ast l vt *. Mr. Jack- se own volcul y, ta Wit, rfre, lissy n a ecssity. seü bis esali- -ti Il Pl VI bc us - il ne t un t la te ex le I 1n her Bus a ethre ote u uln$tu 7ý worh te 'Jn Tlhia lue as no op'3sa.tavota for suuh isk* for -1squIchÃd 'pro Vthe proposition te 00-people. boèd'tle n24hIl , lu-6taisêsi.* $1,375, Colt>~iHs'eaD$uuý-Batean sli g4à tb,'otaî. aiqunt fanSI,7b, Baker al favereit a 4gW Higis Scisoal rieis"omugsi ecomplote 1the tcansaa.billding, and vissaIvZtkjfor it, hut An. Thiu is might #nutitudbie tisa liey thosgit tine question ssould hli let of 1tv*lI'ng, isut $27,t000 ougsti subitteil to tise citiiens, Mr. Cci- id. cacens everevtbts. Mr., lutJyitAS linsa sivtsd refureuce Vo the peope, epeatedJ hie explaslstion of lat wèek, Mr. Baaaett issulno objecltion fo 'a ha i as praposd te ceeseoliuishe vote Irùg put ta tisa p e. Mr. W.uptow*ailMiSêhôoIsÃ"ua ndF housRtiharhdson salut hoe as noV inSlu- hei MIn ba preftnt Hh-School ancehi by he petitiosi preseuteuf, ines uifiÃŽig. He tisen called upois Mr. 41 e! tise. vise.naines appearau! deps, oifIMeadil & Mura, thse arcisi- thbreois bau no furtiser Iutsrest in tisa ;cts who d<rewip plans for tbé so- edusation cf tbir chilaren. Ile )oseè uilduing. alrossgly favereis s 5w. actoali suil- Mr. Mfead ailubc hau! loolciled ver Isg, aud va!&s satlifed liat If thé oit- he H2lglsSciio iilng, aundlbis itenm seroesaletetavote. on ttc ques Iguisefer ispairs fr t ca1he ma btion lbey seoulu!approve of it, 4,300. WiUtli therepaies Mr.lMsadi Afilhs Couciliors, vitis the ex- nid It wouldiserve as a tsirly gcod ception ofces, semeu tubeo esry ohmll cisol biinlg, and i Ils hat- muet tin eovr 0 anee suboul. Tise ng, ventiatioeueansi santary conu-l.resolution Introduced isy Mcv. Jacku- onis woulut rani' as AI. lie sti- Son,.sen carciesi, andtise question ataçi tisaI 825<00oulu! ereel théeviilnasetho rougitiefoce the cl- caopOSent uilig. icens lu the focin of n hy-law se 55500 Major Harper, vise bau! ntbeau as tise Board of Miuatios eipres5 ceet6'tat tise meeting of tise pre- a desire In the sdlrectlqü. Bouse of loess veek, wsm caliasi ipon. He tise meinhérs o! tise Boarul, iseeser, «Id tise-Henry Strest lihol bail appearen tot. teuNguted vils tise uSn cendemnad b tise bnspector for tues of avents, aou! tise otirena are seo ast lftesu years. If it vas te hea nsestissg sithIs ntereat seul any furliser it voulu! prptfttnliy elopnits fn d quetions visteisbas ive t0eIse robai l. Thé enly ean- assuseil a ery Imnportantl aspect for olsal vay voulu! héo ehnllslasnae tise osn, snd viii have vecy' impoct- '-olue.- If wvados't do Ibis vs sasaîtnt tearîngs aposi Wisiiy's futurs. tva te repaie eue pulc ascois uletier Mtise va ans tlornet. Mr. E.E. Stare vas atisesabcked Struck by Lithtaing. Lt tis a en atise satimâtes over stI y r's figures, but its onl îgsîuts eeleaa ld 51111 nôseandi <ualdeay. day nuorune- ssaldyet aivl5tise ex- De. MGillvray wscvns edeisuailst P6eciepO5e 0 CPplal i4eY Ofutheist ve siscstl bave a nae Hfgis Sobool lder.. The Vag at h tinia vas cil lishe ovu iihi sel are - tV o te the ~Wtbilaihec, oig adreilge freeap chia expess Sieceawy foc tihe con- Toronto ta Newcastla e, hitine oidaten of tise publie meteola, tise tbiudeestocsn vos la prOgt555 ho- mernlo! thé presu t Henry Street 11505554 andi f s-M., Qaptgia MHarvey elsea te tc ,presut 11gb scisool relevei tise mas at tis-he ée, asid îuilng teoulsi te an, improevnuson sbatly a!ltaer thffl vas a flass, a cset conditilons. Citîsens sisunlul sarp report andi Captas Haevey fell et ta satinfleal oriait tise lvese or anconsaoos in tise viselhuss. Thé udir cldren ulise vsy 1h07 are qmate ut one n acharge, «nanboat )llas uposi t do at preseat. as5ore to e .tleione for à doctar, M. LT. Baclay auggesteul a mcd- sialD. )can Warren vas ens on ftillesof tisaPlana, If possilie, ne>the 0055i. He founs thât tise etectre at tise Board! roulsi adhéra tothe. 515Tn1bail evidcntly asasendedfrein 5,«0 estirnate, Heasdvocsld tue ilor e!ftise vluelhouft, 5531nid-1 lisumunu expenditusesun tise Cols: dlei tise Csptais's catet ti helen. te buildinlg and as sadeseer to bai bus-ustis te bal rros tise lever te 01,0 coles esachatet f tue Part othuissbeni, taretise back part nulea changes ofseabuilins. 01o! lis cap ho abroe, . ad gone out A aumise 0<ofilshelisesaWho isasgnendli baeiieehsuc cllisg. vis thse bla ho petitian gaailtteu!seeepresse sîsroe. viSici s an i&lBr over aI vexe gvrs a aepportusaity in the bat o! thé vissuù. . For esett Ilel aite o! tisa case, Mr.3.jnmme tnsetsalajaresi nsx vasuné- . Hlowden retercent ta tihe pvions onileoSels, but ws ema rossI ffiiet- te lai'.. bythe ctizen. on theiy ta0gay tsthé van la tPa". sties f a r Ibglate lésalite. lath £atcith touleleab Ss lei aâtInstance th tien s ee ti-soalder blaule. Tis ee rniefe es tea alarlge OXlSSSulreand fl to <5450 bis list lvsMt hi thé Ombases Iloapf tl, and *e icoua- Ise cdIlf h fi t lcton tht. Occeaies tkm eon iber sv-. Iflinbowasful- bey sisld eal ailevalte &pprova tor y«peted tisatCoal~i* Ham vii Malive the propostai of Visa Sublol I. lissai! aglslasa epydg_, sol- "srd. nua largaeoto 0 eNçhéI. , mu. raJ.F. Lsvsey d en #5km- He wleed asy o th 4Y alter = s yul Vith -Pe oldapr" tlo wa -tb"l wMïbI EO U, THURBDAY, MAY 80, 1912' 'flic J $ the oIIion ofllcers WbilnWtI Day'e th colege., t'ie si st owî. sataken up,1 reauilu '~'a' rety çato olchoolo a Preidn-Fred 1Match. iMay Quisse auopted at the Ontario Is-ta-ie.Ccc. Lades'Culeg si yaraago u otti Treaurer-A. H. Allia. in vogue at. iduat insttutionu, andunu! u ncOinl-TIse aboya ulicers sand J. Prlday lut thse Mny Day exurcisuu H. Downey, Geo. A. Hesa, Jos. Kinug wece elid wltln tiseir unual gret iuc A.M ltoslo W. J. ItlctLardson. E. c=seluTisc1etloaa ogne U he ra, W. uler ahd L.T, Barclay. »anu Wén lactinfiazabng:thstdýUéi, Undr té ,beau! of new bsns &ads Ja o! upecial int.ucest, becausu of Ibr.13arclay întrodueed theé llovinS tise tact tbat the studelita tluumtimes éolution isald in Ueir own banda tise pow'er ut Movou by LT..lBarclay,scended, coiferi z uponOllDuCOf tlcir aumlbu»r hy A.11lAlun, that tise meotters ci thse iigist honor of tise yesr,th tiseueBoarul o! Trade tain inual meet- positon 01 May Queco, awarde u ingVu crtuîy appro ve of thse appliC- tlw ne hoin teupdio, oflie ton of the Bh.ard of! Hducation made- !,elloa-astudents, liia exhibileul the tO lise Mnicipaà l: ,Council fer a gcSiSt muost womanly qualitlcu.P For thin of i25,tO for the crection and'eqeolp- réasea, tlsrelere, Mis Meula Watl, ment of n new Mu14gis Seholon!btikiM, of -Alymer, Que., la to bc tuartlly andl respectfully orge upon tise Celu- congratuiated. spou bar alpointmcënt cil the propriety of paosilng a resolu- te tisa positon.: Asa avery lbittini 411-lion appros'lng suris application, saul traduction.te hoe seleclion 0o! thestisat acopy hereo! bu transnotted Vte Quee1n, Sncb yar:au addrenu lu deliv- ttc Town Couni, sced isy goule persoil o!fîrofineuuîîmSuetrai memiestsnosght to diacus upon tieseuuijuet, '"The Idl iWu- idu résolutionu, akipg reference lu man.»' This year tise COlluge sautihe proposed; ils for tisaDow aw csl, tonjoreul ly tise ereneare auaste opunt- wilh they malntaljsed was a condi- er nIt the day of Vescerable Archldea- tio o!tise application o! tise Boarxd L'on Cody, ni St. Pauls (Jurcls, ru- o! Education for mnnsbY tu bulld, but couic. About :,a biundreul visîturs Chairnuan Adamus cu)Ed suris refer- (rm te s owe, Iladaditiono luthe-la- sacu ont of order, prautcally pro. euIty sud stodensaof tteC ollege, vsaîing asy -dmscusson ain tise suljeet. ,gave Canon CeulY a hsartY lecuPlina, In order to nucucu pternulualon Vo ou bis 'intoduction ftiste audience dincuas the scbuel proieel, aan ensi-- isy tisa Chalcosl, lieu. .1. Me.uT, nlt vas IntroduceulUt Vis. 6 reno- Scott, of Toronto. lulmon lie un tis table-until timea bi Canon COdY beld up to the tu- been takren to disusss it; but thsa ma- douet . twçypes of idéai womnnsoood, jorlty present did sot favor diseus- tisa fist of whicis sas Quers Victoria ing tbs question, anul voteul down tisa a type o! perfect, noble, Cisltdann nenulment. wonsauhoul, Sot ber statuumansisip Thrbs culution Wsautbenoput and, or br visulon atone bau! endeareulhec carcied. ta the iearts of hec nubjeta but An informaI discussion tollovau OÙ, bertau, vi*snliues. itsWll b theu ntidyneas o! certain portions ai rýxùemdbsaeesf, fot onîy as n gret Use tôwn, asul 4050y complante were stà tau5ilbuut also as n truc wouonn. lodged agannt tht siCatteclsg OfPS Tisa, etber type as etc Virgin pors, tin cons, etc., about Use streets. Ma", the motter .o! Chrst. Surely Net one pcopôued any sotemae for s#e snnodlp6 lise salilut tentures 5of theu mpcovemeast o! tbe townaurd an idél oman. Andl thee ct -0!'nalter n feue werds ou tise part of! ties. 'feisire.sewas insardocs. Ste fKayor' Duwney as te >a break l Ise* bilu a. rtaralte power e! self-ce- senlerworbs Intairs pipe*, tiss meeting strsit. 'Tie %Ideal voffuuetis '1et ndjorned. i'ýp d"Woibm-are catie! upon, Pei"'4jme athén sen te usacifice, a..4 tua i d551 venes saccifres ber- self vllingly fer th isa oelo!otiers. 1 Canons Cou7 gavéa e n utiîbî ,,inter- prettiOnio! Muls' !nmogpicture. &Tise Asugelus," andi stoed oa It, repreasuesitisa triangle of ie, selti seerlrtiese u, andi loveandsslcilgion tise aides. Tise element vorh iathe fifet Uslng noflie. Itlea s vcrysacrus s eli au ver>' necesaay (bing. The mool sinapis, busudruna venr can 1o benade ail aglose by eenuecrntiun. The second elemenu, lave, conatitutan boum, as distlugalleed [rom su ess. len tise bamç tise tesuesut e!love su- ceives ils isigisest oeseraon. Tris Viird eléeee, religion, sisoulul te a natsurel part a1 tise litejmat as, de- pice teinta"ThéeÂssgelV'," visera the tvo. pensante natursly stop tisnr vork vlan tUsa a cornes ta prny. Thé speaker std hé voulul votae!for a girl, ils s à sonbabiy clear bruit, witis gond jusigmenit, tact. a rsee(, humer ;'osene hé la self forgetfoi on. Whn cultivaâces au éléenct ut isroad-lildeies; ceavise bau gond manisars ; ose viseli- an ardent (a- uadani, or se sydeantiAmerican, n patriot .visoee quales -areaait anu- mesisp lis tisa ene word "Christian.' Canon Cody cbosil bis adilcesnvif h an appeal tucftfe stuulasut Vobluetruc vOmnuliving la tiey du lne isen- et ega fanlise isatory 0e!tUsis cuntin- ont, tiseir opportussities for halpi ni influeucearse sesadeeful. At thé conclusion of thé auidreas lice. J. J. itedditt museu!'a vote o! appréciatb ionOutuCnnCody, sehiris wss eosuesi b> Me. L.T. Barclay, 61 Wbithy, ansi carcleil vitsthe benet>' applasise o estis usiesce. Tise aleutien of tise Msay Qaeaeus aucdalsd areussil s good éhlsktof c- cîlemeel among tise youog ladies. Teiîc lour f ell upen Mislueds Watt. ai- theaugisMise Berenice Grass, vas s closecealestant)eOr tise position of CouciliocaVo tise Qusan, Mijs Green acf lIf seLuela CeaIe vecu ciseas. An adjuament vas the ma5de ta tise heatiful lava, visecu tisa crovulua e! tise May Qucan tot place, and a May Pote dance ws en- 1oyed b hese peolslcrd. ln tise aflernoos saisayescir ride gavéesoucis amuftannt and fun, andi a ilaspia>'of firevorira la thé eeaiîsg se n asappropriais conctusfniet:)the day'.eulnoysaeau. Uuder the able direcotion ef Dr. Haro anal bis Cagust> tise progmans0etexeresa oc thé day vas a deefflsiei aom, muce as utine Msay Day at tihe ColBge one of tise eagerlY asealtel évents ai tise pear. sard of Trp4. Muutiag. A meeting olf te UiMtby Boardl ef Trade wu eaa SiimoWedn«duay ave.- fsi, May 22-Tise Imal preetou mS&t isg bail lc= held peatUily s yar previous. Or n May 28, 1911. Tis dues mOt l-kuiss1ke ey anseb aotlvlty M ltse part of ibe Barde, Tiser. e - OMEU à e meelting bai laut va* A - ÃŽ1 te more On Ws-disuday, ?uMay 2iU4, tkssinu-' becs ni theu Wittuy District 'o tise Mttoullat eluclhaut tisteir anltal, nStitng ln tise Tetsurunù7l e 8 onu LL.!t, chairmnia o! tise district, pro. ulullng. Tise. grsatec number o! Use members v ers present Tteliev. Isaac Snell vwas elerteul Journal bSe- retnary, asu t is ev. S.T. Tuckei 1 M. A. B.D.,.Statint1cal Secrstbry. Tise lorenoon session sens gissen tu tte cx- aminlien o! aiuisterlal cisarattter, conuut asd,.work, sebletproveul emf- ncntly satlstactory. l'ho supecan- sateul relation s! tte followlng vas recumiujenrdedte bu continosd: lises. Jeose ittocir, Geo. H. Otcnney, ,John Harris. liee. J.A. MeCamus sens recommensueltute ba uperanuatsd toc, one yenr. It vas a source of deep regret tisai nu young men on tise uis- trict vers ollccing <or Vhs Christian Aftistry. An lnstcreeting andu profit- nble discussion took place cenuecnlng tise needu aundlpussîbitlaso!oftise werk. Is ttc guncral meeting o! tise a!- tursnon anumibur of lnyinen vers present, aud n conuidurable amount of imorutant busiornsswd. put tiscougis. Ttc (tee. lR.lcCullout wau electeul Iu cepreent tise district os tiseSta- tiouiug Cumniittecvilb theliev. R. A. Delve au alturruate Tise usual number oflaIymsu wece elected ta Custerenru. Me. Jea. Baker, Dr. Mcldum sud Mc. A. W. lictardson giÀug f<mnWisitby. Ttc mliiatera andi iayo.'wecc appoeSetee Vottc regular Cnnfereuurr Comaîttees.. Tthe reenue ni tteuuct os tise District sisuisil au advasce alune uearly ev- ery line. Tisece eau a lnrge increasej lu cturct meinîrotip snd aise in tlsanrial ceturns. Ttc voe oncisurcis union sens alinust unaulmous, blulg ns fullos: iNlt-nluitrs quarlcrlY Of- ticial hoards i,-1.. r, 12 agaînat ;lSc. îuenibers nofrisuruis 1007 for, 93 again- st ;.Ir nînorîî W 4 for, 15 againal aulhereul,.'-11 tub, 22 againal. Total foc ttc district 1Itillor. 132 against. The IDistrict, rousursdud ('enfer- rce (o ilaIll lus reasoiuahly ansa honorab.ll, ruuIo I. rnsuuuimate tise Aflber s osauuiuous oe, ttanking tise peole rof Whilt t oc tiseir tearty welcome soi genial hisptality. oes ,t ur nus siu-*u*,sstol district meet- ungo ailijl'lî-tl ib, unet at tbt ail of lise ehatr c O:FTI (l. IltSAILOWAY. PickringîotNeuns -Tisemrauy friands of Mrs. t AllussaY, seIll regret te be.ur etber dent1, whisht tuei place on Tutesdavn inin f<rom bloosi- poisouiufe. alets.toau two veeka' Illnean. TIhe deeuseul. vto was 74 year ag ie, vas..îmieof-the oldeat reuideeLg u is e %illage and ivas sigis- <y esteeied b! ail set kase ber. Ste wus o! anexceedinely tinu! dispoal- tion sanI vas alwns arcady ta give ber aid lu casie ni sichuesa. Bshevau s loelng vite sud nindulgent mots- er, ami ber denth wiii prove a great fous te those whn vece dear te hér. Mbis s urvlvacl ty a scrrovliebus- bandl, tvo dangistera, Mrs. J.H!. Besi of Claremont. sud Mca. J-..Ibt- ton, of Kemptetîle, acf 0iee S5î James, of Pickering ; Leslie, la tbe Westera BStais, and John., Ruiputi aend Mruai, of Wbitby. tMe bMal toq* place on Tlursday tte a Mils udiat eeesé«ey, waSwuvas Isege li a SeeJ UXBRI OOE OELAWARES GOOID sT C0 0IK -AND0- mElz, U -U WO 0 IAT m m l$ 2.25 per Bag. IAu T. LAWVLER I WHITBY, ONT- Phossa47. Prompt dellvecy PRUNGLE'S IHARI LAIWN MOWERS ranains ila Pl 3.50 to 6.50 GARDER RAKES:. Steel soc. i VARE> r ice fro. FIELD NOES 40c. tO 50r. mIl l rasý30 to40CeTURIP MOIS LONC NANLEI>45 cents Sulîu! d sank 75,c. tou 0.up, long Solid shanlt D ourOEN 01 AIl siaesacunplt long isandle75e. 'A s isio e oo WINOOW8CREEN8 (2ERN PL1ANTERS and bondie 1.00 1 .25 n. 20c- lu 40c. Twu bandl - . . 0 . 6so Onethand - - 125 85 - 200 WM.PRINGLE -O Whitby. TH sy WHITBY BRAN CH C. A. MeClellan. Manager. New and Fresh. Just înj -New Maplo Syrup. - First of the season, 40e qt.; $1.50 gai. House-oleaning Need% Dusthane, the floor cleaner tec Old Dutch, the dirt remover toc tin japanese Pipe Vnrnish Lo6ng Bcooms foc the ceiling, Brunhes for the floor i 5c boutle ZOC VO 25C EVERY1rHING FOR CLEANING Florida Celery Lettuce Spanish Onons New Tommîe.s Ail Kinds of Fruit in Seaso Jno. E. WATEIRHOUSE WHITBY PIson il. T'0muit DeUiyey. s. I 0F CANAD~A 14D OPI pice TORONTO meuy to any poi m Europe ih safe, ecenemicai and expeddIo Wwhoedm Banks drats and MO oroders arc uied. Da. le fer kg anud ot Dg rangse. i 2 n ~ v .1