Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Mar 1913, p. 2

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*rld ýàd, the bie buèsinïea WhiCh iaftC"n iIBie.tOnone in Grea± ,Bjita4,~a y- rate-ýhas grOwu fompiact'cally nOthing to 1ts -pre- st ie,- ail In seven yesa, writea 4L Londoni, England,,corresendent. IJust seven yeirs ago and, a.moet I>y iiecdent, -the Foyles,"one 17 and the other 18,' sti'rt> in buàines dèz'en ýoid- shorthaud manualsi, Iwolth,, maybe, fifty cents *the 1-6t.- To-dayI they own about'two million aild a bal! volumes, the million or bo o! ýwhich, ýhave .beneb eanld ectalogued cuy twee. miles of ,helving and the balance 6f which pracÙCîally f111 a bgwrhue The F>yles do busine9a ithe world' Over, and their m-orning mail aver- ýa logw job, bny the way, ara som0e choice specimens of huinor. Sinco *- they tarted- ia businegs lu a little "lock--ub" shop in Peckham, they bave move4 three-times, am, the prcseûnt headcjuarters ili Charing Cross Road,. where' over seventy persons are employed, and which Tihe- arl 11ïLttonEsOne of -t1ie young men o!tie dywho eounti. eis - grandfster.-was, the fauiou Bulwer 4'ytopI. otoâ ýîterary re' putation has *oewhat faded, bu 'whoiie abilities a astateeflisu aud oeartare stii ,rýmemh0red. The psen tLr4AL'ttoiW as 1rn lu India iu 1876j whilsthlm 'fatber, ithe distinguis'hed dipIlpm&,t iâ4 p(oet;,, was Vieeroy. HIe suçeeeded ta, the title in 1891. fly' marriage, he je re- Iated to sucli diverse politicÏans &s 'Mr. Arthur 'Balfo'ur and Mr. Wil- frid Scawen BIuntý, whilst hu5s-ister, 'ay Cn tnce Lttnï, lea rb suffrag9ette, and bas gn oprison for the, cuse;' - rsLytton. is a' Coneservatrve whii le prepared. to ývote for-the 'èmanciplttiou'> o! wo- -en. ,b 1902 ýLord Lytto1n married the "lbeauti.ful Paxuela Plô,wden," azud ideas, bwvr aept ~ cepted by thexnajority of xjieçÇal mn, Nho are qgidl ot o ha.,hleard of ihem even,, ad pù e tly tey- are n>t béein wte4 u Ù ."! i~ pyiiané inchgeo santr, tant artiles lu the: creed of thôsé who are most -,§pectacPIarlY i4hting. Vhe disea.se. For instance, the no- tion that-'eo"iisnxption la au infèe- tiOus disea, -and ýthat he utmostf' .care muet be aken' to: prevent theý aprteadig «f-thegerma, appearÉ Vo: bse .ome-what -o!a delusion. It in Vin 1e th t-conumptqn jencoxit4gi- oui, but eince.all, cf us are- already- înfected-'-no extraordinary preca.u- fions -need Vo be token _te prevent whaV bhas, already- happened. This, at *ny rate, ie what the Philadel- phiaautbority says bas been learn- ed, lu the pasV jew yem.s byguro- peaun medical science. A Lite-Long Battis. gatdén ýl"dingt;ô theap tree. *WriLout ýkunowýg:ý ý'kactJ ganfi « l ftoÉà4 ý ýhJàepthS Shone ýitfull , is thlé beginning o a strange story f rexoi L yps t syýs t4< Paris correspondent o! the I,ýndôÏi'taidard, reads "iit, like a fairy tale." Fld ,p -rdiinIas IL. Ilul44edly rnaking the igu' ýof the1 cross, 1tb. maisfféd but thé foliow-i ing. ,morniflg returned, ahd%- sawýthe1~ sane curlous, glem ,like a star,- f reonthe kdepths -O! -té furro* cleft by a thunderboit. Tbrusting his h&nd dowu h.-. b rouglit -out a mar- vellous atone still darting uncauny raye of.iligbt:. ' Much disturbed in lÊis mind, Vhe hoxsest peasant took bis fiud Vo thé. wý 4 hi A hi o: h4 j o n t ç re.Çs, for as wa a a wWQW # -s W-QÇU entireTy 'out of hie eonro. In -l. c1aïU ha wa f L Y ý 4w a divçxrese-rmen ubn hs imst of ungoveruable' <0fthér6'slxtiay o rr.ation ? asa gQda4waty bi*-r he - becaxue littie short o.- a did God syof rtI>iugh* se na id-,azu-Ma&ime, ý mad-man. ' His, smiing face would ated 7 What did Go>& dowhew- are's chie!" concern lu ber home assume the lok, o! a demon,. bis creation was fiihed 1~_ as -been lier accomaplishedhusbanld. ss become . amoSt black and his Lesson 1I.-)aipitie . Crown U ha~'~ordn~ awuran ~ara-face, fuahed- to a deep pupl. A rao.I hse image wA etarian,; lis loveaf- good. dinners uý ~sho. woxild doded of the mani madle i f 'fwhat did God iuakéýY nd likesgogd frîswý. th, s tabh!. greate6st,-cruelty,- not scrupling Vo man's body I What did lie.breatheé M~adme oinare se~ tat ie alc t-s lfe of thoêsewho- off euded. iiitonian'ànostrilsl Where dl4d Gop as theâu al., The floral ýdecoratioQn hixu. Poseeed o! conàiderable cu~l, place the fie aWat i f.tlie dinner tablé 'm. thq Pbincare- tuige, 41) Gran rec adgiema odo? Whom did he give- ou ihd ould make. a goo!] study Spanish- flueutly, h _- scandalous hlm for a belpmeet 1 Watwewpe hortcu1tr~.±heysee tn 1oprfopancel ad mgâe lipî-an out--,God's. intentions for man? f nite vriety,iîiàd t1eiî reielw Incno.tevery civiliz ed port.,-Lesson LMnsFrtS.- Lrraugement mustbe a'eOrnstant la- Sharp loc1kout was kept for-hm Pa asteol-jroiiixiô )or- of ,oWve, for -Madaime Po" car4i. at-Mfeibourue, in consequence of an gave Adamn? Wby did G-od -gi've hlm Smie' 1oacrnes f rom two ,sources,, uiserùpukcms f raud b. played Vhei'e any prohibitiouIn Who .témpted1 axaely ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~à "' ' 'îatahd oonti ocsono prviinsvt. 1Eve t-o do .the -forbidden . thing 7 leir ,piivate -bouse '--'the 'ýRue H. -had-shipped 300 'Chbinee ta~ i h as d~V i ý0oue1 MarchaPd4,and.the garden Hong Kong for Mebourne. Atthat Uow.did tliey feel w.hen they, had time a port 'taio! $10 eacb waa paid sinned i :lHow dîd:they- tryVo eâ- ___________________ by every Chusese ls.hding à;t that, cape f rom Ood 1 'How d4 d pun- port. Before going -on board the. ihthem? Wbat, hopei1,Prophéey Chinese bad eaeh paid Hayes% theïr did be glve themîI $0asweil as tbe; charges for the. Lesson IV.-Cain and Abel . Whoi I III voyage; but the knasvish captain were, Cain and -Abel 1~ What we~ bad o tougit r Iteniono! ay-their occupations?1 ,Wlat sacrifi4d inr v + t, h Aufflà~liirn overn- did they offer te the Lord? W hy -ith otimiposing establishiments These .eprssay tbat a uew-pnspremw ao:- ieto cf~he Vhsanmoati ment the large - amou9 b bdr lu. that horoughf are whicl isle al- boru baby la f ree f rom auy germa e! came Vo You - fro>m nven adI evc spI aaonigl i ausIHwddCi eltwr inoet- giv-en up t-o similar buginesÈes cousuxuption, and remains'free un- ths finger o! Qed that placed it in evda oitx £Cnd is famous as the happy hunting tilitIVbegins to crawl &round the. your field. As long as you keep iV M Veo-sometbing like £,o.Ae eas !ti? WiVdd ground of bibliophiles. floor and- put things ln -its xnouth. you and yours wlîl b., sale from hnteprw The bacilli being aimost everywhere storms and .evil chances." Faitb bhe contriveci. wltb thasitnefpuilCau'Ho ddlsprtt - Startcd b Accident.are thus intro-duced Vo the system, flyrsp-tnthe piest's word, h- bi carpenter, almoa« osut~tehmio h eeg !heflo suid by tbe time the chid le six the atone lias bcen ever since reli - vessel by makiug a lre hl l hsm It raywaainapueac-years odat the lateast it has tuber- Souly. re-evd - - aein . ide. -là -an appaeVywtr esn .TeF d-b a det bcok tate th~iess, nd wesn they cie bailic n t yse Except iu genert-wins of thie family. -< vsandlwl utrd b aro. l idle iWa ddQo e rare cases, bowever, these germeEe lol ne decidcd toe eibark in it they lcokedcivrBrultth uk ipnit asse iSk vnur h*are iutroducçd lu relativeiy $alal -LNeyrBegtte uk ~"i--Hayes then lied afagoditesernetdtetseppe Ho upon dcide nskyta venture thaof numbers. As aceeu as they appear "But it bas neyer brouglit muclih." --- hoisted. Inirndl-telVspltadddGd lnV(aeNaîWin Nature ou the inside begius a war luck, the last survivors boing -now - a number ol tugboa< ptotV i ol aeit h ndWa ilieir neans of lvlho over it. uo them, and hs war never without a pe4nny. The present pos t.belr assistance. Whn1e an apn- hnNahhdetr< w ' a lawyer'g clerk, hs youu-ger, ceases while life lasts. The Sermas sesser, a woruan aged 45, is xnarried ' ~alengside the captai oudtl-heak HwlngddVmn ibeV, areditein waaboouh -ar alay ,thre ubu tiheefedes ad he noherofawndechtdhe m-o-- - ! bs sokng udhop- hatbeameoftii ertl'ssi]ab clofc.Bta thpe-arhre tee , and unlem' their pow- five o! whem -arc stili living. A few lesa coladition. "Forecysak"tne ers o! resistance are lessened they vyears &go she and'ber husband lefV madame Poineare. saiâ lie, - "do't stopt o stoNah- e esides looking ne older VIan are able te keep tIie invadex' in sub- their native village and went Vo t_______________ he shore, -butV savýe teebnrd wln i ol en tÈlir years, are amallunstature, a jeci. Gaulythe bd creaVes Bre where te starte sulo! poor distract-ed ee.ue ygt uti rlHwddleko le 9mainggoo." Vcown antitoxin, and if Vhe gen- business, which f ailed," continues tysata'c~in s .De-"bting taou mhou edli doansosholircmeo Lord Lytton. eral health le kept up we become the story. "They then came te Ly-o h rî WitddQdgv Bath are bool-lovers,,but neither. partrnent o!fViie Meuse. Il!. ;!f you wlll only aeteijo ol ed- Ia rms i ha, o uch s hoghý f -ongthy av to on ad wodafr-times, o! course. there la a sudden hand-to-rneuth existence. R ed Ùdm onaesdn oPtfelo 11en l utVo t-le book business, until, hav- tey hae ord ons sdy Vwfo daug1e p- invasion o- malignant to the last extrernity o! waut,.thyflewers everywhere. Wlien ler bus- shorecerne imediaeyfru.l h oeat nug leamued shorthand, they !euudVr.LdsdLdy tonm v partifcula.nly baud and herself stood on Vhe bal-- the meautime, we wl okaa esnVI-leCi !Arn ih ineswt om l anasl the literary -and artistic section germa that beats downoppoition decided to part with the fainousato ýhýsIvswth"eol auas-fsoit. n av nimoigand then tuberculosis and.perhaps thunderbeit stone, and teel. Aitot a cony te acknowledge the greetitigs the puxupa andi try V epVesi Wir idArx en.br of "ýthe winged art" on baud, and o siety a ae a n imposiiig. death resuits. But the writer as- well-known Lyons jeweller. of néiglibers afteF hic returu f rom afloat. "Wheddli mgt wtiIef decided te >dispose c! tbern. TIiey Par-t o! tIie beautifisi estate lias serts that-sudh cases are seO rare as the National Assemübly at Versailles, Accordingly, t-he 0 hn-ewr advertîsed VIe- bocks i appebecu sold lu -building Iota, Vo suit to e bnregligible. tnseheJwnr. wch.eetd mýsdntey' 'transiîPPed into t1 Vgot u Inoo huTrl<id le an<geVa lttmreo eple traeplieVescnveiene !tprchserIadeteriified wit awtitshmntut eered s tougnthy erein he onvyedteVIeneaeetlanlnghdli-Abrbat goinbmthde lad. volumes Vo seii. Being young lso with tIi- objeet <of founding a Caused By Týphoid. ýseeiug sueki'-, splendid diamoud lu midat o! a rose- garden. And biad- place, whicb was eea4ie aewtihm leed~ h imnu o! craft. tîey did nôt disap- > preeçethe inveul-et mor mbutwscreul rsoed by the first a tecss What eiai tI woman the jeweller informed the that heleved by the Ernpress Jose- thie hole lu thie aide !tesi a ustr eQd o tpro Th ton, inés n oema-ws aeulyrsora u eue orisd1 ege down lut-Ã"h d -r Lytt sudadjesPull o! antique fat that eu one eut f police, and net untii t-be farnily had pliine, the. delicaVely tiuted Mal- clesed, and I ailarsweeptVO dbgp. ,nais o t-le are kîd, econd-ban -furniture aud valuable 'apestry. o! eight of us dies frein tubercul-centte win htedifor dcuments mas he n . uvork he-aoftVhp e. b-,we LCh II-brma o. 4ade el tb rofite -Ttheir cen IitgiLrd Lts aot is? The answer- le týphoid fever.cr- yu httedaodld Ee bn ir ayfineteato I hns ldb-nHwdc I.waV !Arma dtenrtsut rfi. T Teat n ecid-yed very independýnt attitude in poli- Another uuswer is pneurnonta, or realiy beionged te hem for the last calied te effer their congratulations taken off, the bow- !tevsa S o nces hl hy wr their u-tur. Theyojiugr tFoy a - - tters, hie âbilities, are acarlet fever. or measies, or lu fat "() yearc wa-te cwoman allowed te upon VIe election, eoflier husbauc turned seaward andaywette -i WaV auè stieb gave up- hie job in tI. berouglihe tîcaiteyfi rnae sln it foer.ghi it ptti conilfic.'niok hreo as had sorne officiai raining as as- dw sdwakstI'rctigpbe.Her given name je Henriette. but crew. lHe lad minadVobd30Ara tikitws-e frhe the tiny shopi in Peckîam which wae sistant private secret-env Vo Mn.pwrr .bod.Teavne "Since then sh. hue been besieg-, ler lusand calisà lier familiarly Chinese sud yet k1 h 3OOt c ha i i Te oW thie Officiai birthpiace- o! their b ig -George Wyndlarnand lias plenty poysirianthereorbo -edy.ld df ommrhegtllniadvanc-eRitd, j- s Nplenth -ol axfr iraîf Ixasafreldirotchoe li itesoo-V - busiues. Tey avcrisedshred - f ifluece blsndhsm poyn t tre dieuswenwbcl dle ud fe mricf t-be hndrec it pat-o! Tird ,"useite al1 hioe Epeabsns o -e îo opnwopan Wir i banmie blsae o! clyaisifictise n rwd oo! "bc bhidhi.okfferI----- ianSs stbnuesdesnttcvls of Vhe hudreod, paitlO"Geie" sed o! Eugeie.Wles u, ld esy Vr h poiltxtesevaho ? ly and used, frern the first-. a cever. uo otetadsaewihlegr for sale sud wanted" which new Tritc Sayings. begin tç look fer tVhs source o u a eneaie n ht-leeM oincar0 'e wishes Vo ern- sud wcre nearly riue brb. Lso X-o' o&nn i -hsgonit adidxsseifection as le did tenmerly. H. grapbed by experts. Wlut will pliasize lis appreciation o! lia wife's ý___ baa.FrwitddAr wbcl ovrstlewoi wrd.~ Serne peopleremember the Sab- looks to fiud what breke down the probabiy be knowu as the 'Thun- floral aste, lie rePers te lier ase te iccve latthe (plteloigence bath day Vo keepit hbey, sud let resistiÃŽiÉpower e! the body. We derboit' diaanond-if tIens be any "Our Lady ef tIie Flowers." lIGIIER MEATFAE. poiehm sV i ecuat *%asto the lte(puineigce-he ther six take care -o!, VIeu- have long knowu tîat infectious dis- truth lu t-le story-ia sid Vo slow Madame Poincare las a St. Fran- s- a ~ ae oafe-t aind)butiha he lef thsneflr- sie. e ases are frequently feilowed b i I nmsual sgao iao siilielv fJiat u Bc u uto crei IeadwthWir ee hyV\a tl-cin -tu-ed) ho ûV e iero therou- Auy girl-is apt Vo think a feilow's tuberculosiis, andi Vhe Vîeory was rougI diamondi. It i, eue o! thc birds, particularly of domestie pets. by Reason !Dsueterho ?Ho ddCccsn icees. He nddc that they now bu-y, brkeig t.NwI ea sert e p ttibev wes tis Ganhisu-danen rPeshe yber s our who It is feared inl ul-~Ieaccag !nm lnf._ d on an averàge. 10100 buoks a week. infeuierin that 'btthere willNw ibes anertdmtht devate reers oLbsson s Xor-ThJDestnua thte onl - It-uww--not surprising te heuar tha-IT acmèircÇet, btthr mereiy attack the a-oldiers o! Vie çnly weiglied 280 carats. brethren." Tîcir affection seeme crease in the airead ihpîe o oeu TmprneLso) both of the-,e yotung captains of in-[are othen beverages tlat make a bieed thqt, bave been on dut3' Experts IVili- Decide. Vo extend net enly Vo llowers and bee!nand mutton. Ti asiit eWydi e e-rySdm h dustry, eue o! whom i le iti eaven man feel more chesty. againest the ever pre-seuit nemy, the animais, but te everything; that 's du-O'te the lactathefotud.idhfreare!So'sde and the. other f whom spruts an Tic man wo ges everything e tubercle bailli, and give hs o 1Id ItwÃŽ11 dubtss soon arrive in leo ak AbiSi- etË Vriaie jdgmu ! epers wohaveuet 'ms-cnt, calieci Gris-Gris, le Madameanmiwrelugeectata- erdoVs? Wy-di hep !ae requent.ly fer tixeir wning he can't get. iength Vo make a succeseful attack err. Almof eevrsfamos damnioinnes atcua'pe.Rc nmral ei e ke p îi sok erSdm alI a ytsVh a stVinrutî-oldu. Vectae f ieitcf lsistn eiree ms dod soybt oie Iepntiumber pe!tîc nc- sd tisle ow a earl !cti aelT htcV c i clerks'and, lu their carlier days, fer - o Vosc How wasthe Sodomo destroyedandi Wl is no Vicircwn ffic-boavt- nowiced, fteryou 3îysterics Explaiîîcd. ione lias ever rernaineci hidden se tessbecame a tîrong, Gris-Gris on VIe market. are net always tbose wbe gîve the 11tenwter sacpe tricken owuers wles-e secretiveness seme eue migît trample on it. But ans offering very bgspcsfr Lse I-l eto h "Andi that rerninde me," saici W. ,,tklmp cf ýpprovÀl. explaines-orne thingýý about dise-sec is at îeast a-s strange as Vhe reputeci Madanme Poincarc consolec i1er pet suitable animals.Anadaco!h 'sFil-HwoiwsAb H.Foyie, "tlat a yî-ar or Vwo ago, Sree t-batbave nt beeneaslyunder-manner of thc discovery." by sayiu:"ee ic, rs 20prcwt.-lstknpae uli hnIah a on W wen we werc pro)baby on. f tic locked up for higi daye auci holi- to.Frisaccodngý Gs!Sw yushlcret hehe i f- &l has suffered rom tfph ici fe er, F O U G I Ii? O F F S U R G LO .N S . orl ane w th u d yus." - a ve ut ' d vain cc th e en V o 1 ic f il i i a e h %-e lad toecarry on alotîr business I)<int talIt about a man behinci oautdlabns.cohaminteadvat-eed__fi trailsactioîiîî by postas tic juenle fis bnaci;tbats the Pla-ce Vo kick -- Wlya N i -iatd wte ......cente per poundi Vl eivc iiArlantk sa o a appeal-ance o!. bctb partners madeh' irn. uppiy. VIe t.ypioid fever epîdemie Russian iGeiieral hoI<> -rolyTO YOUSG IVES. Vat VIe pnice o! f wh eU ofeWItqeto f cs bueiness mcii douithul abcut deal- -Amn ieacgr esoe nie swiftly fc-lowed by an cpidcmic Liscapcdl Losing Botblegs. $25 e u-.bfn etMy nVewy o i ba îng MthUS later pretty sure te ineetbi mateh. o! tiibt'rculosis, sud u'aiouis other Doctons may cmr, even lu Vhe still- ller PlIans Before Marniage Somnse- itualers in Dubi tnbL I.uselHwdiQdpoi "ýTalking o! letters. at oeeof our A nceOpruiy isu't ciîseases Moreover, Dr. Spooner, 'nese -o! VIe ick-roorn. How mue1tmcqRhcy pe.presntsittuationlV i uto x arfc? Wa a o' former sîsops our correspondence Fo insistnt as some o!fVe then !Botno'ectlheor Ia I more, tIen, are they likeiy Vo maie pent inowlcdge in cln iiteproel uvn baii grew se rapidly tlat tic police grew kinis. very minute arneîsnts cf typloici mistekes lu tic uproar of VIe bat.- "An olci manniel womu-n" o .ffens outbreak o! foo)t ac ot ies e pIec very suspicieus about it. The Prem- Apllutii afo a ndle iaaways Poigon uscd lu thec uoderu methocis tiefleld ?That- tIi-s lase 'a own by thc !oiqwing udvice te young wives: on t-le part o! Parmr.woaiwd Lso I--Teî-py'0 iseswrewacvdfr ý_m wekt'ee it heenoe.-o! prophylaxie wili maie active anytic mc enience -of VIe fanions Rus- "One o! VIe gresteet mistakes a tieir stocks cf cati nisepV Ese esn.-Frwa les ee atiedfo ore leistfer vthtl1 nor.- hoico ltn dsasadhe- ep a rg-iofwoo lyouug wi! . ksisVltytehve rtin dewn.Jiswoe red got unr t he l-dea thnt %Tec were a lot- No man will admit- it, but every wronspic uîar aatn iet er!ad em cr i eepilsigbtîlsaf-r ma eslu acco raceti ii îrn be eae el tery or Wa betting busine5ýs ini d s-girl deserves a better bushanci than win pticupera ou those o alan Gnrl neséd osng bot h oncfer tomb on Bister momning Why guise. -shc gets. igteoeaino hs h legs. He cemmauded a division some programme drawn up hy ber- "ýWe have s gooci dca? Vo do with Its tie borie cf contention hat slow signe o! au active uberculosis. duning t-be Russo-Tunkicli war, sud self be!ore tic wedding. TIc -at- Seaî Layer RIs eCod. \lo ic -e lde I o . th olce-tillthough in a differ- cause areateo.le-d eoglulifI. flgîtingoheratct ist tIipka -tempt is nearly ulways disa-strous, --lgr-ina h ob eut uay. Wîen -bocks -are wunted Tee nîany cail-douvus wen't lîelp e t outeetime te destroy- fai ' l Vain teuded ing sevel pa.for t-le minuwlo appesmeci se pliant Net oniy j ie -u i nsrvir l lu a hssry lu tIe criminal sud law a young mian te riseiu t-he worid. t-he modern anti-tuben-cuiesis cru- PH. ý carriecincoevrc laes. sds eoroetigbfr a-lt hicl all rivesru u t pae - irtle. e c o u r t s , i t * l a u s u l l y o u n a e - v e c V îa t l ' l e v ! c o n e p e t s a d e . S t a t i e t ic e s l o t aH~ f e i c i h i o s p it - a , u d c a m e o u teO ane î f n a g e i v e r y s p t a t - e n d s tfo e s h o w i t e i t n h a if d i V c i . i e s & e u a ewi îk on V îe-ulply VIem. Durng t-be trial o! maies etle-r -epenevu. deatl-mrate, rom tubercuiosis beganfisVlds hos ioctorsd caeretaoutmef 1g Vope evo that lie las s w'li o! lis owu andinain that fails, ntmri lol t lrdite icpe hn the Cnpe i Xcia etaV Some people are satiefleci te foi- to edcci me long befors we kuew 1tedcto! 'abu -ofe -m silstbonpej-onsufcb whiclC- . tIooktleir hoec- WtheI eople caaâ sane.onheew that e disuerwse cier Dre.go-of ailew drahe <ices. The result- le tbat Vhseuefe's o! VIe laun d iIred !ceu patlxy, ithth i ; frma- t lee wlo c n Dtiels hnc f yngrut nice lit-Vis plan i-s .udely ups-et. Al ourlieuses. It a1 encacsaei *___ here, a!chin - WBornte me misetlu t-le o ridanc ! wmîthttho >reutismâTubeethss endrat-eci T-shele wdre a ny1 -i ngtl vieii VewP -u aîya ae ! i eir ihigTîeeis tion- about hyocicl, pacticaIly Ve pat- 'a awaye preset. curable or preventible. tk i hneo ynbtte hangeci Cnippenmen rwcre-get Tised afat-Prjettbereulne eracoses ewuigle u were wise enough te a.sk t-he opinion ses, feurte-en !et hc etit P Ii eetadeabf er., e ordinary 'booksepe ad others are merey stiltec. Tefeit.tbfr eke e n wr cwudb u i~y u u u aanysd.t-a in 'a t as s mpo ei o un thea r o t e-rtym ca n cofelieu - s arAtonltIlugli ne surs remthedy lias 'enittion ~udthux- owhoredcecihielaabatVIe sîrgons -lee t en hben w igu ni, liethe!talyro uesi u ueciu sd'ein Bocs b "Bker." tI. mmtaityPro tpbociwe iseweud 3et laya Vic onbim Atsulcd iiicaue..xu-o are__lIi1_0 e1thm-I o th bc 'ili t o e h re te4 ber of ruslnissrewViou utr ia a o t- ing we hédae b-aee,n thgV w~pînil. nsacta o i',ýt'e noV maDuntanthduldexpec t-l nure s anci dd0't e- "oas à î re-ter t e Bei-M yeaescniui B .O ..hysl hneai Si-"e.pcecdn a n rw ar e sneny cur Ti0ne s e s IL t.: a- ge h-- e le- 4-- ra- te-, i& -te- don, ~Yon . _OR,A-ci CHAPT-Er XX -- Whether Sigrid. - the state of'àffai accordingly, or w mnere chance, itiS1 f0r the greater pai they #raveled tirc fui tredl r Xvere toùgethr Theý, dine. mer -wild strawberries.- ten a walk was hJiJever, exiused_ that she had letter and se it ceh-ce Sigrid had what_ fo the'r uIôt in chance of a- q4uïet i"Wh.at ig wrong oi ri 'she sai laÉie etRrem notice that lie lid_ absorbed. "Nthing,"'lhe s -forced laugh.- "Ltus rest lier, ably under a silv, and Swanhil a that 1 think 7 the first view 0f th Rle threw hrniel il grass beside her, theewas silence-. * "You did not SI She said, presêntlv. -"flbew do ,yeu -said, is col ery i "Oh, I kn-ew i Yo erworry-ing Corne, COntee.") 'Iwant to ask lie said. "Do yoÛu any business V f bu vêwhichii lanoV-h "At-ue tiiie- s~i Sg~d."But and understoàod -- seemned to me if "And if Tersý IJoved.liei-, do-yýou a:tgivrate listen "I am, not goinS '!ne' Vo that questi sudd!enly bendihgf ing hirn a kiss'-a s -knewù between a ther and sister. - -- instead 'Go and try Shc sprung.to lie "I .4en't think at ing-to mec-t thé t gefis, and-yLJu-voùu Ie Hcrgheimn._ AdÇjo, ý7Presentiy hlic,,jtu CH-eA-PTEI The afternoon wa as the nlemng iShad1 a beauty -01 it's own tW Fr'thiof verjy str( 7è li er cŽe ved a litti E the-roaL] ,a. sili agàin5st the £er.ce, thý dress, the gléhanvfi-o1 tinder ascsint lieart beýan to beat utur oe quiCkiyq aî -footsteps - looked un 1 lad finislleQl- tbgltIwcjuldc [ Speak of my rove fu j There imust neý~ nets bet--en US,' - ing quite Simliaa camie te us-y ears It wa nething- tley ivere -tandiniý the kiiig's-ighwruy- sEýnBcu f time an-id -oniy ctntained for- ivho ioved liinî-le - subl1t t Your Druge st wI * anythtn gaiht oi NkTIONýAL O

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