hLnd-wi hiblack, pan& 'a»isud te,$279, »0 reucedte $7 90,,ïsale 0 redpced. Sp~a Prhs.~.O ai8D&A. Crsets; te new 1918 styjle.reg. value To SaePiê39 Oraia Mulins,-36 i. 42 inchs ýwide, *aped édgss, Men's Pýr Liiied, Coats, large fut' collare9 black beaver Ladies' Pur Muifs ia black Persian paw, marmot, mink Scotsh Liaoleuma, 2,3sd£ys wealnwp- ini çre.m, white sud Paris 'shades, reguarvailue 30v' lotb $4119 aises $8 to 42, regular -value $35.00 apd &,Pd grey goat, at big reductions iii price duing, our cernwsthis seasoni parùingyr 9,S. par yard. gala rs 2i 3,5 apririe*2 9)January Sale 20 Sale speci.ia in Fleur Coveringa, e!ugliâh- tapestry PloQTr Oit O.lothi ou st re. v e a, g - i-tE n deds Visi ouur*ig.j anuary Sale .commecing Saturday aur 8iiaded anuary 31st--. - ErythinWinthe -t9re reduced i pieand Mae inplifgue EVÉ: l -édk rc ,akdl 1V.7W WHUBRY Gatherd j~b DISTRIT NEW PIOKEING. "is -Aggis Every l.d t hist week for Parry. Sound district viiere *herlias aucured' a sohool. - A nimber etftthe section -men on tlM G. T. -IL at Pickering weres sunwoned te lIbllevul.0 on Moziday last te assisi in th. cônstruction ot some new tracks. Prank Leavens, tormerly of the stafi ef the 'P.ckeriug News, but Row pro- prieter-and editor et the Bolton Fia- terprise, waa elected Reove of'ton b) acclamation. Severai Bell Telephone employee@ are agalu w'orking lu the village_ putting up Idoine-nov vires. Sà muel King, et Alameda, Sask., la visiting hie dauglher, Mirs. P..). Mor- combe aud other fri sdinvI>ckering township. I7 A play viii be presenhed in the tovu halil on the evening et J anuary 17tli, unde i te auspices of St. George's churcli by thié Dramatic Club conuect- ed witIr tIi. Anglican -church ut Port W"hitby, TIhe committee appoiuted by the Vigilance Association aIt i"iir annual meceting te make arrangements 'for their annual oyster supper, met on Monday eveuing wlien they fixed the . date etftthe event for Thursday, Jan. '>3rd. The uoual invitations viii be. BROOKLIN. - Mr. Jos. Hodson his riqtiirned ftem j aà trip té RoeSter. j Mr. C. J. Spencer wâa kappointed as, sesior far 1013. Mr. L..C. Elliott vas lu Toronto on a businesstrip ou Tueoday. Mr. W. Lawrence, of Lindsay, is witb hi. Parents lier. for a time. lir. Frank- Luke returned ou Tues. day froin a business trip te- Montreal. The following gentlemen compoae lte Board oft'Heatiý for 1913' Drs. Jus. aud John- Moore aud Jiohu Vipond. lir. Wm. Lowe, of Toronto, spent bunday with fiendi i n 1h. village. Mir. Grigg has oeen conflned te ihie iouse through iilneso this week. Mn. and lira. Samuel Rice, oetAr- bIs, are visiting with Mr. and lins. Vni. Brown.- -. Thero wlIl h a meeting of the. £ownship Fair Board ln the Couneil Boom on Friay- evening, .1anuary 17;* ut 8 o'cieck. John Vipond, President. lirs. Wes. Stevenson vas unden tho doctor'. care this week. Miss lver, who ha. been- in Oshawa nursing uer nieoe, Miss M. Reid, who has been.. setiously il1 for the past 'Io eeks, was ini the village on Tuesday, aud reports Mios ReidJ's von. dition son)ewlbnh betten. Mn. and Mrs. Kirchb viii take part iu the sntertainment giyven lu Port Perry on Thursday eývening, under tli auspices of the ALY.P.A. oft he cliurch of et1h.Asceuuion. The. Carnival advertised fon Sahur. day. eveniug had to e b- postponed u : util a later date on account eft lie *eny vol evewlfl.. 'ýXlrs. Hawkins sund chidren, ef Ux- bridge, are visitlug with Miss Bray. -- -Rev. G. A. McLean, pastor ef the, Baptist churcli, visited the liethodist Suriday School here -on __Suuday aller. vôoeuý last.ý' on behl of thie Suuday SobboolAssociation.-. TIl. service in the Baptià coiurch vas haken by lit.-.W 0. Ruttan, 'of! Wiiby. M. 'an lreî Dan. Helllay,. and - ~ ~ ~ m ,. X.azilra. W. A. HollidaY verein r.Toroiktgo n Tueaday attendiug lbe fuueïal 01~1s Anderson, ouly sixI.> Just in, a car of the -weII known aIÃà t-i barrels and bags. Butte? ee size bags. WL E[j'eV ,ONT4R10 Toronto. Since cosnlug to' Pickering ho A. very pleasaut lime vas spent .and lias proved to be a publie spirited cit- eiijQyed by ail, sud the visitors vere ien, and la universail>, esteemed. He acoorded a hearty welcome whioh they wiii be succeeded by Rev. Chbas. Can- thoroughly appreciated. The. singing tillon.-News. of the fiat v.erse of '"Onvsz'd Christ- Mrs. A. B. Tabor, of Crider, M. 0., I an Soldieru" and the recitations of had been troubled with 9s1ick hi adache tbe Creed by these M0 young voicea for *bout 5và years, vhen as ebegan vas"aniusMPirlng ePening.- Then tol- taking Chamberlal'. Tableto. She b#s loved a -splendid program of ten nulm- taken two bottles of them and ithey bers, the performèrs ail being encored, have, cured her. Sick headache ig po thoroughly weli doue' vers their caused by. a disordered stomach for efforts to please. The. patreneses vhich these tablets are especially iu' Ofthtei eveuing wote Mrs. Schofield, tsndod. Try tliem, get vel ndata Mrs. Boit and Mmr. McDowell, aud woîl. For sale.by ail deaieu.-33. among -the Whitby visitors were -Rev. R. W. Allen, of All Saints', and lira. Allen, and the incumbent et St. CLAREMONT. Johin's. Wallace McFarlame intènds goinug te rset helcto nOh ths Pence River District with hie awa, otr a ie caioner in Oshi-h faava, for a bthemlatteery firm, inich weaîhervie te ate etrn u iii mploy froin 700 to 800 skllled1 week o Ive.mechanics, are very briglit. -The par- The north sund of the. tovnbh*P eut industty in- one -of Ûlilrgeotin1v should b. velI i ooked al ter during îhe the. city of Detroit, Mich., and em- ensuing year, as w. have two repre- ploys over 3,000 hand»s. For the. past à ientativeti at the Council Board, Aloi. six utonîhs, 1ev day. of which lio Wilson and John Forgie, the. latter speut in Oshawa, 'Mr. Miarshall, oett. having stood at the liead ot the poil. Detroit flrm,.lias been prospecting for Kirs. D. Forsytli, of North Claie- a Canadian location. He belioves Ca- ment. who lias been danajerously ill nada lias the biggest future belote lier for the past ev we.sks, in now sllght- et avy country lu the worl, witli ly better,,but I. stilli n a criticalcon- lier large"t national potential wealîli dition. lier znany friends are carneet- in evel!y material usnd hy tuan for iy lioping- for lier ultimate tOOovery. lis comlort and convenience, and the She i.n ov under th& efficient carse 01botter prosecution of the industrial Miss Emmia Biodie. avib&ious. During bis stay in Osh- Thokmas Gibbons, who lias beau in awa, Mrt. Marsliall secured a large the grocu-ry business hers for the. pait number ef options on land for their twenty.11vd6 years, lias sold out le industry in Oshawa, aud also just l'e. Reuben Besse who has already taken yond its borders but contiguuRthere. possession. lMr. Gibbon@- vili b. 1.-Vindicator. gteatly missed behind lthe Counler, his obliging ani couteous man- uer ha. madle him many varm -"mienda. vin nom, hon. *u lua 1ev day.. greatlVy- enjoy hie days of retltçmeuî. MUCU S1'-CKNESS DUE IN) BOWEL -quis had lhe misfortune te lin. Béslias soid euth io interests 1vi - DISORD)ERS. able cow and a liier *oeathe livery businyss ho hie pauier, A.. ___ ,e. The animais gel lule Anderson, sud viii hug devole hie A 'doctor's iraI question viien s*on- re lie, ke1i,pmhis produce for viiole tirne te 1Ida gtocéry businesis. sulted by patients lu, "aie your bov- rket, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m ante no~ O asn roubIed viii partal par- ais regular ?"' H. knovs that uirmty- 30 pounds et butter vhiob ai>'îs areofted very ,inu&libenutod egit pet cent. et ilineus in atlend.d ed. "Ilie butter var WI!tlP- by maasglns lb. aEfeced parts lier- with inactive bovela and torpid liver, - r, vhici vae probably the oughly Whoun apiying Chamberlaiu's sudthbat thie -condition must b. re- air death. The. lons te lit. Liniment. Tbg liniment aise reimes. moved gently sud- thoroughiy. before J amount ho about 8120; rheum&tic pain&. For sale by aldeai helli eau be reshorsd. i convenvtion eft1he Pick- R Boail Orderlias are apositive, pleas. îsiiip Sabbati School As- nan aérreyfrcstpio Il b. held in lhe lietiodist u u aerveyIncntpto momet. o Wedeedy~ OH.AW.and bovel disonders in general. W. are i. îueetv ~--Aniglil ho4 h'ý b. .seteboW 'l 0eerlaln of' lhhein great remedial iên Ãn~~~ ~ te gh See vaiue liai vs promise te returu the viii b. disoussed et, lhe lu coovuctiô tiil. hig Si,, r>asra oey lu every case vhera liâsuad 60 applisut preseted besêtheey fail ho preeiuc. ýetire sahiafac-1 dp attta w i-vi ou thie opeuing igt. raet regrbitiliaI vohe o- novai of Rev. Fatir érs- Tcfe xbbt a! ieOiws len Poultryasd Pet Stock Asseîo on l'!Ordeies are eaten 11k. caudp-, icerof S, Plaing been il iiib. iheld ou Thureday, F'tiday ad they sot cpiietiy sud have a soothing, ste-u*y o! I.Pai' ua er î 13, i4.1 -lretghiug, heallvg influence on the Ht AraamSolomeu, sou o!fIir, ouhire intestinal tat They do net' Ilos olýoion, norti et Oâhava., ha&purge, gi*po, cause nausea, fdtlece ' bis arina eut off belov th. elbov lu ' excessi e lo sm, 'darha r t Mu.Frd leeu' uegday et aunoying.-ëffect. Thee ame especial. Windsor'-lat lu an cuîting bei, vii. ct i y gond for çoljdren, veak persona or Widsr ai. âi. Se wv a lin taos (hava Kou. old foli. Tve sire, 25c. sud 100. -and table saltitn p tal. Much m ympatliy in 1.11 for Iii ~Soid oui> At', bt store-lie Boxail in, ]Lis -i-lin; drugg AaîR - TIe Vldialr -Xndy:ig1 r is s larget deegelon from the Anglican SHO EOT aus'sdSt, Johnu s chaoies, Wbit- -o! 8.8. Wo. 2,. Pic*M-n, qrmoUPe ONT. by 01as d> a- pd :rae,,t ecmbr.'Nme 4oeu1nglordso s~ salil. t. ore'sY. 44 ~pqe1s 't aar. --O1 The Doctor's Question. Total requir.d ho pass--5l0.- Sr. IV.--Gteta liackcy, 624, Violet' (Utqa n4j'n -cc Sadler MG6,lieredith MoBrien 537, Ir-. i-X imli ii vins liclriejat 520. ~U lv.~ Total required te pans.--390. Jr.* IV.-Elleu Dixon 485, Everait EST domestic ceai mmced. liackey 410, Eari Wells - 391. B roien te suit -all stoves & fui .Sr. IlI.--Geitrude Masyne 511, EdAm uy '-cravion and get satisfaù Remn496, Loua Sadler 461, Atmes KDbyalyuskees St. 1.- och o Br en 4 8, erna L.. asts lo n ger th an -o th er co ul. Srac.y, 451. - n 88 Vrn, ittle. trouble in keeping fite Sr. I.-Norman Neai, Elva Pedmn, Allin Neal. Jr. I.-.Arehie Masyne, Raîpli Wells. Prmer-Laura liackèy, Eiwoed Stev- enson, Edgar Masyne, Clarence Red- mian, Laurine Masyne. Wiuner ef Speiig Clams for Novem. ber--GertrnýdelMayne. Winuer et Spelling Clias for Deoein. ber-Norinan Neal. Wivner et Language Clans for De- cember-Lock MeBrien. J. E. HARVEY, Teacher. WIIITBY MARKETS Lutons. Rag.lan.'W.H Brout agent * O)slava, Phoves47.and 211. re N- ' ls y a -- ih r # Whi bJ, Phon 9,9 ORDER now and getit wbeu vanted. attevded t.7Cha ges majeiat 10 ur prompt attention to ail orders, j - - a ofom ur delivery mian is- carefuL. I!AUlUCNETO WOULD you have the bust? eil, purchase our Scranton,, _______________ e have it and no other. Beil1 Tel. 9. E. R)BLOWr WLîrby Alshike dloyen, per busAi 81.00 te 812.00 Wheas, red................. 0.90 te 1.00 Wheat, White... ...........80 le o0.86 BREj wheat, goos ..... ........0~85 le 0.90 Wheat, spring .... .. ..0.0 ta 0.85 IWliat, fun........-...0.85 te 0.M IBatley.......... ............. 055 t10.0 s em:... .. ... ........10 o1 Buckvioat ... ...........0 te0.50 Date ................ ....0.38 te o Rsd Clover ...... ... .....8.00 te 9.00 FLOUR AND PEED. lev, per Cvi....... ... ...78 te 3.00 Cboppod tee, cvi ....1.50*01 160 Fe Oorm .l...... .........2.00 te. 2.30 Bir", per .l .... ....... 25.00 le 15.00 Shorts pertion .. ...... 27.00 1to 28.00 MEAT. fOULTRY AND '-ROD ICE. CAl Beef, per cwt ............0 ta 11.50 i Cattle, liv. veight ....8....00 le 6.75 J Y~earlings, pet lb ........... 0.1Io 0.11 Rgdresmsd.. ... ...;.. ....ta 11.00 sue ig t ad fat . ...5.7 5 te 6.00 Chickms, pot.........te 0.18 eUUC Du11*1 per lb ......... ...0.15 le 01 'Urkeyst, dred, pet lb. Oit*S Butter, per' lb ... ......... .&0 0 te 0.82 Wgs, per dca. nov laid 0.30 le 0. 85Sis Lard, pet lb ................ o84et 0.2.DMr.Wl 'etaospe a '.00 te 1L20 favore à plt per barel.. .. ... .01 .0 udv à ins ptb...1.0 te 1.25 o' nd Isy pe tn......1 .00 le 1.00 se TilDES. Ail" fool iawsb.4,., ..,.., .11t. 011 iig, [Idi., per-oV% ...... 86 * 1omJ.O0 i'st-cL on. lw ..... osé##.if*o8f.0 ta8.0 SUIV,ý Mao<* 1b. Io*1 6.4 .1 i E I [ F o I h c L E s p n r Home Tel. x4. spiQRk-milis FLÃ"UR.- WHITR*SATIN CREAM4-BUNS tAD AND CAJKt MA.tis RS tz FEED:-.. 5PECIAL PRICE )RN QATS ]FEED WI-EAT ced Wholesale in Ton Lots. Chaoing Eve-y Day/1 LWELL'8 MOUSSEI MU[ ird's Bus une purClias theb.buseIfinefrei lla Nwport, w'e hav- bom# with a ver: large Patronage, ée e are giving the publie dèrs for team 1ing, furditure- cartage of freight, vansf; parties, etc., viii reoeve Our st attention. -' a in liey ionneoliou BEAU I SOU 8 EpW.EVANS Pum)p, anufacturer Sbotaed eieps, Dunaies st WtIITBY Thm. doors vest etfWhitby 1Houa.- Wre rpre.t l5 vodor Irol P'~son shortnoc, aite atd to ëai ids o as Agent for 1h. Qutaro ie ld M'llis gasolino englues sud the squara.ge1r ed Magnet Creani SepratoF.> Pione- No. 50readence. Invieible » The ee -aferreailing, writing anU1 other close range Trurpote, es, othr for long rangé., 65 'rouge.St. -TO RONtO *24 80DoslrlgteBa -a m~or . bav omfrs Wismi'b or utheo>~~ f Ddest.~~~ - *t5i~s MEDI JNO.~ Bapisier, -Couný office south wi -,Office, BroCk S.t Mo JAMES R U T-t oncy toL Office, immediat '~Baiister,, Etc. of Mae "Office - Srnith'à W. ADANSl JAa. @or' to L*irt NW Ail k:indaof .a e l ls Gan WHt OONI arpnter, Bu Pipu~ drawn auni Repnirs, Alteî Opposite, Box 46, Wl Marria .i witu esses requn by-taking a pr ofJS H A.W'S SC &t " tenncSob pceple ofi flot yonlt Fie Wtendanreior < o a 0 t1& flI gaad 1pee"fr ot snpoy tliFe lPrésidnt#, vii ofail Deyprand - Awrl ai -House vii fixtures- au mnotm eand ezpeue. TORONTO 1: issued lu a e1. J. Mati lose a valu day asat v" a -shed wherý Ternoemai centainiug they devour ped in papei cause of lhe Marquisi i The'ennua ering Towx seciation vil cburcl,.l January 15f. able, topies varou* sea Il ie'vii port the l'e" Cabo trou1I& poin1 curg 1 la i