Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Feb 1913, p. 4

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00OKLIN. The. public Mus. FrauklMÀke h. heamon t&s lutS weSk Mh liet for , sdays. - ao..nlt h$"m. a. . bIn bbut vIlng in ofit ' a the Wbtby'for the, past 1 w l..,las - Lam Ni. IJlboet-Chin. motored clown from lqeut Stands 1Ibromo onw.dnedy lutsto 7vwsi: ' E I5me Ie motiiu hmou,Oaw, o wlê Lau bos vWstiag friands li Wat. 3f.Gw. m1 tbmW for morne ima, ' visitint etltheNorth 1 the, home cif e,y'. Soott. - s'mda for a 17. mthis h. ez~ Great Clearing Sal wI-RE FENCE- 4000 100 F8 SBR FENO RO E 960- AT LOV -CASR*PRI t64,040Rold. --Fs.. 47ad -Rs 1,Staym22 lâche- Apar 1 I il tell, FOR TWO -WEEKSONLY, a]t o! my 8 %vira stock sev on bhand at the 1ev price of 25c per rod, for CASH ONLY. -- 'purchuiedti s lance juat as-wlac ce ommenceti to atiance .4n buyce andi am in a position 10offer t6 the. public one marc chance te My guarantee la satisfaction bi .money back.- Corna and get-your spring'u supply aid ave 25 par cent. on yi uioney, as ail ste~el materl7als arc rapldly advancing in. price. LlSTEW-ý-TbIs la wvert people are saylng about TINE 10 GRAVITY WASIIER We wouid Rot take $50 oo for it. t la on.ly washîng machine on tihe market. Recc ménd itto ail your friands. t doese everytii you dlaim it will do and more, - Ladies- this is-the best washing machipe aver saw. It wilH wash a tub f ull of dirty ciai in six minutes and won't ivear the clothes,f -jthe. edges, or break the buttons the way oi machinas do. t jutt drives soapy water cl through the fibres 0k ch&s'4lothes the way a fi pump might. Let me sa'nd you a "9-i oo Gravi Washer on a iéionth's frac trial. 1 wiii delive to your door, and -if you don't wa t the mcLf afe auigi an od aywilcst you ting Ifta aay-g ait w 30 d y'sufreeti .wiIfta 71W aresatsfid it is worth twicc as much as other wàsher you ever used pay me $î 5 and kçee the in£ vou ,ther tear orce ity' er it hiue ke it. ""a a-»W rÏsaidng -.wil be givesf by ]ka. -Wrn. Tos'diff, -and au oxohange of pal. me ieatara~s wiU aliso lie -held. Raeil cati. Uses.>1 of Lamons.- MIl ladies il41ie gr'. and Mrs.;Wordez. of, Toronto, Toronto, spumt Sussday withe 1latteas-par- ýt* hs'e. ente, mr. sud. Mnr. Jas.,Skiner. indes' of ' "'ýYp 01e F olkas '-Concer" v cafI unW ider "'Y. controlle of y. choir- of, y. mcthodisl ohurcb la yo SpacionsoI.iO emc mach ~ y 1c ald .MsreMecynge house" POts WO last riday cvening vas veilat.dcd anmud an intaesming program. vas po aeulo. MosI of lb. numborswroo a humarous cb.craot, with t1h. ex-: oSptl16& of lhe ohoruseby the choir, e aad&lb. ausiting siuger,-which were" le old lime favorites.' Thoe who parlici-> int. the c nterbaiumau e r dmcs- éd la old-fauhiened clothimg. Sonie af liéCf"tai loosbulmes wceequit. bocoun. ing touthealadies,. but lie same cauld1 harcily b. saiti for the meni. Meas i.Ketchen anti Jas. ,Smithi I» rPremnutëeth le BrookijaPre&byterîam ohurch a lie *fnua meetingaOf1te t 'naro Alliance, held in Toronto on I [Jriah Jones -hn-Independelt-6. Bell eonnectlon ne .xt ,week lor tbir new home. FOR SALE.- Butohor buàiness forj olithe Vil.1 laga .of: Brookia.'- Imàedate posses- siocn. Â pply. 10 Wm. Ornuistco, Brook. à very onjoyablo evening vas ayant aI1 1hocme, uf x. 11W. 31aodosiàid, on )[onday evening, when ame of lb. ycýung people ai .th. vilage gol Up a surprise parl'y andI assembled ut MI.f McoDonald' homeë. This is the s-aof the yesr v*ben1 "olhrsm1b1 vSuy mudi onassmd Oves'I t.he fauent odokonls'acbsd by lias' for il as every 0old:veakons lb. luàg, lovera lthe vitalily, and pavas lis va7 for th.e morsem'zoa dàas Ibi o1 ufton f Im, (hmb«lai'sCo rýecdy la faMOU fo, iso ad, d l picasant and sls»& teks. Mer ma b>' aA dsalau.-31. wwasua sn AIALy.Lu grippe seerna iobeb.quile lb. go- The axtruot given below is frami a in Ibis viciniI>y. latter recently vritten by an affiner aiflira. Ruai, af Greeubank, bas b=e ,the Tovnship Suaday Sehoal Associa- sponding a v.ek viti ber cousin,, mýa thon. The rafereace is ta thte conveu- Wmn. Hall. tion itelti on th. last day of Jailuary. Mis. W. Dimçien la visibing la Ou- "W, hati such a splendid convention aï at Biaaklin. AUl wio have apoken to iafo ry bsjeundbc me about it lhougk.iltithe iout-help- ta - Toronto aiter apendng svea fui they b.d ableudeti forcorne lime. veeksata ber home ber.. I believe'lb. people of Brooklu vould hUMa., abel Mackey sa t Suna lkÏý!teknov titis. Prom te splendid ber. e local arrangements matie> I knov tbey Miss Ed>lic Knplhorne gave & iati Put a gbod deal of euergy inb silver thumble ta on S3atucdgy a1tus' j.hixpart of lb. vork, anti I ecau as- noon la a number ci ber frnonda, sure you il v as appreciateti by aP The Y.M.B. Cla an th te Y.L.B.C. wbo vexe preseal;". wul oot helti a social evealngaI ra. C. Ms'.W. . Holidy _ Brëvn's on Friday evening. last vaek 10 attend te Grand Con- Mise Mamie Stark andti Misa ary cil of the Rayai Templars of, Tempex MoGr.ego voeevisiling inthue City ane, as.represeutative o! the Broak- last wve. in mambera ai titis order. ReL, te Mrs. L. Mackey la visiting vili roi- thaît ti reports presented wèvesaUl atives at 'Port Perry anti Uxtigeata of an eitaouraging character, and a esn. verynoticeable, spirit of optimis in Mi"sa y Jeffe>' ntertained a 1ev regard to the future "s- îauifepted o! beri friands on Wednèsday avening by ail the. delegates. Mr. Hoiliday of at veh. vwas eleeleti 1 lte office o! Grand The v as no sehoul ber. Thuraday Tste a position the.t make. him 'aflierncon àati rid.. owing 101th. ill- mnember of -he Provincial executive. àla !ti.tahr Rabnla. message of hope anti gooti Congratulationa b Aluazo Etivarda ohmes fromNu n. C. J. Martin, Baon. (aur new mail man) andi bride vbo MiiiVa., Whoe luthe moliat'ofalgkl- vexe maried on Thdreday lasI at *= éûie. x& .Martinu as ourati Belleville. W. uudersland ha la ho bu of sloma&i trouble and" oublpation a resideal o!of-ui midat lu tb. near by Cbamaberlain's Tablth after five future. yes of scf meting, and nov s'eaor- lirs. R. Wilson spont Suntiay in Osit. mentis --thueelabiela tii.thepublic. aa F'or sale by ail dealers.-35. laQuite a nmbner 'fir aux neigbbor- r'eeto- St'ock and P ltry Raisers Wtho i absoely frc,f oreskland p oeui d .- Te& orne of ourI ule slxt-foÃ" pme bocks, viti lasert, on diesscfsoksd olr. ol o t u iiknao haysdlighst houes, colts ad mares, milci cows, calves and fattenlng etoors-. alo, how to keep and food poultry so that ther wMI lai a4 weUila iater as asumer. No farme hould b. vithout it. percenit msUmavainýIpjumu um o tutu. s Irapnda psecv Wl lawm w sse imtk l thré I ff DoadeperSwperday a"d mae them:zkdame. ROWaiPurpiels not a stock faod. There lean M Sitar uni la ig5maafacturu aMd velsporsfroua Eupeail the uihra m PSUUtomate up a bepackge.We " .athe' te usielgeeks« fu. - esivslas arse Ordlusry cairsa aitanesveeka. You cmn de. velep s4x misaruaiy for martl s t uone monaWs Ilm ime taaucspomslbly do without It. as a con-ai cal> Sijo, Oâvisg yen a motha watt mni iooi. - A W0e. pckage wiileta bogue 70 dam .A 81M50pailios' **ali-tslbs ti.contlinfisgfour tAms as muebaau àSo. packge. vIM mai nmal 280 dams If ycuhave surm tusii. try lt on ti rthe aimai vas have on your Placeaid vatch rasuits.If Pti doe. nospraiuoe .-batter tuulte titan anytlu iou havemWr usti, or sirai-ou aiuscios, va viii e m mniu owea' Toledo. Ont.. Iy 1. 1910. Getum«-1 have ad&'fl of a veksge of veut huaYi, PurPIe Stock Sffgfco5e 1 K Lai h to one cows oecorilagt. itactions. -hesaluai mda pounadalt vbfle nias Pefarta"apckag.e. barosi iet 'NIth55aOi5I Sherbrooke, Oua.,AMg.Io, 1U W. A. jentins Mft. Co., London, Canada.- Dear SAra-I bave ued your Speecie for oaus', saSw havegivenihttomy bird. Wlh.foodresulu.Sua ryviataga ai the difièusai faits. vbc le ate ae MISS GEORGINA CAMIRÂVD, Royal Purpe Oogh Speofie Duriug the. lm four i-eau-s theru bmepbsna giamil aaub gba hrugbevei-stable lu Canais, vhiah bas bea ~ra an iannoyahca ta homsmen. 011rqiu vWlnabsoiteli- Cure tht. icougb aur:ýF.W M uepadcure distumper lu tan inays. Absoluisy i nemii tu.M.par tin; by mail, 55e. RoyalPurpi. Sali Cure vil cmuremils oisaiopenamou-eson man or best. WMll sm lusei- dry up anS cure scratche. ta a very feuv iy Ma. Six Owzrîi coaaeman for the. Rau. Adam Bscl4 *ys ....Si-fottowvt gdirections. ISui"-aur Roi-ai.Purpla OelCure viiicurescratches and maka the mb Pest cd ctiiSdydry in about fout or fvn dail.,Pdrb.; cby loyal Purpie Swoat Luimt vil ne t ar T. G. BELAY The W. . 3 0Zb&UouIO, la btSTOCm 0K AND,> ULR SPECWICS tto te>' ýhouas amiabout lea= cita s A secto ias <s. Richarie asfollovs n a arlio larvels en WY . bin a çmm i lma sa Ccb &a.o oo hvlatreiy ,.s,,.thart cdboha, Ot.,Aus 24 100. meoetsaa - GEORGE MIES. W. A.jeukins Mia. Co.. ILondon. CsIOida.mrtc 5. > cha t ek, O L ep.19,.1leu. W. A. Jnhlum M& .Cao. Landau. Orutý' ~ St. I bai limai chas dml i aver ar Yei"N P m bd!rp uvndTUrthâfs,#Put her 00e7at 1 aius aathmesceas lait apaisathas et scorta DmarSlr,-Pluta enlosaed erssoriar for 83.Wo, for vhfchpluamusesimeivwo tvafyut 1Royal Punl" poulieu 8po~ -C. RICHARDSON. euSelnaavatsm m. .r.'lje uM. »siW. coalman ln LSois, ,i; y have am bon"esconssadtsnmiu ctou. and hava ai leisctouble wkb, shem balglam Royal PureI. in kilher TI&alsa mtim»dqretia srl Mu on thie martt. la«du'fS y= tc unietad-the p 0oF.M e9 mnlàfac tuai this lic tuier, van wuiihaea te a«"ifo *keta. as va Rd" y=u a flfiotMme Se hm.. Y atarifta e oewk «a asmslsvft Met ma or tv appulctom Il smathaisthes. rman. Mr-. loyal Pirpîosiuooàt (Shsqp) ait a> scaton ths markti e. t IIgŽ3.< Caul tsctopa nS1usi"o-Port CUehloa, Ont., Augr. 2, 11.lo»M'up.lopOr - veuau l>'. H.LE. M TOX. a i uiae haamibiua. tWtalc. Slss 5.ia. R.af Les.umbhDeinrU -1 sicâlt.'ea ietinsai Royal p w l" O IPi- obs nyniae m Reup Clu f thte éiii ire s'all u & Mch -11110140MScaL4Som lds.a trieS d a s dsiele mkam- b m s suien asRaup r al= adasua, Gm Th. W. A. SJa t & Ma.Co.. Lion, Canada. -pe.a- uuiaia e nausy naia.s e bottivnatanou0.i. 1ebaeveta;8 l bmil eksud1ea ticaAt y«am thenaa avatatiam Ir bouUýCi Vas havad wea »w e-kr g - Royl Pukpi. orm PKwd1 ddvàghàm w hâveever ttdudiiM tpaydulete I. .CCALLUM. "Thelalalitverv" -C. pieu tmRDom. -FS.meor BBc. vetls;lu' maiLlOt. nudâ 3u Sock Spacdl4 w vc guatu S. obettes'r asults by, uslni the osdr 'food gromao oifr. ut co m,.ot-n rn * «,tm 9brtu mua-f' dfo h mn.Yol vhet hart, at!,brml Chop o »Y u6noducticln rp n What ve niaitto -Ipasar on -pour asuli la tust va maefatee nothil but- puire, uu"torated loodà. Ous' booblet 11.0 veS'SU rcoi sdations for - our dUffamst Unes roan peoploi off verCnada. Whilc e vaevaou above thce mnsea afen vho is eusi t, 'vi ur ts'.àmmmnd tfoula f« put kuppinsnis ba eermmm up ia. ve anuatr. - ' it~~uya 'apie rbupplics'anti bookietaaM4y-bu obtaincdtr uom - AT,, LAWLER9, Gocer, Whltby;t IJRIAH DJONES. HardwaregBrooklln. ýWoA dýENKINS MAN Fq.O -0, I.Ofidofln n.D~~ iast vouk.s.'«Muei uasney maree arora Wap. Ékia, of: L.¶n Major# atadW.- F. Wilson. a san ef greys *froni Thon., WalerSadior and IMiess hoebo I-t Qf Eguilaevisillng ahW.F. Wil Viclor mand --lira. 1Jauiesoc ia% o "MndsisnluUxhilg* on friday. Gidcoù, Véoronzlalaving- "iweek ad car of horses and ether edccl. for, Vancouver. lira. Vernonle&l ton Seturdsy whore sho viii visib. for a tima, after which oe will juin MFr. Vernon la Vencouver, "vhere tley la.. tend btMide. IVe wish h»M ~oe À numher from bore-vont 10o Go. L«as,'cf Brouha-m, wherce er. « joined by a nuaiber of Mr. Le.'. friadon Wednesday eveniuu, viie au enjoyabi. lima vas lspent in gauma, music and songe. il is.teporteil. lia we ane abouittW bave a laundry establishetin o ur vil- loge by a Chines. firn of Toronto., 'The report bas nel beau confirmapd, al. though a direclor of lthe company WOU hm n aa proepecllng tour on Salus'- day. A Ànunabér from, ber. attended the fu. neral of lie talc John'Davitisoua, of Âahburn, on Saturday. W.e xtent our sympathy to the sorrowiag relatives. Wm. Jones, a! Clarcnaont, is buY siding Bobt. Day>. residence. Mua. Oco. Scotb, of Richmond HMI, id vWising at bthhomCe of ber fàtber, Tho=. Pugh. - Stewart Bryant ant' ius Goldie Graham, hIyrtle Station, visitet ai B. W. Wilson'ý onc day last week. Jas. Horl op and Wmn. Hapkina, oc purchased 'a herse atGoule-a sale at Uxbridge on Y Miay. Day Bras. -wouati up their seaas threshiug on Monda« - They report a poox yield af claver seed- anti poor qualiiy. Thon. Pugit la laid up with an h. tack o!, la grippe, meanwhile Robt. Day la operating the mill for hi.m Thon. Linton has engaged with Jphn Graham, of Claremont, for lie slini mer niontlis. - Do you kuow liaI more s'es] danger lurba in a co ammen olttan nany other of thc minor ailmenla? Tii.sale way in 10 take Cbamberl-ain'a Caugh Remcdy, a hharoughly reliable prepas'- ation, and iid yauruelf of the colti as qluiohly as possible. Tus remedy. in for sala by, aIl dualar.-35. AUDLEY. lira. George Bell, of Manitoba, tis been visiting friends here. Mir. Powell and Miss Stanley wera with friends here an the Sabbaith. lirs. Chus. Lynde spent a few daty 'pleasantiy with reatives in easch. Cliarlie Puckrin itas beeu clU duty eeveruI day, with a bad>ly aprained ankie. The horse ho waa-. riding slip- peti, antihe was unable 10 gel bis foot out of the stirrup. IThe Home Telephone Co. are keeping bs.-Last week a plioüs was insall- einRobt. Trigg's home. anti an or- Fder taken for Mir. Geo. Tripp's. Titis wvIii practicaliy counect every houa. in the ueighborhood. Application to Parliarnent. Notice i. hereby given tIsaI an ap- plication vill ho mado by the. Taranto lanti ïork Radial Railway Compauy te the Legisiative Assembly a! the Prov- ine a! Onario at the next sessions thoreof: (1) For an Act giving the applicaul the.. righittt enter unta an t.gre'i nt with thecity o! Toranto, lte herms of 1ico division of tic- applicëant. (4) Andi for th. riglilt -increaso thg bond issue oI the applicanit from Ivwen-, t> thousand, (20,000) dollars lu thrty thhusand ($30,000), dollar. a"-mile upan -the single track lin. of tb. ap. licanbt'.ara7 cy00otruetcd andti t b. construct.d. - (5) And for the extension cf ime for bheceommenemnuandtiheb. om- pîlion of,1h. extensiona anti branchas cf th. aýppicant, railway hithorto lautlorimad, Dahcdtli-s2lsl.day, ut Janary, 1818 AJYLRSWORTH, W*MGT3188& THOMP SdSelaici.for-lbheToron-, NAA» S>CAKE IL SPBCJ AL PRI'4 ON, E CORN Faed WhIolceeli Ton Lots. CALWEULv'S MOUSS E I J, L PSNK LIMIU-D Pkeuiagp Ogt. - 1 1 - u-fe St. il. FOUR LEADERS, "Soranton Coal"11 "Youghlogheny Stoam CoM.l" 611Blue Grass Cannel CoaJP* "George Creek Smlthlng Goal.", No Coal to eciual thea.. Scrantton for ranges, heaters and furn- aces. ' The hast- cean, bright and dry. Cannai for ire places and grates. Youghioghsny for steans. Non* any better. Georgi Crack for ail' kinda of auuith- ing wonk. Fîesh mmced. We laad iu quaiity and quactmy. E, R. SLOW, -Whitbi 1Bill Tel.. N foms Tel. 14. « TOBO] in tQT pape'r fo Ti ..9,Bratn tn onert has- 1>1 f Qm Tueadlay, March 4, ~OADOF TUANKS -.n4Iway wishes tabita fredalor their kindý , lbiuslate sud bereavement. Àfln5s represented Whitby at t i ràway coxnmittee.- îaeeting lasI Wednesday. 31a.V-Qr-W otaile ta attend. X cCheYne, of thie Windà6r, h 'gceau _IcehOuse iîe r ý;t~.îwiitïl, and a supply of the o clam9ekMnt la being atored* thereii gàiasê the aummer's heat. BAPTIST CERMJCH1. Services as muaMI.- Kos'nin subjectZ-" SomeimeLeso ?rom. a Borrocra Axe." Eveuiing sUbject-ýFifth in 0"Seri oý Personci Interviews o! Jesà-..q, sons frRn aH then'Soldite. - .A cordial invitatioii-extend-d-îtou CA-RD0F TflIAN KS. M.and- lira.,Frank G. Erskin, wi 10 thank, theu -ma'ny friend1s -manvuuiidgmçnc-ir lspi O 1 àft-.-.gay Cham-' ls Are You Gôîng ~ abargain, Every heatnsaeo ' IJQUOR SEJZE-D. West? On Tuescay eeigÇi jThé GrandTrunk Pacific Raiiway is the shortestiand quickest route bctween - Winniag, Sakatoon, Edmonton.-- ]Faut trains leave Winnipeg at: *.DaIIy -FOR- Portage la Prairie Rivera floivile. - Regina- Watrous - 'a5"imtoou TofilId -Carnnro Walaws'lgbl Edmnoutos -SmogthRoadbed. - Electric iighted, sleeping Lrcars. Su- perb dining car ^servie. Ask nares- Grand ,Tricik agent for'- fll information,' literiture, etc.,- cr Nxlte A. Eý Duif, D.P, A.,G.T.g., Toi-- onto, Ont., a#4, ssepeciaty --- Town Agent for E'xp ress, Ticket, and Teiegraph OËce,. opposite StanC:as' Bank, Whitbq, Ont.. Taltphene 16, This i heTim- o-a -English -Recelpe- Talke 9 Bitter Or. nges, 3 Sweet- Oranges and 2 Umonfns. Slict the -fruit across the grai.n, -remove the ,.eu-ds. place in dé-ep . di.sh with 4~ quarts of water anýd -,- aw fO 3.6 lhe urs Mi~en boil 2 ho)Urs. Add 8 Ir) -f White Sugai-, tne-n boil ihor until i' wIll Jelly.- I We 'wlI Joan %ou a slicer. Fine Bitter Oranges, .25c doz. ÀSwet Oranges, 20, 3Q0, 40,0ad~cd Large Lem ons, 30c:'doz, Large Grape Pruitt 3for 25c, Spanish!orions lrd'a eeiery Inn P WATL~I Phqýe 11 dé '* -£M WH r- s twe eri ava Ira,. - È.- - a! viiskey vbinh vas being tak-en- t( T~Brougiaî n la adeniocrat by John'Mo Imen, of the hote' in that viflee. Thi Clii.! an . had tifs eye ujion I tis mat for soine lima, but diti not land i ha until tbis* occasion. !Brougbem is in e local option- munieipahîty. - - ~ - POSTPONED - -t' 1' 1~ N TheCe. Brandon concert haa paslponed frai Tnesday,- Marcit Wednesday, Marcit 5. be~ A SEVERE. SPPJ>L 0F WEATILERt -Whait mightî le calleti severe weath bas been cpexienced for -tihe -pa veak or tve. The - hermomelex t 4mn "dovu te aslow'as sixbelé zero. A week fago to-day vaswaiov ly day, alment like an A-piilday, ar *Fýriday anti SalurdaY vexe =1ld tiday -but balaie anti siaoe -'tIer. .bas .b 1eE LFei pure Aluminui Cooking Ues ,go 1 Ca. M. Rie. Everything- A A. Y.P.A S nexl regulax meeting of the P. A. wvil ehateld next -Monda -.-Tule Rex. lMr. Muirheati, fa: of Janiamca, siihapent a 'Of lie people -of tlat place . 1 pepfle are càrdi4lly i-nvited-4 Çause for Alarmi Loos--of appetito or distress after eatlg-a sympLomf that should -notb. dIsragarded. It la flot what you eLt lbut what you digest and assinliltte that doe-You çood. Some o the strong-esthcaIth- lest persns are moderate eaters. Nothin wiil cause mûre trouble..than adisordered, stomach, and many- peoýple contract senioa aladies h through disregard or ause i fe We urge, ail who suifer frm idi- n, ? dy peu4tryRexail e=ma Tab'ftswth the under- stadin tlat e iii refund" thé rnuypaid us without quesfion or fo ahy if after use you are not parfectly tifd with reaulta. - W. recomme.d Rexail -à sepsaa Tablets to customcers every day, and, have yet to hear of 'one who ha not beau benefited. We believe them to- bu without equal. They give prompt relie, aidIi to neutraiize acidity. utengthrn the digastive organs, and thus promote perfect -nutrition and correct uahealthy symptompa.Tbre sises, 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1.00. Youceaubuy RPxaelDyspepsa aTablai lauhiscoxaunity only at aur store: A. H.- ALUIN- Wbitbr 1w Sas OntI _îein a Re=Ui Store in nearly vyto and - - luthe U ited States,-Caad a GreatBritalu. Tihero lsa adifferent Rz Remedy for ùearly every ordiù-Y buman ÙUn Ilo R11 Staresa"eAmericas <ICàste Drugsstores TI-IE ;. IOUSE I f -.i o cent Aluminum- -- -Saluce Parns 43c- 65c (JoId Blast Lanterns 60-cen't Granite Qoubie Briilcrs \43É 6 qt. Milk Pans Tegular i12 and 15c for TA Bc.St, abMay' 22ai. 1911, beh.W A. JunkInM i. Ca., Lnionon Ot. Dear Sims-Do i-on vans a mas ta repsens vaut Rayai Purpia oodin tathtdiste Iams frais Ontarfanmaihave fei i-aur Stock Spéclc-sgot iE rais Mr. 1. Coubot. aofitrowus- M- Mycovu, vilu nnat, maie thumgetaveae. and testi fua os rv eraîC.M.P. at, Brovuarile. I havojoiartbme gsus hsStock Spaife on the prisaMuM repraenmn -ouAtbls - NORMANt G. CRARTON.1 vii make y= aua ta i t aguaswatt smmar. nam-vasa O. eke-IIliiS banseu70 da". or a 81.50 poilor àlr-tlgbî .s, ...a... ou tiuasmucb as a 800-e. ag, vWiIam aima 1 pfvni5poulty mae. hai Port CoiÈ boreMa-il. W. A. lankln. Mia. Co.. Londaon Canada. Duar Shu-Tbitata cettifi-that 1 have uni anae 81.50 is ci vau "Roy le">l~ Poulsry- Specllc, and thmIoeet nohia tua oe eualAt.ivnsai i-oums au anmaiyour agens di nos baveamay. én ha gers me another brand. aid 1SnaasureWyen vaual tvortb oerrylng borna, for my heubandyibtter vthout It. L beabmfrMrnh5 doeaa"g9=bercuyeukmo àhrao-ueyour*oalPurVPla CHARLES RICHARDSON. SATJOPIÂRY '. r jý we endeavor à ot to be, and that we cari Succeed can be demonstrated by ,a inspectionio ur stuck ofVano -' STAAU1Ik - Ali the newest things in Papers, Pens aiu i 1- Bnciks ind Magazines, Rubbers and ever', tutng 1k. ihat -goes to make the most complète sý:,< - - of statioflery in town. We Je H. Richardson Leading Book8ller and Stail nef j BkOCK- ST. , 1

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