Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Jul 1912, p. 8

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iowhite and -Co:> #,orth i -Osale on plalmgi.y dahars Muslrn,' rel aeprice... 8-PECIA LtIl Mien's Blue and Black"Worsted Tailor. madi Suit, réguJlar value 17.50, sale prce. . ue* 0 00009>9 119-1 SPECIAL! -sdi'. pure<Line 1TbleLinen, 68 iuches wide'-haîf. bleached, regular value, 6c sal &e' 'price *................* 4 Coat4' Spools, bstlmake,,-perdoz..,.. .,. 8 w.J les, -regular value. I5C .ri.. $boa Whit ves-tnz i s;otsandýtriés'î L Wht vsin n pt-adtrpsrgUIL - vale!zQc, sale pie...... .14 me I~ ai 1h Sae PdiceIlOc' Il (en!ss Ta.n, Green, -Blue and ieda 811k I Lisie Sox, regular, value-)C 4%1% Ne*, E PI ok- 'Of rder.- re ice. . 1 ,Cdole- 8 SlkUglrI'alue 4,f.75c, Sas Prco O IBlack and tColored T affeta and Tanoline' Guarantee'd Ovealls,1»J l, rglar value-Soc to 5, 4 ils Spool, per doz ,A0 Cërt'icelli or BeldigSlSpos6fr. Clark Jocýhet Papýrs ne surt: o 1,att4ndthe',WaItePs' aIeJuy 27 ý-'toAg ;'iamuuIlg in flue sture iduoed mdàn makii.paufigurs G.WA127ERSWHITB Gatàelréd" by, Our Busy ST OP - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BROOKULN. age, has returned- ta aglui take lier 1ý:iss llo>rgthy Vipond is Visiting ln Position in- 1h. Internationaàl Corres- Toronto.- poudence -Sehool. Miss Marlory Al1ýn's is visiting in Rev.-W. M. Haig< pastor cof tbe Pros- Toot.byterian churci, -im taking hlma vaca- Mfr. 'W. A. l{olliday was in Tcronto tion sud will be away from hi, civu on Thesday. pulpits for three Sundays. .Tie meS- MisNeilie. .llaycraft, of Oshawaio vices$l I en c r - e.~n tCl spntSunduy with hier parents. Umbus, will b. cooductoduet Sundayi Miss Marion Reid, of Uithawa, in vis- by Rov. Victor MocLean, a recent grad- itig et-he hbomie of Mr. White.. uate of Knox Coilege.- MU'i.Ddiotlîy (YBrien, ok Toronto,. id visiting- her granadmother, lirs. China. BAIjSA. Mirs. Maynard, and raster Gerdon Éor to Mfr. sud Mnsi. Wilrid Wii- .4qlwIi viiited in~ Torontto this weeks, son a son. -mis Logan,. of Ingersol, made a The Balsam kickers eu>oyod a frieud- short viil with lire. bomerville last yg - ! otbl o-alra niglit. M 1r. -Russell, White,, cfiOttawa, -ar- Wiousieremplrsstrcd tilh o me o lo yterminfra lively throng ôu Saturday niglit. 1h.sumeir ' Haying is. now in -ful swing, and the Mfr. D. Grogg, and Mr., Dave lgurne crcdp is abundant. - Gran crope. are vWMted at Mr. Grabam'p in bOugug looking splendid. -. laut wcek. *Mr. WUbridWilson 1Èàs' ompletecl -Mrs. Chas. Grass lert onu lidày iportant improvements 1 to hiis rési- lase-for Denver, -where sIte wlviii siit idence. ne bas coont.ructeèd au aà ttract- :herdcaughiter, bMrs. Eddiy. v centpoh mdha fesy MitssLi 1llian- Skinner returned f rom paiedhe etre exe' ir. he feetl Toronte last week and wil.t b. -at I intmosthploasire g t hooy.e ýfc homo for the rpindter of the sum-j m E-.EvnofWiby'n mer -J. Richards, of Toronto, w... vimtors Miss 'Thompion; o! Wiitby, and with Wmn. Joues on Saturday. They. 1 Nis" Jn"e Grass lei t on Tuesday for nrotered frons Whitby. Muskoka, where thecy wîii spend a M.RseiMailcferit bs Xie. adMy-* D..Sh e'hv eea Vislting Mn.. W. ]f. Jns Mrmdhme Mvi. G.B.C.hrp.tr ave -Miss Ada Jones, who has been quit. arlved hom alefroan terctnp iîî, in gnaduaîîy .insprovlng. - Ifoso aw efera arneceof moyen -It is expected that faIt wjeat and w.ek. * hare>'.harvst ill begin noxt -week. 1fr. and lÈrs. Turner, of Whtby, The crpc hrre 1 are n wM n >t hevillage on iMonday look there àla promise cf &agood cvop cf ap- lngý atismo.propenty with a view of pies. buylng. ' - U 1r. George Walker was lu Wilby 3~rs A.C. lilît as. returned on. Monday. frous ,her hoiidft>' aI*'Pine Point an md The death occurred on lot 3, -con. 6, Is feling much refreshed -- atter bi t n Pickering, on Saturday, of Mfr. Joseph phéagent holiday. '9 ...Tippfarmnerlbd sIya.i. xié., Jphn Barnt, whio now -resides Trip p ha bom roub 1s e with hi ln Winnipegin luiiack'inôuontan-ofor a eart for son» tlme,ý -"mmd il iWas Ibis anl sd lu juat now, bore with ber which took- him 1 oir. He -Wao of~vv »îsIer, -Monss Mimle, quiet - aud- rellrlug .disposition, liul Waa- flmeLatsra 1-Trtop. :wlio came - from a.- good neighbbr a»dý friend.- Ho Toronto In'poorliealth, isome' iveeka blaves 'awidow sud four cMlidreni, oe O)ATS AS JIJST RECEIVEQ Another car of Maultob& a Oso They arý nowe o'n sale' i nthe Grain# Ground or Rolle4.> W. EL LI ssI J eorge, at home. and three mnar. ried daughter. HM mo"la, Who h yot 'aliv - resides -st lrince Abert, andt're « o.brothera live in Toronto, aùd. oe eIn London. Mr. Tripp wasa cousin of Mr. W. J. Luke, of Witby. The 1 fuberal was beld- to Vine Grove Cenitery on Monday aorng. Asi usuai, the gardon party undez the auspices cf Aimondu church, hotd on te lawn of Mir. Wm. OkB e'srs. denicý, on Friday ovening -lant, was greo"d with a large attend.ance. The mupp~ provided by the ladies *as ex. coet, ilaud .he subsoquent prograre was 4nost interotizig. Those who toolt part ivore Miss Ali'e .Newport, reader, WhiMt3y; Mies Jean Hayerafit, vocalist, BrookL~~; tb. Almaonds ak l.Quar- tette., The 3&4tb -Regimental Baud- sup- ptied music during hu oe. v M. E.: Sexsmith, tii. ,pastor, presided Mi hiý own excellent' styie. The gale rece-, se re 105, in addition ta -tho proeql.o the refremhmont booth, which wasliberaily patronized. À leirge numuzber of tixose in altendance were from Whitby town, and a few were present from Oshawva. KINSALE, Mr*., W. J. Graham, cf «Toronto, is apencbg a meuh with ber mother, Ifrs ylid at Wlllew Groie Farm, e. Kis7p Mr. and Miss Grahami, ef- Teronto, aloo O'pent the. Feek endwitli ][ru. r.lsd lins. Howe and famlly, -of Deroit, alsq he Pugh Brothes, of Markbam, wýxe visitinig wltb Irs. Hy. 'ild. - OSHAWA. An attempt in being made to -induce 1 h. Tos oûtio Carpet Co., which ie leav- Aing Tor'oato, le locale ben». 1e8Flewood. Yentress won the Oliver Hezloiood Entrance rExaiminalien Scbelarship (value 815), vhioh-su- >titi.. Iber te tivoyeans' free luilion a't Ilaw igli Scboel, lu addition ta h.eeyear given by lise'Board te Negeo uos are unde irvay for the locatio hler. cf a, piush factory, lb Tex1ieý Mauufaoluvi igCe., Of Strela- The Piontracts ferthe proposed.now pu'blic achoot on King Streot ossi have lboen ,ýlet. The building wiU cost District Doings. - Dr. Kaiser, o eh mav'a, soya b 1bown 4 ui'th. bauds o! land sbarks. -ýýon - aturday, July là, Abrahama ReWesrj o-f Alloua, <lied snddonly of boazl' ýaiMure. Mat U, P94l P49173 oldest 1»- sident, -died -atihtuet of 93 yMar. hlm estato wasia ut i1>000. Bey., A. C. Ca.meron, pastor of St. Jôhn'a Preabyterian clhurch, Port Per. ryo han renigned to go to Vancouver. '[r. Jas. MeHRoul, -produce bâyer of Port Perry, was truck by lightnin-g, and rsndered -unconiicious for -a short tipxe. Ont of a laffleclans from -Txbridge publie schooi who tried tho Entrance Examdinations, not a single pupil fait- ed te pa". À utrange, mortality appoars to have overtaken large numbers of the fih in Lake Simcoe during the paut wiek,> as for miles along thé' eastern jàore thoy are atrewn in large num- bers. Ail varieties of fisb appear to have muffered froin the fatal influence. -00eaverton 4Express. Motorcycles. 'tlirougb tb. unstable atmosphere unti smrnejagged section of-the Unit& States inte«féros with utbrpro Kotorcycios are very useful and hai almost annibils.tod distance and cheas ciot'ios. They should bo ridden' L costume except by ver>' healthy anc careless mcm. A pair of loather- panti with amtos liaing and a two bushe hip pookat for toola, a padded vomi, heavy glovos, a pair of goggles and nos and shin guardm make a tasty and useful rig for the cydlit. Dresse in thi, fashion- the enthusiast can on- joy himmeli to the full as ho caroms fiom tree to tires and gorges binuet with duat, oil and excitoment. Motorcycles are net as fatal to p1» destriaqm as automobiles because they ma only ru over. him~ with two -Wheelm. But they hould be treated with respect at ail times, and skould net ta, be interfered with when in a Amctorcejcle lu a bicycle with a iiit1y. V pandernonium attacliment, and is de- larvelous records are made by in- signed fer the especial use of me- trepid mabouts who have dfriven large chanical genliuses, daredevilh and lu- double-barreled motorcycles 90 mils natics. on a beard lrack .and most of the. nie motorcycle le equipped witb a . way up the golden stairs lun one heur moIsir small eneugh te put iu a largel by 1h. dlock. pocliet and lçud, enough to -fil1 a col- Motoncycles are mupli cheapor than, iéeum comfortably. Thii motor in cou- automobiles and there seems tb b. ne necred with ah. near wheel of thebi- practiýial remedy. for tbis and the, in- cycle, ami when it is lu the mood duitny is unfortunatly net lu tue ivilI revolve lbe wheel with tremend-1 bande cf a trust. A geed machine eus mpeod, thue causlng the. bicycle le can h. purcbased for 8150. Howeven, preoeed frem hither to yen over bug- if the devolee does not pesecs 150 ho gies, pedetrians, fonces and s"all eau gel almost as goed reults b>' outbuildiugs. drlnking a 11W.l lubniciting oil, in- A metorcycle i. reaily a miniature iaibg àa vaeiupm oleaner and seltine -atomobile w1tb ful sized noise, ameil off twô bushels o!flrocacàmrsbelveen and dirt output. It lu net starled by his. lags.-Brusls Post. crankiug however but by peddliug the_______________ wholè machine aleng. tbe road- unlii the meono emerges fromilste coma aud gels ou lb.-job. An automobilisl eau ho detected.,b;' his vast overhanging meleroyclisî, however, may have armak M li 11eke pipestemns, but bis legs are sevea -he tee large for htm. LU :. A motercyle la not as-comfortable W1FLO T-SAT- ag a camel or alumber wagon, but -il CRRAM-DURS is vevy swift, and there isnelohing JTle-DUNS ,* Ibat feels -more 1k. flying Ihan toBgEREAI)AND CAKIMAKIU R££ ride a large baritone meotorcy'le overJ 1h. country lioads- at 50 miles an heur j FEEDs.- leaping lighlly Iterm bump to bump- I eèe.pt te loave-the machine whin it SPECIAL PRICE '48 struk,'I, rock sud-ta sean mwiftlyO. -CORN- waflimIps BSt I11p - AT 10t t1e ood boaltb, whc mV EA h frmrlm ;adem of the o'rgana- of dgest~m and -oirinationù-to - ùiem f= pin , nd uftingi-- -ýFcedWholessue t Ton Loto. is th mla ,-,eebé.remedy -- DEUUHaI J.L. ad ap n, id Pisfor 'Zephyrs, with sae- 45, Cotton ý, 5 each, or 2C aPapers 5c p pius5 10, 91À2 Y' ONT ~iII Canaclan N a'tion a'l b - SOM£- 1E WATURU OF0V Imperial ear - r.daq01wkCaethele .1mWb frq mau te» oversus Demile.a Exisbirs by- th.Provines 7,dembb h i% Band etf &ot-sGad te. ew From r---- mPâle Ud minIng ofthe Yrfr.m Esurope Brae to.' Ro fng Bosums 0"l'h'Barn Band hai b UNi Industrie in Operstios Bu~tteMkigC5p«tos a -id J1Wpanu.Day Plrewosks - Mtor Bt ae roodag.tn. e~dh Erupto oMount V.vu f« .~b- Athlaepot Ton Band Concercs Dally J. H J MES Aug. 24 11 Sept. 0 Wbltby ble: .:TORONT I 00WOG FriseHmesuli -AOGTHM L4Ný iristU CANADIÂN NORTIRRIWÀY' RT IN - a Ivrement ceafthrowm epia for .try10,0 Vs omëostosbs-gJ onseuh Alsa4tes ô Oothese I thomb 1S ie foistdlm fl.Omsy - Albtrt he i"rovln slreaa % h onIs etle l m uiblesols taies ttpises la th, ai bf o wole fr ia Ethe eaiflW stLas t --sakatehoiraaam*Olt premnldîi th. fr»Fie amu Wb"cl hve bern tbrowaopsafe Matb,219800 - aktlOWa, 48,00 AIua74OM ssl cliotl. aonr" te i àu1ùtetseael ! le ITam , artssmiHZl à-are d - e» io tr. bD! .m p ma aes4lud $ebuenswtlland to &4 bustf-...a~. tlit~O5le5l5IMjte !lb a. an na Also extra value Drugglst and Brock st. ~- Pr*ofesuo JNO. E. FAR Moo g onon -Offices rme h itby,<0 . F«- 8CH Harriser Eltc MoNeo Office-Sirth's Btock, W.fie:DAM$,Diatel 3 Ram istr Etc.- RMone Torraçe, »Mra St., AUCTIG jJas. Bishop, Ocrhaw icucer. Succemmor oterms ancf dates-a G. Ro b? Whitby. i Y X LICENSE-D AU AND VALI Aikinds fsales P to. ArrangemIents 2 ales ýIt the Gazette off Ter s-r -easonabl.I Bell and In-depuen CO0NTRýA Carenter, Buikier Plnsd*wànietil Repaiis, Alteraticn Opposite Ste~ BOX 407' WIT' Buk iddal * Carpentersi, Buildersj -5 *Cabinet-mà' Plans drawn, and eÏti jRepairs to properties a 1ceive. promlpt Box3z. or do Whitby. orils Iand ;Ma« Dot amuie,' them.cr ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIO TORONTO il 1 - . 3 - . . 1,% mý a ý '. .111.11- - ..- -1- -- -i

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