Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Mar 1913, p. 3

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ted. - in Lon-' ted. No tarted by- g aIiioct- r'. cowd- 'g" stores i bs-u es- heir own sae eUc- f -tii. tes- notable Lon -4ea f-. luth.-e e n nover )0gl ta,. 5 close t. us e-asiy drinking- ie o! tÀ )Pa pop î-> 'oit them- - Lcu!g the, i-ier. Vo deubt las made siiole feor lappine 's$r in great- it bo dis- 'o! <coin- . ,- aid upo .n pes anac1 preciated 'unimagi- - .vorwork- :od homne. pearAuco y are ex-- for very nes. Fo r infduCe- ipal tes adon ara- sý -ici the, eut.- CO UXT. aportant hed bluat, ke careoi' .te rcan fti e re. îepwer Ieafrom c Tho r bas'êeI îîniver-ý 9s aved- caëkling i es that Dukea î<Jer thé runniu g- -- ring hér- MiAnéRdnilgues unite6s au tolois foux ler ho=ê In 7a.enoia.-*Fer a long time I enfméi-ed wth faillng strength and -7 uzggng headachee. 1Myodtien grew atesdily normeImy limbir became bloated 7 adhky, I wam esllow- sud -thlu. tot rhuustle -pains, dlasînees aud'ch ille. 1 untortiiateily didn't Wmiýct =ny kidusy and .n4wae neàiy dead when -I dieocvere, the truc caiTus. c!my kmufferigm, I road aý. .nuoh $bout thé wondertul' bes'lth sud, ftreugth - that cames - toalal who use Dr. f Hamilitn'e Pille thst I toit ur e tiuey' wbuld heip me. Susoh bleasingcet 1heaIth and boor1 Si- ot fi-sm-Or. Hamlton& Pltis"I ' ft dseuibe. *Phefy apndlly* put Mi, light, andi týfesady Uu ekUp Me Roi ivé,'enerbe'tioý- cii-ena u"d happy. i e t4hiiy -urge ethsi to* regulste and tons thf4ir *yto f wtli Qr'. Hamilton'& .Piis et -Mandraka and *uttsanut.11 No,,greater medicinuexilste than Dr. - -. beilton'm ]PlUs fe« the cure et indige.. tiqun,,eontipaiôon, fatulence. lver, blad.. don ýaïd i kdney trouble. Refuse mibti. -taleu. 260. pêr box or flvé boume for $i.00, -a! a1l druagîste sud etorekeebere. or post- - .* * pel br the Catarf-homene Co., Buffalo, N. Y.. asud Éluigmien, Canada.1 ~- OP*- lVhy ir a- faot Young- lady -like a stëàÎboat 1 Because -te.never aahead without a mwll after MiâaeLinimenteCuise ce00e te.ý Hýr husband grunted, being in a ectoayuood. lika- 1 --kubw," le -à-~~,"wa o~ heve ever done for tÏëfi, eee-ý minded V "They umuallv rnarry thée,dear," rèpHed the ,iiie S'west- ly. UT sN'érine ES, i.yl e mea lamah ackig& i» laoemk. Iloe-ntak tou . 9"np9 or u lt-ai'. la ______ Ire la lej~. »br,~ othing tha.t makes:up -~h stýrm of humaj, i f e iii *hièh thé 'yW,7man's aide should not b. put as ivell as the man's; TO CURE A COLD «IH ONE DAY T&aeLAXATTV]E PROMO Quinine T&bie. D iolta refund moaey If h t alle to cur. E.W.f GROVE'U signature lu on ach box. A a'ound thinker, however, usu- ally does bis thinking iu silence. Minai-dm Liniment Cures caaot In Cows. *Mother-"Edith, 'yôu niùtn't be eonceited." Edith-"I'n1 noV. -I &ci 't think in nearly as sweet S pretty as people say I arn when 11una liutening 1". Mfr. 3. E. Arsenauit, a Justie - of the Peace, and station master at fewltpi the -Prince E-dward IsndRaIays ays: -"7,our years ao1 I apbed la th* -.station and 'fou on a frelght truck, oustsliulni a bad cut eu the. front et imy leg. I' thcught tus would heal Mbut lnstoad cf dolng se t develepe Into a bad ulcer, and làter Into a foi of eczema. whIch spread very rapidly. aul alo tartod on the other -leg. * oth legs became so - swollen -and acre that I ceuld -only go about my work by having them baudaged. Miy doctor sait! I must stop work snd lay up. "ÂAft.p six monuh cf this trouble 1 conuuted ano thor docter, lint with no btter remuit.- I -tried eil the salves, MUnents snd lotions, I heard cf, but Inâead cf getting botter I got wcrse. * 2bli ivas My condition wheu I get -- my ti-at box of Za.m.Buk. Greatly to ply delight that. Irat' box gave me ne- lief. I contin-ued te, apply ft to the scres, and iday by' day they got botter. I could ses that at asat I had get hold et ofmeth1ug "whlch weuld cure me, And lu the end It did. iIo lunow over a tear aInce Zam- Dnuk worked a curé In my esse, aud there bas beeun n return of h «ezeL Bù~ch l the -nature cf the gi-eat cures .iwhlch, Zam-Buk la dally offecting. fPureIy bei-bal -lu cemposition, this great balm la a sure cure for al akin dimsesé, cclii %ores, chepped -. hands, trait bite, ulcers, blood.poleonlng, vani- * , - as ares, piles, scalp soi-es, ring- worm, lzfated patches, cuts, burus sud 2zuses. Ah - drugglsts sund stores sel et 60c. box, or post free from Zam-Buk Co., upený recelpt of pie. einity ewtibith th"ot berefore ne- eeesarilJysA. ranks ares enart men ah alllu",cn4k5 hve 1,ninins. Neven1ýheess, stripped'of, its hy- perbole, -th!& expert'.,ýeb mgaint wçrry spe.iminayV iusanity neëe.'no elaboratiôn, and, 'bis advice th8st! wLen thng 9g ,wroug onme ehould s4y"Isil- iworry" and forket &Il .bo4'h *hile just "sOxàgger-'t-ed, hae a basis'of 4trùth.-' Quoe of the iruest thinga over said -W" that th. ivoret nover. happons. More person% are drivexi into men- ýs i-i phyéicil collapse by w.rary-, mng ovon whaWt',nover .h4îpons haný thoe Who worry because thinga have actualfly gon, wrbng. When thîngs do 'ýgo"wrong the mmn or' tiie woman 'worth anything la usually too buay tryiig ta geV ont fnom uni- dor Vo haveo turneVo ivasto inworry- iug. Worryiug -nover helpe a sy, And always hinders. The. person who sys. '"Bet I ca't heii t".uelatebis-ce hinisel! and force himseîf Vo help iV. It's a men- tal disease, just as this expert sayB, sud it sho ild1, le atoppod before, t becomes chronie. But do notsup- ?Poe tat ecaseyou worry it is evidence of the. possmson of brais. IV is more likely Vo b., the revers.. B1'RENGTH.- Wlthout, Overloadtng tiie Stomach. Tiie business man, - epeoiailjy, ueeds food ini t4o mrnnug that,,viii not ovorioad týe stomachb, but givo mental vgor for thie day. Mueiidepends on thé sarat a ms-p Içetg es-ohday, as -te iiovh.oms-y «epect -te- accmpliuh the. vonk on Hé. au'V b'. aient, with - beavy, tniod-meat-and-potatoes breaak!tt *requiring a lot e! vital enengy in di- gtip'gkt- À.4strn buiinéss maàn trieçi ta *filhd- onis Zood écombinàtlosithil would noV overIoadý the tems-chinl tii. morning, but.that vould pie- duoseuergy.( Re vritos;- # '- "Pc ' 4ms-iifl~ e toftud -W iast food that had nutrition, 1 inough t6 -osiain a business man 'witoutveniadig)heis toms-chl ogaing indigsitiou aid kiudied,, "Bohug a výeny busy and ae s very non-vous maxi, I décided Vo give up breakfast aitôother. But, Iitcklly I vas itiduced te tny Gi-. "Sino. that mnorniug I have been a nov man; eau 'wonk vithout in- iug, my head is clean sud my nerveis stnng sud quiet. "I fin&. foui- teaspocufuls cf Grape-Nuts with oeele! ugar sud a emali quantity c! cold milir, la delicioue as the coneai part o! the mornng moal,: sud invigorates me for tiie day's business."' IÇanie gvnby Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. Read tii. littIe book, "The IWtVo Wellvlle," lu pkgs. 1 ' here'e a Reason."- Eye-rsad the abovo letter? A nsw ent appsars fi-rn lime te lime. They are genuinej, t-us, sud lui t fhuman Inteio ANOIENT IIIGII[WAYS. The. Carthaginiani Undez-steod tho Value o! Good Roads. Savage ms- built nothiug Vhst eau b.es-lJied a rogd.- Wheu lie ws hungry h. seuglit kcd in Vhe for- este, or in Vhe streamsansd lakea, sud finally ms-de for him»el! defunite tra-ilà. Tiies. trais becs-me aV st VIe fi-st roadu, Mn. L. W. Page, in "Ronds, Pathsansd Bridgea," tolls 'o! the. a-oue..urfsced reads fcund lu Egypt, built thieusaude cf yesre ago, o! massive atone blocks, in somne plac etn feet Vhi-ek. It vas over such a, aubstantiali-oaci as Vhs- that the eatoues used in the construc- tion o! tiiegiet Pyramaids vers hauleci. EgypV i. net the cuiy land pos- feesiu.g relici o! ees-ny nos-t-build- ing. - Babylon, the eiVy cf lianging gardeut sud gros-V vs-ls, stV a very eanîly dat-edeveioped a iiigii state o! - civ-lization, sud Seminamis, -its gi-est que-en, vas an enthusiastie nosd-builder. It lu a-t this periotu that we fi-id vhat ie probably the fret use cf stoue iu bridge-bu-ilding. Tho Vwo portions o! the cit-y were joined by a bridge across Vie Eu- plirates. This ivonderful bridge vs s built cf layge stona blockrs, joiued with plaie& of lead. At that perioci, more than tvoi thousaud y .ears befora Christ, as-, phaît vas used insteaci o!iortar ini constrîîeting tiievs-st walîs round the. city. Commerce flourished, sud great highways- radidied te al Vhe principal cities cf t:he then kuovu vorld. 1v i. saitu that sa higiiway 400 miles- keig, sud paved vîth brick set in a mortar of asphasltuin, <ouuected Niueveh sund Babylon. -1V -a-s left t-o the 'Cartlisgiuians V--o become* inst-ructns tVo the world iu. the art cf roadc-buildiug. - Car- thage i. given the ci-edit cf hsving demoustrcited to the wowId thc stra- egic sud economie valu-e cf im- proveci ronds. But fer s splendid system o!, highway-s, wiiicii peniit- ted an eassy mes-ns o! communica- in.witi all parts cf- ler>jlemairis, sho nover could'îiave reaehed the heights a-h-c attaiucd, eithen in com- merca Or vs-r. Tor. tried màny,. nerve, f 9à ràiust admit «'I am, more than gsratefiil for what'bDddd 'Xiduey PIlls have deito for me."y NarVe :veakuessansd exhaustion are càused' by impuire iod.- In.- - seeblÃ"od .1, cauiçd -by dhseased ilattêrt' cf-ýth. bciy o>ut.-of tii, blood, The.'nsaturai remedy lu te cure the kid neys;. Dodd'a kidney Pilla -have yet :te find 'a cane 'of kiduey disease they cannot-cui-e. BRITISH AND GERMAN IIp S.e Compsratiye Cost of Those Wliloh R ave Boom Latoly Built. Tii. competition 4n the, building o! .wsrhipi continues witlih sae euergy, iu epite o! the greviug aux- i-ety te v-Lich it givos rise; but lu this country; at lest, it ha accepted with a largo, ieadure e-o! oacr., becauseà iV seeon toe .inovitabie, ss-ya Engineering. Theri-e a cor- taiuly lie leu-heeitancy and moe genoral. acceptance o! th& situation Vhs-n tisai-e waa sorno ture ago>. Lt lu iuterestiug, if n<et gratifyiug, ho refleet on the'fa-ct Vhs-t tih' cou-t cf this heavy tabkl irnýpO'ed upon Bri- taini is ligliter than li otiier oo4n- tries. -Tii. two> European oountr es -whi-oh are building mo xnle ly are Britailii aaid Grmany, ar tii. figures published lu tâ, n'w Gorman Navy 'estiastes s-fiard means ci -compariug tiie ceat e! the 15k-Bat, eMhpà. TIifigurestdo, are o! stili -4'idr signficaiioe, as tiiey msy le accefpbed -aia- a-&u0--inem tsipbuhldlng v-prk-genoir*1ali - P ,,mtdf ý4-éféureiabihity in: such companeona, ý svariants enter jute tii. -problein; but it la possibl, te nema as Vo, indicat.,vithout ques- tion cf-grave errer, the genral con- clitelon tat -tiie Bnitis'h Admirs.lty are getting tiheir ships cf tii. lin. at a muclelu prieVhs-n la paid by the. Germnan naval autherities. The. figures applicable Vo Vth, Ger- bian -battle-cruisers Goeben sud geydlitz susy bh o eupsrod witb tiiose for the Lion and the Princees Royal. The desigus, o! course, di!- fer. The Britishi slips are certain- ly lanr, have grester apeed, sud as Vo thoiý1r .rmameut t Vmsy at loast be sa-id that tii. offensive p-awen of the Britishi éhips la net in ,r . t that o! tii. Gorman vesseig- Those la-ttei- cot-the fins-t named £2,206,. '000, sud tii. other, sud laVer1 vos- sel £3,234,000. Tii. cost, cf tie Lion was £2,M6,ooo, and o! the Pi-incess Royal £2,0-13,886. -W, have tiiero- fore, a clos-n gain of quite ciglit per cetwin o fthe Brts hswiout considening tiie di 1fference in design. The German cruisers- have a length o! 6uOY4/ feet, sud a dispîsceueut -o! 22,600 Vous ;the Bri- tishi shipà have a leugth o! 660 feet, sud a displac>eent cof 26,350 -tons. Thora -should thus be a considerable diff erence lin favor o! the German bh ips, for lu hull construction, in- crosa iuleugth lavolvea iiighe-r ex- peuditure in construction sud in armer -protectioin. Again, the de- signed power o! ca-ch o! the German cmi-sersisl 52,000 horsepoiver, with Tiie Lord Provost's committee o! Edinburýii Townu Council lias de- cided Voi-ecomniend the Counçil to, punchss the estaVe of Coretor- plume Hill, for the sum o! $85f000 as a&sitefor s zoo. faulgl, '14 rup ani Vbaoping Cough. Kind-XHearted Lady-l'Ah, poor nan 1 Dcn't You k'ncw that you will fid a. d'runkard's gi-ave?'" Wag- gles-"No, xnadam; I expeet Vo be crematel. " rMinai-d'a Liniment Curse Dphthoi-ia. "I uevçr heard o! but ohe perfect boy," said Jolinnie, peusively, as lie s-at in the corner doing ponance. "And who vas hst!" asiroc susm- mna. "Papa- iion ho vas little," ivas the ausiven. And silence neigun- ed for the eps-ce of five minutes. E D. 4 ISSUE; 11-113. -thé10ID atbn & d UvWJim ceamea.1: ge fufl-mizd bGca of OteaOnmn~si c*c-L0utlcurÏ optadol .eaýu Ixav -ntit bffl Aipuble4. >- hat vuesx completelycured me." -Bged imadme, for pimpleslckbeadç,red,'rough' ino ltehlng, mymspdairf rthenand nallawlth paidnfui finwer-endsm thaiIi a imotclnlntoteLÂ'nI emke.of -ou*=%, a op .gd4boiroftcurCm .Oin.mentarea oten.suUclent whon«iaime mample ot ocdinmaled fi-e, wt 2p k Clee oip.Iept. 48DlDi ton.-le L Ndregim Sd ioé~Are an Tizht ais Oihêr8. Th %i' k cabine o! rural Norway ýre built o! heavy plie -legs, lewed Square, a-nd o! equaI aise from en-d te end. ,Th-oy are - usually - tained or.ouled, sud their nioii yellowisii or brownihh oloeii armony vithl ai.most s-ny, mui-rou.udlnge. Their roof s' are -odded-aà circumatane that. -a"da -picturesquexiesetoe i general effeot. -' Uhave corne- seros-roofs 'ia-t- wer-e s- îot--o! wid&pansîeie," aaye- a-,w-iter iu -tii, Crs-!tams-n "and I, bave sean vend-sifui i-os whera wuiuoe ungo-c4r- tiie eavee,'-or viiité,.star-like fIm-ers, Vopping tii' dei- braw-vu tructure, vas exqui- mteiy pictu-resque. :"ýSoîn. rooz ,produe.osly pas- tii-e , &rame, and *,h. mtoi-y runo-sz §te&& o! ta-king hrn te epa-ture. I bave no doubt thaithie story is iue, for I have. often seen -a. cou-pIe c! -white kidiets - amboling. ou the, e. 9reL, bousetops wvile ,the motier gat, rave and-'rusinativ, was tetiiere t otho' qiixiy "Sod. roofs are_ just as water-tiglit s-s others, if they s-re laid ceri-ectly. A board roof! ha fret laid upon a houa'., sud ttis is eovered -with a layer e! biroh bs-sk. On. top o! tuas ceies a layer of aod with tii- grass tui-ued down Vo theroof. Then a ratiier- thick layer cf a-itii,sud finalIly another layer o! sod, tuis time witbi the gras& up. The rusult le a puost exquisite aud poetical ccv- eiig for the lieuse." A Racking Congh And- Sore Throat Cured In F ive Hours. Use tIe Proper Remedy and Colds sud Soie Throat Disappes-r. *"When 1 came home lest evmnnug," wrîtem Mi-. Thornes E. Janvie, "I irwas al uaed up wmu cou d s racking cour h. I fait iok ail over. My :ile rubbed mzy thi-oat anti chest every tour, sud made me gargie with Nervilune sud mater. I irs socu wai-med np sud made comfort- able with the- Nervîllue, and tha chiliy senation paoee4amay. At' Il o'ciock, after l oi- or'. ti-eatmout.I wae pi-sou- caily mmii. I thèefore write you at once lu ordar that Ih nýaY ho pubily kuowu that Nervîiine wili knock ont s bad cahd ovor nlght." It les atact that Nerviine wil ceee np a tight cheat. ii rel-leve that eore, wbeezy feeling. miii knock ont s coiS lu mest a tam honre. Ilb panatrataa daeply. drairs out ihé'congestion, cures prompt- 17. Géit a large family ies bottle. 10e.; emall aisea,25c., ai al etorakeeperesud drnggis or The Catari-hozone Co., But- tala. N. Y. Doing Their Stims. "De wust thiug about arithme- tic," said Uncle Eben, "is dat a wiioie lot e' folks gits de ides dat s-ny kiud o' 4ýggerin' is al niglit if dey kmu.finisii. up vif a number dat lias a dollar Mrik in -front cf it." PILES CIJUÈOINHi TO i4 DAVI tour drugi-igi will retund money If PAZO 01NTME14T failu ta cure uny cama of Itch- Ing. B14aS. Bieeding or Protruding Pilemin-c i to 14 dsys. tOc. New Religion in Russia. A new religion ha-a just been lsunchi lui Russia by Iliodor, the famous. vag-a-ut diasenter. The catechirni fer the new sect Iliodor has diselosed Vo- a few o! hi-s follow- ors in the desert cf Florisheva. The main principles cf the àoctrine are a platonic lova ths-t shall ox- ýtend te a-lt peoples, irrespectiv-e of raScoor' nstiouaiity, a- communistic lil. for ail believens, fr-ee mariage sud free diýroe, an-cl s service c<>n- -sistinig o! hymne te ho sung Vo nos- ,son, freedoin, the es-nth, vater sud foreets. Special hoiidays 4re ai- rauged to do henor te Buddha, Cou- fucius, Mahomet, Toistoy ,sud Christ. Seven holidays a year are set aside lu honor cf Christ. Mother ý anys -sie's so that sha cai' V wasii the dishes unies. oeeof tiie girls is playiug the piano a-t tIe nosonîs. -aïiasuceffsmon is nô o poatdùeia, ltiso " tto'passt *lnundeoe -Whaitevee n&mc, ýo!f ïAig-lo-Turkibh 0CuvëntiounWa.ny-] !ftunjs;te tos e&b> he e-d ied thait clvihzstlonunde rit.en- whehuning force." Old folks' Couglis> ModernDl01t arathing- cure. Elderi- ,psczqe- baa cail ealy. T7nik iyoung folk@, they recov alowly, if ever. That le iwhy Bomany people pas! u1ddle lite. die etf pnoumonis. -Even though pnmumonie, dos net dsvelop sud kîio cauiba certaily umaken anil ederly peo- ple. Liough Syrups elimedo n uch go"d be- cauge bhay upset digestion. Any dràggl.t or doctor. kucue that s much moreefee. tlvel treatment le -'CÂTARHOZONE, which hesîs sud ecothes the lrritated sur- faces cf the throat. -la -uslng Catanrhozoum yen do net, taes mediclue 'Into the stomaàch-ycu mimoplur breathe jute the, Ibroali, nase and lungs7 ilo plney blofe apr p mle ai lngpowen liat cd.ctrb u rn chitbic s'Wyear almas tebu2tl' * - t'a ty.ejght yere t a a OSltes- or acide," wrltek J. B. Plîgris, of Km!. iutou. #"Ther useS tao ethe.bain etci = lIte, sud that wam betere I useti Catsrýih- ceene, which waa reommmudedti t me,,by C. Ti. Pi-oua., drugglmt. To use Catarrh- ozone Io just like.. belug lu su Immues pVin. w"ed. The balsamie vapai- et Ca. tari-hosone le lîke a toule, It le mc stiuuu' latluta the breathiug organe. la eocth. lng te ore @oalenocfull et power ta drivé ont chiA. and eontemtion. 1I ulli aiwayé use sud recominond Catarniioscue as s preveutîve sud cure tor 'oughm. calAs brouchîtîs, thmrat Irritation sud earrb.l (SigneS) *J. .PILGRIM.' A Cataerhozone Inhaler lu your po- kit an pures enabe yen. te stop a eoi4 with the irai omie. Large size cSe 81.00 aud supplice traatmeut for tire monthm: smal size. 5Ne.; triai site 25e.;- ail eteorekesitersansd druggiets. or The Catari-hozone Co., Buffalo, N. Y., ahd Kingston, Canada. HOW TO ATTAIN EIGHTY. Freden.lo Ilarrison's Golden Rules- o! Ilealth. Five goldeân nules o!f'healt4 ver'. given recently by M-r. Fredenic Harris-on, author, critic, biblio- phile, ex-professer, bannister, hie- toi-ian, t-avouler, sad amasteur gar- dener, on his eighty-first binthday the other day, celebrateci st lis home at Hawkiiurst, Kent, Eng- land. . (1) Ab-sVsin fri-m tobacco, spirite, madle diishes, au-cl sIl such dreacful things. I amn satisfied, with s- ittie bit o!- mutton snd nice' pudding.. (2) Rise f!rom a meal vith an Sp. petite. I 'beliave people es-V tee mi. (3) Walk every day for Vvo heurs. Thiis I arn geiug to do as soon as I get. thi-ougli s pile o! latters -sud te1egrams from Florence sud Rome. I a-m teoc l te playv's-t tennis, sud golf iq tee slov. (4) , Sleep eight heurs. People canuIt sle-ep vho smoke theimselvesl blak in the fae, es-t toc mucii, and have notvaîk-eci enough. (5) More important Vhs-ns-l-be contentV -witli what you have got. Take.thinge quictly. IiANGI3D BY THE NECK No death ie more certain than the end that coxnes to every offender treated by Putnam's Corn Extractor. Out cornei the cor-n or Wrarte, rmot and branch. Insist on "Putnam'8' only. it's the hest. free from acids and painle6e. Pite 25c., at ail deal- er.. Some men would rather run- for office tiian earn a decent living. Minai-d'a Liniment cures Disiemper. Spring Signe. It is-a happy sign of spring Whern one eau hear a robin sing; But it's a surer sign, Some say, To heur a street -hand-organ play. FREE 0F LUMBAGO Be-naus.Hi Took-GI [M PILLS Mi-. Il. A. Jukes cf Winnipege writos: "I have 6een a suffererfrom Lmbg fo oeyears'past I met your Mr-. Hil an li avised me te taire GIN PILLS. I have býeený taking them at Preselkt winter, and up-te-date. have had n e r e t u r a c f m y o l d t r ou b l e - i; n f a ctin e v l u i g t eIa l a t o t - feel boîter than I have for years, snd- thinir tlat zny cld enemy lhas vùn1sh ed fcrgoed and ail." Soc. a box, 6 for $2.5o. Sample-fri.if ycu write National Drug snd Chemical Cô. of Canada, I.imiteO., Toroute. 930" DQMS~BRJ~ICK & ILE4 .Ç1oi.- which ii anaged bïy a, strong Board of reputabi. Xo - r-est business men. - A maiî Y1o Sýof ôbiwi1Prefoxip? Shares s.Ëzar or sl.Tii, COapany i. ,capital4zed0ti.500O 1000o,OQ Pre!orei~ço azed oo n bf. hieh $M, isedi and owns 198 arpents of land a Laprai iq ro- wle o! Qec.-*500 wiIFf'givp <iisetrerneese twocomon hars.The. Pr.îfrcnceý Shsree gua irantee yo-7 nY0ut money,! and thse dividend on tiie Common Shares viii 'greatly lucrease yp; ,inobmêe, ion, eau have a plan sudm prospectus ont requést- , Your Subescription ma.ày ho telegraphed,t omr çxeope,,or. &-jetteé ' Gmpl3rBiati'9>thst eo-ma'nyha4.s.êusoýq for sud enclosin-g-ch"eque -'will b-6 Suàfient." SubjEýct - o-. prior sale, your oedriffcatOs 'viii b. forw rded the day vo mScive >the ie~r onclosing -youirpney. -- -Tiiere la no'yat-ered e<esntoc lVs enterÉr"e M NOT SUCUI A FOOL. En glish Nat u *1 lat ra jltiThatthe: O-strich Io MalIgned. - Speaidng as V a Royal ColonialSe ciety ' meeting, James -BùrVci--d gave sème iuteresting déta"so!f bird habita. ýThat mucii-nalhgned 4ird, tii. Af iban ostrihii, va-tla-stroscis from ignominy. Tii. vworid ba be i etaUCý ke ,ltiieseÏ 5in thisîk that iÏ hurles IV. haad th a.- biss-u 4....- oo-belevngthat , c iz' .a s uns eiugi suie~ -On -the. omtraery, îays n.Bu Iànd,. iV buries it ite ad Mbeciqouao - -intdome Ia -isbody-rosemnbles, 'Vhs sut 111, llsiU surnount it, asd thus it eccape& cb-ser-vstion. A zucat respectable bird vas the. Indian adjuVant, sud Mn. Buckland' a#UîgestVod that if h. put 'up for the 'A ena.eum ho wouid most certain- ly b'. elocted. He vas meut savere snd correct in hie conduet, butý w-e-n ho dan-ced lu reminded theni e! noViin# so much, su Clianiay' aunt, having lis-acl itlo tee, mucli aV Chrnistmas, ryiug te do a cake- walk. The cassowary vas another mai- vefllons bird. lts appetile ivaa enonmous. Mn. Buekîansutaaid that ha once fetu on'. with bans-na., but ho geV tired long before tiie bird, did.- TLey s-ltheard. the aong cf The casaowary, On the pla.ins of Timbuctoo, Who swalJowed up a missionary, Hie beads and prayer and hymn- b ok, Voo. Iu f4it, big as wae the appetite oi the icasowary, he, appeared to draw the. lne.at inissionaries. The. lord of Au.stralian bi-de, the' emu, vas the rnost ehamrelessly hen- pecked -bird iu creation. When Mis. Emdi had laid her eggs, ah.e left- Mr. Emu to ait upon them, -gallivanting about, only returning now and then to add Vo the nuru- ber. As One Who Knows. Figg-Does your grocer seil his apples by the barrel? Fogg-Well, they. corne in bar- rels,, but -what he selis thiem by is the top layer. CURES SHIIOILCLDS A young mnan about to be married asked his father how hie got on so well with his wife. The old man con- sidered a moment or tivo, lànd theif lie said:-'It's like this, John. If youî' wife is a good womnan, let.he-r haveher own way, and if she is a bad one she'll ýtaire it." Minard's Liniment Ca., Limited. Have sed MINARPDS LINIMENT for Croup; -found nothing equal te it; mure cure. CHAS. E. SUARP. Hawkshaw, N. B., sept. let. 1905. Chinese Logic. Another instance -of what seemns Vo us the topsyturvy way o 'f doing: Vhings in China is told, according to the Washington Star, by Biahop Lewis of Eochow. A gentlemhan entered. a Chinese- shop Vo purchase tea. Ho found, to hie aniazement, that five pjounds ci a certain tea cost Vive dollars and a haîf, wheroas ten pounds of the, isanie brand cost seven dollars and a half.' The gentleman protosted at these prices, bt the shopkeepe r xnsisted, tha.t the y were -perfectly lIogical." As he put ht: ."More buy, more ricli-more rich, more. eau psy."'O bNi tewlidiâ tat eau b. buLt.Worth. ths. nODOI for quick mal. ps im lày t.. 1 y waefui t Ïte mue. ar..TiWestern Beal Estate Exbangew -London Qntr. 'Aibtum. onatirsanCents. markrStamo Compjan, Ttirônto - - -miuLlAIlDL - 100 pplto aebgiom.B to wrte for bock. "Hcw b'Start ,ïa t liard E6om'ý-Ooét. Eaay Terme, etii.iitaj- logues ci tables for -Home anid Club' 'iee4 If~tou have a table ask for our ouppIY catalogue. Brunswlck-Balke-GoUender Com- pany. Toronto. B 7UFF OUPINGTON EGGS FROM' wlnners and layera-Si aud 81.75 per i5.- Bert. Wismer, Pi-mtou. STRÂWBBRRY "ý PLA2NT-GEOWN'ON 'I the forth shore of Lake Brie, 25 se- lectsd kinda; Black Cap Raspberries aud Evergreene. Pres catalogue. Lakeview Fr P arix, Om'veeend, Ont. (This ad- y ètlement appeara but once). c ANCER, TUMORS,- LUMPS.B O out of;1lne - ci before tocl@. Dr. Beslman Medlial o.LmId.Colllngwood. Ont G LL STONES. KIDNEY AND BL=D Gder Stones, Kldney trouble. OraveL. Lumbago and klndred aliments pouItlvely tue Jhe ,bc new 'Qermau Emea* for' : labeteou4fellitue; sud"uré cunre. -ià '5anol's An il-Diabetom.." Prics 82.00- from ïrugglmtm or direct. The Sanci Manufam. turing Company' et Canada, Limitef. Winni peg, M an. Men's Sits hou iYork lu Canada. Gold medalieL BRUTISIf AtMEttCAN 'DàYIINO C0. P. 0 o esaMONTUEM. itst a JU~ protruding or bleedlng piles can be cui-ad by uslng ýnature'. own re. medy-no 'medtcine-nbo operation.4' This romedy dame oct profess to cure ,Internel elles, but. le a certain cure for protruding pice. Discovery was made by uferer 20 ymaru' standing, who ie now Quito well. Full instructions, ou receipt -o! $Ê00.- WM. B., QXLEY, 294 Be rkemy St.. Toronto. 1mnev What Was'Comnlng, "That'a a baà' codye iv-' "Yes, nov go abesd -alsd Vefl. your _favorite remedy.'> me ILC.Be1ew ynicte, Reiiiglsered suite 23, il St. Sacrementi St., Montres!- -- MaypolIe S4i~ FOR HOMIt DYEINQ ' - . Wcehemaîdç-lyc dCean, brgt, ls - coote.Dsee ct ma- 9 Colorei 0cblàc i5calyoerdealese orpoatp*dwith b'k. ici w "I-otaDyc 1los 6me F. LDENEDICT &Co. Moitri-am imim 1 'l f

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