Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Apr 1912, p. 4

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40I EdtijlC maa. ENGLISH LORDZ'-COME TO Pý[0 New York& APili IL-~Lord St.wcra - -and Lord Ilyde, Iioth-i youa9uwin* hile people are znourlOg 111e-10", *came over on teOlympie t,1fiat 1 ,600 lvea fiu1the Titanlo wreck, 'bix r wo-hundred acre truck lam aat VM De Dobarm 10 rczntzd -tba iPlksr!n, near Toronto. 1Lady Hyde tl la ireportod that 4,000- perab 1.wU e hfhald rS i l5»F dyin daly i .,h" fom fa Ib treae hildren. Tb.y: w#1 apend thid dyhg dllYfi hin frm f m i ner, ataie ariaid their wiu- Tl$s iwiul deall lai list C lc'rs la Engiaiid. Lqrd Hyde' sal bis MedIby- llmely belp. 2 - beSomt% a truok fariner as an eXpelrý- * * * m an ad Ibat Ilif kproveàs uc"sfif ÃŽle, aid Lord 14omérî siay oillarge lrady 'lbe. Tltauilc 4lsaster, dread- wihodg.i ~ad 4eplor9ble as il was# -la be6r- riuhl fruit. Traflaportallolic I - os re sulii oder tai ci BaJd )Headc t ]*i Wante4. laa iW rdrl," o a- If. rafls o $an cut hll1 M dglALDNESS 18 TOO GENERÀtLL.X de r- CtaSIDEfREDkA £tGN o*a - k» oht t'O accpmmodalc asP- V1WDAE pu a ancresv carriled; a saler - ~ o isbernadeclded upos ua4Ahsd-hed dPeraon, àýinol hai1 M s0tb, t Ma loIowe -b ft-blüssédI Wltax ÙM soullio! tha fo11wad .t.e7tù7 d ue auaea nea latoogenraly amoptcd îsan ly lie wIiwsry upon -ail ocai id'ct4a o ae. a'lu. '-Cor- mIa -Lwireless service will be pora .tiouia have estabIacai s ,tsd' boGoviraient controlled or 1151W 51141 ieilice take mo V0r 1;"b lied Unes; probabiy Uhe building Yem ë o!age as new omployýema.1 nammnolà vessîis vil be cbeoed -Pob1ly6. per ceaî. o0 ai1 Ied fi Ver knwn way ~ ed peoPle may regain agod'heàdo!f in eeryknon-wa huaittuehesa4y hâbr l Iftbey vi iilo* -Our -.more Proeeted. The prices b advice sud secept oui oSetr. Wel have for -thèe'e reforma vas aheaya-redru" taI vs.PoslIvivêly 5"uaa- bu I aencouraging t<> know 101 low haim on 5'W 1bée11, ileas tbe m4ot tao hiebals are enlirely a teral good cosimon 'e"de", .*"thr !ohiicluâ elsed aid 1.1 ala ahd that sien arc anieable s<oalp haa l>ecms glared and. bi y- machn5.W. vant people t0 tiy thia remedy. * I * Ma our riski, vità tbe distincoti ider- few eek ag > e vturd tm BUXstandingtatI salailudosa what w" few veek 559 W~V@nluie l a lm it wll, aufd 'gli. satlu!aO1tio i'f ark thai. lhe Board of Trade evcry re6pect, vo*imae e-o.4bare i lîl concerg iteeîf wllh Som e fr lthe emedy *uýe4durln1 the rIl. th' wItleproblei, rsudi as0cem- -Wer knov OXSly *bat ive aiec 1511f [ent tb persoUS building - resi n bu, m i1 bi fokbc of oui sttementa noe i boil Isoog, ,m, Sisce then a -rsadeï b8 u b4 ourodorhStS ll>t iléd 10 -Û& a oopy o! the o Friua u eid 0L ce!i5 s-11ecôrd o! Maroh 21, tn whicbia ýW&'wait'evM7on.-a WIiiby !who ila ýrted a, mdetlsg o! taie Board ol uferngfroux aiy 'scalp. oÉ,bah e o that t own. The conditionà trouble, diandrufi, afllng bals rm bald- noms to-157'0115bu,. eanl! 98ýf Hais 'orfus amregards- dweiling, bousesTonte. WcW aa l atheit 1to $eg- ývery süiuur tWthose tun Whhy lby .iy y mii tuimee :bot"'es have use lamcidemuand u io10i ud I lde o emaor- ,a.The question e o! bo 10ros- icatie da inE ceanm d mreirés heb Ibsengaged lbe attentiono! l-te"*salp, llg he I b blsla lus' mota, p Boarù ! rdan ~ sd Smov novaft, v. yl relurn -.d. of r- . AgÃœM40 every cent psld Usifoi 1thereinýdy for sa'tai t 0 aur *y laboots ., 11 ier wklS. Thora la no formal- 1n mprl d o s oine Ii exmpecisdo, sud e OXact neoobliga- Id trect a -_boumo coning u asail We nrai'esabllhdril e la lot for tlaai ot l $100 'r, s T be t, a, aleth#oe ilh a ftuilundeatadîng, that our',1ýuaIu212 treçonts;wbat llowod; ,Tb&i ucceM S tlrely, dopendsi upoi the or of 'our- apirlod ^ciens oasf trament'*w accord r oulâmers Mr l. EJ.O. Mirlso>.àrçd t6 aid vs. bu ot demake- lb.b person, î loi valued u 8ofrabov offor ualm esi v wo posillvely Lprovided lie ereot a mod-em rn r alcla. eobr o ~ thseoi 10coa mO I n m csobtain lRexali Remedkepta Ibis th tAsPurcbaerta o cmeooS communlty only. At Our store- The - lonsso Jà.rtain Ait 1.NoRezaîl Stoxe. A.UH Allia ,*Éiuggs vos. c e v orî s14 huai Uc -- 0a aCw ne ted by Mr. ILL. iur..- MTG~R-U1O é 1 r. Jas, Wilson to t&ted The nwaringe tok plmaceitb ei t helisd -no laid lu lovga, butî êdence o! Mm. and Mis. A. G. 0.srv lid sielt g iY.a lot- valued ai 4110 8Hewvîtiave.î Toronto,- las woek, -of Viola, Aematrong,, daugbhtor !of the oudgir. #îootowarda béputr- lats D.#.'Armatrong, 61 kifg' to 515 ~ sA 1o a porion'%bo.lE À' A-E. MCTâggrt, ion 9of{.A. ueii r esidced b ostiat McTaggart, o! 10ovorcouit Rd. *-The 61,400i This Our wau gtakey LP* il«@. Jobhàaroy, unclejéofthe' groom -0 plàme. -Mit. Robt. Morov of- offiated. The roome vere b4*utIiti Zlot at ball prie.,Mens .Beat- 1Iy deo4ýted in pinliadwi4 h *os sid thsy would ex=ct2 1nelw vddinS match was Playcd b' is os»for tWer workmu'u 4 aid M. Merle McTaggamt. Ibbreve -~~ ~~~ ~~~~ Bety ;wad10eetavsgv. wy 'brbrtiZ - vois Schooi Rtports. The following lu -the Honolr:,Hu11for the Model -Scloolfo)r. * c, ~ tPri mcr-Rosalyn I Sheph erd, Helen Richardson, Geqorgç HaweS. - Jr .-~e1n~Ombarnce1ao iWin- tort -Olive McMiiIaný. r Sr.' 1-Ruth -BeU~, Addiscm Thomp- Jr.IIl-Eddie, Cormack,- ýKaîhlee Wigslou, _ýWlloCampbell' - Brealin, Cliford Palmer. Jr-III-Kezuiethi* Webster, Goldîs - S. Ii-eIbrIJohiston, Amy HiuIop, Maijorie .Sturgesa. - 4Jr-~-Geo. :,Robertson,;A rîhur Bradley, eqilal.I The followingia stbhe Hoinor ÈoU for Henry Street School for Marci, 1919. Sr.; 1V-H... Gold, H.-Mitcell, S. Gates. Sr. II-G., Collins, R. McCarl E May»s. Jr. 11-J. Sawdon, W. McCarl, P. Auguatus. -- Sr,.. Ilý-.Hall,'.gale R ,a.- , L *ardle, R Jir., Il-E. Bradley, C.,Bull,,L. Pal- Sr. T-H. Collins, G. Charlton, I-I. Toms. Primer-H. Harris, L. Harris, G. Crawforth. Tabe t-:E. Cl;'rke, H. Quintoon, L. Mayne. CASTO'R l,,A Pror Infats dChlrn TMI King, YOu Hall Alvays Dougbt Beara t» The Bell Téepeh6fte Co. have jui complei.ed arrangements for th. pur- cbdss o! Ihé, telephone .lins.o! Doctors Bas.om .and, l4cClintock. The e'Wll havé lnat1iUed -nsarly 400 -phonca ln sud'around Port Ferry ,of lateý aud ut fa the 'Intention cf Ibis empany l &evelop lb. country arvount tzbrdg ,ln a simnilar, manner. The raie h. tween tlrdge 'and port PeW~ been -reduccd to 100à. for a 8-Minute talk. Itli<s the Intest 1on to puth~e dotos:les fi réýIdai Cod"io witi mdem eqtdpmeni lu-eveym e spe.Th worklng. arr.angemmethe, bad-gways Jved wlth 11r brotbers ai. l~raieýd." IShe wa» o or i 1" n Ui, riginal. Twoýice. log houso, oný Ut a±hgh 'grounLd a4 the front ci inc L4r, l U aaine »etween. theý Lyndé's crcek-andthle bide-Xoad loa- g ng z téthe' ho Spît« blehome, "Jroad- ilti ýsgfavorablyýkgîwn 10 aU.tbe. country sid.e. Johi1Grant,hi.-hua- lbact,' was a Domiion, Laud tSur'vCy- or. h~euho marrlod -11sà TWeeUle hi mbenss was laylug. but the prej'-. ip.'T e ddiae-wië ona May 81h, a d ! d ;&*ry ýsudden1y the -J.7 thi o Jus. jwliiie Lhey were returniig. to the Wèst aitçer tbeir hpueymOoloi Mrs. 1Grant , aiice that 7tdabtu e .dlng -0fi her married 11oueï hbt home oo he as&@S dsQ0Lqtt meOç Most re8pçetý byal ber elLe a n- 1 ance.; for er*I Iluleo- Gran va ti 'ehsW)i Lor pcre Mo égg ~J fDeifins lieue inTta#n 0'tf Ahy. 'Jndçr 1 r ! "of, lb. powers loi salp cotalWd la <iertain moxi.g85 wluch îwiI o riled at -lb. time loi a~ the eW,4.'ÏèOftred. 'for iàae by plqul auction on saturday thie ~or&day c!May. 1912,-at 1the hg-Ur of two o Q'clci& in tau fleon a Sith1e premises l in ýeTown o! Whitbl#y, -tbe ~oUo~unro»rtvnamely; IE L66 uiurnber SkFNad'M R Brook atrest, aise Lot No. EIGHT'la said Block "Y ah oa ieo *iliM street, accordui te a P"aliof lts lidoui. on lhp South-saalt quar- ter o! lot No. 3lnthe 1&ý conces- àloi o! the Towushipof WhitbY, îow wofc Whltbyi made by late Johin Ther 'L lknowu as Radeniiurst'a .lokbeing the, Alemader $mith Son the preiies la a new brick -euerddweiling hbume wut t urnac, ýnoderaù convoniences and wired for 1loctçîcle ghl ' a short distance ' rom G.T.R. Junotloa station. rTe *roprty wIll ,bp offred aubjeot 1W a 'rearved- bld. TeRMÂâ-20', par -cent o! purohase nopiy. t be paid 'down at-liis of eao;alnce ifa 80 days. orurhrpa Aicuars and condi- ~ jliso! ._E CIRISTIA No *lllam ,,, MortgagIoe' olleitor 6M 'waultioneer. N:'OTICE T9. CREDITORS. la Uic malter. o1 1hs Botiof John Twee d'bi DvldzTwe!, botb lait h !-l.Townahlp o! Whthyo 1 Noe la, hereby ,given, purguant 10 1 e.V. Chap. 2à, Sec. 5, enit4l"e, IlTh Tnil.ao1109 th&l - parons vin l a oahs Zasnt -lbth&Otate. o! - l ît J o h n T #e e d l , h o -d la L o n r aoutj Ihà 2Srd day-114April,1909, dil tais tb:oronto ~~O rpora1_ ooté b d irboveesaitie, o dayot May, 1912. I Dor Soth o P tbam a ýmonth belt an affectiono!011b TÈhe - funerai f rom wbioh ber long 1hj Abrahami, offielatu teuided. The 'Iter tfie Uni on Cemeter White Embroidpi ular 75e._qual !ity atW. G.,Wiltets' APRIL î6th' and- evysecond if ice [ore' ber déalli from imorc] heut ~n pil ~ The Barý ri "Broadfield," ' Sndy t 50 past~or' Rb-Dr Mock Farlih 'w" vslargely,, t rmen was 'ae- a'A.McLeal eatchoir.* C.A. Dudley, -Mit W James, -Y -. lounciog1asi"reg- t W. A. le for 49e, durlig saile drse sonted b i dueced by i 9 eigan. - 'sprayingo! clauses o dsbabed a lion, -but cd by îthe ~.WLa<passed. vbleh a 's fréii a ia T O a>ing kik, VI if ClOEO waler, -or 23d anti 39th betweenri 1 Tuesday tbereafter .tbree time -until Se#têmii4r 17 1 1lu've. Special train"vilii baie Toronto' at 10.30 p.m . on above dates for Edmon-. ton and points la' Manitoba and Saikat.o chewan, via ChicaÏo and' S. Paul, carrying through Ciaches andula Tounlat Sîcepers. NO CHANGE 0F- CARS Full particulars irosi nny Grand TrÛnk Agent, -or C. R. McCutcheon, Alberta Government; Agent, Palmer lieuse Block, torontoi Ont. THE MOST POPULÂR RoÙTE TO- MONTREAL - BUFFALO NEW YORK - PHLLADELPHIA DETROIT Grand 'CHICAGO i. via an Trunk, the only -Double Track Route.. STEAMSHIP TICKETS ON' SALE VIA ALL J.JNES Town,,Agent tor* Express,' Tiékeiý-anC Telegrapb Office, opposite Standana Bank, Wbltby, Ont.- FLOUR:-.1 TtA-BUNS RiiAD AND CAKE- MAKRRS IRER FEED,.- 7 WEL-LAND lIPED FLOURt JUIiEo paglED LÃ"iR, v i 4Jq: PARLIAMENT.- ca -Classof the Bapt4st bhool 1 eId Iheir second' meitý last week. 'Rev. G,: Loccupied the' speaker's Goodfellow -Premier;- L. 4ister of -Agriculture; J. Ileader of. the OÃ"pposition ; diderson, - the Opposition l Uty. T4oiils were-pre jhe Hostthe, first lutro- jie M4nist4ýr, of; Agriculture, jtib lov*dè for the jfruit t*ees. The 'several this bil were y-igorouslyý 4 d ýo by the'oppo*' ~ust as s r-enuously defend- Geoverarn-. and finally ofe o!t he- clause's -over, r luos i t as -wiaged roviding F(or the'spraying ropiane. id Bhw one te ptumole in the 1own of'i4m by tade it an offefice to, drfink t meals sà e bot ýor. cold milk, tý -drink anythig eti, to eat morel.»hazi. a day, toe chew gum more V UTBY JUjriCTION. Won est4.. :. 1 GOng ias a.. .m A .5Ù.r.i ...9.30p.i Sflnday il 8.15 aà Golnginorti -d tralin lnv- for- Torouto aid 8.34 I0.m. - prom ,Tot.- 's stop at, Wtby -JuacU"m d 9.55 a.m 1 and 8.80 , >: 'ÏUWN S9 jTION. ..8.3ô arn. Gc1og South ... 5sle n ..4-15 p.r. IA.15 >M §..0 p.I. 3.0S P.r STAGES. hy for Oshawa at 10, 4 p.m. Jos. Holden,. pr@r or .Brplugh M, at 10 S.M. 24, for aý cil l ldy- a wfek. ýte- pnD-, snd 10 a in 4158- Ilok-,Sl oe ,ol cm_: simitise SMd use. aiy -asj COUNTY 0O TRO 1. WMITBY-Çàerk. Min &E-l. UMas >donel, Whiblb-Jm Mie-, VTe. .1,é Unrc4, Apili 3, May Sja Dec..1 --Jan. 126118' OiSHAWA-Clerk, Misa KL mgaiga-, »U'lWhitby-Jàm. JO, P1. SJiua 5,. ApmilAi. May 8,.Jum-q.70TsiAl -Sept 4, oct. 3, Nov. &0 Dm, S 75.14, 1913. 2. ËROUGHAM-.Curk, -'E. Gkmo.... Gçecnvoo-Jmn. 17o, Esie&la, a 6, July 5- s"ap. 5, Nov. il" Jun. .15e 98 a. PORT PERRY-CIssh, J.W. Dan&- bts, Poil PeMy--Jaa. 18 nuMer. May .7, Jly -8, Sept. SNOie 18 4. UXBRIDGE-Clerk, XJ Q I Uibrldgm-.Jai., '12i M" imé ema 14, July 26,1, Mv.22, j.. 5. -CANNINGTOX-Ca, ep Smità, CaaMdlutoL-Ja. 11, ma. "s, May 150, July 26, ept. 12, Nov. 21i ýJai. 9, 1918. 28Ï May- 16, Jnly 24,iSept. 11, Nov. 7.v UPTERGROVE - Clork, Demis Leâènard, Atheriii-Ja.- 9, M -20j, MuXy 17t, JUIy 23, Set. Io#. No.19, Jan. 7, 1918. (yOrder) JEB. TAREWELL, Clek 01the *mm Dated at Whitbyt, Ocï. 19,1. Althotohusd i. ro ducing - is shipped from o ur English Depcrt at Bradford, wherc aà the- 1inest woollefs are made.- The' patterns are selected by .Mr. Leetis Nelson-the res- -dent buyer, who3 buye 4direct from the -milis, -.saving ti wholesaier's profits. We -mfake thesefn od loto clotbing- at -our worik-. shp nMcntreai, Canaa, te your 'me,-asure ii 7 ayS.- .400 SeIIin Agents- in Cah . THE VOGUE ment rings.- Nohigis too. occasicn of 'tlis .pmeûmes iti is nc ~buy as ýexpensiv what is Corsrectberi how expensive or WEDIDING, RI hn qttality,;and ail4 keep,'a large-,aso ainn6t help but 0ErceOnly a M-3 ML TW1'ty suae Coiltnter M NW B-alg0 Tapqgty sqare AU atinW GWger' s white et 4aissoýl, -Mv ntc e ."se Chlr ni re-inad > ofsuto! O damya Fes.- A l aises si1n) a7 i'>W -~. ati' i 4t-' V à M~ rsV A EL.s. Adams A'lce tl ranme o derwwLr jculîyUpi ti,a A. . o 'K lad one Ae mci bel ~wa "loin 4 -

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