Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Sep 1912, p. 4

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rt a vu - f 'r' r i - -~ r-il 'Y-" - 'k one of 'veatner lied au long "defptdeing wi» not eitogether explala tdleir a- meinaS. The,#tables wver. Rot evqu31 IUed as ip former* yearsr- Not a single ex- -luit of shoep or swine . as G_beb lfpusd. Other liosof.agiitural po du.oi -were eitlier uldsnpy, or 'violi> l'nigBut the herse trot and tb. la4g and .loi ty, tumbling, Vdth -stheu * éraisd esla8 atractions, were 'g*tie '£rart place.lThe rçturn loifthoe I"t fakai,- in afi his alluzing ardtlnéess in ithe mep&rýtiôn> of simple people ,'from ààer moiney, 'vas a verv suarkecl' les ture of the -fair. The beautiful4groundm, ýmhacecý --s they,. are, lu attractive- * sa by thoeniagnificent greoetirýd ol , fifty ,'or . sixty acres n h e golf ' n i whlch 'adjoju their.t(5 the -We"set-- *ard, sand t ,ho. apparently ample pre- sent accommodation for displayini ex hibite, sbould win'the. hearly support -Q- the farinera o-SouthiOntario in rbuilding 'up a modet , countuy - fair. There- le no question about ?-the painsi- taklng-d evotion ta tho- best interpola of îb. air of thse secretary, 'M. IV W. - X-N. -8inclair, tb. popular representa- tire vot Soutbi Ontario. in thse Provin- cia liegilatuàro., 'With, the help lhe eshould have Mr. Sinclair in capable aý ISOrel6ry cof caring I l, 'eveiop- - tuent-of -the-fair r b any lentb; of Pro"POuOl growth. Thar-if thse fair oa'drecte& 'aleg rIigtli. -. of, thse 'và i- Lentn Whitby FJOWCT ,. how* - r ë r wàe Vhtb>t Horticultinai 8seWWY '11.14asmosti sucoenful Boaftir'*hcow oC ris'lait.TMie wh rPOW.1I ý iiilm-j flnery store 'astiehoe f'hun ~ r e'beautilul, 10; du ftroos i ar rn aâ the, dseplay was mentoSe- di "bo e tlb.t6soviet>'. ,i-.The lasI na sud àse >wm e Bledvith i éueatîiM' Md suchoicees1àOs ofetMusa>varie- lies', and flot the leait attractive , Vas th ogtable 1111.4 WltJl Mi fMv', Itlsrgly mtent pouan ad - "alort, igravi 1bY t.ebohool pupila, t'OW hoaa -the - .-Isoity lad distributed a"ed earliev minthe. season, te <osIer and oorg thnlie obiutide ii arofAwr u h.love of tb. beaulifu. Mach rei 1. due-'the, ihildreà fort-Lise diepla>', ~-mény eofItie lowers .have beesi ~e'for ,calirelyr b>' the -boys mCýd hhesuseven. Among those "vihe Jiouhîheur flowera ÃŽvere Helen Tome, 7ellleBrQ 'Evr -thel -Dolby, Dorétii> - ROMa Cerner, Phyllis mg;- ~utrT eanBradley, Marjouy Ko- Vlray, Plorencer-Newton, gosme Bu, tWJameg, Eva Charlton, Geo.. rataLioee!Chanig, John 'Vick- ýGy,rdon Baleman, Thomm enHea 0toe su others. 'The arrangement 0f 'i roa sd t e variet>' of blooms ixlle vere' mont allractive, sud of dree e riitors eujoyed ltheat ,usoffered. Thome who contributed ta tue s of thîe dispia"ver.: - [dg mith-Balmams and tom. w41ýxýRoIYhckà btteraand elcer-act -(variet>'), asters, - sins., collection. eÏars-.latdiolus (targe variaI>'>, -autqr., dahlias, met peau. D bloemer, aster.. jas A4férue. -J. .'Connor-White dahlas. ÈoflI-.Atera, s'vat peau. - pecial mention hould b. id. et tévery echoice.dallai g reva by Eru - e ornsd alaôl ,l rare asud ýbeau-: ti 'varieties- of begonias 'exliMriedb> 1 Bor ro'vman, sudXM. Làiaila'v' owas 'smuch 'admired forbu qu Mty -and coloring; u- tIse h m i -r- deig,aorticulludral Poye 9h i"rdohia by ins Pletcber. lia made omie sévanice lisinlsemt lb. hepeople oef Wbiîby'- li jorieulr. sud hope Sisat lthe coming yOGi- tisa -Whvo lore loutsvil net faille - r tý tbwiéh im doing etm- eau - do to pltateand reuthé auv.!! as tihernaturetr -tW -ul~of Mrtovl.. Iýü, -in he. lad. 1 l P ý o bs&as Farmâbasincreamed ita Ifa"tie.w ex4,~M -Fl~.~orida. Us ]is 1a.~preie W ic~ncteup màng ta --duléothe'.a, atl LIfg.BS , -nt App ' ey o$un ubIeôé - f ~.P,) ffl1 13 111, 3 -pi ogatIherjIeft Ùdoi1i to màke avýery detail trom Mthe5 p"fQftNi4ýowi.DK £r3om M w"Pi ~"Itheg.h9 ing of0 the auws toW ÃŽhe or lb. nniwariot.i nenda aiof mt«" liverýy- of the àapor tothe reader CM- Whibypeolegeierally w - b. l lte.. rhe Outlook -New York) 'vaiS to, learp ol'Mr. Luke's deoxu4>r in tisapleaaed t a " eon s uti hhlon f e'godfa itze rwa ape plant ote cnt insent otr for wth b a f inly, the 1089 t isnow o n 'of te M ost COM pl iwoliýhvebeen rgrtad !husgreat' I... TIle staff Ihan also bessn inreauod ' ý14.y èwapsper bui i.-~ t1 COD3- th.t the improveci facilities may'be sentfliment of theé '~it t uflyuilîzd uI naccirate i.Yfl- in »o fear as the. aIreýafLy i~ and opais çf thes woril's news written liyi fâiw inr"n Or1 trafi zained men, w ho« know l'ow'to 44,yi thrqughthe t@wn irespO ube~rwa .neoesmary -linthe feivàst t ~ ~ P1~of ~,onuentwords; original and- carefully edited Dundan treet bumkinat jserein atile;special contributions rom noted, ico lli.d, Wliitby- Ial 1:0 Mleading -writers. Miscellaneous read- doongratulated. -And, by the M jW>,>~*Ing of the very highest standard are lauh& o 3 thle *nly _one i Wlittby fle4»a:es wbich make it the leader .-a- whm ains. hamn' eette bu»ai ofmoo by 1heImong ÃŽtýn Metropolitan Week- thZ"ugh te t wp. lraflgthliee..Every -depurrmezît pulsates -WiL Kmgs ptitfl a T jfurpages of briglit picturee t 'HU1.Yon- calendered paper is in itiseif equal of -Canada, 310w certain of<r- a *' t yf>-w fte ,;a- rm eozuplmhrnnt, Iis mo t i ua4g'iurnegionaway eaoli yar Ly Borna dIeveopment of 1h. ,powe.lvnvo bid i bondto locone aPuins-.aid in advance subseribers of the brngrto "-=re -and müCOe'àlonIi th Gàete-and Chrollice raysiecuro the- f fortuna.te eut favôred, roui a,'ofIe» el lb imnwtl au trivel. y'cfèr wWekl lob ionno» ti. Jaur in te BU Itwqs e4a Is ad nou h 1 tci lh b.1 1a-hi, sur stomach, UnpIeaa~bet I sd nevqa epwujon-'-îUe"pe 1blgo-a bad train Ofwreis fi n ý nndected.' Bt if you w1la your yatemof pIq~pas b1. youwll[b. rid of'pesu t Mbe n ~ so~swlhnay b. worae G;EAT: ~LWIIIGOFFEII Tho Gazette and, lon'Iole -AND THE WokyOlo nà anaaFariner III~ ate tll iJan. j, 1a -aý period ofover 15- months. This offer is to new subecý,ribers 1 rthe Gzette and Chronicle, and flot 10- pr-esent subscribers. Pays for the twol pa- pets from the present Paid-in.-adva nce subscribé'rs 10 the Gazette and UChronîie may gel the Globe and Canada from: now ii l'Jan îý- p, Weekly Fariner 4, for 6 e Or for the balance of ti-s year for only i 5c. -r- Cali or wrt thi«s offic.e at once and take aa- tage of te fu[period.' -The Weeky-.IGlobe is one of the best weeklies pujblished, ýcontaihing much of interest and value to theLae.r iWit;h il goe.s-th"'fine illustrated. supplement, whichi alone, is worth ýthe subsc"ripîion price.1 DO ý,IT NoWlI Wbitby Otto I ~ f~ A. ~411 *6t*Oe~ê:~ft...#p !ou'm gel s inuddoer r- Paddurr ~ '~: III bàvmWtoelder.' Perm, the amum ot'wbb ey mh'oùted,' lie boy in a metoriisu votee.tcoulê- lot vDeen s-miepetecl to be co#talued nI mo saffiali bodfy. goeIras about wuive-and the ottier, d girl. ine. Botb bat been started out from their aies r"w ebodea asu soon as tt.y were old IDOUgb W do enytnlng t e ip their r. specive famille, an onews .ugentm; botb' Ual tibuir protectiore linodpurBued the ouly ietliod ot kreepins body aid sons togeflier tizey 44~d -ie.,eq. "WbatYQOa'mDame Y»as.ked tue tboy. «Beln't you'e got anuddçr pamel" "if4 ~ Tosfad4èr bava4nde "Herr'e'm raUn' hie Stinu Wbat's 'hat's ~ ~ ~ n tbt~e sldm adder."_ JietsudBetmet ifeuenti> ou, the suie ~ ~ ~ 'd 'cre udwemre.w dul rol atover thir àafim. Neither £4 a orne.'Seaiflie .Jack .wouid IEW~~ 03 eiiuaPare d<ses- 1517wtben the. nlgbt- *eudhhlii mui sealnt mme stable M o unt » tby ilàft..w.bere beWol- iururi ng aà provi4t chl,ÃŽex ependee ottg for ingI s touims io ng:, the i nît mâe&lits mouey in wder. to, sleep la file uewuoboyu.-borne a, wlflter. A' or Ila,à watberwou.i hobdaroo % l' a tnietfos hemah.llied*fltee chu' rn.- lave- the chld e lodglng on Sme led g a s b s I te ai h rO Il os I mor dlvr fh lud Mdn thel e a cornr vhlci e atb fo soit) papers 1of fold Jaek that ulie hat -b« .1r omo. Tbe voFMan ile visosmilOe bt)dgexkd lad dled and th.e hldi-en ied been taken'a'ay. F ot ddt b-know 'vbat *te do for a Place tfaslaep. <aI sdt )le bat) uade f iendu 'vifs a colorot) coselirnan, 'vis >, let lite leep lu a bayîoft Berne. Mimes lie would steai do'vn tte e coachi room asdfluxurlats an the euuh- r Ions. He offeredt) o OUo hat lie eouîd >-d. fa citendth ie aeenmodatloni fa. Dot Bel sait)ile thougit Iliat 'vanît Tlisl'or.nlng Jacetfoot hlmu lîffle Paslo e seuable sud gatet)Ben. the coseilman. If ise- mîght sleeV% there. Ben. Wwu asin eiderly min 'vms a tory tint) beartut, Iet)ta grant thse requent "Alr, you eMhdren aid abougli to knov vhfni arrylu' messi?", "Te.," replotie t ac. *"liaI méaine. kepu'louuotede. Opn shoot lbi hle as).Hobroàght bis brain ta ber on liese ubjeet, vifs Osc tolio'vlog resait: rTO " bvJaln't Uuthin'butý-ehilienn- hoy, but any'vay I1 haln't gwln té lot ro' innblie. ithont y&o' glmar- "3oy 'v o etht?" anketetJit> "1 reetan 1 km mari-y&. po'. 'Sa pa'men. I1'var pa'enneh de.old ooelaed Chai-eh le. Riechmond)."- This meant no3tblng te lb. ehild-en- ezeopt tisat. Bon cotait) mar-ptlion. "ýYW 'vauttho MAri-pdef£1111. gai?" Ben aultet) of Jaet. 141 don'ft teèr.» o' 'viant te mari-yJact?" Ben ast. oit er BeL-1- "Mn 1f leeplnfthe eirrIfagect 1de?" "Reeko l'il. lot yo' "Tison ritmari-yJutihr" Be Bonefoot tise pai ,pbefeprehlm ,.ad marild them eordlug- tp, file siýntuof l&e iro suad ath ie. ý oerony h udt lds "lta*,--DtW on tb-biltnup . 1 %bont e ~t. auybody. 1i>doe il ls ,sans. i- aut 1» »Ste, 70'mla(W-i i i e r a -few yearx'efoslence wit t fise.m ter parents was legolly adopted. fjbey, were - Sarly weil W do peopie. lIVing On a farm. where rhey moUdd ealr prod. _ 'Jaeck wa eli dstreseed et buipe'm acecident-and as soon sa De leu o l . a weiutt f5>ti3e lïQsptai -Weree. se 587 t.houge 1osw sée ber.' go found ornie,'dtlUultyr-tu naa fr s g l n l ng aB n e n t r e s i ce , t e n g b I g G 1 0 t k . p r rrelatlonuhlp. behe CQJ ""Are vâyer iouiterr- a$ est Ebe F rank ut -. - ' ii' Itir "h.nyreiauoç r. orneào 1WIl idont tlant 1 coula t14 lpu tiveu ê 'ÃŽ00 Iler. rYâm- Cp413 lier any-goo&, therei l li'-eou werwe ér:-lirothler 1I wouldlnt , bave the rFtkht to refuse 70f. ont ber'nt n pal d6euu't mean anytblng. - Jac k w as dtsap p einL î c e w s t r . : W 2 ing ~ ~ ~~> awy'io nIe stas turnl. D 'SaY , -J'in ber ibu eba u.l ie su112à dal . - - T h uya y.y: "Br bubndr. 17h. lady smiied.- blaii -'AS 9Yo. We wgsarileo pl"mfàble 4'n , Tii. émue bufro r - Yr. ndÇ "Uan't 1 go'In to sme.berr. ~ ft There wem uelnctlilng m Cal n dile élil4'u à'8rfton and HlalÃ"êk6ed *0 It wvai Nho soli er that boa iis-" ere Wý -thie protits et tue: coneeru, b l ett the lnéfution t jj akwayfor. otbir1 yoppger, l49p Ilifbfigge84mlgt£4 ont to meelé hlm fortune on hlm ownsaeeount Meanwblle ýBet had Isen gent- te aneo udd* grown op ie hoinaun tel lIgentyoug'vr Sn. 8. 'as.court. ed b>' uevéraî-uaaîtorg at lfferent times. 0' tmereenee er marrage ID t>"' nble. -#e kaftiq tetldt dtffl*er% wlitber 111 veuldlie -an lm- pedîrnent te bher rnarrying as i8 grOwn voman, ah. cenld not -aatlsfybeuTaeîet la the entter. lî e ler - ftb , lu qulred of selver4os aswyere 'vhetlier sa mighl egally mam'ry sud reclve4d M. fêent opinfona. Ou. sal -M ler -mar- riage-aP a ebld 'vas elmaff lse at- alL Anotsernld that Iftibe sarvIsd as a 'voran it 'vo,îld De better'iist tU7 seur.the nnaîu et oclcmr Bel ddcl'ît underÏt md- thomeopinidus, and becanse she àdd'tudersrud tisernsbe viaail> tbg- more lïénwi by then. i.bhêdldn'î conaltier ,tise way elear fer_-ber ho rnîrry *ni oae., Sb@ had thonlasfr met uoouq o5h. 'vlied tà mari-y. Ber tester father told lier-.filat, 'vien abs dld' meef the maunilie de. ired- If 'veuîd be lme enough le fatre stepi Iný thes"iffer qf beir cllid- wed- ft'.dl dya on arè Met th vu e- day a >uuug fand besme f toe eulohraiBet Imle sud &ug34 mre ag-0 ruction tImplet end ai mneeusd su iterdt fet scud tpt once bog I as athe ter heor*mitp g WII; er If a t e 50. 9sf be thn f ot hif o tseilthora 'as uoer., ing aot- hlmodv fapaelal pbussùe ie.- i-Doet relonl ve sgte i r, m un i . e 'as lo long@ lue Dinellug to aber, sud , in. -sea o euch nlue o ecetol i fhei n isted e efalcg abs ft oldberlma.. uuppose- Begal einen t rfa bermas-. tresltg. berUtenfess'inli profound- en a tebe-watconfesionthe a i iu Inlen af er et ated th e ari-e Inc -idnt fber chuklood. bea ahe ld -ulshedIoktig ane-h ler tl a "Beti" ', Sh. itertod. There 'vas oiethlng in the Intonaution finit bronglif baekCt'i bey hnsand,. "Bet", ne continu. ý arn.Jie." Se. fold .her how. heohud -ecuied hIm - education 'for :a farmner, how li-.e baïd got aMlteind and put thaf éduca.,r- don lInt> PructIcebois lha bailgoneýto- the lospltaj 'her - he hâ 'tant een- ber- and haîtleayned'ther-- e of'-ber fPeter lparents and 'vhei-.- fiey livod& .Thon- uncler, pretense of makanË-pùl%. cha ses, for bis tsi - ihosdsoug . place uuad ber . Sehâdmnit ý s. promP Whléi puferl ,Monse su whIile- ýek witb of I H . Win g1am , w'ue 'ent <oeu b o u t - t h b 1 e e t aYa g t a a o i d «deq he, XMvr@L- d: Scott, in èhvý ,ýasretMdfor avi- frendsl in Ontario. -Shé- 'ia opping 'àL Mr. Scot%,and. etlur!iito 1he WeskiII affer le w or kInà w ith 3 H enry ' B b- , threshfg ou 4aî aIt Mr.J. d'a oui 3ednest ky, M . . met 'vitl a p ânfu1 accident. umbh of MRu .iibt hanld A n1 the ' kac inesy -ntalccp ne the £frst joîst Ouly by, L~ ~ b ato utepart ofi. §r. y' eva 1hhand- aved; Th ugl 'ggetpaia, igr. Whippey la is t injuries 'vere ot- Inspecter,S.O. 4fS e t. , 1 9 1 2 . »'îuute- trouble iu keepoig fires lit. 'O RDER - owand get it when wanted. jar' prompt attention te aill order. r-ur -delivery man'iscrefut. ýW OILD you have the besi? ehl, purchase our'Sérautou. e bave if and no othcr. Bell tel. 9. ' H o ne T el. - 4 ca me in the cither day-wanted soenice St îtionery,,-said she dicln't know,, we kept Leading Býooks'ler 'and St atfae ROCK 5ST. rWIITBY - ! *I-5m i i-r-é i ~2 1:': o- I j are genevally the che wheels. we *an by tljs',, wheels that avei'ÃŽcheaply ha4e, uot tl pie.se tbdt are sold pf a reason- are n!~o epeusivW A ma sumi wîllV uy -a good oný. Our fighest priced wvieel, and if- is a-bighg-ace.wheeli' tee, costs very jltfl roc)re ihaj ë fis cheap Macluine fbatisavent siabiîity, -eliaýbilitk ýor durability. ivwand S8eond relie£ Vases, ail silver M A solid si -Dish. beautefi hiàdsom AII-hand -Wrehave Io extensive G1ass.y The. reeàons 'for inataïuces-am w And -sorna tOm Bomeýdrink bcu And' sornmeca4 Somg drinktoce young,ý Ând mornme 6ecaus SCin. drin luto giv And some to &id orefor "'Doctor Bôme .dtink whçn make, - .And some becaus eome drink wvhen :R takt, -And others when Somie drink- fori.a While. otJîeré rn VAd rnany drink, bt About the reason- Shoee -soid wholn M. W.- CoU-ine' New Forty laours of St. _John's .C. Another': profise' dcny gçli- acd a.ýgain delaying, th '-haive enabled -far outstanding grain The rerular mee Institutew ll bho' tiaral Booms ôiý Sept . atO given on, "Iow a lirppl'"an4i teaýlperrs" Ail .Wr corne Mrn. G. A. 7amnSc r * u.r .un TORONTO P" - 1 Àk A, Aý A, A, ý ý,- -T'777--77F'-7 1

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