Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 Aug 1912, p. 6

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seOe-funumu.al po Chbaa tii. molre diating1 Testamnent prephet. Tii ere la nupon thé ides Vhs essed VIe ýspirit',sud -Q identifying him withemn 'w-loin I beheaded- ries 'were advanced:as t ýntity,. but tliiis cotMoa81 oasled Vo, 'Herod'a ptrîok- a- Even me. wiiCked i lould not escape- thé oo 0f a guiltY- conscience 1natlfral for himi', WiVl, Issuesa- cf guilt reatiu9 nd, tb> beiioldin anyaind es VonieO râbodimèàt e-:ohu wom-ho cansed * 17. luprison .A dûug.on attache to he Castl. Ms-harùsj, On.- Rorod'B Palaces n; stC of the' Dead Soi, knc>wù as th "Blaik FqrtreSý.2, - Hors the baî, - quet later. dsscribed vau leld.- - Herodias, lha ,brother Phuilip vife- She vas the daughtor cf Ai Vbulus, anoZhon son cf HeriM th ----Gréat, and thereforoý a niocoe.0 -both her -hsbandes. Philip wvî - Atipag'îis h4 brother, Who ha< been-disiuherite d udvielived quiet life in Rocmn. 18. l&W.fr4--AiVpas had d-, veed i rot iife, but Jevieh lao forbade a muan ~marrying his hi-c liier'a, wie under, any circuinstaniel - (LOy. 20.- 21). i 'M. 9. et hèzelf-ivith senoeful 20.- -Uerod fsare& oh-Hr - hoarted and - vorrupt as ho vas y , ernecognizeci Vhs justice of Johnu'a robuke isud dired th. y-moral ocurage vith- vhicl lt--ag --admilniàtered. <AX-igiteouu man-John's convine- -ing vends were eupported by Vhe fearleeig and Godly life v-hidh. hé Kie ept -in safe-rr«m tiie vengêè auce Qf Heredias. Mattiievsas it w à&bocause eleferèd- h =mul. titude (14. ) -- - *Muh.perpl$xed-Iît vas -a cozuliit vaged wthiu a' weàk nman *l'O wiobodl Vo obey the truth, but -Who - wu fut in the mesiisos ini. , - -4,Hard -hum gladly-Ile vas fascin- at tii ête ords of John, thougli le ied no: pover.Vo -prôfit -by Viiem. 217-A convenient'- day-Ho-rodias, *awaiVed an oppertuniýty for Venge- Ris lords-MXili-n-Y 'ofÈfios ho. -cQuducted-Vhe_- -affa. cf gevru-i.ý - -2s. Tâe daugîtor-of HerodiashIon-. --self came, ýin sud danced-An al- Most ûuuPrecedeuted hing for vo- -minuo! rauk or even respcctability. The dances vers usually -performeti by, hire.d dancers. She yleaed Hrioc4-Better it; thatlu, île dïncing.- 23 Sware-Swore, teck an catI. Compare- EstI. 5. 3:i BRal cf my kingdom-s Henod' vas a vassal of Roine, it vas net lis V5o offe-. B is rash vev. is VIhe direct resl*"O cf seusual faso'.inaticu sud the excitemoent produced. by the .'*ine st VI. banquet.. Wrapped in Vhe .deluicu cf VIes. combineti evils, Vhe jutigment of , s tatès- Mn an sd rulér yielded -Vo reekis prcfferÉ, -Iohè import cf ,vhich could -e le lly realized onlý')wIen sobri- *ty sud gravîty returueti. 25. Stnaightvay vith- lasto-Botl Womnen lknev that notlin-g but tle - klng'u a t'would causé> hum Vo do Q. thing really contraiyVo-his de- mv ire. Tii.-king'a vend . once given, thoy oized tiiein oporuuity vitI 27. Straightvay-Tle king;- at lait entrappeti, h-astqeeto fulfil h is reckleseJedge. 2.I'"toInb--Proably sean -, Micieruge lMatihev .(14. 12) adda <'sud ti,,, vont and 1VeId Jeu." ALF0N08~j.BUT A -BOY, SprnmguSurprises on Ëlig - and: the-publié. Friends' ---Alfosoi -King O! Spaibn, la fend -cf -surpirises en lis frieude, andI oveson Vhs* publie. TIen. is a f & reat deal o!Vthse. boy -in - SWan'. i-nier. - Duting lis remebtvisitto the hsle of Wigl.ý,, Englaud,4 Vhs Kng joinot! th , h holida ,inakers andouerc withi a zet inVo tîoin aiÏÏueemeuts. 1%e w -?in as ne proudearinan among dhethrong Vlan tVe, King wvheu he *aued -ffvit s ocpauut, Vie -prize Viforfluccessfni-,tînovinag - a."ntR1i.. " i e e~ Alfonso pa, meo! lis nt isurprises «on îhe mèmbers, - >fona,1ure- Sîqoing Club ai se- on' Auguest 15,i vhen le ly pré6dnced fion bis pecket ,r up to le competet! for. iig but VIe unexpecieti lsp- ith Vie, mercanial - m'onarch, >y îleway, is Vhe despaJi- of 6intrustçdti viiis oafety, >as lever by auy ciance in Vie rlere- it la anticipatIed -levi iia- Vhs uati!e5,.-vhon bhi-ev- I frequenhly use,eo *l.er bal ith tIe leaires Vth--rih wicî. ing wator nmay zuade aboeêbetweoeuPortland c< ÃŽient opncietè and- plain, maesda or iitÃœniiuous -macadam, it is eý'n dont Vhàti we my1b. pra-qticaily a sured that Vhe Portlandi Chmex, Sconcreto,- iod-im'.fr botter jithie t -meet thaï changiug tralfo cond' it iens VhLà»ti -er cof the ! ther r Sfo. FromVpur kno*lrede 0 PPortland oernenti - concretp -we a degign s road - etirface c0 ibis nia, -tonal tiimoot practioaliT any rW Th Ti lopwiug l eïttr4ctw- fromn M 1r. RHues' taik."nyc "muiî t<twati good road, a; road tha-t is, dheaper eveon,-fer s short lime, unde -firlyheay trafflo, Vlan oi ôther good road, & road. that is3 in- exniDOvolY maintiufed, asl roac thatis sanitairsuddusVleýw, a road that àa it slippezy, a rcad that sf. lords good traction for any tyeo veh'ie 5dsys in theyear, a road - *g,run, say10 16,-20 years tè, -l the cLiespest Mi ai zode, ehould ýinvesti- gate the monÃŽts ccconcrete.l' '.MCullougi] n Vhe course cf hi4 V-xemarkisisad, 'II arn sa.tisfied- thiat Fend du Lac with - 1er,,8- miles cf cernent pavement, avorag- iug ai h~ar$î25 per slquare yard, wiit-get good value for every dollar expended. If in the. course cf 10 years il bçcomes- nooessary, I ueo uothing, Vointerfere with -outr put.- ting s bituminons wearing surface on VIese. treets. As oonlpa.red with the aplt or any cOf tii. pavements costing O-ver t'wG dollars 4ý yard, we cad apply 1h4. argument put fcrtb by- former officiaIs.' cf Mîlwaukee, wihrefereuce Vo their-:'bitumnineun "madam pla'vement; thât i tatV*. 25. ,pavement and-île euecesting1 *2.5 o cvr, nvsted at à per cent.1 illi- viea fund largo onug o- aintain thee pave-1 A TRtOIJERS cENqTENqAn.- It WsNapoleon's men Who BRrougth Tb.ie IntO FYasblon. a -As nearly .sÀ4Cam ho asc*rtained< *it is a hu-ndred ye&ré ine.-apo 'son onaprte'smoldes Napo- tduced the old-new style cf leg wear, whioh îspeedilY'seure d recognitiQn as. Vhe distinctively masellue gar-: Imeut cf civilans throushou.b.t Viv continents.. - - In i14 .eyo Èefore Water- ico-it - wasa- rel.atéd, a a urreut-, nws item 0f some m Portance that - h8, -great Duké of Wellingtoôn.had been refusod è.dmittance - V -AI- -maci'E in London, because ie:pre. gented himeoif -wearing tf 61 Ãœers -in- atead cf the-o oonvs'etionaâl ,brç"echem which thedireua roglatiorùs the i-n voguqe demauded.-- As a, matter cf histcéi faet trousors have bheen -worn, by varicus - races and by- ho-Lb xehialth agos of-whièh auy suthentic record - exiats. Geuerally epýeakiug, 'trou. sers weré regarded ï» ancieut tumes t as sYmbolical - cf - inferiority. or effeminacy. In the tiiumnphal pro. cessions cf the OsesarS, for exani-t pie, Prisoners cf war -wobre thein » as a sign çf defeat while the sturdy legs of -Rom'. victorious legions were bars 'below the bottom cf Vhe' ekirted or kiited -coAt of mail. For 'Vhe last huudred years or'd thereabouts - trousere- -have been R widely recognized as the garmeute L cf authority. the outward 'sud visi- ble aien cf the stronger e:k, sa.ys the American Tailor and Cutter. a] But that position las not been ivon or maintained witlfout a. struggle. e -Mauy- atteinpte hâve been made Vo* trample doivu the tyranuy of trous--m ers, stheir rule las beencalled;- 0 many tumes hm their supericrîty, î been ehallenged., But eo far their a position remains socuro. b >IET1IODS 0OP KILLIÉQ FLIES d A Little (larbolle AeldT on a Hefatedý Siiovel 'and Odor WiII1111. The mummer- sea.son makes it im- Portant t<> know somietàiyig aboÃ"ut the neweet méthode ot g.ttigrjdi of flues. -,TO cloar a&" room offles, 1 carbolie a.id may b. usod In -th* . waâY: Heat a shovel -or a.ny simi- lar article and drop thgreon twenty drops of carbolic acîd. -The. vapor circul-ating through'the rioom wil kME the flies. Aý cheap and perfectly'reliable fl1Y poiýson, one whicli ie noý,t dangero>ue to human life, is bichromate of POt- asix -in solution. Dîseolve one dram;, whioh cen. be bought, at any drugstore, in twé ounoos cf water, and add'a littli augar. Put some pf. thMs.solution" in È;hall'ow diahs- anid ditrïbut.tho«m a'b -the house. àti ky fy-vaper a.nd liquid poi- ,sons are among -thé thingo of use, in kilfiîg flîues, but the -latest, the ap- est, and boit. i sa' âlution Of forma- lin of formialdehvde i water. - A spoonful of this. liquid ýput intd i- quarter of a& pint of witer and. ex- îos6d in the rooro will be enougliVo, kiii ail the flues.. -- To quickly clear the, roomn vberee there are mny fluee, buru pvre- thrum powder in the. roem. T.iis Étupees the flues, whe-n they may, be, ,o wept up and .burned. Pyre- thrumn Poider is harmu i.nd is made by grinding the died flowexa fPlant. Moçisten the *powe bit, prs it. into altî in,-an'a liglit the topwith s m natch.. -I -I -E -t t s I t e c 'J h 1* d ot inh encloUs, ralul)spnth active110 <1010 TEDOM>OR8 JOB. f Maulng lb. big show la sot nbi bard bnslu.sasnow,,as il wassten,-yearî n go. - 1igoeli ith Ils - wn uitemeutun now~ S masyvaricus orgahisatioM:Ihavi -taku bold oet varlous departmonts; pledg, logtiroeir p.»restage 10o mais a -go cf tien ,4that hhere weuid ho s iprett* good aie, uew If Ihere vas ne central- managenioni at aIL IBut there la sîlIl leuty -cf vork Sfer au a1vOmnge:Ithora la 10 hi a gro>±h lie muet be improvoment In ailie arrnnt», sud what ln even more tmpotant,. there.must b. fÉeeh novoltioes of a -Moro or,- legs spoctacular. nature. Theés are tlie. hardeel thlugrs lu lie world -o 10e. Anetitor great showman.. P. T. jBarnum,' deciarod -liai lie public - hMes to o fole.'This ls scarcely true- now- y o,!. The public wautstssîl ronoy's wortb. If.lt loiug 10 ho foolod, lb vaut. f 10 ho fooied lu a rea ai xt way. 'It won't staLnd for fakes, sud the.- fact le thlaI about fifty' per cent cf the l'spoclal attractions" whlch .lry to * gel space ai exhibitions are fakes. It'a- up 10 1h. doc. tor 10 separate the fakea frorn Ibe "uquaro deals," sud Whou he makes a mitai. *tiers -1a 0a howi frorn lb. public. Evory year lu' the "1privale citi on" -period of bhs* 111e Dr. Orr spenda several vooks lu lhe Oid Country, asmorn f lhe mont luterestilng attractions of re- cent years batve rosuibed from those vie- jî.The exhibition bas beau ahi. toeon- ps h ympathy of such meu as Banl Grey, vho provides lie Doctor -vltb lot- tere*o! introduction when ho goes abresd, sud Inu hum way ho gels close t'O the pea. leWha eau give fi-th hlbliuga bh. wants. lb. Doctor- could nom. hlm. ouly gîve an exhibition cf old wonld "led Tape" ho would hb. bky.- TEE OOORAND ART. A lot e! l, ime inspent. toc, in gettlng In toucb witb > people vise bave valuable paintings whlcb îboy aewllling t10 au for-lihe art exhbit. lfew of these are 10 b. bhad ou thua conti1nent,.but Europe ha. lhsrn by lb. case load, If oui only -knows how la go about gelting liera. On lie subject cf pafntlngs there ls a continu- o1,U3nd oudoubelwea lb.eDoctor sudtho Artiste Association. Thé artiste thlnk lie pictures -thal are 14t lu the Exhibition gaîîery e , ote blh asaisl cally. The Dactar doessut ébject 10 iigb art, but If ho, oen't teôt i Il mre sub- .lect that -bae a- strong *pqpular appeai b. slcen'l give, a bsng $or, higi art. For oxampîs, Il- bai been fénund fom, long oxperionce that baile sconsessud pretty vwennare lie. subject* that maie euee People cori nesd,,lcok. But yoe ~cannela.- séur migit -ftud more if igh art lu smre -ulet Iandesie,.,wih a few ehoop l inte foreground.- The Docior loti ýtho ariste- bave -ibei 'n way 10 omue eteut-beh lets tb.rn- eliekc tbei -iir landecapes sud sbeop over »In lie corn-er-but b. laies Palnse- tosu that 'bie battle scenes aud pretty vomoen stand nîgil eut.,ou lie mliddle cf lb. wall BOARD1 HAS-FINAL - -" Wb neDr .Or-in the. active manage aud is oxpected 10 supiply Ibe motive pom or l11 -iàltiatilit sud sansJudrnent making reommendation's, ho bas the a vice, -and le under tbe' direction, of Board cf Directors, whlcb includes maic lesding celizous. Durfn- fair . lime U Board rneets, daily, sometimes severi timea ou oneb. day, and throughouît t year il keops lu close 10ucb witb tbe pist under ,way. AUl Ibese moen give theur tin wxthouî remuneratiouk bsvlng lun min ouly thé e wlfare of the city. sud wbatevi personal hounir and glory that may con] fuciel otally. Tho presont Président M J. 0. Keoui, bas boon preceded by se men asi1fr.,0eorge H. Gooderhain, M.P.T Mfr. W._K -I cMNaught, M.P.P., sud M: W. K. George.-The Board cf Direotor. elected hy the.-Exhibition' Associatico whicb meets once a year, andrla compose cf represenîstivos cof varions,; orgaulsi lions, but domInaled isrgely by-t-h. M -reute City <icuncil, Board of Trade su Manufacturr' Association. Wbile ibesr Je room for. criticiem cof lhe met-bodc representation lu the association, Iher rernainiug lu Il a suspicion of te Syeter cOf pookot boroughe. It must be, admitte Ihat the resuits attalued have, uot bee. bad. A HURRY UP APPOINTMENT. The aiment uuseemly baste witb whIl the Cilty Councîl rushed lbrough the alj pointîment of 1Mr. T. G. Meredithi as Clor noratlou CouuseîluIsuesfsion 10e1Mr. a L . Drayton bas given rime te no lil coin ment Noedless to say, lter. la- manyj roronto> lawyer wbo does net- rellsh 1hi ides cf a $15,000 a. year pýum, geing te ai outeider <fo6r'el. Meredith halls from Lon dou)2 and who hthink liai lhey, are jusi au capable cf haudling the Job au he la ['bey point oui liai 1Mr. Meredith, lu- hi London praeotice basnover been,-called up on to 1handie cases cf the'impo rtane thal he wM beh requlred to desi w' .b as To. routo's Corporation Cx.'ins<l, asud tia ie appofulmeut wss just a ieapluIb te dark. t the ssruc lime the Meredith famil7 bas generaill- tu ,nental capsciiy, provec equal toa ay Job tbey have undortaken. A fsmily tliaI has produced oee Oiel Jushie, one ordluary Justice and" a Bank manager ought. 10 be able te ptovide s iorpcraLk'n Couasel for Toronto;.-lu farn- ily ab!'. -the Meredith family fesembleu tho 0m--01 . A the marne limo ItlaIs not Iltagerther nnatural t hat there sbould bave been sème- comment- about T. G.Va speedy appointmuenl. Ih- calîs attention, oe the faci Ihat wbile Sir William -More. 11th nover attalued office as.Prime Minis- ter cf Ontario ho is to-day oue cf 1he mcmi clfueutial men- lu 11. ThIs remark. in, by Lh way. because -Sir William, may net have known snything about the city Donsel appoinîrnu. SIR JAMES AND SIR WILLIAM. Inu -Provincial maîtors, howovor. It. la [ubtful -if -Sir James Whitney hb-s'a igiier . regard -for -auyono's opinion thanb ror that cf hie prodecessor lu the, leader.' ihp of tise Clonsorvativo party. Loyalty 5old friepd fin eue of 8fr,-James' moit, kea'blo qualitý4e -id bisie yalty te Sir flilliam Meredith ban mauifested itiseif nore than once. Toronto may mid that an alliance-wlth te Meredith faruily rnay io be =uprofitable, evon if it dosecont 0,.000 per anaum. DB. HA8TIG'S CAMPAIO-N. Dr. Hsutiugs, who for the Vast year bas >eon the clty's medical oflicer of Health, >ntinuem -10o keep in the llmeligbt. That anot 10 îay Ibat be is a seif-adver iser. iL h. keepi blmaelf talked abouti by, g esron.- of hie ontbusism for hie work. hil a vastly difféeont uhiug., Ho bas axdeof cfhe healtb office cf tho oity as Iv instittutiou sud bas brougbî it lto oser contact. wfth the daily lives * f lbhe éaple than pVerbapsaby other departi- &ut -fgeveranzent municipal. provin. ia or federal. -e Hoas- mli onùcludedý vigoreus swat t4oo tir campaigu, thoreby rousing lbhe- Intérest- of everylsousekêep. luin tawn. Ho e. bas beon - Inslisting on 3vered garbage tins for every bouse, sudý as .deornued, hal the fruit'dialers wbô Lase elaborate sidewalk dispîsys must sep fruit - cavered, over. He bas been rotomting against noises as belar lujuri. s té.public beal th sud bas oven gone >farý as te advise againet the keopiug 1-sny eàrly.crowiog roosters withiu the- y limite. Ho bas succeéded lu making itide closets made illegal.> a sweepiug ,er wbich affects about ono-quarter cf iehoe bene, l lbcity. He bas abolished Le common drioklng cup ai -public fouit. -ns sud leiîtalliug a type o!f ouit. nu Ibat ca-n -ho used without a cup. lome people Ihinki thé Doctor le fssey. d, perbaps he -.e over âaroful. But. the ant w1hla rnsponsibie for the general mlîh of a modern, clty -bai - quite a,- caro hie shouldere s'u'd'h e>1oplo a strophe ln the shape cf epidemie thati, l1ays baugs over. any one of thé big, ai fi -s tu Il cl ha ins *ed pn ni -of cit' tai ma hea hi Ï10 PRETTY AFTERNqOON WALKING GOWN? The dres is of ratine, eînbç,oidered. inwol and designs of roses and leaves ,o the overskirt. -The- hait is 6f -Milan trimmed with pink roes t-is pefereably-àieci for fal gaziden *parties%. don't. Uoweyer. Most people gîvos ibie M. IL a. éredit -for "dolsg omnethlg. The criticisr bc h rbbl .l la that, wh1oblh o IÃŽgfo* the,- work. lligpoplo. Açeod mny ofbisi inova- tlen m l Mwi g or tle general , oor fort and bealtb of the cHlfr- =eau oonsid. erable expense tQ thb- poorer people. New arbago tîls, for example, atre 5E Item. Re& ltl<m of roosters ente off a -sourc of revenue for mauy umore. Coveriau aU- fruit brought la big protesifrM t@ MauA Dlerobants, W Iti. nstallàtlon cf in. Bide losfeabai bï%ougbt an expeuhe 4bsat thoueaucisetffamilles eau Mliafferd, though lt7bas brought a rioh bar#ett b thb' plumbers. P AgLIAXENT BUILDINGS QUIET. On. 'OU the dulleat placsi in Torontey these August, days are the cficees at th@ Parllamùeuî Bu ildings. The staff are de. pleted by, reoaiof0folidaym. Thie Min. lèiers «,re e ften .awar sud bus ubas le PrettY nearlY 4t a- standatill. The oiily exciternent la caused by' the motor bus IcadsOof Amnerican tourists who make houriy pligrirnages tb the.«sat of provin- cial- vorament. They treup tihrongh the coridoJrs, look aet the mays and tbe paint- inga ou lb. walls, poep* lu at open doors, aud If tber are lu good humor hip the guide who bas gbowu tlhern tliough. But Ii là a véZY 'Vague notion cf Canadian institutions tbat many of them get. Ther. are- trqun inquiries If the King 'ever consbrand tbis year a great many faf - tors asked 10 me e>--,Duke cf- VEGTÂRAIIWARRIIOES. Ate a Dish of BeanS- or a Plate of TIshenc .cfHmer -prepareci tloir food! witl lIeir ovn hantis, anti vers net, tlerefore, gi-est suf- ferons f rom ineficient domeotiCs. In île happy simplicity of île Hon- eric agea, vnitee Mn, F. W. Hack- wooti inu- "OkodCtiso," I e great- heres' vI etiest ud terrible blova, leaviug death anti dosola- Itien behinti Vhem, vîsu thoy ne-, poset! aften their exploits, pantook cof a blameles disî o! Issus on a plate,-of homoly lentius. -Ih may le difficuit Vo imagine Diomedes in tle act cf peeling on-. ions o-r Achilles wasllng cablages But. althougî VIe viseUlysses roasteti, viii lis ovu lancia, a sir- loin cf beef, vegeitables occupieti Vhe mostonspiecumplaces aV ail the gi-est banqueste cf aucieni Greece. Parsley fonmeci Vie creva viti vhiel Fricules, as couquerer cf Vie Nemean lion, ci-owueti imsif; Anacreon celebrates Vhs plant as tle emblein cf jloy anti festivity. Fable makes parsley Vhe foodi o! coures; tl. van-ion o! Homer feti their chai-gens wviti il for batth. The cabbage vas adoreti by the Egypliau,nav ho raiedti stars ho it.' Aftenvard Vley matie Vhis strangé i godth îe fi-at cisl in thein repastu. The Oneëksanti Romans ascnibet os it Vhs happy quality ef preoenvîng froni trunkeunees. anti looketl upen ias- a eovereigu resnety for pana-I Alexantier foundtihîe enion ID i -Egypt, vhere tIe -Hebnevs lac learueci Vo luke iV. Hohad ti t ulti- vated in Greece, anti given as fooci -o his troope. in tle bule! that iV exciteti mertial acien. -Wloever t wishes t4>preserve .lis lealth,sasys an azicieut sav, eleulti es every e inoeming, before breakfast, ycung i oniens ant! Ioney. But 11thices i sot sounti like & *ery tenptiug pro- Agat i i ob aive o Afs-atie saagdsVo ette Raomas futÎý îleaspraua.Ye tuh. iRvoas ultivat thtlsdavellousRa uccese Iate staiks ae-iss t Ra fela r pons aiVo avd e areghed s hd-eo pouiee tha ti voiae ask- a ci-V..ow, ieve tîat Vi e Acnva-a ietv. gotve hi.iyeahtaa lr, ow. ln ani tie- ras me r.r lr. id ta- of id en )r. I et la Id y- t s, 'UR N YO T'tRT-1M E INTO M ONý -Thon. lsa afirnt-ln Toronto vho give-hiu. dreds.,<l -mei aud vornnan oppcrtunity to earn'fi-cm 8250.00 to $1,500.00 every year viîh but litîle effort. - This Orm manufac- tures9- rellablo . faniliy romedles. beatitful- tbibI preparatiens and mauy neoessir- bouseoold goï-dé; such, ai baiug povder, ivishing compoun'de. slave. furultune' sud motal polishes. in ail. oter oee undred preparaicue liai ovei-y homo uses- evry day. Just pee pron lu oaci lecalily eau secure exclusive ilgt freo ' 10 dislnibuto these preparatione ta Iheur meighbor@., They psy 100 per cent. commission. te their agents. Deu'I you thini you bettern.u crosse your -iucome? 'If se. write 'The Home 8dpp1T' o. Dept. 20. Morinu Build-, Ing, Torouto.,Oui., fer funil partionlaro. flppiflsa in all labor tt i s hon -- J4. est - nd true. Fëw things bringa gréater eonteütnent; .few-,thinge ,gve more peace of -md. ~ WJY nB ODOUSES, se iTEAD 0F HOLDISI bhy ae ae~In Us.- le mage la a 9utek Tur1 T'h. articles ýconlnihutsd b: are fer lie soil@ purpogo oS i pectivo inveoi ad, uW081p in g t be m t r e r n lo s l ug m o i Placn<il i- ln - "Wdcat" --entei Ipartial alad rlabe cari Information lemai, h-o eled,- wrlîer cf Ihese article sund It ef ýthiu paper bave.,Dne Interi lni coffuectian witb tiimnalhe ýxwooa vas xnoauea, e Enl4meaimia sted fhimaelf. astri t. Wa a nflec;fi lis ba-ck, a revoi-ý ver i lis pocet, a'bigkuf-ivs beit, ud a log ei n ls lnds, io W' s readytVo - start., Five 'men, Vook I olt f Ie norpe, vhile--bye other lay flatt upon Vlie rocks,ý rifles 1. I*hue old birdssaho1ld at- end thre extent tVo vlnc i thai been ieintruider, h ioa ord lslifes would verked up, &,s eat from $5 te $25 y dopend upontoet apud Iescet~t - - Ancher -white animal hain u-î - deS 'a.sted ton;.or-fifteen ported is obtaiued from VIetaliý cf s. Then tVIe Englishman a yak. Tis lie cornes InoniTibeot. imself oppsite 'the ongles' lu a general -way Vhe yak'. -tail- 10- He- jerked Vihs signal lno-sebles -thatý cf a horus, tVie i, Von or ivelve feet f rom V'hs alerter; -miiltIen-s are Yak taîls but -vith tIe Iooked e1 d fthat moasre 34 juches; - The bain ~pole, hovwas, able to draw le much fiuer and i - arÀ Iivy_ 'n, and its-É1 wsgz-tha mofa oge cre-wan ~~Cernedge-andiao -bigger ana bushion, tiousiy o han-z-ia cta on, dg. 5ad lu)to is surprise, <C< morefluffy.ît is ma-doetilt rfnrby.,-- not one, e ag1e, but tvcL- an aciti treitiment that-,reducels it ueeed -Soas ts substitute for -hiuMuan " bro u ii411-1 ,- ; . i~ h air in m k in g ivitch e a- an ti hiaid s.. , ';a1yi ia Ed o scure -Yak hair i. expansive. The tails ing a ccs over its ie* -He f romin hc1Wit i. taken -have-,Ihieeu bag t6 tVie sign2al-ec&i - i-ino~e e uytno e Ilineoif: upon >hi- 7ooden years.) -ThoU -à Vhssupply la ai- ek VIe second'hird ýin hie eft -wÇVAyS imitiedthVe price* fhave flu'c- ind g a eî Vhs sinai. Thie mon tùsited -videly, laving, been as low [ge above-, contrai-y-to in- a8 $1 ýor $2 'apiece sud as higl .,as ni, gavea vigereus Pull. Viat $12 apiece. Laet year ýyak tale >dtbê- pole front bis Iïands :Cost $2. Big-asit -ii,-afuli-size im- away _f rom île chili at mi veighis ouly about a outi's fui Pace.' Tii. eturu swing' lighV i. heain, and ti he is con- Iy to- daeh him aàgainat he Praively littie hair. cfiler& ui- Lh deadly fo nce. --- b o fon v rkf t he it ne waus but one -Ving tjdo; quiremente. tIerecns Ie liùegtýyak Englishman lad tle pros- Ian ie higI-priced -;Min it inshedi minci Slo -doit. -Be ltecistate -anti 28 luches in'length it ie or"parto f lisbodýy back- vonrth $10 -anuce. But highs. - id l !slegs f'rak ,anitho pi-ice is it is 1evcosupareci vihi Lie -rock with lis foot, vith VI.008t cf c resuIt Vlan aparalyzeti PURE WR'ITE BUM.AN .HAIUt, ni 1. eg u a ivth s ndi bakatiting vhich, of tle same leugtl, is now Ion k akobjeet f la shed by vorth $75 an'*eunce;- anti-hard Vo, pased u mch los pnxtluIn short le-ugils of mixeci white' thVe rnu feittVhe rush-ocf andi grey, curleci yak h-air je matie aceti by its fligît. AV firet. up luto -a very loosely ve-ven7 andi ssii o~ea falliug atone, bi-aitietiroesfnom vbich you ecau ntly hie'péeeived that i- easilv pull o>ff any lengt7yen vaunt, îoiug dravn upvand le was antivhiich is neadily sepa>&ratéci into pro)bal>1 rifles3. d uil i§loma I ~tf at gr1 tioary - 11?îv In,1z.ItDs lu Ekn., s,...-.. Vm is ufecon the stage foi- V4e making o! some sorts cof chai-acter beantis. Witebain cof Vhs commen Italian gÃ"at is importeci foi- carpet Ma~nu- facture. --Ther e le alec iinporteti,ý v-hite lai- cf tIe Siberlan goat, Vhe slerter lengVls cf which ai-e uaeci i carpet-maklng andtihîe longer for various purpoees. The. mosi co&ily of -ail- VIe vhite animal hairs linporteti is 4htliothc Ve camel. - The camollIs ccmmonly of a- tii-tv brovu - in colon, -but parts e! its .béidy may be vlite, ne may le etreake in its minu, calleti veine.- The C'amoi's hair" is cf superior etrength, anti us -fine wvite lai- cf sufficient leng-th is use&-dan a euhetl- tuts for natural vite hum-an laï. White hair cf Vhs -camel le vorth1$25 an ounce. oui- passie-t, thon tve, anti îUng moctionies aathVe eud 'Pe- -Rs couiti, cf course, Ides cfvhat lad happenet. âige situation flually r,,got nenves. Ho imaginet! that su abaudoneti, anti mu-st tilI lie losV his bldanti *ci.eatl, or until Vhs panent aIld returu anti piuck out To addti o lis miafonhunes, tlunder-storm came ou, lin yul ligltniug. wen ho ad ung thus çeavn anti santh for mono 4hourshe tolt a tug upon and-'in î fteeu *minutes iv-as viti lis ive pnizes. ifounti ihat the falliug oh- -the hlcck ou vhiel - tle -fun. IV lad lad Vo ho lest -'Ie i-sshoulti le ,2g doela-y lahd be:i e sity cf- sendingr e st o p tic y n o th e ain te c'ut a amail- icont hoeck. - of caxuplor hbum il èffectually tini esta. ou.have -fishedti V you one-of tires t] ti Lk yeur bean vo -or else break ut. LlU 0F Press., Wi Cgld t n.causeci Mâuy laýndeti animalesud hi-tis 'th ie ehave iheir title78 Vaken - hy ivellere-s A obase of in thé deep nia- Penlaps Vhsmo"at,& tree ki dca-noue is Vhe ses-mous., w hich does not resemble Vhs - lanti-neus - in the, aligitesi. IV la a ",worm cf cunieus ishape, anti lives on land be-a. ýt ver ayodti he lido,-mark. 2_Ofteiu, 1e- vie awa ever, i is ýtnwn- -up, on -the 'bésch -- svoidfuris renarkabli-.,vlùabl~ ti~ Estg a -:- ovever, v i-y rarely found,,bo6iug, ry sdi, mainly conflueti- Vo thîe ceat Vtlie No 0155 Nortien Pcilc. Anothen funny - lhabitent -of the- sea la tieaOwl. - It is noV s bird -ai ail, but aý'fL&h. SIts en à ieinmeisige*lump- - ~~Isucker. Its curiously-fommneci mouth,;, Ilby vhich iV fastens use]! to Vhe, T 'rocks, resemhles ýa-tU&a o n cvi. - I euce Vhs, name. TIen. tii.ses- snak-not to be onfued withth. T &es-grill, ilshe s-voif,-sud many i otIens areail nameti froein laund types,,but -ln msuy cases. isla nlý' gives then VtbIrl- itI. -LCTIOIYONTEPAK I- RyreEletisWill O emonstrate at athe C.N.E. Just hov electricity dan ho util-- izet o-n tIe farm vil ho ýfuily aleh n at Vhs Ca p Xln'Nationaml . Exhibi- - tion. -The Hyt!ro-Electnic Ce>mmis- ESsiou haive Vaken a lange epace iu the PrOc-Es- building,,-vbene ail kintis o. f fan. machineny 'wilI le nun -b y H, It is V ce 1.*th themç-atr <'cold -_u theh ansd pas5es, andi - - msny pýeopIe as perieuce cf the-v chroni antipur j im soften-Jcnlle< cau ho-e itiier ciU_ by ýproper treaîn When'. the ecîi ,dee'et ou indfiiely, lbe ask i tômalni lain intoi oharging inidd1i -teeth may po yincorrect labil YYA-Ilsufficien Viculan1y un -the'sb aufférers!think, ti Vo-expoÉurec," bi toc nc rs vouki breathe all - au get, avoid Cr sud stuffiness, ai- -with vde-opeu 1oit h aprip résistance they wi - But it mýu-st bé- - - - persn viose'air- -mal in, _structure_, have fewer od -had air, Vlhan ou Passages vil lhav( gcdairin Vhe -w drâv if? in. Yictims cof .catai - ol1ume ouly pape They are dheap a bie destroye af tej caution which isýi cf jsice Vo othoe lutI a real safegui mnut,-who othe.rwiç --danger - Jrein CARÉE 0F Ti Women çwho spe lor-Ttheir handpe~ -Vo, their feet. ITýh-e« - - worked menbers hIe-y deseri'e hotte -Feet are best-ÏF zhoes -that fit-. Ne, - fIee le-aller and, -vanity and get foc: Frequent bathiinfi - Irom being7tired.a -it, prevents, rougui -that leads t-o calku: - Wat-er, in whicbh i jwda lias b4en-disso --iug, whule à. vigaroi ing sensation. -- Puinicoe stone, us kkeeps the slen Imool -- ally necessor nt] -. the bail c iefo veightcf thé body r -Ne-ver eut îlhe 118 thiey are -luc:re-ikelî - growu. And file VÈh] E - B orne PO epo wýnder '"If, bo nds*are no gccd, wby do bcuddeaiers vaut 0 senl lien?" orever Ifhis, nov Isec0 stock tbey see adverîsied in se lkeli't t Increaso luvalue, Whiy don't- tbey .bold, lb and -thonsoil ut. I10w, lu2 lis finit place, baud dealers, sud those vie baud?. nov stock 168sues (I wcnid caîl themi'promolors bsd not fiat Word come lut'o direpute as a resulti cf ite cannectlon vit ii ltgstock Ilotae tIn) are mrely de&1lors as theIrn usie Implios. -A gracer 'buys proserved fruit sud selle- It1 tobiesutomèes. Ho maies: blm profit on' thai irenssotiensud ,hy' turning oven onoughb jroserved fruit là, the YeaÈ ho makees h psy blux 10 haudio I.I tthal same ime ho inew li-tai the fruit crop * wausa poor one sud Ibat he would prebably,-hav, te sell hie pre., serves hlgher lie nzIt year vwonld ho b. liely 1 hcd hiebis n bis -toreroom lu ordon to maie a greaiter profil? Not-if be vae wie. - While be va«s holding- bis' prosent mupplY io vould prehabl *0e a chance cf tujrnlug over bis s3tock, three or four tintes, snd lai lurn'ovon veuid ho much more' satisfaclery Iban b'old. ing on the cbsnoe cf the BPOdùil#,e pro-, Moroer, a baud- dealer la net, an iu- vesto. The expense f andlig bondsela 'Vry gransd lie profit, reistively very, emali-ie percentago la fan leestthan Ibat whicb lb. grocer rneeiou bis purchases from the. wholesalsr. And lhough lbe. grocer rnay thini very bi.t f lie goodi b. desa lan vswould thinkIùhm vor >fooiish if bo shui up sbap, and Jui ept hie suPPly 0f goode ou hie shelvos t0 use for hie evu food, even tbcugh ho had sufBient'to - last hlm lb. balance of hie lif.. There is, however, a very Important reamon vhy mcmi grocer cculdnlt do Ibis, and tbat is bouse their businése le doue on credit. They buy from the wholeîaier sud -borrow mouoy from lie bani 10 do noe ropayiug lie bani when tbey have soid tihe goodî. <Of course, lu smre caes they gel, credit from Itho wholesaier, but lu uhal case they reallyt bai-nov front Mlm). The bond doe ae I the sarno tbiug. He bitys a. million dol- 1er issue cf boude sud bornroya mcoy (rom hie banier te ipsy for il. paying off lie -bauker vheu lie bonds are eold. Itt voujd ho unvise, Indeed, to criticsebim for aitteloug h t, ooi bis bous, t "«Well, if Youn bonde are good- why do sou bhave 10 send mon outt leOeil them,' aeked eue man once of a baud salesman. 'Why do'l ou Just advertse ieux in the papers. If they are so goed lie Inves- tors viii huF them." A geod mauy pee- ple do buy bonds front reading uovspsper advertisene but in lie proseut day It en ho diflicultforapople o thou lie gaod <C frOrn the bad lunadvortse 'ente tirai lhey seldorn huy frorn viatlesadvertlsed uniles. boey kncv the bouse offornu the bande. [t requires a persoual interview vih montn investors 10 gai their, business. juat as se whOiee3aie grocer -vonid trust 10 a noe ] Paper advertiseneent 10 geltibe - ouutryn groceres orders. It in, lie saine Ides et. actly. And thee siesman who gels the. nosl.,bnsgsets the grestest siary. and e--ho han. 10 "buie." itisn'i be. causo liey can't, ssoit boude -4nu Toennt bhal liey seeiyou-ou lu the country, C. but because they ~ut.ycnr business sud -our nelghbor's. t:he more büeunes i tey geh the quicior the turnover sud couse. Queetly -,Ifeuhey - eau afford 10 oeil bonde aI a lese prfit tlinàabouse whose. -W business la emal"Ir aud vitase hurnover lelsoven. Thal le vby it paye -le Bond out salesmen. V4 SOME QUE1-ER SOHOOLS. -- N-0vadaye tI-en. are scîccis cf ail arts. Net onty do 'institutions hries uricus subjecta are t&eugîht bount in Gi-est Britain, lui VIey neé to be -founti ahi-cat as veIL-I In St. Petersburg, fer example, lere Mi au institiution vlere ycung 'en training for servicee as police nake a specdÃŽal--atUtiy ?ofVie eoifs sc by profes&sionaj ihieveS. Thon. a éhstovvec~olîyto thé stud'7 -f forgeryj- -vith -}arVlculsr refer- îce--: Vothe s ifry ofSi.,gnatui-r lico faEorts. A - UeCarie a eho , o roup'jersî8 Conducted. ýurnugthe sumnmen menthe spir- its for VIe office cf croupier learn he operations-- of VIe ,gamlng- his aIpupil matfreintinte )-lime, -vile othensare mmpE5oe.. ting Players ad na1nk gi£ 1stauîly te y ïhut the Wiuiun ave-si-e Ail candidates for-- poj<itmeut. as txoshrongiut - ee, n iu u8f pass an xautic t ieim ccl Ibefore they'ean Ob- Li emplcyzpent a a"-, gg ~ck c mcli at ian eas: -train and Sas-- di -extrad until1 ýTAF TORONTO despatch ipt to 0wri songer 'triL 'newal bra es south c a Sectiin, rng. Thd îg at 8a. cdock iii ,s had beo ipulled o IiA. +, .;1i a f nigb vWas Bik rock w'I sud tl oncec y"rd, struck feeling 1 sensatic Juat tV hlim. Il but: pré steat! cf qiuit étal stiui le l i Vhe r fcrm neo ThIe ut-nl ipen lis: is lad t swing tl( fe11 Vo ME eagles eh hus eyes. a sharp lhat vet ly blinde At last betveen ' than thre the i-cps. t tue te] Thon hi Oct vas epse ladJ cut by t u,àthe VI1l -y ths né man at f, Io mouni, îake a E A piece] -andle, v- vingoci ,, Beore3d -iii de Vo . v ill àm iry hardi ,scapes. BUOK -WEIITE RAIR -its longth. its quality lry - 1 . 1

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