Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Mar 1913, p. 7

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At.,. 1 - '. - Colborna- Sirast, I lAsMS fl-I ha the maanuy !qo ôl t ýOnt.srto a fs-m consul# OINS-. oape Catalogue. fitmbu Stasp BILLIARDS-- a lni towns Onu tw Start s Bit- cýria, etz. Cate- sad Club tréé. fer Our su p pi -Collenden Capa- S -ND GIRLS- BUila- Nevelty d,. ciarei lt ataient. Write i abîmau ebe -Ont. - - rou le. raed sure cureo la sntierers roui P00urs owu mo- ,è4in pileush by su Ocerer of 1 III, Toronto.- anSecond- - far heating ANKS AND- ns- eor Stuito. iir Piano, eEýr1 DYeln3 'Co* 4e nu.ir te st1fy., s'233, Menlt-es-I feiiew -who if selfasimnes, -- wïife s- cçid- es-viag both en'sad thon- s-l the, bed ead of, au nccd rüdb5y5 n ionmtet-ls business, ~fo;it would only bo a ftting e-o .howag en iiigratitude,' Spum int the business whst 1 nrmer JfhËL iiis-iwoul« periiaps Ihave suited - yen. He lias a voryï pre.tty. 11Wt-vle fwho -worships 'the I round ho treade on." SOS Hi .tI vaiti fssuar more,-' sad M. Beniface. vv-uicn, you*ses, i1 conîci nover De J UUoQ etoeTe iaara corps- <"0put intol it bis 'honeet qr-have dcaoï e sid Sigrid, merril paesbuts 9 rw phas 'aù-àn9les-rt, -s-nd this legscy - wiîi "Pour Toraid i Isam vory gla h e dte0 s-ains-t ser!doip, sadi1 a~ehu sn e-sc-i-d er i-apply settled. Frithiotmuet itocratic tyrs-nny whîdh -thie' ivcdÎk sad - nxity." -- gosadsee bima. Ho-w-do yen iihlak _ian , peple gr4nod.lieHojoiaied ti Whien'sifaimer esaie it wsa s-r- Sws-niild lis 1ooklïng,, aùutie 1" - mv e aime~d - -st. ests-bllshil raàg6d tus-t tliey'ahouldi go te Non- t"Very,,wélls-ad vrypetty"asid fe1oÉ -a oo!ge"mmat' d sc!Frithiof went about i 1 1.. eld. "«One wculd natur'-tii, 'poliýce besmeatvneht w-rk with 8sucli sa air cf -re lie! sad a1yý-8uppvue hat" s- lir, ather yterca"ordn»-v- xr - <ott tit hs-t hs-d't net been s-kwa;d -ge, she wouid. have lier iDg a rearkable 'influence o'n-t fâr oes hiddensnit inc' oed 1o-çký, but s-ho 15 asgraceami revolimteaay arý ty Wlot -haPpinèss wcuid have been 00m- s-a, evr." - "Brdn ws-s they weroUnsia .~et. -"She la s vory brave, hsrd-w*ork- te ascertàaind -u!pes-sants ad sar -Her marris-go had beea so ex- inig iittle wcmsa," aid Sigri. i sas wio were imnpriseaèd or sel tromeiy, happy that s-ho waa less teid yon that - she hs-d begged te 'the,scaffkcld refuaoc! te divuli -than oever satisifeci with tiie pros- se )ard t t- on with Madamethsert * 0'jact-that -seemed te lie-before Ce- Làèhertier that we had consented." la 1874 the sasvanta cf Rusaisaa cil. The 'secret which ahe lisadfouad ." By -ad by, iu h' agrown semhled -at "'heGorpca out st the time cf Frithiof's Ais- up, aise- is geiag te koep my lieuse,", ety la St. Petersburg te hear t] grao weighed upon lier new s- good said. Frithiof. -fs-mous Prince iXropotkia reccui des-i;;aime almost wiaiied tus-t Roy "No, no," a- Sigrid; "I shs-il the moanits o! hie explorationsi --'oud uea t;but ne-one elae nover spame hem,unales it la te get Finas-d. As the lecturer ws dri s-emÏd te have any suspicion o! it maried; yen-tiwo. weuld nover- get aag froni the meeting Luns- cab, 1 Pit s-l, -aid Sgrid o! conu oi!o -lb ourselves. _By the bye, pss netiior ceiveyanceè frei net ap.eak, partly becs-use ahe ws-s I -ms-une! Cecil- is keepn swywhiclian srtisanaes-led eut('Mi - Frithaof's- siater, partiýy becs-use she freio us on purpoae; ,she weat off Borodin." Theo Prince aitopped b easd a Êtroag feeling t-list te alinde on tie pies-cf readiag. for hem -cab, sad thus feulu ite tie tmap. TE -te that. matter *ould 15e to betray hlf-heour society, but s-holias been police hs-d got him s-t ist. Cecil'i unfairly. , One. ovening it gene quite s- long- time. Go sad Fr twc yeau-s ho -was- conflucîdi chsaced that the. brother sad ais-- fiacilhemritif -c!tl e e the 'terrible fertresa o! Peter an -tor - were àaioae for s- few minutes' Vomy' mucli -waut hm"P-I hm lier.dewat.mg r -c!niùmg tue literval o!fs-n s-mstour Ho went eut and found Cocil com;- fnl hardahipa. Thon came his drE -concert, whlcii Ceeuilis-c! beon asked fortablyiymaslied la the- dam-ng- ms-tic os-cape, foiiowed hy s- fligl -, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i tgtujs-Whtcpe.oo Vith lier' book.s-cross Finas-d te -Swedenain s "How do you tlýiak it has gone ".Have yeunont read eneugh 1" ho tien England. Sance that time 1 cff 1, aid Sigri!, s-s ho ust down said. "We are very duli witionti lisanover returmued te Rusa, 'b] b eside.hber la the littie liner meeni. yeun ltere."> [Oapislly; Ceeuloughito te ho 'I theuglit yen would have se aognatuiated," lie roplied. cis-m nindli tets-ik over together" s-le - gla-d ah.h:s-aisclt -on had, 'fer iLsaic!,puttiag dcwn lier bock,ad ...-... .*..-_à --muet have -taken- hem thouglita offlilftiag hem soft grs-y eyes te ha.. ........ the -hidren." h Nts-bt"le replied, "we s-mo ....-. - - "V aasid Sigrid; "aavthing pifing for- music said ws-nt yen te -, -*'r* list doeathat la ivorthlisomething." snif yen al!e net to tired.- Ocme-- "'Yet saime ae>nate mie te -havo ani siag me 'Princessen,' if y'cu plenty.- f interests," sid Frithiof. arý nea4i not toc timec!., 1am vomy- - sli ienver de; èsue la ~gros-t 'mach lutheo cc!?f! st restîss. monder!' - -lade 'in the pen.YY- -"Do yen thiak books wen-id ever 1t wasa inte Iste eu'oe eveaiag st-tisfy a w-cman like Cocil?' ex- that tliey ates-mec! cown the clark- ciaimed. Sigrid. eaiag Bomadalijord. The gros-t 1vHe ocoked s-t ber quickiy, struck Romisdaiahorha es-ec its dark lies-c Sby -oemething unusuali iuvier tone. aci.mffly int-o the calai sky, sad 0v- -"Oh," ho saic!,tesiagiy, "en ery..wiere poes seemed te reiga. think every uae lisaycur ides-i cf The steamer ws-s almoat empty; happinesoL s-nd can -net ms-nage te Fnithiof sad Cocul otood s-aie s-t the exiat witlicut the equivaient. cf Roy forecastie -end, siioaitiy revoling la sad baby, te say eaothing cf-, the the exquisite view befere thean. lieuse sad gardon." Fnithiof turned sad looked s-t -"I -don't thiak . anything of the Cecil. --sert," aie priutested.1 h a. of eratht "Norway wiillho thebest thiag in. Selsc aemof e i- u- -thé wvorld fer he," ho said - "It -9 she mgit, botter enjoy the soft ev- the -tmue panacea4 for s-îî evils. C ai ng breezo -which ws-s rnffig-up h yen believe thut'lai bas than s- week lier fair- hair; her -bine dresa waa, ii s-lctnaily ho st Bergen oncaneofc!tics. shades wliich are more WO "s- called "né', but whieh s-reno nt And - n!Sigrid, iookina s-t aesgem, havie lie s ovie lu ainw hea-rt bInee yes, sad rememLseing us donav er aoe-at erypait ame«Ma- brave'atmuggies sand ion- exiledna le s-eW-Evr couic! net flac! it in lion erttcbe happy; --the soft evening liglitK esr eemed-to otheres-lze lier. s-ngry wit- i hm s-ny more.. Yuwl erkn h mhIof Certainiy, for ms--ny yeara ho bad - ,'Ytu wi ov er kncw hmew mmci I knowa nothing like the hapi ow, e t y en, hoaid, ime ouons1y cf that voyage, wîth pies iti iglitddbenfrsitu-yo expectation, ita senae cf relief. On di or me la the psat I couic! not tiie Wedaesdsy night hie slept lit- poasibiy have been lier. te-aiglt." dtie, ac! very os-ny la the aiomning b]e had been ioc1inq teow-d Vo- O ~'as p on he We s-adsiiinng but aow she -turaed te h -ws dec oagny tle eiand -t hinaL iwith a giance s-o heautifu] se0 --ips o f h -wnconty.R sptumous-iy happy, that it seemèd - ~ O ~ ew ~ ~ te, wakea aew life within hiun liesrt bounded'within hlm-whea the H ssgsc -oweslft o mec! roufsesad gables of Stavanger b Re w ad le asiètfo * esme into sight, ac! ho wsthe li- iaed ls-nything siionid m *vzry firat te les-p off the steamer,moseb s-dtkhlbaktth *fs-too impa-tlent te toucl Nom- dul , -coid past-tbe ps-st in whic * megian soil once more to dc mnof- fer su long lihe hs-d lived with hie'.' ,waitiag for the mnore leistirely mom- eithlf4a, uplield oniy by theN me of the party. Ina a m-pume cf intention of redeemiag hie fatiio's pp eash waiked on drinking honor. --dcwn deep breatha cf Lthe fresi A nd the stes-mer- giided. on over -mrigar un-i coig.a eagth teLimesImocalît waters, said drew to té cphedrl h cauht sgh o-nae om Vebinngsnaea, wlieme a a-oid-\vman standing at the door, 'ager-fnced codwie o h -key ina banc!. -grast eveat_çcf Lie day. A audden Re H otpp-edsad had a l-ong con-. terrer seizeci Fnithiof that somle coe ve sstiqn w'Vith bier for thé mere woîald corne t-o their end cf thi tbm ~'6g~i one. oanag s ms-tvesteamer sad break the speil thattro V- cfie f bun! im ad ho te er fbiuosImac, e dstnc c f "(orne sad lot un- iook for the A nd' Hem Losins epiieci, in -hi turc of the gase. La q-secreti but lugag;' ieas-d -e oy q aitesrefui Engliih: "IL la yn-4m Wishh-âq ie ______________________tliios-e'usi derLeb beon ~tcd %Wth ss-tisfs-c ry .,- - de, ar-s- no e ulta te s-il who witaeaaed the de-. 1' ul Lime «hous- ader Lime upon," menatratien. -u»Jc Fli thocerno 4s-blne'u l 1udd noti uprCuVe s-goodsleejming-pf s-ce. - AI]- C alogud as-Otueg wht w tLie aigit long Frithiof is-y bmocid 11, St. Ives, Cornwall, is a c-cir.a- %-- Oav atsen « " a aw.ak in h; isainat m-ie utjtG e lieved umé8yaerc > c n- -G s-S KEITI & 5SONO, m4 iC i. ut.-. turc -o! thoe ats-gpsintedon the-wvinmtain coulea oxcluaively freai Nor- ~st. Ot. @eMerboîas5001516.dow-blibd, ledrew* IL -up sadla-y way. - - - - - J4 ïbe u a.year; -n a 'th, ' lace-: ,1ï. maskiniie addis an eq u ail amo u n in the th-- thîrd parah,'the.,old mon, -tooé c1 fortilinthe -fields, esrn, $20, m& 00 a year by carving- 'furniture.' a Hlome crafts have sodm ya 3is- fr ondslto n m-ei hoé possiblefor-the ,peasant poDpulaticn, ihi i the f s-eof, indus-trial coinpeti- ile t!on, te> romain in oseio f rt'-'thear ancestral estateà. 'Emigra-, nÙt tien -te _Am8riCçk a, iasmaterially, Ig abate, sand.,msny emigrants are' returning te their oic! homes. Far as. feom infringing upon machine in- ýc_ dustries, arts. and- crafts have, on lethe -other band, conipelled the fac- Lnt tory to produce more beèautiful wnd in, durable objecte.' yv- jBut more.im«ortant :than exter. he nal economie prosperity ii the ex- ým uberance cf r. Life and Health, he, which tbeir beautiful toil bringe te thewormeninSwedeon. If you Ldoubt it, go lite the North, te t>aie- nd carlia; visit the parish cf Mockf- ât- 3erd- in aummer and see a group cf -a glad-eye dwomnen gatherèd under ,t the bireli trees about a table dock- nde r plosand bobbins and h0 ing-k eifte lace.' Their cloth- ,ut ng-erciefand bodice sand apron - -embroiderod with a gay- flower piàtterýn, às in keeping with the per- petual apringtime cof their moo9dS. *Or stop by the rosidle in Verni- l1.nd and watch a gay famnîly party, grandmoither sand 'grandehildren, breaking s-nd seutchiùg fiaiand story-tel ling sad «fun sad lfroue. If y u r î yfuly wilI receive a eiim of scftWht h ehwr on ycu by iniblè " . -Another evidence- cf the return youth to the. nation is'the revival national dress. One Swedish ncesa requires peasqnt, costume a11 cf lher laodies-in-walting at lier miner court. The arfist Zorn, n n st home, goas about in the nue knickerbockers sad white les- t 'ér apron that aretraditional to mon of Mors. l isnet merely 7 4d for the few, There are vil- ]ý Ia1ecarlie, where, on the 'lbt,-every. Msa, womnsn and tc.oosteehurch in a acostume whiçh mother or wife bas wcv- hor cown intimate expression ci hxeautiful, sad which symbolizess ' the wearer the jcy of worship. ci A Gorgeons Spectacle y. present on the road- home f rom a urcli. Each pari8 aaib- its own C 'shion-the ockade of RaUtvik, ti ,W,çtriped s-pron of Leksand, and ' braid in the hair cf the Mora ti rl1--while the cennoisteur recog- f, zos st once the more subtle b, gos which distinguish ms-id f rom Ui thËr, sad wif e from widow. The p, eot ie unlike, any.thing in Europe ti ,ore varied than the gala cos. tE eo f Brittsny, more decorative ai the dresa f the Bs-vs-risn pea- pi t;-almost Asistic in its richness. m .the total disregard for modern t] ions and Pariian modes does sc impress one as rotrograde or e. culous even in up-t-o-date Swe- ai 4whero the telephone service is b( ,'"bout and cles-reat in the world. -1< -knickerbockers cf the men are w, ecosnfortable thaýn tro-users, cannot the farnuer'a daughter nm the telephone and ride lier bi- in té market in a scarlet bodioe or in a, dainty, white embroiderod th ief.-The Crs-ftsnian. is -ar Proof Positive. la til One at the, wittiest men'cf a past yc generation cf Engliahmen was ar. L Rcause a~ysct 1i0 genlly (neo- pirglngeor gripiag> rieg thoroughiy ____ j Yvu can fit a piece of butterecVto in the 1btt àMn of the nppmois it with gravy, and! dro'ýtheegg U on it ïa in theýprecedingrecëipe. P the gravy or Milk ovér: it anhab, Creamed Eggs-.BoIî six e liàrd';,throkvthem into cldàae loosen- the shelle,, pool the eggs a] cut them. intô thmn falices. Ce' the bottom cf a büttered dish wi peppered and aalted crumba, plia s- layer-of the slice.d- ggs- on .thet thon another layer of the" crun dottiag.this wlth bits cf butter ai aeasoaing with more pepper ai Éalt. Continué in-this way ui the dish la full, making the top la or.cf crumbs. Juat--belôre. puttil this on pour into the diali a cup- cf miik or cf, gravy or cf, soup atos' strew the cruxnbs on top with tl dico ci butter and 'the seasonirý covor and. bs-ko flfteea minutes, ui cover and brown lightly. If yc have a tablespoonful cof mincE ham' or tongue to put with tl crumbs the' dish is even more -ai ptzing. - Cheese Eggs--Grato s-hli!poum of Canaàian, dairy cheese, put, over the fire with a tablespodnfi of butter, s- hallf cup 'of good atocl s teaspoonful cf sait, a dash f pal rika, and a tos-spoonful, o!f ercei tershire sauce. Stir until. the cheeE is molted; thon put-in four or fi- well boston eggs anci1 cook thrf minutes. Serve on buttered tos An excelleat lunohtirn dish. Epleugrean Eggs--Make a cupli ,of white sauce, as already directe< aud when it.is thic k and smooth ad< to it four tablespoonfuls cf grate cheese. - Stir until this is -meitec and- thon pour s- quarter cf it in a buttered nappy. sac! thns fill fou nappios. lInte each one cf thes break an ogg, aprinkie with-galt &au popper, and put into -the -oven um til the eggs are set. Spriaklei littie mincod parsiey over' the tcj and serve at once. Bakeul Eggs, Madrid Style-Makiu acup cf thick tomate saucé, or eue] tho canned or stowed toniato fin without istraiaang it, seasonmng with onion. juice, sait, and peppoî Mix with this a couple'cf link saui s-ges that have been ceoked anc :h.opped into email pieces; pour tht mixture int-o a dish and break up. Dn it s-s many eggs as tho space wil alow without crewding; set in thE von and cook until the whites ci the eggs are farmn. Baked Eggs Wlth ITam.-Adda raspoonful cf oaiion juice te a cup- lui cf fineiy chopped boiled lais- ýest six eggs liglit, stir the lhai in- ýo them, season with a littie pop- per-no more sait wiil be -needea isan -la supplied by the bs-m -a ;abiespoonful of miaced parsley, Lnd turn, the mixture into s frying >an in which la a tablespoonful of nelted butter. Yen can either stir âe mixture sayen would for erambied eggs until the eggs thick- ,n, or yen ms-y cook it as yen would Ln omelet, lcosening it f rom the )ottom with an omelet kaife and l'-ding it when done, Ia cither s-y it la very good. Eggs With Cern--For this you s-ay use eltiier the freali corn, boil ng it and cutting it fromn. tho oob, r the canned cern. turning it froin ie tin a couple cf heurs before it 8te be used. Separs-te the whites md yolks o! five eggs and beat the tter a few minutes, the whites un- i1 stiff. Put the cein, with the uiks, sés-on to taste-witii pepper md sait, thon stir - a the wiiites 'htly sad cock in a shailow'sauce- o~n for five minutes or until the iixturo thickeas. If, you prefer W as ' littie piaaffi i thO hlackiulg te inceeaW the,îlijtneasèg fý the ol alh , 1 1 - .- i - Che eýo la verv...b"Whôesome--prf- xlc- wt asra~-pt-es A ing c wit -1- uvont by s- Czaaaalttcnmachine. -À Iietfflt te1sb- 3o- A vet lit can ho keptIaL con- - ith dition by wiping it with'a peec nd, black :'sto king after brushin. - T ihe gleath i a oc r.4 , ez y is W h êa w ashi ag out the -refrigera- la Clotsin ée !of W ni O wllop , ýes toi some wâshiag soda Lu the 'water well-known _farinef lr» ýast wIll help tic keep kfawéeot. Anidsra e Sbiln en tinAttention té detail-.orderýineseorganized in Clonm-elbythekG"açbo pand-, perfect clealiaess-müake 'ýthe League, te. lue loin luJupe. put kitchea a pla ,ce ,cf01pescesadi Plana hg'ye been prepàared,-by.-P. LICe beauty. J. .Qil-martia. -cf B-aillis-, tiostàrtfk If cannmed pears are ineipid, drainfiax mill on the Downll 1Raver nes-r, o gs ýff the jice. aad cover them lai-,'1 the town. - 'to0 stead witli the juiice f oranges we11 " BatinglaEe gadin Indi! auga-rd, . graated s- pension of ý er 'Whea- kitchen toWels, 'wear thîfli ponu e ert r yel>; ithý atitch two of theni tegethors-round mnyi er apnei.h aiJ acé -the edges ad diagonaly s-ross thie Tho e s- ti ilas -< < j ýse cetre -Patrick-- Doyle, Portnla e r 4liO ab' ýA d olioui gelatine pudding _ -- -r or y ye1s ~ èi & ~~ s-c! ms-do with the juice cf canned Ballyphillip Ns-tiens-al c4 tad atrs-wberrles. Add the juice. cf an A letter fremn an inmàt-tê0ciNew tii crs-ugo te the strawberry. Ross Union cornplainiakofLiQ~od ay- As soon as -tongue ia boiled tea- ws-s reilved by -the grýdi _âThie ing der it'siiouid hu~e cold water rua board -decided te ignrjt ' fu er it for a m inute; the a h k a A tr i a at the -skoie hs r c k w il i s li p o ff e a i I . i n oA m t a cn c f i n d E bh e twJ .i e e u l o - , bho When furnituret, dees net a2tually mol sad Tiethad. Offe was mustaintly a nec!polishing it; i s-a good ides- teil-led sand soveral fataily iajured. - in wipe it off thoronghiy with a cloth John Céomerford, ;imjrick,,lis ou dppe- inlineed il.been aws-mded,.a testimonial'by the -ed A g oýod poliah for patent leather H] um an e S iey f r es -ng ma ho shoos is coe part liaaoed cil anidtf rom c!rowning lai% the" Shannon. Lptwo cf cream, -weiV mixed- 4ppIy '-T"wobusiness lieu6ss _ -s-atheir witii a bit cf -flannel,' thon rmb -off. -contenta wýýere deutmovod by fire, nd Ia runiing the sewiag machine which .origlaated lith4 grocory os-' it for an; exténdè'd time 'the work wll tabuiliment-cf Mr.. Procter, Ports- UI Be mucli fighiter If s- pad or oic! car . dew.o -kpet la ms-de -te fat the treadie sol At Ennis Sessions, Mnn. Tobin that it wiilnet slip round. 9II awaded £15e cormpensationi for One o! themost usefni herba ln a esticlerubadwo cooer latlyxe~ hih l ivaU- kiiled on the West Clar4 Railws-y. ablefùrseaoni g f rce eat met ýéeroUsfiooding lias been caused .,e balla, ete. Bethlilemon sad coxamon i h ute nd-BIyoedi et. thyrn sliould ho stored. -- tlai the Cureent's-a ymooda Toremnove -machine oil ri abyrcet osv rin, u nij cover thein witii lard for seveal oensa s f sces f-land are- un- <j eur s-d ton ashwiti ss-ps-ader wster. ýd<bux w atn Wen wth lard iapwanhd. The strike cf dock Is-bo ' ers ila d d w a e r W h n h e -l rd s as ed L m e rick n o w th res-te a s a , d isio ca- e c! o t the spots w ill have disappear- t en c i e t de c t e p r. T e - to When darnig tokigs u docks are guarded *igt -and dy Ur t r dround esch hld before be- by -the police. -- Sgang saidda ut-thoegs The central 'fado *la front cf idîe fist. This makea the i l a - te G.P.O., Sackville Street, Du-h a mdlr -lditn,î 1 was broke yan - n- pear ale, adi wl mucb mn, t1l-. owb - etVendor, sesier te mend. - io hew a pièce cf iron througb Thit omws-Gan .have me- "VYOUR NAME, PLEA SEV' ' eived s- rosolution froni the Irish Some -1 Industrial Association asking for )p Homee Areie LittIe.IÈnown Won- imore encurs-gement sadsupport de oaof Nomenels-ture. fer the Irish fax induetry A dsiryanas son .ns-mec! John r. "No," aid hubby; "I bar these Healy while walking.slong the mos-c - foreiga afe.Lo' aesme~ - t c! tng te sid en't hve s-sia 'd T- mes, Macrooni, -as fred s-t id t h n g t e ' c h l d , w n 't e a s a m s a nd - s e s e n io u o ly i n j u r e d t h a t n ie cf. Wlis-t' the ms-Uer witli Wil- hopse la heid for, hs reeo very. P- lis-m? Bit cf Britishl stuif, that !" ' An outrage la reportied freni the Il Aiss!-but snch i 'la h!0 !-Wilias-Faby district, county-Clamre, wler'el Le lsa s purely Germnas-ns-me, s-d fwo cattie belonging te Mr. johni 'f mes-no "defendiag ms-ny.", Yen'vo Oullas-, a, te Crown Soliliter for ies-rd cf Willielm 7 Well, that's it! Clare, weme ait-t by moonfligliters.i a Very fewrof our-Obr;stian ns-mes Hundreda cf acres cf lapd-aleag aie Englisli. Sad. but true. Here -the vaiiey of the Biaek*ýater in is s- liat: Thomas ia Hebrew, and South Tymone s-me. flooded td -s depth moas-no«a -twin." Jehn is asa a cf several- feet, and iow-lyiag lands -JewÈsli ns-me-' the grace cf the in Mid-Arma-gh, s-me submenged. > 1Lord." . Inlacensoquence cf the strike of a The foiicwing "Enýgiish 118ni0," apprentices s- the fouadry o! common sad popular, s-mo German flMessrs. James Macide & Son, Lmi- 9 Robert (fs-mous i- ceunsei); Wa-lter ted Beifast, the firm ba-s decided If (a conqueror);- Henry (idi lord); teosetowrs -d 5àrsi ,r Herbert (briglit lord); Fmedemic i1 200 emaployes are aow-idiot r <rici pes); Chlnes (nebie-aspir- _ f :ited); Francis (free); Achibaid w]pzls d (boid observer). Ferdinandid l Ger- - ToPzls .man,-teo sad meas-n "pure peace." The traveler la foreig ans-d who à Fraha-e r ee.Gy esm-y things- that on account F rfnh 'n oss a ra m use.G u yp er-m a ,rLewis, Percival, Norman are eos-sun f their etrangessrue or e- pes. plex hlm -houd. remember thàt ho aBible ns-mes are, cf coui-se, nes-mîy himsel! sad ms-ny cf bis possessions. 7 ailJewib. - are quite s much a Pourceo f Won-, - To get nearor home, the feliewing dem te the native cf the couatm'-. are SWxon ns-mes: Alfred! <s-l A mandarin from the fs-r in7teior t pes-ce); Aibent (ail bright); FEdward of China dinéd -witli-me in Peking, 8(hiappy keeper); .EdAwin (happy con- wrtes s- travelier n. a i;honom the equerer); Richard (powerf ni); Raipli dinner 'Wss veny Chinoese. One -te on l n s-a rthu ua.t tae ue ! man- timefqilwin~ Awhir(chne's-nv' liat ,; wal1a(iem e s3h (1, hiiime-n iat; (gev(as-mt) ýe -s Jchx»; Gr -lingros-t fal)lewoln -(lke lion);(Owea<e;i-ernedithM.r- gëna (s n-t er;o erdt1 émIl ii aeinitet! - Hrai o6r Ornabc-,wel the&e are Itaia. ICS te x. N -'r, T . e d 5E T I M DY£, ons câ om ot vnhâe know wilit th Ïo7Gooe-a arc d OL--ai 5Ua5l 1MO Il Twe cèolts beiongiaig te Mr.' Ai- Dov<coverotu thur-'>zwkee., e! Keawyn, WerC Tb. Co., uh4'-- f 1 a

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