Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Mar 1913, p. 1

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TAR ireliable and effie- foi' ait Colîgils, -Culs, etc. CENT&- Peort Peçi'y to WhiitY i 1841-in a saine yeat ils hslped.to-Draise -(îe, .third log hous la port Perry -(or Bocrelia) t)hif lauPterer~. PER -BOTTLE. re t2a bcib w1oebohtas~~B0 ______________ Lindsay and vice versa.. i ociation' r banquet in 1908. -Hé, nterestlng and prlaciloLa' bil ~Aferàsiia~isfather t0 clear a àd ,th ei o f' 1 QI rganizaton; Bev. R. -BaM ti,*OtPry" - I W 1I p a tarin o twenty-ftve acres,, Mr. Wiuoui ignord eei andý differeaces, spoke on &&EVangsïl BùIW- Es ILLIS otWfl 0OhWS(ii but unite& mea lu oe'ebody for the League2t' ru ls d piin Shay' s Corneuýr) ho learu he trade ot wsI$.jA*Ing 'o! the whole. Tills ati RS Me 1Reporte were reoeivd4 iom.mny o a cab1astnd Ptl-lam-ker wtlite fir M- of FUI- ie frtheEmp i at il th' otheheLeges in the dlwtricti, wilch M ED ICAL HALL , loy & Song;. * e completed -his a- ~ -u,> o units migirt --bb silowè good work beig -'e Bra t. a-Wbltby. ptetiéelip inu 1846, an'd on, March i leded into j strong and virile na- e&.ji 10,187,herndlse alot from hi lon lihrough that liove o! liberty'and Tb. ie"t Item >0à the -ai*ruoou pro-. __________________ 1;_lte Rub Crandall nBorella, no eeêom hleh cacil desired for Mmlgrm asa*coalerec*Abereè is ____________ - ortP~rÏ, ad built > a workshoP, self, andIwas.;wi ling Vo grant t to i- -onas re- 901 ad ie~s~4 Px'rofèisiýona). Cardi te-eù He. contlnued b' tiltSeý .Dr. H-ughsrltd ubes Th VoUno thl eDg~et ___________neas ofcainuet rnaklug for s i Incdenta o a personal naturel wliib ing was larger taian '8,ilea!hsrllooe. LE.AL whéu iil ealtil- cmpelled hlh-in-o re-ad a local tiage--Dr. Hughes beiflg a ,Rev. W. -Sparling -lolu k- c tire. -D~a product, of Irish pareutage. eating way, iesoyo aiej - JNO E. AREWLL, .C. e being -bora tilree maontis al ter bis -China a ot coutries-ainsre BamstrCont CownAtoreyaa - parenbts landed iu Canada. Dr. -Hugli caused- by -drught. ýln West China Bu' rste1ýCouny Cro Atorneyand se is a Past Graùd Magtei o!1Vthe Or- faminles are causê4 -by -fiood-bY 'Vie ( County Solicitor. -aneOrder,- and-lie worked in several yelow River- overflowing IeË ban1 tex Dific soutl wig Cout Hose, Witbyhumorous touches wtth this tact--as lu Te river fiows' tirough ee cn-t A.E.CRITAN' backgrounld, Rev. Father C*ne beiag trylInthe tWO oUat provincsg,L and AO JE. CHRISTIAN at his elbo w,' and- haviig proposed carrnes with lb eusit and mud -wiloilu Barrsie. Sticior Noir¶ ublc, te ie toast to which he was speaking. settles tethie bOttOin e! the river, h Office, Brock St., Opp Standard B-ýtnk- Dr. Hughets made an cloquent PIea' 1ýr centuries tts bas. been going Ou, fer-ftee a-nd unfettered manhood and and ctnsequetly the bed of Vile river - MoneytoLoa. ecmn n ilpadt ___________ nationlhooé, - ilartlly wcloiigti kept rising higheran girndt JAMES RUYLED<GE, Bâtrrieters Etc. measure of home rule that Irelauid 1eep 1 witth itsli course the people Money t Loan n easyterme.was ilkely te enjoy ere long. Hie did hàvebanked it up on cieft sI wt ofiéimmediately south RoyabR4otel,' not.deem the blli perfect, but it thada.T-dyVe river fin's tOugh C Ofic WityOn. an uplif-t tewards the light, and as l he country ab au elevation, above tile w ________________________sueil: eweleomed it. surrounding country e01aboWttwenhty <i. VOSJNE SMITH, L..B. - - - Rev. M.,E esitleopiil r-feet.1h la amont cu.rions spectacle. 14 6, tc. G MTH, to La. lsuposed thé toast te "Canada" lu a -'Vhe resuit le tha4 wbenthe ialeais of c4 Barrister, Et.snyt on bùtlhort but stirrinlg address. ýthe river or lake-break bY!'eaaeoù,of YQ OfflcerSiti geB1 kL~i thy On:. Brigadier A. G. Henderson repIipd- water pressure, the wilole -of aibe sur- ei offic ýSmtWs lock %Nhiby,1nt.ie had expected hto sec thle gallerY reundlng country le fiooded faa dept i OET& -funl of ladies, as on former ocasonls, of several feet. - o1use are betît on ax DENTAL bad prepared bis a4Idre5Sa w't elevatioma in order te keep t-Mmm dry VUin view. Thle absence o!fVile fe irntnes eoftood. .ADMDntsOffice,- Duadas Mn. a , 5asia - baok se 1866-,1was àeïtbrew tbe speaker upon Vbenece- Two. years ugo a terrible famine oc- lu BtSResidenesNo. .4,thie Terrace, cleteo!txefo hl ensi !slty of adepting a difirent treîlmit Currrd, owlng te ýa fioê d MI r.-1 BonSt., Whitby. Phone No. 12. ecl u u ya a nui for, of hie- theune. A. G. je versatile, Sparlisg bld of ile -WOrk 0f relie! BI - - - cni, theglone nle ered- hlm a howevsr, and adapted iisel! ho Vie in wilich ils toek a part. -it inaes- ' agaa.biacrsa .r-iîo take. ibu -job cilZ-ed o4ditions. A-tmhd blt bu esn Â~~1~IONEERS nincli - Oiv lho~ie àrcCCobude~ perîslîed, and tilat Ver-1foea - JAS. BISHOP- Mr. NoVh bas bssu a very active, lllivray and Col. « Grierseli, Who tions saved as many more lives. mhwa Loeue Actoner -Sue.- ifl, heilig public spirited and large wïre te speak to Vihe toast "Cana- Itii l hoped tilat further famines mot ho Lirands. Ftor ereadhrttaiga enluerest inail din Militia," Major Dilloli, wh< WO.S from the ame cause wlll ilsprvet- cort L airbante sel! or t Ro and , Wlii t-matters, aklis was ppinelda Mrpoei, a ersuaded Vo e- cd by Vile construction o! a canal dates Robb, Wh~~~IUE4dtle o! hesPene lasl8p4 by ilea sppo se and MaorltPege very whicil illapl osl rGteson, adMjrRt'carry off any overfiow. _______________Justic_-Lae S'rolivee at, holding Vils o ingly came ho the resdue ad in- Tile peple o! China are aise awaken- WM.MAWïipoiiîtlneflh for over tilirty years, tnoduced the toast in a lew eyna ing te thetr- re sponsibhlihy lun Vileç WU. MAWwlti cru-dit ho ilimsel! - and tile ceun- remarils. Major DiUlon addressed his matten of relieving the distreess .Of!i LICENSEDf AUCTIONEER -try. When the Rosa governmeut w-ent iattention fatiler te t-be Canadion tljier fellows. Hence, it-may ils blinc AND VALUATOR. out, Mr. Nott weah out wiVhi I, or Navy than t-e tie CanadiaiCMilitia, no future appeals will bemade forf Ail kinde of aes proniptly attend0d.ahr-t,-timu> other Liberal of- and gave the gatileriflg Vhe benefit. 0! famine sufferers la West China. ho.Arrangements cau be -mad for fieillen.ls views upon Vile politica1 qies- Rev. E. Tinir delivered an intereet- 1 s aies at the Gazette office. Mn. Nott hue always: betin ad t htenconry.' dlshut'Neis."Pearilamelit ami . - Ternis keasonoble supporter o! the Liberal PauZtY, ai ng0drs«nSilssbtero!"MnS h hhulsmo il aviag Tile toast h 'Stte ocieties, Vile chunci, Vile S'Inday Scilool and - WHITBY.-ONT. cast bis firat vote fonrVile Hon. Wn. wiltci was the laet, was proposed by Vl egst eswh ili fsl M 1duial. Sus -ia beias sup- ex-Mayor Downey, ho whicb Dr. Me- . fris"wsacmlsld CONT ACTOS poried veryLiberal candidate for Gilvray rePlied o liafo ieS.GalIey TEN Gazette. - ~~~ ~~~ ~botil Provincial and Dominion bou- Andrews'sSocltY, idMx J ~Rr .L aeelsoeo h J. ~~7 Er.L.JÀFl4II ors down te Vile pressa-h menthes lu Bateman as represenhig Vile S.O.E. Militant side o! League wotk, -RW L the Ontario Leglslatui'5, Mn. W.E.N.- Mr-. A. A. Atkinson and Mn. W.C. The tollowtng offloers will guidethe Carentr, uiler adCentractot. Sinclair. Mn. Nott le se brihit and Ruthait sacil sang a ver>'slal district work duriag île corlIUg Year. Plans'drawn and estimnates furnished.alert tilat ilsme>'y-et be spared te Irishi selection, and were constra 1-d1Hn.-Presldes- vRe. M. E.-5Sm- Repairs, Aliteniticns and Jctbbitig.- casthbis vote lu parliamneitarY cisc- te respond te Vile vocifeniouis encores ih Opoit tphfsilS- tions. tendsred tie. Mr. Robin Nicholson preMt-Rev. E. W. Tink.' e)ppsit Stphendn*s ated s teiraèçoPanst.I t Vice-pres.-MisRow. BOX 467 WtIITLIY Phono 149 Mr. Ne*t was present ah Vile laYlug ae slei r cmhet. rb Cout ous n 5.e wte Conemsiaurntbeeenn2nd Vice-Pnes.-Mrs. F.L. Green. of te crne st duingthe venng-Sec.-Treas.-R.D. Woon, Oneenbanil. Marriage, Lienses. o! -the first subscribers ho the Wilit- Juet a ingl ieNtÙ5 n A. H 4~LICby.- CIronicle, and rend 1h for iunu>'tilein brougit a ver>' successful ce1c- - - ssur o Maniae L ~ese5 yeaS, ilhe 1 wa unet ileman-- bration te a close. ~<owui~ese -Corner drugstore. Whtthv - agement o!fbile laIs W. H. Hlggins. --Oiu-y ,N iujssrequlred. le says leý ha been a tender o!fPThe P Globe torn wer 'bal! a century. --Hle Ànain --hue . pleasaut recellections of doing AGRTYL PXON SPRUNG -TERM« bueiiese wihh many citizens o! Whilt- ou Weduesday sveniflg o! la$t week MAGAE YLEPXTN Math 2til!olowng astr, b>', push and present,. whose namnes ils about fit>' oflthe old friends and A young andi briglit lite wae tem- from lrh2t olwn at, mentions wtil kindly féeelings8neigibots of Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Row- nated on Saturda>' moralug lail hn ailrerges into our SomerTr a Mr. NoVh ilas an excellent menuet> for son, wlo have recenti>' mov, ino bccyo! th awe Mrae ail dprm flt5of SI-i-A WS one O! hie age, and is a fres and i-WliVyfrmna Auî>, et h Yule Paxton, o! Wiitby, died tu tie sC--IOLS" 'lroto -Cen t rai Vrsin oversahionalsh, and re- Vlir-om ere ho give some express- ilospihal, wl*ther sile iad heem taken Business Coliege with Four- CitY lateo in¶eresting incidents iun the leino ierrepc n odwill. Irom ilr iohel. ~< Brancilh oos hl eta o! he cunr>' during hi long reÃŽ-Tie!loig address wus- reud, Mrs. Paxton had for several yearO e.legraph and Railroad School, dheoý0igbe flcedwt nafcino h en hw' ii ridSciol eilere. hars presented as a remeflibraud5 enafitdwilnafeio V 'rC1nSatalogueielaîscuss M, .jeVt represerts la Port Perry and a joli>' eveniag speat, duriug heurt wilici pilysiClalis assured li and advcatagu5 e linvitecous hilte Wiiby Grante Wrks, and baswlici retresilrficts were served. migbht ah aay moment reuit la 10ate writorit. W. . inautie Vleput hre ers sent l oirndMs.-m.RwsI. deabil. For wceks ad menthe et à Presiden, Had offices, Yonge & oe 10 abstee Dear Fiends,- hm iswudretaircprt GrerradSs, To no. Tlut ils m-.u>' have a ver>' pleasant i ralat iontha youha.ve l-oni>' ho pituge inte active wOrk agail 1St. Patuick's Baiquet. moçt mempley lieue, c IeonuOUA suddo howtheaget'@commission, 'Pie sixtil cslebran the Vsanti- lO et «ýt., wlxe pu will certain1>' vers ary o! St. Patrick's birVu was ngfroue us. observcd b>' South Onie irishins maab~putfluimnb>' a batiquet held iunVile Musîc Hall, A (ai .Scftted.Wiibb>. About one iundred persons ~ fl~s ah dewu V o tic Mres well-apread !I~iIIII iI'IflW~ U. tables, catered ho b>' Mns. R. ýCol- -Office and W orirs AhtVile guets table with tic Presi- -dent o!fVile Association sut Dr. Jas. 1opposite Standard B3ank,Whby . L. -1bugies, Col. A. G. Hendersoxi, Rer. -Fatilet Cime, Rev. M.E. Sz W ie for Vs, Col. Farewell, Major Dillon,- Reý. Dr. aid e ii !lr ForIon Here, major Jas. Rutledgen, J. M. an- elil' H O YU iowdeui, -Js H. Downe>', J . Moiu- Hocco w n ies, eet trtfi Gueste were preseut freinal-ti e-turaadsupplies is surrounding towns, villages aMi éu motoemd transfeneS t>'. If 705 wnnt us call us ut eut inT welceming thic gueshe, VsijFmeWI exCPC ~ -dent made brie! reference bo the (»-i Ç~I.çtIo nsallation C, td .ganiatioti six years ege e! -the Asmo- sinn.St. 8. Obma-PhoeeMa.> c4eblen upon e bread buts, knowlmg, ne cteed or religion, but embraoing I! YUW AIN AAA al Men Of!7Itne b uit -'or IUlm de- midst. A tumil>' canuet -lire in Oae communit>' lot a third o! a entur>'- ut leash sucil a fuml>'as you bave proved >'ourselres ho be-wi-ilouthwin-, u-ig thil sincere estéeoi and affection o! tile neigibord. Tilat yeu posses toe ieuil our respect and love we are ilote t*o-nigiht Vo assure yen. We shall miss yen greatl>' Item your accustemed place, for yen ýhave p .ror- en te hbe gond neighbors autd loyal, triende u il e Vrue ceuse. 1Our regret ah your remorýfi l as- suuged somewilab by ie-thougilt that yqu are te reside near b>'a-ad witlt hope tiut we mu>'. occasienall>' -Fié yeu in tewn, and thnt you -wilI Ire- qeuùti>'coins teleold uelguborilood t0. visit yeur friends. - 'PiaI yaur residence in Wiitby Moly bu a ver>' happy'-eue, and that .- long and peeetul yenrs mu>' bu given you 1e our sarniet wlsil. Pleas accept as'a slgit eemem- Sbramenofo!your eld neigirborErVihs chairs, aecompeuited b>'the wisilh tba . he> mayA-ong support yen wliile titi ,erenlng sehadoirs sIsal -cressit he way. Slgned on beill of yens mmyl .tniemdo. - :Toronite%, Ernest, 0et Central Arn- [iCa,. sud Willie, ath hIome, hur is ,Mr. -Corimack -vas -et .suei rebuet îys~ueVinee-wu b ave -pre- cted f: i ie o g ca re o~f u-, Rie in"saamember -,( bile local Ma-ý Dlni d suM..S- 9dee sud ýo! Vile ,rbyheian cilurci. Tilougil aereç- inssnting ho enter, Vie municipal coul- l, lie. wàaa member et -Vihe Wlàtby joard et Trade, -ahd 10k 'an -utèet -promoîtlûg thieelate o! bue towa. The funera! wili- le ileld Vhtbs' Thuraday) aiternoon ho Union ceDne-- T e isbereaed f amilywz esxtend qr deepeet sympahin lahele becOe kusbaMad dfatiler. Mn. Cormacke wai inhi& 53til year. 0.c'.ir-e c IITSu Couàt emmmesc Mtes@.m DS byBm~ - aihr Debeutse Z. 274jL C&lLreauB.,9O2,.0 OâoeA- med Or" *e5,65 1- Cm~ stzve'Ftad SipuF andReservacl for Iut~ Greulsijan. e e e e . e a e e O »d gene lu Vhil-ite o! Mn. Geoge - - l.Wli-it, of port, Wilby, wbeu ile Y o - vas set free fItem heeartillylieuse, ) til tabernacle on Frida>', MaroiW e - I. Thie -dld gqatlemn ia d su-! Â I >nËmnd hobig home Ion Vile past - rçr. cwing, te'tilaufrmities o ' a si. Rie wns a' uietî. inteltiËsnt, - îuci .respechtedcitiz«ie! Vi te'F , P l- tie necessit>' o! putting that . - ni &he bldlivedi a usetul quiet lite. wieei o! ypuis ln good-work- ," Frt.yeus - ils19m'sCaretalier 0f St.- - ng order before startiag eut. [eluhis -cilurci.lie wa n Englisil-- for a rde. Better to take a nmun, -and a member of Sussex Lodge, si na ay-rnig I.O.E. Thie f<narai on Monda>' alter-spno a as rung îo te t. Jebn'9- bury'iig grund machine tan a spil off a-- was attended . >' bretilteaef'thVie S. broken one. Net beiag rush- ).E. .Iodge lun abodyr.(a eê ow we can give 411 And _thùs auotier o! 'the -i bi. î de a d ii Repahi! gude bas passed on. waorl crbcd attention. Guarant e aIl MIlS. J. . L. SMITH. blacksaiuhba, but expert bicycle repau On Tusda>' morning, ah Corbett's bicycleî lciale. Agents for Ford cars. Point, the family home, here passed ae> bte beloved wvle o! Mn. J. L. wa* Smrithl, fermer. Deceased ilad been au. w . J e L U fI invaiid fer tsone yeats, ami deahST came as a go"d angel, rel-ieving ber DUNDAS sT > Irointh Vi 111 of enrti. Mrs. Smnithl wiinber eond vear. One sou and ,,emeter>' ou Frid-a>'afhernon, he service beginng ah 2.30 o'clock and the funeral lenring ahtite. Nobody Owned theI Liquor. Thle sPectacle Of two kegs of beer and a quart 0! WhiikcY> beiag owmr- ls lu, Vile midst o!a multitude .oLI lovera,- l likened oei>'uino a biliret-. parciled nmarner adrft onbile ocean. -surrounded - witil water, but noV a dr:op ho drink. Nobody owned bile bwe kega ef beer sud oee quart 0! whiskey wilicil chie£ MaeGrott> sei4- ed lu Vie buggy being driveu out o!1 -tewu b>'Mn. McLeau o! the Broughl- amn iltel. Tilecaue Wes ileard in Po- lice Court on Monda>'. Mn. Swanson> e! 0 hawa, appeanci fer Mn. McLean; -Mr. Christian represented Mr. Hart>' in Huthi, propnieter e! Vie Whitb>' i- yt quor store, sud Col. Farewell prose- Le cuted. 'Pie case appeared te, be oee ,n et la-w, for Vie lawyers bhresilsd 1h eut wlVhout calilug witaeses. Tile re deleace was Viat Mr. Mc4<ean did net ie own Vile fluid ; andi Mr. Hatehildenied Br bisewaerai-ip of 1h. So 1h was a in Case ! Vile *liqutd being without an a owuer, and o! course, under the cir- e, cumehancea Vile Crown became he pos- I seser, as it woultd have in au>' event, 10 ali Vie web goods wil1 be -wilat? Id Perilapg eue o!fVile hown drains will ed get 1h. How tile kegs an1nd Jug cmen >-, laMn. -MeLean's buggy alid coversd, & . -- - -I ii t e n n n t t o sile did it is a marvèl, snd b5CaIXiofetheils solvdmysteties. Thie. Mag- he wender and admiratioR e l5Iitrh îsssèdVl ase witeh t bosts o!f rieuda lucre, and ia Toronto tîering tile waruing, "ldo't de 1h- and Ottawa, wiere sile was wldely again." known and greatl>' beloved- About Vwe weeks age, mter e per- led o! work laabIng laIsite hilO te nigilti.sic liad te wattfer corne tlmê OSH.AWXA MANUFACTURER PASS- for a cab te Itake liber ho lierilotel, ED AWAY SUDDENLY. fo r s ic ' w as n ai le ho w elk \.s o fer. G o g . .P d à t H s O f c : o lb le eurmttit she tô0okiueld, - oreHfPdaoeruaOfieo soon aile was down wlhh piemoneSmla' um"ldo Sna' or congestione, anditbile nflble rt Oshawa,Mah.7-TStwn s 1ah lengtl-nat& a beroie. struggle mot lu years beeu caiied upou ho bean -as was ever fougit>-gBVd up, and hile se oveoa silocli 4ud baos as Vint Bght W5over. oiOsoue etrday by Vile -aniuden Mrs. Geo. Yule, Mrs. Patouudeit e orge H. Pedar, Presi-, grandmothier, wenhte oOttawa, sud de- o 'Pe Pedla1People, Limnite&,. F was wltii er Idurlugte met, ewisilet-mtii unacturers. Dccsasd r'-dayse, but net just at tihins wilen liadspeuit ,abus>' day inuhie offiZeoni id ahcame. -Sn" rday, ad bail retirsd a!ter iick- 'Pie body' wae brought t t bmy, lg -bis -rlp sd, maklugfia a- ani Intorred leue- ie L - Ecomefer' rantgements f or Ieaving -ouany, -early eou Monda>' atternohi. A cutfltritts morntng for a: business trip t servce was held ah- the home, - wlie to Chicag. Silorti>' alter midiglit ô Capt. Dunle, eofOtewa, asslsted byhe CalledMrS. Pedlar ani cômpleued Rer.,.i. A. McLSsiitek part. A of pain, sud uile sile was ave> oit- yr lag iber cobgoegte tedobow n. tlng bol-ater Bý ppllCatloDS, bQ orh .memory o i est4 scib4f bt~Iepl t Iut 1 EASY EASY ijobs tobe A-i. We are mot irers. New and sesond' hand, wn.ITlyo em -EASY It is .eyVto make Marmalade wheu YOU buy. your bitter orang.e-5 at Laýwlers'. WE 1LC)AN A SLIeER with -each purchase anc~ marmalade making becoms« a pleztsant and proi.tatile pastime. Grape Fruit Granulated Sugar xS Ibo; $i.oo WH ITBY, ONT. P!-np "RE-NU-ALL," WGGD'-.PLiSK GOLO WATCK ýFREE- The person buying a 25e. bot tie Of Be-Nu-AR- Wood_ Polieh and guessingthe nearoBtto theéi ength Of lime the watch wall run with one wrnding, will becÃ"me the-,owner-, Set- South _Wi AdowofPrif4le' s Hrwr tr Rach 25c. purchase of Re N-kl tttste purhsrt oDe guess Contest ClosesMac 3s Mr. B.;N> Bassett 'will wind the 'wtch, regiatr the lime an&, deoide the.,wiLnner. Purehàse a hottUs and register your giiema to-day. w .PRIRQE.- Wtbie 1 stars in I. I ni oal." U Coal.' lng Ceai." eue. 1 , cri muid-furu- ight and dry. d #rates- None any id of suulti- qu antity. Whii ne Tql. 14. ~uan ID.V.~ (HEAI ronLots. ES MAL- MITED' t, agnt t pronptly. tnoilerate.- amig. ls, be rom e have -b=s e patronge t ub1fo fuiure v >'ans for lrerive eut SONS oi à aindVi m ater1I k ept in Stock Il til psy you tei Sual t Our worka amd lumpot for yonrself., D0m'h h.- Mule - by - agmet, we do nn gret .1. mittudents are lm 5 emr .()64UAm 1 m a Phone47.. $41»4é487.92

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