Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 Aug 1912, p. 5

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ea vsilver plate, lilàýin .Wi,. -atýIAI-f:7.. Watr MM. ilr.r- _j týot -,O ap -l.fii eg r.fnish with effect-_ liuxiaSl onne, a v4,wi ~dfs _ýdrds Levi DudleYm --~-- -um r~ U, WI fIW- t6i U A5tls C o l1 f. Ati & ted ét.. t -. f -.... c ' vans, .vit ve i PôIty MyiN ý.e lpD1à .&*l48 VU -Pxrs are boîi ýshew d4ay.Alelfh LrVes - Tr cai for uWe i are p.TcmWd~î' oûw afid emy8% 4IDLAbUli it mdi0m,' weeka sud gtaï -in Charge- uunlcatlaa wih ils dîiiy. ld4ii - Sewr York awm, 3reakst, evOtr nid daugi la, o! St.G iic. 4vae Irsilçiet r glass Z p-"si Âe bit -t'or ontecl - .H PY~ fr b.~i IIO~~~btdays ~ rI ih a-bny.c -* * 1fr~o,Tusadlr. m'Oo o.o a The,.21t.i t.Xaka eemr viyuuce thus year open6s ~~ A~-motid ~~Y1ve andBirs-Brn or. The C.N.R. iiie table > ay.hnwfie oe,-l I $i~h Jsck.Weste lasTcuvXi siOVX1tOMr. ad fld iaW.. 'e 1 qi'i diilnd, o!BerthaeI zab.UV , ijus!; riglit 'to -ge: m eC ight; ther ahotly ~ L r.k a itIie<formri iiàii iZe , t f. .J e flvi er y, aua- e urTh )nuget it. onsisth.fo. asigl tenr 1n wsn w- atweek taon, foriûeriy of Whitby - fare' return ticket'., Both Cornianies eeaeu o~nre.pwr fo W as have made thît. arrangement. A handaome ake Plate.at a- low pri Ce.aliland male what we metsmade to his renideica oniDun-heîvy shQck of lightning during the ready.Thetacisfpeet he.wersth raônorelng A lliandegae iV C ofr e.M i.dam atreet weat. tlîunder iatorm an Monday, evening. meth e ,t waher'ad n ff ow ingit ee Ail - -.ê.~~~~~~.. 1fr. and lira. Madili are spendiiig a Re wns aut at the C.'P.R. camàp, n mrvmnt aebe md. Wt çm er n i g lira À.lio'wiure, bu a newfew daî un own at he aretalAudley, and while in t.enta!hth the big purses offered there "I be good- Bell ptoceove:flows 1 lier home, and home 'f 1Mr.. ladili. . ing up, bis teum received suffloient o! horses and some fast reeords made.A bpci~e- r.Wggn an chien f tieetrafidfma icare o Ther are good events bath days.- wIth - . ol g~sre.01.etting liQr tàai.way. awa4 visited with Mrs.$(2eo. SothweU l b isar ad prettybdl ne rngasenbutinfotcth- anfaily this wWe. hlM Up. Re'ha.sbeen unable ta wark, Grand Stand for shôéwing -herses i' adihon 1f, . . radIy Ièie~d ~ad~ a Otri. idi.no vs-r. Ilaton, of! Wnnipeg, in on a vie-abu.- hres - 'QV ed d in g of, We t' 1fr. Jas. Long am' jtingwitT1fï. Aderon.thouh gîîfor young single lady fl il t s Jace...ô! }sn4. fr. BrnIey rsoeîe adXr Adihave returnedSO C l JI godSetme dzhI-- IU. a bushel, or a total-of $718.25 froiftthe iî The .i ir wmd nysyeandefflciencyin again. driving are to é considercd. nre fo-ai lad 1r GIen,)McKinnon- and MsB. Mf5Must be made in. the, usual way ýbut no Oxgnated talum powder inaotcclii-Jhito. o Br hatlgFe nr o ebraipfe euie u Ln $50- is prize 4 piece Sivr Service ng, hbeaJing. and invalabtbIe;for the i.aionato sonsboeA., n. ohor Natlaonal w ~ £~ ~ t in u re an~d Alezan- lnare -speMciîig a w.ek with,1fr. A atdbA.aç.e C.mpay# hrdt, Nat-éina ut .have lots for mCss and diRose. ýJ ý- 4rUigist and 'Baudet at the Whitby Houn. .,~<Witner- of -m biearred oan cer. sot fr ore Asoau oPtim'aîl1Mr. JI. Lynd4,attended-'the Grand CakeiCopay,-oruto0Ay f'r ~ e,~tensiv Une of ut - Loçgý-o!fithe O, à&"h Kihm datntbh hsahu~ Toronto. Second. prize ýSituer dessert -.onwm..js.C The Misses Powell bave rtS dai- roua l W n Tevice donated b>i Society.,Sm tri du~s*_ icou le. of weo reuraeà--the an. d conditions. T is was tclt o oseale millfner bouses gatherfng' after Spencilng a Very pleagan t tree oafrébok U~UO. prize list and'taket place of, prize offeïed S. prbsa * fl ...8oPm j-up the newest ad iatt tideot in' wçees Withi friends iuBrantfotd. Cmeinanda *6seIL hr.lvrvi vr ag arng ~5ai.m ~O . U lt htt, and, are î* uay pt*paa,--Mrt, .Thos.. L~ cio !te ~ .~The.ShreddedWhbat people expect to .gvnthpulcro-rnmtoatW ig for thefr opeufng wbich lîebn- obur Wrlgave ijg-<ffiçe a call % xe a<uet on'T.iùday nAight, Sept. ounced mhortly. <~~<>bo~ Woeîd> IMAM .0 zothi Exhibitors of!1live, stock wl eg e i8.5nlliwr. Y-.e n route for T<roitào byauto.uets. -1Ticke.ts.25 cents. 1'There wil U u* ~talg xrtuo - U-O NSA Omtari~~Our0Who n$xng er" 13penlng..- fr abury e, c tii. ait Rinxie thead l'lav -uve WI>yfo f t: la_7 let _DpROSE-uTheftbeqtandssdBandhand thei Term , , 4 Jo5 &àn.ý 1fr. -John. 1.-iferdon a1d#eau, in etngee frPrmet ofWît] y hni -i.~c tm i hrhn rilg rda. allerploe ti.liuo cxuali asthey ae-ulet her. -Sik hedîchel in--- gt md aldioo_,ositins bcaus atlie y o or fOr i s ALE.xi ter Otafo.-Te1curesare iJ S - scito, bc paiedalkuxm t ie d. P hoe 2et3.l1ai sa ! ii mPaYes tu on icledàu O!- -ïô et«ýteThrwlb th'bi"t'àr-n h W . C .i i twr fI ii--m ae-tf fiea leun a IXi' t I r'itatpU liigght crwdg,eZIOW iii1115O eplar eto, adïô a ectorcunr. - -Wjt>- iMIté, ~~1ur. fTayor t,ha. e ie uacl ng ,_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ rieadgo bi.Frpis i Sfue ternisithse te dte OUs.-ie cetfl A1~suetorxsu aln .. dci ThRi, Toubortoadueillsement. $Oyi 4t Phrnes 4 Sprinmareldt i. nefifthe lior mcti .Da, arm iq--eabrers'- aid hoe _________________ L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ana am"healee amcitono bS- aer'exusin, taw xhbtin a- il A2RDSON, Wbitby. tiome Stuctha courses . '-"Cils by day or ni. îng on he preent codition tii. ~,iut ou Tetxiskaung ai Martbrn a ii ' who Geod-arm wftrdmet raMI'or pur LI sa BusmforCollgo attnded t. Chmr anes mi on rohibitior.exs s n Landau Exhbtnesioe' n de pVI m. I ~ cis 0c 0 ce, orWib raC roeAflSptofULNEUCO Isuly: ntresy, Hilyuy ndn i detth. Qahawa. Âpèd neo4nitôrmd rinn. 3'adat.Pl a ete Ofie. rciplPrsd t Ihin tadoaiduse Ihfr nfien~yonnpontaaPrcur ai thse iclelei 1àn eaue- fe -te 'voted tidetheuspicNo e c90- atu b lered'tfr o rm Stephenson, WhitlypWHJTBY TO TORONTO 140, s toRh ~3ii; bain OD ho; dptnetakd forIeialv exta a- dc ese tabicets are p ar. Choitt,.Oa!MOhoBrgrap, haute, etc.; atone dwelling 1xouaeyt 12 trlead iandmtaPatacaiigml'alas aeo ca us e u.2 oS.yu reat, reatgran.i om";- near"roois, three c ai Counci -l grantedofthe.depoirlme Of-,eie t ____ e-tra atramn, id rmd akntnga 'I'Y-' can't have, becausendhere card;pièce velu;4wo srigscd t Tls rgmetWa feey ue'tht icMebe' o te omuS. e85W.aniJ.sn' an oftapyi». i Bliht, rouli. of'trlitreat yeof th îe iken tai omn' Isttue rut xibi a -umRaeA.cetsglagratgrndhidrn A't1e priancipal ue O- ~Stc Mlax-L.ct h airt a ar tMs ea omc' a ona a Septem be roî;ali, ng 192.O Rdyo oesoe-kome go bikba; ui beratio fterialb iuo'saloned.o.fr o6nF ibthey arc reaindy. Bido' A amfo;aia 00aome x' ,Wehav' fuI neofMe -.- Pmore ojf LXhibaiiofTheilflg posteenty. WhFa= Gôod frimeahomehoee uvsaIIppaaaa. pointsonigsubetTc hi-$à8ketamo 6 eeopn nti andfory ii. Â or 1 aWexector oie Yoàu cmgeBeaie fOntn sarioDRV 'ixiery adn 'To" dy, epembr xrh.ýtJIGazettepeasur showgoods oprirngedca ea. ofM. Rinn - Geore Jaks o livi ngd 4 e- Weaafj AlIW L J' Joeo oaaetness1 o -t on streetoToronto, ehowah arcuiteduen5ce 175 a-recd y iii ndeTônaigied up 166 1f. oh Ieri, ronilo c o DéteCnts.iroue aIfo tîriclSts~WhTbyouonad- wlv ole noonin.îdy Royl ote, ea ttrchaé a in ie"a oreai ealing a lSephnsnci oîss. @IIlIt ugatSltfoTtcORONTOtada panto eigovr-re- hefa' t b.I-p1res nd gk' Sepennre- stabe6 100 120.d- *uvuuose, r Moprtn.- naybedortedsuixtera pi g Boietikes t p he of annd- -r> ept. 2au 3 an fbusetc'.; aoeiwlrti',* iity, Ot.-1 C LS20 L fB I mes ann a ut ptol clin'nlli r 00a. lSept . 240, Sept«clronur irathe cracgrand.i 1110 fl --cStee.Swh W i~ a Pol aiite eeÎndqae i éterCourt ou Batrin thois ai-rMinmum Rate?2Ofceê'. - tCIi. oc !leaciet .A the' predue e839,osS rP oe u o 4) aLI sa 90C % ourcse aldfr eur nilMn Moey uelpi,- oQr aI Yll TOwi 7-0Inclusive - Aunegn t e,id . . W o' ~tthenAûusi-20 Jaken sarSc ayaci.î6î, lek' clie,&htywont.rw,- thtaptole'admaearne OA -1,NSIsTEnd AugeS27ganday.9 daUry oarRenom - armi _poub.Ib oar RITJiR Meti.t, chatheut r. aie nphtgah -fan.patt é1veunbradi'sleedlicC'oV Va icGrndTrnkRalwy ysem "Tee a rasgmen atly disco uged-ao,'T h rteby. esluithe rig mtse-idlewenalstonsi3 andc',50n - Tin a11b0tit ai ad ahe Auui 1 À 91,'itnheni-an Oapberi Tuoclimngth a ' th e tirate -o!twitg the 4l.ik ta oks Whftbyt 'Frut'Exibt ""K'Z NoY Tces goc 10gyu ac ce 0 a .W, k f l ot. 1, , eeaiem tlirs- fihlig d w h bclette l6lbmwther101salons n O - s Àhaw F 3ir; Y re akedté le N. her -ti ckeds -AIl ickfoet aidrr e t uri Tà ae-pogahs o â eiing on Kfng ty. U0,Roic i, mpgasc -' --.~~~ - -n-as i StilWdn4a,-r îebirot, hx: -1,912W.;îy , vetuiôd'cb n tbarn. l re-iprve Gm, a rain he fi tOi the tx rate th e 3ycbKoieéuY vefg iimm ae wn1.0ô cet.--- 'Ibrubt- -ig ees m«i 7 1,-lrotta 'iOîi 3t2e, s'taahêodnay idh 51Rdîh'ataI awny ir.r. aâAmtusupislwyon of. Werrei, wido f 1cIt.reshadWre <Serv ii.ices aa. WTe; Lr d ei a hf b-,tor ti d Icets ur : o ak.-.'-ca& 2 w.s dood~'- W iauii-bteeJrêlw~pl arbe f Loca .ip-e; JÀo pea sîfer or m. utb . t h h isi nyGad'Inagnrwi .E. - : -- o d tat upp : te i'teacft eiixemteat pêsue.ps i Miss Bertha Wo6rfOLkt, wlip14 fu is ignaptnt. îei- ,e Se da 7 hcr deàth a à"'à""~~~' >05 ~ ~ O ecm pl ar gwflmi i e*aIVgt.kifotefut iscMd iii at her father's'homÏ e oe "f r- sveraL a îîunrs unes li ai u- -E. S EPýNS I I . E EBTRrWftlTa id rraei ihotaxyh4eieftto-mit.,-ir lasto o wek i ppeae oleauoe > fnaMural Aetfr ENma N',' The .trouble -y --weanrn g-apra f-THOS.D. SMITH,, Raveénmip, oifnny Oecu ai-t;ji pu dw vt ir c lis again beoii forcecibnck timprovind" t<fowéît' fWor ecn su alr Townî gnttrExrsTicket ana cnOniede ptorSo --Exrtoula4alnsa igoi w gbtaiclssopidiv te bd, id ,àd gàe"n'atr Te legrapb Office, opposite -St4ndard isqie i.jturuîuïg hoffuswas quit. smart. -aid W k à, fu n ofe!ladiW ' wite N 1xr lot long until' thé dîseate agaiu as- MUM . a sell pumpasud bute i Poot5 Shs srted rtaelf. wtà afatal onding. b. lfraI.~IFEO.. rcitg pitdbcueeteel1eseln as s a'er otdtire.1 eM o! ýa: large iSf PJIUImltI WA.NTMi, will b. de9eIÏ1mciueDr. Warren DRAKRMMt' ~ ~ PIOTIOAL-UIEPERTAKERS L tys Ouy, Repai r OIIS..h - - 4- cniS o eài'ru mk-adurc f elkavtaie si, aid ler oaf ees W~TY.9Ij .So Âppî aI n..WorobWm, Perftlecom !y in tiroir boss. Tic fui- -N_ Stock S t., South ns» -.~uor~ -n - -ly at m uthe'c-,,u 6r19p.m ior Toronto i. from Tor- Ibhy Junietw' md 8.30 PuI LION. ý' gSOuth.. 75 i 1.1 3.05p Rolden, pro- mt4 agent Lht promlptly ès moderatc.- ~ES, omppkfte. Wo-b .vy goods. re rjgoui bé ld lif-stN eld !~ odiejar- latrfin bi a unk-è -à Is U-'. M

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