's. M.raâ . C. Macky- Vistesi aIcw days in Norwich and 'f'ilaonburg. Mr. Wm. MUayne met *witlx a pamuf ai accdeai on- Saiurday ait. -f1.ï ,,e :aceidemtly discluargea, tiue lî.âL pais- fig tilrougu his foot. - '41b wedding of Mn. Allient-pankýins ho Miss irdie 1-feard, 01f Osluawa, hook place on Wedacsuay at. 'àlue bride is Weil knownu -lere, -laviuig ltved WUJdi lir parent> lucre a few ye ars ag90- We welcoMe luer bacc to the ineigh*borhlod to grace Uicelhome o! one o1 our: bes younIg citizeals. 'ruesday, Aprtî lai, will be tisie .dai o- Ur choir conce .Dn 1t f o- get -ix.. An claborate progrnm fj ýfu loues and- cluoruscs is iun6 j4e- Pared, andi a tul liuse la expected. An orchestra will in a andalice. Admisin, mdulis 2uc.; c.hiuldnn, 10e. Mns. Kirpatriuk and i son, of! ýlxtsIs Uolumbia, arc visiti-g. mut Mn. ui rie$8 oseil$zooaYdge v a o ywa i ns aehldyn -u erpr bid..PM.........1.08 .00 MB OIN Mice ghin 5.oo , p ea ic promises to do, but what lie as Miss Ross, of Toronto, visited with ru..4-52a"~ 'ii k f l ~LugInnereulrprce<one. Thiatis th ie, only true test. lier motixer, Mrs. G. Rosa, during the &gs.inm. gEat ....20 a7pm $75oo 'Chamberlain's Cough teinedy judged holiday. 2g7p.m.1. 6.19p ni new, regular $22.00, special by this standard lias no Ëuperiur. Mr. andl Mrs. Campbiell and daugli- 891Ai unday trais leave for Toro'nto P'eople every where speak Foi h i the ter, Mis7 p.m. ____ofTronto,____________ er f t. higixest erms of praise. tleur sale ILS the holiday at Mr. 0. Downey's. Ar a i Uiln n eo -ran stop at Witby, Junction- HT-TI , egla $6.o secal$2.7.àli dealers-il. Mr. F. W. 1-odgson shipped a fine Aie.J MIJcingU a .5 n .5 ..-1 93 .. RABN erglr$6oseil$97.carload of cattie to Toronto last W I TEABN gths, $4Z5each. wiEinPaTWN TATj .BRgAD AND' CAK) AESPE $4oseil$.oec.Some ten faînilies are qurantined Going Nrh. . 8 Go1ei, ..7lg- Miss May Dingman is visi ing at wtt-h measies. In order to prevent The4Grand.TrnkM:acificiaglSoyuih ..6.40 p.m. ...3.05 p. orde forfarmwaggns a .mel .The randp.m PacFEE ai4.y i order ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i fo'am wgon t Gel ai. preswnL. the disease from spreading furilxer,the the shortest and quiçkest route between ST ESI SPCA PR E- Misti Mabel ROWC SPeni Euslfcr wfitx churehes- were closcd on Sunday. Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edx-xonton. ý'BTAwSi PECI - lier sister here. Miss Ella To<Id, o! -Toronto, vlsit.. Fast trains leave Winnipeg at. rOhw t1 Y spring supplies of forks, Mr. Fred -Draper intenda nxovÎnUg te cd wit* iher niother over the holiday. g. a.m. and 4 p.mi Jou. Holdon, pro- C. te Clayt.on farin this week. Mr-. Sandy Blair iLnJdMiss'Blair, o! 6.00 p.m. DaIly -prietor. CORN Master Mac. -Andeirson is - istting Brooklil, spent' Sunday with their 8.45 a.m. DaiIy Exoept Sundiys Leaime or Brougham at -10 *r..A0, with hits grandparents here. sistei~, M E. Brummell. -FOR.- r. Edwszdui proprietor. - Mr. Wiluur Duxgman spent FasiciPortage la Prairie -Rivera ________________ under -the parental r:of. evleRçgIna E Mis hibe Makeyeson___a FtuEEDrusSasatonT Jo lies MWasit Meyon a is prip CURE DANDRUFF FOR 50 CTS ý*Tof1eld Camroe 1nfL& EOO -e Mr. it. Crago w as visilÂing fur a Wainwrlght lEdmonton FIe Wholesal i o os ON .Smooth Roadbed. UNIHULSOUU Ch ONT.few days at Mi. Wmi. Uke's. THAT'S It's easy, anid you take flo Electric Iigh ted sleeping cars. Su- [N E T K R 6. Bell eonnection. Misses Carnifia and 1-elen 0 Connor CHEAp rlsk. Go to A. H. Allia, thepebiincaseve, gntfrJ1WHTY » AWELSCa: aespending Easter at home. druggist, to-day, and geti a AsknaetGrdTrnPonMOSE i -Mrs. C. Clark spent a few days at FiIOUCH large 50 cent bottle of PAR- ful information, litcrature, etc., or __________________ li~er uncle'si Mr. W. McGiegor'ýs. e~oR ISIAN Sage, the germkill- tx.ite A. E. Dut!, D.P.A.,G.T.R., Toi- y - Msb A. Uarruthlers and Mr. Itusseil ilyUNE,,,,ng hair restorer. onto, Ont., -and especially J~o~,~~. L. SINII.m 1 Carruihers- spent Sunaay aL homne. ~~if ih docs not curedandruif E. ii1îmmmfR -.. .Nm..I i;0lrI Mr. j. IJeViiîey, withli ls cousin, in .two weeks lie will give you yourS EPH N e ua5 wwwam MUI Miss Maie .1tar1i -.over the holiday. ixoney back. iown Agent tor Exprebre, Ticket and Mr. T. Morcombe losi lits valuable ' ARISIAN Sage Is a pleasant, Telegraph Office, Opposite Standara COUNTy OF ONTARIO. ________________ colt on Frîday lasi,. She suddenly daintily perfumed ioule and hair ýanTi, Whitby, Ont. Telfphone 36113 drpe edo eatfiue rower. It is guaranteeul to stp1. WHIITBY-Mjs E. L. Macdonnel. drpedda o eaifilr. falling hair or iielxing o! the scalp, 1,- fr5 an 3,Fb.6 Miss Dell Brown Întends goxng to a' odr l isae ftesapTDY SL AT OUR-,Whi y Ja. 3, Nb 6 UJR E Winpg ntenerftre hr and har.Moey c fr a ny asReXrof S Muh 4 pril3,ay 2, June 6. i ey B T. R. IletheacheinthaTheoTacR.OSHIAWA- MisseB. L. MaodonmUJ iel fe from ibisr:aepoiting Hadcheot. Whie Udtby n Bir bpeet-il ia ooih Co., Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont., Ca- Fails to Remove 4, Mk-a ,ne 7 J14, -.--- 5,, Phon Clerk-Janker6, 4,rMay 5, Undertkers an4,Embalme-4, N ~~JL l~ue a fewpresen t ilis a.oinaie tdiOct.ker.3, Nov. 8, Dec. 5& jan. 8, 1914. WRagla hn .Betaet N ,attended the District Epworîlu League Solaee Reînedy is a recehnt ecal sJ v Rgla, W i ~ollvfl~o: h:d ai Whry of thsree BerlmA< ScMe tsstai th2t dissolveM.@GUrie 2.GrBnO..E[Ax:w-'M.Phoes onand"axý Mobr fti ;gCrl r e .Wr'.Drugo Law to be absolntely f ree, froim opiates or 1914. nighi ProniptCI quested by thc Manager, Mr. liich- Richard and Mrs. Ward are visiting Solace i a pure specific in every way, and bas 3.-PORT PERRY - ý W. Burnliau, atnedt.Cagsoeat- ardson, not to sianup tîxeir eggs twil l Toronto. been proved beyon1 question to bc the surest anîd Port Perry, Cek a.1,Mr ,ABLNEI quickest remedy for Urie Acid lroubles knowu .Cek as to,7, ABLNEINCNITO ihey get furiher notice. Wse. Jackson sold a icase of horses iedical science, nu miatter 1mw Iongsadn.i May 7, JuIf 8, Sept. 6. Nov. 12. The Y.M.13.C Cuuertained the Y. L. lasi week. Acid> and purifies the blood., Dec. 17, 1914. B.C. ho a social ovenlng on Friday R. W. Wilson hlad a ibusiness trip to The 901«e eu. of Bâttie Creek, are the *4.UBG-R. J. Moore, Uifridg. - ou untreWr. ight ai ai 1Mr. W. l3rowi's. The thle city on Satur4ay. tClerk-Jau. 10, Match bave14, May 18, fro youn irated thei t diferTi -l èlm nil tters, literature and P ea BOX 194 rust clear Our entire kilitls o! fruits and ice crease. TlueY Toronto and Aurora. a t nporequet. o1th9i14Naina . CNIG'O..Tos .Ps e spetste veng frnmusceaddains ii T Motim:, JuIy 15,fSehe9, Nov. NationHlard'siB s n spen ile eanîl tamusc und aîue ercy Maynard lias purq4med a Bank of Chico, ieawoeteSulace Couipan y Carnnlgn, Clark -Jas. 9 Mar. 13 at geatl redcedAli enjoyed iheniselyca,, a! 1er wluiclu new driver. , - aglolîows: Vea, a' 4 Jl I&lhfg ihy ctrnd om i te cesna'Wi. aylii ng~e wth-.are 1orwant yen to send a box of' olacatm, t- N ,4 uy1(, Sept, 10, Nov.20 the rtune hmeinth we ni, in. Iàyhàý.êngaged Thihrls nMenhsTnfor whicb 1enclose $1&BAii hours. Pulkey for four Inonths, Tmin e be. >as n i~uised hl some frieîîds of Jan.- là, 1914. Js.M Many sufferers fromu rehuseatîsm irving McAvoy spenitihe holiday wonderfui. sx LsatoM.s~BAYIl0 Gordon ;t be sold re gardîess have been surprised and deligjuted vacation with friends in Hamiltn. Pt Spi 5,5e d .100 orxs."- BMavyr1o, J ly 7 e t. Il NoMa . 12, Sîncr Purca sxng ie bu e fr witxh the prompt relie! afiorded by aP- A number froux here atiended the Ytsmgt ist eirl u eu Jan.' 14, 1914.- favored wuthia avr lreParn PlYing- Chamberlain's Liniment. No-t sale of the estate ofite late John CaC S<Ol igbey 50nbty takiuweg Fas.«IJusî . UTRRV -lailv<jat ef el er xxgtepbi one case of,, rheuunatism in heu re- Davidson on Wednesday, w-hich was ~Sela Te auet henx We odfr teo rence onqulreg any internai treatrnent what- quijue a Sces frac box, etc. tely er-Jn7,]a.jýgodsviw tu e c nevr hsliniment i o aeb l Thos. Emprig1xam and Allbent ShInd,- SOLACE REMEOY CO.. Bttlit Creek. Vlch. May 16, July 18, îlept. 12, MNov, 411 ~es deaIers.--41. o! Scarboro Jet.,vittdfriends mn Jan. 13, 1914. for teasg*untr By (Order, j. - , AM mL nov4n, cartage of feghanfo -Balsase 1ast week and purch-ased a SWAN (DR Clerk oetlthe P Peaiepîauré Parties, etc.,wlreevou ~, ï . i M MYRTLE STATION. -tenmof honses trom Mr. Ed. Doidge, v0 WATERMIIN Dated ai Whitby, Nov. Gui-s, 1912,atenton M]_.1£Oir- osTooto t r Bokln frth anyprc ù 55.Fountain pen- Firat.ciaslivery i, L . L. r Ross , T on aiM. Miss Margaret Lee visited overn O T I n OU Ractory jutnorth of Miss Lulu Downey, Tqsrolipo ai Mr.n. B. w Jons i bTornto.hsee neoLimes Pb eI Thos 13-W. Jnes s buy thse tmesassortmnents of Pens in To. wehv eue ç is oi setg oot$a-slctn resfor nursery , stock; Prce iu both liue JOS. HEARD -~ SN sale. Mr. J. Briglsî's.tg oono iand ihavung splendid success. People from $2.50 lxp. -ACNDANRP ATN __________E. Beacock'%. value o! a good apple orchard. A Write forCpriORATION. Miss L. Werry, ot, witih s Russeli Irwln, o! Toronto, Is viuit- RPATN Olv aNs.9 red.i hsvlclnity. He rn- . E UK, OP -TIN fj m ram STIINOGRAPUES OliesVans ClTronto, is s iend a. la tripoteWs hr-F E LK lIN ri t d - tha BOOK R t'ft ~ - Mrs-. Geo. Chisholse. r nd numiser qu our young peuple gath- infIDand ifotheydanc T 'Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H-ousîcin a-d ered at- the home of Wm. and, Mrs- . OT' ra e sonEdnd, M . J. BaAcrthhurelesus-lthse wee rama' -Aad Lilablaf Vise ton, at Mr. O. A. Wilson's. o iemornîl g amnes a"di5~stCd trent wil receive our Mn. Chas. Bodtly, was in Toronto , .aanrT Uursenl«YWella»dOnto. Mlàny forme tdet r careful attention,-- on Sunday Ilut. O U8 od-be 10 o «stpa- PR IOTIOAL UNDERTAKERS 10.BROWnoirURSEUES, ON. - i P*mct _______________ Glad to report tisai"Miss Delmna fln h e ar conschen.ce if -you ge > Cbarges Nodemte. prsÜtdbycl puioy . e sIa stihse Graham la ý lprvattneo e era ent cue< a y ti s ERM ~ O T . W~g mprvin hae:BeUPhoe irgBRO- I'sinisbea.eters nd P]>gefre wnttlngt ti-- or sali by lWIune. - --e-î> ~ -- JE OM 'ÇO T91 CM or.Yogêand --- For 7Y al i iti scthe itat o 4y. Youn YOU Mn y6y 9>Ur mone Youcsb s " "-Iaronio . a . l.ýaLLN Tiers h1aadiffoR a zi Reyfor i eno- Mn. am-Mas.- Stewart Brynuti eft for -tihe rthsWeSt on Monlday ait. Mn. B. Beacock was in Toronto ti-l on bus' ,Du De thte week arrangements hav bn asie whereby Mn. J.B. Wataon, the. 1 tuner o!filue National Sanitar- Îuin sauciafiion, wili give au illus- trated lecture on tuberculos-fa. The lectige -Will- fiake place o- Wedneslday, Ail 9t, in Uic MUa-leHall. 'Mayor, Wiswilî occupy thse chair. Cisamberlain's Cougis Remedy lias -wcn flta grent reputafilun and exien- s-le sale by its reiarkâ-hie cures er epulis, qcuid anad croup. It can be 4ePended upon. Try fi. Soid by aI] MYRTLE. Mrs. Chas. Giover visiied ina Toron- to lasi week. Misa Lulu Downey, of Toronto, spent Easter wtthi ler parents. - Mr. Walt Lynde, blas taken unto luisself a wtt e. Congratulations. -Mrs.- H. Derby açent the latter part o! tlue week fi'Osluawa. Mr. IRoy Tarvis and Misa Ivy Tar- 'tulI Alaiks *lover, pso-buus,.8U00to 1 M. Wisestl viit....... ....0eo iq 08 WbVeat, ghote-.. ..80 la 0.80 -Whist, siirlg.... .....ot . W h it , r a .. 0 .8 5 t q . 9 ....... . 05 . Î0 .-. J71t. 0.73 P i s . . . . . .-0 . 8 5à e1 . 0 , Buckwhaat ... ........ ..0 .bé O50 Oate .......... .... ..i0. 8 e08 .eCoe..... ... ... 8.00 to 9.00 - 1'LUH AND: FEED.4 Flour, penr wt . 23.8 te 3.00 Copped led, c vi .... 1.50 1011 0 Comiw... ! . ..- .. owo t. .o ]Bran, per ton.:..........25.00 t 0.0 Shorts Per ton....... 27-00 o.28.00 MEAT, POULTRY ANI) PR0DiJOB. Beuf, pur cil. .. ... ... 1000 te 11.00 Catte, livo weigit........50 b 6.25 Lahssbs, each ..,.... ....... 6.00 t8.ex C og, deeed '..11-00 te 11.50 rT__981select...... .8.26<.' 8.U Cbickens, -par- lb .... ... 016 t00.1 Ducirsi pet lb ....... ...015 10 e.18 OiSu, dreissed, petr lb.... 6.16.10o0.18 Turkeys, dresse ,d, pet lb. 0.18 te 0.20 Butter, peaL lb...........-. e8 , 0.30 Egg, per doz., new laid 0.22 to 0.25 La rd , p etr M lb ... . ......... 0.18 t100.20 Potatoff, per bag .1... .. 1.00l Apples, Per barrel . '....*50 10 8.00 Onion, per iag,..........100 to 1.25 Hay, 8par ton ... .........i.00 1 50 HIDES. WCoI. unwsai.....).110.12 Cif "ka. Pei b.....0.12 10 0.18 Lamis skias, ee 0.710 1.L5 Rides, per ewi......... 8.00 t0 9.00 Shesfs...... ....... 0.78 t. 1.15 .uDaS ............*... .28 * 0.70 day onlY.' Core* and share, in the bargains. - BROOKLIN, - ONTARIO. for WHi -AND Colds, Brone* Drggist a MEDICA JNO. E. FAR Bannister, CountyC Çount-y - Office Soutis wing Co 0-c, Bock St;, O0 Moneyt AAMES RJTlýEDGE Money to Loan, Office Tmmiediately'*s Whitisy Gà. YOING SS Barnister, Etc. Mon of Marriag Office - Sm ith's Bic DEN AUCPIO shaa, Lcenmed-A WM. - ANDYVA AU1'-Undu of sales - 1. . rraisgeaents- sesliataitheGazette - Terniz neanonable-, Bail and Indepailo * -:- -CONTR4 J. lie)wEI, -Carpervter, Builden Plans drawn and esti Repaira, -Aifenatici - x pposite Steî -Box 467 2WhTOt Marriage -J - --A. HZLI - issuer of Marrisg i zurner - No Wlt'nesses required.- E.ni W.EAIuacJS'r Shlbo sud Reidence,,Duindas Street WtIITBV Ilîrs 40ors vont of Whitby-E*nu. Wis au'e praw.dto b" aWood «e i pumps on short notice, 'ab Agent for thi, Ontgrbo Wind Min,,&lm idMaguit Criam Separator.- PlionsNo. 50relmoe. POUR -LEADERS - -- "Sopauton Coal." - - 6"6Youghlogheny. Steam, GoaL"-- --- 'BIlue Gyass-Ca-nnel Ga. Scranton for ran-ges, iseaters - ad f unis-- aces. The best-clean, briglit aud dry. Cannel for fire-places aad-grateki- YVoughioghenY fer staeni. Noun any - better, . George Cekfralkinds o! amitis- -- ng work. Freshinemd. - W. iead in quality sud quantity. Es Re BLOW, Ob neîî Tel. 9, Home Tel-. 14.. and do allow tise ager 10 per cet, vhîci yo gavei-by pureisasing Wn ACali s6uIt Off= eand.I Opposite _Standard Ba Wïre fo and.We ill Wfr fixtures .sud suP motors-and i ransfao If you want -usesm exense. ARCHIVES boli- 1 1 Bell Tel. 1 Home Tel. 14ï

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