elock; eri crowli. W j icW rim tie b 'î BLEEVES OF THE SEÂSC3(). v ERCURTINÉ' Bleveshave beeji stQadily gettung. Iongrduiing th~e 1s w 'a ~Nvrhsthe ahoice 'n tics. been and tthe v0ry hot onesai he Widz' r mreartistie ha Vs easons Ino. e never seffli n iea">, Asudthe w0mai, who zamuet fsg~,~~ms.Iin ~t - r4utan enhouas :or. firnigh a year end :aiiW_'ybctweeu tfié el- -netil one is to be euvied. bwailwit i&nVevrliw solçti~ ainier urtains twao estlgg'wn& are tightït.aT4 îçoml Iquite 4el~ aïe imprtant; --the. fibries Va the jits elloiez Must be cool and fresh lookà -The blouses foll,oiv suit,,os c ing~.n they mÛsnt, b. washable. ýhem beuug made with quite 'loù& sa drà penîeo are inartisic, he- claeely fitting, sîcleves, ôVièrs with1 'euthey are inappropriate. Thie ehose that tur-th-Ve lbows Coknir- Ofinstes bo eeii siks n at- tably. inus, velvets and wool. Incrtaiing a 13ummrhas lIneu t*ndow. Wler doubl ..h i4 othing that will he ruine ITS ~ cour4inis are used .they eiould b. W ~easily mranipulated, on the roie. Ci'ew Rched Safety and Hope is ~UeBa £bed&oom huae plent 0jf -Good for Saliragé of Ve4eM. 1windêws double curtains ehaould noV À deespbtci mcm Montrýeal Says8: be ù4ed. Some liausskeepéresprefer The fallowing h&4 besu re Ce4veclE the éietonne ar-chuita sash eurtain. tram thé Macou Wirc1esa Tées These hà zig ýta thié,-sïi! nd work graph Station at Oainperdown, Ný looseiy cii rade. W"hutey eiut 'S.: out zÃare iiirn thVe fnetaorlace "The BritilisteamEr ie ofai curtaanj they danken a room bettes', Cardif, Captà i» Aor»ier,- boiuýnd aud-if properly-,hung eau b. pulled fram Ptoasanio, Arg-entine, for!Que- intoamuaI! Campasw at niglit. bec, viaSydney, '0. B.ý, went ashore Thr iq &iancy iiow for, the va- on Shesadon Thunsday mora- lsctaresti tpcfV wlndOw inmg fe, veilesoesat ai Wet Light, &z Thiolmray bé a ter4-ineh, ruffle mii u d È, ee f hnpsin' *ie. on a ,à d; 1i the èhaped -sud sti.f- wreckoaf-thé Hsimsdale, which went fened 1 valanee le enjoying quit. a aho-- ii me: - -d ' & revival. - eeponeible lot. theaccideït,_;AIo < n' 1treà tffig any w-indôw 'Or door, moderate soutliwest wnd waà blaW- j remember Vhesimpler Vhse éffeat and: ung. The steamer waes,toa fair off tu the-straighter, the.-huies the* better ur e the rOCket apprV;bu h' taste. Puffed' sud. -mucli-drapedir'anding was easy and1 thene is a- iangi1igsare.I>d ion. goad chance , toa se ber if the w'ea- c < For",these heavy curtaina or drap- tien con tinues inOderà te'. TielEric û -erieg âre shown a variety oi printed le -neported. aï lying ýqui tyofaý chinVrý,,taïtea-liun suad, cattan- shore. _A, Steady oul-eaterlp --and "cretonnes o! foreigu and do- wind..is hlawing and no ohngîe as mestie make. Thé coioning of even predled. -Ti.Eric je à e;eoê tcu the cheapest grades je artiste 4sud vessel sund isloadedfwithi maize -4n ons eau I- ind gowers, toliage aud bags. birds lin-sny* desired calai. The tO Engli4h glazed chintz in especially 1 efetieand waeshes well. Ite chef MOETROUBLE Ix AAMA . Aelà ob~to seasy wrinkling. ,- . 11 - - *wP New 'B 8fIPPER BUCKLES. Into Moatonegre. District Pdnzni.eeble on the stage but__ex- despatci frei Cttn sys: ceedingly bad aste anyvhere els. A baud aifMohsmmedau A=ants,, la Vhé; jevelled ankiet tiat extre- Supported by a number of Tunkish Tneare tryinhg ta introduce. One -troaj>s, attacked a secti)nonfitVe îDfthee ws wrn ith&DiectireChisitian Ipopulatio>n lu the Benana gwcfit Viseaelfornt -sDiecie district ef Albanie, alose ta théý 1 sale d4vn one side tiat revealed a Montenegrin- Irontier,, A. force flght ensued, -sud muai bl9md assed. goý8nld ubclan- rud h ear- Msny Ciristiansansditheir families ar- nakesd- a second vider one have fled from Vie district sund buckled just below tic knee. taken refulge in Mantenegre Wien tIItornes Vo aukle - aoru-- - méttic e, el-bred voman stops at- - ';exquisite- silk stockings. If she has SER TB à madueS fan vsarîug javels sie S R'TÉCOUD PRIVE. should confine tien3, as fan as lier Be lief That Tic'y Wiil Reaeh $11 a feet 'are cancei-ned, Va jewelled slip- udewgt per -buokies. ndewg't -Tiese -havé neyer been baveier, A despatci froni Chicagosys: sud are -siown uaL oniy in conven- Steers rsacicd tic highest pria. flouaI buakle shape, aval, round or ever paid an Vie Chicago Exchange square, but lu jewel -led butterfiies, *on Thursday, when a -l'ad afiIndi- ýbowknots aid ;ather ornaients. ana-led Herefords sold at $10.50 s 'Ëhîneitones are ths favorite jewel iundredveight. A nuniber of 'steers used for tisse buckies, but a wo- were aold'for $10 or better.,- This ,nxau Wha can afford detail may -ases of stock is uov at tic higi- lu&eve -sias' buokies of -co!ored* enare- est love! even reacied hers., Sel- -Istuddedc with stanes'ta match - lers are ai Vhe opinion. tiat prime hen variauscostumes., - steens viii roai $11,before .there is - - any checkr. H'ATS AND VEILS. . , Whitit gray and beige or blond veils are vcry - modisi. Tic -gray -oues maIre mast vomesu ook-cada- verous and faded,-yet when'on hs head aci -a&booning-,bruneite Viey arc stunning.-,The whitecnes are r most -worn, becauWeas a viole, they fav-e most b.coming. Tii., yelov e nes, are lovely on -tic navy bine straws sudalsa an the black strave. Tii. rimnmug n& ci saniô e hst --stands -up se straigit Viat Vie French cal! Vihe affect "vind eut- ter," But tiey are verT-ciic, flai- SANK TIIREE STEAMMR. steel Vesi Sioux Cneated -Mara-oc at Seattie. A despaféh fnom Ses-îtIe 'Wagsi sys: Thé -teel easm~sjp. Sioux crasied into -tie Evemett City dock, cntting a large piece eut ai ber supcrstructire suad sianking -Vhs Sound steamers, Islad-Flyer 2Ar. nov sud Vamanoù. -N& anc was In- jnred, but Vie viole: wate-isont vas lu au uproar of eicitement tiol- loving tic crash. TURKISII TROIOPS ROIt» Retreated WIth Ailles- After le. Whtch Lasted A Doy A' eo- L y,-- A Sztoh tMn roraItiorne saye:' was of ially apnaunced on Friday< that Lieutenant-General Garioni,- commander of ,the Italian troops in ( Tripoli, ha~d escaeeded in establieli-1 unga base ai Zuaraà , a town about 66 'miles west ai the City ofTriipoli;, wherethe- Turke ,*and 'Araba'- hadc concentrated their force, and bad ý étnbborply resisted the. advanc0' of- the invivdar.. The Iuauansa ucaeessnuly carnec out thée operation ai putting the large . Tureo-Arab force from the caravid - routes to the Tuiiian The 4Latt4el..1g+astd&M anv alnz oa 44 -lm do, leri -30. Ibo $2 ~toi We 121 ery Ze. lot j EPORra PROU I:u AIO-RO PoUii0u" ai Nouas and AbroSS T'omette5 Âug. 20.-.lo0ur-Wunter wbeat, 90 Perent, pateÙte, -are quoted -ai $L- 80 ta 8-$85 forn novfoi> bi»illp suad *t *3.9ft ta 83M fon o<d, *f.:b. -'înlo. Maul- ,"ba "i-& (tise quotaionsare for J'ute 'bagO, lu' Oaîtou, bais s ma0omio)--?iret 'P$teel; '$5.70; second Patents. $5.20. and' etrour bakeral. $5, oun*aek Tôrout. ' Manitoba Wheat-Ne. .1i Rortiern, 8.2 Ba.pre o.. 2. at81.09, aud No. 3' ai AiParts;. Peed wheat sens et 62 2 white, red aud Mwxed t ,,*-t 96 to 97c, oltside; new Pa--oml. -- Oats-ýMà rket steady. witb deinAnd lii»- lted. Car, lozs of No. , zOntario ý quoted at 41c. snd- No. '3 st 400, outîlde; No. 2 ratedst4c%; *on track. Torouto. No. 2 W c.oasa quothd et:41 ta 411-t,, Bay Barley-Nqew_ýarley'lu quated st eS, ont. Bide, for )To. 2. ýorn-Nio.. i Àmerican yellow quoted at 80e, on tnsck,î Bay porta, -aud at 84c, To. munt&o;3, IKl roan sd, 7k, Bay port&- - > jIye-Komina1. Buckwheat-iromn&L Bian-Matftobs Ibran, * u buaTo> route:fraet. ,2ihart, ta25. - COUNiTRY PRODUCE. Buttei,-The iiiarket fa ?AIrmerî ii e sidpta moderately large: Dalry.- ohéoii4.1 W ta 240; bakera', Infnior 20 ta 21c; choice1 Isiry, tubs, 22c; c,'remery, ST aq 271.2c for rOUa, sud,26 to 261.2-e srolido. Egg-daae lots of - uewlaid, 27c- per Potatoeu--Csusdian, now, eta $1.00 Baeau--LBg siear, 13 1-2 ta .14e0 Mnlb., n caue lot.Ponk-Bhott pmnt, $2460 to 5domess, lm te M. Hams,-Medlum FERRY-M-R-ERvu Moi îu~I a11-la; br«aa l aco 5ta udri fImirt npce 1O; backa, 20 Io aic. o-ImgainInipeo Lad-hemarket - l. uuehauged, v ith A frHba air demasuL.Te - 3à ,tus;Uppi- Afies fr aegCorpus.' Liii,231-e. 'A deepatch f nom Detroit, Mch., BUSINESS At MOMMEAU saya; .Tii. fret mave fer ireedeam Iontreal,, Ani. 20. - Oas - Canadia made by W41. Ferguson, *hoa'le Fstan, No. 2,.45 ta 451-2c, do., No. 3, locked UP ip tihe ut ji br to 441-2c;-extra No. 1 fsed, -Banlsy .awaiti trial k»r Mianitoba ioed, 63 ta 64e. Flaur-Kfani. nwitlg traly the Uuitèéd States Dba- Spriug :vheat patents., - Orats, $5,80; Court ou tie charge ai murdeng o., seconds, 85.30; sBtroug bakers', $5 10; Herbert IL. Hcrberh Canadian Im- rinter patente, ehoioe, 05.25; straight- rai 1. So. $4»85ta $4.90; do., bagi, 82.25 ta6s$.. migration.Inspector, -on a Windsor ). Blle4 oaie-Barrele, *5.05.- baga, 90 ferryboat lier. st monti, was m. 82.40'. Bran-2, -shorts $26; middlui mdng hrdasvhuis on C; mouillie, $30 1,a *34. Ray-No. tDue aeo hrdywe scu- ), car lote, $16 to $17. Cheese-Fineat sel, James H. Pound,. filed a'n ap- reerus, 131-4 ta 13U34; Ouest Eastern,. pliaati6n lu Wayne Crut0ut UA4 ta 127.e. Butter--C iatecream irut out Y, M21-4 to 261-2c; seconds, Z5.4ta aslâing for Vhs issus af a vnit Oi é.ý Eggs--Selssted, 28 ta 29e; No. 2 habeas corpus , means aof wiich ek, 21 ta 22e. Potatees-Per bag, car b ,t! *.Q it la ha-ped ta abtain a review afiVhe Dh D of Connaught, 11 Éh A T N ;ù T -Prevalensoe of. Infant Panak A despatai, fram Toronto Bays: tider, instructions- frai» D. J. W. S - MoCullough, 'head ci th6 PriDvin- cia! HealVli IDépanntent, lnspecter Dr. Bell sud Dr.,MeClenahan, Bnp- enintendent for thée-district, will visit Niagara FalIs sad dining lacalities with a view ta investigat- iug tie sevena! cases afinuant para. Jlysis re ported in Vthat district. Infant paralysie ln deeméed by Vhs Provincial regulations ta be a com- municable disease, sud ýie-rq lias beau wiat aopproximates »ean cpi- dèmie ai.Vthe trouble lu Buffalo ne- eeutly. As a renult anxi éty je felt averthi rprted cases an the, On- Varia ýaide ai thé river. -"ItV la inflammnation of! Vhs iront portio>n- of tVe , spinal, cord,' said iYrl.McCullough viien inierviewed, «suradresuits luinVhs -panalysis ai cer- tain, proupe aifmuscles. Ciudren have aome fever sud Ios the use aif their limbe. -As V hey geV hetter »tic pawe ueully returito ta hs, gre' aten portion cf Vthe muscles, but iV 18 requently lat in, certan groupa, 1n Vhe régulations it, la 4i- nectéd. that the patient shah b. iia-. lated and speoiltreatment 15 Pro- scribed." - au effort.Vo sud Vi-elepidemie ai infantile -paraly.sie -in Buffalo, a Special yard has been' eetablieied atý the, YErnestý Wede-,C0ntagious- Raý,spital 'for V'th dy anid te ment o! thé dise..Teeac9 cases nov in tie City, ut confined' ta any. ope-dboisnit or toany ans Class -af peaple. Que deati from theé disee occurred at Lockport -76estenday sud.anothen at Onyital Beach, Ont., juet soi-ose Vie river. on LX. 7.15 FEIRIY IRRDU CASB- No grounds are given in tiedocu; nment whicb Attorney Pouids flled with the clerk ai the court, but it ie understood that when the. appli- cation le heard Fenguson'a courtsel will lay much estress upon tiec mot that the erime was committod on a ferryboat travelling, between Can- ada and the United States, and that inabmuçh as. the vessel had not toucied Amrican soi! wien the fa- tal Shot was fired, the crime- s therefore, oue wiich lies beyoud the juriesdiction aif the United States courts. VINZV L<AE ART51'. Minneapolis, ' Aug. 2.-Wheat-Septem. ber, 917-oc;,-December, 921-8c; May, 9638 ta 96 1-2c; No. 1 hard, $1.053-8; No. i Nortioru. *1.06U.; Ne. 2 Northern,- $1.. 03 74; NO. -Z vhqat. 997-8e ta *1.0178. No. 3 yllov oorn, 756. No. 3 vhiteoanti, 30 ta 32c.1 No. 2 rys. 63 ta 631-2c. Bran, $19 te $19.50. Plour-Leading local' patenta, $4.- 90 ta $5.25; other patents. *4.65 ta $4.90;, firsi lean., $3.40 ta $3165;' second clears. $2.30 to $2.60. Duluth, Aug. 20.-Wheat, on track; No. l bard. $k.04; No. 1 Northeru, old, *1.03j do.. No. 2i $1.03 1-2; newv whcat, ailAIL. gueft. No. 1 Northemn. 95e;, September, 930; - LIVE STOCK MÂEKET. Mantreal, Aug. 2.-Steers soid at $6 ta $6.75 per 100 ponude. Cows, *3.50 ta 5.5 -bille, $2,75 ta $3,75 Ver 100 pounds. Pnices' for eheep were aiea about the sanie, at $4 Per 100 pounds, whiie Iambe brýought $4 ta $5 per 100 paunde. acearding ta qua. llty. Hagâ ranied betveeu *8.25 sud $8.. 65. Çaives iold tram $3 t6 $9 eaeh., - Toronto0, Aug. 2.-Boit butchers, $6 ta $6.50; good butchers, $5.40 ta 85.0; mei.l uniý butchere, $485 te $525; common buees$4.40-to *4.65; ehoie covi. $5 ta $5.501; dgoodav, $4.50 to $5; conimon cava,. #3 ta 4 goad stockers, $4.75 ta 85.26; light stockers.. $4.115 -to $4.65; ehoice ipringers, 467; milkere, $6; ipringors at M40ta *4q; .amibe.$6.25 ta $6.75;. sep. $4.25 ta $4.. 75; caIVes. $6.50 i10* 8.50; hoga, 88.35 f.a.b.; hoge, -$8.60 Ted -and -vatered. WORK T HAT IS WiORTH WHILE. Relp the Sý,oeiety that -Uclps the T here -j8' nio department of-cch jas ini wbiich the ave' lragç ',itizen shouid be more 7deeplY -initetested than the Iadqquete _care ad rtci~ j.yons -People Buygmake meni. The icuntry-is made better or worse citizenh. Good or bd-ci:sizons a"c the reEgit anmeënt a Our 'refoi Molney- ' i, hoodisi Itlcuts 0#. genleraoy, or the criz ror of his elective.. GR A-.D CEE FeU Thnough Roof WÈle Belgian Ring Was Speakung. A despatci from Antwerp s.ys: Wiile tic King af Vie, Beigians vas making a apeeci at Vhs Charuber of Commerce lu reference ta the Con- go, a young girl, vha iad climbed upcla,,zlas roof crasiisd tîrongh -and fl!!ou s number ofi-vomeni Vie, galleny. Several oai Vie vomen fainted sud atiers veré cnt by tic falling glaie. The girl sustaiued a badly. fraétured ist nitud van eut ssverely. about Vie face. The King vas greatly atartled for a marnent, but seau recovered hie campasure, sud entined u eit The Three, Youths Re ceive l~ af çarlY training, envir- A deeapatch, from Cairo, Egypt, and oppartunity, Chid. say ! h6 triai. Of three youtlis who work that i. wartb. whule. were-arrested on .uy~2 for being, matories, and prisons are cancerned hi a- plot ta asasat the produot Of negleot. Yiscounl '.,Kitchener,, the -,British ent in 8afeguarding child-. Agent and Gaonsul-OGeneri In epaid ane huiidred foid. Egyp, reëhltedin ail of tlhem be- crime, pauperiam and de- ing faund- gViIty. one *was sen- heOfore they get, beyond tence-tà 15 YBSarf hardilabor, wliile snd althdugh- noV 80 sPe- Vthe- othe~r two were -sent,tû prison. s ýth. drunkard refcrxned for -15 years W'itbautlard labar. 1V mina! t5rned fr<>m the er- was stated. during the hearing that- S ways- it ÃŽs noue the lkss the rddin' of sedîtious literature had ixcited them toV S c piracy LOI%$ ý ý e 4 Vi D £ Au Ir O L A'D J 0 i o i Q L & Teronto iehu-rehi The . C..:announcea: that -propofed increaae -i saffitalst wil flot exceed $60),000,êoo. 'The cointract for Vhe'néw Gaveri m ïent, elevatar at Portbrthur hi been lot to a Minneoli1- -rm Over 40,000 harvest laborex., ai requiWe in ýthe West -of whom -Pe et. mûot conlelonasf Edward West, *"ýý divèr -WOrkIml -near Port BurwelI, Was crushedbi neath ,a 15o,:Von 800W on the Jl STos. Harrison d his wif 1e loi thei four chiîdren ina, firs Whie 'destroyed tiheir, home' near Elgi .fuig the year ending, April 3( 1,292' Cà aadian-made auùtoamobil< were shipped tq -New Zealazid an Anetra lia. I Sir Donald Ma~nn sys the Cane dian Northern transcontinental lin may be ready for, operation in eigt teen meonth. The Provincial" Health -Depart mnent âtirt-ed,.an investigation ai thi outbreak oai infanit 4paralysis in thb Niagara- ditict. T-he Provinc has been aaked -t CO-operaVe, in the building cl, -a international highway irom I>er Arthur to Duluth., Agas W611 ai 40,000 lest perAs -Wâs - truck on 'William Streei Brantford, ini the heart ofi the rèsel diBntWa i strict, Dr. Hugl Mcallum,-of* 1London, Ont., wa» electéd preà ident oi thý Oanadian iedal >A' oiation h session at PEdmonton. ThO. Vat'ian lias canfirsed Vin Oonaietoriailettsr refusing permi &on ta bhavethe Collkge at Ste, Marie Maninoir reapenèd. D Iespanýdent over debt and lési ,01 bis Poetioae, David Waterhuryý ixty -years eai ,age,, ýcammitted 'sui. cide in an office luWindsor. Amas B. 'ride of Bsc>ih"dhië neck 'broken whénà hie iriotor a :urned ý,turtie near - Homer:, six niles est oi Et. Catiarineâ. » -Wm- -Dillen,, a prominent Sarnia business man, and a lad nmed Qor. don Lucas,. were iearfully burned rien a motor-car- ovsrtunïned and caughlr fire. Montreal'a 1912 aSSeesment t-otala 1689,00,000, or an increeae .cf $15à ,_ 00O,000 ovenr the figres for, 1911. rhçre is, ba>wever, a tofai$194,-_ 00,000--worth cf property -eempt Promn taîation. The contract for the. Governmeiit levator ta hoe conetnucted at Port rthur has been gîven to, the _Bà r- Iett-McQueen -Ca., Limited,- -cf [inneapolis, at*1195. A oraner's jury atSarnia faund* ïhat the death. oi William Parkas iine-year.-ald- girl was ctaused .by- horsmorbs, hastened 'by ne-' deet bY not snpplying pro&r medi- al.tedne2 WhI!le résidents 0f Sutton, Que- >6a, gathered tao rganize té try -ta Mt A stop ta sneak thieving, iorty aluable fowl were stolen f rom the >&nn in Vhe, icar ai the place oi GRIEAT BRITAIN. Mie Octavia Hili. a prominent social re former luinLandau, Eng., gince 1869, is des.d. R ing George as appointcd Rigit Hion. Lounis Botha, former Boer general, nov Premier of Sauùtll Af- ica, au onorary genrai ai Ve British. amy. A-foun-daVion stan. aif a nienonial tover was laid at Soutianipton, Eng., on Vhs spo1ýt vero the May-, floyer vais nooned'tire centuriea pnior Vo Vie departure ai Via Pi!- i -0 4] o e A n ti n cJ g e' Mi UNITED STATES. Tic. United States Senate.pasd Vhe il! giving'effect Vo Vie fur ses-h Tice '. S.,- ouse vated dovu Vie Présidents veto on the steeli iii,- sud passed 'th. measure-.by a -te-ý. thirds niajonity. GENERAL. Tic Dovwager, DuciesseoaiG Cc-nos, graudmother of" King Vîct&er--Eni- manuel, is daad. - Visiter to andaWis-heto Foster A despatch- rom Montreal"Bayes: Dr, Hans Hamian, the secretary of the German Eooonie Mission, w*ho- ie in Canada -With a view to faster - igrelations between Canbada. and and will'latér visit Qttawa, Teronto and the West. ÈHe will 'Canfer with Gerjnan -b'sinesa-men- in Canada, wîth, a view to formung a corporat- ing- association in Canada to, kep the> parent association in, Germany fully inorned ofil- pportunities and developients that May lead'opro- fitable trade. ta re 90 le t 4i i t'a et th 1 y4é" ir agnsdmeJce-ivèéd'hie sariér i£ educatio;n at Vthe St. 4]homas col- T legiat. Ir Btitute.. lu, 8S5 ho gradu- sted fKR 'thé Urei >6fciToron- ~> to, )vinni g ths -Gèven-Genèéral'e medal. --- -bloc - toue TWICMmN IIRo yED. or E Ro b a pazed. and Bodies Pot Vhs Yet Recovered.-dra .i A dch to froin M4nitwaning llp is s W lianm Tüiker, ai thi- vil- of h4 ag, ts tao pend 'à và atiou oftei rith a nrtY) ef ounists at-Bau&* d- are< field, on the fartien si!e of Lake by a Manitou, as 1U k Hh~a s an ei Lselistânt In 'lVhe owboai--a- nir técase -ai dyflspeea f ood lB ai>n--gre at Lse forme. Le #noVher patent cau-e. sans -a persan esay, " ýd té, sleep. lu Vn hs bath, fcdlowed biyzMome ~enérally proves qýuit. for 4.0 d aâd bega aueina. 'elis08* un mra vee found floati Fanse,.w . ý Thé,:a so>-nnai, a d soon ia ni ans lu r boat, lia team -t gwere Àenga ffng for tV e i odles. AI raýgging éh. bodies sa 'und, Ti s gênera! ci he bodi u intise c lot mxi9e. Tuekel, wî uûd .boblpni to a proxl -7AT'Onmdeitwîti bt milk, *hlky and: 3 TRO TIES IN MEijICê. ,»utmeg, le a nemedyý-buth hinsu-n_ -- - (-1 Val sud Physical exlau tion, and Federal Ti -- Ps Pitting ,'Capturedi lZten; i soins cases, lu "Bristol - -bes W e~Death, - rlk," made iti -hot milk sd A Adeepa h frein Monterey, Mex, sherry. Ssys:- B sa e~ioea' . Theïse are Most effective. wlen the VieTa dsri, infak g in sleepless pers on ie unaccustemed 'La ti g a r c es f al ho rrble i anaci - -tVe use af stim ul ants. B U t t biey Ver bcs -it ià à aimed, ic Gov- ave their dangers-. Mark Twain erminnt la peimitting ïu*nilar telle' ho whm e i suflered much crimes on epart il FedÃrà l top ic nona ebegan Vi. sarai. nud r he pration f the pr l - for relief by drinkin g a g se a mation - s&peuing constitutional leer beons gong tVa ied. - guananite. Teélegrares1 were nre-- "This gave a ;litVle relief for' a ecived he -tating1that aamailide,- short trne, Tien 1 exchauged my achment fFdraltifope *as been for a small prescription aiof e4ptured rebels iu the! Picardias wiiske-y. This wcrked 'the deeired cayn n-r Terreo and nine of Curc"-for a ime. Butthen li th pin!dngeeofio, eéfuud hè needed a larger dose,- sud prmtly nged ta trcs, se "sougit another remedy adý PRINE RTUR FR JAAN.-found it. Yss, sir, an inlalliblé ne- PRINCE THUR FO dyP." Seleeted Ks ing's Representative Thise vas a qbild'à Gérman gram-, - at Ilkado'is FuneraL. - ar and i. ite7er got~ hou l- ingle page before eleep camae along. A despateh frore London Saye: Dr. Hutchinson, salis be scarccly The &Ion ai Vie Canadian Governar- eVer met with s man whs could -- General, rince Arthur aiofCou- withstand Vhesson ifie e éLeVci - naugii, i been selected by Ring botl siauot. George ta eýpresept hie Majesty at À tab. t ic funera -oait h s îlate E m pero n i ieofa c o , Japan. H il b.e mp)anied by have their seep, disturbed' nisse Lard Met unA Emn couple aof hauns clapse uéwe P,, Milée sn i eFniuSubÉtantial mca! and bedi;ime. But Office. ank by Cà ptain onham, an empy -tomac i le vre thian a. Prince Art. ur's equerry. - fuli lflS. - When the last mealisi5 aken Vive (>V E I A N D Rand a hall o n Vre s lioers before OF,.1 ÙN)ED OR¶)WNED. goin'g Va bedsutigaewb- cuits. or a sandwiheté.-gehould- lu Disast us Stomnti Off.I Spantsb be caten in Case ai slepleeitas Coast.- Eldely :peple shaîud not dine, 'A Qu;ü.e hunred iîîa Spain late, but -Viey particularly nced - sys: n sudr d e eôiu oethipg ligithbefore going ta b.d, Spaieh fishenm en belongii-gte tua uc a a cup' of hot mail, a-plate ,Port le-st V eh' lives by Vh<.-sinki-go!apaglass oai aIe flip made 'wlth - of furteen 'fising boatÈ 'dùing a-warmed'-ae, ntmeg, ugar ad a- terrible -h n hlà ha -gdwelI-beaten ,egg, o an ra. aloing the .Epaulihcoset du rng thenoot, wviti alittie. sherry-axythlng past -, two' days. Thé 'hikmican, ligit and nutritions vi d. wiecba i t av ated, a e ~i Quypersons are vey,,aptto,- M ense havS ià i -Ve oa ias tý,n s. - - uffer f r ar l e l s nesmt i s - -ehauld ava6id thc use.'o! tes, fruit,- IWr.envey»re viii nuon have f muai- buVCher'g Ixiat axd scid, a plV d hein w ark on tic lins wi 155. They may --esit s.ultry. Irinm iorén otaeUctrait.- r- jr--. - t j, MAIS A GERX-AN MISSION. 1 1 1 ýl ýl 1 1 5- 1