Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Mar 1913, p. 5

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TORONTO 1- THEWAU -~Su. Iué SpetailTwla Ring. Genuine Pearl and Em-. .,erald!or Pearli and Ruby., Fi *600' IWéddlng 'Rings I We have always a very Z arge assortment of Io, I14 ançl .î8k. Prices from - *2.50 to $O0 Jewelier aà#d Optician 0pposite PsOic -j A A A A E. a i A A A A il A A A A A A A A A A A ès * I I. a A A i i dozen or -se>0of the young lady- lla- dentstaote Hous of Refuge, where a very nice IXi cOocert was given, and mnuch, 'g*odlo." llefi bebiptifor ~the famates. -The report cones thai thlé, treat iv58 of s algix lassasud& greai>'appireiatel -Olive oit W. now unel ',for Maypur- possand largel>' as-as edicin.' W. cau supply you with, 'guar='We purmi olive oil ha botties or bulk. J.É. Wil- lis, druggist and optichan. TENDERS FOR TEAMING- FOR THE TOWN 0F-WHITBY.- Tenders will berecelveftiltAprIl 1, 1913, fo« team andti man for seven mcrntlbs from abohul April 10,1918,tmd- erer te supply the outhit nesec "n'fer general towb work.. State pric>, per day or for whole imoe. JOSIEPH WHITE, TownClark. "eTHE CRICKET ON THES The above play by. tbe Dickens' Fe!- lowship. - Ce. o! players, o! Toronto, ln aid O! the ibld Girls' ,Free Public Library Pund lato be give nn the muslc bail,' iwo weeks later ibm an- neunceti, ànd wyl be FrIday,...April 11th pYuler pariculare lter. - -4- THE TABERNACLE. Sunda>', Match 23rd. The m<>rnng service sultebie for Easter.. Subjeèt-<"dThe Three Great Chanes iu- the Lié, te it.. Suitable music b>' the choir. Evening service ai 7 o'clock. Su>- Wet-"'Selflshnes sud Self DenWs.'9- Sunaday School ai 8 p.m. -. - -' ' EASTER HOLIDAY RLATES. SPECIAL TRAIN FROM WIB JOT., MARCH, 22. SLVE~1Twill operate a special train -for Belle-1 ville, ieaviut Witby Jet., 2.45 p.m., ________________________March 22nd, stopplng at Oshawa Jet.r - -Darlington, Bowmauville, Newcastle, z -NV.C. .Li Newtonville, 'Port Hope Jet., Co- i bourg, Gralton, Col-borne, Brlghtoli. A DOUBLE CRIME. -and Trenton, arriv ing at Believie ---t. Wm, Ochs, o! Deabon, Wayne "iht ilb sut tSNL Couuty, who had been driaking ba-FA RE for round trip botween al sta- ily, killed bis wi!e iu their borne an-d tions in Canada euat o! Port Ârtàur,q Ila' the preseuce of hise twO Younig algo :ho Detroit sud Port Huron,1 step-daughters Wednesday uight Of- Midi Buffalo, lc RcSse last week, then, blew his own head off Mo big B-ndNacgarocFl, Sspn- The crime was due to Vhè fuelcthat Good golng liarcb 20, 21, 22, 23 .the man was crazeti with drink. a-ad 24; vaii&d for rehura- on or before Ochs returned home Wcdnesday night Wcdnesday, Match 26-, 1913. .drunk, anid commnnded his wile hot FuIL. parthculats anti tickets from te move from e e hair or «sa> a word Grand Truak Agents. Sie was thon getting thie littiec girls, E. Stephenson, tewn ticket agent. Florence,. ageti twelve, and, Ella, , ton, ready fer bed, anA tic>' were about .ATS HRH tc su>' their prayers. She continued »PTS CUCH .witb thbel preparation, and her hue- Easter Sunda>', Match 23. bÈnd, deliberiftely aimed a gun and Tiere wiii be Easter. service. with fiTed, killing ber instanti>'. As tie sPeciaI muelic. chidron buddtloti lu terrQr in the Mornlng - service -Antheni, "The da-rkneiýs noar thie body ofo! ieir molli- Lord'-is Risenl-Cboit. et; thi etaved mnan fired anather sbt So- Te esrcho Mc" puttlng 'lan -end te bis own life. Miss Laura Evans. ____________________ Solo-f"1 Sometime We'Ill Under- - - - -- - stand," Mrs. Mlean. - - Subjeet ef address-"The Resurrec- to Body." - LocaliapDengnsj rWe have 'vacuum cleaners ho rouI, dÈeivereti -ho your bouse. G.M. Rice. Misa Dell Brown, wio bus been in lAsenb> o h - Photo .Enkgraving Co., for some time, louves next week te taIe a positgon lu Winnipeg. Tic Oshawa Sieltýr at present le curing '!c1 -sevcral sMboys, who 'raibge fro'" the ugeof o! hwenrste -'eight yegre. Anyone considerng ad- 'option aPiply te> Misa A. Hendetsoa, Supt. Oshawa Sheiher. Visyitiug days ifirst ant i second Tuostia>. F0OR-SALE. On Sautday,, Match 29, Mr. E. -~1ter will sdi bhis h lld furni- tu~b>' suctien. Watci for -bTIre. Fof lieý beet value in paiuts, var- ulsi stalus andi hardware go, te G.M. Rices. EASTEII MUSIC. Atthie Bapti-st huîrch next Suuday eveing the choir wiil give s prograzu ofc Enster Anthems, ,dets, solos, etc. -Tic Puslor's hopie will ho appropriahe ho tic occasion. - - Pure blood isle;esenhial to hoealti- Nynloà Blooti purifier makes pure blooti. J.E. Wllils druggist and op- 'tclan. * - COMING. F. Eji Luke, Opt. Dr., 1e Yonge St., Toronto's reliabiee ycigit spec- tallut, van be cousuited atah Allin's D rug, Store, Wiihhy, Tueda>', April 10,, -If ycu .'wanh rellabie advice anti sstwsactibu Colsult hlm. Prives EVENING SERVICE. 'Anthem- "Christ ho Riscs," Choit. Dutt-"Hu eDiti -Not Die ln Vainey Miss L. - Evans sud lMt. W. C. Rutila -Cornet sooio-"lCalvgry,'" Mr. E.W. Evaus. JAptbem-"O0, Dawn So Fir," b>' choir. Qürete-"Jesus- the Cruclfied," Ladies' Quartette. Subject o! atidresa-Daviti Living- Stonie. A cordial. Invitation is exteuded to ail te corne anti worship witlx us. TO OWNERS OR HARBORERS 0F -DOGS. Taike n otice thbathebtaga are aow rend>' andi must -be procureti befere the- first o! April, or collection will bo placed InluChie! Ccnstablc'u banda. -~ JOSEPH WHITE, Town Clerk. FINE SHIPMENT 0F CATTLE. Messrs. Colwill & Hardy siipped oue o!thie funsaI cura cf cattle thal tever loft Ibis station, for'-thel.r Eass- or trade, in'Quebec. 9 were putChaBed from Messre. Guthrie, cf thi. 4tb cou:1 4 f tom Mark Crawforth, î rom Mati Crawfortli, of -the Baseline, asud 3 babybeef !rom Meàsrs. Jeffrsy cfettilt, hownllûe.. The>' '<vOe atmirot b>' ael, sud s credit te lie feeders andi pur- cissera. WOMAN'S AUXILIARY.ý Tic: annual. mting cf -AIl'Sai*tEs bruýnci cf'Vhs, WomaW) AuziliBait>'c missions . wai belti ou' jno" Matc-h, 1211, lu V 'he Sundu>' Schod< The -rqpetls f -theoàofMIsar .od tin. great. tisai e!f work bad, be. accm plished hteugh lb. yesr. bale« was seul te BeY. lMr. BiuU, d Nipigon, fer help lu .bis work aMON th n4mnr 11 MW @Iouwiej Oum0 ]BLok t. htty 'ver., elocted for the preseni yen!:, Tremsrer-;Mre.Cmxr Recording-Sec.-ýMr9. Johnstèu. Corr espondhng-Se.-Mis s Straiton. Leaflt Secretary-Mrs.. Noble. *Delegates - b Diocesan Annual - Mrs. Fletcher, lits. 'Conier,'.lira. Lawler. Reèctor". Comrnttee-Mrs. J. Waier- hous, lis. -Henstoèk. ST. PATRICK'S SOCIAL. The Ladies' Aid of the Baptisi cburch held a social evening in cele- bration of St. Patrick's day on Fr1- day last. Te e cool roore was much crowded and tbe prograrn rendered »MA pue qua.fa R.ÃŽUSU~O 9tlaqqput tlrat-class. As an exercise for "1gra>' niaiicr" a contest was held, In whlch aides were cbosen to contest for a prize given for the rece correct sus- wers to 15 writrten questions, eaeh answer te contahu, the word "igreen"' in sone form or combination. lira. J.W. Baleman and C.A. GoQdfellow were ebosen leaders of the aides, andi the jutigesa awarded >the prize tô the aide captained by the gentleman. IThe programn which followed InclutI- short speeches, etc., Thon refresb- ed Iri 'sb solos, duets, trios, readings, mente were passed about. Ail semr- e t o euîoy themaelves and v>ted the St. Patrhck's social -a suceffs.. THE SICK. There are qui te a tew sick persona lit Wbi tby u t the preseml Utie. - Judge G. V. Smité is equite 111, also Mrs. Smith, wbo bas beèn an in- valid for years. Dr. W.O. Eastwood. wbo bas been remarkably active andi alert for bis advanced years, is in a very low con- dition, baving- been ill 1cr- some weeka. Miss Verna llodge, who bas -been untier the 'physidian's care for smre ie, le not lmproving. Mrs. J. T. Mathison 15 sornewbat better ai ter ber long selge wltb la grippe, but is recoveriflg slowly. There are màny others who are ili witli divers diseases, the chie! of which is cold or la grippe, and the doctors are kept busy. Catarrh Cannot be Cureti WlthLOCA. APPLICATIONS, as they cannae reach tlhe scat of the disease. Catarrh lsaa Wlood or constitutioual disease. aud lu order ta cure1tv,ou muet take internai rernedies. Hall.s Catarrh Cure Io faken Iuternally. aud acte dir. ectlyon tbe blooad dmucaus suifaccul. Hall,- Catarrh Cure in ual a quack mediclue. It was preucribed by orne cf the lieç physicians la this country foi yeats and in à regular prescription. It la compo.ed cf the best týiuicî Inowu, cen-1 bined,,Witl the t'est blood purifiers,- açting dir. ectlY onthe mucous suifaces' The perfect cer- binalionofitheivro ingredlents la what pro. ducea sucli wonderful resait. lu curiug Catarrli. Bend for teutimnoniale free. F. J. CHENRT & Co., Prapa.. Toledo, 0 REALL ESTATE DEALS. lits. Castie Smith bas sold ber bouse aud lot, cornet of Sb. John snd Athol etteehe, ho MiseslicCaun, wbo ois the property to the souhh o! 1h. 1h la understooti the purchase price was 81.800. Two years ugo Mmt. Smiib purchased this propert>' for $900. Silice tien she bas cou- itietably lmproved it. The location en the easteru bill commande a splen- did vlew.- lit. Frank Jones bas sold hie roui- tienceonouBrock atteet sôutih o -lit. French, of the Hospital for the In- sane, for tie sum o!, $3,000. Lo£ss tban a year ago Mr. Jones purebaseti Vils ptoperty for 82,000. He aiddeti a stable, a verundai, a cernent walk lu from th1e etteet anti ctberwise im- proveti 1h. lit. Oso. Whttelaw bas purcbaseti frore Dr. Adamsthe cottage oui cor- ner cf B3een anti Gil-bet streeha ce- cupied àa preent b>' lit- C. Hodge. Il lusraidi the purehase priceswas $1800. lit. J. IF. James is mnking prepar- -44 J. U.#IA -- L:. 1--, -l nýr Éfà -lleq.m5gt I=i .... . ... .7 Plumbingo etc......... .. 800 'Withbot, air heathng tusteqitio! _Bteawýi fVsp4pe wouldibeo ,615. The reportw", net irecfed ib>' ihe Board, but was bu -vlth the-cern- mittee. 7 Included in the aliove estimate 18 a brick addition to the building -b -,re. plce the woodeuenclçoguie of lb siairway andi outrance,a-ow at the eass aide- o!fthe- building-. The School- 1IPrincipals presenled their monthl' reports. A notice wa recelveti anutounclug 111e meeting cf thée Oniarlo Educa' thenni Association on March -25, 26, sud 27. - The Finaiioe. Committee put through a report reCOMMendlng the payment cf varfous accoutis. The Properiy Conmttee was auth- orhzed ho bave -ibe necessary udd!- ioual- water closets installed at boVh Model and 111gb Sehoola, also te pro- vide a new -alate baclrboard for.- the Primary Departmeut 'of the Model School. PICTURES 0F' HOfCEY TEAM. Maréh -14, 1918, Jane Bell, beob!e wfefé Wm Morrow, aged 70 years.. SaleRegister. Thuruday, Marck, 27-A10c"osale cf ,bouséoldfurmiture an àd ihor - g",-oe, l. roperti cf W..HolUdAy Brooldjisale 5g ýone 'clock. Wm.L SALE REGISTER. Tuesday,'. Martch 25.-Aucilon sale of farm stock, implements and furnil- ture, the property o!f1Mr. Frank% Bradley, 'Kingston Road, osai. Sale ai one o'clock.. Wm. Maw, auctlon- MîscelIaneouq Adlverts.- FOR SALE. 147 acres, Bmase n, Plkerlug. If moi sold by April lat,, wIll reat on saam. P. VAIL. *WANTD.j Mrt. Geo. I. Wilson, hie pbpograpb- .-Appreti~ce w5R110« to earn teW-V er, han gothen up n ver>' nrttfi limer', AMpY tOthel.Misss Scot.' group Photo Oet he Whitby Hocey BOY WANTED. teanm. The grou n celtes lth oe n Sumrt boy for errandsas&- gener-, playeri, also D. Mathiacu, mamager, ail>'useful. Appi>'- ati Gzette-Chbr0m- W.*G. Wallons, Presideni;-,A.W, Jsck. ideoglcq. non. Sec.-Treas; AI. EnVier, iraier; 'FARM TO RENT. andi M. Burgoype, - coseb-12 lu ail. 100 acres, near Raglam., lot 10, cou. The photos are IndMvduai ovals, ut- 9-LEut Whitby. Weil watered, good ranted atout eromsed hockey aileka<of buildingst. Appt>' te Aloi. Ormiatoli, rlbbon of ths WMfthy colore, on aRgln-9 molil baclrground, le mr-22 luches. li- dcr earb phonto Ple iatnae, andi orcesPASTURE. or posItion on te'b yana Under, neath all tbe naine In scrfl-<Whtby ouI b>' hs nitinbers of 1the groupu 11te" have won. Thme frame liq of a celr le harmonize witih hhe enelosure, andthelb wbole ferme as heautiful andV unique a grnup plcinre as we bave -ever mse an'ewhere. -Sn, excellent IR Ilthat snob ont- representeiln the group ah once ELLIOTT-CLAYTON. ,A ver>' prehi>' wedding teclk place ah the home of lMt. T.H. Cîsylon, on Wedneada>', Mardi 12%11 1913, wben lIts dauglher, Laurel Estellai Grade, wae - marriedti te.lit.to1 Buchanan Elliott, Of Edmonton. Promptl>' at 4.30 tote isstraintS o? Mendebseobn's weddhag match, playeti b>' lus .Jeffre>'. o! Bowmanvlloe, Vhs bride entered th1e drawing roem 0on tie atm o! her father, lookhng charm-! ing iu a travelling suit o! chamnpagne whip cord witb emallbal o! kinig bIne flowers, anti carrieti a salofo roses, lily o!the vaile>' andi maiilen liait fern, and wore the grcompu gifte a Pearl andi amythest neeklace. Afierl the ceremony, a ver>' etmptuons wed._ ding supper wus setved luntse duing -rooni, which wua prettil>' devoraleti, wlh roses and carnations. The hep- py couple -left b>' the eveuhmg train amiti abowera o! confetti anti-beut wisbes fer their fu ture homoelanSE- menton, v4a Montrent anti Chicago. MYRTLE. Messies are raging u ile '<deviini>'. Miss L. lieDoualti, o! Broeklln, vis- ited withb lis. J. Quinn, -on Sun- day. An Aduit Bible Clasa bas been or- ganized inluthe Meliodist Sunda>' scicel whhch wili meet evet>' Sunday' ut hall paet two. Ail1 tcs who are inheresteti in Bible stuti> are cor- dm11>' invitoti te attend. 1 Miss Lane bas rèturnedtia er visil- ing fionde lu Columbus.' lit. Geo. Blight bas mnoveti into li. F. Brigg's bouse. BIRTHS. JONES-In iBrooklun, On FrIda>', Match 14, 1913, te 1Mr. aMti lis. Uriabi Joues, a daugbler. 'OT-A? . Ticv A 4 U1i.I4 na1 mfn suitons to aulie on tus lot., crn iUC' LA Ljtr-AJ1 r# nTy enWn bByron aud Walton streets. Ile i pro- day, Match 12, 1913, telt. andi -N -pareil te builti a bouse bere ha suiitlits. John Clarke, s daugher. yot 1 alb>' putchaser. .DEAT.HS. >1 b ZASTÉR VIACORMACK-In Toronùý on Tuescla>', tLOW RATES FOR ESË .VA Match x$,, Go. Cortnack'lu his 53rd ýW 8, GRAND TRUNK RAILW.-AY 11- ar a 0 SYSTEM. y-5 1FABE swlll be issueti at SINGLE REAL ýES-TATE. - PAEfor round trip betweeual Vt5. Ifyau bave a fatsi or othor praperty frsl thons ln Canada east 'Ã"tf Port Arthiur, lu or sar the s*socf Wbftby or emluawa, yon -aise te o ri u Port -Huron, Ïi t wlt ne. Madérate cinsiain charued on lch;Buffabo, Niagata 1F2Lba,ý 1BlackCk MrP]ettoof sale.,t IWUlfl i luWliltby neerai daaeaehweekàftr theftai ar. s; t 0lt4 Sp>> dSuspensIon Bridge, Nq. Y.-ile. Addrs, jo G-ced goiug Match 20, 21, 22, Q3 sud G. W.-STEVENSONacOPIilitrat.,Tboto.i.., , 24, valiti retur-nlng up leand Inctud--______ . kng Wednosdy, Match 26,"191$-, fd Fuil particulars anýdtiteces romU * Ta ul 4 fah n grand Trunk Agents, sud eclahR. u awýU U V IIU A, E. Stephenson, iowna en ýidfr x-- Mif proe,tilolcelandt eegtaîpb office, 0>- ndspayMamhji 7tS anc-t g -oft Standard Baak,W Uba>,- Ont. HbISISP W L 'Tehpbo]POWE.LL 'A lmited neniber of cshtle wifl ho, teken for Pasture at' lot 320 con. 6, Whitby - Township. Fins ,running ahresm o! ,wsher, pleut>' cf - shade, aud lots o! grass. J.W. Stevenson, proprietor, Brooklin. Home phone FOR SALE. On Sahurds>', Match 29, Mr. E. Harper witBelbis ouseholti furni-ý hure b>' mucion. Wath for bibIs. FOR SALE. 5 or 10 acre market gardea lots oa Broclr stroet aorth la the lewn et Whltliy. Apply le lMr. W.A. Brough- 'ARM TO RENT. 100 acres lot No. 11, Broken Front, Pickering. Fall ploughlug'doue. Pos- seasion April lat. Appi>' te Albert Richardison, Why-37. ..WANTED. Two. good watreaes andi bousemaiti. Relerences requireti. pI>' Outarlo Ladies' Collego. Ap- FÂRMS FOR SALE. Halduiati Townsbip, lot 9, con. 5 100 acre.. Gooti trame dwelling sud barn.- About- 7 acre. o! otchard. - Wbftby Townshfp, part of lots 29 sud 30, concession 8, 150 ad;res.,Good water suppl>' anti geod bildings. For further particulata appt>' te The Toroato General. Trusts Corpor- allen, 83 Bs>' street, Toronto. I- HOUSE FOR SALE. Frame homse, six rooes ami bath room, bet air furnace, beltsad cotti water, bouse bas boom mewly roe- vatet; acre of landi, about 80 fruit trèes.; large barn. Apply Mur. 0aftle Smith, John anti Athot slret.-t.' -I - - - - - -0 Clearing sale -OF- 4 haeves and, Mifts2 In order to dispose of our 4 stock of Gloves and Mîtts, we have decideti t6 offer tbem at greatly teduced prices wbile tbey 4 last.4 'ww s the time te order ut sprimg foot-veut. tthopedic ripples and aitaaction ùtby's OuI: Brock E Appliances. cI Deforniet guaraud. ~tW.South ter - ats. To MnitbaSas] ".w Riusd p Rts.cl ry, MmihteOctober=8;16lv Wfýnafpe sndReturu - 83.be Edmoteasud etoo -43.00. ,on ut ewuruos. Comiortale bertba, fully oupEaull edig e ieucrde For ud SIO i Rone SoekeWTrains Iave Torou*lo 10.20 van. dur pr4Sepiember and October, and- at 2'fp. FulpafticularsfromanyrC.P.PL-et1 rvteB . Disrt ePassngerAgent ,Tomoto- E. R. -BLeDW, lAgent W !Giroceries-, andl Now that. the holiday seasonhas passeti and wo- have consunxed al the tu. geese, we look for ward hopefûli>' for.a pleasant- and- prosperous New Ymr Th&t- mon and woven ma>' be prepared te perform the duties and-rasthskmidi h te the lot of al,; they require healthful, appetizing, stiniulating. foode la gr«# variety. When the digestion is perfect there is a cheerfu-lness'ant-i> beny' . spirit tbat lightens lbllr and màakes for good comnradeship. lu iresh meats we bave sirbon steak for breakcfast c heice roasw e e otf fe di nner imad elegant sausage relis for supper. Next day vo e -rve -choit. yagt rosat porr, tben veal, lamb, sare ribs, týenderloin, etc.,pas tase nia>' diMU4t., ln cereais we' have the finest of fresb gooech at close prices' and in a"Indet vnriety te recet the wants of ail. -- -To enabbo us te suppi>' eut customers with fleur'and feed at 10w prie. *vM huire bouglia by the car load. Farmers can get bran and sheriab>' the - 9M aI grenU>' reduced puices, We are selling a bigh grade patent pure Mashoba Ilour for 4;2.6o per cwi. - Wu B. PRINGE& a0 WHITIBY Studeba ker- ONTA~RIO Auto-inbile MODEL 35 FROST & WOOD AND CO CESEUTTý FARMING MACIIINEIRY.. .Oar Second Hand Cutting Boi in Firtf Class Repaire One Second Hand Wagon. B Three Second Hiand Bugiies. Page W-tre Fence.- Plymouth Binder -Twine. Large Stock of Extension Ladclers oh:hand. Disney & Puckrin., m Whttby,ý Ont. Independent and Bell Phonos A fuiltluneof ait kinds'!of footwear for Men, -Women- and -Children always oùn hand. A cati ý soiicited., A pleasure to s'how Prices the lowest.. e e e- goc P PEEL!- Stock h.,i [Oc st-raight. ...25 ....25 i-..23 ...18 ....25 .25! ......0 25ý e.b.... 2.10, 25, ançi -30 Dli of our . .p11 ficks, veiything àeiee stock WlIITBYv d0lý 1 1 1 llqwlwl . 1

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