Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Mar 1913, p. 4

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ridship to1he Dm a on e Ryr, aru ii n.hpunsuanceoLo!th aow ienew *ny gréetias acqualintai@?5among 1h. tùe Gaztteaui, chrtoalolO igo whlnI e byou I st t&eGraiD7 'GÙrowers' Gi pa>', Llmfted8 a COMPa and 4operateti b>' frmera, b"ade during' the year -e 30, >1912, et least i20,9OU, of grain. When 1h«. ygar ci loundt liaIthe-Ce. tàlue 1>' â8,000,000 bu#Wes..o grain. -Présenit indîcation is aur ii wiU bandle au- aniuat.. ýOnJanuary 8 Malitôba Gralin Growerai' held its anaine! meeting1 ovr- 500 4elegates I boi ail 0>' Igardcl1 onservation of îatural resour- l'Q'çes l inte ntêerestç o hetol Yeu .- Y peoplee, or as to Canaditanprfo!ercnce e4 that to Btitain- ant iÃŽ~rtish p'reWoencetu il Cern- Canada. Indeedthtécactions o! he <>wned conLvontion that iba receàlVet, i l pectud tugreatta mount t* fpnbIIcty, was -a 115 J UDi res ohmtion, whlch it was My privilcee Sbuikels 'oe move, na" which was carrid both 4i .1 wM unaiimous ly aid enthnsstically, de- 1104 Beair- clarig liat, thé fanais o!i Manitobe !uitellt' tii net desira 'au increase intthe pnuce ire hâtI o! Iheir product at the expceï Of eun larges the Britlihwqrkmen-and - aimilar re- 109 lie solutions bavé -Ine ben-.paaaed -by, soclatilrn boiJi thc Grain Growers' Associatitin Branýdcii, of Snskatchewan and thc uÃœiWlamm- ýprasent. ars of Alberta li annuel couveiti I.-- Gro e ries_-and M1ýeats Ilow' iate boiday-.u a; ias - u xdwebhave c#nsumed ai the turkey gesse, wve look foi- ward bopefuil>' for a p1taitw--and' Prýoù$e'w -,oIre" That mon anti womenmn>' be-prèpared toperforin the duties ani tàî - thl1.' Mi te the, lot of ail, they reqluire healtbful,-appetizing,- ýsticgiuaeÏ foods in vanlety.- When the digestion is perfect tiere, lsa'acheer( ulness and. bouyancy ef spirit that ligitens labor and makes for goed comtadeship- la freuh meats ie _bave sirlionsteak for breakfast;. choice. -roasti -of beef for dinner andi elegant Isausage relis fousupper. Nent dâqy we. se rve choice .young rostporlc, tienv"lp a, mb, spare rus, tenderloin, etc.; as*.,aste- me>' dictae.. In cereals we bave the finest of fresh ooods at -close pri cant.inlasuffumul -variety to incottlb.. vnais of ail. hav abe ubnste suppl>' our customers wiii fleur andi feed et low pricesi beybuglmî-by tic cçar loati. Fermnera can get bran anti sbhs b>'ttic ton t greatly' reduceti prlces. W. are sligabgBgaeptn - flour for $j69pert i. --- eln ii-gaepin ueMu - ~ PRIGLE &003 "WIIITBY ONTARIO mc au ~** SéOBe.se= - .......... .... *e *e. Z GivsYour BoY' A Fa r'i -- 4 -4 - 4 - 4 -Evir>' fariner wents te, provide for ldis sons, but seldom will the old hkreeaead, developet with toil, suffice te meact their needs. Tic boys have been brougit up te the landi. The>' are famhilier with aIl the phases of farming,. They sieulti have laid o! their 'own.- How is the fariner going te meet thîs emergency ? -4 4 4 -d The Logical Aswer, Is Westerrn- CanÀada. -Thousands of acres, divided into î6o acre farms, ara being throvin open fot entry b>' the Dominion Governinent along or near the lines of tic CanaiaèNorihera- Railwrayo The land gîvas a Wide ýchoice. There aresbme plots, on the oped- prairie and others again in tichel woodeti, well-wateret i dstffcts in Mdanitoba, SàskatchewarÀIand Aiberta.. A larRe numbar of tiese homesteatis are Pgrticularly' adaptedt t mxcii farming - -Write oi Enquàire To-days Daixoa bas-a Iine lenor voie, ant isme.u "s.-" - - -_- aeverel aumbera were greatl>1aie>'Ltiusle ica an ielic ef. Misa Nol on, elocutioist, 'bau a L;>' us.Wteil graea!u ppearanca, andi appaarad w8"dealdt nwe i.oi.Wi saveal imeson lieprorern ~ ie 6vi~ ti the VÉ h l ouna Freder- numera'wcrson aithparl . air. iLarrison, or ro"ton, àass., 1.3 She was, - !equently aucorat. , F é ini<eontly exposang lus ersonl, -àd everýrone ie- t " l'atperfaotly anti inua scra-nudh odSo.£awe aid houl ti>' vsitWhiby e aib i dep>0t _masýter and, tthe- consteie, andy re-a4u edUklaràit.,Whîtbot ies would iloubtleas -have a urger ant - tha - conelable Set out for th. jonce tien on WededyvlIig iiaalocic-up witli the ditunbar. LOOK FOR THIS GIRL 1 tàue i m and U 'batow 1, vSOias-ý comeyauce té g-eL -lte prisoner up - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t n--- -~$ - - , OI. Wlen piacat i i tii. - lck.up, S datrîsou i Sipt pùacehu1ly uâtil &boIýI J ClUCK Sbunda>' moranngwhea ho, awoke, raaliziug.he waail jeU. Ha ilecîdeti he muet gel onut, andi proceeti e4 u -batber lb. ioor of his oel down W1 i te -pllow o! bi-S -woodetr sake down, Wiich h lie d soniçh0w- mane&- Ode- gel loosa. 'He aucceedeti nm I ~ . d gttnga hole la th. door -o! hiie-lal ~t~fIaige nocgh tü e lti e body threugh-, [4~ Uuca outarde thaeil Uha trîcd - 10 ~ b+aIc Lia door o!fi1he lock-up. Hw ~~vr alter breaekng some large plae h. u~4~ldthe job -a"d When youen sak for Sieeine seea in hegirls picture me on tha "'label. TMus 'e a guaraibeo! qualit>' aid ex- cellence. 4Sageine la the weld'à fore- most hain toime. Sagam i 80 go0d- we uaraitec avar> betile, ant il !you are not satislledti laI Sageine ts the bast icalp cleaner,ý danadruift radica- ber aid bail beautilier you axer usati, we wil rafunti your mone>' as chieer fuI>' as wc laie b. j. l-Willis la sole agent -ia whibby, Ont., -for - S& gaine, so se sure bo go 1e *J.E. Wil- Hls dirug store, other sto;res -don' h have it.-only 50c. e large liottle. Don't lorget the namb-Sil. Obituany. DEATH 0F MRS. REID. Susenna Mlcaii, relictof tha l.te James Rteid, dieti ai tie home cof huui tiauglîler, Mrs. l9aLle, 3t; Useungtüil Ave., Toroîho, on March 4111, 19113. On Saturda>' pruvieus sic vas arick- au witil paralytsAs, !rom vImCI cshu tiieti. Mrs. Raid hatd reached liar 551h yeer, anti ilvedti o ca lier -'grcat grant-cildrea, 12 OU whoua are living aiLd mi>'o! hen grandchûiren, inov mm a ani omea ia mîidie aega, look back with pleasure to many . happy houra spant witi her. Altheugh 'a voman of ai>' duties, cshu alwaiys liepin antoucil 'wih ie hîstorical and polilicai inheresta ut our country, being aver aixtious for tha valfare uî Our - country. She wes of Scotch d6- lacent, baing thie elduat deughtcr of tdie'labo LaiclilaMdlain, o! Giltngia- r>'. R er huebanti, who dlati sema yaars e- go,_ au born la Cechrana, Ire- laid. The>' md là cilldren,, il ahi1 Living. »At lest. her hope àlu !ullId, andi ah. dieti, as abce Uveci, wlth a firm4trnst in Gode. METHODIST TABERNACLE. Sunda>'. Mrci ifili. Morning servie, il o'cdock. Subject -"&IWakdng viti God."- Tii.evenîlg service vili ho devolt t lie oelebrehtioa o! the one-hundreb sciautisteutbr at missionar>', Dr. DaviLlvlngý n.rdA number vil) t aka Part lanIthe servie, givig pa- peta - or sekîgonthie diff ereni. phaàss o! àie life and work o!ci-is greet AfrIcen explorer aid miisa*n- - hé, tidrassas will be intfflerseti with pproprlata music b>' bbc choir. Cerne andi help'us celebnae. Salibali Seheol miti'-Bible Classas 1Do net teorgal bcthe n's meeting In tic S. S. -room on TburSdey avening of tiis eak. BRYfANT-GRAHÂM. -A ver>' preil>' wed ding vas solamn- Izeti at.St. Andirew's Manse, Whtbyp on Wedneodà> aftemneen, Mrci Slh, vias-Mr., Stearet Orr 1BryniL, o! Saskatoon, $ask.# vas unibeti la mer- îtage. te 'Miss Goltile Elizabeh, dengbtier of -Mm. samd Mme. Wlfrid Grabsin, o1 1Myrtie, ont., The ccre-j mnon>' as per!ormed b>' Rev.-»r.-, Abraham. Mtem s, pendlng -a te w veki' On-tarte, Mr..and-Mrs. Bt>'-f aitl vimaire.,Biaktooli thir k hm.-- -mure succees. l'e ifookeci- soesOf~ th1e -pictures off the a wi n 1thelira- about roomsanad d ha bereti e kola abu igut iches witie anti cverai - eet' lonig through, bbe partition, vian Lihe liremen tboughb lb wes about Lime Le eaU a hait. ýThaeCinel vas calleti -ntih. ýput -lima gaol smasher la -â more mcure oeil. Moaday Mora 'mg he came before Mr. Ç.1. -Crysdale ia Pol"ceCourt, tfeniù&g himeuanti Chie! Hinti prosecuting. lHe waa sent to Whibby for -trial on Ihicee oiuItS, indecant axposnre, assaulting a ceu- stable aid brealg geol. Monda>' ai lernoon le cama betore Judge Mo- Gillivra>', pleadati guilî>' o le athrea charges, and was giveLi two moitis on eaoh charge, %0 mn concurrenbl>'. Hie is toe, daportedti btbeccountry trom wiich h. came wben libeaateti. TO OWNERS OR HARI$ORERS 0F DOGS. Take notice that the -tags are now ready andi must be procureti before the llrst -of April, or collection wil lie placçd in Chie! Contable' handS. - JOSEPH WHITE$ Towa Clerk. BASE LINE WEST. Mr. Russell Bath has engageti with Wm. Dmngnan for eight mouths. Mrt. Albert Burton arrived hlera last week from London, Eng., to vieil bis brother, Reginald, and wiil remain in Canada for soine time. Mr. David Bath, Kingston Road, »4is May' Bath andi Miss Stella Bath visiteti friends ini Courtice SÙnday. The od apple tracs on the Willis farm are bqing turned i mb firewood. The Port Whitby Thresbiiig Co. ex- peut to wind up their threshing Ibis week at John Sleep's and E. Story's. Quite a number of horses on the Base Une have- distemper. For Loss ofliair We W1i1 payfc.r Whit yenUsie If Rexali 1"9311ilair Tbnlo tees nef Promete the.growth o! y6ur hair. ai au ur- aperienea ith haïr- bab icee one Ihat huasdonc znost to gai our confidence s Rexal "93- Mar Tonle. We havre auch ieicl- foundeti faith inlail that we- want yen to, try 1h at- aur risk. If 't doffl not sataafy yen in eirery particular,- wc *M 1psy for .what yio U use te the citent o! a 30 day ýtreatinent. If eaaR "03" Hair Tonie<Idnes not remnove dandruif, rélieve scailp irritation, stop the hair from failing and promote n new growth of hair, corne bîck te us and ask us te 'retumn tie money.you paiti for 't, and vie wil promptly hand iL hnek to yen. You dont sign anything, promise 'sexy- Lhing, bring anything hnck, or 'in any way obligate yourself. isî't tht faim? Does't il stand t-casoai tut we would'net make such n libemati -offer' if we dit flot truly--believe tint - Rexaîl "93" fiair Toie viii doe-a vie caim for it - bl-it wL ill do al and more ilian any ether ramedy? W. have everything tiare is a de- manti for, and ù aahe te jutige tic manits of tic tiings vie sali. -Oua- tomera tll us of their sucecas.Tieme are more satisfied usera o!f Raxal "~93" Hair Toie thas any imilar preparation -w vial. ,Start a treatinent o! Rexal "93"- Hai: Tonie ioday. If U, d, i eleeYou will thankê us for tuas adv'uca. Two"sblebÃ"o.isî.i- You can bey BReaaR '9.3' Hair Te<nlc- 'n tuis commuînif- onlv et "r store: A. H. ALLINI.. Witb le '1 an os Re -as' foe Il rh-s àd surv St. Lawrence'andý Redpath white,.. gar- 20 lbs. for......... brown "22" . ............. .00O Flour, Reindeer, bread -per cwt................................2.9 6< Pastry. a aua.0*,,.. . . . . . .0ailet*- . . ... . . . . 2.50 Best Rolled Qats, 7 lbs. fôr........................25 (Janrned Corn, (Anichor .Brand), 3ý cans fori........ . . . . . . .25 " Peas, Regular2fr2C............. .....ý........l10c straight ' Tonriatoes, " 1Csriht,2fr....-.. . . . . Hcrse Shoe Salimon ý . __fo07r..........-. . . . 2 MpeLeaf " " 28c. for................. ........ ........... . 25 AncrrBrand" " 5c. for ..............a*...........................-.23 Tiger Brand " 20C. -for..............................8 Sai " " .0C. for . . ..................7 Suïfi,wer 1î8c. for ...........................16- Eggo Baking Powde;r, " Z5.for....................... .........a.20 est Val, RaiÏins, 3ls o...... ..........................5 Best- Biue em urrants, 3 lIbs for .................... ... BestPulveri'zedlc -ingSug-ar, 31lis. fr........, . . . . . Sùp Ur,7 bs. fër. . ..... ............ a. Epsomi Saits,.,8 ls for... ................ ....... ................25 Kellog's*Coru .Flakes, 3 boxes for.. ...........................25-- Oranige Meat and Puffed Rice, 3 boxes for ....... ... . .. ... 25 Lumnberme's Kant-Crack, ngProf, Heavy Rubbers, _- Regular 42,75 for . 2.10 Al'other Rubbers,ý Overshoes, Boots and. Shoe at _costpie Several pairs of ho'rse blankets te. go at -coat. elt hats to dear at cost. -- AIl other goeds greatly reduced. ~ lr2,3,3,4c oda t.. 0 .,ad3 iihest Pxices paid for ':Butter and Eggs. Store open to _ ~.tIDp.m. Telephone in your orders early. as some tinigs ,won't Jast long. Wë e aaso--sole-agnts ortheéMouse of Mobbedin, Talons, Toronto. f - - - - ~- - - Aro ou 61Qn West ? The Grand Trunk Pacific-Railway is the shortest and quickest route.between Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton. Fast train s leave Winn'peg at: 6.00 -PI. . DaIIy 8.45 aim. OaiIy Exopt Suindays -F-IOR- , Portage la prairie Rivera I¶eIvillIe Regina Watrous Saskatoon Totleld Camrose Walnwrlght Edmonton Smooth Roadbed. Electric Iighted sleeping cars. Su- perb dining car service., Ask nearest Grand Trunk agent for full information,. literature, etc., or -,iite A. E. Puif, D.P.A.,G.T.R., Tor- onto, Ont, and especially- la. SEI N Town Agent tor Exjress, Ticket and Telegraph Office, opposite Standard Bankc, WhiÉby, Ont. Telphlone 36 Application to, Parliarnent. Notice in hereby given tbat an &P, plication will be- made by the. Toronto and Y'ork Radial Railway CompanY tb the. tegielative kuuemnblY o01h. P ro'- ince or- Onta.rio etilthenon ussin (1yor a& Act1 givinig teapplicant the right tb ester imlo an t.greemenît with the ait>' of Toronto, 1h. term 0o! iii. Mid agmenmiîto b. e ttÃŽdb7'ý th, onlarlo Railway .aend ! 141flp1 Bo ard in,,caae .pextie. caimot ogre. - for 1h. double trackiiig of Yoiige streel freen the present south.rn 1er. Minus o! the lleilway oi York ",,- » a4d ýfor t1je 0peration thereof by'- th* Torono and York Radial i ReiW4Y* (2) AMi for the right toruii cmii01 the Sabbai Day on th.eiletropolitan, Divison of the said applicant, suubje tothe. conktrol, of lbeOntario -Railw&y' asd iiiMuicipal Board. (3) : Ai!for lthe, righl onlut malsitain" and -operate lin.. of railWay froui -the proset southein teramso the. Xtropolilan Division- o! 1 h.,ap- plicanî tely - to conneol with thé Scarboro,,divilselon o!, theapplicaul, ardc eenly b conneot With hifw In jco divimwinof eth.applicait. (4) 'And for the>-right to inreaie lb. bond issue of tht "applican1t from twou. 1>' 1l*ousaud .(20,000) dollar. to thirt>' tboýsan.($80,000) --dollaxis a mue. upon, the -single -traecb. Uns o! lb. .ýp- licsat'. iraibvay conalrutci and b.- oonstrueted. 45) And f o théb. exlmision cf lime for thé o mm ent and thee co-' I. This is -the Time to -Make Take 9 Bitter OrengeS, 73-Sweéet Oranges ard 2 Lemons. Sli1ce 'the' fruit,-across the grain, ýremove the seedsplae in deep'dish with-4. qurtsof ,wateri andl l1et stand for 36 hours. Then bol 2 houts. Add 8 Ib.of White -Su gar, then, boit -i hour ýuntil it wiIl 1 elly.ý We will ban you a slicer.- Fine Bitter -0rainges, 25,c doz. Sweet Oranges, 20, 30, 40,'50 and 60c doz. Large- Le Mons, 30c- doz. Large. Grape, Fruit, 3 :for 25c. Spanish Onions iFlorida Peelery Jmo. E.ATERHý.OUSE ~very. 71- Th. Welland Telegr. tien hto tic tactthat'I Palharnbas been wýith[ Ises -for forty years, ýha' Dunkin Aét l- 18713, ~bars which weré the4 j calebretion, o!f11w for sar>' cf frecdom f rom lion ls-being planiied if Mr,. G.D. Plat, IPic wribes b opoint eut .thà of oAthol,'-in his- count, bebter record. He:s-a- "1 vwile ho inforun hownship, in Ptlnce E is ant4bleti to praced hemn township, a.s it h more than fi! ty years, cd liquor. elling blido Act or any other Pr ws s ven proposed. TI o! the iownship made -about 1850 ho stop lbi - icaling- liquor in lhe- d iti thy -theé adotion by the_ township cc liat ne more lixense!s - Local HAP. At1".-H- Clayten'sý Mardhi lth, abunci - rs".-will lic sold. -4- *Wil.'tic gentleman., bag oVer bhe fencei Souti, kindl'y remove funUher troubla. - - iirsd I 'AYUI -Leave Torono 10.20 PJ. durfnlx rch, and Octobert, and at 2 .m. and ring MIAy, Jun., July an&Auguut. .8ý Trot to WI.uîpeg and W..t R. BLOW, Agents RIB ersigneçd cation of uite for ,e River STAT~~~ONAY~ we 'endeavor nilot to be, and that wes can. succeed can be. demnonstrated by, an inspection of, our stok o SA IER Ail the newest things in, Papers, Pen.s andInks, L Books and Magrazines,ý--Rubbers an.d'cvezythînùg else that goes to make the, most kompiete stock of'-stationery in town. - . W. J. Ml Richardso*n Leading Book6eIIer ,and Stationor K ST.,- WIITBY BROC Any agent of tic Canîdian Northern 1 Railway, or tic tiuîde wl ha glad 10 senti. an application full informati on'as idthebclec thcee iomeuteads and tic way te secure anti reach - ibem. W "TcBreati Basket",35 000 i"Fvee Homesteadsl" andi our Peaci Bookýet. Yen w'll ha interestat.'- I R."LFairhairn, General Pass;enger Agent, 68 King ctrçet, E., -Toronto, C Saaskàtchewaujï,Mber'A M93 SETTLERS 83.0 j andfcq diutus portion IW lhmve Tort.1jevasTino et~ OLOgierIS *15on i.TA 5~~~N &Wo Bbre rthe INotitPasscsgen;t. Toronto_ Mil . i Ne BLOWs-

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