Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Sep 1912, p. 5

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Thev las ti atches that', a satisfactory tirrn eces, in pri< from - if yo'u have small watth!-s us about char'n' - îg* itý into a. wris watch thé-,Ialte,, hitby.-tf. E.- - Fatal ýBrillant," ,No. - Sa' I. - Mm Rs.lUh. aloucil i bu ' oe a ore, plion, in fovedieT roomis'ovor 1 Oumô hxjÀ C. M. I LCXL _n htbOt..5 AND) LOT' FOR SALE. els "D"'t. t iostorey frame- ul~I.haw~ai j<j#~ )zusewth ktichen- attached, largecr Coîlnà, p' j, fruit treeès a-nd good stable., Apply brouta', m ed bâ&kte HOUSE FOR SALE. - )k, -and la ooupy0ib Six rooms, closets, hals, woodshed,. r.-~aa;Loa's tie~ goodl cellan, largo garden wfth fruit tkees _j aad'other small fruits, on Byron. streit,, North. -Ai.pply ta Mn.- jooe14,-» Si ICZ COURT. Thomson, en- - peiss r B 316~ butWeen -ibe family et WVhitby, .- ad Mns. jane Sayers that FOR SALE. - oïitigaclirnaxfor th 6 of' ~fO ctiviuate.luan aiing posts. Ail framed and ready tepztizp. ovpn U te b1wie itrate AIsâ a-quantity of! inatcbed;;sidbîn &nl VYOPDZ 15t. n. heeig. ý This lumber andt inbr viii' ugh*~, Mb.Lotte l>tI chap as I, bav e ouse for ~t~t~fr b. rosc theblébuilding. Tri a.be arranged çI'tùn clao elecf bis te ýsuit purch6aser. - Can be inspected at m-onÇbsPrctori, myprms, near Whitby junction, G. rd lir4izr t e4 R Ly, Spt.mber t4r :TIIS ah as"a in gaf&edr lstheti zeighbor 1 tlitneanly nwwhich I viii sdi ,at bai! ) itnd 14b apbenius prité on easy;,terme... .4t 0 tei çrdomicile loi.>j. A o set. ot efbobsleighs-for dl ~ horor ora Ilsale. tJhe M;andé Mri . Ayo.rq a àiay,.f teabove 4~atit ~~tb1 ofwhl get'a snap bargain. R.L. IIUGGAR. .1 S 4i~ fXCURS O ood stato o! Ctiofl. and Âpply bto K. . &WEBSTER, Whitby, and THOS. D. g BM, jtnensbge, B . Christian, solicitor, WUib>.-rtf.ý FOR SALE. IJHappy ýThougbt Range- wth, warmling 1 el-set. sn*lGlobe Heater. 1,Bed, zînattress, and springs. J Eatbà Tub. f Baby Carnage. R iàbi Chair:-,, IFail Leaf Table. 4 riolid- )ak Sideboard. -1 Parlor.Lamp.' A pply W .MWAcinerto j )-ERE'ýS'âo pkitüt. moebeauitlta You --MAKE IT ICNOWN. -- Keep it before the 'peojle -;That the earth vas maude foriwman; That tliefruits ver. greva, And the flowerswero stroivn, To bleu sud-neyer te ban. That the 'dun and, the nain, The corn and, the.grain, Aie yours and mige, miy brothe- Rich gis jfromt Heaven, y And freely given, To onç as wçll as, another. Keep it before the people That drink Wla a curse and snare Beyond control, It binds the.soul, And tIragi it dovu to despair. Rumiftast not beesld, F-or silver or gold, -By you- a"ni ei My brother- God i gvestbe dëec, This-,ngtion to free, To onè-as well aqj another.- Téion vith îlfe battie, fot,,truth and igh, - -Til èur banner oer the lrnd and! sea, Shalf, bâth. Its folda AlàUic gloridus -ligt. 0f the year of jubilee. y-.-Dr. C. H. Mead. i 'Shoos aold vholesale and retail at E. W. ýCollins' Nè., Sho. Store. Tho .ladies are- iakini bdvantage of aur offer -of handsame -b6oxes ýo!'sta- iianeny ai a' mout' reasonalle pris. See. samples at the Gazette-Ohroniolà office. Wio can soUl you -a frstclam nooflng a 6w p;iee,..Cal snd sae haiwa. b offe. 0.--Z. Rics. > 4 di(oz e ii.paper pickad'frorn one 'of bis'.plu=, treeq -Ibis veek ,a. pluni whicb meass 'eid 6 lches lu dr-' cumferenqe one ýva y '7k- iaChes b»0 Other. It. vas a bouty.- and Pr' cassed.. atKo.olCIOCL Memniug. -subjcct, "The Book of- Daniel. Lessons from the man and His messa ge. -NbçadezrsDre am ant'its Intenpetattlop."l Evenlug subject,- " JThe Ylnstý Sceneé la the,-Trial ofIChri st-beore 1Pilate, namaly, The Acquittai.Al"e.' fre Everybody, velcomr- A mt..re ýFor neuralgia. or rheumatlc pains tiane is comfort ina hot vgter boue- bot-vater botli atoMmite best qiiaity.' J. E. Willis, druggist and optician. The Ladies of! the Ontarlo L*dies College viii be "AtMorne" 'on -Fiday, Oct. 4th, fron tbteSr Get yoùr stove onl 3o days freo trial at Mclutyre's hardware store. How about -that ý-stove ? The fal l i neanly here an .- you viii'soon fln' it neccssary te béat ybur -home. - Get youa,- stoeenüo onthe cold vteather may atniv before .,yon a«e prepared.; We havé, oiur stock complote and can .suit yenr irequlrmenta.- $your.: stoVC là old it wiltay you te buy a new one, elda tovies.are heavy cnsumers o! coaiL Àsk yýour- coal dealer boy pnb.. are Il ýCIy te be this viater aud Aboli go to' Melnîtyro's hardware store andd ne-a- bout a fvtat iraduce your ceaI WOMAWS'INSTITUTE NOTES. At té institute metng lust Frldky, twe pi the ",uplis of ÙAh hgh-.schoot gave pape rs; Miss ýLàî*r-e Spoke on "14ev a, teaêber skould trt.t her pupil.1 She thoeeof iInfluence a tea her.lias ~whiy bi2o..jforýthe g aiUicambitions iW- l$ - Persona$ Mention. D ùbatý .1 .30'; eole urGý'V iWbtb, boe- Aoskbas 8.46ni:SORfS tg4q, W; H. Brent, agieaL Chlren éver five and under twe1ve, WLOI' cet byar r saWa, Z'hnc47 and2 le. Tcesgoo igo.l - te n STUDIO Unds - orne nlght W- Port Hàpew andioboar from wièn___________ . . wrByIlS OIsot~e o ap oea 1ry.fp .nd--rmwié- 7,R A. 'H. Sotton, - ASIIOI ONCI ýx rJ. .Jmes aMdd bteponts lekets are good thè folowingday. N*rJo mi.- woe. n Toronto oit Str _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hi« ayAkaderof Toronbo,. 'A-P atlg-, ooaa'Icu s1: -s ,ilbdai Hzi. Goo. 1Howai'.r.ovoe«f Su d y. of our lg, p p trandS E T. 25t t O C . Ut Kw s d ns J b. ~ o po . .,~etl sch oolteS E T 2 t . o Xrï.lin Monda. -o VaDCOVIKO T. 10t E. y ý4st'wSks:fuinnfrniàion oncening oP"»#,Way. OrblNa ni ahoal ...... $46*0- .Mr.. >Ne1 . lrso ad b, of Ra- Eaer ny rme.ofed . A*Toz.....abatiW*...... m " " ' ~ jiati, iuiodbe moh -leKn. n TSo ogett a raadt;$$' D J.aiHUIRStCRSON Faa ntaenh-n aanay oo E1.91 . Brly MSNL FD O OUJ.RP e- latç f&1t dednsigns.i tond- Noma.Sbo Tho edli e ain and he tgae at -okLaer ns, lAke o! ,Bstan Kw.~ ~ ~ an and ra.'Cr of Torob. Entehein t en rake ht MdadLkliMSvrtiotBynls 'pon Sunday with h latonspa- nfaI calons, lriîtated bunion or Mrna, nud]&a. QS. Briton.- your alace4 -Kw. sud IEns. J . .Jobusionand;j bilidren, af Ùtica, N. Y., ara visin This C litos vithEn.antIEns Pony Jlin5On. lebrought on byhigl'i elmuch K m G . Goodfellov reinrnad l v.jking 'or standingon liard faoons KNodwy to Elauter -Univonuty le 'or viaike. - bogii te.final yoearof M., Arts e.ourso. Hz.. J. IL ýDeny .vasiuow la Oecm voo ç> bo va tebernovbosela Tlietrouble byvearinga pà iof- Belevile.Bit vs ncomanici >' o un Orthopedic Boots -or Shacu. Ens. Yatoç snd Kw.,. seccombo ýantI Cripples and Deformcd ,WaÃ"rk. cIll ave .reiurned tb -tLsir -boumas -a specislty. in Toronto alter -a prolongod %iat - ,wiîla Mr. and I Ký Job. Hiiop. u iuruu Essais. W . 7. H. Iliçbandson,_ C. Sel- RtE 4oW. Ayres', B. W. Evitna sud W. B. WbiLby'la Only,ý.IIopai shop B&l vent b I4ndsay- Brok St. auto -at FrIMY. Tey rnort aoeing a good !aln mn4 having a good Qiue. ~" 8«UnMqU Dy sc Aamer 4cu5esu, £novemerisMA Fuil Information and tlekets.from E. STE RIENS0N Town Agent tor Expres,-Ti çket anaî Teleagraph - ýOffice,, opposite Standard Ba"40 Whitby, Olt. Telu'phOne 36 n.~ Invisible 1' ARCHIV OF lUtby Ilpusu tl vo oi

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