h [s ç Cali .and 'with the suit,i Sandwich tPlates Butter Plates- Macaroon'Di sh' -$7 5 We, of course, hâv'e always a large .selection of Cut -Glass, Silver and, Silver Plate res Clocks, etc, , we excel ourseè 'Â special meeting of ilie W. C. T.U;Y- y' will b eId ai h.he o Q4lit. . _ - " 'fa1er on Mouçl'ay ev.nÃŽlwg, Novemb.r 4th, a .0coksa rp, t r uli particularsfor Plu Sunday, >ov. 17. Gia D nQ 33 USBAD.. il was notioed that o.ypynight the vife o! a, Young oââîhnio -ent to, mneet hlm 'ett h. foundry gaeeand, todg bhsla,,smi, aEfectioeiatoly vwJJi.<ý - hopne with hr. £ hta..ýbeau«, ful sightit lid to se you, and your hulband w alking along so jovigly togethe' 1»remuk- ed the -tenider-hearWedlandflady. " suppose you arereaIy veri.- fond of, each ther' we rub ,ýlong pretty umothly, 4wllet blusli. !"But it ain't for her. that I aes. that long owek'.end' rnma.Whén' a thlrty-thr e salons tla Pa" wêy hmei , W ' êa week's wae. abhole in ifipockets'al ,the it l r. ust -80weUl to keep, a tiglit bol fo!hie a=m. t . workin' vomea ilave ta realizej that'- we've married menpai-am, nat angels,'>-Temper. local lia»eninpà t _Shoasé sold wholesale and ýretail Lt ,X M. W. Collind , New Sho. Store. * FOR SALE. * A heater "Oak Idea." *lI good cou-, dition. À:pply ta 1fr. C. Love, Fort Whitby.- 1fr. Isaa4'ÇFac1ett.unioely settlod * -'u.,q'~uartero-' formerly occupied e ~pPupTalor. your torm sash Iýand ators. Maîd0 before thé cold. veathar. 'X 1r. Andrew Jobnslou had ie'mà s- Iôrtýne toho ave bisieg brolsen whie- at work -da the C.1.2. Yen Cà à gel;stove, Pipés, elbovs, and rea"for auylave aIGeo. M P.emeýmber Ibm -annual meeting of the Whilby< Horlicultumal 8 Ciety onF1 day, Naeuber Isi, aI pm., in the Agricultural Rooms. Everyane inter- ested. whethe*r members or not will be welconie. M.1". Poçwell,. Sec-Treas.. BEEEMpEReQ TO CONVENE. 'The. annual convention o! the. Ou- tario Beelceepers' Asaociatiau vHI ibe bild inu Tpdg Couu1ty GuaunCiOham- liem n iNovemiber 1 a1.lepo la isiniended to b. o! speelinf 4p.t«mt o ,advanced -beapers, but Le. i$É~ns ~lI~luorucivebenofi. anq nave t6 lie cleared- thraugb: ctut4zs office. Ther. was one ew and' aveum neas of the. lydes brediluthie lotimnported. Bargaius in reafrmI 9. Ml and ah-ou repaliired' liii. m*oaý gsMly rsduce4 pri*0s. lade. IIl; ÙPRATI 0F' 1182 McInetYR,. There died - in Toronto, on'u Wed d&Y, OM. 20,1912, Margaret Mloi dauihter of the laie . J. Iluîyr tiistwný, aked 69 yeesrs. Deoeased beiný Lmu-lRbhealth- for: m tume V4 ot h t. ~Sh wag il laVOrably'-kuowu ler., Iieviug live tpva fiai a numbor o! years. Thu nerai took pl1ace on Frday,ea'-ort from the 'realdeuce o! ler-br&ler,-ý J. MIntreto tIie 3. oiucl. remove to Toronto. 8h. wiU 'hoId au, 'mrotiou sale o! lier houschôld effeets, ou~~~o thirdyo!is -week. 'W. have ever3thing lain rdar a lowest pfices and uo trouble to show yýou gçodo. GM. ice. Oýwg,1o 1h.' lae!ge number of righi 'Of, OiaY>Pelali .remaiuiug unmial'ldo th.' Nz * andinPacIfio Br.tcýi, an 'arageusl asbenma mde between Mr. ý,Jobi, Morrow, 1h. Compaws. )Reâ-alEtate auà d sveral o! -tie la4d Owuers- to have 1the compensation ad- >uisied lui ,sa rieudly way. Mr.* John Brnghl sand .Wm. Smith, M.P., ba ben agreed upon as -valuers, -and luevont of their ua beiug able ta agree, His gEonor Jndgre McGillivray, or soins oze appolied by himm yul decide th. mal- te.Mmwould, we think, lie à gaad way of setiliug 2te metler, and wil]- save a 161- o! legal expensmes for those, Who ujght have ta go '10 legal acbi- tratian. Tii'- caseso!f1fr. Howden, pont master, and Mr. Gea. O'Connor will b. takeu up 'fint. Mr. James Rundle Truli ,of Whitby, aimouces the engpgement oa!hbe daugliter, Goldie,- ta 'Mm.' Walter How- ard NMCelan, son of lir. J.-J. me- Clellan, 'o! Wbtby. CAIL TO BE}V W. J. WEST. Part Perry, Oclober 30,4t, a,,éon- gregatîýinl otigof-.'St. Johui's ê>rebyterýin ohçli Por Pry,' an uiinuluous ,cal waa extended té16v. W. J. Wesl, o! Bluqgr41e. Mr. lWest is weil kuovu bhrm, having preached liere on several caios Reniember isey'5 Big Purniturg Saeon Tliursdayi, November 7. THR TABERNACLE. u~.~cLoau was luinTo'.4'r mforonto, with 1Mr. e~~ gmd son, of Nia-- ,'ew dla a ~Notice ïa- hereby gi-eu nthat au ap' 11o3t p icatbebain of thec Ie lot>'~j~rii Georgluu m yand Seaboard> Railwa 1fr.Nsyor~ if~d, ieü ii. aud theCaiadieci Pacifie, week sudwitli itaw the Raifray CO1mpatj ies l"se, ta' tb. Boald -o! Raiway c0i>missionr o 1f.E aW v nud J.J. King Canadia ai the.expiration o! onè -- %lSDrUt' on Saturday. mthlufr6fi h.dt6l h.trs n ,,,i re.i'~. ~:sertion.o-ti oiea,'io ThurdW1ýiacit juonîh. them.after.ia, .mO1cto>cnb 8 'Js . iV-,,alter Shaw, of, To. erfraiobéiat'nbt- ltÃ",w 1 Mr '. *~ lr.,Ja5é.,- ovrna 4n-oi c.fer the '- é9cion Xiis Laurel .<laytop, sand Misa1 New Of, an agreement betwcen the à id two spen ~ u - Cômpamies, 'dated 3rdof Octoher, 191U. to, pet ."R g i à idsiay.- ý ý- yl u ad---Ueiiý thce..1ase b&' X4saLau <Calverley,, ,cf 'Toronto, tvenlthen dated lsjý-Japluary, 1910. &pont lte holiday willu ier fates ý. This jùotice is given p1uruant ta the. lire. Sh'arpo, of Torontlp.hA- ' 1 provisons Of Socti19t Of the Rail-, ViEsitLg daglite r, B. -L. *ay-Ât Mi,~ in B1*dwa. - . wBT,ý wit lerparnt he 1. h 1id> 'Solcl st aid' 0oiïiýau[ -isa-Ger-tie- Cola sand--friend ptd> a1~t K onitea1 tbis16111 d13i of C'o. ea.r 1- .-=ý Mr.J.Kmpad daughler, spel eth 'Sudaý--'- 1fh r. and Mis. Thômas Resth U! 1.:,Itjiaysý- Balmer. Aoee,ýypèlô .'trC- eg is liÃe Lngi,' of Anoret bey eu4beiayllUoao, cgme Toronto,, spen -the- hoidauilh lier' t ~ a ie parents. -fuySeiesr Mr. 'and - ra. J. M., Crammnond, 01~ Torontô, with 1*r.,and Kra. Harry - ' " - a*.C nIuad 1Mr.' e. offey- hve 'oroito ' Ont., is'a esimess OoIlegez of haVe 7th, bgxgrde. saverai formner stud-, reiurned front a pleaut tMnp ýht eni te olegsre naow'lu atfeit' tHamillon. jia1c-it ex"It'ifit a business Oduca. 'lr.(Dr.) Pyme aid Mm.Mil oU seoo. W-ïlte for our Cataiague. o! tô *Mot, vl iliejr thentrfo Mr. Ernesi Droughion amd 'i Ethel Brou glti, --of Toroulo, !îth thieir. parents. 'Misis Gladys gaton hlas goas lon a _ six- weeka visil with hi fa1ler toi Z Daleshoro, Sask » _ s i s a e Lavé e' >'ansd -Yellowsbip, zmeeting il,- lteS..room aI 1.l'a.m. Quartely Servis ai il a.m. At lté elose of 1h. service, 1h. Haly Sacra- mont o! the Lardts Supper.wilIl bead- xinistered.'* W. trust every .ohid .of God wM ho pregent and -partake of the Sacramenl.' Subjec--"IExandnation at ('ammun- jAt 3P.M. there will be a general ga&heri4ng. ,o! lhe Sunday Scliool, at t4e l. pamlor vil jbe pr eteuf Eve ninF -ervioe-ut 7;prn. ý Sub jet- sPosmemiu Not Aul af Lte.Ȕ Specal, numie vili be'given 'at 'bath' Serviceé"by Ilie choir. ' Â all l n.aio uutoddt -Owing' te uç>many metimerso! -4h chor leinj absenO ,lent *wekl,. lb 'Mâaiçigvfnç nnt*- il! be m'edesd on- Miss N, Smniit, o! Toronto, Wa" a visitcr aI 1he home aoflMr. -and M W. -a. Ruttan. Mr.- and ru. A.. atewso,' of Toronto, speut Ithe week-end wlit1Mr. and lirs. J.J. Lynde.,- 1. and Irs. NrrNo otîerand lie.MissesGipi,"o!-Toont-à withl Shorjf PmNur. ~t Mra. George, Britton. bas relurnedý' kFj Torou to, where ah. hag ~ vising for the. pai mouh. Mn,.. L. S. Herron, Misa -Dora Hert- mon, Misls M.H. McBeth, Miss J, W. ,agesd Miss Kargaret L .,.Lind- ofy ailo!Toronto, vere - gueste a! C. Â. and ]Kru. Go6&ellow for the hall. ~THE. WHtBy JtNOTIOII. GolngWest.....m.i Go[ogas.,..aa. * 9.30 P.mý 'Sunday trains leave for Toroit 4.2 ar.' ud7.56 -,p.Me. ; mTor- i îat-taln sopatltWhiy'JuiptLa at 8.15 and9.55 a..and-,9.20 p.m Y UP-TW.W.NSTATI9ÇQN GaIn'Kprh....3o .rn:Going South...s5n STA&GES. 'Uýes 8Wltby for Osbwa ai 10 a. ià and 4 p.m. Jos. Ifolden,l pro- Lea&u for Brougham at'-10 a.m. JiosScoti, propreto.'. Exeeptional VYalues in Milliinery ]Ready-to-Wear Dress -lats - Childrelis Hats Tie lMisses -P.i4* okSte Sa f878 LNDÂ~ v KeuRT TRWLj1 uder the auspicsf! he Baracrà Clasof Baptist Church Whitby musiçHl_ T~say. v .,Nv.'th. One' of cOr mos< resp'ectedcitizens willl'l be"'chared -1 with- ]Breaçh ot Promise. Regular coýurt rul'e Starf- 'iing, developbients,. Ludicrous. situa- tion5. Local. hits,-An- evening of refined- funi. 'ËrCe4p- 25c and 35c. .Tlickets on, sale 'a . 1.-llnsDrug .Store,, Oct. 28th. Openat 72-9--courtcle tS 30;' alledat-8 'r The- one is fLtt"se5g writing and, other c.loà e, -range 1 urposes, thc aother- foriong range. F. £. LUKES 16 oneSt.TOR ONTO'- IEREi' pictu-re 'moie beautiftd thati- and. lier chiJdren.., You want siuch pictures, and you ae-ake that, othermohryum(e -happyiW piture of her grown'4-pdaughteir and-grandchiidren. Maket/teapoiuhn.,ent té-day. Amateur Supplies awy n Hand. Developing a"d- Printing tor y.'- 'IT JARSH ',-Witlî Oheri, ?and Raspherries icw e! lLythe attontioùâ pruen hus - ereliableseai tîtiht rs are .* Severail attempta b.v been -made ht. substi' ute clamp pressui 'ea fthe mietal ýerew for holding down the glass cover but lhave t '.rned ,rut - isati8faetory. Th'3 împroved Gem, 'w - ais oaf -strncib'er aiidtiLicker glass Ilihan tbe-ordinary kind 8 mast:) îelable jar on the market. We have -a fui he of th.se Jai s a.nd-'we suýpply a' ng' about the~pg ,bkeIfIiQLnr ig Modertepressure aikY ring w,'l _make.the "J'r air tig tt. After the fÃruitlias cool -ýc remot ,iWithogt any .danger ", the frui t. - -The -glas, top -w aI ,dan t riQe cz tûlci turi thé,j r'tipside do wu, muWî ring o .Holdi ri ily a-nu attach à a -gtp6tid ei ght ta theý'gIass to? and it would net off., ""4spect teejs"adtis p~h i-ih i{s ,pull lu 1ercentage spoi cd b~uef(fcie'aigjars, GL -g -o W JTBY ONTARIO - ýFaultRies Fasiis bnFot' W& ýhave 'thekIdJd76-ý f footwear that, brings usto mers to. -Ã" r stoe 0ke We"cold nt furnis*h ouri CIuStoer with more desirable. shoes than, are found i ornew rage --f fait -goods.,>' -A calIlictd A pleasuire to 'show.- goods..- Brock Stoti, -WWitby. -Ontario .a1oe the F ckles taste like fho se moth'f11Ms nake. Wç--ýa-ve. the best, that moe abuy TRY US. ece.Cla and nici .u. 1iltJ. 20-c .t Fresb ýý,VECaETABLES ARÇHIVES 0F ONTAIR- . ;.- ý 1 l'