Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 Aug 1912, p. 8

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Seff r.1181 .e oftnd b. Vllg. th visitedrelalýIve m Irvuil.ÀIt ofHataiton,' ton -msold [o Mr. Blar LoweflI, or the City tI place, ý one oft he 8 tht bu lefttibis ueo. ag geed CO"sor-sae bould phonIe OtIniton, as, be vil! be buylng mqre 1 r. suid Mrs.*Wmi..Eue of 0ohawa, ýt sunday with Mr, an Mmrs A. C..R ro. ÇowRe afid cbhdren~ ofTomoito,, liling,'witb Mr. aid Mrs. -TRio,.. r. Ralph Kivch expo 1M t t leave week for a trip to tho lvet. ' m Ihe riml ~ç ou h"aa a D "Y.~ eus trip : i Commet b. Cssre~ wmi4. ât orm, i byAU' 4w«». md, and most Iragie eveut iw the h ýý-f Mmra"Ad dison 1Y. Yairowfd, àtcu . h~ er, home, Kapl..v-, 9od f Piday litI.Tw week» lr0<»délD. eh. ghere a happybid; 4 = turmig mn e tenoon b utgu ent. c.'ffnuiisuIaout to th. ,barn - ovatch ber bla-> aUoaus1e akesan ad hie, hired kmaxi unloadipg rmr mii wks leat -vitli rôpeè 'and affings. As-th. vh. bIC1 ~" l st.hundle vu' about. te ho dria 4 ».~. .~ 7 inlo the bara Mm. F Iroid qa laira) hiat -obe0 m4g1h1 *roibo helo, ie lbu-, ire.- fr <ue ns aScistome4-lo- I-iÇ!Cetk aji. Woi £ eToiedç>O. . te ta getoo faut.-,This oaused the cpmtpsem buide le sug, s*ud 4h. pulley ýdid not conne"t Prop.lyviitho e' B8. auuing th. horlm tolstop-, a1uddeAly.; MTiOne of thle tra'bcsbe'âm nnthe col- ritunned fro 1 n dsapoibçkalhigbro irise ERuh the<b.right aide u. bln-l. b p ~ rkhch proved to,.be a daugern.a , Advertising keeps stock -froir having býirthdays. Adve'riisinacqaaints you wiù new, things, and so bright.éa; your hàmelyourifcyOurpersi ýAdvertjsing keeps ablai4fl from g-'ýLrowl biood in the and keeps il Sin Sakir les mW' wýdlI-'by your custôm the liintwvho lives-to serveyou, rho-is-doing bis. utmost t10 up thi cmmni who r you mnto his cnrnfiLece by s 6f adveértise.ments ini your newspapcrs. ,hi h sniles at you npa.ny with ît-your, eFrd, Miss Shambrook, of Toîtonto, Who hua ( tlx<n,!#circe they 'teIl -ai: isered iea vloitlnig at Mr. Jand'om',Itm 81-brokeit beart. Suahis tlt. retiirned home ô4 - Sâturda death o! Dtr. DasUngtout, tesn Messrs. Frank and Be~ Percherd,' of Arthul fenton -Darlingtb>a, and, grad. roronto, spent Sunda, w h their grand.; 50901 tht lateRévi Robert DasIilagon.ý nother, Mre. omervîe Hcryedmtseon wa recelved hI Mr. and ?4rs. A1e~Chlnn, and 'Whltbyi Sud Iitqr Sm Tomtanmd Suif. riends motored fvom Torbnto and spent 8,gradamngfvmtoDufMd Sunday wlth Mr. China'. mother here;ci Collb*gelàspom2. He -them fflhld Rer Mfr. Richard&,"otPÈ v Perry con. i>oii 18 a.JuUZo hopitals fou Ivo luceed morning and even -'g sei:viceu at years, afeer which b. moved to Okiabo. be Me:hodlst church luiîlp04dY. Dma CitY» wlere h. had a large surgical Mr. G. B.C harpe l~.declded <o praCtice. ,emove to, British Colun bia# where hie The climat. voln.umhakl dhe au. onsieralepro~Iner es addecided <o takearésI about -aà pear and vili dispose of hi. trm ock, etc., b>y a haRt ago. The, change provéè b"à. mctlon earl y in Septêmbe MSr. Ernest àfOifo hie famnily, but bist owm h.altb NIebber ha. vonted Mr.Sh9ir'Ï faim andfWiled. Borne weeks v.exe' sft in ill take.poisessIontht.fis Batavia Hospital ad lâter he put bu.-ý Mss. J. C. Darliagte4,Dufifalo, vas lt fundera Sj>ecllt. litho Gemeral n Brooklina'mt.weekattdlng <Lh. lune- Hosp4ule, BuEs!.o. On Thuvuday, th. -al of the lite rDr., DuvRinton. x6th of!,Augus, a.operallon vms peu. A union service of the Ço1umbut"and forined for jlaumdhce,:&aadmou Snday, Brocklin ~ vMsb 1te - n congregt1on the, i8th, lie dled. A'mmi et attractive *uceu-w woa ith-i r , sowos .valude.NO CMaw Wa gp o t 1 au*i fons 'te te mr nt m d pooi,,diestio, the unpla~i b lth. ad the, good-foe-nothhmg feelluge idai rëosut. trous Woodstan sd billoumnems. -Eut.JiM.t ban for youmIef wbat a ierence vil b. mimd. by[ a few dosms0( ir=gs h re geûeralloni-f rbyiontb. Age mthe ~ eIpeetv rcreteoâf dso 'digetmo. ~hem-#&Pilrgatethibowdso,t iactIvfty- mbe yuto ge athe nm'riR'me usIilesfr«lyourfood.. Aisue éuyoutrytbemyoi your ki*iks9an lu. yor hieabdedvgr-BeesIâ .Mrg let mit h, Corbtt', Point., riport aig sàlelephone iu$l*allhd il, T.vo eenloadm et drain Me .have or. rL'vid for'-g tI asyh an r. They in- tend, puttiniin ha leflîy-miles., Ltvii be 'mQpiy vi e Pul. The dealeru' report sa acarpty cf bun- der tlii.. ne. xceusve n'ains have dqnehum- dredm,ýof dollar. damage 'to the, groan Kv E.S~or1#9s rent.ed hme mnmeh le, soe a partie.nilo for dc The dig le i.about coniplee f the vatet main on tii bsml Hi.. I ahould h iRd13as s#wu s$ pou- I'.wsonm treubled vilh partial par- &Wom an Otofn ve ucé bomlted by, mugug t aketidpArts thor- Unimenat. Thhaihalmagot a Iserslo wimtle Pai"s. For sale. bau âWy n Abiout à nuu-nuour, ustng 5con, 'Mos r ïa -m or imo4ansd, ble - t &pn of -ber _e -eQu. 1h. li'T- Mondae, looh place le o xat Piesa. sut Cematery, wbere lbe romaine veto interred hn the faiily plot-Stlates- fiea .04k og od laoeChbmber- lais. Cogle:E.mày. It!u.awy b.~ ~~~~l dsadduo. apleaman ad- ni. t abo., oabb>.1dae Residents eofBovmanville'are nov asrdaradial service between here sud ~ ~ ~ ýnw ortôaryl.teuwyenr. l1eTéronto sud Bamteru radial lino, *hick i mun between Béwmauvulle npdckorywodwbe i vWi counoci wthi b.Cînadiasi Nortborn, Bsilvay Ibrough te Torouto, in uow nore,thAn hal grade.The tien hsve already boom laid- throughi Boveavllle, rssdj for the rails, sud 1h. proeut tff àof betveen 100 and 200 men nov vork. lagýon the lins viii ho -inoresed.. YourHarNeds Parisansang -n 'cerner itesof a mew Sufts - W- W S"bolrocin for th.eSlmcoi- lrost M.bdsevslaid reeMOmüt.y ýby nu. Use ilt*As a -Dressing-Ban- 1 ulio i e . -1 lora~. sh.Dandtttff-Stop Faliing 5ev., Benij. Greînriz, Pator cof Sim--- cee Ste. etiiediathurch, i. bell- Hàir and ScaIjý itch. dayhmg aI Shannumille CaVmpb.ll- ford.., e. à Fera fdentid ofOshva buab PÂRIIN sage, l.delight.lul and Young sepeaaoe.o oi it...ivigorat.ing hait .toul,, io a Ïnue hair nounishe.. t. h >emslntee ii b.h epi the Y P. 8. C. X. of t.he Cliatig s calp, gée t b lb. rodaiof h. hait, Cburcb ia verklng. - bis, lb. dandruif germa, and uup- lii gadng as nenbegua ' ý pgies 1heh. airwiih Iùst. thehUnd -of ce sret.net. fr h.pavig A' ourishmeut il meeds le make it grov voèrk-wiil mot.b. cozupletod ha lime'for mdtîy. lthe fait. o'1. introduction tato Canada. Onsa ocivil upmorh. T. Hgh N Sage ha. lad an immense. "oocgrounide are hoing plouged "p. sale,* sud.- lotoare tbe reassens: grau tg vili Llomé, aidho * o Itoes aet..coutsia poiaeoiôus sugar pai Ie < ieianyo lo1 otolead, nitrate 'et ailver or mulphur la eeryu>iection ou ook ceo amy,. injunlous; ngnedient. buuirihgo ae'g't'O'ongup ina1Ochava It oures dardruft lain-Ivo veeka by t4eiedayrs. WVhat evet -ha, caused il iing 1. adrftem Oahawa bas inever b.d ae imaay bid It.iatep».faling hair. -ing- Ululer onstruoou ~t 018 it prompt!>' stops itciAng oethl& beloteë. Addition. te lactonila, wate- Ioue n delling-4>fldmgu ai i makis te hfr tft, gos'm clase, u amol v.Y, Vacant, .lot. luxuiant., lu--île msin purt. of thel.lown, a build- Ilg1eslite amidbeéut> te h.hit. hug et soeiskind. Is golug-utpp, P" i tmoéetck o grlia' pa - - ulhga,, 1or uhicli mbava in -t11 antiest petlumed. hait- stands sor.ly la ineêd u oea OW" I n. oiien u large additiôns, i.'ae un4er va"'"yer tin 1-lb.best,, tle mn i-s n olhersplaned for',' The Ble4» k04asIuvigorating bair,-dtessing pmade. Fltluugs Ce. have purchaied Kr.mi' lua 7-th.eR. T. fis'a$reprtyalogule teirpreeut Booh Ce.,,Ltd, -Frcmt Eue,. Ont. The vorks, ànd- an re weohg anu ardilinicoPle ls only 50 cets ai drug stores t. tbeïr plant, O2W t..by 801., o aIn u cerz wbere tollètgoe ae- au. Ivo @tory office building front- od Iimg on Bruce St. Xit is reported an- .R ýH lu u lesil. other of or large factoris i. pIeu- lngar . ang te adri anoîhet *tory le Ibeir - plan. ' .lIire la. veaI houa& famine. in Work -bas begi*uon lth ev T Iexe. Whitby, et, th. ivesent. lime, and f amn- WJIITBY EAR-KETS Alike olover, pér bus..800 to.89.0O iWheal, md..... ......... 0.90 b 1.0W Wheap b, vhf... ».0-80 > 1o. Whaî oo. ... .....81 1<> 0.m' Wheat>La!U.... ......0.86, le 0.90. Bal>........ . .~ 0.70 Lo0»75 ......e......... ........ 0,75 to 0.75 .0.85 t.0.90 ......k...... .. 065 o 0.70. O .. .... . .. 0.50te 0.50 i.d, Clvr... .. ... 8.00 to 9.00 p LOU R1AND FEED. Cboppsd fued, cvi.. ..e-.. 1.50 to1L 50 Cormjusal..........*200 t01.80 Dram, pertIon .......1..5.00 to 95.00 Shorts per ton.........27.00 !'0 28.00 MEAT, POULTRY AND <>ROD JOB. Deâ, pert ...w..l........ 10.50 to 11.50 Cati!., lve weight.te... 7.00 le 7.00, Nutton,- per lb ........... 0.15 to 0.15 LImnbs, saeh.... .......4.00 le 5.00 Hogu, dresssd... ... ... 11.00 to 11.00 Hoga, lUgiaMd.fai... . .....57 .60 Roe, select .........7.75 -o7.75 CM5e».per lb......016tê!-l8 Du*s, p r-lb. ....... .l bols, au., rsostl..011o08 Turkeys, dressd, per lb. 0.18 leo 0.21'0 Butter per IL,... .....0.2à te 0.289 Ens, per do.,. new laid 0.28 to 0.25 i*rdt, ipet.lb.........0.18 to 0.20 Potatoos, per bag.-i 2.00 to 2.25 Applea, per barele.a...i1.50 to 8.04>- Orinpar bag..,,..1.60 ti 1.06 1fw, per. ton.-. 14.00 to 15.00- RIDES. Wo4awsbL.. ..011 te0.12 Cami oeil55 b... .1 0.18 [Lamb skiasoa6..701té 1.IS Rides, per cv.... .....8.00 te 100 Sspki.... ... . ...711.5 Decoa....... ..88 f te0.70 .orm .....s........ .60 b8.00 Taflev. ram.. w b .0-b .68000 FLOUIR :-- BREAD AND --I Choice of-dei peg to Regin~ points of the 'Rcturi $18.0Ã"from Mi0m. - Pro AU. j.3.-Pto MAU(. 28.-Pro The wlchst vo Forue The"C friend 's111i, 0 Winnlpeg ~Qo ination Jýfjt te <li enéuv HnitMalt-a-cent a mile frem Wni SSaskatoaon, Warman, Svan River, Edneontau, and te ail other Fanadia» Northern Railway. 9 , balf.a.,cent a mile trom alpOints eij C. N. R. -te Wibnlpçg, innipeg te original';starting point. ¶ DATE0F SALE Teontoe mdEeodse. OIN.0. andduelinos Ontario, Toronto, te garis en.G. TR saud ostbouetuhereaLn eTor.ntro . lw0.31.0 stat~ons a y of Qsu in t re.,Lie; ptaie ttIn - niat entro Ua u tton fDya uno.ecp ltn t luffidng ObarbotL!ré,aud Renfrew Taranto sud mli 0.3.0. alitions #set sud aeuth of Sparrow Lake: li dentrai utarlo Bsliwsy sud D"y 24.Quinto statians, and pointxato, i, but net ind- 7NorathB ay. Taranto te 8 srrow Jib on 0..0. : alue peints on other.lips Toronto <o lorth "eYSmury snd west thoreof. - tr l te lht l 0 y ha eousdan Ualiwy. 1.iad l fb ~ asst w~i everhIbuvyl a" ewagas <h. highaaL r Homsm*kie Gui.de, ahwlng 55.000f ree homÈestea waitlng lb. aatar. ormatilu PpI te l . PI F RN. ,Gen' Pais. A4. Ou. Mer. ny., Tote, (lut I -- - Çmrpenýter, DB ~Repsrs, AMt Iffrr1aà K serof0 azettel and Chronicle dent weekiy ýte an ýabiént ea jeter fioi, home. Get the ideai? rente, ideÏts ~j GA -I churnii4g,, miii,> TRIE ~NE HýIORSE 4POWER ISOLNýE <ENOII For"Sale a 1 h englue that 'will juIst suit for- abg.culig .féed, runniog aIanning ore of, othe'r usnes about the farm'h0- 'e. fýf thn f any pros here light uI4Fred. T.hià engine is air -,oc1led -no ezr- ini winçer, . . en mi use for two years, 1-and. I's good - staywork yet. m e $50. Itbas.,been working uùp te pt wsrpaced by electrici*ty, and itrtat almfost a- noménî's notice. The - ai i0l Bal Feed v~ cor un TOROINTO TAIF

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