Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 Aug 1912, p. 7

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000 h~, ?M00u bUSilélo; Ejt 25,984,000 bush4s' »0bus)hels ,., -.p 4"pt, 844Y,144,000 b8 quâiity h su been- $5 La' $25 bain li-- lie t-a-il cf ùm Tibét. sa tail 5e Tii.. bain or. wavy- linly aud 1 bushiclr. - - ard- t-o 3d white lu maIe - yVen anid, you caà ou- va-lt, Lted into nu. This _making it manu-- - fnported 6re ueed longer- ie 'whltê it of t-he înly of, a parts af' May -b&" 1 veina. hain c subati- m1 bain. Srbth 1 birds- woiler3 whiah mnd be-ý ,, ow- being -Iýf t-he funuy, lump-: orcutb-, o0 t-be many- la-nd s only 4 1 ~ U -~r-mi -- e-of -R.alth îi, niglit-issue<d a inot4aeurnget. t- vti- - zoes0ait-he- tpfaIan -- ot le.eeary to -descnuibeat that ii. typhid pid.nieiC h :'rn -'69. th iyzn>t-ms of -nasal os- lt-s eours» sud thât h. city w&ter 'e- th Very H&l qut. famuiar was nok fit ior' drinking. Bacternie- litra.Caa~r na-yo'ry greet--logicl -ofhet th.water eupply for j, .f SvekitY -iý'ni tie -ocasional' the- tfive weeks .show conclu-. - k cfin- th ~a " whieh cornes sleely-. LlaL *it in now 'free frein al -ssan4. Is regardÇd *by contaminaUon aud fit !or oonsumip- Uteny people auj. an inevitable e- tio<> without- bôfling. or otiierwise -eniof th i .nt-er, taaseic>s -reating i. '"The eaU*SAti;re rea- oiironie aud puruent catarnii, which son -fo.t4y>ho>d, has-,ncw been ne- in'ofteu ocalled uuurable; but- whicli ový b.8 sates, "aud everypr- o«n b.ithler ourod or arneliorated cautionhube aen ap<tc bYProper treat ont-.- > t iu -aite-n tken.pr>twloi l thWl enti oýdinary catatrhal now being usemd èciey oold does' --uot- yield -to-tre4tmeuî_______ .--Pddfisappean, but thr.atees te n «- 8MIP XjMOTEL on audefiitely, ' »pecalist abiould-- lieaeedt-omae a.throghexM- Thirteen' Patients are -Now la the l.natlou, not ocaI c i eInase and optl 'throat, but ofj e8rsand teetd as oit. -- Â*w.ll. Septb rein cLièn mayoeur ýA deepateli Jrom laontreàl says: -~Lrm ayoc the 80surca; âa dis- Witii,-thirtisôn untalîpox patients in - , harging rniddle ýar or decaying t-h. Isolation R3oeptal, and ma-ny teeth niay prolon 1.anasal vatarrh bouses dis'ifoëW,,sd tnder euper- Permaiont c la r aiso sdcaused city Lb. nuJýùf ,aý mallpox@6care.. b~incorrect-babiL0o lvng spe-Nofewe -t-haifvâ ce av on by insufficientý ventUltion, par- iu tu-s wee&- Riglit were'reported -*Zoularly- in the sleepingj-roon. Most laswek Ti.mjitof-ee -sufofeesLink tir catarrh le due are froua tlije f arnilies, ail qf lm to "expoennur,," b whlch thliy'Me"U b ie is nection at 4~s Ebou-ý toc--nci' fesi 'r; but- if.t-hey leme t he tiSt.,Lawreno., be-1 would. brout-ho aU , he freali air Lioy !- QuebeééLThe ýrovncial, au- c au geL,- avoiderëided rocins,,dueL, nritiais dicI- not- kuow t-bat- Liere and stufflnerus, ,ab i' lçârn ita leep -amaijor-thenê until Lb.ecases - itwde-onp-, Windows, thy er. dieooverecl in Motrl and wouldb.srr at t-le powers aiLo iffto s rçoibq.r :r6sîétano. t-iey wo '4 leveIop. e neto a rcdbç. But lt-muet b? re rbrd - -E pereo whose.air- a'isageaare star- Âmerîeibs leasl or$4,0, -mal in. structure a1idcondition, will ,- -laEgad -have fewer ooldj,' even breat-hiii -,had air, tiin oune with obstructod - A 4espatch;from St.: Loui, laye: * asgewilFiiave 'aspite-of ail thae The dsover-vthat au est-utaet 0!r goo ai inLb. -crl. .Freliair15 OO00. in Middlésex, .Enigla-nd, el no 'Use ta a -poisn-Who cannot awaitug- a cl-aunant- Jis rosutdin1 dnaW it lu, Lbé. appeaance cf at.t lenst-five lin Victime cf cateai.4aonlde dQ weîî St-. Iîoii15.ane 0sd on. ta use Only paper ihandkercJieî, -in Des Mopines,'Iowa. The'estat. Tbey are cheap an.4 iglt, - snd can- as sad to have been 1ieft Iay Alfred -b. deutroyed aiter ~acb. use, s pré,. Page, -wbo dted iii Enland in 18M3. caution-whioli is nlouy, a -matter ILleead t-o nc*lude Weabley Man- et justice -"té other in t-h. Ls'ily, or,-one .Ïth-lemaiL uuposiug ou-p but a" rosi safegua, c 0 ta he pst-i. try P14POÏnEnî lnL.d ent, vii. othdrwise is lu constant - - -8 danger of roi fcion.-.Youtiiî. -F4MOUS PAIM'INGS. &iflipanion.. c This Year's D lsplay at the C. N. E.el CARE 0F THÉ.FEE T. laiii-Âdvaiice of O0ther Years, I il WOMOn -wbo epend Ji-oure caring -for- theii<hands payi lit-ti. atten-idn t-o their teet. Tbey are snchbha-rd- wonked members cft-be bodyt that, Liiey deserve better îtreatment. Feet are beet kcpt lui condition by shees t-bat fit; Slevor economize iu - *hoe lèather - and do uaL yieîd - to vauit-y and get lootgear that isto amaIl.i Frequent bathiig 1keeps the foot main being tired sud avoilen, sud iL preveuts rouginees oi t-le akin tiat leade ta eallousjspots.- Water, ila vhieh a bit et vashing soda lias -been -disso lved, lu restful. flot 'East watcr la eqnally refnesh- - pg, wiifle a vigonous rubbing with .Aloolol wï1Il quickîy nelieve a burn- ûig sensation. Pumice Stoue, used iequently. - keepe Lie ekin- emeotl. IL is especi- ,aIly necessary on tb.he eel and on t-be baIl of t-be foot-, ihere ,t-ho - elght ci t-be body reste in walking. - 1Nevern cuLt-bhe nails teeo short, ae tliey are mare likely t-bocome'in- grou. -'And file t-hem smooth vit-h eatidpape,çrseocthey jwill uaL catch 1 pultlie threads, o! _your stok- Occasionally viita cbiropodist.1 He vili1 deteet any ýinre@ularity in thé grewtli et nails, ;nduaouney and pain are saved. ' A4i d remember thia tone'î disPoâîi- tion, -lu quickly affe<ted-by paintfuL Aguess la equal t.geodudg- ment en appen oue ihtý Théehist etfxaintipgs ouaing- froua Enrope for this year's - Cana-dian National Exiiibitiou tainly brieties withi ismoushaines. There are tort-y paintinge loaned is? t-ho Frenchi Governinent, vhile euch naines -as lord- Leighton,- Sir John Milîism,.Orpen, etc., ma-ho.tlie Brit- ish collection even more int-eneeting t-han , usual. Tii. display- ci art ou the viiole Promises t-o iv-el lu advance ai a&ny previouli exliibits.' K"IiG HONORS MIKADO. Arthur of - Connauglit t. Preseut Hlm wlth Garter Insignla. A despatch tiorn Landau eaye: Ring-Gorge on Tiur4day conferred the Order eftht-e Ganrfe mpm or Yosbibhito, -t-bç newt ruler of Ja- pan. Pnince-Arthur ai Connaugit, eldest son ofthli Governor-Genenal of Canada, will preseut t-h. ineignia of t-he Onder ta t-be, Emperor aiter t-be tuneral -on September 13 oftht-e late Emperorp~utsuhito. MENIN GITIS .RILLS -RORSES. Four Valuiablc 1ýorses Die Prom Drlnking Polluted Waeer. A 4espatcli from Hajifjýx!N. S., says: Four Yvàluable racing horsesi are'dead at Middleton from oere- bro-apinal meningitiBs. th' epidp- mie was precipfitated by the con- tinued rains washing thie contirni- hfations of -au extended area into the well on the -race ,;track grounds. AITEMPJ 10; WRFVCK I R econMen r -ut-il-- ihovuý xbubi- in the kinds 'n by- 1, -It ip-to- eiscovered That Slksand -Aogle-; -'Tii. discuo'very oi a deliberate at-- rWd aay. The wreckir t-empt ta vnec Ù, n-adian Pacifie been unable La dise, unseugr tran N9 108 on t-be sPikàsocm bars. -Tii. Ilonevaîl bnaneii at a point t-vo veut. north ta t-le - ni .2zles Sent-h o aiomni)vas«mcd.point-a-nd etopped -tho ya- sectionian e rly ou ida-train. Ift-is ln . mrnig. -Tiie train is due ià Win- I r ypbtrol1ed as uqua :lpes at- 8 &.-., and jbétweeu- and, âia morning betore t-na -~~~i 7o'ocilwas dseoyered t-ha d -.,di$stroçis ccdent- spiktes ad been ext-racted sang l eu lCef ele W-eo et nutil t-bey stretehed 'diqvu-,Pâcifié- P:Pi.us -Oït-ide theLlesf. h rhs n)atdt1 oudwiiab ---that pieu b.d been vorhlng -oui the Lt-. ir - - - , 'z a- - i - j - - . '-1- - i l - -ýsaved, Alèopart of t-be cargoof Argýeàtine Imaize: The Raiîway Commission warned' Lie Grand Trunk sud -Ounadias Pacific RailW&ys.toý proceid wUih the Toronto Union Station -vitbout fur- tbeÈrdelay. - GREAT BRIeKIN.- -The Ring hbad a tiajirov escape, fioi an accident w-l motaningiln -Yoriiire. àý.- Bramuwell Boothi vas chosen, byI the. lat General t-o' suceed him a-S h<sd -ai t-be'Salvation Army. - Tii. o&fiçal docuimezIt as open;ed 'and tead, by tiie Armyeoliciýr -à head- -quart-ers lu Loucni.- - -tJRTED STATES. - Réated fecrimn,tions tookple in Lb . 19, ~.Senate -re-garding. cou-: tribuLttone ta party"fundi. 1Te_.aecued lu inthie - Ro8enthal inurdercase ;,wAS srrai&ued lu t-be Néew- York Criminal- Court on Thur-sday. - StartlinÈ . evidence ".regarding >"t-bt'ons,, ta the Republicaa pary l 190 was given -belon. t-he V. S. Sinate Commte. Tlie COlOof..et hueng Cbow., part of Hon ng gwas ýraided by p- Xegoiations 'betveen Italy-and Tunkey poInt ta an early, termina- tion 'ýf Lthe 'rar. Frencli troope are iu i-rying ta lthe relief o! Lthe b.adquaâLero fora. in Mforocct, vblich -le iiemnucd lu by Mfoors, under the. Pretender. RAS"FOUND A, -,GEN Dr. Odin Aise Baye H. Ruau a Dr. Gaston 0din, a Paris, France, hi o ananoundes-ia th. hehan e<eedthe microbe af caner acftha hehais eucceeded in iso- lating aud oult-ivating iL, He also leolared tiiat hlai iound, au aniti- 5,ucer serumi wiieb, viiot-br or net tleade toa a-permanentprevention )r a -cutre," will ishow with* oertainty f the canCer parasite le présent ii4 Dr. 0din, who hb en conduet- ng bis research- for »a décade laims t-bat Proteesgor Mkt-ruciot, ý he- faculty et science, ancf Proteï- or Lanucis, et the-iaculty et mcdi- ine, at t-be Univerityo'f' Paris, ave ve -rified -his diecovery, wiiieb e asserte bas definit-ely proved t-be orrectues of- Lie Lheory of t-be ara-sitical na-ture of cancer. London Dra per Heavlly Fined for if th. t-I cil ii& A London despatch sys: Tbe finaL prosecution unàder t-be Insun- suce Art-tLoch placé st the Lambethl Polio. Court, viien William Hum- loch, seventy years old, a pmcmin- eut :Liberal,mvha lias been lu busi- ness as a draper in Wilworth road, Southl London, for more t-han fiity yeans, and who employs about a liùndred persons, vas arnaignhéd. Ho had cpenly annouueced bis in- tention ta disobey the set sndf -vas fiued $25 on each i oft-lue, suni- moflees for refusing ta lick stamps and 825 caste on the first summous. Permission was given.ta st-at-o a case tom appeal. A number -of ct-er cases are awaiting trial. FIllE DAMlAGES .A BLO CK.- Spirit Lamp Ueed la Developing -A desýatel froua Bréckvillesys: Friday atternoon fine broke out in G.- F. -Staynor's drug store, and b.- tare it rae snbdned Lie Gallena Bloeh l ý u liLe star. is sit-uat-ed vWas bsdly damaged, thbe store it-seli being gut-ted. F our fâmilies ceeu- pying lisea1bov istàined more or les' damage ta hcuse liold effeets. Mn. Staynxor ýwýs 'engaged in de- velopîng pluctogr4aplia vit-h a-metiiy- lated Spiritse lainp wben iL stàrted t-o leak. SEA .18 PHOSPHORESCENT.- Hfard for Mfaàriners la ýGuif te Di- tinguisli Other LigiitB. A despatcb from. Montreal eays: Incomuag steamiers report t-bat-t-be waters, tf the Quît ci St-. La;vreuoe ar 60 phospheresceut juet nov that- it Boome as tbough t-le- seegvas an ire. Thie fiaingof --les. phos- phorescent liglte mahes I bard for.. railw" a c an geand then end vord.t-a-cinuitsui ide, ia beenac qu-taby ur'At- io e was tound guilty. lieurever, c arrying a revolver witbout licex and bad ta.-Pay a fine oi 81.87 fore béi1ing - reléased. There was no denial cf the fa< Tiie man bad deliberately ehot elte and thon Lurned t-he wee., upon hii self, lnfiicting a ehl fiesh -wonni, W"ilhhowee - caused him ta eo nôec eni the train, rea-ched ast-ation ýàn4d polie. came oncl-arrésted uni. H n -aeplead4,ntbles,, et] his -wife wai iu t-ho- lit kage consumpti-on, andathfat lie lied s] he ease héeamuferinge ma e'him franti. -,. -Wit-neQsei, including4 lier pIiy - Clan, te-stified that this -Was6 0 a alec> thitt lle pair lied llved in pg teét hârmony. Two doctors cal] by thepreution'deposed-tiat t depressiç,n caused by t-h.- iînese bis wif a sufficient1-o make Ha not- responsible for-.hie aat-. Tii., upon t-he jury returned Liie verdi qi flot- guilty, but- iusted thati sb.uld lie_ punished for çarrying revolver wit-ho4t &license, smo. -1 had himscli admit-ted't-ha-t whén1 puvchased.Lii, wespan héha.di idea to wbat use ho va-s tZ put i and therefore at t-bat- ime mu have been ferrfect-ly sane. TMODOL!A BILLS POPULAJ liarked iner' ;&e.ln cireulation1 - Smail Notes. - A dspàtoli roua Otawa- ay, Returue received. by " the Finau< Departineshow.-that t-he circul, tion ofai sall nôtès isAsubstantia1 langertha- iL -wae lait enuime. Compaýiig Liiecirculation cf Jul 31j 1912, witii that o! JuIy, 31, 191: t-iisre- le an advance in one dolls notes oi approximateiT- $500.000, il twol dollar notes ofi aproxiae $80,00, lu four dollr notes af ove there le t-h. additioual circulation 0 the new five- dollar note, vhieli a thé endo-etJnIy vas $6,078,000; thil lspract-icalîy balancecl by t-le de creaseduse -ocf large notes, whicl are ueedf- exclusively by banke. Ii thie three veehe cof Augnet whicl have elapeed thé circulatiomnc fives lias increaeed ta approximate. lyBLE 88,5A0FORTUN Australian Unele Willo Farm t. St. Kitte Man-Another WIndfall. A despatch. from St. Catharînèsa says- Two residents Ji St. Oatb4r. ines have within the past few d ye received news of fortunes coming te thein. Mr. Robert J. Spratt, -a shoe, repairer, lias had word of the death of an uncle in Australia, who has left hirn by his will 150 acres of farci land worth 830,000.. Mr. Spratt is selling out his business, and will go as soon ae possible with bis family to take possession of his inheritance; and Mys. J. H. Benn bhas similarly had the pleasant su.r- prise of learning that property in Toronto valued at $50,000 has been willed to her. Says Wie and Brother Put Mlnl Aeylum. A -despatch from ýMontreal says: Dr. Charles P. Noble, the famous gynaecologist of Philadeiphia,. who was sent tu Verdun Asylurq here on the evidence oi two doctors,. was granted temporary leave from the ,institution on Wednesday. In oom.- pany with biîs son; and an attendant, he is seeing lawyers and friends in preparation for -bis fight for free- .dom. "It le througli the personal enmity oi my wife and brother I arn oonfined," lie declared. "'I was in- ,carcerated without a medical exam- ination -and will fight to tlie finish.J forý my freedoin."' Vterlnary lalme Cattie Hav e R.- eoveu-ed Ater Treatinent. A Paris despatcb saye: A. veter- bar y speeilst- romi>as de Calais bas ariv.d at- Charollvit-h-a remeL' -Biliteninictel a-Lt-le at-Mrt-ig-, -ny Lcomntehave- almeet reSOvred at-or Lw_ days et treat-meut..,,- OfI- ciai trials o th.reedy vwiii e ma-de. Thé, succes cf t-be -ex penri- ,mntsalready carried onut-le ha1Iédý ývith d îiw # . as càtlerie s e te62 1-U o r. fors 'a i 4,l2 , . c r e le r s 27 ol i 1d so L . ~ 8 1 2 4 t de e p a t e h f r o ur n nt . ,ï P s u l L Ig e - BEr s- Ocaue -lots of ,new.zaia,. 24, 10 u' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~T pe o e : ~ ~ Ie u . n s i.tim ely a rriv :. LU ase wNe h-se, 1414to 141-1 -for e t ie t e M on t- - - - - - - g Salarge, and '141.2 to 14.4e foi wns. re4i firé brigade earlyion-Whursa 18a- Ben- adpos. $2 pe buiuls aedl vJl ge iiroin jùqt _prim s, Sto Z g -. z v d t i il g Fo jý S E N PARW[I ffO?& te4 Jic' * by fi , w hich, fnn dby 8soit 1iIlIe u an si k nd w o )en. ver b. o o., w oesi 1oons21Z silài-and aid aalrflyebèàn .4ieiieoov of ~ ~ le v rices -or eh o yt e #rta ofthe-l l -v ountteey sn a 1 c k L < 1 5 , d e s s e t y : - o ] c k e n s , ' 1 6 t a 1 8 ô p e r b ù k e t ý> i g i c e , w s e e p n o n E b j i r e n - - î ware - r i tl e i o r - be- 1 e s- 1 e 1 e du einti, 15 t a lm ei the é m ain - r t im e d w th cr s poultryai Str e orr hn ~ h - eet. As t was, seven kit - e. ouses: wero destroye<j, iftolnding nyo&dti 1i~% ête. Pt os-Ondanew, 90e tue paxéiàh tii. ode o Id' go hie buheL . thA?;ý h . 0 -s'nd he h meo - . . t 1 , . 0.1 0 9 e e t_.a S quno ~ c a r e é t e X Q - â >olPROVISIONS. Y 1-ut S oinb-11:2sk'â ,gt . aoon-Lontg lea, 13-1-2 to1 4a 1- 1b., i$î5;'ce. ,T e y For the. seaside the . r tiàý jawïëe irtucase lots.Pork--Short ent, $2450 -torharr Mont reh $;domess, $20Wo$2.Rama-Mé&dI,-a"'-1seahoabe.n SriebIrý,h thet ligt, 17 fo> 171-e- heavy, 151-2 <> î6, and- hrtly before 6 o'lock the w hi teodlr~fà r0110 ru,131-2 10 133-4e; breakfast, baon,- 18 spfl ne re a o 1err toý 8-0- acs 20 ta Lie.. road ci thie -im hd been ae s op àr as eVer. - tubs, r es 1 c;1 46e' pa , tOpPied i -T he E ssian eff et i blouses la oft JL.0 * . qitê new and, beçonling,. and-may of -MONTREAL MARKETS. ib. madle in -all'ovr emibroidery. !à'Montrei, Âu.Eat-andau Wee e HL D FOR- ENQUEE. -ocmbined with filet lace, 470-éXta N, 1f"d 4712 t'48. ]arlSoit rose,- palest blue, aid dei. 4?tai ta a~ f mi d, 4131to 4; . alt i ey Aîmenio at . lila ce are favorite blending e in ~5 Iur-.anitoba' SDrlng wlieat patents, Ws upIe dPannier iroeks. nd grte, $ 50; do., secéonds; &86M , strong Tat 1Rllled E ev en usiaýe W ite satin waists in se n-talo r- e r - 2 5 e tn ' l5 1 0 it te r a ô 4 . 9 ê ; dco e . l r W ,85 e .b olce, -i A despatch ro su M m s t oa ed d es g s u bgh - fvor. In e b a s ,- 21 L 5t o $ . q o fr a s n a r l ,e r n , u K s e o m e c a s e t h e a s t I f n a e h . $ 6 .05; b alr o f 0o b s .; $1 40.'-.M l lf e d - P ra n o r g e . Z im m e W itha w h te c o s a t m s , D- i i e o t 82 $2;sot,12; m uue u1.hag d wti nl u h ta wear outside the skirt. oÃ"f $30 to 834. Kay.-«o,, 2, vr ton. car lots, r an whitectcontuimestheideatoota U A q $ 1 6 t é 1 6 , 5. C h è e e s - Fç i n e i t w e s t e r n s , w h i t e p u m p e a r e w o r n , a i t huO f e. la A 10 U 3-iSe;. do., ea teBr s, - 8 1 3e. leven -Ru sian l b r oa i . re- i e pu p re w r , a t o g r.- 21- fn r,,et e amr,26. t l o rikË..q e .à èý,r te novelty puimps in combination oi Lot scants 281 2 k . gg-electd, 28.tois.e ri ha W 'Nd soc ,09-280c P t 1-2é er uit d ink ing-lquoyblack and white are good. he ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i 2ThNoe tok 9 02e.-oate-.Pr ooukohlrapcrd uLd A-gowns have iekirto b a g , c a r l o t s $ l 2 8 0 $ 1 2 8 . - -a g n i n e n t ' C o u r t - o n F i d a y a ft 4 - r c i n s a l i ha* IN ITrn STA TE ÙKTS o , n d weére h ld bylJudge Lafie ,. li m nn a oleb 14 enor ýsatin. Th is n w r th n t . he MlifeaolsAugr 27.-Wheat-septem. 1t fo equte.. Z inne m ni»I id a d, wi i e s 1idia te ber, 9134; D ceiber, I -cla,91e lgD t hveso- ii. iuranisoa- ida n dows' 1 n .No.. 1 iard, 19914e; _No . I N a hén, -92 3.4 g d av odUi q e ' hew ih gv o dty o t, tO m 'M -4e; N e . 2 do,- 83 4 1 963 4c. o rn - s sia n s , a n d i L le a ile gk e d th at l e N w chséi h l r n h w N 3f ; r~~ ellow, 5 7s 512e .o. (ate N o rd tecnoton - Bla 6. n Iusa ~ cs a c ,et- .2 -showle-o È6 t ioi 66 1-30,. B ra " -*îg 5 0 1 -1. 50g. 'le u r - h - o lk l a dR u0 f ail k n d e e ë f r e q ueF n ty - L ead ngr local Vatent ,, in w ood, L o b , â a r -o al ki d a a f e u n y Minneapolis, 4.80 t $5.15; other __ __ __ __ _ - uud a ie a pet fni in B . 4-65 ita $4.80 0, fi st 1ears, 5303o te #3.6s; to u o h.is in R. seond l er , ..2 ,to $2 m . IN VITE LLOY D E R E a & r h . o n e i a k o Duluthi, Aur. 2 -etý0 1 a& ERE of 61-2o; N.1 Noi'tern., 951-2c..Sq>tem.HakecifPnt '-.dt ,e-931-2c bld, - mbner, _ jobld, I[,,ý PFttsbur; It ofo ecainPat4ern make a very pretty .trim- ber,-931-l; W~itî h m atFeu1IaI inng fr a wýite,.wash blouse. -T ii. : - LMVE TOCK MARKETS.-r- h andierchief points -tgoull- form ce I nte l ug. 27.- OChoiee attle, $.25 dtet l f ou ew Yor k ,says, the salor collar- and revers a!4 ap- $- 60;- gode 5.60 tO _$6-; fair, $$5 10 $ .75. b rt Z ' D iva:s, se r tary aof the pear. again on the leeves ly Butlier' bule *.750 t $. , cheoies, tdd Association, A feature ai the nê-w frocks is Lthe [y*428to 4.1 common, 3.0te*4 liep. ebui-r to 41-2c,per M l b imbe , a6e Der lb. 5 l d f rjEngland on W ednescla us~e tfsashes with short, nd e hang- y and otage, $4,.cof i.ca ve*.75. n rnal -ta invite David 'Lloyd - ng down the aide of the-baLk. Thoso - 2 ta *$7, and grass cee, $ t $0 ayéIG4rge, 1-ritish Chancellor -of the, inhes are motl -of the màterial or Milies, hocewee eflngfro in0 'l- cequer, ta corne ztoi the Welsh velýeL- xibbon; althoùgh ài tew- were î 0I $5 each. in Toronto, us. 27.-Cattle- teer. bet, i ernational festival at Pittsburg- b* Roman or, oriental ezbirodery. [y~ medu $6 8$30; o0ogm, .0ta ne sumrnier and preeîdéi at--Vwo oft - Ti.he -w 'ightgown - made aio Y 450 to ker , *4.80. Calves te$ 0 *.8 eson.-- -l1; -nieo k rnl u îy r teady. Sheep-Lgitht ewes, 4.25 10 4,75,-; ao s a n an o k Fr nc - , i i 60avyo $es5; antba , $ 0 *3.5; io ut -- : China silk, or crinkly crepe hies-but-. *6.0 0 *.7; amb, 85010*610. - ~terfly uleeves and'a daintily ond- Io TO )UOH LAUGrnING. --yoke, flnely embroidered.-- t H ~ N G E R S T R K E F I A I . . w rit ~ j~- - T h e C h a r m e u s e a n d s o i-a a t in 'a - - - eubjéct IR-EIno wider- t-han sinasheswooandMaheaverly Lebli Mn h,8<- Otenoo -gowns have velvet pastel,- Mar7 Lelgh and Gladys Evans L or abet fhumor (Th4Iy, eno idered. nsahsangdtroa tii. A 'B e n g F o re b ly F e d . - s , th é eu yrth. H e. w i t t - i a t i t i . s i t h Andde pateh i o D bi , l're 1 a ot popu ar.o- oi G j'e cr - e ther ront or back, Bfl nd ays : M ary L igh and ldys t r . H a Fiorn ' r an s' neve nl go ii a irir e e -vanef, two suffragette., whc>- were I hoh. iakea.- a despeate at-- atlld close -t-le helad-& n eenened er a August 7 ta five t - o> at ail tbinrs fro ag ag ett aded bn w-i yerimpri on nent on charge s e-,ri dinos p it o iw ea- do pn ra êis1 oa ra spetiv ly i .wo ndi g J hn . s r8 you, wlith a een1lRnýntaî leer arrangelnent af gauze that 1 ok RedmndaderchIie ar - thw4-a hie "Ugs ealways amiable, as like a turban and t-rimrned with os8- liam nta y p rty ~wth h hatchet tho h amiabiity were a u iint tricli plum es. -thr own at Premier 'Asquitie car- aZ met f4r an imbecil7e Iack of agre, udc etRnoyratl heTi..ts R e 15prepared te tieble yen FANS FOR THE BRIDE.- ate Ro a, have started a hu nger wIl hie jokés froi earIy 1 mr 'te< rd os n t~ ry a f n t trike. They tire beng-forcibly ed nihtî,qn .bsbe ~ gos .A lar , b ti t-e w digtk s byL.ji ffcas Y t-ered t1lat he believes there isbuifth edgtaé - a P o Pie v r u i i n i e l ace ln w arm -w eath er, th ere - -e sho uld brawaetin lier at Lb.sscen CIDE BTTNB DO. iefectîy coýnvinced t-bat the is do-solb ,aitn.hea hecle CumbEN BTTE By OGU ing od and hé neede very litl ci the marrai breakfast or re- Setfrpers aion foi, believe t-hati be le the ception, a - ea hp4- ext orPaste r Treatment, as only e en71.ima kld Gr- cave vo < elulid-,_ ai a A ni al wae T h ugh M d. d uall . too lie is encroachin t e - f p a i h vng a han d-e bo - g upon ndero A d e s p . c r i n C a h a a l t - e p r o f e s i o n e w i c ; a r e d w h i t e s i l k s p r e i d . F r a l e James, snd Isabella Bennie, cil ].egiti aately bis own. Th~e pulpit 'occasions elle will need net only tuis d r e n -o f R o b e r t B n n ie - to f i g~ k n o w $ i n , a 4 - . s n a - l W r e f a n , b u t- s e e a l - t h r . Q e c t01n, were eriOUSly injured at thésii, e bas ivaded ,t-e ourts of these miglit-b. cof bamboo, haing home of Alexander Farquabarson, Iaw,_- nd aiteu rinning upon t-e:e eut-aide, sticks_ thatare lacquered in Tilbury Est township on- Wed. enÏci at is ougin ineptitud, which andc inaid and. a sprad ai hand-_ j - nesaybybeig bttn b amad apea -a .1 obsqjosbarris-, enbroideiecl or beaded colèred sat- dog. Thecanne ttaked theintee,&Om-~$ o.,dayita wear J în, anoïtberrnigbtbe oai hand-«carved- *hile th.ey were Playing on a swin hie c -ahnd 4l1,.-ta sparkle with-j andalvoad, mciunted witli Chinese People in the nei-ghboniiood asser.j the b liance, f t-rue Attie wit." -embroidery sua tifd of colored - psitiveIy hat- t-le anim a. ol wn m d - - - - gue-b- 1l p nld n o n moking saloens. It is-proposed t-o inerease t-be pnice ýof opium sold by th. Gvemunment,aud ta reduce thbe TO VISIT SCOTLA2ND. Ring and Queen MIle 7ueute of PDke and.Dïe.4ess of Roxburgh.-' -A despiatehli frein London seaysj King, Geogýe andQun Mary wilI pay .a VieiL lun-the utumn'to Floors Castie, the- residence -in~ Keiso, Sootland, of the Duke and Duëheue .of Roxbor Ough. is Majesty slit i42brace of grouse on TusdayO'n .otw.A -élo T.ncamh4. a r ' t whioii may st-ar.ethe. 5saaPie- i.. ihi . Il DIt. NOBLE 'LIBERATED. , 1 1 PooT-ÀÈI).NDUTII 11EMEDY.

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