Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Mar 1913, p. 8

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ris iwr . .WIBU G :rro.tw, "M-anotiler OM1CS W-en'! b & Jwl M'3 -ýI', $e4c axis parents, Mr. and Mr8. T.H, *!,-On W>èdalycutb éeM &.wle Wilson, for a few- days lat -- - 3.. MoW""a w'as -msnted *&1Mr.-.H. C1A MN1\- Wm AtroPof d ,ky grl5V ~oe ~rp0 Th der' W regatoi. report tiÊat Missý M. wo 4 aconcert ,her6 on SaturdAVhardi teok place ln the; 4arvis St. Dsptl t bt- who -bad tAè rnisfortune te _«ý sl 29 uirpriUaSnext week. peurc, wfth th1e pastor, gev. T . T.-"breakbe r b a ali-some *ee s .cougls *Mr. Fred MoBrien purcbýased tIf ty Shieldo, ;1officatllg. Theide l a&go, ilu progrtessing satisfactorilY. "-ýdpn 'pure bred- white leghorn iens at Mr. Di c-e UsDb;. -oIvl" Thie Dominidon Alliance, wiiiei ba dealers.- Kaight" sale. )eid i Ashilurn' atti i lage iaitd made ber home wi dnemu orthc township ln the w-coi. M1aà Delat bet9re >goig te Torontoe past years, la comteumplating résuaci- À change lias lim'.u made a in-Fe date a fcw- yearSsago. 'lier Breekilinoinda tating the township tempeirnce or- - oMrW.A I-olIdaY'a sale o! f ur- -ave Oniy the be.-t se9oa wishes <t1i gauizaion to stand as anueffective unit missM niture. and iousehld eods. -Thura- ber futr;'hpineas.. .*- - li e. prosecution- of the cause da a day, Mardtc~h , i tic date forth A meeting~ of- the Pair Assoc1Biati trougout thc province.MrM lal.. lualed for Pr'iday. evenlng at 8 o-.- Lt a publie meeting. held te discus s a tript Mfr. Wrn. OrmistonJs offerini $100 dlock la the Coundil rQeni. It las re- topics of geabrai_ inturest, a glerai - Mr. ai revard tô the- person who filds --the queétedthat, ahi whio are interested ln discussion ofo!the .atti-tude 0< thi e," l insa gulty Party that toôk a nu mber ethis fair wI1i atten<d 4h15 imeetinig. pleienlthe1surroundlng- municipaeas miss articles -fromn his butehier shep last h enIlt bave had a buyer regardiug t1-popsd, ia ri- ll'I w-00k. 'un.this viln ty for 101110 weeols buy- w-ny took place.j J.G. Borland sug'. - Mr.-A geated ,tint aï 1vigôous -attempt 1.te frein'th unade teolubtain the lydro-Electnlo . _ Mn. power service.' On-motion, G.. For- phono seli w-ns -apponted. reprçsentlve -o! Miss - , n l'the-village of Clarement on the exe- visitini LIN W OO IIleutive board of-'tic municipalities.-lu- Mr.1 - î, . o d#op the, eicctric road projeet, but~ Mr. 1 Have What-VYou W ntint- tic Hydre Electrie proposition doctor' WanL. 1* essed. Tihen followed a discuss. Mrý.1 It is mny atm te c'ar-ry in stock-a fuil lice of Qeneral Hardware. touofiteti train service -on C. P. R. thec ci -Come and get rny b,,st prîces, it will psy you. 1 cân seîl you Clothes betwcen Claremont and Toronlto, ýand. (Abc .Wringers, Washlng !Machines,. Singer and Raymond Sewing Machines, on motion it w-as deMied thiat tic M r. Steel Door Mats, Gzranitcwsre of ail 'kindis, Tînware, Gurney Oxford presentation of tiî petition te -Vie C.- -witi hi -Steves, Famous Stoves, Beatty, Litter' Carriers and. Hay Ferks, ail P.R. Co. a t Toronto concerning tic Messi kinds of Rop.4, McLaughlin Buggies andti Lght, Wagons, Mëotte pscuger- service Charemont lic dchay- have1 Crenn i Sparaîtors, Beiled O11, Raw Oil, Machine 011, Separa;or Oil, ed one week. A committee was -ap- bla. Mtor Clinder 01, Steam Cylinder 011, Ceai Oul, Gàsoline, Paints 1pointed to prepare rules and reguIa- Mr. and Turpentine, Lamps. You-siould sec tic Aladdin Lamp, tihebst ines foc a Civic club. h-as ci *,andcheapest te run of ahi ceai oul lamps. Ceai Oul Stoves, etc. Aptlio e binbiruatd tee csui prcsenited te tic C.P.R. Co., asking Mr. thein te stop Vile carly niorning Grecni train for Toronto, and the 11.30 p. Mrs.F k". ~ ~tr~,tain f rom Toronto at C'larement. Cola ~m~V~tIiea a bing vcry largcly a fine Painting and Papring Timo W'e onIy liatidie the well knowni SRIERWLN- WiLLALMS Paints-. We think there is none just as go-od.' A littie painting done noW saves a lot later -oÀî. A fuitf stock 110W on hand. A Ltti oney Spenxt in decorati ng will do more to make a beautiful andl artisiic, home than double the "amo.Pnt spent in anEýything else._ W. have. abundance of decorative Wall PApers,-which will make your home particularly charming an~d attractive at a very small cost. Qur - salesmen wifi be only too pleased to demonstrate-aur-new goods. ELLIOTT, donc. Ti'at is tule ouîy truc Itest. Chambelain's Cougi Rcmedy judged by this standard bas ne superior. people everywiere speak ot 1V la tice higicat torms of praibe. Fur sale bx V ail deaiers-41. PICKERING. Dlonald Muniro bas înost of the mn- henia on tie gcound for thec rectioa o! a large new ban. W. Harvey, htis je porhed, bas pur- ciased tie, farin belougiag ho tic es- tate ofthie. lahe Win. Wilson, o! Broughain. Wock on tic C.P.R. hune has been disccntinued owing ho tie frosi, wiich ueces sitaied a -ieavy expeuse foc blasting. Farmers are fortunate tins ycar in having nu abundance of feed for ther stock. Whin ellered ah auction sales, the dcmand for hay and roots je not *- great. At a sale in Scarboro tic' other day, a quantity of, mangold.s wcre put up, but there was no bidder. , Mrs. W. B. Powell had a aarrow -escape f rom serious injury eue day M lact week. Sic was- going down stairs with n lighed lamp inuoe iaud and a atera lu the o ther, -and wien sic ind descended two steps shc iripped and telli ho the bottoin o! tie saers. Fochuuately boti ighhs went out and B*ie- cscnped with nothiug more seclolis than severe bruises. A few- cigits ago Balsdon Bros., o! tie Lakc.'Siore, - md a uarcow escape tcom asphyXiation. They -awoke in tic mlddle o! tie night, and finding ticce ýwni. somethinÉ' wrong, .arose frein ticlr beds. When gehtiug ou te île-loor'thcy wece scarcely able to wnik. However, th-ey soon recovered. when tresi air was adinitted ho their coins, and tiey are noue tie worse o!ftheir experience. While all tic otierz neighbori-ng tow-us and villages are takiug stops liowards securiug hydro-electrie power Pickering so fat, bas doue nothing. Que reason for hils is tic tact that tic Seymour P&wer Co. -have sent representatives here d'urhng tic past yenr w-ÃŽhi a view to securing busi- ness, but up ho -he preseut iiey have net taken any definite steps to- ward extendin-g tileir lice te our vil- lage, and o! course we do not kuow.. what thil intentions arc ia regard t0 Vils matter. As thie probabili-hy la, tic hydro-electrie m4ili make au en- trance inho our - township ah, an early date, tic regidents of our village- shou4dh halte active sheps ila securing hils great booc. Que tiu is cer- tain tic goverrnent wiIl net force i *upon. us. If w-e wisih o secure 1h - w-c should inke the initiative iu tic mat- ,teri--New-a. Mntny suffeérers f rom reiumatisrn have been snrprhscd and dchighted w-iticth prompt relief afforded by np- plying Cia.mbcrhain's Liniment. Net ene case ef rioumatism la ton re- <ItJes auy internai treatmnit w--iah- ever. This li niment la for sale by al ALMONBS. Mr. R. Wilson bias beon on thie icli lilt t -hatwSkh. - Mr. anud-Mc a nusenef'Oshiawan, c'llih liheln uiter, ]Mis. WlsQcn tIls w-o.k. Muster Russell Bath1 h s-hlred w-lUi - Mc. 1111 l bugian otoe41w mnme' - -t04iý icocurson upent :au"-j atherlaad lias takec t. lu Aiberts. viultcd F.~ogus svutn A quiet wedding took place at thie home o! Mcs. Peter Lee on Wednes- day, Feilruary f9hh, w-heu hec eldest daughter, Miss Edna, w-as unîhcd lu macriage ho ' Mr. James Mevers, of Cobousg, Rev.'-Mc. Macfadyen officia- ting. Miss Neihie Lee ached as brides- maid, and Robt. Lee supported the groom. The bride woce creain coloceti net over plnk, and lier travel- ling costume w-as grey. The happy couple took tic eveuing train for To- conte, and af ter a short trip te west- ern points, 'wili take up cesideiice in Cobourg. BASE LINE WEST. <Toe late for last issue.) Several parties have acc thie pheas- aut -lahcly.. ýMc.. Wing Brown rehurnèd on Moni- day froun hus trip te Toronto. .Mcc. MeLcoti is expchiug ce relc- atives eut f rein Scotland Vils week. There will hbe seven new electrie hights on tic Base Uine and tw-elvc on- Anu Street. Mr. John Stirtevaut w-I rue tic englue on the narrow- guage track ah tic Asyluin. I(Ic. Ciarlie Brydges bas cetutnedto W-iihby frein Midland, and lnteuds going te tic Westthils sprlng. .Mr. R. W. Burton is expecting is brother tuis w-col froni London, Ecg, He intends geinrg futier West a! toc ils visit. Several farmers are draw-ing ticir barley te Spinlts elevator, Picktering. AUl speak in the hihesh praice of thc Il-becal treatmnt.- Tic Stephenson Brac.' sale pasaed off very successfully. While the ch#at, tels dîd -net ilring vcry gooti prîces, tic hiocees, cattle andi piges sold ah hep prices. MYRTLE STATION. Mr* Alfred Langford visited - iu W-itovale ou Suuday lasi. - Miss May Souley visited in Breougi- ain on Saturday. l>st. - Mr. and Mrâ.- F. Harrison win l Toronto ou Saturdny ast. - - Don't ferget tic grot laughter sale nt J. E. Benceck '& Son's' neit w-cek. Que w-ckol y. Severai o! eur yoîung people enjôyeti theineilves ah Mr. WS. Ceok'aPros- peet, on Frldny ovenig l at. - Mr. îT.' J;Wison was in Peterboro Tic Ladies'1 Aid -lad a very ---uC- esaful -meeting enu Wednesday evoiaug et l1ast week. The ridlecontest camie 1off fine. On uday. neit à' Toronto mlugsteî 1 w-Il prenèl missionary seinmons - on rthus -cuit. Serý1oo luere at 10.20 a. hi *tshyear. O K I,--O TRO Mn. ST. Whithm BR. KeUcvillONTARIBR was nwariddthc contract>9l 4the ne I addito t hie.Oshawa- Poat Office- lije wll -'com.menlce work in 4w-o or ;three,*ýp w-cols, oras soon as tic- stec iu çVieh te "do the, wOrk, but 1be ï--E*W . EV A N S F U E D R pects te be tireugi before>"ftill. - - - -Punp 1Manufacturer SFvtf Ga. - "Youghloghony Stèam Gol.",. SUNDERLAND. SzWpsdk-es dence,, Dundas $ treeýt "Blue Grass- Caunel -Coal." Sunderland, Mardi 7.-Tic te uWIIITBV "George Creek SmithingCoaL." of -Sunderland wAS vislted bW a disas- V , troua fire, whloh broke eut about â..~<t-Wlb oa. - Ne Coalt equal these. midllight Wednesday. Tic - brick bhock ~~W owe y .PUg»,an ç 15Bupreparod 4< uto» ,w-ood e ,»Scranton forTranges, icaters and-furn- cupied by -Aziz Bros.,'tgeneral merch- trou pumpo s *br.otc, îo ae forTheb'saceandbrigt sd-. ants, and W. Miller, groer, was l attend t6 àU 1kindâ U <1ru- Y h- el f frlaeamNdrte . - Yougilog.eyfraen ln n cntirchy destroycd. -Vcry littie o! ticherig better. stock w-as saved. George Creck for ail kinds of suilth- Tic f amihy. upstairâ was reached Agent for ihe Onario 11h1 ', *M ing work., Fresh mmmcd. with great diffiulty, lieing takon teoUn es gin h si5 b qUae-ouf We lead in quaity and quantity. safcty tirougi tic windows, -Theifa'ig~s Cressu- Sepa.rator. - block at tic- norti, including several homu No. 59 -re~idaiis.E'R.B W. W ib. stores and post office, narrowly es- 1 -LW@ .W caped.- To -tic south tic Presbyter- --- -" lai huri was,<>~~ ~cc~a tunes -~Bell Tel. . Home Tel., 14. bÙt liy the .ieoici efforts of tie tewnsmen this landmnark' ivas saved, Ithougi_ damaged i-n rcof!and tow-er ______________ Zero weatier and n strong wiud ' " b made 'tic danger serlous.. Tic hoss rw-ihl be about $25.000, witi some in- - WHI TBY JUNCTION. I ' 8<f OO ... .201.1 Gon F.....7o .ip Inli 2TA 6. tgp. IiWi ...7~l. i ....P.-. School Reports. j~. for Toronte -FLOUR :--- Report o! S.S_ No. 1.1, Pickering, for inonti of February. Naines lu or- dec of merit. Chuess IV.-*Macy Jones, *Edward .Joncs,_ John Long, - *Grant Joncs, *Stanley Wahker, Olive-.Jones, Coca teýe (absent), Class IIlA .-Waltcr Carson, *Ecn- et Joneç, 0 Frank Carson. *Alhan Class III B.-Edith Harding. Clas I.-Ejile Walver, John Tin- dail.' Class 'I A.-*Lorne Jones, Aima Jones, Josephi Long. Class I B.-Lewls. Jones. Primer,. A.-Thomas Long, *Ralpn .Jones. Primer, B.-Wllhie Lee (absenat). *Present every day. L; M. OSBORN4E, I cacher. Sinclair Sohool Report for Feli- ruary. The naines are ln order of iit-. Sr. IV.-Howard Arksey, lWllie O'- Connor, Violet flickie, Percy Pascoe. Sr. 11-Cliaton Pascoe, Cora Dlck- Jr. III.-Annie O'Connor. Sr. I.-Roy Dingman, Grace O'- Connôr, Ehi Pascoe, Edward Pascoe, .Jennie Dickie. Jr. Il.-IRelen Arksey, Harold Pas- cee. Sr. I.-Erle Diagman, Clifford Bird. Primer-Luther Pascoe, Leta Pas- coe. Number on roll-18. Average attendanc& -17. J. R. PETHICK, Teacher- SPEClAL SERIE.S. Tiese meetings w-il lic conductod ily the Farinera' Institutes o! North and Souti Ontario, the Provincial, Farin- ers' Institute and 111e Depachinent o! Agriculture, Whiby. Tic speakers w-ill ceasist o! tic District Repreccu- tatives e! Peterbeco, Victoria and Ontario Counties, and willi be equlp- ped witi spedial demoustration mn- tonial te illustrate thic dillereut le turea. Tic speakers wlhl hic :-Messrc. E.S Hlopktins, Nocwood ; A. A. Knight, Lindsay ; E. G. Hogarth, Whitby. Miss S. CJampbll, o! Brampton, w-lui addrcss -n spedial mçe.tink ef tic la- dies each-aitecnoou la Norti Ontarilo, and. may aise a4sist in thceening. .n.....g...... ...... Marci 17 Z hy ........ .... ..Marc 18 Sunderhand ...............Mardi 19 Chertyw-ood-... ........... Marci 20 Cl=rm o nt ................Mardi 21 Afteruto cee1sslouu, 1.30 O'clOck. Eveuuing session, 7.30 ýo'cleck. Nortih Ontario Institute :-W.- S. Lapp, Président; J. W WddifOldp SecretarY. -- Soutih Ontario -ysttute :- ugli Sb- ; Pcesldeat; R. EH. Cronki 5r. Seýpt. Fncmec'e nt. onto>-trainh stop at *«Whitb)y .1 unctit.n- t815ad9.55 a.m., and 9.30 p.m. iUp-T UWN STATION. (ýoing North...S.0 .m Cong South,..7.îSa.n ...640 5 p...0 . Mp- STAGES. Ijeave Whitby for Oshawa aL 10 a.rn. and; 4. p.m. Jos. Hlokien, pro- prietor.- Leave for Brouglïam at 10 ar. Mrr. Edwards, proprietor. I NIHOLSN &SELDON. Phono suX WHITSY. ONT siIIiflgS O! Oouhilu DConils COUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1. WHIITBY-MissEB. L. Macdonnello Cherk, Whitby- Jan. 13, Feb. 5, Mardi 4, April 3, May 2, June 6, July 3, Sept. 3, Oct. 2, Nov. 7, Dec. 4, Ja. 7, 1914. OSHAWA- Mise, E. L. Maodonnel Clerk-Jan. 14, Feb. 6, Mar. 5, Apr. 4, May 5, June '7, Juiy 4, Sept. 4, Oct. 3, Nov., 8, Dec. 5, Jan. 8, 1914. 2. BROUGHAM - M. Gleemon, Green- wood, Clerk- Jan. 15, Mair. 6, May 6;- July 7, Sept. 5, Nov. il, Jan. 9, 1914. 3. PORT PERRY J W. Burnhia, Port Perry, Cerk- Jan. 17, Mar. 7, May 7,- July 8, Sept., 0, Nov. 1%~ Dec.. 17, 1914. 4. UXBRIDGE,-R. J. Moore, Uxbridge Clerk-.Jan. 10, March 14, May 13, Juhy 15, Sept. 9, Nov. 21, Jan. 16. 1914._ 5CÂN"nGTON....Thou. il. postel. Cannington, Clerk -Jan. 9, Mar. 13, May 14, July 16, Sept. 10, Nov. 20. Jan. 15. 1914. 6. BEAVERTON....Jas. M. Gordon, Beaverton, Clerk-lan. 8, Mar. 12, -May 15, July 17, Sept. 11, Nov. 19. Jan. '14, 1914. 7. UPTERGROVE' - hDaniel leonard, Âtlxerley, Cerk- Jan. 7, Mar. 11, May 16-, Jnly 18, sept. 12, Nov. 18, Jan1. 13, 1914. By Order, J. E. FAREWELL, Chérk of the Peace. Datiod.ai Whitby, Nov., 6th, 1912, HURSEBME#tOIERS00 A CANADIAN -CORPOR~ATION. fruit afilOriameîtal Trûst hrb, Msa And Climbin Ves N7urseries ie Wehlad Co'. ià BlWN' NURSERIES, o NI. ItcýÈpresented by jEROME- SCOTT9 ïiUTlïy,. =-,ONý-TARIo BREAD AND AEMKRS.RU. SPECIAL PRICE - CORN{ OATS -FEED.WHEAT Feed Wholesale, in Ton Lots., CALWELL'àS MOUSSES MEAI J. L. 5111K LIMITE!> pickerinlg, Ont. Unhdevtakmrs sd Embalmers Whitby, Phone 99. Raglan, W. H. Brent, agent. Oshawa, Phones 47 and 215.- CaIl s bjr day or night promily attended té. Chârges moderate. AMBULANCE IN CONNECTION Hoàrd' s.Bus Lînê CýartMge and Teamhiig.a Since purchasing the bus. lino frorn Mr. William Newport, we have beae favored with -a very large patronage and we feçl we are giving-tho publie good service. Ail orders for teaming, furniture £noving, -cartage of fre-iý-ht, vans for pleasure parties, etc.,* will receivo our veybeet attention. Firat-clasa livery in connectioii. 'Phone No. S STENOGRAPHERS BOOK-KEEPEIRS ganlders office Affliitats. conerowl aud S horthaud Tibtc~hers are Inlgrea t de maud If they graduate fmi» - * Toronto, Ont. Many former Studenis arm now earnlng from-v700 to 8M) &-ayear. WO dealinlàÙY the BESTXLID Of PiaCLI.. cal Edu ation. 'vite use boit syltOfli, e5W ploy best tecbers, and produce the -best r.ute. 'Bnter now. Catalogue treo. 'y adr t. I ' 6a 01't' -~1- J' w' AND TAR is the most re àian sd îAn11 rcmcdy foi 'àll Coi 'jolds, Bronchiitie, etc. PRBOTTLE 'J. E. WILLIÉ -Drnqqist and E)Pt MEDICAI 1\LL_ Baroclu St. a W t' -' - ]EGAJ NO. E. 1FAREWIELL, Barrister, County Crown At rC ounty Solicitor. Office south wicg CourtH - .E.AeHRISTIA Barise.oiciter. Notor-liPus Office, Brock -St., Opp S-tan Money-tq Loa.. JAMESS RVTLEDGE, -Barri Money te Loan on ea4 office immcediately south - -* Whtty, nt. G. YOtiMG SMITIt,- Blarrister,,Etc. Money-to.i( of Mdrriagp Licensc Office Sïnith's B 1ock - * DENTALý W.ADAMS, tlentist,O Srsét, Residentee No. .4, Byron _St., Whitby.'Phon ÂuOfrioNE JAS. BISK shaws, -Licene-d Auctieul -sor to L. Fairbanks.* Foý1 -dates appfly to -se1Uor G WM MA LICENSED AUCTI( AND VALUATi -Ail kinds-of -sales proxnp to.- ArrangemnenQts eau tales ah the Gazette -office. *Terme reanonsble Bell and Independe-t pft WIIITBY, ON' J. neWEL Carpentel', Buirder nd -Plans drawn-and estiiatt iRepairs , Alt.graticns a. E)pposite Steplie Box 467,'wuiTB1Y *Marriage Lit -Issuer Of M arriage i Corner drm No owiuesses required. from MarciïS5th folle -mergeS inte our- Sunv ail - departrAn ftSo S-HOOLS".1:on BusiniesCollege-wit] Brandi Sciools. Telegrilph and Rail, and -Shaw's-Civil Ser -recatalogue expi and adanatagQS. to-write fuir ÃŽ'h. W _president, H-ead offic -Gerrard Sts.,> Toront or a n lfsadMte h wil psy YU oU Dc '~ and inspect for' yourse ( DontI 13e misled b>' Dot elmplOy tien', dag s oahloW he age 10percenh., whichi pi gave by purchasing Ir A Cali s.ol trid ADC.-q Ã"F OONTAF ~.c. BROORKLIN ei-- ,A'Ur-141

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