Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Feb 1913, p. 4

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And prepare [or, t Someailîgletrfubl,Ï outer 0 the-simor aiiments Thfe ooepi -inine condition, reflecting muth way is t1 . tk. Chamberlaîn'a- Cough credit on 1he management.» Tiey have a thoroughly reliable prepar- beon killin.g Ivo' benats a week tb t 'ii a d yoref ofh.cold as aupPly the. mimerons 1hands eniployed ïqùiukly-auposaible. ireniedyp j, for there. Theopen vinter lias-enabledý sal, 'bir:aU dealers..-85, - tiin to-moitae good progreus wit hie work. -Bùt thora isas lot yet to ?be MYRLE.don@ tb bring_ it up to ideal eondi- Mr. John, Brîgil, t L tawa, set -t low l1ck era om- 8 usd.ah lis" home haere. -pleta. .The inin ates of, tie bungalOws Mi'. Ronald Uodgaon, -of , fiiý" a mm àa qià ioffensive lot, and ýhile &peut la Iweek ,with J s" an i 0, sl ai ork* a rea helpinig tb ý m ak e Mr. Wm,.<Miodgs>. the place aource of. pride to the Miss M. L..mbe spntSuUdà a ah Coluniiy, and a benefit te the Prov- Jwr homse in iMaohste.> inoe aI large. we are hesrti'y in sym. Mi'.. D. G.Rswho was Ihe'dele, pathY villi the waYthe unforlunat.s. f gate t'ô tbe t;unu1y,,t huo oôjc jna. uIt. rvinceare cared for, and be- taon, trom is MA... mjCh0OI oî,red a -ieewiatever party j a in pý>wer in M7r> interstang rpor - ue ch 1 heProvince, it wil l e carried along O n e u nca y ic" . îwa s mS u ch app re- on - im lar li es, 1- h t i m y a n i-edby au tribut. materially, towarde ils solf The La"ie' Aid liad a ver), sucose-upot MuI pan càkeý social ou Wedneaclay of , 'z and Mm. Wrn. Kemp raturned Lut we . uesday from attending, th. f uneral of Mr-. AlUOe (lrnaiGhael Made a bu#i- tiUeie saI, Mns. J erratt in Carden. nms tnip 10 lthe iti t4tis veIt. 0iereports five ftest of i-nov, ad j àMr. - and mréo. ug It loft .1fer to. fie ori b Iravel 16 miles. The thair Home1 in Indian -Hlead a! t»,i larmors ranch Out îhere. Rie thinks &puuding t thewinter wit.h' ti. îormer Istur.ila no Place like Whitby, andi mother. < wouldn'b farm Cher. if givea une. UI~IfWI NL~ jeRportera- Tboé94d i u .r unoba$unçI4, LtIUI wasii*rôuubA -e a u s spop- Yb. âtelii.8vanson, bIovor± utau 55&h moiohCs e pawatooe, I wilof i'.iIu~s »MhonLtrMrlyÇ4i tS>" an plagith= o u -ou oadi",Y&>' Uxreanwooci. Mus. Ubson las&a swter-1n-trli. law j olM.. Uosaievui, Qi lii. o V9 . !Wo IL). Morrie4 Ottawa# ac- - cmpametib>'- her giand da~ug*hier, J» Ars M.Chia ienta 1w day. risssznhalie isohiuer, Mn.A. "hi inet .wÀ% < Iendsei Uiw u is venIt.' 'W 8 <Wbea i acvssed Ir" il. umpbau> ci J.nabi-spn hi 2visa pond Jas quit. ifooy e!uct4iWtts tri@"din on Xheu.- - b 'isd rqeporta ols.uow 'Lsjt btourcli chor wilii hold bus daaL0O.i I*uleinchicr an ki rnecomcâinuslme £Magoniece: é Cor itue yer I' 14eil, d*iuti cso moUasb~da, ob ii.PaMijuers üaM buuuay, l'Jiu report shlowls 'lilaS. IfitOf - t'"me was a ne&Sgamn I t usus Atai Mm.Jus. LUWo4 uisws i$s. Tho pastoz,,iv . X r, Jas. Broad, wli i o kSs ifitur AiL. iaig, Wes PaIcLý.,UU u nclpalpa t1Imm psiW" ààasbetter a-a-n. upply aurnmsae U <uigcsv~u Us Skaturda', iFOL). Mhh Mis" Ms 0 lbur naibluar>' anti asevleî o 1liýtuan m ràMiss a -n&Xoed BLsoâl- #boa> wua gives. ±1iie.iitla"y bu"'o «Msss-ai a "sor gu;.» MissBecisis, expea i lu6 onsppisfir 'vaoad b> hi- 'oil Slbcirs"a f oolcsandi othar .qiaapmat. A socsi' Q yusgJuooklsieteuseaanary erpense.&nu rpir eprop-a Wlraa iss~pund beuozsged4 , . br>. rthy wr. PAiti 19f&au ti osais anux esajov*le aieroo4 wus sput, & aa@ & acOmgr&lo bMlaance rraiom u tela 1-a a seved *Judy" appeared tepriset year. kasnoraa igual.1s P - -dui'<>~ bwhici 'made amuIt - meria- uaon u *permfflimatt for £a"ina - ment. - -anui basa.ewan, 'Who vas Passer o1 Mn m iovdeis sport*aDWWeeçuce'Irfute u d r iV r . - 5 i i w i s s y e ýfC t u r u m n , v i n Thoamck ülbéeld Oi.hbursday of lm;st ek lthéMev in- the.hall âliau n ridLay nghî, Fek>. asd, Counciflors i utoy £Ownwûip 14. acompanied by the. Lierx and a V Idook Lrward, toithe big spring faixnacro epeebtv arunfc 6e heci- hro s Orty uiîscnption bthe district sifecteti, vent 10 Lorou*j liaiaiiWsh 10OVUn 30 (odandiappoaretibeforq ,thi. Railwsylii pnizofs. t ' pots 1against ho M Ha lMal estertained hhpDrab- P.. o.'s plan.Ion cnomssUthe iclae matie Club oSthue MOthoclit cluurclu on road leading 10 CUorbeteVa gpoint os Tuesds1 e vening. .- 11u lai. froat. Ti lnoriginail> MiAs Illliday, ol Ca)ugs, us vÎii- conientOd 10 by lii Comnmission e di ~ lg ih~n. .T. Coakwell. b ie ciianged il h ... nier Tii. m 0,bis thle Mehodist Sun. have thonr way, .aiLapial' in.I daySoloolatt a' 1hehom 0fMis fgenucrosasinwoul<t result. 'Îis .ne eebois Viponriou Monday evening, fpregenbahivog th isoabo wr anti preésetdher wathian iddniua jarsInll>' i-temed t by lthe memibora .ad a china tea set. A veq snojoy- f1biteCoMuiiSMU, and lite.lâ 1111 alv1.enin g n apht, antidaini>'- r.- doiibt fétkbut that' an ort« in fi oi- ireisseta eret. W that will sOithen .iinit'on theoU Mn. BROY M. Montgomuery, 01 Prince croaaiisg hein1M 1stade.h "dsaurplaceT Albiert, -Sak.,,visited iesfabher-in-lsw, or cotspelling ti, iiwsY mpan> 'O en l.B.Y. CanipeIl1, laet wvekI. remove. certain obstrucO= ses la Mi' -Yngecck teart o Stn<approeingtrains ma>' b. mort eau- t Oréék, viited lhis dauWhber, Mn. U. ily suon. - Jons, on Fiday and saturdlay. fN>. oig Prt mevoe zlUbit. M[nu stewart, ef Davidson, SasI., e in ii.Mng ic -Ha* fojfor a Wth Iir brigit little.-daugbter, Jsan,ýnghit.. -Owing t10 eoW, blasiezwuvase vlséit.d :with !Brookliz fimedsfor aflew'tàerithepatronage _Z poor. Thei.& t dayu. Mns. Stewart as pringisal 011 tertajnzuent grave good sst"feton.- the. publie So hm Who 4sIe -vu.jMn. W. M. Cempbull, et Drzud>, kaown as Mriss lraso.f Man., is hors on a vist it it ah. bi Mr. ' anti Mr*. B.' P. Sco-LI ariveci 1er, Mr. B. F. Csmpbell. bakler. from Toronto on Monda>' Read W. M. Lavrene'. big liaI o! ah oveacotcr/iMrreeovering nice., hargains on the. 1,sopage et lis ve 1>' ftonithe operation for appendicitis paper. t viticit h. underwent bwo wO5k5 BiO. IFor a Iprain>uwi-EdCabe Dr. J. B. Olver, of Noeohle»,vito îazn's linrimen eousi4 ien. i allaâ. ia died in Toronto on Fnida>' lat 0- ~reovstisxe lsit,anlytheoo a -brotiier-in-îsw of Mns. A. KetcWsiin, .,' sth Dr. Olvenhad gone tb Torontof r e s.tonulte parts 10 a iiealtuy son- -VSe riticl » fr eltion. 25 andi 50 oÈMnt. bottifs for W ven. citialoperation, lknowing tiiot sale by ail deaien.-5.- -' tes .oni>' a poaiLg> ath Would lBye thu-oluffi. lrli. Morris, Mss. Don-Whibe andi Mrs. Ketchen at.- lended,. ih funerail on Monday. --NOS hai :Mr. K.Beamie gli etsined sa um.T liii v. Mr. Emor.>' ill aosduut T ber of hlm frienda on'Weclneelay even- te nifai7 service.han mBut Sun- Ing lait. - dy Mcr. Wm. BligÉt viii ereot, s new Miss ClaPr nl, fSut7,i 'barn titis ooicsng utier. -visiting 'relatle. lier. iaz'j&, McF. Uiai Jones and lii hie . ea8seit- Mr. ami Mn.. Wagtig an . vst.inq sat, Fred KoBien, are buil>'engaged w'itihher rin. is'W> Rdd T plalngMeott. reani searator. and] tho Town Linu %0----t-- lacj STÂTIOARy nt A'Il t-le newest things in Papers, Pens,,ncjkg Books and Magazines,- Rubber8 and, everyrthing else that -goes to. make the Most complet. stock of.,statîonery in town.- iW. JO J-.R hrSon. Leading8ook8eIfe ýi' and torm# >~K ST.- - - WIIITBY 1- ane ior« hia ber no SGlasles or S V mayentirely cure the W Our specialty is test anmd fittiiiW them wit V -siite&o heir specia v Our tharge are ver '0OUr_ n e W eveý,lassi *J removed- the old tro w tlling oïl. Itsta3 10 V W. fit-Toric LenNes - demcribed as tle Wàk kis No more turnin head iro t a corr~ect- 'W Do not puL -off y W that examination. Fo W cuIt cates we use ancý , RC'tîfocope. V We will fit you corr, -W. '4fund vour nioney. 1,W AR. Nias rW- p..- "BOW bautiful to be with How beautiful to-day i To mark the pafllwa,, th.ît And -know that ita deéi 'She found ber. wrk; shE& id Il. .finding waa a wondro, 8h.ony senvthe deathlest Of' the white light farin au 6haut, and building hhoughî To vint wete sett'iu119 Nor w.hat her banda, wrought- 8he oni> kne-w her work w It was not toil tô her nor' [t was --the dîîty )! eo-ah <la. TO find -the sunshine twervivh To speed the kiind word niï- Bp anunreSting -inpulse ur She gave herseli, ber -mimd U tinil with her work--ah. vlag- -Nov heart amd s o-u of it ih -It must be 80,, for la the voz The. wQrkerblends with he The self endures t.hrough ahr-p munk . - Though the uincounted ae And WVat sile did, the goal- s Gleams with a r4we increaas For it forever rests upon A-oman'aý soul ail pureai Xrs. Pike is lowly ra7 ~ 1055 - overixtg ller Tflusa no bOeonmeciuine fur colds Chas Chaunhorlsuin's cough l emecv>. h 'l'Mo#cssa U lm" âesecreins, aide ex- ING IF IT FAIL8. - iORD F R S peosraîon; ntireeoresiii bsyteni WB. itlYou te try blirco large bot- Successora to Cdy linos. 1o a heelîhy condition. For sale b> ltes e eal"3"faroifn n- RiTOA NETKÀ afi dealers.-35. Itxl 9"IarTneo or 'ý0rOLUDRAE' pensonal gaaraatee that lhe trial vill char5,-, 'oderate. net coul you s penny if it does flot Bell Phtone.un BlorLu B A L S Â R . ~~g iv e y e n- a b s o lu e . s a tis fa c tio n .. T i'a t 'a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Gea. and Mlre. Lee andti Mis Muriel proof of our faith in Ibis remocl>', andi irsited at W..H. Jones, on Sunda>'. il shoald indiaputably demonstrat. WM. Day andi Miss Lyls Osborne, that we <know whist ve are talking a- visîte tsé latCer'. ssier at Dunbar. -but wlien va say that Rexail ',93'1, 1~y Alex. anti M-s. M. (3almin avieited corne scalp? and haie ailments, anti if in Toronto last week. -aay human agency cau acconiplish W. F. Wileoný anti Wn, Cassidy,.esch tItis resait, il mey also b. relieti upon FLOUR:- sol a -horse for aippent to thé to Promotè'annov gu-ovîlu o! hair. WHITE-SATIN Wiest isst week., Remembor, vo are basing our state- RAMBN Walter- and Mu-s. Ward spent s few monts upon wh1st las already been AB N laya in the cil>' lsd wek. Porc>' accemplished by the use et ]Rexail 1?ugh, o! Glen Miajor, acted in lie ca- "o "VIlair Toaie, andi ve have tih.e BRE.AD AND CAKE MAKItRI FREE macat>' of foroman 4p . ing thair -aIb- riglit tb assume that viat it has done E.ý- ence.--- for thoasands of others it viii do for.I FE .- à numben froma heu-e atuted tiie 3Ou- In a-ny event you cannot ]ose SPECIAL -PRICE ineu-l o!fithe laite Mu-s. Win.. Word, at anytbing by giviag il s trial on ourj rÉbridge on Monday. Dcess.d lived liberal guarantoe. Two aizes, SOL-. and ON at BalDam zueariY aillIter life, prior t, $1. Remnomber, you can obtain Bexali bolug to Uxbridge two yeau-s ag Remedies it this communit>' oaly at ýCORN rI ite hvoh syptii> o! t onu- store-The RexaillStone.-A.H. AI. O T latir. commuait>'. ndrgit O S Porc>' lsynarti andi friend of Toron. FEED WJIEAT », viied at Mn. Frank Disune>". onKIS.E gunday.lTe Women's Institute ie to h. con- Ose of-Ou o un>'aig mien waa- foilovci gratalateti upon securing Mu-s Norman Feed Wholesale-in Ton Lots. ifev nigit a go b>'tme ratier lut- o! Torontto te address their meeti1gu Choc"ing Every Da>' 1 iious iýooking individuals, but et-Iast veek. Seldont bave the. Kinaale Mpeti b>' climbing tie fann.esand people liatenedto e botter speeches than Seil 'Okling r0fuse beiittnoma machinei>'. ware deliveraci l'he sui.jc.ts n-e: CAL1VELL'S MOUSSES MERI RebI. Cau-son ig gebting togeth.r "Boys and Girls int Oi Ilrnî md- nsteniai for Cie ereclion o! a new The Power e! Personaliiv-." Mu-a. J P~ J JJI barn ext amme-.Normait vii . aûre o! 'a m--owled J .SPN IM T .Gadeon Versos intend»s ievia ions. if aie cernes this wnv a iiPceînOt lioti> fr IianewItm, n ancoLu. The. Sunday School wili i ol! a r.r B vaihlhm luck An us andeea 'bilrtbday pnrt'v" on Friday (-vening,- aking. and a grand -tinte is expected. P-ring d LE D R au many haif cents as you arei-cars F U .-AS r TO The Public. oid, aitdbar-e a good time, and tI et thesame time belp te sc'ltonl. 16Scranton Goal." v "S~ AGENTS FOR PARISIAN Mu-. and Mrs. Edward Lawrenre vis. 6Yuhohn ta ol SAGE, ANDJ WB KNOW THE ted a fev days witi friends in le-1'og gey ta ol" hi GUARAANTEE s pNM. . ronto. . Bluer Grass Canneiai . el 1TFTEN RBAM JCOSSIds. - mThis il th e seasoôn of, the year viii onsfeel vin>'muelal coaernaed on tleii-frequent colda oontracted, by the, ciiIdret and have slbundant ness for. ît as every.cold veakens lie luug lowera lthe vitItIity, and pavmes lii. for 1h. !nore-,serinsdiseam uhat i often fi. .i. Chaelin'm Coug remedryis famous fot ls cures, sudi -plsasant *and atéie -t ake. For as f STENOGJRApliIRS caalera, Ofice Asitants, commntrai and shorthan.i Tesehers are in great de. - mand If ltai'graduatetram - Toronto, Ont. Mai former 'tubent, ara nwearning from 0700 50 *2Sm a year. We deat ii oui ly te sSur ais» of Practi., cal Eduestion. 'W ujs beat syitema, e:.- PlOY hast eachers and produca the hast recluits. Enter now. -Catalogue ire.. Cor. Volige sud J W. I. Ballait, Akxander St.. Principal Fiouis PARlIAN Sage, th.$ qaick-aeting tir restorer in igaarenteed- To @top faliing isir.- re cane danduuf, ro cureitching Of te scalp» T-~ pub lite into fadeti hain, ro make harah hair soit andi laxar- nt. To mako hair grow or mons>' back. It in btae meuh deligtli bain dress- g matie, andtini a great favorite wilh dies 'Who desire beauti a ntilaxuri- Lt hein. Lange hoChle only 50 cents. In R. T. Booth Co., Ltd., port Eria, I-, Canadian makers. For£s-ai, b>' H. Allia. [n., John StirCevant lu anQand a- P% I U I1UU . UIIIU Rheurnafis, Neuralgia or in atte bis srions lAnes. ioadache that Solace hOa slle n'around among tie W s ?Fist 10e1 Omitdcen cf t1h. es>'. toReniove Er. Dan. Camenos andti Mn.John Ri a uSl. aeyiaeeC.Iadia ae have een laid upwith tàegrip. The Grand Trunk Pacigt alayis Itra. G9ma ent ister ht mdieMise orni areotenased to tnu arae e tshrest and quicices't>oute between Anr.ys t*,eJand purîalesthe blood Iluieasytc eM uin at àiteAmyum. We-i e Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton. ake, anf ill oC affect te weeket tamaci. Weý'VeSt in guarauteed -uder te Pare Foodi and Ie fev i s fluilhave conne uner Fast-trains leave Winnipeg aâ - DrUg s w to bt absolateli Ires tram aplatesor obsinvalot W. umi.n.t5auitheno 5.00 p. me DOaily - l Bica laspurespecifilc h6oer' way, andha. -' been praved- eynqestion to b. te aurest andi 80 Pnasonen aIt1115o falm, some col. 8.45 a. i>aliy UCopI-SInday5 1quickent reinedyfrior nic Acifi Trublnes kuavu t-a d M« M thr f a.mnedical science, no matter how long standing. it Lasntionalitîe.. :8 cf i thepnisonera Portage 1 .1 Prairie Rivera tcld) and purifies»Cte blaad., 1boss busy uieth past veeu flvIiIe Regina Th-Hi Co e. ai BgtCIeCreek, are Che Uu 'r nlbn lune aieh,@-.trn.sagents sand have titousanie af voltary ring trnch tros Mss mil'. atuousSaskatoon tesutimonial lettera whlch bit,. been recelved tram- t&ipping lte main le eosvey Totielti Carnrojse Isvateiijel 9O*0blehsretored toealth. M 10 th. Camnon cottage. . j ainWrigh't Edumonton Tstimaonia troqest. Boead re 11X ef (IbeS as iiii Oxdvatng on îecric mooi Radieti -R. Le Mou-is. President of the li.C National ampol dm1h , a stre on the Ee i lgtdsleeping -cars..- -Su.Dt~fMa oscaI h oaeCmai a an 5 x 60,» 4 fuselcdeep. Gnav- er dnfgsevce "waut yen t te nd àbox of -Salace tCami' fatlt Ask neareat' Grand;Trunk agent for In NembiTnn, o he nl4, a4 Bnd llat-ben 7ilid doýy eau se* or mfrit aneofSt 44mi -adli be li dv ho fuillinformation,- literature, etc.', or ruine tiers- -ud 1I musC @ay Its ctonc0 h emnnt vok 'eqinqd.A fla- uîe A. E . Duff, D. A., G.T. R., Tor. canderfi. Se)5L.orI. - tp $rak hasu heen laid - kM fr 'n.,adeinca .l Wrninus 6cf the G.T. witch nte n.'ni seiîyPut up luUC5, SOC&md$ Scoxu - d . arin leo nces - 'Park, _and E. - T E II N S N m: i8ht flué te be- welI ml»'Ïa": Iii.pasives a faI ar 19.6d"TeiegrapltOffici, . -opposite Standare ire oxktc14- Y flk-uwhiaoq' 1« âiO PiuMPMnp- Bank, Whitby, Ont. Teltone 36 -SOUCI UIEIY.11Oueaai, Uloli. Miss Lillian Brown fron-i Weston, i's viaUting friends. Mr. Jos. Stephens, o! Fort William, ia v-isiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. John Lawton have been laid up with la grippe. The Bently Bros. have been attend- ing the stock sales in Toronto. These sales are a great -mcans of education to those wio are raising good stockr. Mr. R.1l. Mowbray was one ol a cep- utation 1that wa ited upon thé Premier at Ottawa requesting aid for an elec- tric Une. A r a V n a ,*W. B. PRINGLE & 00u.* WMITBY ONTARIC I This is the Time to. M1ake *MARMALADE:ý -Englisi, Recepe- Take 9 Bitter Ork'nges, 3 Sweet Oranges and 2 Lemons. Slice the fruit across the grain, rmov t_ seeds, place in deép dish with 4 quarts of'water and let stand for 36 hours. Then boil 2 hours. Add 8 Ibs. of WhiteSugar, then boil i hour .until- it wil JýeIlly. "1George Creek Smlthlng Coal"1 No Ceai te equal tiese. Scranton for ranges, lieaters aeid lurn- acea. The hest- dlean, bniie andi dry. Cannel for fire places and grates. Youghiogheny for stea.m. None any better.- George Creek for aIl kinds of amiti- ing work. Fres inmmcd. E R Lead i ule niqaee Bell Tel. 9. Home Tel, 14. Withou-t.,waterwoiks, plurnbing o r scwa ge. A'per. fetl sanitarycloset that ma be-acd n y dwe1ig-~inthé bathroom, bcdroom- or. cellar-Li one o! thé greatest con ven iences of t.he pires-ent timne. Pric-e No.2, a $S o Above prices include vent pipes. onie gai. of chemicals, nand iuistallin -g LISTIEN -This la wbat people are ssylng about THE3 NEW '"1900 GRIWITy WASHE R." We 'would flot take $5o oo for, it. let is the - ~ only washing machine on the mnàrket. Recom- mend it to ail your -friends. * I does everythi'ng - Yu daim let will do and more. Ladies-this is the best washing machine yeu, ever sa*. Je will wash à tub fui] of dirty clothes in 9;x minutes and 'won't wear the clothes, fray the edges, or break -the buttons the way other machines do. le just drives soapy water clear- through the fibres of the clothes the way a force pumprmighe. Let mese .nd ynu a '*igoo Gravity"s Washer on a month's free trial. 1 wjll deliver ije to your door, and if you d.on't wa-t the machinAe after usîng it for 30, day's free trial 1I will take it away again and it wiil cost you nothing.. If you are satisfied it i8 worth twice as much s-any other washer you ever used pay me$ i and kéepit. Urîah .Jones (Groceries_-ýand ,Meats Now Chat tie holiday season bas puaseti anti wu have sonsum eti ai Cie CurIe>'5-. tees*, we 100k for yard hopefaîl>' bu- a pleasane ant iprompurous Nev Veau-. 'fhat mn anti vomen may ho prepareci -to perforia te diles ant auk'thaetfaff to the lot of il, they require heaitiful, ýappetizing, satimulating foodà, in >gneat- maries>. W hen the digestion 15 perfect he-e is a cheerfulnesstià Ou a c of spirit lise ligicens labor anti makes-for gooti comradesiip. buac f In lu-euh meats wq have iinion steak for breakfast; chice roassof be.! for linner anti elegans sausage rels for supper. Neict day we serve c>moice you nt roast pork, tien veai, ismb, spare nilis, tendenloin, etc , av zéisre may dictatd. In cereals we have tie finest o! fresh gooi at close pricet andi in suflicient vamieey Co iel Cihe wants of ail. To enable us te supply our custemens withi fo-r anti feeti at loy pt-te..ve ave bougie by tie car load. Farmers tan gel bran an4 shorts by ' tic ton se Pine B3itter Oranges. 25e ýdoz.- Swee Or nge , 2 ,30 40-Soand 60c doz. Large Lemonms, -30 doz. Large Grape Priti 3 for 25e. - Spansi, nlon Ploidaeelery, Jno. fe-.WATIERHOUSE. svening lait vesi, viien th~ <i au ver. opened. MG Sto~ 60 Candie Pow< 40- n --j-.--.- TORONTO :1 For BaJd liegds. qw Ni ni whilby

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