Chepo terIo econ salé IStandard Bant Our StQck QvetflOWS ers' and taran with _ Iteuisi tiçkets round ini or'l VVed ino- lnos aud re-ilp G:ilts ile I -ea - ua pairli, tic, atiK.-w. --'j,éat 1~ .~ueoa D Iafz J1V.._-V . do i>snezer. ~ n It~fi~ni èpeedi*citisjMsra: ob ad iirGr.- uste of --Mr. Douiglas lld »0Bomhville n 1r ec tOhe'-Private banking..bouse f Gniifeld, cf Tôroutoý, apeut iheNSk, J.. and Douglas Adams, 15 fend with ib.teir brother, Mr. Ceca- yan extensive circle of friendsj GreenUel. anaof " Ih ider. h MisKatie Loweue, of Toronto-,and mà an I à c F, brbvlglra .N. Grauger and childreun o Jnse' ha' rWith ~gat SSrber'ed te ÃŽÃtheir Lr for sewerai ternis. An ,h9mes7 aftrvsit]g+14" ti 1 'anid, by local ph'ysiclans was toa fr.Jas ýSît,;] 'p Wity r ile. Mé. Adamis waslisJaotWhby araegthe busi -ness men 1fr. Auguet. u e, who iah b ilnhty ' :Saturday afternoon lu the eiuploy o! ,,the Gazette-Chou- ,fpnerâ buiness was entireîy icI. .çoffice for tue pas toen' yeara, léfî ý'_Pi* services were-conduct.. thia:.wek forsr m. *Ii&é L e hiase- ,rr ecior of the Church oured na ýgood position lu ihe printing Cenelon, Rv .W.. leofc uta cn $5000 We hawelott for les lots for more. AI jewe 0WiL S-pecial--6ô ends fdresa gods ii andcolorsIng 0 î ~yards, ul1ar 6oc. to $ 4.oo per yd. Rummage,,Sale Prke,.péryd el JustC0ISidr.uWe haveb for)Ver, tweinty.five years MnsHard'and.Soft 1Iatrgua Rmmage Sale Price ioo 1,samples 'Men's ýSille' F .inisheci.1 brîiggan Shirts, only iwi blacki, bro6wno Pink, pale b n a d ge of eachcolor, wcut 7c Sale Price they Wedj Sale. Ostirio E t 4 on. acount of $0o rn4ly conplaiul eau, ônly sip Saturda 'iglt, hu nedyeVenngs during lie sale, Au, 50odd pairs ton's D*~ regular vali lot -but noft ",'Rummage - Xi~~~M. lwesley -Auguaitus, wv~ ~a'.~ __________________moyed from Whitby to Rasse; ýwSg on ;;,<Sunay presented by tht w.ôrz4a *of W . -c. T. ýu& -the Tabernacle Suuday - Scho.,l %with a :Bible anid'the following short, «tlreà s. Mr.Agst haà >'hees2theê éfficl.t- Study tha- question cf 1Proibition, libra rian of"2tii hô Ol foroneeas Lmake yo~~~uueIL aoquainted w"t* whatWityAi.1$112 Le beintgdoue iu cUler'counutrleo, and To 1fr. Weley Augus>tue-,:. à dvocate ia 'adopio>, lin*your colin- The &itnday Sobol wrieri of! tht try. ~~~~KethodieÃŽ Tabern".mwm yw~ c Hafthe *woridle-i.on 'the .ïwrocept this Bible as a 'aliglit' tôkei' of, a~out u ht uruit of . happins. u apeçaio f your ýhe1p inuOunr They thiuk it eà oisîti of having. esud Sunday Sçbool. We wigh youuce- -velu y_ our new home and rny yoùr. lie gtingsu uben are b Uxrb. îOeg and happy., in -çeaal 91 Dg and in serving îiglned abhî fte:col otbe.~-E D*xnrnud. . !hompson, Supt. W.J. Luhu, 8ec'" ~ I* J Uq*~raum~gm~BAY-pICNIC. For bargains in te& keties se. south wiadow in i Klutyre'. hardware store. À IuU lins cf lIadies' wbieNubuck ~-~ puipand boots at -Peel'. ,Shoe L -11r. Fred Rtogers ha.-', varfty 0o. -lat, atrawberries which arRu nw 008F- meingd -from ,which hlie pickoda quautlty both'lait week sud ti. s'WÂNTED. ýwô appreuticeste leain 1die@s mne- ing. APPIr ai lire. WortolWia, Ferry 1on't mils the three da special sala oi- coj er tes houtles ai Kolu- tyre'i store~ ýIOR SALE. Ypung sbrârthorn grade ow ube - 0 ~rek 19 ,calE. Apply 1. ahur ByTou- St. South. -A VALUABLEu LOAD -oF SEMD A tosd- of alsike choyer sud waisold 1s4t wok .o ]Kr. J . RD"Dwe by Mr. (Ceo. Coèhranee nild hoiWa wortlr a- lôýt cf ynoney. ýThmre er e tweu4iY bà gs;lu à ail, Ȕe vptlue Wad lover 03. Mihohrn anilu more 1seed to 'dispose of. No advance of prieýs inu répairing a X. W. Colline" aboe atore. U . J) o*ney hbas re bentlylu stalled a- flueb.p; electrice motor inl hi,. seed'warebhoute, -and it waà .Com- p-leted ready for eperationa the latter part 01 last week. ,Te nicior drives the eleanlng miii, and the halaoi, whicb latter was formerly operated'by "elbOw g9rease-11 It i .Mi.- Dd6wney Anteetion to put hïu a grain cboppixig miUI, whi iwIll require a 30 -hp. MO-' tor toa drive. For tii. ei tFortland Osaent, go to lleo. X, ]lice. Evory.tldg nt.i atd- lau-est prie.. Thbe Inderpudet Telephone iu *o uo emplstsd to Brcolin nd, P Fo ]Pory sud the. services uivm inas b the* residents'of Pori' W-itby held a picnic- ai Heydenshore. This piénic, _wbich is called thé Ãay Picnic, is an an. -nuà l afui n sud u lways looked foird1 te with-great---pleatsure. -The aternoen- wiaiO spet 111 gam ,es,,-' etc., and about ý.3à 'clock a tableWias spread- fortea, laden wltli good thieg i"',uchli'ashe-Bay people always previde. "lu thé evening Mte yongpole enJ'oyed ýadancelun'the avio. Mi.. Dewv, clçrgy' an l charge of St; Jobù's'C-hur11',:aspires. eut and mucli thatika is'due i f ori the pleasaut urne spent, aIse te io ern1 and-Mrs.,Easton who were very- kinid te th icnic Party'., The gathering breke up abo!it 1030 o'cIock- wlth ,everYone tdeclarlng that Ibis, "'Bay Picnict' was the beat sud most enjeyable-'picnic of the seaton. A general servant. Apply te W. J.HR. Richardon.., Mr.. F. B. liosure-has sold hle tageou Byron" strent uorth, oce 'y Mr. W~.Rete -eiha,-thée purchase puce WHY NOT WHITBY?', Announcement is maà deb Richelieu & Ontario-NavigationEc~ the'Steamer Macausa w Hi give a sI daily serice frein the Northi shore -té Toronto dur-lng exhibition, «uencing 'nexi Wednesday, Aug, sud incIu'ding9ýSèpt. 711,, except day, but leaving out Wbitby. En of til 'mauâgemrept -la Toronto' - the 1information-. that -the 'reasaÉ Wblîby 1301 béing Includedilu ihim vine» is that there'is-seuie doubt tiere-being gsùffi4<at deîh of wa the pier end fdr-"I'à iië *, boai certain of a-éJsnà îg. -Tha po cail are Cobourg, Port -Iopèé.80'w cupied tchurd sold his O-'STER-lua saa ugs it Pçrcy OsIe, arly -béloved and eldesi sou of lMiad Ma onOtr çOORMCK.-Mi '"Toronto, on Sunday, Auùguat 18, 1912,-R. S. Cor"acf, aged 75 Yomr.. ÂDAmlS.-Aî 'port Ferry, .ou Thursday, Augdît Ir,, 1912, ai his -laie reul- deuce,-David Douglas Adamis, Young- est son cf the- laie David J. Adama, iu bis -34th >yzar. Personal Mention. Mr. WiII Wetlake -was home from Téjoot over Sunday. Mies - .oi Calverley, cf Toronto, was liowui ou Sunday. Misa Elisia Rogers> oi 'roo.e ne- *ted Mis. Win. WeutlAke- lait;, week. Misa Edua Mowbmy, -of Torouto,; is< lioldaylg wih le s<ther liêe., Manager -C. A. mellIu of iii Standard Bank, la' on hie hoidays. De,. Wm. Bliak,'of Fort - W 11iam, Sundaed .wià ire, W. H. Johuiu MisIsabel Bird, et Bowuianvilelu i viitiug lier tai#; Mia. m. 1 W"esk. Mr. aud Mmr. Jacques, eof oto speut Sunday va-th Mr. sud Mis. Lvi Dudley. Mr. and Mre. Ilios. Wetlake, et To- route, visited 1fr. Wk. Wealake lait Saturday. 1fr.. W. G. 'Waltersanad daughter are visitiug wiih relatives in IdiJI- ,brook. - aîes Roua Ross.-and Eva Balmer aie viaitiug frieuds lu Myfle sud Mies Margaret FoIe', oet-Toronto, visited, witiiMas. J. J. -'Connor, on tén#3 Mia. Olive Wilklus, oef Tennt 0' .. *om- the guesi et Mise.-C. A. Goodehlcw- 9th, over -Suuday. ~- unises Ruby and Flossie Tomae, 5Ct -R. B. Haiiug - for -miss, Violet -hiner, o'f Tor onto, i bou viitnhêr'auiislir..jueh d and r ~ "*Jeuning îftoTes Sibe8x WlitbY Youngr monIt nTtes' -s e day- for Western Canadaâ hrete ' xet-t engage in harvesiing 'oper-- one'1t tiesnd inl their several trades. The lt men were MNesers. Wilfrid Brown, mark s-au 1NormanWn lgh, Wm. Peegg 1 the lArthur Hgouaid and Perey Bradbury. re- jTbe> expeçted te go tO PRegina, froas aug-- wheri .thoir ways miglit diverge._' The-j Teronto, Ot.-uic achool ibat bas £ gyèast4sutatlu-for gtiugs.upedr bIWrmi --ne» A addelhortband traiig. Griadule. --get and bold good poaions because they aimge. Opena alyear. xnter anylime Cor. Tomige sud Alexauder Sta. W. J. -Ellot, you had a photograph of, your great, great grand- father ? 0fcourse you can't have, because there wasn'çt any: photography in those days. But your great, great grandchildren can 'have photographs of yo.And yoin owe some- tngto postèrity. -Amateur Supplies always on Developiag and Printing w ILSON 'S B*** ~ê* .**~* Thore 's for% a Reaso., Those limbsthat pain and .ache iu he bcdl, instcp or, ankle,« that ,yeur back acbe.,- Is brough t on by hlgh heels muich waikiung or. tanding on hard iloors or waîks. The.troôuble by' weanin g a ËPair oe' our-Onhoedr Boote or Shoca. Cripples and. Defermcëd Wr a Specialty.' - ~MSciIanteotzs .Advetts. FOR SALE. Witby Keibodiet Parsonage, Byron 4t., brick- houe., ten roobis, three piecebath, -divided 'selli, -electrie ligbting, new furnace, large lot, aide drive sud good bain. For price.and terme.ume or mrite te LOUIS. P. 1110H- ARDoN, -Whtby. GOOD PARK WANTED. Gooi farni wauted,4 te ret,.or -. cdm".; 50 or 100 a cresp 'near Wbiihy or deaa pply aiOGaette Office, 15acres&-Witby Township-bearn 66 j40, atone éabllug; barn. Box 26; bou»,e, etc; atone- dwefllug hou. 12 rom *near l3rookin -Station sd clos teC..1.;fur, re.young .-pr- diard; .three wells; twp:.springs; good dairy or uilxed --farm; joseseion i fal.; Win. Bliglit, Brooklil. FRSLEOR TO RET. A good 100 à ac am, lot :33, rear of età - conessïion,, Whitby.Gootl brick houa.; good. banu-k bAriP cernent etbe;as 00acres i lt32 t coun., Wbltby. Good frimei house,TÂew- [y, -painted. Uood frame -barun. -Rtp- Bùn steanï of -wa ter tiouhfam Mi seede dowmn except -12 acree. Good diay lau1d. -Apply te ýexecutors ' est te late Noble Btvusn . anid W. J. Stevenson, Brooklin P.O.--U. Whole or ýseparate tenders will be received by -the undersigned- up.te. twelve o'look *noon, 0on SatirdCIy' Auguat .:lst,, for -the, several, trade, lun oonuetiou ,wlvth ,.thé érection of. .the Claruegie,-iWee LlÀbrury, Whitby,, Ont.ýý Plansa sud peolfications may. le, seaui ai _the office of the arcbitect, W.. À Xahonpeyi -GiielP4, or ai the- TO*i élerke ' ffic-,' Whitliy, Ont. 1 w T.11 i J~ Cugui 1,1a1.. ub. Lib. Board. PARK O A3 Estate -of John T. Clirter, dee.AMed W0 acrew N.W. ï-Iot2;, con. 1, -Pick-- .rlng, -on Kingston Road, 2jxiiegï from- lutbY. 7 roomed brick --ottage, el$er, godb îa id &tabling^ 4 acres or-1 hard; 2 wells;s1lfen<d andIin good tate cultivation.' ÂApply tol. H .WECBSTER. Witby, and -TH08. D. SMITH, Rà vensho., A. E'Christian, .'o"itor, Whtbjy. WeJua -practical Caniadian- for the training- people-cf our-' Our are succeaiful.' ]Rome din t.ds ya re.B C. 'R.--Browerï Principal. Our, .We of'- the-v< Gradgu aes W uaý y,, Phone 99., - ~Ak a student or ex-5te- Riglan, W.. ltBreut, agent Leur besi dvertisemeuî. Ohaa,Poe 47 aud 21s ktudi', Courses ..bydyo U81188 CoIo~o- atteuded te. Chaa[es modes. '.H. pto EUIC l C0NNE. Presideu le Natand FasIénofl o Sp ring . Stoc is no-W Complete-I.-.; have a ui ne of en's Wo, ~C1~1dre'fine and heaygod ýrylatest desigs A~ ý c1 oicited. Ap With Ch. prudent holes sevral atiern stead of the ni hâve tuned ùc, of smootlïer a most -reliable ji easuÈ-e to Show goods 4"Str ett; SouthW L y, Oatr"o s es aiid" laépberries now claiming the attention ofth(j wife, reliable ses~ ih iutJrsaeancsiy s..have been made to ýsubstitut. -a slamp pressu 1re in- 1t~ screw fr holding dewn. the ls oerbtt tunhatisfactory. The improved Gem wih smae [thicloer glass than thé ordiuary kind, is the-best sd tî on the market. ~' - - all fthese Jarud iWe supply a rubber rng about dnh - ----~ ~- ~~aI for a- there &blé dldi ânis by ad ai vrisofs at. c -iLce - - Il