Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Jan 1913, p. 5

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and'fltulng tberd wIth lens"- sulted to their-specl'al needs, Our charges are very mnoder. Our iinew yelshaas. w Mary:Z. gWMeda. gln, spats ait the Icweet possibl, pries Il-arny . Baljon, cf- Ocurtio, was oWilent Saturdye f.Blo a pniter oni the. Go2mte staff as s go rom ranplatingtp link lie basturned tb fruil grow- remeoed --the old -trouble, o- .-4- w~ [amlrnt r.It sma>,)a on.verything in our store reduoed In Aplices duning January sale ai W.' Q We fit TrcLenâsea Aptly £Waltere'. descrlbed 4a -tIc wide angle Jeu,.Nomoe turin yur Missa AnRe- <enevieve Smiithp m~know. le.n.:.Nwmre.turingyou leledged by .musucianste eO biýcMago' hbead 10 get a correct focus. mostl -acc>mpllshed larpiet, sud one of Do not'p ut off any longer theb.best on the'oontiuenrt, wiM l pay A at 1he College 'on Tluray evepng, that'examination*. For difil- AJanuaryl 23.,Mal. arrangements to cuit ca!eswe use an elecri j rbr.I il b s'la uread Retirlosq pe. A- cn. We will fit yen correctly or- A 1Mr. Syd. W*llkéi, Who liasspeni Ilie refund your money. - -APa" two month on a visit to ýEg- and etred oâTuesdaY. Syd. en- - ~i<yed a venr pleasant trip goiug eaat., fbut hM. "rturn was accor4panied b violentstr. - soi lien'. ready-to .-wear tweed nuits ai reduoed prioes frore $4.90 to 819.90 aI I.~~ N BasfIW.G. iale.' Ciraduate Oýticii Thie reoeûî heavy raine have occas- ioued ýmuch olivnec- lrmh Dundas St., thle îown tyhe* l' ý ofý@m SIn some cases furnace fines have been' * ~. ~put out,, anid houseboldçns put to, bîty U taio trouble and expeuse bo get idI of. the1p A water. The' flobti of~ surface water wasi 8 t htdi-tijns *eree able r *Cazry . il off fast ,enoiigl boucs water - badked 'up mb -cllars. Tinmorne.eaases ___________________ drAins.have been opened to fini îthej TheoficrW. sirol4pd ts -ci' tend an emective -meeting At tho bcms Xf i" .arper, on hidae evlng Jeauary 241h, at .30 -o'olocki W Mor range for-a drawlurroom nisstipmg cm "ÂAnd So, Jack, you h-ave t$îý ie4tt.?Well, I never though . ou would Ibo a-ii-and-water drimue-.I alwayu, did say as how 'you coied take your glass like a -mmn, -and, leav4 it * abus when you'd had enough; 'but, here, .nowï, I uee bythat 'Dit of! ,blus on your, coat you've actually sono and igued, away your liberty." "-Welly«, I bave, Tom; and, do you know, I rallier enjoy the change. Bef ors, I signid, ,1h pledge my toes had liberty t.o look through my boots my, elbows lied liberty to look =lrug Y coat. mny knees lad lii> ort~y to look througli my pants, and Icould scratch my head withôut tak- lng my liat off.. Well, Tom, I've ign- ed ,away, aIl that liberty, and -fud pysfpi->ned Uip ini a goo suit of poIe;and- I qt. enjoy the novel .xpoienc."-Ivibbgue Record. 9. PICnund Starn will not re- - civo Ibis mentI. Spocia' ln. linen lowelliug, wanbb 10,, reduced leoc8. al W.Walters'. ThéA 1.. f St. John's (BAY) Churcligýve au enterlainrnuinl St. Gozge' clurch, Pickering, on Fniday, teveng- lest. The prooeeds amouuted Hockey boots greatly reduced aIt - X ies Verua Hodge lieu been uenioualv. Ul -for 1h. paut week with pueumonia and bronchitis. - Tere in uow some change for the better.' Skates bollow gnound, only 10O.-et;a W. J. I. & Son"b. 80.0 our largo auuortrnent of hockey Skatoup sticks, puclC. &ud trape. -W. Jý. Luke & Son. is Hiokie reîurned 1auI week frein ,New York, after a prolongéd Vi -to! m~even inonhe'. on u .er a'tur bTe- rout e mli. lited May Irwiu, hà«ex- pupil. 8bort entds and odd ihades n -luan siogu prie.s5me. te 96e. per yard. - Salé Mens, Saturdy', Jan.uarý' 25, eti 100. pr 7a( at W. G. Wulme. trou le. -Ontario oertai. -ha variabe, cimate. nyla CoimORT AND HEALTH I TI TH HIOME.À W. have th1e agency for 111e Sani- 7~ tany .Clemical Guaranteed-, o Cboset. Enice $18.00. give perfect satisfac- Rice. Everytbing lnu NiasuMariette. L.ell, oesof Cana- da's mont gitedi elocutionists, and one who bas- onprevious occasions de- liglled a Witby audience, wilneile af tle College- on Thunsday evening cf Ibis week, Jainuay 23. _Amongl 1er selections wiIlbý "a Xnaa ,Home Comiug» 'and " Wbal a two vécka old babjy Ihinks." Admission 36c. Don't -fal là visit W.G. Waitèra' 3sor duig Jànuary sale, iStIle Mn. HR.O.Ilateli, of WItby, write. lb.i Oshawa papers Atkg objectio to, lb. pubislied,,-figures tli.t'localop- lion ýwaa defented iiiOsIhawa by ' 44 votes. Mr. Hateli -says _:al hvota, waa 109, slibrt of oarrylng., But Mr.' Haoini wrong, and lier. is th. proof cf it.ý The total vote polled "for -and egaint w as 1859. To carry local opf tien ii wculd liave- been no-u Iliat tbree-fiftlis of Ibis number SIouldt have Ineen polled for ih. ým;eaure. 0ne fifth of ý 1359 is 271 4-.* 1hree lims 271 4-5 équials 815 2-5. Tiere were 779 vYotes polled' <or local, option. 772 rnm 815 2-5 leavesr 432-5--or rsqufr' mng aotually û4 more votes te wiii 11%. Haftch' arlime.tie in slighuly ai Bi rduü nei- adw4-- - m g9ooda, -ladies' and. cbldren's' coats, T ain coals, cdetaiu mualins, iapestry, One table ini centre of our store wil lie placed, aIl prinIs, muslus, ging. hams. flegular 12c., Ifl., and 18c. Sale pnice 100. ai W.G. waltlr A. PROSPEROUS VEIAR AT STi. The annual con=rgtional meeting 01fSt. Andrew'sèhùrc, wast held on Mon2day eveniug. 'TJIbè audgers ne- port and fluancial etatemeul f9r ithe year endîng Decemben 31,'1912, wliich îad been pninted was dislnubuted for penusal. The financial stalemneqt snowed expenditures o1 Q2,215. . TI receiptn from general subsonipliong a- mounted ho 8,72 b.E asten offenlng was $127.70. and the mission offerings M34.75. Thi. reports of lthe varions societies w'ithin, the ali.mroh alowed large receipts foýr ile year, ail point- 4g te a prouperous condition of lhunch wonk.. The congregation duowed-, heir appreciation o! thefr pastor by addiug 820o to bis ualary. [The contribution@ tb missions from aII sources, judginar by lb. report, seems to have', amounled le 8750, -bicl isl a very creditable showing. Spae wlInotpermi as to 'enùrnerat-,ie, but d"o not forget the tim e or the 'place-.- iroaJ&~. Jàn.31 'i I FLOcw DOFS ORE AT DAMfAGE. The big thaw -and heavy rain fae on Mondlay accasioned heavy loua te somcb)ody on C.P.R. construction werk. near Whilby. 1» passing qven Lynde's creek a high bridge bas to be con- structed. On. of lhe cernent piens, wbich was sunk intoîte grouud sev- en feet, and ro'se thirty feet lil. tj air, was ôompletely destroyed by lb. flood. The los is estimated ai 85,000. The.cree,ýK was oertainly on a: big rampage, and aut immense volume of walen swepl down tbe bed cf tle stream and overflowed mb 11the fiate sunronnding. The fall of snow au Salunday night was quickly melted Sunday night by the nain aud bigler texuperature, and added muc o te volume cf water running hither and tuilher. Fortunatel,- tle temperature feil early MondEty nighl, aud ibe flow or-wa-ter upeedi!y subsided. EXHIBITION 0F IUYI'NOTISM. HELP THE NEEDY. lu counection wfth J. B3. Perriu'@ To le willing tb work, bo have moving picture slow tiiene was beld work te do, and to be -unable on Friday and Saturday nights an tbrough ilînesse b do that work, is a exhibition of lypnotism in the music condition net pleasant, ail will admit. hall. On Friday a hypnotised aubjeot'When thif condition i. prolonged for wes on. cxhibiitioih in' the window of seenMeMnths, with ne change Mi W. -G. Walter@' store on Brook Street.'sight, the situation becomes painfl and 'attracted coansidenable attention. te, a degree. lyhen added to this i.s Several town Young men uubmitted the fact that a wife and four rnai] tlemmelvea le 1h. arts cf îhe lyno- childnen are dependent upon the eann- tint. and madie amuisement for tle ingà Of tle husband and f atler, wlo audience. Ou Sa-turday night a geii bas been ill and unable le work for, watch was given away to hIe meut 60 many monîlis, Il. cincuinetanes poplaryoua ldy.andesaignated , resuch as le appeal la every , gu the votes usecured. erous seul. To add te tle troubles cf Ibis family, 1he baby hau beau very Boys' ready-made tweed guiteo ut re- il, sd le save ite life expensive. duceti pnices et W.G. Water-s'. foods lave te b. pnecured. Sud in the condition o! a family lu -4-:--the town of Witby-a (moat worthiy AGED LADY PASSES AWÂy. family, sud deserviug .f thie lielp o! ish death occuered lu Whilby on allIdnd heanled cilizeus. liomday of 4.nu Gimbicît, mtler o!- To give ail who svould fee- iuclined Messrs. John anti'Louis Gimbleti. at an epportunity le corne le the relief the advanced age cf 94 yeans and 2- of îles. needjy eues, tbe Gazelle and uonths. Mr@. Gimblett waa one of! th.-Cbronicle lag opened a relief fund, oldest. if ,net' -the ver7 oldest, person whiol it beads with a euboscription o! iu WiVIulby. We hbp. b publisb later $5. *IV. appeal tb sveny generous something about île blife of Ihls aged* person la corne- 1 he relief o! thoue amd respeetdrlady. wbo are scaid suuffeing by a gift cf any amount, liowever amabi, uhicb ONTARIO LA.DIIL.S COLLEGE. will. b. pnomptly ackuowledged The reaeat usial iàd itearythrough. îles. columna, and paid oser Tre. grete e ms il - e' iid li2n>' b tlefamily in question. If ending thea o! leeasn ilet gvn iby mail, mark your giftil"Rlis! beCieeon Thunsday eve <>1 f Pund" and address Gazette aWg tbla..ek Jauuery -2à, when7 four <W Chronicle. igulied ntstawU 'appear on iii. rogram, vis., mi"s LaDei; elociltieni- isi, sis» Smithb 1barpint, Misauo n~a IIfdI son.un: t oin heflIeUt & L U ~n, ioli. A>' ee 'o îls slgly would b. anu attractio, but he four (I1IR AC R I oEqthur should euuure a a ilhoua.. leeýWIITy 'j Perso'nai Mention. Mr. Frank- Seldon, of Hamilton, spent Sunday with lis parents. Miss Edna Mowbray, of Toronto, spent Sumday with her mother. Mr. and lire. Peel spent the week end ini Toront.o, the guetecf Dr. and lire. Coram. Miss Tena Sleep, of Toronto, spent Sundayý with ber pazeiüts at Port Whitby. Mr. Wallace Bailey and mother, 1fr. Wdh. Bailey, were visiting in town ibis week. Meemr. Jack Smith and Wm. Wesi.. lake, of Toronto, were in town on Sunday. 1 Mr. B. 9 Standing, of Toronto,vi- ited - his friend, Mr. Whieaton, over Sunday. miss Pearl Qoodfellow, cf Midland, iu 'on a visit with relativeS in Whut- by. Mrs. Chiarles Tod and daughter, Erunice. left luis-week on an ertende trip througli the States and th. North West. Mn. To& will be gone nearly six months. State of Ohio. City of Toledo, - Lues. county. gFrank J Cheney niakes oath that helsâ senior partner of fte f P. 1. Cheney & o. dolag bu inlthe Ciy of Toledn.. cauutv and ste oforesold, snd thât ssld flinui lll psy thesuru of ONP HUNDRED DOL[LARS fort eaeh anJ ever case O' C:iterh tbsj cauntbe cured bv the urne of Hsll's C -tarrh Cure. F'RANKC J. C-HENEY. Sworu to hefore me aud subscrtbed In my pres. ence, thiss6fh dsy of Decembet, A.D). î86. (Sel> A.W. GLEtýSON. NOTAS-y PuBlic, Hi s l"Catsrrh Cure fi tsken Intcrnul'y, and ases directlY on the blood sud mucous surfaces of the 9Y te-. Seud for tentlimoniai4 free F.J. CHFMNEY&CO., Toledo, o. ;old by ail druggisût. 75c. ea 1 elills a mly pille f or constipation F go. As a special- fe, - egladr 21-ef e,3 f41, V Our- Other Bargaàins are hs as Good - We. wish yo to notice particmxlarly our -red- tions in .Lace -,Curtains and Be ina ow Net. --. wii0als reuce our Me1s Twed Sit-lengths, Overcoats, Ladies' Dreàs GodGlvsBoiy GinhasPi4ltÙ'usinsCotto4Vo ie sMe n S m tts ComeEarly aen lGet theBet Trel'ephone,' 7~ DEATHS. STARK-At Whilby, o0]!Wednýesday' Jauýuary 15, 1913, Wmn. H. Stark, aged 76 years aud 4 monihu- RICEAIISON-Suddenly. ai Toronto, on JaUary 131h, 1913, Arthur B. XaAVOY-AI lot 8, cou. 7, Tp. of , Pickernug, on Wednesday, Jauuary lStli, 1913, Mary Pexton, beboved Il- mos. and 2 daysu. GIMBLETT-At Whiiby, on Monday, Januany 20, 1913, Anu Giniblett, in 'S P L E lien 951h yean. Are you critical ai to quality,. Miscelianeous Adverts. formn and finish' of the hockey iticks you use ? Are you partîcu- LOT. .lar about the pucks, etc. In_ &i Whitby Juncîlon on New Year's srort, do you want value for your Mv, patent leatler boot, (Broekton), money? 0f course.(O size No. 8, wiih sole rubber atlached. 'e can satisfy yen on ail points. In our stock cf U'mder kiudly beave et Whitby Sta- lion, C. R. CEOZIER. Port Penny,SP RTN Ge D - OuI. is an unsurpassed ine cf hockey sticks, skates,,strpan neU&.. WANTED. Ludesfor House of Refuge. Gd6od wages. Âppîy te Dr. U~very, -W . Je L u I 3 E Kange.-!.DUNDAS ST. WHSO, NT FABII FOR SBE. Tenders willb. received by the un- - densigned up to the lsl Mardi, 1913,01 A for tle purclase cf tle N.t. 1 of lot nuinlen 5 in the. 2nd con. Townabip ci, Rèach. For furthur particular.*and - n i 1 )N conditions apply io A. X. CHRIST- A Sa IAN, Solicg*tor for-1h. eectore of _ __R N__ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ Johnq Smithi, sionemasn, decsasd. - ----For lTenElsuvae& pm;e Just as Pgood as a let 'ter from home j--Snd tha t' distant friend the Gazette, arid Chbr'onjle--Get the id ea? BOOTSai SIES A fuillfine of ail kinds of footwear and Children always on'band. A. cali solicited. goods. Bi- "«J AA5AtcpL.jJ JAN'Y 25th, 1913 we wiIl make the following reductions in- Seasonable-ý Goôds, viz- Men's Overalls, Smocks, Lined Smocks Hecavy Sox Extra Good Sox re.$1.00 lime, 7-0c "11.29 ?-99C 1.00."-79c 1.25 t- 99c " 25-"19 Robes, IHors. B lanýkèts, E tc, ,also at and gt soe of tese Prexa oo ne s - price. It w IIpay y u A.M .eILLIS. 'eA Cal 'SI for, Men, S A, pleasure- to -show Prices the lowelst, 1-ý ilc Womén

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