Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 May 1912, p. 4

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ADAMS-Ptased, ln day, Maey 205h, bier iephew, L.Q. AIbechu, Augusta utf3cackbhrcb Ca k tacia Ladies' Coe ALLAWAY-Iii .Pic lisbemlsaesenli ititiileumy, 'Wind Colt,ý 1) irrlicêa lb regnlati cslaiflnbiâtisa Foei, gI Tho Clailireen'sPamsacem CASIORlAI tib"iftiitofor Castor, 011, Pare- Ung Syraps. lb 1h olcasamt. lb i, Morphineuo ar allier Narcotia I gesramico. lb destioys Wornsa . For miore tn tlilrty ycnrs it ta for tisa rellef ai Constipation, c, mliý Teeting Troubles am<d es thea StomehamuetBowcis, Iving hcalliy ad am tuesrini sleep. P-le)ltc r'sFienud. GENUINE. CASTOR lA ALWAYS 'BearàtSigatre of Tune KEnd You liave Âl1ways Bolit lin Use For Over 30 Years "C CtNTAUU OMNPANY. uI AY aYWTm .NEWYORK Cet". inýe hoQîîssy iitliNfc., andi Mia. R 1111 Mcr. John Pcrry, a! Uie Domlnlo Chi hlauk, Beleville,cand Mr, CulliePer- 4ri cy, a! Port IHape, scece hoie foc tie 3 M et, Whiby Students' Success. e li cliig report',taeen tromam n Mb Teecetu daily, ita edeehdcd tribte ItotaRAVI tl prugrait e!fmenit unit taatmiul %tiety, lteodaned last ovening hjyIsle ltlls I bb01cheUntario Laddiesu oliiega ttlîtty, pînased an audience wicse S tlîi Uic muit hall ot the T1oronto .111 Cousservataryc i a, Music te ittc c_ e- eart paçity. The receplion acceoced th, LOUiÉ weetaibb of etewas noietes a don, tîiot.e ta the pepularity o! thse istet- 'liuîi talion than lb was a mark ii i cn- 'tein1 aendutoîtfor thc effortsef là os(e fartai tespitible facibe artistie ltraiinig thje st e! tbe Young scemen,, fee the applr- ait n, 41 coutid eut have hem enu sswarin liait dolîbi Ihis hem Vthe home e!o ic the gefrem tnstcud of s eoeimumty e!future or Trunli liseriticai cultuire, whlch $,lie iupila servirý asued tu pas apue Ithe accomplish,- daly, inomîs. Sscceaatai., pechaps, hbeyaed Londe any of ilsi ptredeecsos. 'l'liecoencert efleet, resslted tit a farditer deatonstrition ut. Rie place te Colege octcuplces as e cenrîiecfer te artictie traiing for Young women. Iii tte brie! reoarkî be deiverri____ Persona] Mention. teer. On bis rettirli lie wil Cit W~at- Rev. J.J. Ilace, 'Ph. D, principal oi ______ us and Dlititîsus Sask. Ii tliv College, told of the growth of, Mr. Fred Rogers, wMýin fllittiiri- lOt.lDAý' CISITOtS. 1tties)'stenl of muclal edscation tute, andl ceferci d svth gratification ville laît weet. tir . ,%liii tutu ttt, o! Wiuisur, sitit tu the list ofsites, severai of whoi Mcs. -John An s intth1w hciday btspainot s. ar iiiiîîient inthe 1musical Ile wittàh rteicla tlit.. asllt Icîtu, Ai iss Ruse t'ulleNv, s(If ltuwjtiutf Catnada, who hadl atded l i te - Mr. L.W. and lins Laia sails tel parents. velulisieiit. Ife also laid claini,fc spet tehliay erid n Trono. Mi. tilt lu(ýtiteil, ot ii tgo.Witt]th Ie toilege tiuchO h nspira-ý Miss N. -siiih, cifIsiastt, spelt his parents. l Iint whll liait led lDr. Fisher tu a lew dat s ait Ih lite f Mi. W. . M.T n1ji ii o loono hbuild uop fie Torontou CegsurvatOry af Huten.bi Tprets.itItii îtu t ItMusic, fer, bu csait, -Dr. Fier,,aed Miss ideWtlson, of New iuet lie hall ireiîllentiy talked of the cuaie- s tisitiig helaiits, Mi. utlMrs' Mr. Wray l'atlgett. uf Toiosîci, test of Witby t3ollege_ lie had nôu 11ýWilo. si iilh its iiiatiî.. douîît ébattie esaîple e! thé Col-ý Mc. . 1. liuaî, e! Slty nt. ~ti I. irgus Piegiistttii, oflrntoi , lige hadl itin do-wiVhidcn speat tbe wekend si thlîAir. antI tilli his parents. li. Fislier li oilnerl.be Uhe wock lbe Mcc. IW. . Augustins. Mtss Neliîe i.ynîle, otf îîcl, lias beeau tdentilted wilb i n itîs City. Mcr. Gordon Ilay wacd, harrister, fci illi lier parents.,'l'lt- concert wos be4 ucder* the pe-. Suait Ste Marie, spest Sundcy utlî Mr. Arturc Lyndte, o! Toronsto, orODeof i 110,teLeicat bic sister, Mca. Evely. it lits parntess. vrowha, with Mlflis (ibsss,. wcc preseat. lThe biciitcns.côsecc- Mc.,ccd Mc. Win. Seberpe and tsio Miss tuidfoet, ot Totrontto,. wlti er 'xp 1sse hbmsclf asa beng de ebtîdren, ai Til sonbcrg, were witii the Misses Scott. ilhed<itbthe Concert. fle saidit Mca. Taylor ia week. Miss Scotlt, e!of îiuassille, Wibwccnphc ibl~ota h r Mrc. Lewis, of New York, aiid leu. Miss ltîîty tepliecsoîa. d] warysu tIn wsoîceh outofte Mire Uleo, Perry, of Toronte, Mccc goets Miss Lou V'alscrley, ofi t'unoiit, lbey siscsaIly atitesd, si-1 tur af Mrc. J. Il. Perry lat weet. Wittc lier hther bece. oîîghiectjaed 1V Messrs. IRuscell Peel and Faicis The Misses Newsco.ue, of Tecronto, Mteliityce toot a trip taelPort tiolie tith Mcc. Sullisan. last Suiidy iantheir itor cycles. Miss Esesec, oif Toronto, lta t agUicfcOhio, City f ToîIedr,, Mc. John Nell wMiiin if uruto cri lhomie ai Mr. Jus. Ileardi.FraeîiJ.iJleeny mabeshtb.ibcla elsc Wedleecday, attecding tefnr fpnuem01,thed lim of P. i. Ses, si psibcg "a hL- couain, John Neill, w5sbtiedorniu tolt, utAMc. W. J. Lute's. aorei ulo iretohtsage jurs i sdY un Munday. Miss boiltltg, of Teronto, wilti' ieae iAt .oleiv Mc. eset BrotusW, wbii>lcas jurt lier siàler, Mes. A. Socbhwell, ,or» nobsefoeme«dousbei ni pree ltîitshed bis iet ycac at Medlwval Cal- Ms SgsliatlMIsldwcl, icisit A W. OtguctN lege, is home wtt bis parents heee Norir nsPeeLCl. of Toconte, wMee t Mcc. YthIes. Hauci'scsiiehuebseeiliru elut msl-y,aed mn. loi the stimulec. diîeeîiy o:, uhe hisuiudmucesîneufscensî Se Mc. iid Mca. Walter Shaw, ofT'ru- itec. seed lu e simosnial, grec Mc.,tWei.. Hendcsu is tg a in uO ui Mxmt icJ. ~CHUNEV à Ca., Toledo, c, bridge as the 2th, ssisiitg Tl.hr des .ýiltsi--afo 15e. pai Clareiioli 11asd, Wbouhll dan engage- Mms. ChgiO, ai Oshaewa, anii Micass ar eiiec-îfu ei.,îu ieint at ite cilebcatlon tiece. itidit, of Tocontos, ai Mcc. Percys. Dt. andilMcc. Russell, oif Tocunto, Miss Lizzie Mewat andi Mc. Jus. 81ýl.ZDSOD speîî t the holiday scitt Mc£. William Mulwab, o! Toronto, with Riir par- The itturiage of Miss Margaret' Ilooii hics. IMoud cetsrned ta tbei cents. Anc lu,'ittîttttl titi laucs'itte Httlield moutcllte cty, ssbeic she wîli ce- Mra. Soserville ani Miss Tillic Sîteete, cas soleiinized Apcil SOis,ý matît fuc a lime.Robse. ., , o iool, with,..iend in lre MNI ..t.iu. Oiipsry, ttliieattog. The Mrsý (JugruoMeInyr, wî5ton cît,.uws hbide., who was giveit uway by ber Mis .tuget einyce eItuit a.t low. hotlînc, James Oesiond, of Taledo, ur last te attend te Genecal Ac- Miss Wlîoc JulmatoilirentIlIte Obio, looked lieaotifi in e cresiui sembir at Edmotoitn, alter wlich holiday wltlî hec ister ut FuelnduecOcded sit wiRi t'aC ii imatch, and she wll attenîd Inc W.F M15. Convens- Falsc carcied a white prayer lieoli. 'The Mcc. (Dr.) Allen Adaîtîs and hid- wdin inrllue tts cc Ais EiittbMurray 1)ow, o! Puw- cen, o! Tocanto, wiRu tDc. ced Mcs owrldHii1-ase, witli decoaliens in tIl River, Il. C., and Mcc. H.G. Adams, pist caii white. The bride and Trhomsont,tf Toronto,.erecc in tuwngro etn ticvigtanfr fic a fewss lits ibis weelt loiîgcp The Misses CeOffey, cf Toronto, Chicago andi Stering. Oit thir ce- Cihd fieîîds aîîd aeqcaiutencca. Mith Ibeir parents, M. and ics. P. terci Mc. and Mcs. Siiertz wil libe afa Mr uie el etu h etJ. Coley. home Vo0teic many firsds et 60 on Feîday last. on e business trip. le Miss (trace Wacam ccd Mc. tîcoscl Salcard St., atter June 15. Mes. aiR go cal te Vacouver. altec stop- Wecai, ,e! Toceii.e, silb tiseir J'. Clfion ( 'ook, 4761 Case ave., en- pîag t Winipeg, and sili nut ce- mother bere. . erteirithe tlti dai l arty of Miss tacstîl net lîl.De. anii Mr. Jonsone ccd ccon, e! Mandey evenlng, Apcll 29. The out Mc. C.A. Gcudteýllew, edilur o! th Niagaca Falls, wih Mc. and Mcc. of towc gusts wece *Mr. and Mca. Gazette and tîteisiele, -1db tos Moa- Iliticiet Audiey. day <t a ive Mtlets' trip Vo the Mesrs. AImer Ros c f tltrceto, MWest. H ilslatIp' n pegand andi Clarence 1Ross, e! Newcastle, 014W &0h 0040 M OT 7T Mooeja, ticluý 0in toVanco- wilb Rhide parents. 4T1 lrhult -a facÇt bsas 0uasdao Ssyweo I asn. 41, Wbit.by Towseiblp e cf ber desghter, Mes. Mes. Hago. ýeuiy on Meniiay, May lits late ceaidence, 82 -,Toronto, JohùN e 1l, Wblitby, an Tuemday, 2, Chas. R. Revin,' in StIMMERi OMESý. oe with Uth e eshore, Canncticut Coasatai Seind l sar New Lon, s the-hinc o! the recit ays Newt EsglaaitSys- oi attractive and corm- ges can. lbe renIai for This "aebeautîfitiispot« 'anaass, t wll na a nulber of people ýy, arrsving: Pl t train ta go îctu5 Gea "lie 7551' heo CaOAIt off ine total il lacresu No c A soi rash' ge ..h~1 SILVER STAR, the pcopecLy o! Wm. Ormitos u& Socs, Brooklin, wi11 stand at bic ewa stable, Robin 11111, Farna, lots 1 and 2, con. 8, Esat Whubly, tram Fciay evenlng VI tedaiy moreleg, ssii sililIshe prceeiite Raglan Hotel, theetie te Colwiii Meouse, Brook-ini, wherc bc wilU remain Viil Fclday aftecooon, when lic wiil reVausn te bis ewnl ntable. Tihis stanii will bc costànuci 1111 Augcst 1, 1912, WMITET JUNCTI( leing West..... G ss Osit est ..EJptýin. Ssnday ftrainsa luve for Toroalà 4,25 a,. ait 8.015 p.m. Fraie Tar- cuto--tM.ne stop at Wblbby Juettalc il 8.15 a d9.55 &.m.., andi8.30 Pl5. UP-1OWN STATION. STAGES. Lsavso Wliuly feir Oshawa at 10 i.m.ind mc4 tpin. Jos. lçies,. pro- ~ west to look over thecPcai- y the resaitthbset Ohe traite s eun Cow liai Triplets. A fareser las Tratalgarl ed e Oow give bhIeto atriplet ceýlves xeently au! tley are doing usuoely. Tisi.la w-m W. D. fGordan & Son, - FiedqIa. WI*ymweMao 'r Ocli hosaI tht witls bte GoId stTw1.m m w P a& tu u XI. X. AiSS O»U mànd tht ail j@ net ew4-. Dont aept Idllsg A~ FLOUR- WHITE-SATIN .XEA.IUitS BREAD AND C(AKE W91A%185 VZIC WELLAND VEIl aOUR juulO TEE» FLOU i OATS OAT CH0OP CORNs CON aCHOPa@ CORSa, CMACKE» MIXEl> CROP Fend Wbolqalle Ton Lois. Chq#bng EVar'Daîy / 1 O Al wELL8 If you vant the best çlotles- the riglit sort of tailoring -we commend bic your attention Senii. Ready made-to-order clothing We are looking for the man who wants what ha wea ss bu be right ini febric, fit end lashion. Acnd it real taîloring - fot ready-tnade clothes. Sold at'the samee price every- where in Canada. The price label is stamped inathec oat procket of every suit sold. Satisfaction guarantee., or [non- ey rdfuaded. Madie to YOur Ordex in 7 days. We clean, press, alter or repaiL clotbing at close prices.- Etpert Infant k "li

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