Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Jan 1913, p. 5

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sutu wt tefr-speciai needa. Our chargea-are very moiler. at. -Our nov eyeglas.ha$ai abe removed the oid trouble et *-fallingéff.< Itsta»pon. WetifljToieLen6és. 4ptly describedias tise* wiclc angbe lens., Ne more turirg your ia~ egel a'correct focus. Do not put cff any bonger tlat exarninàtion.. For diffi. cuit catea vwe use an e:ecuric --We wiii -ft you ccrrectly or. re!und ybur meney. uru mis" Gradua IWhitby UMVVV Ra e Optician glas st.; *Ontauio pnil MHY ÂAU BEGE; IATWY ne filowsuwerm ail at k ie1b ta (1iV» ibo' finet club in towu), Who wino flow 4 re.Aùd uhey au ilit fine As .tory and'song weni 'round. Tou boasted that 'Wine li sno tor- rors for me, I cou leave 1# alono viieft I-sy But oid "Buttons" winked wlth knowing imle: * Teyal beg«n îo ay." Thé bar we.5 a.uitter, the iht.wl~ * bright., Ând ythe game wam merry and frsï Whilo lpo mau spoke. 'of the »days te. For no on0e iéd tQ see. You braggod cfiyour powerm of self- Scoiroi -As the mon" ý lined up " that daày- B&itthe. bark.eper etniled with a mcd- don mmiie-,: "11ev, all begifl that way." 1.day cf anguieli had corne -at lat, The nighi had been full of Pain,' - riends soôught in vain for a ray cf -hope That could neyer corme again. Tbé Pfli -was dari< and thé end wam drear When the bulk of manhood lay- And the sexton growled wîth.a disemai * growh £ Te me toc boon thatwy. Sfi-iad loftisi own with broiçen id with livel O'frWhelmed in glooni For they know iheýr Ilns was multi- plis Ev the hôpelessneuu of hi. doom. Not a ray of light nor a glint cf hqpe Could bighteu the cheerles. day - Ând satan grinued with PL flendish "l get thoni ail that waY 1" -Dr. John' Nelson Gltra. Local Happeaiagsj Mrt.. . M.. Wilbcox wiil receive on ¶Wniday, jènuary 3 1se, and not again tus eaac, n.- r..John Evoly wilI r- *eivo.wlih. hon.. Remeniber the soilal in the Town Ilaol on Thur-sdaynih under the auspies of the Iadlêa 0f the B. C. fév. C. P. Muirhead wili1 preacli -n' Al Saints' ohurol soit sunday', Sboth jnorning and evering., Iiverything 'in felt goodà. Legip and qpots ai the Iowart pomaiblpr. At Pel'$ Mr Z.GUrne>. has ovàhed uswlf. &»d fuýi o frsiToronto te Wldtb, HIALTH IN TEE rémey orthe Sani- teny - Guan tien. h"rd [cal clomet. Fric. 1e 0 te giveprfectisfac il. Rice. vetlg-l aim'AY.P.Â. v*91 oterisin hawa sud Port Whuiby Aasoeia- lu the' musie Hall on - * oÉdali- AUl monbers are requesied te meént béfore eight o'clock asaimiéd by Mr. 1 A&.,o etihe '1rot'l Agriculturetim eta camnpaiàn i for thé ment Co-operai, throughoui thl, le Ontario - Couniy. s Agiculuralofm ind lu ovigorous xtènsiou cf %ha pré- > 4~gCircles luthod&iréathof Smeeting -o! thé e êO astliutes, will b. héld tu 1he9-<»ud. CharIer. on Ionday a!t«oen'FePb. 2 , ai 2.30 P.m. lis - .Norman, cOf To. nouto, ~ou "Thé.. Po'wer& of -The speaker -is par-1 ti active -,and makes thé Interemting sud beneficial te a1, ra. Norman vili also speak ut t4evening meetingon -"Thé ThrS' s',-Làughter, Lqve, ife'" Teea l soned ai thle-doso! thée- afier- Ikrn meeting., Meetings free to ail. G.A. ]Boss, Pros.; Mise P. Bote. Sec. 1I. Mr l Pri tri ' lIe social' héld ai- thé rectôry. on îesday eveing, ,under thé aumpices, tue ParlishGuilcI, of Anl Saits' Lurcli, *as a dWcdéd smces inl every ayr. -,Tise !olloving teok port in. thé I Pur'dy, Le.., isa Aikinson, mols; Ir. ýRobin , nsruenal x. Cecil Greenfil iviolin. A -guéss tg content Was.theWa tt on. Thé lot ize vos von byýX»sGnose, and Lé 2nd by Mimme uitmy. .Numerous &mes vers paye4 sud tea urved oi9 o'ciock -intMlali vee rvéd. he proceedsis ab Thé ladies oà te,ýIR hold o social luinlh Thursday evenfig. Everybody velcomé. >d tb over 820. C. church TIpvu Hall Admission on CONCERT AT TRE OLY. Thé Ieigh-Smlih Companv gave à Most onjoyablée veai ng s enttin- mente-ai thé College *pn Fridav' o! bat veek. The. most delighttul téoture vas thé bnrp p>oyiug iy Mi«a. hrth. Not tue least interesting pari was 1er description of ibis ,heautifull and probably oldési of musical instru- ments., laoles as voil un nccuflp- aaying thé piano and violnandalthe charrning vocal numbers of Miss Mul- Ion,- thé harpimi W.on warmcst eticom- jums. The violin playing ef Mn. Itob- insoli and the readings by Miss La Dell vere beyoàd praine ami vere rapturousiy applauded. Altogether the concert vas enré o! thi boai ever giv- en ai thé Celege. THE TABERNACLE. Suifdly, Fei This being Quarteri. bath', île Lve Feosi meeting vilii e lald il froni 10 to 10.45.i service vili ope aie il a.m., ai thee doi Sacrs*neni of thé Lqr% b. administered. -,Th, éorneatly requested to botI thé Love Feasi ulan service, aâd remai Ment. ,Sermaon in tle i»orn Dr. Haro,« Thé éeigsrie by thée poster. -Subje. -Suiia1bl - mugie viii I servicesby thOéchoir. .S., Ai thé un'ual ai vMh h îe ps 0. Blanchard. Refeeeo-Burgoyne. Bibl eSociety-Annual- Meei,- For thé tblrd ytar 'in succssion thb véathor voas unfavorable for- the ~ nluai meeting cf thé Wliiby Bramch of tii. Bible Scety' anid. the attend- oRbe îuufred in ecnsequenc. Th PresidéIit iIreded, and fév. Jos -Fletcher and Dr. Abaa eus- od lu -the opening exercisim.W.Rb in Nichislon aoted au inu; lie' 8ec.-Treasý repo4,.whc-i appended,. vas rad, and 6on motion cf .Wr.- H. W. Willcox, cnddby' Mr.- W.A. Henderson, wuas adoptd A 'vote cf than4cstp_ bthéeý.oeetoés~ for their faithfil -and ýoUfcent mrvioM was reoved b QBy.GA. -léa,"noe- onded by Mr. E.R., Blewj'- and earried. .11ev. Jesse Gibeon, thé efficient 'ée. rétryo thé Upper Canada Bible So- an ae-ano thér of hlm llutea lectures,> .lecture which was brin, ful 61- lutereat'and proli. The subject of thé lecture- was ", night-with -the Top-Notinluthe. Par Fait.," The Top-Noti reth* orean a ver>' old nation, eho, tracé iheïr. origin hack four theiid years. This te a country cf'about ivoiVe Mil- lions cf people, £ mounmtainous coun- iry, but viih potéhes. e! veryfetl soul aronget ithé mounta _T.heb mony>' Ilustrations ib trova on thé shoot gave éne much énhenmnent su to -the country, i ts pooplâ snd is condition.-Théefeaturé cf euttading, prominonce,* as discèesed by'thé le- ture, je thé foot ihat- Ibo.people are receiving thé Qoutélfi a marvellou vay. Ih Was cnry-a fev yess uc thé country wu. openéd te ,foréignar, andi there une millions of couverts te Chrstianity already. The native Christians manifesi a rare mpirt of! devotion to thé nov religion, haie iim rapid sppad.1 It the close cf the. lecture a OIe-1 tion vos tàoken up, which amountodito THE REPORT. Tho llnouciol report for 1912 in as fdlova : Offerng ai Meeting, 1912 . 843 Collocted b>' Mise J. Cormack ................. 12.65 Mrs. Adams and Mr@. MeLean... 42.05 Miss Page ......................... 28.65 Mise Nazie Andersn ....... ...... 9.50- Misses Goldring and Molntooh..- 13.64 Miss Kemnp and Mr. Wilmon ...12.56~ Miss Mitchell....................... 11.60 Miss Taylon, B.A., O.L.0 .... 3.00 Added ubcription ........... ...... 00 Deficit .... ......... DISBURSEIoENTS. Musc. oxpenses................ ... Expenses, postage, statioaery, etc. .71; Cheqtue to U. C, Society........140.00 $145.40 Your officers ad consmittee bég leave te proseni the folloving nomi- nations for officens anti commtée fer tle yéan 19i3. Preident-lir. E. R. Blow.. Vice-jnes.-Mr. T.G. Whtfiold andi resident ministèrs. Sec.-Teas.-G. A. Mlean. Committie-Mr. C. A.Goodtellow, J. E. Farewell, K. C., j. j. Haro, D.D. Rev. Jos. Fletcher, C. FP. McGihlivray, M.D., Judgé Mlntyre, H. W. Wflicox, J. W. -Boteisan, Dr. Adarns, W.' J. Greénvôýod, Jas. RutIedge. Jas. Whte, J.H. Nicholson, W. M. Pningle, fobt. Thonipson. A oCéln The Short Course ini Agri- culturet I Tou na>' frfimethod - clat4o, 1 eAU give the figures i linton '.for., 10.001op-; tion :%2,against 214.-,By your meti-_ cf thisl. t theatstu~v>é very 1 oxicu. fera 7reouut. But, vIen these. figureswvere, pssod ou 'by _thé Liconse Association, at Toronto, lin- stead -cf being 4 short they.vwr, fouud toe héeiévenbehind and thé case vas givoiiup as ho péeéq. - In your asi ZéMfor éoitrovérsy, whicliaqute panbe yu answor, a-letter not artâe4 t&o Ou, youi havé evideuilyyvnokd ou usual spirit of fairussa. I trust you viiipublieh. ibis lett. étauie cito, City cf Toledo,> Frank J. Cbeaeë rnakes catli tit be< la senior :artuer cf thé lina. cfF. 1J. Obenei'. & ce. dologt 1slie-s in the Clt f'T led..Oountv a&r ia aforeslad uthat saiS 1,10 epyth auna f -ONERHUNDREU DOIA$lÂROOr adisudevery enseo' Ctarnht tcannai Mbecuredy tii e cf Bwcrfttobeforeme su4s hmclbedfnIfprs «nce, thisidof P10amb -, 1 Hs'lCatrni Cueiaake4tsàsly.and acta dlrectly o i.biccda.dtiuedîMsuafarsauf thé ayttein. 9=nS for testimonIale, fre' olb P.J. C0RV4]tY aVo., Toledo, 0. dody s au "g*tst" 1 - Talas 1ialVa PaaUy PllÏor constIpatIon Application to Pariliament. be neépaianess PAIRISIAN sage,'.a >sgratt lJi M tr erM, vi ééu okimgý It in guarauteod b>' A, . H.AflÉn %à makeIpirgrovand top fald .lr ta, aure dàndutin ivo w ;te stôp io 'no f -thée infhtl- utanil>' ARSA ago ln thé -ouilivig., :oràéing, s8atislying, md pleasaut- hae dsing made; it makes thé hair soit,., luxuriant sud handsomme-; it 1is é by vomen y, wh4' love~ >eaJ1ir . 50 cént a bottle. Persona] Mention. Mr. and Mn. W1iOâ Kelellan, of Toronto,- wee lai iown over Bunda>'. Xias Malteraof Toronto, puit a massIaggie Eobtsoa, of!-To» nitop spet? thé -wésk end- wiýth beri ar'ini Wrý. Aldrm Coffey, cf Ceniret un, spent a fsv -days lait wrok vilh frinds lnu wu. Mr. andIrn. sBe hophésd, of- Tu- roato, .nient Simday weuh ;1r, ed Irn. Levi-Shephm& d. - Notce m hreb gvn iat E a- aoh Thuruday_ la Febriuar>, nd there.' plication yuil l bmode b>' thé To- after lushehird and fourth Thunsdays rente and York- Radial a M.thé momail. . -Company. te thé législative AssmmblY _________ of -the Provinci et Ontorioetaiithe nazi sessons thereof:M clacusA vrs (1) -For au Act giving the appileani iclaeosA vrs the. rigit te enter into -su bgreOment vit1, thé - oity, cf Toronto, -thé, terme - WXTD of thée sidagreement te fe- sétileti by Lundresa- for Houa. of Esitigo thé-- Ontario Roilvo>' sud MniCoipal Good wa".. Appi>' to Dr. Laer, Board, in cmsethé parties canuot XKasgr-ti agrée, for, the ' double traeking o!_ O Yongleteetfro th prsen soth-Violin sud cas, Wiurfet condition onu Îtrmnus of tihe Railva>' o! Vorki ~ ~ pl't iru lc ou îe Saboi dayon l. letr p rok,7r oomu.0. viythovlorengMo sM, ond for- the operation- thereof CnBok tTw. b>' thé Toronto and York Radialai l- on rcS. ou voy Company. HOUSI FOR SALE. (2) And for the righte run cmt New frame houa. lu thé llage c! ýtan Division o! thé said applicani, born anci stable, alecnev oheulue. subjeci otehl.e cutrol of thé OntasiloHalf aéré loi. Apply to K. F. B&- Rsllwa y Md Municipal Board. MI8H, Brooklin.-8. (3) An¶I for thé ighit, t contruit, PARX FOR RElI. maintain 1 sud operate- ino. et railway Lot . Cou. eah 10acre., fromn the promeut souiheru terminus0'~ good day oain, well wotered; bank thé Xêtropoliian* Dvit,,01 thé aP- baru; drivizg hous; ranse dvelling picant costerly teof ~éO the houle, 8 peomu,'good*ceiar. Six Soorboro divisiou of thé opP i'nn, acresof young orcbard réod>' te béar.- ad uemterly ta conet wyul the Mia. Possessiou April 1. For terme sud 'jico division cf -thé application. ' -1 furiher p!a rticulars appl>', te K. F . (4) And for thé righi te mereosa thîe bond issue o! the applicant from, VAR" FOR SAME tveniy thousanti ($20,000) dollars te o TOWNSHIP 07 BE&CH. un>' ty oumanLd $830,000) dollars a Téliders lill érudoved- b>'thi&n 1mile upon tle singlé track lino o! deraigàci up te the -lat Match, 1918 the applicant'. rallway oontued for the -urchol o!11éK. j o loi andi to h.e ontructed., .nunil in tuhîe 2ad cou. Townshlp of (5) And for thé extension efttne Rfeh. - For fur"-~u part'icl4àanssd for ibm commencement and thée om- conditions apuôJy te A.LJI. CHRIT- *piciion et tho extension sud Irsuoches IAN, fSoliatoi'- .for the sumetors o o! thé opplicant roibva>' hitherto John SMMi, sinsmso,'deeuumd.' authoniueci Daied thé- 2latday o! Jonuar>', lois O~4E Â1-LESWORT4, WMRT 1085 215 acres in zEssi Whïlbyï- Township, THOMPSGN, 8Solicitors .for thse Toron- 'Ontario Ceuni>'0;6Yla>' Omu, -brick te & York Radiai Raivay.-87. bouse, banked bans, atobl9 'kOr- . ALmONS. A peult>' me.ting iii1»ehold lu qhs - -~~~ Tii. spécial cours in agriculture héld Igt Tedy era> ia byuarti'g 2. in donnéction wyul the vork co! thé ag- O'CIcl - an Meing Sab- nicultunai offices isnsriug a vor'thy' r. . .Mrelus, B..A., à pwul intéSS -Folomp rostryr lecturer *lun the, impIe>' efthe a. -The S roona l ar . tudente are being given a Provincial Governnsnt, vinl délivmran n.Tereu a rining net only in thé -éicieutift e -eg îlhe:usual heur,h se cf Wh îcl plasmsof agricultupe, but also l i pbi, svino iai an rd'a Supper wil pracîlcal work, including ils judglng, iers ,are.invited to attend. and seecting cf pure bred stock. In - ie members are this connecilon on 11nid a bt *t If your ehlidnn are subW eot i >b. preseni -ai it"kof croup vatol for the &Mht ýt and thé reg- an]ujunl cmm i. >' émrs - 1 homm. e bab lnfrhé Iogartl and Mîbeter journéeW d s ogn.d Li ertesar-nonilivard te thé beautifuxl forn o! W. v 0.Ceg Bmei' ssoon as the lngbyth By.A. Drydes, o! Broolifn. There thehim becomms hoaresé sd thé -aitaék, "gb h R ev.tys lad tise unique opportunity ofet ay be-OS - s or o#l-bi a&U dli ~ * aeing 120 hed cf «pure-bred 'Short. __ êodc oras etf muperi> qualfty, incuding the. ut-'"esson ~» mnstreus ,bull. S#vesrai clases vgre HUN arranged .sud ju&4Od, a!lter W" 4- &po0îry Meeting' Win b. hed luî hé given at botIaW.l> dseItie ubsgoi-f. Wett's Hall, Mëhb*U «,on1ii ý laimaner Nails. e a>' i0 by$ ngciWeln"sy, Pobt.sy à, At herab ~rurrned -3s a IcIglr autimre 7-30 p.in, intt ïno -OUtyth* - c05115 and 10 hosss; itered b>' itgl ereel sudti oveu; fenc0d li 5 &rà fildav itI cdarails.ýa onsf th» lest Sortirn S>'orohards la Ils Couni>' on-théoaer=. Miuhin 5 mil"s o! tour railrood stations, .P.B. sud <.T.B. -ai lyrti., G.T.R. i 'Bçookin,ý snd thé Canadan . Nontisér. Sahool vithinOU cf a MOll. MîWthin 7 mmesof tlb. fourishngtcwn f o! Oava Ve funîler particular app' -UG HOWDEN, Brookiun, .ni8 Tueuay, Februar>' 4.-Extensve cradit sais o! lsrm stock, impiémeýntw and bouseold. furnitue, thé property 55, 's- g' tin ed Smocks, t g rg. ."* -J. 55 3 H eav s ox - -' .40 Robes,, Horse Blankets, Etc.,- als Redticed- Prices lines 'at eNTI t" 4W-0 À.0 DUT TWIND oyeaiwek r r i 'p k The' 81harlow X-ou remember til. fable cf the* -,dg WhodTppd fo real bonetlor tsh sbdow hlob eensa mtise vte Golti Duat ihai glitties undér thée nane, a shadovy substituts; gmt ilhétes! iminti that ail la not powd.r. Don't accepi OoId Duq#f W..4vf P~wup vwith the Gold'Duat ?wi n uti. package." SES FR o il ch l1vra ii ras rk. qGOLD DUST dsalng btain , ie, t. a r.dn b of op Jiadeby THE N. r- FAIRBAN COMPANY, NontrmdJ4P. 0.-Makmrsof FAIRJY SOAP. 001.0 usT uak oMd1,watoer .oft 0 77,U;hii Ib I 1(~i A hendfulinma WHEN YOU. SWEEP aýbsorbs th duat, 5brig71htens the- floor, and cleans your carpet. O.eweek frte étUa1 Yours for hçalth, AU ,L 11% al -and get somneo thes.e extra goo price. * It wil payyou. A;1 M. ELLJS I~SJfURN, . -AL -1 ý7 -a Il

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