Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Jan 1913, p. 4

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1 e Inuit tint Oreut ,iLeiio8 1 tu WiLtd off inItis OOUair1>r. t -'ikews hum alwalyd îollowed ouata- ', n.t n'.veI0115~ Ws Cod otatsl 1 'cl~rbelns td and &tend icly' by ota wolt a teue, linos has -bwun - pomted~>love ut Ou> rIiOw tiumn and a sîrona uie50ssalmb.V lax as favorable countLom3 epsil. I &sauas an iv idual io Aeuple oppose a u nJuot jaNv se neoeisitae ut laWleUMtum. Those Who have gven thought simd stucy uhe ui uttle are 31aPosition w Lu l><>v aadt, *p. precimte lievalue 'imd iprtanice of goo gVtinIiOn. That ltia fa tieu, refnene a ony nceeary'.uthé nep- Utatioli wîuk Our people béat - h veyplace wie e iy mriS sWgOWi. ItJouet, induslniotls sn eprl, 1ure lAw-abidiuig cîtizons -ceaalb tunti an>_whet0. undor w1àânieo Iu'm gfu~goverumantwu ind l ouîives ( aisd bSeotillyAietsaaelit. cuti lay y vnste arlt iag a nearI>' every couusayan-ti wY >,w hoeethlai itruqtuu t is141e i. Io'~U '*iLend.runto CUaeun 1the thigts wlich, aru Uesar'." - - Nio.peqple ever asîudied aioes care- f ully -thunipincîplus ut tempérance, uor stooti -niam'sùuldIy for riglit iriticiplias - la hialie. î im>'kîwe0 have touait A neesay topru-ëtagainstliala-W. cloalUlg salons oL Sundaiy, 'it W causmetley ek'uuld nul b. cloaed on buaday, but bucause they shuuld be closoed everyday. I\o guod was ever dune 49r ltue ca-use uf teiperance hy cluaîng lhi aluons uine day of ths week, andti hufr neligous renions. T£o clone hlu> on dunday is n epcés 01u reigîpuw législation, annd sanctions the nerions businees lie 'Otier mdx -iday. ofthle week. No religions body ean. afford co- do this. lience our pro- teut. - fAs tu lie laboning man, our aymx- - -ipaliies and i htenests are alwaya wtb -Lhlm. >We- are a busy, hard working - ,peuplé- ouIrtelveis. ye appreciale the pri%îloges uf workiug, and belisve ia -, tIsi digity of, W.bor. W. believe la- Lon was given t man as a bieâsing, and tint a&uy puwêr tint essaye -;0 depnive hni ut this priviloge is a» -enemy lu innnkind. Labor je honor- fable, and eveiy man oiould deem itila privieoge tu tha econtibute to- tie wel-hinàg of hie f amlly and sociy. Every man ha&s h. God -given iglit 'è e wk when fie pionnes, ndto nest -wheu -il suite his convictions ifa - -Chrisùha, -or isconve-n e if nt.» g'or tila -reasba, wu siould depronto anj'eituation wiiçi would compel, a man to wunk eveny day ýin the. W's -on hase hie job . Tie point isenul whth.r ho wil1 be botter off physical- - y - fr.-resting, bu tt it i ie il ÃŽ'f ieront igbV 10 do noif he chooses, anti no one ha. lie rlght tb aay liai -14 protest just agi earnestly, and for lhe same rensoas, agefinet a - scieme- to make a man rest wht.her ho$ wants to or not. If thé State has a rlght lu say that a nman eh-ail rest une day in eeven, or one day in ten, 'Il hite the rigit to -prescribs hie lia urs of sleep, the food he shall eat, ec., etc. Sueh paternal care is no0 part of!het îtte's businees, as eveny sensilile j>cIso>f knows. But in every foigned 'attitmpI '.0 do, lie workiug ian a fa'. o' by iiîî.uringhlm a day 01 rest. il l.4 ins*ste.u'd tinthle day im.uet Le Sunda'y. No other 4y w ainser thc purf)>ec. which reveali -ti real character of the movemeat. lu- thus the working mriai see-s that hies in- teresta are made the **ider" for ~ui objocta, and justly resentse stik.pal- z rouage. -tn it lis been thougil by saine'ta were a lnw ndvoet'ted to'compel ever*y- one to rest on the seventi day of- the weok. we shoîdld fail ight ji, .witlx î in d -support it. 'Nothiîîg in fathýer - rou> 1h truth. We 'shauld bc obliged lu oppose sucli a mnensure even more eîtrelnuously than -we do tho Sutnday Iaws, In the tire't i,îce, it would b. neliglous legislatiôn, with wiich civil governinonte hl.ave uothieg to do.- In lhe second Place man ha. no igit ta attempt- ta enfonce obédience to a- point .itn God's law which H. Himself -do.. not compel obédienice to. Tii. ipatter o! obédience in a matter ef ohoice with oach individual. Whéther aman observes Saturday, Sunday, or n'o day' ai ail, ie a malter of i own conceru, ta be settled betweoe:n - iim anid i Malter.. To compel hum to observe etier'day 'orno -day, ia to ,y.m.eedle li aigewith which G(Asd has. never intended man bt deal. "Equal -' agt l ail, andspécial favors tb * 291e , a safe mollo. - Pastor GEO. H.,- SKINNER. -ESCÂPED FROM WHITBY-RECÂP- TURED fIX TORONTO. - (Toronto Globe. *zfdo s io-1et back ta hi. aid haunts, James Rloss, -'a young man>, Who, i wlllb. remembered, figured ln li.veM~ escapades ia the city sevenal > eers,, ogo, esaped fîoni the. Provin- "ial -Àoy1um 1 ai Whtby an Saiunday. an 4W tToronto, ariv ghen. r doua Youge St. .when l John Dick- in laWity e- ijibet i m ùb bo karge .9t: raby et poHfs,e tifo ký by-lav .wag -Passeti app"'ith le folUowiig7a i helocal board ot kea#th Aia ore, M D, edical Balh Qflior, -aid John- J. 'Moore, Bâve andi John -Vipmt. santery -nPec- ton, W. A. MaeNuy. -. by-law wam passet &PPitiùg- Chas. J. Spece, foesCr n1913. À by-law was passs4 LauthoriSgÃŽvth Reeve anti Treuner - te borrowe moIiey for urntexpendattiïese D. W. Macdionald, anti llennY -Burton w1ere appoznted audiors o! tp.a- counla tor- 1912.- It wns moved anti secondedt ltithe treasurà ~grant fis cheque in faven ô!, Juin -Shuttleworth, fort the-suili of $25, 'being bonus for 100 roda ef wino, feces on eat side- et lot 22, 9011. 7. The saiae ta be. and -le heneîby -cen- tirmed. T.re llowing arte cdetmoittees a1 Council for 1913. Roada and Bidgee -Mosans. Guthhie, Hall, llrçwn and Rowe. Damagea. to shsep- by d9gs su in ue -fonce bonus-Messns. Browii, Moore and Gutinie. Salaries and Cuntingencies- Rowe, Hall anti Bnon. Stationery, - Piating, anti Indigènl.-- Hall, Brown anti Rowe. Tifit ueatioed n.d la e omt tee tu net as Chiimnu. vr The followag accotnts erpnssed C. A. Goodfeilow,. printing, $1f550; A. Kelcien, balance salary-, $50.00 - Council adjeurnedti o meet on lion- day, Febnuary 3, ati pem.- For Constipation. A KEICINE TUT- lYES. NOT COST ANYTUIING LJNLESS T.CURES. The active -medicinal it 'iredl.nlof Rexali Ordenies, wmmci isudonl.s, taEktlIes anti colorleas, ls, o-àmpara- tively new disCovery. Coiýnh -- with other extremel: valunhue ix-- -ets il forms a perfect -bowelI. regulator, in- testinal invigarator s-ad elnengtiener., Rexali Ordenlies sm-re itea 1k. candy anti ans notable for ticir agreeable- nes. te i.pàlaIs aud gent.leness uf action. Tiey do nÃ"t cause griping or any disagrseable ,,eftct or incouzven- Unis other ~pepaatiis for a 1k. purpole, ti.y do net c reute a habit, ou!isen hby at to vercome the Ca a bit acquireti througiithie u_,ýfordaaary laxaties, .cathartice .utt bard'phygm, anti peru>nnently ne- uMeve thie cause ef constipation or jr-. regulan bowel action. -.- - 1 ý W. will rofunti yeur mriey mithol argument if they'do mot do als we say they will. lava sizea, 25ç.. anti 10c. Solti. onhy at aur store-tii, Rexali stare. A. H. -Allia, dnuggipt.. TUE LIE IMS. GIMBIZIrT. Tuoker)-, Who passeti W a onJaaaa- 20ë. vas bo:ra a vfonehire, Eng- land, in NooMbWr -181 h Si, viii h-ýr liusband andti tva >al cîitinen, emignnted ho Canada about sixty- five >eans age. After !arming in var- ions parts a! Onlanio, Mn. and Mn.. Ginahett retire.d tventy-five yoars aga anti-osittilsç un Byron St. soulh, OP- posite th.epark. - Oven sixt,ëm-yeans motio er, uniio le t' alone, as.-a, owed daugitor. Mn,. Jeffrey and her- child, were with her. aud :the. former gave hen parent tlh. tendei-ot car e until thee met. TueD sons, John --and Lewis, of Wiitby:. four- daugiitenm;, - Mns. John Masson, of Waodstock-; lins. Tias. Prectèn, of Whitby; -iMm. John Jcffrey, at'home, id 'ra R Wilson, of the Townline, anti- thirteen graudchildren anti ten g réai grand- ohiltireni are left-not'-to imourn her ja ss-bui la carry witi lthem ta hein g raves thie remembranéce of -7hon eveet mile and ieving word.. One sister, lins. - Bulle», o! St.- Caihanines, survives he. Rrlia. Gimb- lett vas o! a reliing disposition, anti waas only. wel-kaown te, a feir bosides- heor numeroua relatives, but tii.>' -al 'iaved thie iappy-!aced ahi lady wiio wana apanod-I te a -ripe, old aue anti whaee endi vas peaece. Si. vas -bnight until'tii. last, loved'ti Icneadg9ot books avien i. iras able, and,, val- ou>cd ail vie came ta -ses-hen. -Mri. Sexenlth, hem pastor, conducteti. the. service,.-.Hem lira sons, 'John antiLoir- la, tav o as-in-la'v, Thon,. Procton anti Robnt ilsnanti twe grand sono, Fre Proctor, af Oshiawa.,anti Jeffru>' Gimbiett, oai Whty; carnied hem te hezi tlat nistisîgplies. - - - i,-onà hemr quie ils1 - ice brea n t*I4ounss-frooe ul~eunpleasàut ~èsrifeelingof rough thre. gene>'- vide avorld' over- yoia wil find, tbat atielil gwve the neeseary relfef quickly.- safelyt, gentlYt naturally. This harmiesia family remedy ta juatly Iowels, liven, ktdneys and ptthe inregulan active. workîng order. In every way-in feelings, looks, actionîs and in powen 4',PAOu wilI find yourself a1together1kiter after you- have used Beeèham'd Pinsa For Qui-,ck Relief, Vou onght to' be sure to rend the directions With cvery box.' Soi leveryvliere. -UIs. NOTI CE. NOTICE 0F TUE REGISTRATION OF A. BY-LÂàW PASSED BY '" COUNGLL 0F THE CORPORÂIU!4 OF THE COUNTY 0F ONTAIO FOR TUE ISSUE OF DEIIEN- TUBES FOR THE AMOUNT OF Notice i. hereby given tliai a'.y law was pasaed by the Counoil of the. Corporation of -the County of On- tario on 17th day of December, 1912, providig for the. issue of debentures to the amount of - M,0000 for tihe- par- pose of raising money for the. comple- tion of the enlargementa. and im- provernentia of the County ',oant goum. and offices, and for the im- proveaient of thi.ecpipment for hent- ing th. County Gao1, and the. pur- chas. o! 'additional land for the County Industrial farm, andi for the biuilding ina whole or in part . of per- manent bridgesasaaumed by theolion- ty cf Ontario, and thal aueb by-law vwas registered in tii.' Regitry (Oice of the, County o! Ontario on the. 13th day of Januany, A.D., 1913. Âny motion to quaaii or set a".i4 the same or any part tiiereof, M'wiu b. made within tires monthsafatir th. Birât publication o! thia notice, and eafaol be madle thereaftéë- Dated the. 141h day o! Janû r, 1913. JNO. E. FARWILL, C. - ounty Cltrk. TRY:SOLACI3 AT OUR EXPENSE Men.>' back for a' case of RheumatiÉmn, Neuralgia -or fieadache that Solace Fails to Remeve Cola.. mr.uuedy asa.recent medicalidiscov et>' of ibree Gernan Scientiste that dissolves Urie Acid CrytaJs sud purifies b. bloo)d. IL iseasyt. taire, aud vili not affecttbe veakest stomach. IL Io guaranteed- under the Pure Fuod and Drugs Lebw 10 b. absolutely frtee frotu opiates or baninful drugs of any descripton. Solsce.isa purespecificie vew ay and bas been provedl beyond question to bL th suret and quicirest renedy for 'Urie cid Trobles ki'own to .medical »cience, no mater iov long standing. it reachessud removes thero ot of the trou.ble (Uie Acid) aud purifies the blood. The Sainte.Ou. of Battie Creek, are the soie U. 8 agent# and bave thousanuis of voluntary testimonial letters vhich haive. been receiieed froin arateful people salace ban rest-ored to bealtb. Testimonial letters, literature &bd Ipre. Box sent, apn euc l. LeorIrrisl, Preadeut of. th. irat-National* Bank of -Chico, Texas, wnote tbe Sulace company '44 vat yon -t send a box of wolace to ny fatb., et la. iMemphis, TenDu, for vbicb 1 enclose 51.ý This reoedfy bas beein sed b>' somne f riende of Mine bëe.and 1îmuett a>'its action waa wonderful. (Sigued) R. L. Morit, P>at up in,26e, 60c sud-I4Xi oxes. cou seen berne byatine seLrivB. No, Special Treainuent -cames or-Fe s t So deaoe 4es lb.work. Wite tdyfo b fre.0 boo, etc usuali amitxen prias, andas oireu te asâsùfùluèneMa Indced. IttheIm - suit-o? boîli. 'Th. ua-buÃ"rmal case À? It 'th at bas ever c'a me te My tanovi- eitge as tiat ef?-Tom ýArcer.L - Tomï. andt 1 -vers chim>., as aech"oolbes.ad altýthat lime-be ap t# i-b penlor ln everylhIig:Ie saa btter sebelar. better at gaines, more.pepular- boti - aiti boys - snd girls sud uteoi lgber amua-il arouod teilew.. -Tom -and .1avent Le college tegether. fut f dida't tay Lier. very long. My 'Teu DON'? SxOW M&, Do ivouP' lu boolka didn't pline me, aud i vas nMt atrong *nough to ares part tu ath-1 letie. i vas eaught lu a pranktali iras bot oni> ellly. but repirebieuuibie, sud iras expeileit. When i1aveni homne te my tatiier lie salaito me: "'u sort>' for tIbis. my boy., ecEùa you'il have ta take a bsck seat ln Ibm irnton account efrlb. rhere-syoni. frienit. Tom Arcber. i avlsb for jour saet. jn ad taken the stand he ta occupylng. When yen both corne 10 1he prime oetlife- yoii avili fini tlti btonoreit anti resecteed. avhlle yen avili ne passeit over for a ver>' ordlnary perses. l'ai ot aayn tu Iis 10 yen aB s pnumaeotbutb as s malter of ne gret ton as botI." 1 ibave nover forgotten s word et tus predictIen, av-bleD saut uoîol me direle iaaMy ftrier seeureC e posi- tion for me as a dlent lu a mercan- -lebouse. out I1avrote -s peor flait. coulit ual speti corretly andt made MIS- tisa -T'he nead of the tirai dIs- chargeat us, but t l'eggedIl iim toe t Me se aviat i Coulat do outsi<e-tbat ta, lu workling op tradae. tie conseuteit and 1i atartcd tn asa4e- - - Tveuty yeon bsepas in lce- then.l'The cômeems is #ttcb I1vissu-- pioeeitboa groavu enormousi>7. sud i Vbusve grçvu wlt t b.Indeed, # am ov ia principal owuer and lil manager. t don'l exactij Iinair vy Iàiras ad-- vanèed above bîîndredm a? others. but - -I uppome 1imuet bave possessoi t 111e instinctaia mate businessman. otinthis la anotüer queslen. What i rau golng te illuatrete latatsensitive prit. abh av wiiea aman te itecius s gift trom a trient. asuitry17Co0 egailyh thavarI the Intentions Of a mas ln thel1 disposition o? nis plOPVty that lne aiay enjoy itlasel?. - One dal a acedy iooting Indlvlduai è ame 1>10 aMy olice aud. iguontng the boy irbo advanced te ast irobeae ashei to 0sec. pssei tolroug tbh openIng lu Lie rai., and. wavalng etslalgbl op toi>' ' deek. 'put eut nis blaud 1 looked t a ilm, piizzied.. "kes don't'l Kow aiedo you.f0'-îbli gala. i11couteau liaI yen bave tli v-ah- rage o?- aie" --l'ai rai &muer.- i badt become traine it hat isli- 1ulatlen avbchli te iront requirea and' rsueveeits'd ln -euceailng the eaback i sexpene'd aI neeing My eu hu l suc-b a pligni. But whon i grasped nie b tauditîba show et the oit tnlendtilp 1 waa eelactIng a lle. AI] nait clangeit. He bad gone toau-vcry tan. iovu- and i1bmidtgone, lu a praucalpoint et 11ev. vdry fat; up. LWol t us triot wo conceai s recognition efImis reversai 01 f OUTr poatlonud- nithlitallet. Long bere Tùm lotI use-I1 reali t- lha as not oui> nagged. but bon- gry., suad jet -Ihere ateet betw#eb me andt lm.se an as ai> hciping hi> vas coîucerued.-our youtb, tuirbIcI-bat been hbçisufenlêý rbe h.pnie et a uai - ssuit.t ôfelothesé.,tudeeda jean'. ln- ceaie tforlia.iraB o e 0 S ier'eag telbt bov- could 1- offer -màee ,ue -whojlaPd sd - rme in' éeeniibi cqeol'-yarbefore? WbatI dU wvuc Oe.had a" «M -1»dlu -Ou.uornlng_ a woma cae'ïnt. my o1Re and aked tWl1kuew-Mr. Tiomma A.reber. 1 acknowledged the, acqizalu-- ueand sbe told : me tlàt, ahe hai gone labo a. speculallo6n wltb hlài lb b -li;ad t urniabed the capital- 8500G-and lt-hait tieema uta. Sb@ dit oeblam*e- Mr.' Archer: ho bld beefl tiouemtlnuthb.materbut,& laavyer hai toid laqr that the uight proeeed etimi- Dally againuilem- 8h. aas uncertalu what le do. Iasik ber if she avould tak a lai of ber ciii a-'t myoit trient. Bbe: sid -ohiewould.- andt ou ber saguiuent of It ',tue'e1igave ber, the mô»ey. 1 lesieitoe sare m-Y untortuuate trient pain,- bt Itva. mean'eneugb Ïtecut h. poor, veinam doavu l bhait ber tees .fsuppose i sienitbave bien aabue6 of myselft-.t1t - was't.Ibadthe eut- ing dowaviaeulty that. wel sUccemfig bûuins m'onu uualiy potaul. Net iegale hsArcher aropped [n to sà" me asu d ncidelly mention-. id tiat hit- da- seheme ou haut hiY whleb he expecledt lemalke a tortuse.1 i w Tvaey glad to el, tbt. tiraM the subjeet temnlng hemlght aumoîer' bis phte se fan as to at me te furniali the àeeeaaa.- cepitaL 1-avoid have lo0t tesupply bis aauta, eien élvi -hlm luzurles, buti1 dit net wlah te lu. veut ln: nisa cieme. [t vas mol diluicult 10 heat orf no senstive.a--mon, but lu a feav daxys, 'haviug gathereit hie courage. heocme4 beck a asakeitme if 1 vénit cousider 90, per cent of the profita ofthLe acheme suffient reimburseniucut fon 1h. capi- tal neceasartodevelep IL.-1told him liat 1 tnew a, mswho did liat sert et thlug and gave hlm bise addreas. go went off, much encourage te wOndt1he olther man. Whether poor Tom haler cme to soi through my artifie 1 dou't tnow, but he neyer agalu bunted at glvlng me tho ioas ubare of the profia et api ose aprlug, bsing very much rmn dova. i desiredt te go for ,a,- tew mentis'ttip. The onh reason' tor my net; dotas se as ai t-i ditM ot car. te go alone »and tuew 0of Do eue aio avouit go with me. 1 thouglit et Tom andt -wrete lm a lines aylng liaI 1 wu, ni1 aud perhaps my lite ýdependet upos my- taking an outlng. Ift hi, ouit go wllh mes, i paylng hie ex:penses. lheo migit mate me. Sie repiecitiat noth. tMg avoud give hlm gnsater. joy tisa le thug sceommodate hie tsar oid ehum4 butJne iras at lie lime much lu. teresteit lu a patent suif Olling -coal acuttie luia ici othens, bld advanced the nscesusry capital. ait he coulit mol Jeave the emterpnia. vitiont acllug dlu honorable bavard thsm. 1. as muci dlmappolnle& .At lie came Um~e 1 kueir lat-lbiptent sent- le wa4 but anmotber mame for ltsselt- tiv* prldo whlcb torbade hlm tr'ayonsu avlth me at my expens. 1 couit flot but respect bhlm for hlm intîpendence, but 1 r0gretltdtli t depriveit me ol bis assitance lu recovenlng my heaiti. [t wÈas qulte awbls betone I board aMythlug mors of Archer, snd tlieu1. réecelveit notice of is deaL R bait iei lu a bouriins bouse lu a distant clty. fis ilandiady had been very tindtle hlm.- On the day. et'his teati tie avrole me liaI he bld ottea upoten 10 ber of me and ou>' muluai friand- chip.1 Ilmmediately telegraphed ber te dnw ou me for fund ita all ahi te psy docloup'bisl, fumerai expenss ani ay amount Archer mlght owI ber for board. s t rew on me, but oui> for $100. 1 t*it surs Ihal IbIs aouid net net maltera night; andt sent a cioca for a hunitreit mors. [t was returued aili a note uiylUg liaI Ilwa va nmeess.ry. About a jean site>' IbIs whsn aaI. ing &long a etreet 1[uaw a mma cou- lng avho looteit ver>' 1k. ml triend d oeu aaidearunel. Ouiru yot b ewt aglust YOD Mcihlyferoblats luse m hoie iiinuity. I it i~th et 01 i s mnrsnal eMnn anAȈi Q reieuq -Now- tit tiie holiday season ha'd geesie, uc Iook for aan hopefull~~2 Thattnaea andi, vmen may be prepaê-;tô to.the ,lot'o!-aIl, 'theèy requie chealthfitu1?ap vaniety. - Whentc digestion lW perfect -thé spinit that iightena labon andi makes ton goc la !resh inCats we have sirlion steak .ti dinner àld elegant sausage roilsfor sup'eî noast park, then veal, lamb, spane iba,-îten Inl cerealsave have the fir variety ta mccl lhe wanls of ad Meàts 1and, we iave consuiýied al'ht. ukeys- - pleasant aud proSperous;14Nei Year. -pertom thc dulies aud însks that' fail ýpetizing, sflmulatin"g toads jlu great eroejs a-cheerfulness anti bouiyancy- -f aod{-omradéship. - for breakfast; cheice'ras cf beef for et; Nekt day we serve choice young, ýnderlouii, etc,. as taste may dictate. goods, aI close prices aud in -sufficient - To enable us to suppl'y our customers-with flour and feed at low 7frees ww have tiought by the car load. 'Farmtrs can get bran ana shorts by the. ton ai greaitly reduced prices. We are selling a high grade patent pure- Mànltobl .flour for za e-ct W.B RING LE &00*- -W iiTBY 0ý, NTARIO STA--T[IONARY we endeavor flot to be,-- d that we can succeed can bc demonstrated a[-n inspcecto 0 u stock of Ali he esthings ini Papers, Pens and Ink,.- Books ýdM agazines, Rubbers an everything else tb goes to make the nioSt comrplet. tc fstatKýuýinery In town. W. J..I0' Richardsoin * Leading Bookseller. and Stationer BROCK ST. WH ITiV re Kt )a IEFRESH -FISH= I ~FROZEN AND 3MOKED. -- Haddle 12ie lb. Fluets 15C lbo Bloaters 40c dox. -eîscoes I l2~c I-b. I Halihut Salmon Ise b Ise lbW Herrlgs&Oc, dot. eod Pink 10elb. MARMALADE efRANG.-ES art boming in iow. Wc have the nice brighit fruit- - Try us for the good goods.- - no. E. WATCERIIOusE. WVH'ITB y.- - J'Phone 3 - Prompt I)eliviry. Andpt re fon thé fut~ Sou. S51iouble withy e yes may dtvelop-into a Gus aliment if it isniegiec - ý'mayèntirely cure ihe trou -- urspecialty is testrng e - à andllUing tem wth7 le Ssuited ta theit special " ne 'Ou o Or charges are very mod if aU. - OOur new- eyegiass bas -a -,iiied the oid - trouble. r Sfaling off. Jttàyp on. - We fit -Toric Lenses. Ap cv described as the wide- an W-lens. - No more tutning-Yc ' h ead ta get a correct foc- .Do -not put off- any Ion W ~u that exarnination. -For di- -V cuit camus we. use an ccclt V-Retii-oscape. - W- e will -fit yo U-correc tFy nefund your momey. v idut - -ci Duntias St-, Whitby - Ont~ TflEY AUL BEGIN TUÂTr -The t.ilowa were, aliait theci night (Itl'.tho finest club i 0wn) Tne. wne flowed ires.;and theY fine As .tory and soiig wettr$pe Tou boasted that "WIine lias Ican leave it alonewes -But old "Buttons"y winked knowing emille ~"hyail beginthat way."- The bar was la-glitter; thli lig Âdbright, Ahdthe game wa",rnerry a 'fble no man spoke- off tI1e -corne, FPar 1n0one seemed -to see.- bubragged, of-your-P.owera- -control A. the me' -"lined up" the #ut the barkeeper smiled witlj den emile Thpall begllr thaf- waY."- aday of angui-oh had coine The nght had been fult of Pl VPri.ds sought i vçin for_ a Tht could. neyer cornega11 -'TheI.pl was dark and the e - - ,.When the bulk i !M'anhood j &-,ýKdthe sexton growlo1, with 9growl: "They " çme to O on- thar *hd left his owti with ,Ând with lives- o'erWhelmed Fo6r they krew their los-«* plied Bv the hopelettgness -of his -: Not a ýray. of lîght -nor e glir Could brighten the çÏeeérle1 And Satàn grinned Nvith t griV "get them ail thnt way -Dr--John 'N~lo Local Hiper YDriday, Januar> 319t, and- thif-.seaSon. 3IrïL John Ev eetve with her.- Reniember the. social jr Hal*on Tusa.night_ auspices of th. ladie ,o! R1ev.-C. -P. -Mirhead u 'iAUlSaint.' c+nrcÉ nei kouli ,plrnnsg "d leverang EverYthing i feu td and apatu ait the lowest i et PeeI'a. Mn.Âod.Gurny, han imov ' ~ famÃœle "t>rnToroato TORONTO

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