Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Mar 1913, p. 6

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'Ibad terrible pains Inu w head. My appetIte fa4q4 and wheui1 44e SM .ek for bhtrt éter enals mè-al, "e pains n'iny a ta<lb andthse izyhé"-. aches~ ~ eldùré almont set one '-ý4jaxà Ooqe-0- @0,GB- vei'ely tb15 i )js4 leVo ta be& I would feel so,ýw-oeiiý depassnd and uttérly ms erable thiat for - boutsi - wouldnt speak t6 à nsal1y, My sytem was paisenod wlth>s"Wastea miad othisig helped mue tilt I Hné r auslto's Pille. Wtbot tini trans5taultesm-alennsg reinedy - 1wouul otill b. -nlck, but. -e.cb dar brosughtme better heaith and spirit&. I waà carsA' and mus Zloue ruddy .end 3ie&lt1ýy,- an willi alwayg iae and reaomsesd -Mr. wostport -P. o.r T T$ýuezads who. are ta an aIlssÈ,,. lew 7ý4Ie oi beslth Iaeed -noUilng. eLse but Dr. ~11aklton's Ple b.per box, or'flve- lbxes for $1.00, at .ei dtuggl.1 arA s8tore. keepers. or theC~~ri~ia lmay lutsalG. N. T., sud KXLîtonb ont, Bat-ald SCeiàait of' czar. Theme are -uêeaseP'rved'at tise Ru saiàm royal. tablle mhicis Lt is l e- flevedcoe-tat thle ratief $S.*Apar- tion. -Thxe Czar hipiseif is ext-tre- --ly- partial t-o la-l utiet- and' the 14a-e lea-s koked inte hsimýple&t ma-cir P~oll -lHe Im -ralMa-- jestýY a nio fond-ýc co Ofe 6ome sort and pjeat-yet fruit,na-ait- -ed doa Itb ock a-ad S'elt-z ra-- -t-or. TIç Czar's chief- chef la t-le moahct highly paid lna any royai es- talehlment-helias - a- sala-ry cf - 1,)a- year - - Even a etiisgy mna-n as te give lu L.üà . inlmïnî Cdrées Diutempha -"Papa, is'it 'hecesta-ry to whip in me" '<Yen ought te knor." -"Well, 1 sometimes t-inS yen don't - - ca-lze Ion lit-tle geod it'doe me," - - OyIy-One "BROMO QU.IiNEt - Laa fer tisejslgnUture or E. W. GROVE, -- Cures a ColA in One Da-v. Cures Grip ln - 4She's le-en very busy telflng me ---honte rearxny baby." -"Well?" "But se get- ista perfect panuic nisen I mekeild her te t-ni- ca-to -o! t-be chiid for a couple o! das.You - kiIor I ras suddenly caled ont- cf -t-en" E M edC r Tii Murine Eyo Bemeb. No sartinir--ela ]Nué'-Aue Qulekly. Try It for Red, neai, Wates-y EXes and Uranutated Eyellds«.ZIlus. - traiteS B3ock lu sacS Feekage.- Mutine la eompounded by aur Otuilas-not a "Patent MeA- lcieê"-but sacS Iu succesatisi Physicians Frac. tics for nany'teara. Nov dedicated 10 tthe Pub- liSe and selS by Drugst nt 26o and 60çetr Boutle. Morne 157eSalvs4n Asepsie Tubes. Me an&GfOc. -MuèlinoEye Remiedy Co., Chicagko H ealth is the grea'ýeXt of gifts, contentedness the bè'st riches. Truthis jethe best of relatives. - Minirds Liniment Cures Diphttierla. House-hunter - "But wlenever there's a flood I shoul'd think theý rater would always came riglit up: to the 'house. " -liuse Agent - "Possibly, sir. But there are preci- ous, few praperties rhere you oaa get fshing f rom the cining rQomÈ wîndaw" ~ LOS-= IIrI~iA t hal R lght dressingis Ointmënt lviIIpre- -e ls ue us, uýd trùmucnt ot the sain Mfd sirestteDnva a-Oiso the rafilcf, on-e of -t-he rooma, 't-le en6nex lad.-ed iln eue corner an, iril po>t £id ith bits o!fme-ad; lie loped bb attract t-hem lutct-le pot', a-nd thez, hum 'the-m.- .Prdeslor Bu-gaie-n - ment'intotbýe rom-ia-ad cloe4 a lost-der' amemha&t aha*rply limnediatêly h otet-la -drunsming BOt*O;Ooinfg f tenu the kettie! As ooon- a& the eound <lied ana-y, le re»eatêd the expoi-iinent, mïit-bth -ts me resnit. Eme' is tIn. tsa-t a Eharp orU 1nusua- rloi<se raâ miade, or - thali some cao tesked -lcudly, the tormitot' signal O!f a-rus raa drununed iii the Set-tle. IN A SIIAD OW. Inveterato lea Drinker >Fearedl ,St-eady use o!..oit-hemt-ca- or coffee. otten produc es aiarming symptome,, as the poison .(ca-feine) cont-ained- in these lovýeragos acte. ritb more potency in soeespersus tisa-n.In "I na-s nover a- coffo. drinker, rritos an 111. -noman, "lut a- tes drinker. I ras -very nervous, lad troquent spolie o! - ick loada-che and boa-rt'trouble, a-ndid a-e subject at times to severa"ttacks cf bîlicua -"No end of -aleepleas nights- -rou-A have spllie a-t- ight,- visen my rigît Bide wouid get numb a-ad tingle liSçe a- thousand needieswre pricking my flesl. At -times I could lardly put my ,tongue eut o! my mtunt-I a-ad my --rigst- oye a-uc ca-r were affected. - "The dactors told me I ras i a-bic ta beoome .paralyzed at a-ny time,, SOc I va-s iconsta-nt dread. I took no ecisc jmedicine-aii t-o no "Tic clectmstoid me te quit us- ing t-ca-,lut I thougît I couic! net live rit-liat it-that it- mas my enly stay. I lad béen a-t-ta drinker for tmesty-:fsve y<âa-ms; mas under tise doctor's ca-to for fifteea. "About six mont-le mgo, I fisaliy quit t-eandc commenced te drink Pestum. "I hava nover lad oeespehi -o!f sicS ieadacise since a-nc!oniy -o ligst- attack cfbililiscolle. Ha-ve quit ha-ving those .- mm-b spole at niglit, sleep mcli and my iseart je getting Btronger ail tise time." Na-me givon upon request. Post-um non cornes in concentrat- cd, portier ferra,. calied- Instant P.'ostum'. It- is ptepared ly stirring a- level teaspeonful un -a cup of lot matexi adding sugar. te ta-ste, a-Id enouýl cream t-a bring t-le celer te golden Iron. Instant Postum à coavenient; tliere's no ma-ste; and t-le flavor is aImnys uniform. Sohd by groces everyrlere - A 5-cxîp t-s-l tin niailed for gro- cer's narixe and 2-cent- st-amp for postage. Canadian Poistum Cereal Co., Lt-, WinAlscr, Ont. AIN INTERMI¶TENT SPIING. Thie ceffindd'hem' to, oiU-' M-t's. -TaIboi',- complicitiWon f troubles- ail carne-front. siek, kidneys. That's why Dcdd's Kidney Pille cured them. For Dodd's Idney- Pis are no cuteaIL Thev simply cure kidney- disease ef any kind. They-never fail to-dotisat. 11GW 11RÈ SAP3'IinsS. - Oi'gai1zed Marvels o! f eeanlcal 'Construction.- H-or- the raw saý-tra;vels. f rom tise ab&orbing roots benea-ih. tise-groun4-C te the -opmost twig cf*ait cals or eim tree, more tisau -100 feét a-love, and t-o neariy four or-five times txa.t heigît in tise case ;of tome o! tise mammo6th gem trees (eucalyptus> oa tise Tagmana-l.foreets, -and in tise gigant-ic Weli1-ingtonia-o! Califomniaý, he.s lopig puzzled thsePhYsicist t-o expli-t, sa-y-s thbe, Stra.nd Magazine. The, olici<ea- t-la-apiUaity is tise facor ai w ork, tise fluid. being con- veyed up the, trunk e.nd' branches alfter the maniser of coil tîrougi tise r.iéS o! a a-ip,-eooies an a-lt-o- géther inaiequate expi-ation, Es- .pecâiai-Lt thise nwhen ne real-ize tisat-, ini tome o! thbe, internai tisaues of tlbe sterr4 the pressure-ex-erted reciaf rom eigIýt te ýtnnty atmoa- plereis, or in ct-lir nords froin 120, t<>'300 pound t<> tise square inch- a force groater thaai that in the boilef ei a normaàl ra.Lil-way engine. This mighty pressure scattea'ed more or les& irre-gula-rly thr<>ugh t-he tissues cf tise t-tee, drives the sa-p t-o tise buds anxd for-ce& tlxem opea, expands their leavos, anil is cotnt-la- uailyý at rork 'wierevdr tisé process cf building uer structures je- gcîng' on. I t is obvionýs, therefore, tsa-t the engineering arrange-iiente for- teccndncting a-adcontrolliiig o! tis ponerful atream-o f life-givingý tnp must le very perfectly prgamn-, izeci. Indeed, t-bey ax-r moure tisa-a tisat; thiey present marveis o!fniacl- &nical construction wlich are net only astonîeling on a-coount o! tisa-l perfection, bn-t are s-o minute t-bat mani ca-a oniy penetrate tht myster,- ies and beauty cof thijr structure by ma-ana,' o! high-xuner microscopes and -ca-refui cheuxicai investigatioýns. Even tIen la- is le!t ba-ffied ad w<ondiiriisg Enqulring Ris lVay. A lamyer, driving tîroûgh a vil- lage, stepped a-t a cottage to is- quire - is ray. Tise lady o! thse bouse toaid him be muet keep straigît on for some time, then turi ta tise riglit; but sa-id tisat- she lerseif ras gaing to pmss tise rond lie must take, and ifl e mwould rait a fer moments site rcuid shoen hlm tise ma-y. "Weli," le said, "bad cern- pany is botter t-Ian noise. Ma-Se haste." Ofter jogging on five or six mnilethtie gentleman asked. if le lad not came te tise rond le must ta-Se. "Oh, yes," said sIte, '-'ne lave passed iltro or threp, miles back; but, as I agree tisa-tlad cern- pany ia better tisan noise, 1l kept you along nith me."- IVatei Crnes and Goes LiSe Ia Thie! iu thee >îght. - aUiNFIT TO LIVE-MUSTIME.1 Nea-r tis-village, e!. Alcha-m,is a secluded vailley e! the Norths Damas, Englartd, ritbm a fer mileos cf bue-y Dover, is an intermitten-t sprlng cf rater tlatle atpre'sent la fucllforce anc act-ivity. It has long periods o! quiescence, for, a-ocordiag te tra- dition, it -appears enly every rev- ents yoar. As a matta-r 7! fa-ct, hfomçva-r, it las appea-red ritImar-e -or, le-se reguIarity'a-ny t-tme rit-lin tise i-a-et four"y-aars. It cornesi liSe a t-lie-f in tise rugît, and is a fer leurs turns a -fertile boItcm linoa generoutib la-Se tbat overfiome t-be isigismay andc maSet & it -a raging terrent. Afta-r - eeping alove grourd -for a ta6whun!red, yards it drisappears a-s mý4-t--riousiy a- it came, and lt-s subsequenjt co)urse is net visible.- A couixtrymas vIcee lieu-se borders Dillingoro, as the e-t-ca-m le- ca-lied, told nme, ii gave ne wa-rùiing- ! t-s approaci, says a mmiter. I a-sked -im- if hla-lad ever se-en a-ny mate-r.lubling up, a-ndj li -raid: <"No; the plaee miii le dry bvemnhiglt, a-ad full o! m-ater in tise EW nom i, a nc tbat'sa&U me Snew , aboutit."-ehad ne idea mietiser a met nintersutcl aa t-lis nxieli $1wea net e-mmer lad a-ny- j ingto de ritb it. A similar e-pring exkqte tâear Croydon, la t-I- SCat-arIain Valey, knômax. as t-be Woe -ators, f nt-le belle! t-la-t ita, appearaace preïaged piagne,. fa-m- ine, oh -na-r., Dillingere, njust b-e t-h- W- overfior o! a - large subtertanean à iberveir in tise gi-aiS, n-cl lefed lby t-le nat-utaIdrainage-e! t-le sur--. ro undiùS gheigIts-- Thu verdict endeted a tisousand tiles visen corna get sare. Do t5cm ta deatis by PntuanVs - Corn Extracter; il cires painlessy iy 4nlweuty-four heurs. Use "Péttnam's. tisa on>y vegetabie rauedy knewn. Price- 25c., et all dealers. Heat is le naitl-except- for t-le doctor. Minlarda Liniment Oures Oavgal Un Cols.L "Yeo ugît te be glad that-you miii le electrocut-ed instead o! hanged," Eaid a prison visitor te a covi-td -mur-dorer. i"Why'?" asked tie fehen ini surprise. "Yen suifer great-iy frorn -rlenrnatism, don't- you 1" "Yees," "Well, ejcc- t-rlcit-y is the leat knowa- remedy for tisat." t69-b ona an.-$The- ea~i gesm this "rat-ion, and lie. is ready to sta* sooner:tisaitif- ô eed of corn ie gînen hm It is also suppo«ed Tuîrkisé,n ý gve heir, horses- ai- nids t anything',th:ey eàt themelves.. AitisougIhardy in. respect -of* food,9 the- hbSrev require a -good d.èai cof car-e a- too ckahing; fpr their flhe- coat audeikae lins.maké thiem, ery snaceptiblè to coids. Cure Your; Sorc Throat: Nervilific WHI IDo 11 Bleesoo Relief-Cornes Quick, You Get Comfort5, Every- Pain Disappears. BzE"rience lias ttight me Ihat the, qsxtakest -way te cure a sare ibroat. la wils Nerviline," wriles Urs. -Enoeh P. Maelean. "My ciltdren, alwmya seem ta gel welt eet and stay outitn the colA& aàd' In consiequence 1 hava te keep a go&i * houaehald remady lsandy. I rnis ln Narvillus airnost-every haut, give thse c-iltdren ay twenty dropa luin bat. ee- aned vater, anA malteisugargîs vils- il. 1 - have- yet te ses thse cold thie woa't break up quly. From tise La Have Islande. N .. lis. 'Jobhn WalfielA write.:-'"We have been usinsg ferviline for about fins v-ears. and 'ffnA It excellent. W>n Ve fluA any o! va getting a cold wa 'take Nervilîna in bot water. It is- s sure relief for, 15, ahd la, alis- an instant rebief for internai palne o! Any bled." Tisa- resarksbls ipain.subduing paver of Nervii.e and its. abilfty te check calAs. infinenza andacsre thrafat la uxtequaflad. Every -home aboulA have Narviline haody on theselfteomsudden ilinesa aI nlght., 1ike' -crampa s t p.a sins. Large famnily staeS. 50 tl-ikre 25c.. et al storekecdvers or drngx1tts or Thse Catarrs- -ýoone Co-. Bufalo. N. y. LAWYIiRS IMADE MISTA-KES. Peenliai-ities In thse WiIIs-e ofSerne Famouà Advocatea. Remarkable a,8 it May seem, some of tise biggest legai mistakes in draft.ing nuls have been made by l-aryers. Judge .Bacon, e! Engiand, nbose property ras vaiu-ed at £118,408, wrote his legacies -on a seet cf court paper, but, tlough he ras an expert in iaw, le forgot te siga bis ocm alterations to bis wiii. An affidavit f rom a solicitor and an officiai'o! tise Bloomsbury Court ras neoeseary bWeore mat- ters were set right. Lord St. Hel- ier and Lord-Grimthorpe both f ail- ed ta ma-ke proper wille. Tise lat ter's will raa a -document cf cver eleven tlousand rords, but in the matter of ietigthy nihîs thiSmas beaten by EdWard Bush, a Glouces- ter engineer, w-ho required twenty- six thousand nords before hie ras isatisfied -*ith bis provisions. He had an es-ta-te of £114,813. At tise other end cf th e<sfoale j is e trelve- ilue mii of- Lord Rusell cf Kil- loren, w-ho in that spa-ce;5et hie seal on. £150,000. Lord Brampton took four lundred words te dispose of £142,000, risile, Lord Mansfield used oniy hli a sh-eet cof note paper, and a gcod second mas Alphonse Henry SV.eauss, mIe bcqueath-ed £296,221 in forty-three mords. BIBLE READERS' MISTAKES. Beaz Did-Not Dram Off She, But (love. A b-ook oom-piled by Nathan fias- k-el Dole reiounts aome o! tisemia- tis & ek' word eteealyns un - Çopite&tionb -orrupý BD .- BornonsuThut Devour, OldWonen a-nd Take Their -Sivape. of a differont cbara.cter f rom those about doge, whichi pr>tect-ed mans- klnd; te Japanese 'nekomata-,' or h.nitching- ca;tý rith ierforked t-ail Iseing an eixýceding1y -dacsgëes demon, niso deve(ur». oic! romen-and assumes t-lir; saaq»;" mrites MT,; Lawson te the Reeree. "In tise seventeent-h century se-lie- sepoketi of as an animaloef darknese, a do- -mest-ic tiger, a-ad the Japance plae a enword 'attise side ofet a corpse in entIer t-a prevent th-, cat-f rom naiS- ing over it or- ca-using- it to revive anad change- isst-6a -pi -ena-on-. "ln t-be iegendse -tbe nineteuti century, liorever, tise- ca-ipiayw a good part- iastead- o! 'th- of cf an evil demaon, and -un t-lesoi talae she-sac- rifices 1er lieéon beha1l e-! ber mnas- t-er and lfisrewar'ded -hy Inria-i in; a Buddhist elurcfîyard-, itls mses rea-d fer her- seoul. . "Tlera- leise soan oic!- tradition among Jepanee sailere, nîlcit sur- vives te t-lis day, according tc whicis a three co]oi-ed tasecat (white, black a-nd browa, i-s an ex- cellent cha-tm a-gaine-t cvi spirite-. HRe knuors rien a et-rs le ccmiisg and climîs upon tise mast,.mîereht drives awrayVise demons; anad t-le sailora cf'Dai Nippon do net ca-te mIa-t price t-bey pa-y for sua-I a ca-t a-ad'mâke great sacrifices.lanoder te haveoeaa a. masct on ýboa-rd sbip." - -4. llcadaciicOver th c Eyes? LoOk Fu, Nasal Calarril Catarrh Nover Stopsiain One Pince - t Sprends Rapidly-Often Ruine Heaith Completely. In tiîschangeable climat-a il la the little calda tisaIditft ino Cata-ri. iUnless tise inflammation la ciseceat passes rapidly trou tisaltrant or nase to tise branchial tubes and t-bon ta tise lungs. Yen cant malte nov lungsanoy more tisan yon can make 0ev fingers or tas, but yau can cure Catarris. Tiese &reat cura consista ot breatbiog lu tise ieaiing balsamle effeances ot CATÂRRHOZONE. visicie imply a m=dl- cated tapon se tull et ricis curative pro- pertie ltisat every trace-of Catamnis van- lises befere ILtt. "The saotising piney vapor of Cataris- ozone la tisa mosi poverful medicîne t aver used," vrites lMas. Edmond J. Chris- tina, et Sasksatoon. "Eveny brentis dmavn through tise Inhaler senda a gratetul feeling threngh tise air parsage-ietftisa nase and tismoat. Catarrisozone cured me et trigistul iseadacisea over tise eyes, te- lieved me et a aluiffy feeling un tise nose. ad an irritable isacking congis ata sd been lise baise et my lite ton a year. My genemni isealtis la grcatly impreved, x=y appetile and digestion ara cansidera;biy better tissu befere. Catarrhozane his beeu tisa meane et glvlog me sncb iseaiti as I nîrnys desired, but noter poaeesseA."' Even thougis ca-tarislias 'a Stan iold an yen, anA affecte your tismoal. nase or eara. you cen lisonolghly cure il vitb Cntarrbeooe. Largo size. guaranteed. casta $t.00; emaîler aize tOc.. saunple aise 25c. Ail storebsepere and drugglste. or Tise Catarrisezane Co., Buffalo. N. Y., and Kinguton, Canasa. INext te Tliem. "l'rn'sure," said 't-le uest lie lad unexpectediv lought home t-a dinuer tisa-t eeùng, "tsa-t I have put-yen out." "Not'- a-t -il"e1 eiedeet Whiniol" - - - - Gir., dli glowiq calais. fdehii isM, -or. suds. Dyosconton, S&lkwoolirmixture. Use St yourself -as houe.' No taull- no musa. 24 Sobws-- willgive- ptpaid-viih bokli r "Hon t,Dye from: e 4., 1' 1- i no6 F.L.DE T&CG lnm_' FamIy Pride." Mr. Jonesr-e-ut, my dear, we can't afford an automobile. 1 Mrs. Jones-I kpow that; but I want to show' thit stnck-up Mrs. B~rown. that, -we can haveë thinge we fýc7n't afford juat as* well as they. PILES CuRtEbZ im ôi To 14DAYS Tour druggtet wIUl refund zaone? If PAZO" OINTMEIT talls ta cure any case of ltch. lux. Blind. -Bleeding, or Pràtrudinc Piles lu- "<Thiis dog oi mine is some dog, let me tell you! Re has a wonder- f ul pedigree !" "I suppose you trace hizn a.way back to the dog' Noah tock into thse ark." "Say, this dog's ancestor 'didn't go into the ark. He had a bark of his Marien Bridge, C. B.. May 30, '02. 1 have SandIed MINARD'S LINIMENT- during tise peetyear. Il la - lairys tise -firat Liniment neked fan Sert,, and nques- t1onably lthe boat- seller et ail tise iffer- ,ont kinds et Liniment tIshandie. NEIL FERGUSON. -Young Briggs-I asked your daugister a very important ques- tion last night, sir. and she referre-d_ me to you. 01,d Blunt-Want to marry her, ehl Well, you won't! If she'd really wanted you she wouldn't have bothered about me at ail. Low Colonlat Rate& le Pacilia Coast Via Chicago and North Western Railway.I On sale daily. March 1th tot April 15th in- clusive, tramn ail pointe in Canada ta Los, Angeles, Ban Franciaco, Portland, Salt Lake City, Senittic Victaria. Vancouver, Nelson. Rossland, and many other points. Througli taurist sleepers and f ree radlin. ing *chair cars frans Chicago. Variable route@. Liberal stop avers. For fult in- formation as ta rates. raute and litera- ture. write or cali on B. Il. Bennsett. Gen- eral Agent, 46 Yonge Street, Toronto. it i's easy t-o forgive your enemies -after getting square -with them. Idlnardsa Liniment Cures Coida, Etc. Hub-Whv are you - 50 elated '1 Wife--I picked np a horseshoe t'O- day. Hub-Huh : Old superstition nonsense ! Wifc-Don't jump at conclusions, dear. It waàs a dia-- mond horsesice, and I picked it up at a bargain counter. LVMS. çostdsiOcUin oi PARMI FOR SAL. H. W. DAWSON, Nlnety Coiborne StrÏ@I, Toronto. G it Tbree,, làÏ,arge B1oe ÂCBra. s EVERAL DESIRABM F ARAS IN - aniltoba, Alberta and Saskatcbewan tisat can 1be-bougb't. 'Worth the moneiy for qulck isale. RV OVER ONE KN DGOtOD dn =y 'UstIf y'ou ,want à -farm coneuWt H.W. DAWSoiï,1 Toronto. -feront, Foreigns Stamps. Catalogue. Album. oly Seven Cen2ts.,,MarkaBStmp e,'VRY.BODY ENJOT. E.I&D 9 LJ arbes ,and Lvls ntwsci 100 Population malte bltim oney. Be tir" to wrIte for book.- 'How- te Start s BU.l ,liard Roomn"--Cost, ]Easy Termes. etc. Catia- logues o! tables for ]Rome agd,,Club tree. If you have a table ask for our supipîr catalogue- Erunswick-EBalke-Cofender Corn- - vany, Toronto. PO STÇARDS FREEý-BOT8 &1AND GIRLS Owiefrpiirtlculare. Elgin, Novelty Co., Sparta. Ont Inemnlansd, external. cured writb. -~ ont rain by cur borne rsmetWi.- un before toc, late. Dr. Rllman Medical Co.. TMtel]. Colltniewood. O)nt. ALSTONES KID2ISIiYAND JLIÂDY. cared with thse new, German Rsmed:5é> .'Ranol.'" prIe$1.50. -Anotber new remédy- for Diabeteis*lfellitue. and ioure, cure., la "Sanot's Anti-Diabetes." Price $2ý0O trom drumgista or direct. Thse.Banal Mfanufae. turing Company etf Canada. Llilted. Winntpe. lUnon. t uffen.eris tram just a lxiiiie, protmuding or bleeding pli- eau bd cured by using nature's ewu te. medy-no 'MedIicne-no -,o- aip. Thio rensedy does fot profesa -te cEre interali piles, butis a. certain, cure for protruding plee. Dissovery -ras, ma de by sufferer of 20 rears' standing. 'sua la now quite well. Pull instructions- on- reeipt o!f1. WM. B OXLEY, 94 Beriseley St.. Torouta. U'Fand, fjor 'etn and paie.r ps.rpoes. TANKS AND, ISMOKE STACKS. 1, gents-for Stu.'to. rani Venrtlatiug and Haamttng Sytemi. MOSNION WORKS #OUIT- Engluas and, Shlpbuildrs (Lhen buyirig your PiTL OTTO HIGEL» I Pianto Actior\_ ÇOARPET DY. EINQý and Cleauang. -This IoL .sp.scîalty wth 5 BEritish American, Oyein« C S5eul particuters lsy paît and ne are sure to &saUsfï Gold Med.ili!st. Addrcsa Box 233. MontreWi Thse, Ame. Briggs-7Here's -a fellow riso writes about th.e acme of, selfishuca- without -having the shlgtest idea of what it really je '1- Griggs-Well, risat 'is it? -Briggs-Having your if e aCcoId- eair fiend,-.insist upon 1eaVingý both .windo*,s intle room open and then rolling herseif up in al the bed.-- clotÉh.ng 1 - --When You Get c -catch cold esly- anA dread, instead et- -,enjoyiùg,the keen wnter wcnthcer-txouyou necd, -Na-Dru-Co Taàsteless- - -CodLierQi -ThIS tea-Drtu-Co-Compaund etabodicâ -1he wall-known nutritive anA curative *lcmelitS cf. Cod Liver Oll-Hypophosphbes, -te buW4,uptise , ervez-Exmacî tfWid Che rry toacmt an tiselunge and bronchfal tubes- &:ni Extraci oe -Malt< -vicis, besides.contalniéig valuable nutrtment itseif iselpa.*ie weake3ed digestive. organe toe ssimilIate other foad.- The ldima" eluteof mvf, Cod Liver 01ia-n entireJl' absent, aisd the. oripoapd', -deci4edly --pleasat tota te. -Ila5Oc. and $1.00 botiez, at yout' Pruggls.- - are.yonte-vf-en hl$ - dOn't affect bis nansd Put, the money infeu ]Boniface; it would o wlay-of showing you "He put<into the b value fat more," sa- "HNe-Put into il his weian lieart*,à-nd t savýe him many ye-ars, wrtsandtanxietv." --When sumrrmer, cm rangedt-hat hey sho %way, and Eritiof work întia mcl an contentment, that lh LÙone hidden -a liappines ouldi ha -Eer marria'ge ha tremely happy: that than ever satield r--pect that seemed to.- cil. The secreýt which ont .at tise time of graci weighed uponh deal ; she armost _ris would guess it; ]SU seemisd ta have anyr -Pt amli, a.sd -Sigrido no oapartl e FrithiOf's sister, paft liad a, strong'feeling- to that nfatter opui Ceci? unfairly. - chanced- that the br ter - rre mione for' during -the intervals toncert, which- Cecil to-get up #t Whitech "ovdo yoii th'- off-F, said Sigx-id, 'as beiside her- in the litt? "Cap jtally -, Cecil ccôngratulatèd," le r gl1ad, she has lad, it mupt .haveýjtaken lie t-le,é'hidreîà2' - ý,Y&"- ésafid Sigrf th1t -des that is rer -Yet- she seeffis- "She isl neyer èidle;~ - Do yoiti hinkbo eatisfy a -woinan lika claimed -sigrid. ý«He lookêd at- ler by s omething unusua] " hle' said. te thnsevery -one 11s -bappiness, Land'cann exiet nithout thse equni and- baby, ta sayn hèuse and garden.e' -sorb," she protested. tise.world loi her, h e the true pýanacea -for a youhelieve tlat in lestQ rwe shahl actually be- at 'And Sigrid, lookin-g. bine eyde, and reme: -- brave struggles and. could -hot flnd it in le: angry rith.him anyn Certainly, for many, - knora- nhigke t - ~ of ta voyage, witb - - expectation, -its --sen se-< ~the Wedn esday _ nîght. -zUte, and very eariy-in- 1'as up -on tise net dçck eagerly Iooking- giimpse zcf -bis oIwn c S e4rt bounde.d nithin 1 came into sîgît, andý vzry fîiet te -leap off fart to impatient t<c -wegian sou once more -l' tin g for -tise mOre -bers cf tise -prty. lan 1 piess he--ssWalked - dam deep bréatîs - origair, 1until carn cr-onvold stooS '-aaîtin- f rooeIwii,' -ie eCo eh a terribW -blank.. Ceéil read lis face in d undérstýood juet- ling. - - <Came an4 jet lus - 9gage " she said t-o I ARCHIVES 0F ONTA

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