-Whicb en blv Prime, front 1ht t. 8o B Aso extra value lu Wb&vuu. sm.oite.. Alarge oporalleai ou on bu*ùieaa- 'u th hure ait with. ont ttreet. vzsited her Ber sa rez col. WL., w à ud. Mis t. .- Baiqnto, i Jul of Ta - cour and A. F.CIIR8TAl Bari. str.rN4esry 4 Offie E.t doeWest oftheP JAMES TEDOLE,~D môn"y b Loan on easy-t îOfceS Imm ediately'sou h Roy0 I. VOirNeS sITruL. B a i r s t e r E t c M o e y t o l1 u OMc-4mth's floBi .Wh LaRU c=PN-1njý New Loweli,- on Thur»s- JU~ 85 192, 0 x. ani lira.c ïr ete, a su éwMasiaret sud Helen Licphon, have keen visiting It ir .grIand- ise hre, returnaed te -t.ir home nu Lovil, -on Wedqpoda>y - J. - ickab, ~ansi son, of Toron-;, l mliiugMr. sud Kra. lD. Roi- w&ov ai ad i earo 01 o Torouto, ;re visitlng- aft ~me otIte. Win. Browa.* Chta. Gauinthe- ira te' lba to pick i tematees font i b and liâun~Marae DU vere At Niaas» l is week )Is& Bail, Of Iontrsal, i4siýù lino spout Sunday lit friendg Jiei:, liban1 yw»vnt a ~lable modiiin [r i oousk or. Ii 0.Chimnberw be dopendesi upo. sd lu piuuipt sud W4-e l e a.-lo ash a à i ur. lira. Ormiston on;isa£bu. Au l4aaboued qua.toly W94 ~service Winl b. hield ia 1h. LoIÀ trip 10 lroo ou Tueay. J Huhodist '.ourck: on the 'W George Prin gle *inl.liold s- sai t , ýoD sale of hi. houssheld eflectis niga .0pm atur4dy, Aug»tt-IOuh. Se. post- mon b>. ,tli1e4pa, r vilibe fom .or furtiier particular.sLv ea u Iôul 1Wooemnn Inatitute vrii muet on and theu 1h. Lord'Supper.1 *day, Aueut lI.Ê, 4n the., Xà aseiwho,are- lulemed, and 1.t ut Q'cj k. Pcpýr* vill bu giv- tliauis erv$es ,are a tender :.yîlo, left on Monda, aon-dispF iilb, viere ha has uecured a a sChef iDoneof, enu b> lroube vit)! Paxilai par- Often ,very ç mlià ben1 fing- lIýe alfteil Rails lierý- en à pplying Chamberlia's This iiment aIseý relievea -Pains-. 'olýr sa!oe by aildfa D..B.fPlaid, oet TorontovsW teva on-Satnrday lait. aempaie by A. A. Po.t arltioo ,64 rontob. q%!h Dr, contezeîplates- buildinýg'arsi dence on bis fatbiei'llot. ýW. D. and »Irâ. Rogers sudnifwnily viiet re 1fr. Rgers vil)do buoineeq as a general merceat. - The veut litof isýac' Saite ar on lb.thebrook r oss "didbase. uebel ber knovn smile ,W.Qreig tarin, bas beenb 'Sold tu John,1Toms. .- lM'oms Jetfer-sn wrOle tià t unilm en areà edà lsd.1w lhoir r lpé?.iav wUhi.à showred 11.4 1h. moue lst bad htj.Nýrtb's posmicà n d, :On DoUater iwe the defeadaul va a u' 9tuor., and ltat il bac )peared ,vitilo le vaai there. li ù, evidene of il having bern aeh yGaraway wua givea, buat Hie 'r ligid ltat hovanthe oui> rayý >f -thé offeea ad sent hlm, _e (JntalI prison. for fou r motatts. J. . areei, .C., -.for the, t,' And'DAJ Svramzon ,or the H]Eour, Judge lntyra, aIseî ~h cae51Rex vs. misseti, >by_ MissetI vas chà rged witikas. occasioning . actual bodily harm e Huasél Praniklinu a big bar fi t at he Qebeva Rouge nome3 ekA go. The Crown showed the offeince had been actu lly 't d adthe Judge held ltab diefience ..witjaenoms. vre *wrong axer. clalm provocation snd self eind lbrougblthe -efforts of the !lýCouùà sel, ;D.A.J. S3wanson, sen- WHITBY RARITS Alsike clover, per bui.,4.8.0O te 3P.00 We.seiM..... ....... M b 0lm, Whitspis.. ......0.0 to *-mi go ' M* U...............11~.9 -... ...... Lis th .8oe .. .. ... *.f 0.96 eau.70 Red Colver..... .. ...800to9.00 PLOUKA-À" 1EED. liup.S - ....-l. .7ils.0 Choppd -bei,' eut.1.l8 t1- 00 Dram,. pu tt.8.0ILoN Sheets pS.',ts.. .....5 t. 87.*ê fflÀT. POUI.'RY ANDpRODJaô CE. Boslit.-, i.. .l.5 e 15 Xuttoi, P.mb...&015 té 0.15 l*à o se..... ..4.00105.00ri t'W. dr wtd~ .. .....709,0 11600 Hiog, aeeot:4~. .. 7.75 $0 7A75 Gtte and: Chronicie sent weekli a a etterjrfom, home.- Get the cowfT"Y 0F- ONTARIO. - dà 2uali,-Whiiby-.J'a. 15, -oý- IMarc4, Aprgl- 3 gay 2,' -Jou Oï July 3, Sept . 8, Oct.. 2, Nov. 7. jOSIiÂWA-CIorkNUas E.L. Macion- ks Wiby -Jà 10, ýFO. 40 au. di april 4,Msy.l, Juna 7, July , Jan. 14, 1918. 2. BROUGHAM-C lsrk, IL. Gbss-,, Grmewoýod-Jat..1,Mrh6 a 6, Juil 44, sept. 5Nov 1,'Jas. là , 1913,. - hum, Port Perr-.Jan.- 18, Mir.. 7. MiayI., July-8j Sept. S, Nov,. 18, J".t. 170 11M. 4.1JXBRIDGE-ýcl.erk, RoiJ.--oorot UxbrIdge-Jau-. 12, Mardi 96,5lMay 14, July 28j, ept. 1à , Nv 22, Jan.ý 10,19. Sudl, CunIutouJan.- 11,Ma e7t, May 1,Jny2,sept. 19d*oe. 1,Jusi. 9, loi8. êBRA.VPiRTON-Clerk., Jan. IL., Gordos, Deê,ert0Dm-Jaa lep Mamch 2$ , -May 15 July24, Set . 1,N 7. UPTERGEOVE -Iek,-. Danwa .29,Msy 7 Juy , Sepat.10 Nov.1r9, gpJin. 71 1918..- (ByOrdr> .~E FÂEWLL, jted a*hl »tby*c. U, *1és TRA-BUNS, JBREAD ANP CAKE MAXERS. FREU I SPECIAL PRICE CORN - Mut Jisdmanée -HDOk teoan abi-en idea? >11 imperial Year Imiperlal Cadet Revlew Cotdets froui ll the Ovmns.ss-lomdiffiop Exhibits by the Province. Dominion Bzhlblts Bà Ãnd of Scots Guards Fromm Bucklugham Pae PaI , tinga of, the Yeartfror Euro6pe. Palatnga by, best Onanadian a"d Ame:rican Attlse ImiperIa1 liCdet'Competlions Boy Sco'uts ýReyl.w Ivrttn aEducatlenal Exhlhît Seeof Dulhi, Be... 0* Th, a BauRà d Bdltaluslesut Iras. Dhd, Dragoons' Musical Ride indaustrie lu OpiraiOn- Butter Mak1ni- Cotupetitions AI erica'aGreatestLtvgSîockSeov cýanmaas 11185e.: tDog Show.- Amweica's-Prettlet Puni' es JapaeDay F Raeok Mipor B. at Rcs 'Poromtà e aud Crcn -Us Fort S'ags of rsua -.11 goln Erupltico tsMutVmva Atet, dC onrft Df TAceehnd Monufcusay ImpcrW -ai Maufcres-0Nubt JAMES<, 'A4 .24 1912 Sept. 9 ~~ita-0 TOON TO Matnitoba, SasI Ipwa ntueu for eutrvi5wOQ -t AUCTION EE Ja.. Bizholp, Osh&w&,ýcenb * !l a~. Successor f0 L. ,Fa for *terËa sd dates applylto sm G. lobb, Whhhëty.* LICNSD AUCTIONE -AND VALUATOR._ Ail kinds f- sales promptly ai to. Arr.&gements cn be -um sales at thi Gazette offce. Termi reaonable. DI I s d _l n " te l l o s f - WIIITrBW Offl. j J. HWELL MI fCarpe ner, Build r sud, Conta 1laas drawniand -istmtes furni 'RepaiMs, terations'aud- obbii' 13« 4677. WtIT4V - PhOm Buck,9RIdaIl &Ta < a r p e n t e r . , B u i i d e r , C o n tr a t o r , --- Plans draw ansd estmates given Repair a properties- and frnitur ceive promPt ttention,, i&xz:i32 or cie Ceo. Davey, Whitby. ,r A. L A.M Educatioln Paru Look aboit oan she'bie brama in btte salre h tmsiecimusaI.W. train yeun%- mn a o vimnste us. their brai ia bulneoasi- Thsy nsÃW,Èe. Wh mot yen?1 WiIiyou write for a 00p et'Ourmv nem«isloguel t ilii ne ota-ilye ntuttoget ahel PaJterm f roui Aug. 251h. Acdre o1tPany, .d -ma- Uand# of l 'Open for TORONTO ýTARI Tor Ã