Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Sep 1912, p. 1

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minion. oint. tctnètç ý'Canada if'thé, nt- also ?eucoiuraged-.to the~ oppos'ite policy 'with Japs, and we aie foohish. t-s in CanaTda, coupied with qid 'moral rèformers can- ýlè- Godnmade iuman beU-' an-mnade-- law -wil Prevent otois-and a kùs ecarne~ Il! c± when ne -way- iChinese 'It is, a, of, Can- atil the- 4'inMz nqtoe1twas-b -ut iiiu-citer The n~4jafltioaln'u~ death"ol Mrs'. Batan, and" çae ad- The ~.Cl ant S O n wÉeltlfl ih came j-ured t iiMonda~oshi M cesu - traymh, h ost su-~0d>1 atnualfor the de- c-erhld teatenaée ~ loafendan, obfectedý tô thé inqutià pro- odings, saing thaj iWN aWa 'ut iiot quite, to -the niihip markwhî-ch had déath occurréd in the, towuht>c East Whitby, -and- the Coroner.s'ur been -the goal striven for' this iperial year. Had wa..epanelw dini the'town ofsm it.,not- been for the. frequent raàiqstorms, the-forty 'awa. f.Cnn' cneto ,a the proceedinge are ifrregular -will', be-, thousanid lacking of thbe milliond "w >d ae ee.pret - ythe Coronerand-Cro~ re acfie d, if is expectè& Attortey to the Âttorney4~erîîé,a1_. morow and when t-he latter s deeis;, - Cion is announced thre nqueut wiIl be ,T liooôks as if Whi tby might-Ihàveé another rmur-. resumed. ,Provinc~ial, Inspector. Milles bas arriveU here and .-will, talte charge <fe traL he rie cmmi-te i~Ceardle,-fo20 t-rase. Chief Hind, of Oshawa, whicli ,John, Bateman is held, wga,ôf o f tcold- inactively aisisting him.- - IAout- aeven o'celoc t-his, mothing- a blooded' character, _and i. sdi"lt t-oSée. IO o nthe opposite id o -b sr t there -c'an eany othà~ -co A~haù, t-at -Bat-e2i'Oti &- snPoke issui fointa'wiidow -~- oftho 'Bateman biouse. HRe sent -n an mian shahli e held for ïýader.. --Thé memàiry of th-beaar -olrfreadpics-or. McLaughlin Wnùler is-yet so fresh'- in thé public In a kew minutes, County -C onatabl'e mmdwit th atena~s pulîîty~d ~ t-avens arrived, and, entering .-t-ne, min -wih he ttndià'puliii ad.hôrro)r ->f' ouse un-,r a te mal,,lying deed -the execution, that anot-her irh"er.'-llwill, cause 2on-t' h untueloi -ifi a quarri ad t-dien place..,ý No sensitivemins t-o shrink and dkëeAd a repetition"_of traceof Jo-rBateinan co.ld befoùnd t-he scenes of july, 1910. aothtie lpuee,. but when ,Ste.II n ,et-urneti t-o thre poIice station Ire f.Ã"un< - ~ cBatemeir t-ere -ab-IV âwàai r 'It is& not. long. since, the Torontô p4pers recorded rIval. r-enarkabIe operations o0<;9» eGeorgeAtholBtanirdeu:atjeptti '47* Begula 0;.00 for $1 Be Ia11.~fi tlar 35c. lor 25c., lar 20c. [r1ë soï to L. YAirbnka. cPor 1eim.and dates a'pply t-o self or G. Robb; -Whft- by. PKENSQU -AUCTIONEER, AND VALUATOR. Al kinds oci sales promptly' ntterided t-o.- Arraùgeînents' can beniade for sales, at.,the <Ge*wtteffioe." te, iré1reionabie. Bell an& d9 ind de ni'r*-1 ]'qes,, 0OýýïTÉ ACORS J. HO'IWELL JALMES. Cr'énter, Builder anKd Contraétor. Plans drawn and 'estimates furnished. * Repairs, Alterations -nd Jobbing S11 467 WIITÇ%y Phonc 149 .H. AlilXU * Crner drungstore, Whithy 140 witoesseairequlred. Reid ers 'ot, The Gazette'-aid Chronicle, are advised That ibe 1a11, Term in Sbaw's Schools, TIoronto, is now -open and thbat Sludeits, will be admitted any shool dayý until Dec. 2ot'h for a course. in Business,, Shorthand, Civil -Servyice,., - or Telegraphy. The new catalogue 'Just issued is iterestiqg in its deýaiis and is m4zileâ freeý opre4u st. WVrîte for a éopy to W.. H. Shaw, PrUsident.. xslad-i.nose &Gsri'ard ts., Tooto. MONUMENTS Ms ilaietriail kpt in Stock ~ Ilpay ~ you to call at our works 5t-o YÃ" 1Tself. __ yagenis, wedo jo jply m coneequently we Can ar>d; do, allo~w the agent's commission, ,10peroent-'-,,hihv o'Ëy-1will cSrtainly -sv)by purçbas ig ,rom us' i ,3q0110t.d. 0 an&Wor1,l .0pp$ýiè sýrd ~Bank<,,Whitlbyp Ont. -Oôùu*ïfring. Power wiring, il yôs lit us call us at our Et.a ,o Y' 1kl becomeë Li'lArles Bar -who.> wisbesito-lie khown- nag- - 4 e o t-le çornpany' named; appears to'ôbe»,holding,-out ca temting bàit- in rder t- o3at tra -_p sé-ns into bis venýture. In response to . advéitisemientsin Cana- dia nesppers, Mr. Barclay send u - pii cants,,a typewritt-neqform, p, whicb lie says':--'<We are a ècompany3 ý-ushined7 3y-the besteinterest-s a t-be -I)omi'nion *of Canadix-, and &-a~e rrng 'tf - Wet-~ri.làél iasemi-cons truc ted bu'd~g- pro«o sition." Tire st-atemient,:iu question says, that Lite pro isition "is so popular t-bat t-le Province of Alberta lias applied f or a- million dollars : of the conipany's stock>, t-o be grante tto t-hem ait par t-iis, presentyear." The iProvince of Saskat-chewan hàs likewise; ýccording t-o t-be state-emnt-,'-ade " a ~like* dcmand Jor 4150,000 of -the -st-ock." Tbe la-r- vinée, of Manit-oba, ït would seem, is holding '.ff a litbt s .invit-ed*tlie icorpany to corne int-Ã".tire fiell t-o suppl.y farmers and ot-hers wit-b bouses andi buildings. ' There is no record of eit-lir t-le Pro-' Ivince of Alberta or tle Proiceof Saskatchewan mnous blocks- of stocks as t-le cnes - enumerat-ed, Tis is probably a 'piece of pure. fiction. Ho*ever, t-be'st.atèient goes'on to t-cil t-le> applicant- t-at if lie cnt-crs t-bé company lie wiIl be made a eal man- ager inà chargke of five: Western points.. His duties would be t-o receivenlumber consignmcnt-s, t-oclieck up andi undertake- the services whicli an active membler of a-sornpany' would lie expectedti -;. Tire salary is glarante t to be $l100, per- annrn, wit-h 5 per cent-. commission. . The applicant. is supposedtito "invest-" #ý4,O000i stocki.'the company. In- the -case of one appli- catit for tir-é,,position ie w as promised t-le job on reveipt cf à suibscript-ion for $2,5060'Worth of t-le stock. In 't-e 1mai paragrapli of ther statement-in question, Cliarles *A. -Barclay. winds up 'as follows: "fSbouid you feel disposeti t-acccpt t-be position nameti, please senti a draft- for $2,500 t-o t-le cte- dit of t-be Agonquin Lumffber andi Power. Companiy, Limieti Clarls A Barclay, -Managing. Direct-or, Toronto Genera.l .Trust-s ,Corpoi'ation, Toro;nto, Q11-- t ario, wbo will- advise- me of t-le'receipt of. samne, and When sucb is- received at t-bis Po#ý Int-.1 all- se t-bat a4 idramut o tok is isued Ato -you anti sent.t-o your adtiress, with t-le cornpany's ac-i knowljýdgment along th-li ns specifietixi .lt-bis, 1et- ter- anti' under t-li seal - of t-be compýan'., As we have a number of 'appli cations. before- us, it- is ne-1 >cessar>' fotf you »'t-6 act-. quckly -i t-bis matter." Cbarles A.- evidentlihas t-be ativant-age, 50 to speak, of t-be' TorontoGeneral Trust-s Corporation Runquir>' ýdiscloses th-e fact t-bat no -one there lias erver beard, oIf4Çar1res'A. Barclay or of bis coin- panyý. The Whôle prop-.sitîo>n seenis t-o le -a sort a e0,000 capital~Havinga9tcoupished this, he irn-ersaô2*' thlen approached thbe trown Cou'mcil -with a~ proposi- Iliedeati wona was Bàt-emiW" dc ticn to0 et-tablish-4_1 large stove niznufaàcto'ry in the ond i *11e. By'iis. flst- wife- aau town, if --thbe çorPoratiolI would give âabonus o h. np 0sosce -w aglrh - 1Frank,,a- son, lives in-Tont-o. $25,000. The municipal- maginates --did not.enthfuse -1s acb~ iria pr als- . th&11ebonis, sà oreAhoW't -îù-* -e a :IPEiigi. to ~ ~ « prs ~t ek tb iland- papeirs tb gdwn n o#&fui-ad have départed t-o,-cogit ate upôn some Iresh propo,. morning, will iikely býA~-iu ~ sitioea to'-suggest- tol t-le ýeié M idlantdér. Per-- exh'bt atthe inquet tcâ, beId haps a,--reference'by Midlandersp Robersoï-scon- aerg Ioghr nTusa nection Wit--Cenl iaEt-ables z Limiîted n' ight: As theauhrtepocewib-e ïmake ýthemistihiimore frigid t ôwaàrds t-bis spcos~wsia-vith-le sUspiciontscae j~rmoer ~. - . -indications: pit moread more - .-. ~-st-rotigfly t-o nurder of,-a most- bor- -- rible"anti nrutal type. lt is flot oftcn-that t-le benefits of indust-yad~t r.Btea a ild -. - ,.1r patecl blows on t-be iread wtha perseverence, combmned wit-~more: 1 .than -Oriarya jtr 5 e ability,, have a- more *Éraphic illustration in a smnall beyond qus io.Distinict marns" of cOMM 1uùity than has latcly been exernplified in axe wounrds - are etid: 'tý -o ha.e bown Witby in the carcer of Mr. Leonard J.-ta. o~n the wèîman's ead. -Onu tlr riglit, Rt au i'de a deep gasri was inflict-ed; in This young man left on Sat-urday morning- for t-be top of the a kuli, it is.said a long GeIert, Ont.> to begiu4 school -t-eacliing on"~ Monday (Courtiiedi on page --) nîorning. [n it-seif tihis ýis- only an incide.t. But - - t-le st-ory of,.bow lie fit-ted-bumself for thle 'position is wort-h t-elling. The. second son of a large fam-- ily, lie bas had t-o work ever since lie -was able, t-o draw a pay envelope. He bad thle advant-age . .of only a very rudimentar>' publie sebool e'ducat-jon.* Naturally gift-ed. with musical talents, lie apph.ieti himpself during bis spare' moment-s t-o learning t-e i1 piano and-th -e cultivationof bis voice, in bot-h Of whicb lie las attaineti considerable proficiency. lie. a1ao lias, been for some- ycars a member of --t-li] 34t-liRegimental Bandi, and a member of t-he Bap-1- tist- churcli choir. NoV satisfled with bis educa- tional at-taiiument-s, lie a few- years ago set himself t-le t-ask of t-aking up' t-lie curriculum of t-le. bigher forms in t-le public sebool, anti-lie kept pace Withi ot-ber pupils in t-be forma, although hle worked t-en bours a day in the factory where lic was ernploy- eti. In due t-mie-he passeti -At-e Ent-rance Exams - witli lionors, andti tlùn ool up Higli Scliool work.- st-udying lat-e into t-be 'niglit andi medit-ating o n is st-udies during. t-be day' as occasion pèrm~it-ted whule'at bis work. . Altbougl now the st-uties were beaie, t-isplcky young -man persev ecd,-ant passcd exanis along Witb regular ligh. Schllpic- p is. Dù'ing t-licpast sum'mer liheliad comple.êted-ý stu'dies'for part of -bis junior Matriculation. '--Some .time -ago Leonardicît lie haci a cai t-o- th-ieGospel Mihistry, 'anti lie7decided to devote bis life - to that 'work. In -order tbatlie mightt better proseèute bis st-udies, -lie apphieti for anti obtainýeti a pèrmit t-o t-cd. scbool, ancr suee"edtiniigettînigî'. scboôl 111i Gelcrt, Haiburton District where hie is -now en-' gagced. Leon ard J.-Èut-tan is a àyôung'rhanl cf- rare excellence, vf -claracter. Hc che.as ben a mcm- be f -icBptist crch since bis bô'hyhood, .and for yeagrs liaý- ëfciently tauglit a. class in t-he, Sun-. day Scicol., He is"'wdlllktdhikedby- alwli Wo know, him, and bis :bàplendid traits -of charaetèr, whýéi coànsidereéd lu t-be iht éf t-he nrogress fie bas ae] ( Direct from mi No screenings-i Fuit Cia At Nut $7.6O I0 Secure ,your co Prompt and cai, Alcoal, weighe Stock of coali c. R- ies. or o;s AUi itovl eful a Shanil ýs in hani >evr ed leflan. M~nawa ers' biné. IERY o0 at ýthese 's of Ca Pea $6~2O prices. yen 'to al or.d - ~ ~ à FM oed%- M v INLFA r% a É Office seuthi As ers.

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