Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Feb 1913, p. 5

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Our, new -eyegiass bas aiso -removed theo ld-trouble of falling ofi. tsta>s on. We fit 'Torkic natAptly - do.crl.bed as -the vicie angle Icns. No more-turning your had to get, a.ocrrect, focus. Do. flot pqt off any. longer', * îhat .eaamination, For diffi. cuit cat>e euse an electric. Rstîa'osoope. W. wiii fit you correctly or refunud your moncy. Qraduýte Optician Dunulas St., L ---- - -- W.0.TU. wil!b. huM .et tb. homs'of> M».- Rois j6hobncuop-Wecud Ferar 2th, ut 8.80. Wl!! unebsn kindlY beusr - init tthe> rly Auii. Dow due. W »TO GO."10 £Uffl  from -giYiig :for tbh. rqsct *s 1414 lor lshie rf.eand famlàly, *,54 dwho in sd&oWted 0boo.lag,, came dowa..on the four o'clook car.-svli!sd orne or mors of our holel..- At about 790 in wus found dsad druuk lylng l&'ths doorway of the. Impsriàl Bank 0ou Tomg Sirut.Ctëàslsbls Dunkam wu iSaI for and the.'mma Was ebuveymed 1 --shelockup wvhu]rS uei4ail n0gh snd Saturdu>' mor»4ngwas broueht bufore- Magistrats Loye,, vho af' sd hlm ado .It must have besu a pI.siusfg1~"poeialY tbthe vivea sud olildrenof 1 thous who rsfuaed 1-0t vote Ico- local optionuand put -tmpta- tion onoui f bis va>', ' oua respect- éy drsuud man in sucli a b.aty- Local, liappeanasJ About t.of ti!>. sWhtby b».dammn N vSrni Plrtu Prry ounFrda>' nigbl to attend a fanser dr us. arvailthild 3vegybg in- bit goode. Lsgglns, and <op&t.&t the .Jo~ iposible pela, a., IL W. Allen, M.Â, retor, ofAi SaiMute.' cureh#hm Ibas beescted a membecf 1h. ooeporatios of Trinity Uiveusity by lb. gxa4istes of Art. î Sud Divint> cf tIh.i Istitution. lwn*-imIs.$a54'.returu from bhot prolougu-vlult 1<> ernepb.v, Mr. B. theaa sad, 01.54of, Nw'York, also fi>.Kioise f Hrtfrd, oh. vimit4d rith uw 5.11 tv.. inTorontiosand in nov 0116s1 tisit to hur sdoter, Mx.. Mayor oS jWtWIbyCauda. - 711.0oRlWME to4ehôuea ,have rs, byoOosand choc., Brook St.; 171, J. H. Sar, ,guideces, Býrozà St.;- 79r8, I. N.%esmeIt, Bryioù St.; 131, T. ýCua- nlNgbam, residenu, Ponds . 1W. *191, L X. Gresgiood, iravellsr,eoi deo Pansdas et.:sa;t; 18r4,T. Ousw .Ion, .adqv 'Brook hem. * Ait *0 colligeCoursoue, on ou 7* der iiglat Ià f. comMent!>' xpsoted tuat ir John onLlueato- amur, vil! h. presset.14,Uà vit!>'a h. prp*mes, .ubàouM cIomttut 'a Kv.Wa '.wo% 'of Aud1.y, bug Iq .. u«U MAc.UJAtJguU. mmss nianiew 1 taishe 1n=mvelôus chul&piaul an d ~ a>~e, w1~asat Mr. Kelly in r~uzdizg ou a wQ o ur prograun. Ahinsui~, 2e.,childten 10o.. SOCIAL EVENIG T4éÂ,. Y. P. A.. of Aul saafs o4à,ku1e beatcrtaincd over sal &udrec mse' of, St. Gore' huroh, Oshava and - the jiseubere f l. othe > 'cf.St. Job aydurehnla tI>ctown hall o~ Kéàay veung;Aller -lb..-1pro gram> wich v40 exoSingly goo , feeshnernts vrs eerved by-young la. dieuý 'ofiea8ooetyîï Thi'hall vas tien danig."eycn resent had a tboroghly good tUrne. MONEY FOR ONTATO, COUN"T. Jûn ltse estkSaIs.-for thé JDomi ÃŽlo pI¶entecl ta Parliament "cmM7cday, Ontai Cuthe' tra enrusele Ombva-s b. q.gset-beefi"r, $50,0WG bint g appéopristsd for berbor improvements, 374)00: for public, buWl- :îwcA eisîpoulIe>' pr4ct arefroincurm m -.g<andfoifr J Coib6rne stvees4 $900, 10*1H-for. 1e0dmonsnd for tihe- table. 3i[r. .F.N.- 'Mueils B8 é*oià. 1 ,2 0D b>'Qu A., poulIe>' exper-t- ,lacti i. survies of S the'Oatario Goverament, who bsfr lhy'1,0, oa some es~w ,eea~ au oreeroa..-tre.t --.orth, ca tho hoîlbe CZ4 7i&ve one o' - (' biseftlumilnaiing eXposi;onâof p Express Co.,.50,"c to-dato poultry managiit. Mr. j. Tbomzon. 81;500,,non la. -H[am, District BeProsenative, d ais- ay yesars, rucsd ouaeed neyeral practicl41imProvsmmýrnt .N. Kyardsoresèe in the egg cirais vwork Ibal were un., okutet 3,0,r der contideration.Mr. Kerbeet 1Wbé. c&sre, 38o ster m adc an excellent ebairman. .À R urd>' usirmed s th fuller rePort of the discuàmios vili ie o. b.'bl3nmt giVei i noit 'vespaper. Off. R.. WHIugg'rd, co __,,,Cntmiolo Ldies, folleu j Hre es essgeof oe >. sd good_ dmher fo e.C J. 'Nartin, Booms 1611 ,-a-hoi tomolbsr of -sIgW cen' obildem. ,-Mr*.- Martia was-cured of, stom-acb trouble and constpation ,by Cim~rsnsTabletu aftsr iv. year c f auffere -and 'net rec00=- M" em li aâblelu 10 lthepublic. Forý 1ale bPU daos...5 HOWE.C&TN anpg aumîzton, sada$40,000 Cor a. <ri on lie alternoon og aï a> 2t, balatotal of $97,000. ,WhiCy SScue edu okpae aI fluéhm 522,00 or epare l habor ~ of Me. T. - JH. ClaYtonr, .Witby,. jsrry $16,00 for publl uilding; Vi- visa i .eldeut dauigliter, th M.. bridge 310,000ý for public bulding; vas United inl maruiage to - w,î. Xcv. $Beavelu o abrLipraveiiiits, den, so 0f Me., sud 1Me.. J.D. Xcv 144,000 a grg'nd total cf $191,000, dn fthserns1pla-.'s n e va heeomlY gl c n. lrvile duobau 'R C. SOCIAL.* matin mith acuatomop eil abusd or- Tesocial heM iu the.TovwnHall on - .~. f['uuaeday- evening.,lait undr'the sus- dt îae W 8 * t vddlng trip,. pices eof the ladies, cf th sR.C. -churzin, alter -vbich thser villreside la Toron. vas a flue s8uceis i evnýy way. %toi. furet part cf tho evening vas sps'la ___in__ progressive euchre, aller -vichdai-re- - krcumouts vert serval. A dance vas Ç '.tc Revision. 'held later. and'a ltna.atl.a vs,.. en- joyabiOe 0 1 w vs spesi 'h. pro. esus amonted te ovei, $75. PRHRHUBARB PIES IN ID WIN Tic undersigeid.bas eiubsrb greva làhie le lar, frein whiph 1h.evc>menl folk. -ane naking pies. gStaiki "a 100# long 'andi ' iiu.lches arojuic- ml about-equal là ipnug geowing. 1evw is il doei .Juul iby digging up tic r-oot befors the -,geouzid -.freezeup, placing lb. root . Ùou a board aud lsaviug il, until Il resezes up bard. Thl= tacs il Sale 1h. etUse, ,'place il nese lb. furnace lu a bei, filling- around ths root with'-eartlù,-Il vill ,Sooa comenc ogrcv. Ji. W. 'WLLCOX. JM R GEO. KERE STRIKEN WI1!H . PAUALYSIS. - Me. Go. . ere, carelaker cf lie CeunI>' Court Houa., vwas-on Wednee. ciay monningitntieken with-paralyiis. Mrs. Kerr f euhd him u 'Dconeciouo Sn bcd ou arisiug 'iu th. moening. Me. Kerr had been te Oshawa witi Col. Farewel on Tuesday cvening, sud vii.the latter vas atteuding - police court, Me. Ker ttended a meeting of an I.O.O.F. Lodge. The>' drove hoe logetieailer tiec evoniag's lobons sud enjoymeutu. Me. Kerr vas quite. joli>' on tie va>' homie, sud aftor pultiug ava>' thre bre vent home.- Hof visited Lb.e basoment et lis Court House, poeiebly te look afler thi- *fiee lu tie furnace, befon. 'going up- Mtairei b bis q-larters. . At last repiorts before going to press. Me. eer vas yet unceuscious, and is eattendrng physîciau prouounc.d the case seeloun enougbi. 1BAPTIST CHURCfl. Serviceseas unual. -Sunday, Sohool sud Bible Clases ai 10 a.m. Monning service, Il e'elock- Subjeet -"The. Vievu cf Chitia Service.." Evening service, 7.o'clock-Subjct- "Self - Recoven."i Good mugie b>' -lb.caoie. .Âàcordial invitation as, ert tsa o eail. THE TABERNACLE. -Sunda>', Pbumy9th,. Mfqrnigg service,-il o'clock. Tic pastor viii givu a 4"lIp Tal k"- Eveningieeonvice, -7 -o'lock. 8u1AWt -"'Tii. Misionar>' Spinit.» ,Seat. and a 'volcomu fer ail. 88.at 3 P.=> St. Valen$lnusSoil iii b. lid iu lb. mhool-roomuof 'tie Bàptieicb on F.>'&, Mré 14t!>. Evuqbu41 cou Mei. 'Roy pseIii5b, rmisf 10hsbatU j (eovded out, lest week.) Tiers vere nmore than'a hundeed Bp. Peals againat lhe ausea*mn for 1918 heard Ib>thlb. Court cf laieion aI 3 lssions held înu lb. Coundil Charnier on Thursday, and Friday lit. àrayor IWilis, presided, th1h.drs cf ,h Court being Mesers Anq, Mo nud Wilson, Mr. Colwill vas absent. Me. John Smith, -lie ansesser, and Col>, FareuWeIl, towu solicitor, agsiste. Messm's.,RutIedge sud 'Christian repre. sented several of tb. appellantu.. Tii. attendauce dueiug lb. fiet day'e use- sBion, flled 'tie room. Se far as knova lhe liaI cf cases vas lie lougle ever inth lie lter>' cf tic *0vn. Ch>at. M. Willcox vas the final appellant. -Ho vas lySas asssssed for business lax. Appeal *as sustaueul, and one of tb. business assemeuts utruck Off. R ;oldelag, aisessed $1,450 -on bouse anid lots on Dufeérin, steet had OU0 struck off. Albert Lowe, ou hie houa. on Base Lin. Est, formeel>' owned b>' tie Milne fâmil>'. thouglit hi* as- sesment of $600 toc iigh, Aeument conflemed. 0e. Movat,_ Je., -$1800 aud beo. NovaI, Se., 81100, confina. ai. Mes. Janet,,Smith, Dundas Street saust, 02600, coufnmoed; aIse Thoe. Julb, Brook,'etreeti norti, $900. Mes. Mayns acrosa lhe street frein Me. Jubb, $800, reduced $50. W.j. Luke, $1300 on bouse, coniedou, 81200 ou ehop eeddced $100. Jan. Shaw, house corner Brook and Mary sîreste, $1100, Rie sud Hopper houe..,8750 ,eae, conflrmd. Jas. Smnith, Palace street, bouse and lots $1250, reduced $100. Mise Laviionce, bouse on Charlea et., $450, reducsd $50. Misa Robson, B>'- ron sîreet, heuse muid'lots M$2000. - duceul $100, sx lots Centre Strest, 8450, confiemed. Mes. Win.-Mriail, lot $100, reduoed $25 Thon. Conlin, bouse and lots $1,675, coufiemed, J.R IPhilp, Bradley bous., $W5, Sierridan hous, $850 a nd owu boue ud lots $1600, confimmed, Icome $500 struck Off.- Wm. Jeffre>', laud sand heuse Dix». das'asîreet weet, $050, confirmad.i.Fred Rogcrff, Charlton bouse on Centre St., confirae. lisAnna Smith, Brook steel norti,. $800, eonflmc. Dr.. :Eastvôod, business asesment ou hou»e reduced. fron81500 te 81000 Geo. Robb, houe, Peer>' -St., $17001 iine8$00, eeducedf$30. .G.- E. (Iii, bard, 'Jas. Tvscdio homme, Dundau St. est. changed le Jane Gibbard. ROIjt. Deve, nv.eue n 4rokStreet neeti $100, IaWd $30o, hous» reduoed $20Ã"., F.- J, Jonce, Ivo st f on Ponds. eteet, $00o*", $100, saa" strui off. Alei. Wallke,' Duendas utresi, Weut, $2,100, -ursdud100. -a P.IR. TOI, Co., nsudGI. t. OW ducal *0 ê__aet rirutu. 9:locarl-OMMi. Nov feu Brookila. n.B& Afi 1une of aifl footwear-. forMe,' and'Children always Q- A cati soIlitd. Ap plsure urrsgsrn5-W»vasrePorted fMr come&, -roMM02'Epr~i . sor. 55255 ami thelnb> l.Town Co uncil izdefr tir0M 5tie ar1a'pR. 1 vidh le frinr. ith'wbm ;. B5&I8H Brooklin.~ ,'45r0en1 vals ", iade before the -ie. F4m-ouSAE Iv"âdý_te,#ty' per ct. aM4pyr127- acres l 9! cneufn fWht hall _t "-&neal: rate,5r iA r . 'oive.1*y an.'AUl unde sui., rosolüuion cf the Court vscrfeIttilonexcepi 1o aes of busk suacd acocae wit&tmsazb gee MMàn psU» w~~vii 'nsiw enintug upslu- ent n1 b Coupui 'aIti But xlGoo& frame ous. vi th laie. ouglbuild. huestinÉ .**bige.'; 'Ti.la fint-e1àuu grain ues situate.only on"-al Mile fron> Kyrti. station on' the C.P.R .Apply t 1]L». MA~RIED. T-5. HOWDVi.CL&YTÃ"NAt X-tl by on PR FRSAL Wdaéd" ay, 'auary 21!1918, by IomNSHP 0F I EAOM. Rev. . E.Ssxsilh, Ethel May 1Tendée. viiib esfldby .u Clày'ten, le W. H. Howden, both c f srslmd p 1 tb helàey 19M Witby. - 1crlt!>. ,Perchas. cf' u N.B. î,.i1 a uanboe 5 ant!>. ý>4 sa. Tovsidp 01 DKATHS3. R.c. befrh.prsar c LYlqDE-At Charlevoix, Mleb, ou Jan. condition. appl>' to A.L2ILOý0g sOtb,- 1913; Alfed W. ,Lynde, oldestiAN, ofSo, om -la -mrtSïg son cf tlb. late Chare Lynde, WhiI. Johnia 8ltitonaam# s.>s~ b>', agsd6PAU FA M R SALE. GREG£G-At Broo'àdin, on F'iday, Jan. M15 arla Est Jitb Twmbl Uaary 31, 1913, David Oregg, agsd Ontanlo- Cour'; oa> loni. bf 65 years and 5 montis., bouse, baaked ban"' aln for 4& - bàmio 0 t!>. cbersDd 1tworvel; fumeredmn u.r4 Ce ndortiuru 111nM &e blood or constltutlonal diseuse. sudin orre l>,o t>.fas ithin 5. -ile pure Ity"u must ake Internai remeidies. Haivs of jor &Ih0 u$Cp. ratarrv Curetae 1 aken luternally. sud sets dlr for aad£ an ecWo Uclodaud mucous auacet.. a. G.T.R. jit- Mrie, G.T.R. a rok Carrb Cure'lu fot a quack med ue. IL was N»b<Sho pr!scribed, by one cf he bouàt physifraps fil ui nd tisCaan NrtÙ, ;hd coutt fo yansd s aregular. precrptien, Ulti à Ofaà mils-Within 7 zmiles cf Itisacmu'oe o!tho! tnli kuown.colu.-tte iai. (Isba blncd *wII ic outhe blond purifiera. aetlug dit. fOuzlbu ova fohat!a. ectl, ont,.emucoussutfAces The perfect ci. prluasappl* S M t1vfouof he woingredieuts l ht r.sPrWr duce s;uclhwouderfuf remuit4i. u pCatre.1 MM kiu' t, Baud'for testlmonla free. ar F. 1. CH ENET a CO, Propc.. Toledo,O Sold-by all Drugcista. pricelc Talte Hall'$ Psiirjls for couatlpation. flllu U*is,.. Application to Pairnnt. NOt ice sh.r.by giron Iat ana- plication vilI b. umade b>' the To- routo sud 'York Radial BaiIv.yI Company'-to the Logislative Asasubl>' cf the Provinee of Ontario ai lbe nuit uessions, theroof:'- (1) For au Act giviug lhe appiloat .tie igilte enter -luleo an agresment vith lie ait>' of Toronto, lthe tns ofe snaid agressenttl e b.settled b> the Ontario, Bailva>' sudMunicipal Board incése lhs patiïneuo agres, ferthi. double trclng of, Yonge Street freinlhe peesqnt ioutb- cru terminus of lb. Railva>' il York Mille, 'and- for the operaioni thereof b>' the Toonuto snd York Radial i va>' Company'. (2) And for tic igbt*tonmcarif -on- lie Sabbath day on tiheMotropol- Itan Division of tlb. iaid applieunt, su-biet leo lbe ontrol cf lthe Onulo Railva>' sud Municipal Board. (3) And for hoe rigit 10 couadi, maintain sud operats Ulnes'cf railva>' lrom lh. preseut -seutheen terminus the Metropoitsu Division of the .- plicant s#sterly. to-conneot, -in- ithei -Souboro -divisiost of lb. -applflan, sud veateol>'tpoonnet viti bth lM- ice division cf ths appliMtÃŽoû (4) And for 'th. rlgbt le içemm lb. bond iseuseloflbhe. pplcuuit kmo lveàty, thousaad ($20,000) dollars to, ie thotiusand 5(80,00(1). ollr" mils' upon - Iseagle tnao lin. ci lis iappliesal4'g! ra-1iaeontuai and to b. eoitee. - (53) And fon lb.extsionof cItI for lis commuonimni ad ibàe èMpss plétiou '61 te lIé st.ustonid bramies cf - lb. appiceat relva>' hitb.ueo A CANA MAN CiORPSATIoNg Fruit>aid Ora mestal' Treqp Skrubs, Rss Nurseriés ilu WeljIandCo. P.(). BROWN'S MURSERigee~ ONT. JIEROMI SÏCOCTT, WHITBYo . ONtARIUO. WHItay: ýMoeay, Feb. 10 Ventiloquiet, Singer, Erneertamner. -Kathleen DatVis- ,marvelou&- Chld-Piaaî5st ai Singer. Two iurs'- Fun,. to show' Ptices the lowest. goodies. PIEEL SHOE a GLoINou, Jfock St., l. h tby. OnÀt. PK. 1 FIVE i REASONS 'wSHBURN ~Wh ýY i pays 'to buy at the Ashburn 1. , We sell the best goods to le had 2. -The price is the lowest, possible. that can be and be fait to. you and 3.t - uitock consists'-ot everything- thit- is usua Il y ,kept' in àa first d general storem 40 WC pay highest pdices foT't or -produce, either cash or tade. 50 WCgive ; your goods MiflV exchail A' ew Bsis Campaign Wc are lnauguratin-g a new business campaDigu, and 'ask -for tie assistance of, everyene i agtienyaet9h icmeut succeme- fui year in Chie regard Chat the town lever had, Ever>' vired bouse le an asset cfheie Electic Light Department, .and ve wvn ansd canfi. dently tixpect, at leasi 50 ne* ligie Leeices in Chia uiialt un thé present yeair. ,"Th.- receut *mncplydrn REOUSTION 1HINTHE LIOHTINO RATE means Chat -you can buru a z5 watt tungsten lamp for 6 heure mand 15 =iue at a ccci te yeu fer electricity cf exactly 1 -cent.. And dueiug à s Cie you get 2e candiepover of a- pur vie-.ligie,_ Onute grquiid cf economy alone, is it nlot good business for you Cc patronime tie Tow' MunicipâlT Electric Lighe Systei, au: enterpume iu -vhich' ever>' ratepayer is a ehareholder, andl thereby help' to ' ieduce- the tài' rate and demonstrate at the sanie tie te youn cvn satisfaction thut el.ctricity je cheaper, cleanerî, saler and better than any oeher lois of illumination? Wator'and Lîght Oommissionora ~ A. ~ ~ À À À À À À À À ÀÀ À ÀÀ ÀÀÀÀÀÀ -~ -b' -4 I 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 STOREi Store: w 1 1 p- a t- 1

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