Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 Aug 1912, p. 1

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*è !the. mat Sae of or abandon il i or two 8c1iools~~ I W. have galbA i Also extra ývî1uc ln Cômba. 1) lot and OPticiln MEDICAL HALL Breck S. * WbitbY. LEGAL JNO. E. FAREWELL9 40 Barrnstor, County Crown Attorney and County Soliciter. Offce south wing C ourt House, Wbitby. AE. CHRISTIAN Blstu, Ster. Notsa'yPublie, EtG. Office first 4o00r West of the Poat Office.;, -Money tw Loan.' JAMES RIJTLEDGE, BaoPistOlr Etc. Monçy tw Loan on easy ternis. office immediately. south R3yalI Hotel, Whitby, Ont.:- o.G. VOIJNG. SMiTiii, Lq L. s. Bagrister, Etc. Money W b lan. Issue§ of, Marr*igeLicenses. Officcr-Sutt's B ock,- Whib, Ont. J W. ADAMS,-D«tiit, Offis, -DUIL- Terre., lmre.St., Wubi7.- AUCrIONE)CR jas. Blshop, Oshawai4 Licenâed Aue- ïoncer. Successor to L. Fairbanksi F or ternir. and dates apply te self or te GRobb, Whitby. LICENSEU MJCTIONSER AlAND VALUATOR. Alkinas of sales prommptly att.cnded te. rragemntscati be, maile for -tales atthe Gazette office. Terms reasonable. BO1 U md )iu4emdFnt phoume. * WH ITBi.>ON1. .'J. HROWBLL JAMES- Carpenter, Builder and Coitractor. Plans drawnand estimates furnithed. Repairs, Alteraticns and jobbing.- oppositâ Stepbeflsof's Box 467 WIIIT-bY Phone 149 Bucko, Ricdali &Taý1or Carpenters, Btilders, Contractors and Cabinetmakers. Plans drawn and estimates given. Repai rs to properfiee anid furniture re- ceive prompt attention. Box 132, ori o Geo. Davey, Whîtby. Byron St. Marriage Lloense.. A. H. iLLIU Issuer of bKarrage JwA 'mue ~q0 wttne.saB drugstore. Whlthy Education PayB Look about you an& see bow traiuod brahw-win better salaries than- trained mzuscles. W@ train young mon and women to uge their., ras in business. They succeed. *Why not you? WViI1 you write for a copy estou if you want La gmtet6head. Fallterm from Aug. 25th, Addresu Shaw's Schools, Toronto, Ont. W. 0.Shaw,- Pp.s, Venge AàUsrard S*a. MONUMENTS ou i DeaiUs ad Iater1aJ-opt, ln4toci 'works a"d Inspect for yoursel._ Quo't be piloled by agouti. Xe do ».1mlploy -thuni, comequemtly vissi sud do allow tàwe sget's commissiom, 10. per veu, which you wyul certsinij eausby Purchm 1g roni us. ACOlI Solicif.. or= an md Works OP~ih 8*.ui 4 mWhIibont. uat ueo tead àâol muat'b. built..- àaI position.-, to wliat uiight ho doj made up Àa, foilows: Model SooQ, 84. euu Henry -,sitl' &115. pbthfao ad Dufferin Street, o42. - I..He hei caUechi-po ta The total xtumbeouniii. roli was 303.Lftàë;Baord o 1iai The îeating càa4m'ty 1fjof thé, odel school ils 190 ; of the Dufferin 8 t.,Sohool-1lOO-a'total oa 290,, or 49 ýýmore-thau 1the average attuidaiue. eo ~rwl ndXr .Probably ai no",'ime Iuriugthe'schooll somaImre IeugUi usuppori would there ho as mn Myàa iOn -le~mo.If -Fej0 uson so, or oveal if room, foe -.303 woerurd, a R1o.Ft doubt aflow more coiild-Ie squoezed into morne of wjie f'è lb- roomm. lu ho Nodël anid D4rnStreet ScÉhoolé lier. ouci. la~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~wn rom ~r,~rjl i ulc ~ P~wztLo go on ~record as.è Thr M Qurr'losite lodol Séhool audpoigt.b4w umi Ther arefoi -oo1 ugive lis viewmas the rçI two in ntoêDufferinu i8rýo,. six 1n a!L. - niig--â8tc %me. i the--Bc 'tiaI lier. -woüld ,lý241, puPils ou 11e averagem ot ndniIrei.b atteudance, " wbulid-Peyieac romaPOP*- p30,W< -,-twd, be needk lation of- 40; or if,300 t pupils ialtoeded, eai rhfl heýs rOOM woud have téb :acoommodute 5Q .pupili a ad fit l trf ]à Ee ethai Dilierin .Stoeee has lad 54', naneson1o~l moan an fncteù.- in ouro 'witk-an ave1iage attoeidabnceof-42. - iaît.b lb ~ ~ ~ o liteýr, a nemnable to, afflUMe j<c~ ~ liat, in order ioget -along for à few years, th.> t, <o , , mohol populatiuonCUI Ib.cSmm idaOd m b1hoter thâg building a- no roons Whywu ~i enl aing expoen« ir.J .Ym 0W ~p~~ mes. wk000 OOfor anew chopl. H19è Only mix leachers, inq4md of ight eWyouId ho 'eial wç could stiand uo quie,-aI a mvug,îîu 4alaiesofniay 70<>. Fuel[ dpetoksolsc caretaking, incurance' aàd iepairsfor o. *onatelially n iit: hocounted as' 4othèr $175. A -total Jrial 1fr. ,D. wdeu v 1go1 naving of 1875 .wouil hiia hoeffetod. -mbô kpsl H-o S thf lHepry,,reTlrýt-hoboi <culd ho sold Il. Scieês jrniàà -zecive procda nughl bo dev4ed 10 repairs or imProve. àeyar.., Mznua1traitI mnente b ôie Oie ' # sr ýW I0101018-.- > e-, -Tiihe gl chool wa Buitilwill be àmaid thaIt 110 Modél Sehool 18100 axin thelpor man shou fair away froin-tie -wosl of th. town, andU t cat -thé a'scid Duflern IStreet là 1odIfar ifor lbe-,up-town .piwllm- Several - o1her permonse *Wile M odel 1- iab f 3ieBf omtrali lieanol poak, but ai thelato hoi too1 -fîr ditant for even Ã"héemalliie. For any lime. .the, Dufferin Sîreet,.pupilh aouth. of a é8re8nf lino 4The meetingthen adjou from east to*est mightr l'e e ct down -lierp. Il right laitesmre Ingenuity tb arrange mati- term, but what -are brailla for-but to, overcoine ~ eBi Obstacle ? Th@ -publiesohool attendance.. bein'g Iliumcared for,-1t remý%inè- to Bo Improve the premeut HigI Spray tlie polato crop School building as -to put 'il in good condîtaoii may corne along at any t for the work -it has -to' do. At an expeudiurie ail for il ; poevention being' ay$6,000 modern systems of heating and mi-T.dioswchi talion could ho installed ; the sciencOe room equip- pear upon the leaves ; ti ped. with. neoesàary apparatus ; new deska (if_ ne- and beconie spotteti witi ceesary) and. propoer closit rooms, etc., provided.- hhey wil oo4-die, turnix The- heatfng and sanitation. systems would be black. required for the consôlidated public schools,. so it In damp weaher the. f lis said, and ifat any time lin1the future, say, idly, and e.ter th1e leave 1w11en the bulk'aaf the present ,dchenture debt is tacked, and in a veryah paid off,: a new WlIiglý Sehool should be decided aboyé ground may becon upçn, the. preseut1builoing would be ready for the 'smelhngmu. public ochools. -The disease eau ho cist But it is -urged, "«What are you going to do ural withering -which tal with tie Agricultur4 ' Departmnt? W. must th1e growmeason, by a make room fýr thatc', mildew surrounding th1ei Thïs is thie ày weljwould arrange for liaI: ou lie under surface of t] The course iu Agkiculture, as yet, han lasted -Spraying with bordi but four weeks. >Duràng lie remainig 481 weeks about evoeY two week ln thi year the. Depai-tment would notl roquire lie growing '*.sêason., wilI con usei o! the echool, itwing offices and a room cen- Thei. mixure used shoul, trally localed, on Br4ckStreet. 4-4-40. Talte 4 ibs. fresI For thèse ftour weýks Why, flot allow the clam. dilute bo 10 galloixs; thS Ivory' popularý. Evory hou-se w"-isi lighted by ea~vd ih"i.one. Ielectricity- is al1oweýà a. 16 candi. powver lighton I- eiuo i1.Bii the vrandah or on the' front of the liousMf-e f !jdiaùi Tour JI, l92 [arge, the coinneci,-on --for the fre i» t' ho-hoI -.A.Gicet Prie made outidéýe i. 4ter, ath be lampe -o b. mup- plied by the househo1der. The~ Counc l i also al- lowing eoaci housoholder free use o!. an otide, water Lap for an lhour and,, a half"each -eveng9 to aprinki e 1.1n, andl ayA4 edud - iu front .Mo SdxIndiens, ahd wil "r amwS-boru iu fow.,wordm ho diti nolcAM in rop-. téi WiiId'eâ porly tg maouaarie awjawzs- Ild not bo laxet to edtu- -on. swere 'calledupo)n lo~ ur deehined b hake -Up .-Acs ýo the ÇMi GerIV ,Assô. . 4 ' ue tb di-for.-4pr"àp; on-l be Post ,0f- Iawa 1oIur h "4a6ulwnmtmi llow. ,Vases, mounted oýi woodet - tands Wh"o boaati, qwers have been lie ývoemet wbio i nstaructed carhskr te prmerthledepired es.1 The. vase'and stands -,aire iida.'orisa cler, and add, much thé bestytioftho jindsorne -awn the imtprove;et iiglit be te cure low -_wire-fencing te, surreund grass - panels 'wh ch -are buing ,deh by'lhe feet ,of thé. thought- -caretahêr of the pekffioe-ham higto do biut swep the,. pave- ads surrenndingt1he buildinig., NcrUii- .r a« orning hidsi he alks and .iterod wfth peanut shela ' a»dý or -refuse. This net. nly maires Ak for-lb.e cantlaker, but -until -ho 1 ini.s te remove il,. m es thé, mises U'nliky and unsightly. Fléas* A' do i -1. - - - The mas> Moende of Neil11 An old Whitby boy, will be heer that he has been app4 iah Consulin IDBluefilda,'Nie Public' NotiCg 0 .ar agual.- Iardwi a Ipublie notice ineeb ionta the Campbeilford, Lko OCntaronsd 1 -Western Rai1wsyGo. bas Ibis _day ýde- ofPDatist posited in the Regitry ' ofice for the Connty of On;à tar -. ~whitby, Pl.,, - ,profile aud-book. of reference of revisï'- now, as lte la-le balged location of its proposed rai1wUy C linoaudîhreisnu ~ fr»on a peint in lot1 eig -teýAn (18)e i tim,, nd-thre isno' cre 4lbfirat (lÈI) concession 1- of -tbm Town- the onky safeguard. ship of Whitby tom a peint in lot thir- Is a fungus, Will ýfrsl ap- ty (30>- in the.'second (2nd).cgioeWuin ies loe teir golr o e!. said Township, being front mile cee ~~ io . ergreenit-olor to Mile .165.5 o! the said railway. iyellowish pa-Eches, wien Dated 1h.s 27th "day cf JuIy.- it12. bgt a dlark brown or 1MacKUQCY & SPENCE, Soicitors for-1h. snid Railway Co. fungus, epreatis more rap- - Esthe stems willho a- jort lime the whoîe plant. mie a moist, blaokimh, ill- - miguished fronilie ual-1 kes place aI the end of61 aborder o! greyisi-white e inargin of each -dead spot tho lea!. leaux mixtîure once ÃŽ4i s, ulil ie o o!lie- Direct from in<p Lîrol th1e diSs. a No screeningsoi [M ho whal 18 knopwn, as hf lime andi wieu s lakod,1 Etrkc 4 Ibo. coppermi- Ilve it and diu t t 10 îlf t iu oaci mixture Ibhrougi Vi. spray barrel, gallon, by1 lien fil up Mut $7.60 S or ulakciug the lime and s wiIl expedite the oe- Who, ou- eaif of lh Ic. Ver Htel me" and on-- eo H ah Maufcuen( il 'o! tbe WesternE T.BEaon Go., tc be known as C01W Wbihby, and' hfr:G- Prompt,,,and'.care ALL PURE ERGuý'$ (J. P. c Prict SWhithv oînt bem uâ tku-mlofm - hiv ont d al bY. dm~z àiéruue&J~b r -'t t, RA-N df osto-i consumors' bins. lossl in hanidling ~UST, 1DELIVR tve$7, O Pe a $6e2 0- nlowat these prices. :fui- ait ntiô'n given: to al orders. - Ail cal weigheldl t I . ifs q I-I 1 -r AL

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