Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Oct 1912, p. 4

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(Formcdly of 0 Hiae opened a high Sbop next door t' A.tr:a::t::'isoliCifCîd. Toraotos New Mayor. Saifcinguaranteed. .R . Rociten, e,--Tronto moiti.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r " o he tine, an as he Orange Son- UW, nd li bfl emaged on the Toronto Prose for many years. e la. hogasys" lie fanmtworing jounait l- e b. Mayor msince the days cf Wm. 4-on Mackenzie, Lu 1835. Mr. Hoc"a - - - -as7WW7w"n oheBoard of Control -Of -. ~ tie cihy for 8everal Pars, sud is re. gardod as one o! the. aalest amin tihe tii~ WHhI5Y AZ~'1'~would-bi advsuhageu ou.sledvenus cihy's service. Tiat ho wiltgive thA le beauties,. opporhunit.ie sud ad- good account ef bizinsell in thç,,May- aid CHIGNICLI o t4ie mniciplihy4lirior'a chair is certain. PbIi.svy iurvdla lin'.h jusWi l-$100 REWARD, *10 -. 9i oli% ohDUus Ieùt# Witbyo-' W&iidomisu, i#lhia B«Iiino The, readersof this paper viii.bepliedt Théi Cautu. -end Chroalcie.have th, Owin go zd and- fa my othen pgemlesa that there l in ttiaoue 4r iéd-isfa,« lagsicrulto <1a , ~~in *ehavegréwam large sud pr-osperous sagesan hâ sctrrLhîcjr n ¾vt County AdverJ.POxi ff li.. 1thbrough l-HPlanmod ad IsuUd»aatiO "'auy Poazuve cue now *UQWo ethe meicarateruity. Oatarrh belng a Couxtlm ps. at ~n ~lealo. up-advertiin4 onldl--as, requlrea a cous m»t -tr&s ent. alln aiarr Cure*u Iauaa i4emnata,' tispries --81 aiear; 11.50 il mot paid W. hope the Councn il vl decdg ent alaCaa ue sikn _ t ce=1119 teyatem, theebdc'esroyinuô* be la .dvamoe. make a neauably- largi appropria. feud o SUl hsae at gvu Lepseg a. b~ uuîpmI~ow, tien for sdvoelng prpose&. The gay. strength by building up the conjgiUt Pupisher. uiS liat Ivo ia da are'botter than ou e oa2 umui aii a t urtv1pvr ____________________Wu_______ biVOoltin rovd r.easd il mgit jb. ttIa ller n tnrdDolr o thlal lie CoPuncild ul4 l o Ci* h, at ur.ha orla et To Advertise W hitbv. age1 On ý c-penahe it -t butli.~dayait iJ C«nNnY &6CO. o..O Board o!IdU ude vis u m d ar- raite ii ab a&.iiid ôatpîa ing eut smre proposition,- withh view The Tova -Council wiil, in our le adverhising Whibyto -lbtheat it d- - humbe oio,-do s comniandable vaulage, -This planbhes f olioved ~ to ÂMNS lhiug if tiey undertekethie sdvui.tis. 5ucoduin eveai P an sd Qui o nmler frontthisdietrict ah. ing f -hitLY's adantgesbot -a git vork'eut adyantageoualybor. teided te.lickering 1Rarveat lioniei ing f Witbys avantges bo it would aI leagt, havi the m-il cf1*vite o! thie inclemency cfthe weather a nmidintial and manufacturing Io"â.-,inhemeein mrp.peL ezute.01TOn dyngi at Them B I.Ioard %-, uld doubtleio h.I»glad' MlmasMary hcGregor is viaiting nul- SAr yeaago last spring the Whitbh, le appoint-& committe. 16 co-operahe ahivS intha city. Board o! Tradiappointed a comaut< ih a m î C ounel. - MssMyDiagman- La apeading a few Thon. smo many il ays acvringda in Pickering witi her gand. lii le ~»'~" 4110 * a Rov . Ut aemoids.plydmother, vie in very ilI ah tie lime oi ld.iu ti.tou.Ti cmmth. e-by o" enmunicipalitie,. witin8. Portid"to tii. Board, sudthie Board 1 aigsfle~~Dx. Huzzlew(Ood, of BoWmanville, was Aeciod o mq ýtheCounil or O=serion n 0orrpèýdeà, er »'o called up co4 Tuesday night -ho attend bdildi teasI lb Conci fo 890 mntin l coresondnoo lis. e b.a patient 51f Cooku camlp.., tô m spn'ujudicieus adverhlsing. Tio distribuhid asmongst theo citizen. -for 1 l e st ahovel- has arrived and in Coeicil received and considered thlisun"" aht ork on the Mackey fanai roun.but dQeided net tO<> mdé to 2. iile P in 1&cf a- mli adverti- eànry Parsýte paiîd s hling visit ah tequml.ment i n oor hw-o Torontho'-daily .lnu» on ..undaylaist. il. -a_ e n o b ha , f lô . ý3 ahe s. * ' lin-. W .. Baldon l st_ 4a valuab hs Tier co, b. oe oubi liai, fllv. BTio . Ofbthe slon fa apecia. adi.ons. lait week.- i n g i i i e x a p l i e l h i e I b u s , - 1 1 t i n c h i l b v n a p o , c n t a u i f g a M r D a v e B a h li n m o v i n g ho P i e k e . clsawajlor clstTio vst nasma wjqpsent, oû uh a adar~uplie $osfland, an e mstioned here to t4e e to. lii Pans -, Onmittîý - r-ln-=;- 1l BetterDner 1.a <Unnor real, Mary ? Y.., sr.adymdthn, a grat UYour cooking is impovn. WeII perhaps i a ii oesbut 'ely n Hlouae wifer lthink our Dow Grnïôord ai.partly IU5PoRnDiO 10forthe aucesa ha1 bd Itely. nover able to eook rouateand fowl ào «eIn -ouroJ & tove, and as -for bread, mmd biscits, [used to tremble wheld 1 wenlt tbtake them fr%>i %the i. veptIewr -so ofteù soggy amd eaývy. bNo* 'I theiy amalway liâghtammd beautifuulybrown, mmdif I do a"Y mye, aonmethig t. b. proud of." "Thda truie, Mary, MY huabamd bas sai d amoaot the cae hig lmawfýUfy glad yu-apovofMY -choie of a (Iurney-Oxford. H. lappr.v.c-b.auseof tit aain lucol anewe got it, iso becauc fti Indeed hé's right4Maamad eqrss litti. That~c fine, Mary. Will ~um swve dinnor lui a minutes plama.!' LOW J. elnyre hiltby #4 Qn as la-ds ad.bravA . mnaz iflneIon ou ... ... ...71 tea0 .hPe ec.. .... . 800të. aj0 YOÙ Take no Risk. &511, PmA O&.... 5.2300 b 85.00 Sr"er-ton...... .27.00 to 28.00 OUR RUTWAnON AU» KONy 18 KEAT, PO7ULTRY AND PRO» JOB. -BÂCK OP TM&JB OWIR. Beil, par owt.....1O5 0 11.50 WOPW. py l theb.mediCine umdCattl., lvO wihi .00 to 7.00 during the ttisl, if our remaedy failo KXuttOý, per l.....0 1 o015 te copeey relievi en cL f constipa- LfBq Mach . .00t o,5.00 tibm. We tak ai lb.ris,, Yen are Iff>5> dres"d... j. .?..i.00 1011.00 mot Obilîàted.te s u n i i.a.y wlit. Hog., ilght-aud fat ...5.75 to 6.0 ever, il yen aceeptOur ofler. Ceuld Heg, ueI c ....50... 7Mt 7.15 anylbing. b.e more oIer ho you? 19 Cblckeui,ýe lb ........10..1.Md0 0.18 th". amY numon why you Bshould Ou<*i, Per. lb...... .......1 .1 basIte te Put Our clamas ho actual Geie, *dreujp«r b..., M.1e b 01 tet? Turkeys, dressd, per lb., 0.18 te 0.20 iiMost ucientific cme-o Butteir, pâr lb. ...0 2 o 0.28 tet inetus exalOrdeniest, vhicha Fggs, per i:doc. new laid,02 o03 ave eaen like;candy. _Th y are- v r7 Lard, peinlb . . . .. 0d te0 0 proeuuced, genhle sud pî.nt in Potoeu,' 'r ag....0.80 te 1-00 ~~i u<ýagre«binApples, p batu....150080 4very_1vpy. They -do mot cause dÏar. Onione, pIMËag -..1 0 te 1.25I niiosa, usûsea1 flatulence, grlpwn , àr Hayminto...1pu0JS0 Orderliesar atelrlgodltWonwme . .0.1 01 oreUU , sged and -dellcatejaergou.. Cil akisu, Moeb .. -90.128 1.01 ai ur iskTWÃ" us.., 10c. and 25o.Hdo~et...80 1 0 y«mlerYn can- gel s.iBre it ~D5~... 71 i dia. in lii e m au l exyai DRme- m ... ... ...-. 0 1.1 5 slo1!~tieBers»~tor; A.K. Aifa, og~ lie.. t-. 8- 00 Mis LllanPadgett 'apet Suniday with mu'., Thos. lorcombe. W1ýueza ou have- a bad cold .you th b bot Medicin. obtainabla s10 as to cure t with as ittie do"Y as possbem er .adruggisî's cpiz ion; i hAv i old" L(hambéilas Cougli Bmedy for liftem tens" aya Jlnos Lollar, of 8ratoga, md., "sud cons ider Lt the. bost on the market.?~ Pur4 saebyalde14 s-S lIlollovuzugparagnapi about .ldu dmthi of Mi'. Caumron La copwifrou a I"dsy piper pinelon FPa1», Oct. 0.-One agais eut -village bemu oa" igleenu lie aM cdo!dasth haviug vislhed sud 0erl o> ita mot popular an 96 oniu, e . n.. .amno ie . o!Mn llas -À. Osmiron, o! til. J2rei yisrs ago -)A. Camnic M cme le, Yin Y"ll as a b"id, and by bhmIee dww&-miaoLhomeudtriai Christ- ian ebanactè, MA o hst o!fiandw, tu scout7 as vo» asmLa8t. Âudri's churci, -viaine.1.isthende.Bh.> vas as actve vonko- tie. Women's Bo- eigný Mision asud -LadieW, Aid ccuoîy, asas s lu 3t.Anrwohesu un ýý lb kna jol, n nd lier'Âusas Wil b. flit kgeenly l s i r C"s. A Iew mnntis ago lhe dmcesed'be. Camnil LU iti heant trouble, asutntil Pniar ivery hlip wvs ied out for hen tOe.Y, ,un 511. gadualy -bu- s" le ini, sud dupihe aillie Cars e! devIons -Sud" nurse., shepamsd a. vsy.,on Meuday monuiug. 8h. leave l0 mOIeur hn0oi a laving husband' audJeqd sugler, Jen aiea ag.d Wh mainvenmides, aI Unden. -Wood- Tie deup smpaliy of th. an-. -cn. muaiitY.i.lnde "ti.u eheir 'deep sennov. - Mr. Camençu i" l~Wbiitb oy, -sad bis mauy '1 vxbnidge journal1la avetùn&1a paper for -saie s l OnLùtdo -Pubic .WfÇ Ak Take, ýnot laI lthe lbas exproprated -under the m'm parcel or tract of Iand asitna &,1 end being rnt eown of W -~ w Gounty-,ot Unanlo iad be id o la t r ag l ar p ortio n of' . North 'West'part -cf lot Numbo e won ty-sévn (97)ite orokin front con- cesson of ý the ownstup of WybLt.y, more partcularly desriuietias tollàwb, 1 Co41nencang M*'thi sothly limït Of 'Victoria street at 'honorth-west angle' Of lot twenty- sièven (27-), tiien'ce eaàtely lonýg lie po theriy hia it 01 Victria treet one' hundred and fifty foot (.150) Uepoce in a îouth westerly direction two,. v d and ifty, feet (5 )more, jttiéw eterly lia. ( )i a à poin distaagt wo t to~.u reeà i s d - point lot 'mo wn~-ena(27), ~WO Iandre fut1<> Totonatret and "the place of! bguupnzng1, cntaining by - dinoaarZu i1.t±yeigit on.. hmhdreths Of an acre; thei aid lande bing reuired by he Gôverument of thf - Poýe"f Ontario,* as a portion hfite iglit of way for a raiwy awtch o'the -Bide' ofthe pioposed hoe- pital. for the Insane, and a plan and description of.the said parcel of land as been deposihd ini the Registry of. fice for the Conny of Ontario on the 9ti day of Septczber, 1912, pursuaat t~o he provisions of Section 18 of the. Public Works' Act. Andtake notice that every pron hav. ngD anim Of Compensation by rea- son cf such expropriation must fyle the sami- in the office f undersigned. with- in six months of the said 9th day of Septempber, 1912. ated ah Toronto the lth day of October, 1912; * J. 0. REAUME, Minister of Public Works m .1 Ia IL an*ytivÀi« D....y. ligi Pae forRoua T AlStations in eauada' Goodl-Going Oct. 259 261,27, 2 8 Return Limit, 0«t 0 là-Inimum Charge, 25C Fui aticulars,- tickets, etc., from anyGrn Trunk agent, and especially Town ?Agent tor Express, ticket ana Telograph office, opposiete Standard, Bank,. -Whltby, ont. Tele-phone 36. A lsi â cl v er, p er bM ... 4 8 .()o 0 8 9 0 Whist, ted. ****.....0.00 te 1.00 Wis, hit..f. ..... ...... 0.80 te 0.85 Wheati g5000....... 0.8 0 0.85 DoI> ... . ..... .... 0.7010o0.75 B.. .. ..........a75 10 0.751 ..............O . .85 tI 0.90 Bueckwieai .. .......-..;e65t 07 .0 lvë ....... 50W100.50 edClaer. ... ... ...00 t109.00 1- i. -I 1- 'g r litfor arrears -f taxci thereo âle"7 such ar:eraa cls ~4,prceej o siiby .-Publie: iecehaay for the. taxes, at thi tvo CIO'Cleckinthe. aftwrooa :osts TËotal -pàtorenat- z.1 $17 -19 Pst' Sihhnis U& u M1MMPI paru. doneli, Whiby-Jsa. 18, ib. a, Match 4. April 8, May 2, Jume E, July 39 sept.- 8t Oct.29 . 71 Dec. 'T, Jas. 18, 1918., OSHAWA-Clich, Mi.EL lMaic MUeiWbtby-Jsu. 10, Pib. 4ý#Mai !;à, Api4r 3.8,Ju Jn l d4 Sept.49 Oct. 3 N$P S es Jas. 14, 1918. op JUIY 51 e~.iK~1 a 15918 .- WY a. PORT Pn.O.,jw , bain, Pot PeMy..i verMa. 7, Mayl,Ju ;~ ~ dNo.1 Jas.n ,J1r 4. ÙxibÈ1GP,-.Clerk lR.J.lMoore, 0. CANNINTe Ie*Oog Smi, CamngoM-jia. 1 Mt 279 Mar-i,.July 85, Sept 18 ov. 21, Jan. 9,198 S. EAVERTON.ý-ï.Ch ,J... ML Gordlon, Doavzeo-Jma.10, agc 28,~ ~ ~ SF il, .uy24 et.1.Nol. NOV0, an. 19 > T. UTERGRoVu - lek thed 29,d t May , Juty, Sp. 10, i-WALNTED .Far Pal sud Wlutur menthi mnart reliblepr -o e eil ount weI.nvnftuitasud ornaminti tresluWbitby asud uunrouudîng 'contlr. Tiirty-five yesirs et fbusines xper- agency maoaurfiue, rt Ortrs PEI ar NUIEIt fo T moe. Whitby, phone. 99. Raglan, W. H. Brent agat Oshawae Phone§ 47 sud ij. Calis byr day or nlghé prempsjy attended te. -Charges meoajts Cartage adTaia> Bim spurcha the asBus LIme lrom ]gt. wm.Neprt, va hav.ehies low. viti a Vatylagptoae sudw vi i vuat.gvl i spbi Au ordefor o taaMË,mn mvigi,q miaof teigt, vank Plum entsparties. etc., vl ti Our VM butlestilo. Pla -d .llv y la 0m cIIOL 105 IFA J) SONS Why WCe E'ee1 Wec hav" the ýmost modem,, the meut practical and 'the, but equipped scho eci lat Eatern Ontario. M- ie courses are th -uiand ài* "' ' -An entlrel y Canadiau BusginessPbocedure for the traning, ef., liii mhitious yeu»g people of our ÇOuntryL are succesbful. 'Grka idae:. -or ex-stu-ý dent. the, are our bes«advrse1n L oi osil tuy ouae .R.Bravr, A.H. spbtton, Part N w Part Lot.tn 3 13 100 ¶1OWNSHIP OÉ17ux Lot -Con. Acres "'Tam -l 7 100 20 3 7 3 I S TOWNSHIP 0,F fB Lot Co.Acres Tx 34 -2 'Treasurer's Office, Scanto Coo SEST domnestlc coal mined. rokren, tésuit ail stove$ & fuInces. uy Scranton and, get satisfaction. JIKÉD by jal house.keepes. O RDERnow and getit ihen Wanted.- ur prompt -atteiQ o eail orders.We . piepsnud bta i Wood or ur deliverymanlï creful. frnpompa <,ah-aort mo"e, aiso 0-UOJLD yeu hae the best? attend l10&UIl klds ofes- ell, purchasq auür Scranton. e have it phd ne oéther. Asmt for: the Ontario WInd mmi. Bell Tl, p. ome Tel. 14.~£EIU010 m is~a~ JGeard Manat Cream Sepamt.L:.,-0 K.w0 N.JOWhidy .N. ueo. Re Sr'aw ~WRTEORTELEPREONE S.Trees.&o. WHITBY ] 0TRIO came, in the other day-wanted someoe stationery-said she didn't Inow we kept- f any go fine-found just what she wanted. P~Ierhaps you can. We've got it in boxes, pads a0ltblt._ W. J. il Richards~i Leading Book8eIIe,and Saî~e.-* BROCK ST.WIIB Pat or Unpat iPat ',pat 0-É REACU Taxas Côsts Total' Pateor Unpat !0 X5 2:5i 1276 Pat EnWEVANS." -Pun,/ Manufiaurer S5hop &Bd SRefd.moe, Dumis_5tee - WhêIsThtAeLoiftBShiui I anm generaiiy the-clieap viieis. A Wet neau by tibis 'wheels thtaecheaply mdnetý 0 thoge that arie sold aI a reason- - able price. OUR BICYCE are net expensive A aa sum viii buy a good -e0'U f ighestýpric c - wheelai i ' - very îttle re tian ticËcîap '-- o>r urabolmy. New and Second E 19I I -Uri Wée alway-s of Cufr si 1hve r Clocks,"E we excel SJewe Whîtby DRY A Olcot Bçaul pleasure risort vasthe. scene, monster, Plc tonyriohlee parties Câml theie amer ý delegation fron pensons -were coitions prev Toronto aoG - ing Aninterest* clu on:lie pi ont pim îh Vas mado4or 'any other -caus -ly -addîtiniiai, -constables were Sicbes sâold wl ILM.W. ColLitîn..' G et. your sto-ri doors made ibef( WALTER BUJNN. a nd repaira for . On',Weduesday cif* Whihby, slip yard> -and smatai é- 11ShelI it Sonp is 'the Pur ne -superior. - 2 *cakes aud2 l)ceti THIRTY-FIm On Friday, (0 (Mm, Join Mýc( ho)me,-their ti -versay. 'Aýmy inçudinig seven s -mrà. Parliam et Canningona, vaw -owing te0ilmnea and Ans. MXacCi ma-Dy han4sonm -te Ilethir fiveý vwedded life. Wè ARCHIVES -C TORONTO 1-~, -4 i t il 1 BROCK. c . -1 1 WHITBY--IdARKE'TS à Ne'arditus Line

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